Tuesday, May 27, 2008

La Traición, Mon. 5-27 Margot leaves the tavern; Hugo leaves the Hacienda; Lucas leaves the hospital and Soledad leaves Hugo to Michelle

Alcides meditates on his plans

Aurorita the cutie is crawling!

Soledad is devastated to learn that her father will never walk again. Obragon witch #1, Ester, feels it necessary to say that Lucas’ condition is Hugo’s fault. He has brought nothing but misfortune to their lives (would that include Aurora?). Even Obragon witch #2, Antonia thinks, this is not really the right time to make such a comment. Soledad says that she has already told them that Hugo is out of her life especially after this. Soledad begs Dr. Dan to help her Dad walk again. Dr. Dan says that he will start therapy but there are no guarantees. Lucas calls Soledad. He loves her. Soledad assures Lucas that he will walk again.

Alcides has taken Rebeca back to Dr. Max’s and it looks like hulking her corpse around is finally getting to him. Alcides apologizes to the absent Dr. Max but he is the only one who can be blamed for this. Everyone knows he steals corpses. It will be the perfect explanation for the authorities.

Hugo is ready to leave the Hacienda. Michelle says that she wants to help him. She has the means to help him get through this crisis. Hugo refuses politely. She can help him by finding a cure for his daughter’s catalepsy. Michelle replies that with Daniel’s help, they will find a cure. Hugo then says that he has something to tell her. He is worried about her safety. As she has seen, he has lots of enemies - enemies that would do anything to do him harm including preventing her from finding a cure for Aurora’s catalepsy. He asks her to believe him and not be afraid but her life is in danger.

Arturo is at home drinking. He says that he has to forget about Hercu-less and Margot and concentrate on his vengeance against Alcides, his brother Hugo, Soledad, their child and all of them. Gladis is glad to see him and says it is about time he thought of his mother. Arturo says that he isn’t in a good mood. His mother says that he’s NEVER in a good mood. All he does is think about vengeance and guns and killing people. When is he going to find a nice well-born girl and give her some grandchildren! Arturo screams at her to stay out of his affairs and to stop nagging him about grandchildren. Gladis goes off in a huff. Arturo asks himself what nice girl would want to marry an incomplete man like him who can’t even function in bed.

Hercu-less asks Margot if Arturo hadn’t been impotent, would she have slept with him? She has to say yes but Herc is her guy, her stud, etc. They start to go at it.

Michelle tells Hugo that she can defend herself. Anyway, Andres is like her brother. He takes care of her. Hugo tells her to be careful anyway. You never know when someone will attack you. Michelle says that she will be careful. She asks Hugo where he will go. He says that he doesn’t know. Michelle invites him to stay at her suite in the hotel, which is big enough for him and Boris. Hugo demurs but Michelle tells him not to be stubborn and make her beg him to accept her help. He accepts on condition that she treats it as loan that he will pay back every penny. She agrees. Boris says they are ready to go.

In the hospital, Soledad is with Lucas and she is crying again. She assures him that he isn’t alone. They are all here to help him. Dr. Dan comes in and says that Lucas can go home. Antonia says that she wants to thank Dr. Max for his help. Dr. Dan agrees nervously. Soledad thanks Dr. Dan for his help and there is some hand holding.

Eloisa returns to Rebeca’s house where Paquito is sitting on the terrace with Marina, the wanted criminal (Suppose the judge showed up again?). Paquito asks why Eloisa is making that face and Eloisa says it’s the only face she has. Paquito asks if she has spoken with ‘you know who’. He’s been waiting for her for a long time. Eloisa rushes past without a word and Paquito goes after her while warning Marina to stay put.

Margot quits her job at the taverna and leaves with Hercu-less.

Antonia comes to see Dr. Max. She calls to him that she hasn’t been coming to work lately because of family problems. She brought him some fruit and vegetables. She turns around and sees Rebeca’s body. Antonia is impactada.

Lucas leaves the hospital with his family and Soledad sees Michelle holding Hugo’s arm with a death grip strolling, smiling and talking with Boris following with the luggage. They exchange glances. Michelle says that only time can help them. Dr. Dan helps Soledad into the carriage.

Eloisa is pacing up and down saying that Alcides is going to kill her. Paquito appears and asks why she didn’t answer him and what did Alcides say? What is the plan? She says that didn’t see Alcides. Paquito wants to know where she has been then. Lately, she has been completely useless. She says that he is the one who is useless and she wants to be alone. Paquito says that he isn’t leaving until they solve the Marina problem. Marina appears and says that the judge is on the way to the house with the police. Marina assumes that Eloisa has turned her in but Eloisa tells her to hide, she and Paquito will deal with the judge. Paquito tells her to be quiet and no snooping.

