Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Juan-Tuesday, 5-13-'08 We Have a Feeling She's Falling (Marely, that is)

Warning...I've got a fever, sore throat and am tanked on Advil so if this recap doesn't make sense, jump in and correct it. Seems adored grandchildren can be dangerous to one's health.

Rehash from last night. Lounge lizards are joyously spreading gossip about Juan and Hillary Paris, making sure everyone knows, whether through e-mails of face to face discussions.

Juan sails in, mangling French right and left, we know he's saying "Bonjour" but it sure doesn't sound like it. Laying incomprehensible "bonjours" all around, he sails past Ivonne with a "con permua" which he evidently thinks is French for "con permiso". What a charmer!

She tells him someone is waiting for him in his office and he assumes it's his little palomita and he's considering letting up on her a little bit...but lo!...it's Sandro. The music sinks and so does Juan.

He thinks they pulled a fast one on him (ya me chamaqueron) and tries to get to the bottom of why Sandro would accept a post as administrative vicepresident for a salary that's less than that of a chauffeur.

And Sandro has all the answers, complete with charts which, naturally, Juan doesn't understand at all. Sandro assures Juan he likes challenges and he intends to increase business to the point where his salary will rise as he shows results. Juan looks mulish and mystified( nothing new here) so Sandro suggests they call in Paula and ask her opinion.

"Paula!" sniffs Juan to himself..."Licenciada Paula to you, you upstart!"

We switch briefly to Juanito's school where all is joy and pandemonium at seeing Lorenzo return.

Then the warehouse where Angarita is asking Yadira about her birthday. It's the 30th of May, she's a Gemini but not typical and there's some blah blah blah but the upshot is that Angarita is now sure that she's his daughter...the dates confirm the presence of the birthmark mole.

We're back with Juan, Sandro and Paula...Juan is treading water furiously, baffled by the charts and Sandro's analysis. He also wonders to himself, "when does this guy sleep?". How did he have time to prepare all of this? What do I say?

And we segue to Alirio who ALWAYS knows what to say and is doing so at length, not giving Pepita a chance to tell him she's changed her mind and no longer wants a divorce. When she finally gets a word in edgewise and tells him she's withdrawing the petition. He's furious.

Alirio roars back that she can't play with his time...she has to pay for those two consultations they had. This isn't some store where you can "return the merchandise" after all!

Back at Farrell, Juan's given up trying to figure out the charts and is praying to Santo Niño for help. He's searching for the word to describe Sandro's plan...it's...it's....RISKY!!! That's it..especially in a country such as ours, he blathers on.

He's saved from further babbling by Ivonne entering with coffee. Paula wants to send her right back out...we're in a meeting!..but Juan insists she stay. More squabbling and Sandro discreetly excuses himself, opining that they probably need to talk over this decision among themselves.

Now, what's going on? Paula glares. Wow, you're missing really great coffee, stalls Juan. Paula accuses him of avoiding the topic at hand but what's new with that?

Sandro has moved on to Marely's desk and things are going very well there. He's brought her the books he promised and they just happen to be books she hasn't been able to find in the bookstores. Score major points for Sandro, plus he invites her out for lunch and she gladly accepts.

Juan's still fulminating about Sandro. How does he understand so much about our business? Isn't that suspicious? Paula points out that they are an international corporation, there are certain common principles, it's not surprising that someone with a background in finance and business would find common ground. He's acquitted himself well on every challenge you've offered, she concludes, and besides, where else could we find someone with his background who would put up with your stupidities?

From there the discussion degenerates into an old-fashioned slanging match with Juan shouting about her and Marely's trying to find out about his girlfriend and her shouting about Juan following her and Sandro in his unmistakeable classic red Mustang.

More blah blah blah and then Juan throws out, Well, if I have to take Sandro, then we have to offer a job to Laura Berrocal too. More screaming and Juan thought bubbles that once again they are fighting like fishwives (verdulero de mercado, literally vergetable sellers)

And of course Alirio and Nidia are fighting like fishwives too. She's not going to let him charge Pepita a penny, much less 5 thousand pesos, and the two women fall all over each other with endearments and compliments, a far cry from their last discussion. Alirio rightly wonders, "Whose side are you on?!"

