Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Guapos: Monday 5/26/08- "Memorial Day Mess Up"

I goofed. All day yesterday I thought it was Sunday, well because it felt like a Sunday. So, I didn't tape or watch the show....therefore I have no way of recapping this episode. Could you, would you, be willing to help me out and fill in the highlights of the episode in the comments? Thanks in advance and sorry for my inattention to details such as what day of the week it actually is.

Our show has been wonderfully recapped in the comment section by several people---thanks to all of you, but I have to give a special shout out to my fellow teacher-- Jeanne. You did a fantastic job for someone who only watches the show sporadically and I've added your recap below. Thanks a million, you saved me and on your day off to boot.

Folks, I almost never watch Guapos, but have caught bits and pieces to stayed up with the story—who knows why? I happened to both watch and record last night and have a vacation day today. So, here goes, with character mistakes and all, since I’m not 100% into the story. Y’all can correct the mistakes!

Nestor gives Luciana a ring, which she protests her husband will notice. He tells her she should just tell Constancio he gave it to her and Luciana is appalled – whoops, he’s just joking. He points out that Constancio won’t notice [why should he, most men wouldn’t ;-) ]. She accepts the ring and makes him put it on her. Luci keeps tossing the booze back while they argue about Nestor wanting to tell Alejandro he’s Nestor’s son. Luci’s not having any of it. Luci feels like an idiot for having told the Padre.

Bobby’s got the camera memory card to hand over to Luciana with pix of Valeria and Rocky. Horacio tries to get Bobby to think about the consequences but Bobby sees his advantages and not much else. Rocky’s sunk as Luci strolls in. Bobby tells her he has the proof of infamy and if they go print them out, she’ll see. Luci asserts that if her daughter told her nothing happened, nothing happened. She gives Carla the memory card to print.

The girls try to cheer Mili, who is inconsolable. She’s worried about Alejandro and can’t even give him a hug. The girls think they should go to the rodeo, and find Braulio a boyfriend. Pedro will help—he’ll set up an event just for gays and it’ll happen. Mili loves it. She’s cheered up and they do the celebratory dance.

Rocky goes to give Valeria the bad news about the photos. She’s delighted to see him and doesn’t want to go on hiding. When she hears about Bobby giving her Mami the memory card, she’s ready to do Bobby in. Well, if they’re going to be separated, they might as well have One Last Kiss. They make it a memorable one.

Bobby and Luci have a heart to heart, and she tells him she’s the least indicated to be asking him a favor, but he assures her what happened with his father is forgotten. She’s deeply grateful and the boy seems So Sincere. He talks business for a short time while Luci pours herself her life-sustaining liquid. She tells him he must thinks she’s a terrible mom. Bobby tells her the chauffeur is a danger in the house, and Luci protests that her daughter knows better, she’s a chick with class.

Mili and the girls find Pedro and pose their idea to him. Mili explains the majordomo of her house is a guy with … um…. Extravagant Tastes. Pedro’s not on the page and they keep trying to explain. Obscurely. Ah, he’s gay. Yeah! (In three-part harmony). Mili explains he’s all alone and needs a boyfriend. Pedro thinks it’s a great time for that, agrees to set up an event, and advertise it all over. All they need is a date. The girls celebrate with the victory dance, Pedro trapped in the center.

Alejandro goes to see Florencia. He can’t find himself, his niche. Florencia comforts him. Her Papi wants to meet with him. He’s here? He wants to meet with me? Yep.

Ah, the photos are ready. Luci’s gotten Valeria (still in her bathrobe), Rocky (still in his uniform, which he’s been wearing for months and not getting it cleaned unless he did it on weekends when we weren’t around) and Bobby, assembled in front of her in the study. Bobby is triumphant with his arms crossed, smirking. Luci brandishes the envelope of photos and Val glares at Bobby, who smirks even wider. What a jerk. Slowly, Luci draws a photo out. ¿¡Qué?! It’s Andrea and Connie. She shoves it back into the envelope and raises h*** with Bobby about being a total pervert. Bobby, not being a rocket scientist, doesn’t immediately register something has gone way wrong, but he knows she’s not happy with HIM and she’s not yelling at the other two. They beat a hasty path out so Luci can meet with Bobby. Luci yells at him about tormenting her even more with this; she thought he was a better person. He’s clueless about what she means.

