Friday, May 16, 2008
LT 5-16: Objection, Your Honor, This man's Oscar winning and hopefully final performance has no relation to the charges against Hugo

The judge calls the proceeding to order. He says that he has a list of persons who invested in the mine and a report from an expert saying that there is no gold in the mine. The judge asks Hugo if he is aware of the seriousness of the fraud he perpetrated on these investors? Hugo stands up and says that he is here to accept the consequences of his acts. From the back of the courtroom a voice is heard calling the judge. It’s Lucas and he’s drunk. He says, “This man swindled us. He made me lose all my money. I am ruined.” Lots of impactados. Soledad stands up. Lucas says, “This man has to pay for all the damage he has done to us.” Soledad looks accusingly at Hugo. The evil ones, Eloisa and Rebeca, smirk.
Margot wakes Arturo up. She tells him that while she was out shopping, she heard that Hugo was being tried for fraud at this very moment. Arturo sends Margot out for a pair of gloves and clean clothing. He says that he will start his Plan of Vengeance with Hugo, then Soledad and Alcides.
Paquito sneaks up on the Casa Obregon. He doesn’t know where to start and he can’t read the architectural drawings. Antonia appears with the baby and asks what Paquito is doing in her house.
The judge calls for silence. Lucas asks permission to tell the court how Hugo de Medina destroyed his family financially and morally. Soledad tries to get Lucas to go home. She says that he is ill, not in his right mind. Lucas asks Soledad if Hugo isn’t the one who has hurt her most in world. Lucas says that he doesn’t want her to suffer one more day or have one more tear. Pointing at Hugo, he says to her, “That man is the source of your tears.” To the court he says, “That man is a devil!” He asks Soledad to speak and say to his face that Hugo is the person who has hurt her the most. Say it to Hugo in front of her father.
Antonia asks Paquito again what he is doing there. He spins a tale that he is writing an article about the best houses in San Marino and wants to know when this one was built. Antonia says that everyone is at the trial. She is taking care of the baby. He should come back later. Calling Antonia, “ amargada,” a grouch, Paquito leaves.
Back at the trial, no one seems interested in the matter at hand and Lucas is permitted to say that he knows Soledad won’t respond because she loves Hugo and he is the father of her daughter. Then Lucas asks why Hugo didn’t stop Soledad’s wedding to Alcides. Hugo says that he was in shock after an attack of catalepsy. When he saw Soledad leaving the church with his brother, he was full of rage and jealousy. Lucas says if that was the case, why didn’t he tell Soledad that he had catalepsy from the start? He doesn’t let Hugo answer but calls him the devil incarnate again and says again that Hugo betrayed his daughter, destroyed his family and in the coup de grace, he ruined them. Soledad tries to get him to stop. To himself, Hugo says that Lucas is right. He was an asshole with his stupid plan of vengeance. Now he is paying the consequences. The judge warns Lucas to be careful. Everything he says can be used against the defendant. Lucas asks the judge to throw the book at Hugo. Rebeca tells Eloisa that Lucas spent the night in her dressing room. She got him drunk and persuaded him to testify against Hugo. Dr. Dan overhears this.
Manrique tells Gladis that he can’t believe that Arturo isn’t here since it was he who filed the charges against Hugo. Gladis says that he hasn’t come home. She doesn’t know where he is. Soledad tries to get Lucas to stop. He says to her that he knows that she loves Hugo but she has to break the ties that unite her to him. He asks her to explain to him and to the court why she has forgiven him for all the harm he has done her.
Margot puts a glove on Arturo’s wrist. He asks how it looks. She says it looks fine. No one would know that he lost his hand. She begs him not to go out. He is still weak. She supposed to clean and re-bandage the stump. Arturo says that he has to go out. He has been waiting for this for a long time and now he has new reasons to be there. Margot asks what if he runs into Alcides. Arturo says that is exactly what he wants. He wants everyone to see him go against Alcides, Soledad and Hugo.
Lucas goes on to tell everyone that Hugo came back pretending to be Alcides and demanded his rights with Soledad and that was unforgivable. Soledad agrees. Michelle tells Dr. Dan that now she understands what Soledad was talking about at the fiesta. She understands what she went through. Hugo says that he loves Lucas’ daughter. All this happened because of a trap of fate. It was a mistake. Lucas replies that there was no mistake. He tells Hugo for once in his life to be a man and admit it. Hugo refuses. He says that all the words he has said are true. The court buzzes. Hugo goes on, “I made a mistake acting that way. I had my reasons, it’s true. I wanted vengeance but love prevailed. “No,” says Lucas, “You can’t talk about love if your heart is full of hatred. You returned with an evil plan to get back at my daughter. You came back as Alcides and then admitted to my poor daughter that you were Hugo to destroy her life as if she were some worthless piece of trash.” He asks Soledad if what he said is the truth. “It’s the truth,” says Soledad, “everything you said is the truth.” Ursula runs out of the courtroom.
