Saturday, May 03, 2008

Guapos Friday 5/2/08 Godfather Part IV Bada bing bada boom. Domingo makes Alex an offer he can't refuse

We open with a reprise of Mili and Al's last shriekfest. They slam the doors on the Hummer and drive off.

Flor rehashes with her sister. She's pissed at Alex, and she's going to get her big Mafia daddy to do something. This is really a misplaced revenge on the ex-husband. She says she took everything her ex dished out without saying anything. No more.

Socorro has let Horacio back into the kitchen for a quick snack. Morgan comes in, and he's very sad about last night's antics. Mili comes in crying. She was so stupid the way she acted. Lina talks about the last night's kissing scene, and Horacio becomes angry that Morgan might be taking advantage of his daughter. They calm him down. Socorro then ejects Horacio for being there too long.

Alex is filling Bobby in on the fiasco of the previous night. Bobby can't believe it, but again, it seems Al still loves Mili. (When he's not feeling those weird stomach pangs for Florencia.) Bobby, for once the voice of reason, says that it all wouldn't have happened if Alex had been honest.

Andrea announces Domingo. Here comes your father-in-law, says Booby.
Domingo comes in, and Alex addresses him as Don Domingo. No, that's not acceptable. It's Senor Echavarria to you. I'll compress these scenes. Domingo asks why Alex made his little girl cry. He asks if Alex is two-timing his daughter with another girl, and Alex says no, he was seeing Mili before he met Flor. And she's just a servant? So you like a servant better than my little girl? This will not do. Don Domingo insists that Alex take Flor out and make it up to her. He tosses a bunch of pesos on the table to pay for it, but Alex turns down the money, but he will go out with Flor. Domingo makes Alex call Flor right in front of him . . . see below. Alex doesn't seem to really get what's going on. He thinks he's just taking Flor out to apologize, and all will be well. Alex will have a horse's head in his bed if he doesn't watch out. It will go with his own horse's ass . . .

Mili talks to her mother's picture. Braulio comes in, and he nearly reveals the truth. He says her mother had a great smile and was a nice person, etc. When Mili asks how he knows that, he has to quickly say he just imagined it. She cries about how she never heard her mother's voice or had her advice or had someone to dry her tears. Why does she have so little when others have so much? (If you had the mother from Fuego, you'd want less . . . ) She leaves, and Braulio continues to look at the picture.

Braulio now goes to talk to Connie. He reveals that he knows about Mili. He wants Connie to tell the truth, but Connie says Mili is not ready. Braulio counters with his guess that it's Connie who's not ready. Connie says he'll kill Braulio if Braulio lets the cat out of the bag.

Meanwhile, Flor had gone over to the house to plot with Luci. A long scene can be quickly summarized as follows: The two unite in their general hatred for the servant class. Flor cannot believe what a naca Mili is--she actually just wants money, and believe it or not, she was recently going to marry Hugo . . . Luci hugs Flor to make their pact. Didn't she do that recently with Andrea? And even once with Mili?

Best line of the night alert: Flor now finds her way to the girls' dorm and barges in on Mili.
Isn't it funny that your name is Milagros, she sneers--sirvientas (servants) are usually named Maria. Oh, yeah? says Mili. And isn't it also funny that serpientas (snakes) usually sound like cascabels (rattlesnakes). Hiss. (This is a pun, since both words sound almost alike the way they pronounce them. I'm reading captions, so I can see that they are spelled differently.)

Flor's cell phone rings, and it's Alex (see scene above). She makes a big show of letting Mili hear her side of the conversation. Alex is going to take her to dinner that night. Mili says she doesn't believe it. She thinks it's a fake call designed to trap her into being jealous. She tells Flor that she and Alex are getting married. Flor tells her not to count on it, because she's going to fight for her man.

Val is now sitting in the yard with Bim and Bo. I can't help noticing that they have an anemic plate of rich model girls' carrots and celery on the table. They don't eat any, though. Morgan is in the background shirtless, washing the car, making a very obvious spectacle of himself. The girls are really attracted to Morgan, and they want to have a fling with him. This makes Val realize that she could have a fling with Morgan without shaming herself in front of her rich friends. They decide to play cards--highest card gets to go with Morgan. Val wins.

Lina comes out, and she is talking to Morgan about the kisses of last night. She says they tasted good. Morgan tells her to tell Val all about it. Lina seems peeved--I think she has a crush on Morgan too. I hope they find someone nice for her soon.

Connie asks Al what the heck he did to Domingo's daughter. For the sake of the business, Al can't go around doing stuff like that. Al says that his personal life has nothing to do with business, and Connie should stay out of it. Al has a lot to learn about life . . . Connie fumes.

We now see Braulio visiting an old house somewhere in Mexico City. He has a flashback to being a little boy playing with his sister, and we understand that this is the house they grew up in. He vows to make up for the past. This scene is a real tearjerker.