Rocky and Val do their victory dances on her bed. They’re saved! [For now.]

Florencia’s father lays out his proposal to Alejandro. Alej points out he’s not Florencia’s husband yet. Alej will be, though. His son-in-law is not garbage, and so Alej needs to resign from that company, work with his father-in-law and be his right hand. Florencia is thrilled that there’s a solution. Domingo asserts that if there’s no solution, he finds one anyway. Alej is not a happy camper.

Horacio proposes a drink for their compa, who has escaped a Fate Worse than Death, which would be exile from the house, for his engagement with Val. The domestic staff –and Mili, who is in NeverNeverLand as both family and former staff--all clink the fine crystal and toast. Horacio will be the padrino for the wedding. Rocky asks them a huge favor for the moment—keep it under wraps. The family won’t like it much. Mili bumps the girls on either side of her and asserts they’re not gossips, right? Nothing will come from here! They toast one more time before going back to work.

Andrea and Connie return to her place all happy and he notices the photos. Oops, Valeria and Rocky, not him and Andrea. Connie seethes.

Florencia goes to fix a tasty dinner (if she’s so rich, where’s the domestic help?). Alej tells Domingo he supposes that the offer has a price. Domingo confirms that there’s no free lunch in life. Marry his daughter. Alej wonders if Domingo values her so little that he thinks has to buy her a husband. Domingo values Alej because he’s going to make her a good husband. Alej needs to live for her and make her happy, because Domingo would rather see her a widow than be divorced a second time. [That threat wasn’t very well disguised, was it?] Domingo wants his answer.

Well, apparently Alej gave Domingo the answer he wanted. He’ll quit the company, marry Florencia, and he’s assembled his family to break the happy [not] news. He looks like he’s singing a dirge. When Mili arrives, he makes the announcements. First, about resigning, which Luci protests hotly. Alej says she’s the one who essentially sent him running. Connie affirms it all began with a bad game on her part. Val wants to know qué the heck this is about and Luci tells her later. They all argue about her drinking since Connie thinks Damien must have gotten her drunk and that’s how it started. Hugo puts his two cents’ worth in and Mili makes an impassioned mini-speech about there being something dark in this family. Alej congratulates her because she’s a part of it all now. Mili reminds him it’s his company, was his grandparents’ company, the family company—she’ll give him all her shares.

Carla is all excited about Hugo-he has shares in the company, so he’s a millionaire and single. She’s supposed to be helping clean the beans up to cook them, and sullenly plays with them.

Alej is not interested in Mili’s shares. She continues to protest about him leaving the company, but Connie stops her. She doesn’t have access to her fortune until she marries. Alej says he’s not staying in a place where he’s humiliated. [Good job, Luci.] Luci protests and Alej yells at her. He and Connie fuss with each other and are saved by the bell—it’s Florencia and Domingo. Connie apologizes, this is a surprise and not the best time. Domingo says that by their faces, he sees they’ve got the news (Part I). The second shoe drops. Alej announces that he’s getting married and moving to Venezuela to work in Domingo’s business. Mili is impactada.

Rocky’s day is going well as he polishes the car in the sun and sings. Horacio comes to join him and they exchange chitchat about the joys of being in luuuve. Not even Connie has spoiled his day. Connie told him to get the car ready, and so he’s on it. Horacio wonders if it doesn’t make Rocky anxious to be under the watchful eye of his future father-in-law. Rocky points out the Connie doesn’t know he’s in love with Val. [Hah.] What can go wrong?