Alcides is in Treasure R Us packing up a briefcase with money and gold. He says that Eloisa and Hercu-Less are on his side. Now he’ll surprise Soledad with this money. She’ll see how far he’ll go to win her love.
Hugo tells the judge that Lucas isn’t well and Lucas is holding his arm in the universal sign of an oncoming heart attack. The judge tells him to calm down. Soledad tells him to sit down but he says that has never felt better because a great weight has been taken off his shoulders. He kept quiet for a long time but now he is going to speak. No more lies. He says that he is the destitute, alcoholic father of the daughter who has been humiliated by Hugo. Dr. Dan is concerned about Lucas but Michelle says Lucas needs to vent. Lucas continues by saying that not only did Hugo have a plan to hurt his daughter, he was planning to hurt everyone in San Marino. He got people to invest in a fake gold mine and then stole that money from us. Hugo denies this. He says that part of the investors’ money was invested in a hospital and the rest was stolen from him. (splitting hairs here Hugo – you didn’t use it for what the investors’ intended) Lucas says that is a lie. Hugo stole the money so that the investors would go after his daughter. Wasn’t that his plan? “How could you?” says Soledad to Hugo. Lucas goes on. He says that Hugo didn’t care that he was Soledad’s father. He stole the money that Lucas invested in the mine. Hugo denies that he ever accepted Lucas as an investor. The judge says that Lucas is right. Hugo intended to swindle the investors right from the start. Hugo insists that Lucas never gave him any money. Lucas says that he invested through Rebeca. Ester is impactada. Rebeca confirms this with the judge. On Hugo’s instructions she solicited investments from individuals who didn’t want their names used. Soledad tries to get Lucas to stop by saying how much Ester is suffering. Lucas says that Ester is upset because she has a lot to hide. Ester is terrified that Lucas is going to tell everone that he isn’t Soledad’s father. Lucas tells Soledad to ask Ester about her secrets. The judge calls for order and says that Lucas has to finish his testimony. The judge asks if Hugo wants to speak. He does. Hugo says that he regrets it what he did. He made the worst mistake of his life and he is paying dearly for it. Lucas asks how could Hugo have doubted Soledad’s love for him. He recalls one year ago in this same courtroom, his daughter Soledad testified in Hugo’s trial for raping Beatriz and saved his life. She testified that they had spent the night together and ruined her reputation. How could pay her back like this? Gladis wonders where her poor daughter Beatriz is. Soledad says that she only testified to save Hugo. She spent the night with him before they were married and that is when her daughter was conceived. Lucas asks how Hugo could react with hatred at such love. Hugo replies that he made terrible errors and he asks forgiveness of all those that he offended, especially Soledad. She is the only woman he has loved in his life.
Ursula comes to see Boris. He asks how the trial is going. Ursula says what’s going on in there is terrible. Soledad father is testifying against Hugo. “This will end in tragedy,” says Boris. Ursula tells Boris that she doesn’t think Marina will show up for the second trial. He asks why she thinks so. She replies that the previous night she went and confronted Marina they had a ‘vigorous discussion.’ She will wait for Boris to be called to testify. Everything will be ok.
Marina is walking through a garden with a suitcase. She flashes back to her fall down the stairs.
Arturo is ready to go into court but he tells Margot to stay where she is. She asks why and answers her own question by saying that Arturo is ashamed to be seen with her. She knows that she is one of those women that men don’t introduce at important meetings. Arturo tells her that she call him ‘Arturo’ instead of ‘Don Arturo.’ He says that she has been very good to him and if he tells her to stay put, it’s for her own safety. It’s dangerous to be seen with him. Hercu-Less appears. Arturo asks where the hell he has been.
Back at his endless testimony, Lucas says that his daughter loved Hugo so much but he didn’t love her. The worst thing that Hugo did was when his daughter dug up Hugo’s grave to see if he had been buried alive, he didn’t have any mercy at all with his daughter. Hugo had many opportunities to tell Soledad that he was alive but you didn’t do it. You didn’t do it for one reason. You wanted to keep on breaking her heart. That’s all you wanted. Hugo says that Lucas shouldn’t be here. He looks very ill. Lucas tells Hugo that he will never forgive him. His daughter’s unhappiness is his fault. I’ll kill you because you’ve broken my daughter’s heart.