Mili is telling Gloria and Soco what just happened with Flor. Was it a real call? She is going to call Alex, but stops herself, saying that Alex said to trust him, and she will. Just then, Alex comes in the kitchen, so Soco drags Gloria out on the pretense of working with plants in the garden. Mili asks Alex if he's angry, and he says no. She gives him a few kisses. She asks what he is doing tonight. He says, Nothing, why? Well, why don't we go out? Er, he just remembered, he has to do some work with Bobby. Okay, she says. She trusts him. She kisses him, and he looks over her shoulder at the camera and seems sad and anxious.

Lina is still talking to Rocky. Bim and Bo push Valeria over to Rocky. She dispatches Lina, rather nastily, I thought. Then she asks Rocky out. To hear music? He suggests Rodeo, but she wants something more romantic. Rocky is about to explode with excitement. Finally, she asks if he wants more time to think it over. He says: I don't have to think. Quiero con usted. (I want with you.) Oops, he corrects himself. Quiero que ir con usted. I want to go with you.

Al calls Bobby and asks if he can do him a favor and cover for him with Mili. Mili wouldn't understand, and he has to go to the dinner tonight. He doesn't want any more trouble with Mili. Bobby is reluctant, but he agrees. He tells Alex that Alex owes him big time.

Rocky asks Alex a favor.

Damien lies in bed lamenting his cruel fate. Connie listens without caring, but he tells Damien he's not going to harm Damien. He only wants to help. Damien feels bad that Hugo is not interested. He looks longingly at a picture of Hugo

Val waits for her date. Gloria, Mili, and Lina hide in the bushes to watch. Morgan shows up in a nice suit, which must be the favor he asked from Al. Val is impressed. Morgan puts her in the front seat instead of the back.

Mili and Gloria go over to Bobby's. I guess Mili wasn't really going to trust Alex. (He's probably going to get angry and say that she doesn't trust him, but he deserves it. He's like the abusive spouse who says "Look what you made me do--you made me hit you.") Alex is not there. They demand that Bobby tell them where Alex is, or they'll beat him up. The girls bop him back and forth like a pinball. Booby cannot withstand the onslaught, and he cracks.

Back at the mansion, Luciana is telling Connie that she told the maid to bring in dinner. Connie is astonished--everyone else is out, why bother with an elaborate dinner? Luci asks why he has to be so cold, as if dinner with his wife has to be a chore. Just then the bell rings, and Connie calls for Braulio. Who should be at the door bearing flowers? Nestor!

Morgan and Val are at a nice restaurant, drinking champagne. They toast to love. Then they begin dancing. Morgan says he loves to repeat these experiences with her, and she laughs, since they have never gone out. He says that they have--in his dreams. The whole thing is a wonderful dream, and they kiss. This scene is played straight and is very sweet.

Alex and Flor are now at another restaurant. He is feeding her a line, er, telling her his life story. Yes, he used to be a big womanizer, but Mili changed him. Oh, really, she wonders? When you met me, you were totally flirting.

Tomorrow: Mili comes in and dumps water on Alex's head and a big plate of what looks like fettuccine alfredo on Flor's head. Val and Morgan go back to Val's room, where she's about to make herself more comfortable, and Morgan is about to explode.


I watched a few epis of this novela at the begining and have just started watching it again. I agree totally with whoever said that they are liking the Val and Morgan more than Mili and Alex. I understand that this is naca-Mili and at some point we are going to get My Fair Mili but she is just bloody annoying right now. The eye rolling and hysterics are just too much. I am starting to root for Florencia even if she is a mob princess.

Mili's naca days are going to come to an end any day now. Even she seemed beaten at the restaurant and sad when she told Al she would never trust him again. Who can blame the girl. He tells her to trust him one minute and the next moment is lying his butt off. All he had to do was tell her what happened but no he takes the easy way out first with the Mafia Don, then with Mili and again with psycho princess.

It wasn't Mili not trusting him as her home girls suggesting that since he and Bobby were working she should go over and cook dinner for them. She does act like a fool but I felt so sorry for her when she was talking to the picture and wishing she had her mother to talk to and give her some advice. She broke Braulio's heart and set up that sad flashback.

For all the fact that the nuns may have fed and clothed the girls and probably gave them good advice about being caring people, they didn't prepare any of them for boys. They probably just told them to keep their knees together until they got married. Lina just wants a boyfriend, anyone will do from Bobby to Grocery Boy to Rocky, Mili is hooked up with a lying swine and can't handle the bedmates passing through his life. I don't like her behavior because it only reinforces the picture of he as a naco but I can understand it.

Luci is more despicable every moment with her consent meddling in Al's life and her irrational hatred for an orphaned girl. First Andrea, then Pilar and now Flo each one more odious then the last. Well with Nestor back maybe she will get distracted enough for Mili and Al to solve their problems. Oops I forgot the anvils have yet to rain down on that parade and we do have 6 months to go .