Val confronts her brother. You’re going to marry Florencia??? Why, you don’t love her? Connie sticks his two cents’ worth in over his shoulder to Val—Alej is thinking about his future. She ought to follow his example. Val retorts that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about and Connie tells her she knows. Luci congratulates Florencia and then goes to Alej, who pushes her away. Luci walks away, sulking. Connie smoothes it over as Florencia, wide grin in place, goes to Alej, who is grim. What an enchanting couple, huh? The fathers-in-law smile and chat about this development. Connie wants to know why Domingo changes his plans. Domingo sticks it to him—he doesn’t want to be involved with a company that doesn’t respect or help his future son-in-law. Nothing we can’t resolve, Connie assures him. My wife’s going to get her shares back to assure her son’s inheritance, right? Luci sits down, silent. Damien breaks in to tell Connie those shares are Hugo’s now, right and tight. He congratulates Alej with a raised glass and wide, snaky grin. Connie moves in to congratulate Alej—good move, he quietly tells Alej. Alej walks away to Mili. Isn’t she going to congratulate him? She grudgingly does as Florencia grabs him from behind.

Gamuza comes to the kitchen to tell Gloria she’s his sister. He’s brought his Dad to tell her the news. Carla sticks in her ugly opinion and gets rebuffed. Gloria sighs and prepares to face her father.

Mili’s reading and hiding out in her room as Alej lets himself in. She wonders why he can’t be bothered to knock like she does when she goes to his room. He wonders why she’s crying and she makes an excuse about missing Regina. He thought it was the news of his wedding. She tells him she wants nothing but his happiness. He doesn’t believe it, after what she’s done to him. Mili tells him he’ll have another life, far from her, and it’ll be better. He’ll forget her. Alej doubts it. He thinks she’ll have jealousy. She says she won’t, just best wishes for him. Does he still doubt? Yep. She runs out to show him how much she means it.

Luci wants Florencia to make her boy happy. Florencia vows to do all she can, but what Luci did was pretty ugly. Luci wonders if he’s going to forgive her. Florencia hopes it’ll all work out. Mili rushes up, with Alejandro trailing her, to wish Florencia the best with Alej, and Florencia sneers. She doesn’t think Mili is sincere. Mili tells Florencia if she doesn’t believe it, ask Luci. Right, Sra.? Tell them! Luci tells them with a tight smile that Mili is totally sincere. Florencia looks bemused. See? Mili nods triumphantly. Luci diverts their attention by asking when they’ll get married—two weeks. So soon? Why wait, Florencia wants to know. Alej has the mask of a condemned prisoner as he looks sadly at Mili, his judge and executioner. She looks equally miserable as they cry in harmony. [My hubby happened to catch this part and wondered how this guy calls those tears up on demand.]

Gloria reluctantly talks with her/Gamuza’s father. He tries to explain and she’s not interested. He had nothing to do with it. What? You had nothing to do with it? It was an immaculate conception, then? He doesn’t want the reproach. Gloria yells at him. Save it, she tells him, I don’t know you and don’t want to. Gamuza is my brother but I don’t have a father and never will. Clear? She stalks off and he tries to get her to come back.

Valeria and Luci stride into Luci’s room to talk about Alej getting married. Finally, the bachelor marries! But, why Florencia, Val wants to know. Luci points out that it’s better than marrying the hired help and Val points out Mili’s not hired help any more, she’s family. Luci tells her not to beg the issue. And by the way, hija, what’s up with YOU? With me, nothing. Why are you so tense suddenly? She lies and tells Mami that it disgusts her to think of a Belmonte cavorting with the hired help. [Right.] Val wants to know if her Mami thinks deep down that Alej will be happy. Braulio saves Luci by coming to tell them that Connie’s waiting at the car for Val. She skips off with a quick smile at Luci.Luci goes for her hidden stash, pours, and tosses some back. She talks to herself about Alej being happy and hears his angry voice scolding. She sees herself in the mirror scolding that Alej won’t be happy and it’s her fault.

Our giddy Rocky greets Connie. Where will they go? Connie will let him know at the right moment. Val joins them. She realizes right always Papi isn’t happy—where are they going. No questions, just get in. Val and Rocky exchange worried looks. Connie gives Rocky the stink eye before he gets in.