Eloisa and Paquito receive the judge. He tells them that Antonia found the lifeless body of her Aunt Rebeca at Dr. Max’s. She had been murdered. (What happened to Inspector Duarte? Now the Judge does the investigation?) Paquito is impactado and Eloisa pretends to be impactada.

Los Burque tell the lawyer that up until now they haven’t had any luck in the heir department but they’ll get on it right away. The lawyer says that they will have plenty of time on the voyage to London. He has arranged their passage. Guille just has to sign a document accepting the conditions of the inheritance. Guille picks up the pen and tells Elena to pack their bags.

Hugo and Boris come to see Arturo. Hugo wants an explanation of why Arturo’s servant kidnapped Boris.

At the Obragon house, Lucas says his best medicine is his granddaughter’s smile. Dr. Dan is sitting right next to Soledad and he asks to hold the baby. Soledad talks to Ursula. She repeats again how her father will get better with Dr. Dan’s help. Ursula says that she heard Boris saved Hugo. Soledad says that it was a miracle but Hugo is dead to her (I’m getting tired of her saying that). He is part of her past. In addition to everything else, Hugo is responsible for her father being in that chair. She doesn’t want to hear about him. Michelle breezes in. She has something important to say to Soledad. They have always been honest with one another. When Soledad saw her with Hugo it was because as of today, Hugo and Boris are her guests. Michelle is helping Hugo since he is bankrupt.

Ester is in the garden. Alcides comes up and greets her. Charming as always, Ester demands to know what he is doing in her house. Alcides thinks she is confusing him with Hugo but Ester says that neither Medina brother is welcome in this house. Alcides says that he came to speak to her. No beating about the bush, he asks if Soledad is Lucas’ daughter or the daughter of Jeremias Montenegro. Ester is impactada. Ester says how dare he ask her that. Alcides says that he will be discreet and he mentions that they have made deals in the past that were to her benefit. In the name of those deals, he asks the question again. Ester replies that she was wrong in thinking he was the right man for her daughter. Alcides asks the question again and Ester demands to know who told him such a thing.

Soledad tells Michelle that it is great that she is helping Hugo. Michelle didn’t have to come and tell her about it. Michelle says that she wanted to tell Soledad because they have a great friendship and she wants to keep it that way. She doesn’t want Soledad to get the wrong idea. Soledad says that Michelle and Dr. Dan have been a blessing to her with the hope of finding a cure for her daughter’s illness. How can she repay that? As far as Hugo is concerned, she understands. He is sad, alone and bankrupt. Someone had to help him and it speaks well of her for doing it. Soledad says that she wants Michelle to know that there is nothing between her and Hugo. He is dead to her. She prefers to discuss this further in her bedroom.

Arturo says that he doesn’t know what Hugo is talking about. He didn’t order any kidnapping. Maybe this is another of Hugo’s tricks. Hugo says that it was Hercu-less who kidnapped Boris to keep him from testifying at Hugo’s trial. Boris chimes in and says that he didn’t see Boris because he was hooded but he recognized his voice. Boris says he doesn’t know why Herc didn’t kill him. Arturo repeats that he didn’t have anything to do with it but if he had done it, Boris wouldn’t be here now. That gets Hugo’s dander up. He says that maybe the servant isn’t a killer like the boss. Hugo gives Boris his cane and appears to be initiating a gunfight when Gladis appears and scolds him and Arturo like children.

The judge tells Paquito and Eloisa that Dr. Max is missing and is being sought in connection with the investigation. He leaves. Eloisa sheds crocodile tears but Paquito says that the killer was Alcides.

Ester refuses to answer Alcides’ question concerning the paternity of Soledad and he won’t tell her who told him. Alcides is asking Ester who gave her her house when Antonia comes up to report that she went to thank Dr. Max for helping Lucas. Dr. Max wasn’t there but Rebeca was. Ester says that after what happened at the trial, she needs to talk to Rebeca. They aren’t friends anymore. Antonia replies that won’t be possible because Rebeca is dead – murdered! (Do I have to say it?) Ester is impactada.