Great recap Nina! Maybe it's just me, but I've never understood women (or girls in this case) who want to fight so hard for a guy who's proven he'd rather tell a lie than take a few minutes to explain the truth. I'm hoping they bring in a character that Mili will actually have some interest in to give Alex some competition for her affections while she turns into Professor Higgins' fair lady.

And obviously Alex still has some oats to sew. And he might as well sew them with Flor. He can be her transition guy to get over her ex.

I have liked the last few episodes with Val and Rocky, but I'm afraid she's getting ready to play a mean trick on him again. Or Constancio will find Rocky in Val's bedroom. I just don't see the evening ending well.

Decie, thanks for filling in about why the girls went to Bobby's. I must have skipped over something, because I couldn't really figure out why there were there--all of a sudden they were there!

I can't figure out why these girls are missing so much--they behave more like tough girls from a tough neighborhood. I really would think they would be better brought up by the nuns.

Rhonda, I agree about Val and Rocky. That story is not going to be resolved smoothly yet.

Granted Al is a Rat Bastard, but he was trying to take the easy way out, let Flor down and keep Mili.

Al is a player & Mili knows it...this maybe a shoutout to why you shouldn't hook-up with the first guy that comes along, nor with the second (the psycho cuz)

However, Mili is odious to me..she is so crass and loves to throw it in everyones face.

For those of us who never miss an episode Mili is more defensive then odious. She said herself that she is stupid and coarse and it obviously bothers her but she has had no one to straighten her out. She is the most frightened protagonist i've ever seen and hides it all with a hard shell. In any event her make over is sure to be coming very soon or this would become a one note wonder novela as LFMB did during it's extensions and that didn't happen with Guapos.

I don't think Mili is odious. I think she is a misguided person. But I wonder why the writers burden her with such bad behaviors beyond simple classlessness, such as hitting someone, stealing, and throwing eggs at car windshields. For anyone who saw Muneca Brava, was it the same?

Howdy =)

I wonder if this will lead to another breakup or if these two will finally learn that trust is earned (I'm talking to you Al!) and that "fighting for your man" doesn't necessarily mean taking it out on the other girl.

Quick question: 5 ft, did you find someone to cover you for next Wednesday (5/7)? If not, I can probably cover. It will be a little long and a little slow (I'm still working on witty brevity) but it will do the job ;) Incidentally, I can cover Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays if anybody wants to move over to Fuego. Just thought I'd mention as I'm still debating keeping up with that one, but I'm this one for the long haul.

They've taken their sweet time getting Hugo back (not that I'm complaining - there's enough intrigue as it is) to be with his "dying" papa. I'm not sure Pilar will be coming back with him as the actress just started appearing on La Traicion on Telelmundo. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time they use a different actor to play the same role (they even had a bit about it on "Mentiras y Verdades" - anyone know if it's airing elsewhere?).
That's my two cents for now...

Oh, goody! Maybe they will get rid of Pilar. I just watched Premios TV y Novelas, and they showed Hugo, Val and Alex sitting in the audience together cheering Mili while she sang the theme song. Damien and Luci introduced a prize together.
Destilando took most of the prizes, not Pasion, surprisingly.

I don't know if Pilar appears too often but she was still in Guapos as of the end of April in Mexico. Since they are four months ahead of us that puts her close to September before we are rid of her. In MB the Pilar character was right there up to the last day. Michelle may have moved over and might now have been removed from Guapos. I've never seen her as a key character anyway and the actress won't be missed in my house. In any event actors sometimes work in multiple projects at once. Cesar filmed a movie while still shooting Guapos.

The reason I say Mili is odious, is granted she grew up without parents and probably has several years of therapy due her, wait til she finds out who really spawned her. Anyway, if what we have been led to believe is true, Gloria grew up the same way & Lina was dumped by her mother who didn't want her on an aunt who didn't either. Now we are led to believe that Mili was the "Special Girl" or Teachers Pet.

Now, then I was quite an Ass at that age (I know hard to believe) and I had a wicked mouth, but the hitting the girl and the whole dinner scene. Mili is insecure, but she is doing nothing to better herself. Getting fired for being a smart-ass helped straighten me out, cause unlike Mili I had no convent to return to. And watching friends and other people engage in totally naco behavior over some guy..watching the reactions of other people, led me to believe, cutting sarcasm does the job much better than screaming, hitting a making a scene. Cause Dude is gone and getting him back isn't the brass ring. Leaving him standing there with his mouth hanging open is much better.

Also Mili take my word on it, don't marry the first guy who comes me.

I don't watch often nor full episodes but just visiting. :)
A few weeks back I thought Al was figuratively shaking some sense into Milli when he told her off. He let her know that she was not the only person with bad experiences and feeling unwanted. Right? And Milli did feel some guilt about her selfishness?
Has she ever said what it is she loves about Al?

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