Florencia is jubilant—it’s all turning out well and my Papi is satisfied, don’t you think? Alej is stone-faced. Florencia continues that his family was not happy that he’s leaving the business, but happy that they’re marrying. Huh? Alej is in another world. Alejandro, what are you thinking about? Nothing. She wants to know what’s up. She thinks Mili was pretty clear. Mili didn’t love Alej as he thought she did. We’ll be happy, like she told you, I promise. Alej is silent. Florencia continues—really, Mili surprised me. Why? Florencia had thought she was still in love with him. Alej looks away—now you see that’s not the case. It hurts you, right? Alej pastes on a smile and tells her he’s looking forward to their wedding. He wants out of this place as soon as possible. She hugs him—it’s not long now.

Hugo is prying—does it devastate Mili that Alej is marrying? Nope, it’s good. So, why’s she so sad? She misses Regina. Hugo isn’t buying it. They argue back and forth about what’s bothering Mili. She scolds him about how he treated his cousin. Hugo tells Mili that since he’s been back they haven’t had time to talk and now is the time—she has to listen.

Rocky stops for a signal and notes that they’ve been riding around for a while and wonders when they’ll know where they’re going. Connie says he’s just not sure what to do with them. Val looks at him, alarmed, then works up a smile. Why do you say that, Papi? “Morgan, could you get out what’s in the glove box?” Rocky reaches in and gets out a photo of him kissing Val. He’s predictably impactado and shoves it back into the glove box. There’s nothing there! “Morgan,” Connie says very firmly. “The photo.” Ah, yes, the photo. Rocky did see it. Pass it to Valeria, Connie directs him. Val looks, is impactada and alarmed big-time, and turns it upside down, side-glancing at her Papi. What timing, the light is green again. Go on, Morgan.

Apparently, Hugo has spilled some beans to Mili and the story is done. Isn’t she going to say anything? No. She strides away. What about my feelings? He’s loved her since the first day. She has NOTHING to say to him. She leaves him alone with his feelings.Mili strides down the hall to bump into Luci. What do you want? Luci wants to tell her thanks. What for? For what she said downstairs, to help Alej marry Florencia. Luci appreciates it. Mili tells her that no thanks are necessary—it wasn’t for her, anyway. He’s my brother, right?—I think one of us should be better off.

Florencia and Alej stroll aimlessly down the corridor to the door. Florencia tries to comfort him, thinking this is about his mother’s betrayal. Why is she defending Luci so much? Florencia protests that she’s not really defending Luci. Alej retorts that what his mother did hurt him enormously. Florencia tries to coax him to forgive Luci. He’ll try but he’s not sure it’s possible. She changes the subject. Will they see each other tonight? Sure. They say their goodbyes and Alej closes the door, then turns to find Mili there. He tells her he wants to see her very happy as well; he wants the best. They look at each other sadly.

Connie has Rocky stop in a local neighborhood; it’s not a Belmonte kind of place to be with clothes hanging out onto the street that is congested with low-cost housing. Val starts to get out, and Connie orders her back. Rocky wants to know what Connie is going to do—“Don’t kill me!” Val pleads with Connie, who calls Rocky a violator. Connie points to the photo again—that was not your average peck on the cheek! That’s proof enough. Val tries to leave again and Connie tells her she’s not going anywhere. Rocky pleads for Connie not to hurt Val. Val tells her Papi she loves Rocky. Do you know what you’re saying? How could you love him? They face off, and finally Val tells Connie not only does she love Rocky, but also they want to marry. Connie seethes. [He does it so well, too.]

Mili wonders if Alej really wants her to be happy, and he isn’t furious with her. He tells her his love is enormous even though she’s rejected it. She asks forgiveness. He tells her there is still time to make it right. She tells him it’s better for him to get married and forget her. Alej works up more tears. Look me in the eye, Mili. We can go where no one knows us. Begin again. They’ll have enough money and be okay. They’ll be together, on the beach, near the ocean. He’s dreaming, she tells him. Of course I am! He describes playing football on the sand and other idyllic pleasures—it’ll be perfect for their children. Mili looks muy distressed. She begins to sob, and the bell rings. The guy bringing flowers is blown away when he hears Mili tell Alej that his words are lovely, and by the way, she’s marrying her boyfriend. What lovely flowers you’ve brought, boyfriend. Alej is muy impactado, too.