Lucas finally collapses. Sensation in the court. Dr. Dan takes him away. Soledad looks at Hugo and says that her father was right. There is nothing left between them. We both know he’s absolutely right. She leaves with Ester.
Paquito is walking around the Obragon house looking for a secret passage. He turns around and there is Alcides. Alcides asks what Paquito is doing at the Obragon house when the biggest event of the year is happening at the courthouse. Why isn’t Paquito covering it? Paquito replies there are reporters enough there already and he only does exclusives. Alcides asks why Paquito is wandering around outside the house. P says that he heard there was a rare flower growing here but his source must be mistaken. Then Paquito asks what Alcides is doing here. He can guess. With everyone at the trial, he is going to break into the house. Alcides replies that he doesn’t have to explain anything to Paquito and walks away. Paquito looks curiously at the briefcase Alcides is carrying. (at least Alcides wasn’t carrying his treasure withdrawals in a big bag like he did before.)
Arturo asks again where Hercu-Less has been. Herc says that he was looking for Arturo and he spent the afternoon with Margot. Arturo says that he has important business right now but later they need to talk. Herc asks what Margot is doing in Arturo’s carriage. Didn’t they have an agreement? He thought they were engaged.
Manrique asks for the trial to continue even though Arturo isn’t present. Arturo then announces that he is present. He says to the judge that he is here to demand the return of all the money that Hugo robbed from the investors. He has given the proofs to the judge.
The judge asks if Hugo want to say anything. Michelle says to Andres that Hugo is a good man. How could he make so many mistakes? Hugo stands up. He says that he is guilty of all the charges made against him. He will sell all his assets to repay the investors.
Soledad asks Dr. Dan if her father is going to be all right. Dr. Dan says that he is very ill. She asks if this happened because of how angry he was in court. She asks Dr. Dan to assure that nothing bad will happen. Dr. Dan says that Lucas needs to go to a hospital. He appears to have had a heart attack. Lucas is taken out. Ester says that all this is Hugo’s fault.
In court, Hugo says that he is willing to sign a document putting his assets on sale. The proceeds will be enough to settle his debt with the investors. Arturo says to his mother that that isn’t enough. He wants to see Hugo begging in the streets. Eloisa says to Rebeca that she is glad she teamed up with Alcides. If she had stayed with Hugo, she’d be broke. Rebeca says that Soledad must be hating Hugo for what he did to her poor drunken father. Michelle stands up and tells the judge that she will front the money to have the charges dropped and not make it necessary for Hugo to sign over his assets. Alcides appears and says that won’t be necessary. His brother is his responsibility. He says that he has come to pay the debt of his brother Hugo. He looks around wondering where Soledad is. Alcides puts the briefcase in front of the judge. Michelle tells Andres that Hugo’s brother doesn’t seem to be as indifferent as she thought. Arturo objects and says that the demand was not just for what was owed but double for damages. Sensation in the court. Hugo looks at the courtroom and says to himself that they are no more than a pack of hungry wolves going crazy at the sight of blood. The judge orders that the double the amount be paid. Alcides says that there is enough in his briefcase for that amount. Hugo asks that his assets be transferred to his brother’s name. He will pay back the rest when he is financially stable.
Hercu-Less asks Margot again what she is doing in Arturo’s carriage. She flashes back to Arturo’s instruction to keep quiet about what happened to him. She lies and says Arturo just gave her a ride. She asks Arturo if they are really engaged. He says that depends on her. They’ll talk about it later when they meet. He has a surprise for her. She says that she likes looking at him in the daytime. His eyes show that he is a good person. She is glad to meet someone who hands aren’t stained with blood.
Lucas is on a gurney in the hospital. Soledad begs Dr. Dan to save him. He says that he will do his best. Soledad asks Ester what her father was talking about at the trial. What important thing does Ester have to tell her? What is it about?
The debt being paid, the Court withdraws all the charges against Hugo concerning the fraud. Gladis notices that Arturo’s hand is bleeding but he says that he fell from his horse and hurt his hand. Arturo wonders where Alcides got all that money. Michelle asks that Hugo be released but the Judge says we only did part one of the trial. He calls Marina to testify on the charge of murder against Hugo.