Soledad says that she wanted to talk to Michelle. She isn’t crying because of Hugo. Michelle says that she understands. You can’t stop loving someone overnight. Soledad says that Michelle must think she is an idiot for crying for someone who has hurt her so much. Michelle says that they are not tears of weakness – Soledad is a very courageous woman. “But one without strength,” says Soledad. Counselor Michelle says that it is normal for her to feel this way – first Hugo, then her father. It’s all been a terrible nightmare for her, for both of you. Hugo is hurting too. Michelle says to let time heal the wounds and they maybe they can forgive each other. Soldead says no. As far as is concerned, Hugo died the day of the hanging. If she doesn’t believe that, she will lose her mind. All she has are her memories of their love and her daughter, the fruit of their love. Their love doesn’t exist anymore and it shouldn’t exist anymore.

Gladis says enough with the violence. She tells Hugo to get out of her house immediately. Arturo tells her not to stick her nose in men’s business. “Then go kill yourselves in the street, “says Doña Gladis, “I won’t permit more violence in my house.”
“Between men, be very careful what you do,” says Hugo, “remember that no crime goes unpunished.” “You should know,” says Arturo (good one). Hugo tells Arturo not to mess with him or his or it will cost him dearly. Hugo leaves and Gladis makes a terrible face at Arturo. Arturo says Hercu-less better have a good explanation for why he kidnapped Boris.

Margot has ditched the bar girl feather and she and Hercu-less are having a happy picnic (near the pond?). Tomorrow he will buy her a house and she won’t have to work anymore and everything will be wonderful. (Sure it will).

Paquito tries to calm Eloisa down. He is sure that Alcides murdered Rebeca because she found the treasure. He asks if Eloisa is lying to him. Did she really not see Alcides? Eloisa hears Alcides’ warning in her mind. She says that maybe Alcides was involved in Rebeca’s death and that’s why he wasn’t there when she went to see him.

Alcides suggests that if Dr. Max has disappeared, maybe he was involved in Rebeca’s murder. Antonia says that Dr. Max wasn’t a murderer. Antonia asks what Alcides is doing there and Ester says that he came to inquire after Lucas and is just leaving. Alcides plays along and leaves. Antonia does not want to tell Lucas that Rebeca is dead. (it appears to start raining just as the scene ends).

Dr. Dan plays with Aurora and then gives her to Ursula to change. Dr. Dan tells Lucas how lucky he is to have a family. Dr. Dan would like to be a father. Lucas thanks Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says that God willing Lucas will be walking soon. Lucas says not to waste your time on him. He should find a cure for my granddaughter. Dr. Dan says he can do both. Lucas says Dr. Dan is a great doctor and a good friend.

Soledad says to Michelle that she thinks Michelle loves Hugo. She repeats that she and Hugo had a great love but it’s over. Soledad wants Hugo to be happy and if he is happy with Michelle that’s ok with Soledad.

Ester says that Antonia is crazy. Lucas is bound to find out that Rebeca is dead. She was a friend of the family. Antonia flashes back to finding out that Rebeca was the Mysterious Lady and therefore Lucas’ lover. Ester asks Antonia what she is hiding. She is about to go inside and tell Lucas when Antonia blurts out that Rebeca was the ML and her husband’s lover. Once again, Ester is impactada.

Paquito wants Eloisa to get information out of Alcides but Eloisa says that it is too dangerous. Paquito returns to their main problem – what do they do with Marina? Eloisa floats the idea of disguising Marina as the ML. Paquito looks skeptical.

Ester doesn’t believe what Antonia says at first but then she remembers finding Rebeca’s hat in the ML’s dressing room. She asks why Antonia didn’t tell her. Rebeca became her best friend and confidant. Antonia says that she spoke to Lucas and he promised to stop seeing Rebeca. He regretted what he had done. Ester is outraged. She says that Rebeca kept visiting her and she told her all her secrets. She hopes Rebeca burns in hell. Ester is about to storm in and confront Lucas when Antonia says that Lucas just had a second heart attack and is depressed that he can’t walk and now Ester wants to kill him. She threatens Ester that if she opens her mouth, she will have to explain to everyone what she did to Lucas in the past that only Soledad knows about. Ester agrees to say nothing for now but one day she will speak to Lucas about the fool that he and Rebeca made of her. Antonia still wants to know what Ester is hiding from her.

Michelle asks Dr. Dan if he is feeling better about what happened at Dr. Max’s. Dr. Dan says that it is not easy to accept what happened. Michelle tells him how much she likes Soledad. He won’t believe the conversation they just had. The busybody Antonia wants to speak to Dr. Dan in private. She tells him about finding Rebeca’s body at Dr. Max’s. She was murdered. Antonia asks Dr. Dan when was the last time he saw Dr. Max.