Next time, Val tells her parents how much she hates them and Connie blames Luci for everything.

Posted from Jeanne's (Schoolmarm) comments. Thanks again!!!


Cathy: I can offer these snippets from memory only because I do not have recording equipment.

Nestor makes it clear to Luci that she or he should tell Al that Nestor is his father. She gets mad at him because she's all tied up in the "..but she's a servant.." mode, and in a state of denial that Mili is Const's daughter. She starts drinking to dull her brain.

This is also the switched photographs mode. Consti found an envelope with photos at Andrea's house. She had left the room to get into something more comfortable. He suggested that she get into nothing. Anyway, he finds the photos of Val and Rocky (I don't know what his name is anymore, they change it so often.)kissing and is muy impactado.

Luci, who demands that Rocky and Val meet her in the study for a tongue lashing, finds the photos of Consti kissing Andrea. Val and Rocky make their escape leaving Bobby, or is it Booby, to deal with Luci. Luci is really beginning to lose it.

Somewhere in there the Belmonte clan and other assorted persons meet at the mansion in the foyer. Al walks in and starts to tell them that he is leaving the company.

Forgot to say that he had a date at Florencia's with her father who invited Al to join his company, or else, and to marry Florencia. Daddy says that they will get married and stay married or Florencia will become a widow and not a divorcee. Get the picture?

Back at the mansion Al continues on with his tale of woe - and it was pretty sad. Sorry I can't remember it all. Mili is so impactada that she offers to give her shares in the company to Al if he will stay. Consti takes her aside and reminds her that they are not hers to give until she gets married.

Meanwhile, somewhere in between this silly sandwich, Consti had also ordered Val to get in the limo with him with Rocky driving. I actually laughed at something here, but I don't remember exactly what. Well, Consti threatens Rocky and Val. That's the best I can do.

Previews? Mili opens the door and guess who's there? It's Mat the Rat with a big bouquet of flowers for Mili. She says that he is her novio. Al is very impactado and a glycerine tear falls from his eye.

Some of this really was sad. It's obvious Mili loves Al and Al loves Mili. Her close allies, the other household help, know something is wrong, but Mili still holds out and keeps the "secret."

From lower Ala

I will be pretty brief in my description, so I apologize in advance.
At the beginning of the episode Bobby and Rocky are arguing over the photo chip. Bobby refuses to hand it over. In walks Regina and Bobby tells her that he wants to show it to her. She denies that there is anything between her Valeria and Rocky, but to please Bobby she sends Karla to print off the images. Bobby then goes to see Valeria to tell her that they are ruined. Valeria says that they cannot continue loving each other in hiding and that they will have to 'come out.'
So then Bobby, Valeria, Rocky, and Regina meet in the study where everyone thinks that Rocky and Vale are busted, but when Regina opens the photo packet she sees the pictures of Constancio and Andrea on their 'play date.' Remember how the chips were accidently swaped back at the Belmonte Company? Well, anyway, Regina is outraged at Bobby, who doesn't understand because he doesn't know that they were swaped. Thus, Valeria and Rocky go free.

¡Ay caray! That was really weird that we posted at the same time! Sorry!

I got this from the esmas.com site. Looks like Guapos is all done in Mexico. My calculations tell me that we are about three-four months behind them, so we will be done in September/October:

Tras 11 de meses de trabajo, el elenco de 'Al diablo con los guapos', protagonizada por Allisson Lozz y Eugenio Siller, graba el último capítulo del melodrama

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, México, may. 23, 2008.- Tras 11 meses de trabajo, en la víspera se realizó el último día de grabaciones en la telenovela Al diablo con los guapos.