Some cops come to take Boris is taken out of his cell to testify but it is Hercu-Less and somebody else in disguise. Marina appears in court and gives her story. Michelle stands up and says that is not what happened. The judge asks her if she witnessed the moment when Marina fell down the stairs and she has to say that she and Dr. Dan arrived a few seconds later but Hugo and his servant were very concerned. The judge asks again if Michelle saw the precise moment when Marina fell down the stairs. She has to say no and the judge says that her testimony has no value. The judge calls Boris to testify. Marina says that her husband is loyal to Hugo. The judge says that he will decide if Boris’ testimony is valid or not. A policeman reports that Boris has escaped and is not in the courthouse. Sensation. The credits roll.
Tomorrow- Hugo is sentenced to death
Labels: la traicion
Do we think Alcides got Herc to kidnap Boris? Alcides can produce Boris as Hugo is being led to the scaffold, save his life and show Soledad what a good guy he is while meanwhile turning the tables completely on his brother.
Poor Hugo!
And speaking of my favorite villain, I wondered how Paquito, as a journalist, was going to explain why he wasn’t at the trial of the decade until I read your recaps.
Luc-ass couldn’t even manage to have a timely heart attack. His tedious filibuster went into the 35th minute of the show when he finally dropped, but only after he had managed to complete Soledad’s alienation from Hugo.
Is there a doctor in the house? Dr. Dan didn’t come over to assist Lucas until Soledad requested his presence. Was he waiting for an engraved invitation?
Since when does pond sex = engagement, or is this a quaint local tradition in San Marino? Did I miss if/when Herc-less proposed to Margot?
Why didn’t someone think to bribe Marina before the trial? Since all she has ever wanted is dinero, Alcides could have easily bought her off with chump change.
Jean, I assumed that Herc kidnapped Boris following Alcides’ orders, but I couldn’t figure out the rationale. Your explanation makes good sense.
I saw how cute Aurora is but missed her look at Paquito. If characters don't have dialog, I tend not to pay attention.
I did see that Soledad had to call Dr. Dan to help Lucas. Dr. Dan didn't wait to be called when Soledad fainted at the fiesta. Maybe he'd rather treat babes than old farts.
Herc said to Margot that he thought they could be 'novios'. Novios can mean engaged or just having a relationship. They set up a daily appointment for pond sex so that is kind of like being engaged, I guess . ;-)
Hugo is too honorable to bribe Marina and it all happened kind of fast. Hugo was in jail and then mostly dead for a while and then Boris was in jail. The days when Team Hugo fielded Los Burque and Dr. Max and Beatriz are long gone.
By the way, "now you see it, now you don’t." Your recap for Friday was on the Discussions page for a couple of hours and now has disappeared.
We have to assume that Alcides knows most things. He could have paid off Marina but that would just mean the charges are dropped against Hugo. How much better to have Hugo convicted of fetus-cide and then be dramatically rescued from the gallows by his brother. I think Alcides says that he wants to compete for Soledad's love fair and square but he really wants to destroy everything his brother has. He said in Vlad's cave that he wanted to make Hugo suffer and have to beg him for food.
Yes, I had an instance of l'esprit d'escalier although mine wasn’t a biting comment. After I sent my post about Aurora’s look of alarm, I thought of the exact word I meant: consternation
Jean, thanks for the explanation about Herc and Margot’s novios. That must have been some pretty good pond sex for Herc-less to fall like a ton of bricks after just one sample.
You’re right, it definitely has to play out that Alcides saves Hugo’s bacon with a last-minute reprieve from the gallows. It was great when Alcides strode into the courtroom and then wondered where the heck Soledad was. Lucas managed to inadvertently do some good by getting Soledad out of the court room.
Nancy--I too noticed the look Aurora gave Paquito and it was priceless. Consternation is a good word for it, as it looked like she would start bawling if he came any closer. LOL!
It seems like this was the first episode in some time when Alcides wasn't eating trail mix. I thought for sure he was going to pick some up when he stopped off at the Bank of Obregon ATM.
Jean, I agree with your idea about Alcides saving Boris, so he can then save Hugo and show Soledad what a great guy he is. But now that she doesn't care about Hugo anymore (allegedly), I wonder if that will really impress her.