Paquito thinks that disguising Marina as the ML is a ridiculous idea. Rebeca is dead; everybody will know. Eloisa asks who knew that Rebeca was the ML: Omar, Margot, Los Burque. Eloisa says that they can pay them. And Lucas, says Paquito and then agrees that he probably won’t be going to the tavern any time soon. Paquito has more objections: he is sure Marina can’t sing and she doesn’t have the style or elegance. Marina comes out and says that she has overheard and she won’t be arrested for pretending to be a woman who is already dead. Eloisa asks her what her solution is. Marina says give me my money and I’m out of here forever.

Dr. Dan asks what exactly Antonia wants from him. Antonia says that Dr. Max laboratory is all in order but he’s not there. Dr. Dan operated with him the night before. Did he say anything about going away? Dr. Dan says that they finished the operation at dawn and Dr. Max went home and he went to the hotel. Antonia recalls that when Dr. Dan came to the hospital the next morning, he hadn’t changed his clothes. Antonia asks Dr. Dan if he thinks a doctor can also be a killer. Michelle comes in and Antonia tells her about Rebeca. She is sure that all will be revealed when Dr. Max reappears. She leaves. Michelle asks Dr. Dan if he had anything to do with Rebeca’s death.

Alcides is meditating about the Dr. Max situation. When Dr. Max turns up, he will have to explain things to the police. Alcides says that he will try to help without arousing suspicion. Ester wouldn’t answer his question about Soledad’s paternity but if what Rebeca told him before she died is true, the treasure belongs to Soledad. Hugo comes into the cabaña. He says to Alcides, “You must be very satisfied. Everything is going as you planned.” The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo and Michelle???


For a moment I thought that Lucas might stammer to Soledad that she wasn’t his daughter. I swear that if he does that again I’ll personally smother him with a pillow.

Okay, we were all wrong about who Alcides might frame for Rebeca’s death. Dr. Max is the perfect patsy except for Dr. Dan’s knowledge of when Dr. Max departed, but he can’t say anything because then he would have to tell what really happened to Doctor Dearest. I also noticed Alcides was showing signs of fatigue hauling Rebeca’s body around the countryside (it was a refreshing touch of realism).

Michelle is fiddling with her hair again. Didn’t she get that inter-office memo to watch “Que Hora Es” for acting tips about what NOT to do!

If Hugo is serious about learning a new profession, he could start by helping Boris transport the maletas. Wasn’t it only a day or two ago when Boris was severely beaten and left for dead but now he is bell-hopping all of Hugo’s belongings to their new headquarters while Michelle and Hugo blissfully stroll arm in arm. And don’t tell me that all of Hugo’s clothes and library of books fit into two suitcases. Details, details!

Re: Dr. Dan talking to Lucas saying “God willing, you will be walking soon.” What happened to Dr. Dan’s code of not lying to patients. Maybe false hope doesn’t count.

Marina as the ML, I vote for that. I was forlorn to think that we would never hear the ML ballad again. Remind me exactly what was stylish or elegant about that act in the first place? P & E don’t even know if M can sing until they have her audition. Besides that, she only has to to lip-sync because that’s all Rebeca ever did.

Marina didn’t blink an eye at committing perjury which almost sent an innocent man to the gallows; attempting to steal the investors’ funds; but she now is balking at impersonating a dead woman. Get your priorities straight, honey.

Did you notice that Guillermo poised the pen over the legal document but didn’t actually sign it. What if he has second thoughts? That would be World War III at the Burque casita. But another scenario is that Margot’s son (she mentioned him in passing awhile back) might really be Guillermo’s child. Margot could get killed in a gun fight when someone is attempting to bump off Hercu-less and then Guillermo would have his winning lottery ticket. I think Guillermo and Elena could be good parents in an eccentric Auntie Mame sort of way.


Another problem with Alcides framing Dr. Max is that in the Treasure vault, Alcides said that he was going to hire Dr. Max to find a cure for Aurora's catalepsy so he could get Soledad's gratitude and love. If Dr. Max were in jail for murder, he couldn't be finding any cures. I think Alcides is finding out same thing that Hugo did - very elaborate plans seldom work out the way you think they will.

Yes, I remember Margot mentioning her child when she was traumatized by seeing the dead wife in the cabinet. Not a squeak about the kid since so while the idea of Los Burque adopting that kid is really ingenious, I think Margot's kid has gone to the oblivion of sloppy writing.