Dentro del foro el profesionalismo hacía que los actores estuvieran serios, pero en el exterior no paraban de darse halagos, despedidas y lágrimas.

Allisson Lozz expresó nostalgia por terminar este proyecto: "Me llevo mucho cariño, mucho amor, mucha amistad de todos, me llevo grandes amigos, todo, voy a extrañar mucho".

Georgina Salgado de plano lloró: "A mí ya no me digan porque se me llenan los ojitos de lágrimas, porque voy a extrañar mucho a mis amigos".

Altair Jarabo prefirió guardar sus emociones: "La verdad yo estoy guardando la emoción para la pachanga que es mañana, que ahí sí va a ser la despedida, la lloradera y la declaradera, porque ya sabes los sentimientos ocultos de cada quien afloran, para mañana están guardando la lagrimita".

I wasn’t watching that closely because I was making dinner during the show…

We started with a lot of scenes from Friday. A majority of the show dealt with the photo mix-up. Bobby shows up at Casa Belmonte with the incriminating photos of Rocky and Vale kissing. He wants to show them to Luci in front of said couple. Little does he know that he accidentally switched memory cards with Andrea at the office. Luci opens the envelope with the photos to see Andrea kissing Connie. Vale starts to apologize and Luci says she (Vale) doesn’t have anything to be sorry about. She says that Bobby is perverse and should get the h--- out. Vale and Morgan rejoice in the privacy of her bedroom that they escaped the wrath of Luci for one more day. Little do they know that at the same time, Connie is opening Andrea’s photo envelope, expecting dirty photos of him and Andrea, only to find photos of Vale and Rocky kissing. He is furious, maybe jealous that Vale is standing by her man, when he didn’t stand up for Rosario… He heads home (I think the next day) and asks Rocky to prepare the car. He takes Val for a ride. (I’m not quite sure to where, but it looked like a bad part of town). While Rocky is driving, Connie shows him the photos and mulls over what should be done to Rocky. Vale is pleading with her papi that she loves Rocky.

Meanwhile, the lonely and dejected Al shows up at Casa de Cachonda for his consolation prize. Flor says good timing, my papi is here! Al and Flor’s papi talk over his situation at Belmonte Industries and think it would be in the best interest of everyone if Al went to work for the mob company.

Al and Flor show up at Casa Belmonte and call a family meeting to inform all that he will be renouncing as president of Bel Industries, marry Flor, joining her father’s company and will be leaving Mexico for a very, very long time. Mili looks sad and tries to give her shares of BI to Al. Of course, Connie reminds her that she doesn’t have access to her funds until she marries. Many more scenes ensue between Mili and Al, Al and mama, Mili and Flor, all to the affect of “if this will make you happy.)

Also, Mili and gal pals are organizing a “gay night” at the rodeo. The owner guy seemed a little too excited about it and said he had been thinking about having a gay night for a while now.

And Gloria’s papi tried to make amends.

I might have missed some details since I wasn’t watching the end that closely….


I can't remember much else. I didn't get to watch the end, and I erased it already. The little details are sometimes the most fun, like when Mili and her friends do the wave dance whenever they have a goofy plan afoot.

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Cathy, I can relate, I keep thinking today is Monday!

Schoolmarm Jeanne, what a dedicated recapping trooper you are! Thanks to you and Pasofino, Nicolas, & Jewels for filling in.

You're right Nina about the little details sometimes being the most enjoyable. We again got to see Luci plop her wedding ring on the table to accept Nestor's ring. The loud clunk punctuated her what the heck attitude. Of course later back at home her wedding ring was back on.

Obviously we can't lose Alejandro to Venezuela, or not for long. Dare I hope Flor won't last much longer?

There were some really great scenes that have been covered totally. Those scenes with Al and Mili were heartbreaking. I've never been overly impressed with Eugenio thinking he was more naked torso than acting talent but lately he has done some fine work especially with Mili and Luci. You can feel Mili's pain and how much she wants to tell him why she is doing what she is. i can't wait to see what happens when he learns the truth - bucket loads of tear await.