Here is something interesting. A long time ago, someone, I think it was Nancy, asked why Soledad named her baby after Juan and Lupe's child. I dug up the episode where Juan and Lupe gave Soledad a ride on one of her many adventures between when Hugo died and the mine blew up the first time. Well, someone posted on TW that when episode 10 was broadcast in other countries, there was a scene where Juan testified in favor of Hugo at his trial (for raping Beatriz, I guess) and it was because of that she later decided to name the baby Aurora. That scene and others have been deleted from the version broadcast here. I'm sure the reason is that Telemundo has to/wants to sell more commercials and can't broadcast the whole program. Nothing we can do about it but it's evil though.
The only other thing I can think of in response to Jean's question "Why did we have to go through all that again?" is that the writers ran out of material and/or needed a way to possibly write Lucas off?
And as others have already stated, what a rant Lucas made. UNBELIEVABLE. I was so annoyed at the whole trial procedure that I couldn't stop snarking at everyone on the screen. Where was the judge while disorder was reigning in the court? I suspect even the annual bridal sale at Filene's Basement is more orderly. I know it's a telenovela, but come on... get SOME of the details to be believable, please. Are there no lawyers, presenting of cases, testimony, evidence? (I guess there's no time for such things when your trial comes up overnight!) As far as I can tell from their rules, apparently anyone can speak up at any time, so why didn't Hugo take advantage of more opportunities to defend himself? For as silent as he was, he deserves what he gets.
Jean, speaking of Team Hugo - we know Boris has been put out of commission, but what about Los Burke? They were there in the court room, but why have they been so out of the picture lately? Doesn't make sense to me.
Evidently Dr. Dan is no ER doc. I've seen grass grow faster than he moved to help Lucas. I was counting, " thousand one, one thousand two...Hellooo, paging Dr. Dan...need a doctor in the thousaand three...Move it man!!!"
Favorite moment: Undoubtedly Aurorita & her classic look at Paquito. Absolutely priceless. If they throw at least one of these in every otherwise lame episode, oh yeah, I'll be there till the gran final.. ;-)
She's incredibly gifted and has several other wonderful others she's made from PDG videos. (Careful with the PDG vids, though, if you want to avoid spoilers as they do reveal the story quite a bit.)
Hi MarieCeleste: I liked the Lady in Red Video. Here is a link to another LT video that I like a lot. I don't think it is by the same person:
So what are they going to do with Lucas in the hospital that they couldn't do outside the courtroom? Defibrillate him? Start an IV? Give him oxygen? Bypass surgery? Except as the setting for a touching (and hopefully short) deathbed scene, a hospital in this period wouldn't offer much else.
I may be totally wrong, but I don’t think they are going to kill off Lucas because that would be the one thing for which Soledad could never forgive Hugo. Even though it was Lucas’ own stupidity for investing his whole portfolio into the mine in the first place, Hugo’s Unbelievably Stupid PoV was what sent Luc-ass over the edge and (with Rebecca’s nudge) led to his drunken day in court. Lucas kept stressing it was Hugo who had caused Soledad so much grief, but it was Lucas who was publicly demeaning her with that seemingly endless recitation of her most embarrassing moments (talk about déjà vu all over again). I sat aghast watching Soledad ineffectually attempt to quell her father’s ranting.
Back to my theory about Lucas’ future on LT. I think he will be an invalid and this will cause Soledad to hate Hugo until near the end of the story when Lucas will make a recovery and everyone, except the villains, will live happily ever after.
Sidebar: Dr. Dan will have to find a cure for catalepsy for Aurora’s sake and also so Soledad will be able to have more children without worry. Several people have mentioned that she already may be pregnant.
Thanks to both Jean and Marie Celeste for sending the two links to the LT videos. Both primo choices!
I'm sure it won't happen like that!
Call it dull weak or fluff, the man that portrays Soladad's father is a brilliant actor! He so convincingly transforms himself into a dishevelved drunk that he makes you dislike him!
There are many actors on this show that have just a few emotions to play and others who are really flexing their acting muscles. This is how I see it.
Eloisa:Seductive, sly, evil villianess.
Rebeca: Ditto
Francisco: Clever, evil, Coy, Feminine acting, funny, money hungrey, amusing yet annoying.
Tia Antonia: Starded out as the wicked witch of the east, but can be human. But oh those glaring stares!
Ursela: Strong, loyal, loving, kind, will shed tears for her beliefs, and will fight for them as well.
Boris: The kind of loyal friend anyone would want to have. Selfless, courageous, passionate. (But we've got to find a female he likes more than Hugo)
Alcides: Earthy, sensual, cruel, competetive. Part crazy.
Hugo: Sexy, kind, sweet, gentleman. Head over heels in love with Soladad, and his baby, loyal,etc.