True, Guille didn't sign the document yet so there is room for second thoughts.

Hercu-less is caught between Arturo and Alcides and he's not that bright. His future doesn't look good. Besides, he was complicit it Jeremias' murder. He may have found love and turned good but he's got baggage.

Michelle and the hair - I didn't want to say anything about that in the recap because I like Michelle's character but it was kind of irritating.

LOL Hugo and the luggage! How true on all counts. Hugo's neckties alone couldn't fit in those maletas.

Stylish and elegant are not words I would use to describe the performance of the ML but I simply can't imaging Marina doing a burlesque act.

I hope that this is not too late in the day to post this. {It's almost time for the show to come on again}. But any "hoo", does anynone know if the stars are going to come on a talk show after the series is over like they do on Univision? They usually come on Christina's show.

This is my first time watching a novela on telemundo. I'm usually a Univision fan. I must say I have really enjoyed Telemundo. Thanks.

Anonymous 5:44 - Cristina only does the post-Gran Final shows for Televisa novelas, since they're broadcast on Univision. :-(

In this episode there was whine, whine, and whine some more…. I'm getting so tired of the kvetching Obregon women, Soledad included (forgive me). Yes, yes, it's all Hugo's fault. Lucas is a soused, spineless, waste of space who long ago lost any sense God gave him, and of course it's all Hugo's fault. Spare us…

Why would Alcides frame Dr. Max for Rebeca's death? Stealing her corpse is a much different crime than murder. What possible connection could he make between the two on which to build an argument? And why would he choose him, when as you said, Jean, he had plans for Dr. Max to find the catalepsy cure? Although, seeing how the slanted wheels of justice turn in this show, nothing is off limits, I guess. I think the writers were just asleep at the wheel on this one.

Wow…As if Arturo needed more reasons to be crabby(-er). He'd better not annoy Doña Gladis any further or he'll really be up a creek. It's possible that some desperate debutante could be interested in an incomplete man who can't function in bed, but a BROKE incomplete man who can't function in bed? Not so much. I know it seems highly unlikely, but I still can't give up the idea that Batty Bea will one day pop back into the picture. Wouldn't that make a dilly of a Gran Final surprise?

I got a kick out of the guy who came to tell Los Burke about the inheritance. This same actor plays the father of Ruth Urribe in PDG. Poor Calixto is in such a decrepit state in PDG that it’s nice to see him up & about here!

Alcides is confusing me yet again. How would he dare ask Esther about Soledad’s paternity? The only people that knew Esther’s secret were Esther, Lucas, Rebeca, and later Soledad. With Rebeca just now dead, wouldn’t Esther surely connect him her death by his prying into the matter? Seems like a dumb, dumb move to me.

Annoying lips and hair-twisting aside, it seems Michelle has proven herself to be an extraordinarily good person, so even those who can't like her will have to confess that she deserves respect. She would be worthy of Hugo, but seeing the contrasts between her & Soledad, would Hugo really be attracted to her? Does she seem his type? Other than the catalepsy thing (which is big, I'll give her that), what would attract him to her?

Michelle & Soledad are both very kind & adventurous at heart, that's seems true, But Michelle's pretty tough by the standards of the day; she can physically defend herself, and seems to wear trousers 24/7. Wouldn't that be a little scandalous for that time? Would Hugo's male ego be open to such a non-traditional, self-sufficient, "new age" kind of woman? I can absolutely see them being great friends, but not more. And wouldn't the increased odds of (more) cataleptic children be scary enough for him to keep her at arm's length? I guess that would mean he was thinking it through, though. This is a telenovela for heaven's sake. What am I thinking? ;-)

The Mario Hair, as we’ve seen, is one of his more obvious gifts, but has anyone taken notice of The Mario Walk? We haven’t seen this as overtly in LT because of the heavy clothing, but it’s there. In this episode, when Hugo walks into the room to confront Arturo about Boris’ kidnapping, even though the shot is only from the shoulders up you can’t help but be in awe of way the man moves. It’s as fluid as a Michael Jackson moonwalk, with a lovely swaying of those shoulders that look like they were plucked right from Michelangelo’s David.

In this clip from “El Cuerpo del Deseo,” The Walk is a bit more obvious – fewer of those pesky clothes in the way – as are his (usually) more hidden attributes. ;-) If I were Lorena Rojas, with a rubber duckie like that in my tub, you’d never get me out…


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