Luci continues to be the stupid drunk Connie called her. She knows fully well that Al is miserable and the marriage to the Mafia Princess is doomed to failure. And what on earth possessed her to tell Nestor the truth? Didn't she think he might want a relationship with his own son or is she just so clueless she thought it would be nice for him to know and that he wouldn't care much a lot like the way she treats Val.

Floosy Flo is more pathetic by the moment. Hanging all over Al when she knows very well that he has no real feeling for her and living in a dream world thinking they will be divinely happy. I too thought it hilarious that the Mafioso is making his own coffee and Flo was going to cook something. What ever happened to that maid she was trying to hire? I can't help wondering if she is going to get her Daddy to something to get Mili out of Al's way. After all Old domingo can't believe his oh so happy future SIL has feeling for a servant.

Nicolas and all

Guapos finished FILMING last week. The actual final date of the show in Mexico is June 27. We are four months behind meaning we can expect a Halloween timeframe ending.

Rhonda from St. Louis-

;-) Too much time on my hands. This is much more fun on a vacation day than the chores on my list.


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Decie Girl, while it was probably presumptuous of me to add recap notes in the first place, now I'm in for the moment at least--I think it may have occurred to Luci that it might be nice for Nestor to know Alej is his son, but she wants him to hold off telling Alej anything about it so she can get Alej married off to the Mafia Princesa. That way, he'll be married by the time he finds out Mili isn't his actual sister, only a "step" sister of sorts. She has her reasons, as always, it's for Alej's own good in her mind that they delay the news.


(If Al finds out he's not Connie's, and marries Mili because he's not her brother, the whole world will figure the rest out.)


Also a great recap, Schoolmarm. You must have had a lot of time on your hands today!


I don't think it is presumptuous of anyone to add recap notes. With so many of us with different levels of language skills, users and non users of closed captions and so many different life experiences it all adds to the fun of watching a novela like this one that can touch your heart.

My own sense of Luci is that she never thinks more than one move ahead at a time. She is so consumed with her hatred of Mili, I suspect because of her jealousy of the poor girl's mother, that she will do anything say anything to keep them apart. Considering that Nestor was a one night stand and she had hidden the truth from him for over 20 years it made no sense for her to say anything since poor dead Francios is presumed by everyone in the know to be Al's father. If she'd kept her mouth shut she would have been so much better off and wouldn't have to now deal with someone else who wants to compete for her for Al. Somehow I don't think she sees the psycho MP as
competition. Luic's biggest mistake in my mind is that she has made an enemy out of the gentle Padre who sees her as hurting his nephew and the girl he has loved and taken care of from childhood.

Thanks, NinaK and Decie Girl--

And, you've watched Luci way more closely than I have so you've got her number. Maybe it's not even important if the rest of the world finds out she was messing around on Connie, anyway.

Yes, I had way more time than usual on my hands. Even with slapping together those recap notes I still got multiple loads of laundry done. :-) Now on to the ironing. (So much for a day off).


You are all awesome – thank you for stepping in and recapping, schoolmarm especially – nice work!

It’s still amazing to me that Al and Mili seem to think the solution to their problems is to marry right away. Like these two nice, attractive people have to get married in their late teens/early 20s or else? Alex could find a job anywhere after winning that young executive of the year or whatever it was called, he doesn’t have to marry just to get a job.

Deciegirl, I agree about Eugenio’s acting. I have never thought he was bad, just a bit vague. He seems to be improving as the show goes along, maybe learning on the job. But last week in his big stand-off scene with his mother I’m afraid he was waaaay out-acted by Laura Flores who really delivers. Tough for a newbie to have a big, long, dramatic scene with a veteran.

Thanks, Cathy and Maggie! Cathy, I've removed my post with the entire recap so it won't be redundant.


I got a message in my email from an Anonymous commenter who wanted me to repost my recap comments. I don't see it up here, though. That's funny. Anyway, Anonymous, thanks for sending it and Cathy actually posted the entire recap, so there was no need for the comment--it's now the recap. :-)


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