Michel:Pouty lipped, dreamy eyed.
Dr. Dan: Just chasing a pipe dream.
Hercules:Loves trouble-bad seed.
Arturo: Don't like him, but the man can act!
Same goes for his mom.
I couldn't remember Soladad's mom's name, but I sure can't stand her. She's just self serving and evil.
And Aurora: Is cute as a button!
Jean, I really like your proposed scenarios. As long as they introduced the fencing idea, let's see more sword fighting and Dr. Dan’s whip action. Half the fun is speculating on what the future will hold.
To Anon 6:12 PM: Loved your roundup of characters, although you forgot to rate Margot. Even though she doesn’t have a large part, I enjoy her. She’s the clichéd dance hall girl with the heart of gold, blonde airhead and totally clueless.
Marie Celeste, I left a posting on PdG today about your Youtube playlist.
Seems like a lot of rehash for nothing. The highlight was Aurora. So glad you put the picture up of her reaction of Pacquito!
I found a telenovela we might want to consider following.
It would be easier to understand...
Anywhoo, first and foremost: Jean, it took me a second to figure out your "single-handed" title (I was half asleep). Once it dawned on me, I couldn't stop laughing =) Love this title as well. I really feel for you having to rehash what you already typed just a few days ago. It's no fun when you get no new info.
Re: Boris' kidnapping - dunno if it was Alcides or Arturo who set this one up. On the one hand, Arturo knew about Marina's accusations and could have set this up ahead of time (before he almost died), but that was before Hercules disappeared. I'm leaning towards Alcides setting that up, though I'm not so sure at which point he found out about Marina's bit.
Re: Mario's eating - For a moment I had flashbacks to Clotilde in "Pasion" who was constantly eating some sort of seeds from the little feed bag around her neck. I also flashed back to Linda Tripp (yes, I'd dating myself) who was eating through all her "Memorex" conversations with Monica. I think most of Hugo's eating while talking was when he was pretending to be Alcides, but I don't remember Alcides having that habit before he disappeared, so I'm not sure how that happened. Maybe Mario's just hypoglycemic. Either way, it's a very hedonistic trait and very fitting for Alcides.
Rhonda, if you don't need subtitles (or can settle for the info in the recaps) PdG episodes can be found on You Tube, and LT episodes can be found on the Telemundo website. Neither has subtitles. Hope it helps.
Re: Dan's bull whip skills - I don't think he was moonlighting as a lion tamer, but rather, I think he picked up the skill during his jungle travels. I seem to recall some mention of him traveling through the jungles of Africa caring for a patient (and maybe hunting for the flower, etc) so he might have picked it up as it would come in quite handy if he fell in a ditch or needed to get up a tree or something.
Re: possibly dying from catalepsy - although the biggest threat is being buried alive, the fact is that the heart is a muscle, as are the lungs. Without the help of the chamber, or those fancy schmanzy drugs Dan's dad invented, the muscles could eventually atrophy if the patient didn't recover soon, thus risking the heart no longer beating or the lungs just giving out and suffering oxygen deprivation (probably what left Michele so disoriented when she got the orchid stuff injected). We know that after his attacks, Hugo would sometimes be unable to walk for a while unless he took his meds or hung out in his chamber. Just a though, I'm not a doctor.
Re: continuity - I think we've all mentioned that it doesn't make sense for Hugo to be the one that the orchid was able to save since it didn't work when the elder Chirac tried it. The only thing I can think of is that it was the amount of the extract, the fact that it was "freshly squeezed," or the fact that Soledad injected it straight into his heart rather than a vein like they did the previous time. Just thought. Wonder if Enrico will come back as a ghost (maybe to Ursula 'cause he loved her so much) and show them a whole other flower that can help Aurora. Also the Obregon ATM treasure. For what it's worth, I got the impression from Wikipedia that catalepsy still hasn't been "cured," but there are treatments available and ways to prevent triggering the attacks.
Jean, I thought the whole naming Aurora after Jose and Lupe's kid is because they helped Soledad during one of her escapes (I think it was the one when Alcides and Ester wanted to drug her so she wouldn't testify at Hugo's trial) and she told little Aurora that if she ever had a daughter, she would name her that. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time a show was edited for time. I get the sense that some of the PdG comercial breaks appear at awkward spots because we more commercials in the morning than we do on prime time (or vice versa).
I hope "ultimas semanas" means a good 8 weeks or so. I'm not ready to let go of this one just yet...
That's my two cents. Hope I can keep up until this one runs out.
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