Sandro is now in Paula's office where she asked him to wait. She's frazzled, even her hair is mussed, and he wonders if her and Juan's discussions are always so....so...personal? I don't want to meddle but really, Juan seems to be like a controlling, jealous husband, he adds.

She agrees that Juan always tries to win discussions by yelling and Sandro gently advises her to get some fresh air and calm down and recover. In the meantime, of course, he's happily heading out to lunch with Marely, who is looking lovelier than ever these days.

Sandro waits for her downstairs while she gets a few letters off and the "new Julia" accosts him and asks whom he's waiting for, adding that the big news on office romances is that Juan is dating Hillary Paris.

Another romance is not going so well. When Angarita phones Nidia she snorts, "Are you asking me to return to work? Well forget it!" No, he wants to know if she remembers the night they spent together before she married Samuel Cachon.

Nidia is outraged. What are you insinuating!? I arrived at the altar a virgen!!!! Angarita assures her he could never forget that night and he doubts she could either, but Nidia contends that with her memory problems, thank God that's one thing she's forgotten.

A hot dream sequence follows. Haven't we all had those elevator fantasies? But I digress...it's the Advil talking.

Anyway, Juan dreams that he and Paula are waiting for the elevator together. They get on, just the two of them. He prays to Santo Niño to press the right button and lo and behold, the elevator stops, he declares his love, Paula responds...DRAT! a commercial breaks the spell...but then we're back, clothes are coming off, "te amos" are being said and DOUBLE DRAT! Ivonne wakes him up, tells him she's going to lunch with Fernando and asks if he needs anything.

Clearly he does...some better air-conditioning for one thing. He's hot and bothered and darn disappointed. As are we. He explains to Ivonne that he was thinking about a business prospect concerning elevators and also warns her not to play with the buttons.

Sandro and Marely are having a deep discussion over lunch. He's talking philosophy, she's looking dazzled. And surprised that he has such a philosophical interest given his background in business. He replies that business can lead to material riches but one can still remain so "poor" inside. She's double dazzled.

He's afraid he's boring her. On the contrary, do you know how long it's been since I've talked about anything really important with someone? she asks.

Okay, I'm on board...clearly Sandro is a better match for Marely than Juan. I'm ready to let go of that dream.

Then Sandro wants to know why a young woman with her education, her beauty (what's that got to do with it?) is stuck in a job like hers. She replies that first of all, Paula is her half-sister and she's her right-hand man. Also she's learning a lot from Paula and when the time is right, another job will present itself.

Besides, she's a little afraid of change. He admits he is also. (Excuse me while I try and get my cat off my notes). Okay...where was I...oh he adds that she could have the world at her feet. Marely continues to be dazzled. Who wouldn't be?

Brief return to one of our plot extensions. Lorenzo is phoning Juan to tell him he's been reinstated and furthermore will be giving Flor extra tutoring so she can catch up with the other kids. Juan says he'll help out by buying books for her and anything else she needs. Lorenzo assures him Juan has a big heart. For sure!

Ah, back to our courting couple...really Marely is looking quite lovely as Sandro offers to look over her application for a scholarship. She's dazzled all right but also puzzled...he looks so much like Cesar Luis but is sooooo different.

Just then the old devil calls and is furious when he figures out that Sandro is with Marely. And she is temporarily suspicious that Sandro is fending off the questions of a girlfriend.

Cesar Luis wants Sandro on Paula's case 24 hours a day but Sandro puts him off...and scores more points with Marely by saying the caller was his old boss trying to get him back but Sandro has found what he's always been looking for at Farrell...and we know, and so does Marely, that's it's not the crappy salary he's talking about.

Another romance, if you wish...Pastor and a multi-hued Herbierto. Words fail me when I try to convey the impact of his outfit. If you missed the show, you missed a rainbow. Orange suit, green shirt, deep orange tie. The wardrobe folks are having fun.

Pastor is trying to coach him for better things by teaching him about "organigramas" (flow charts) but Herbierto thinks it's some kind of musical instrument and says he's hopeless at music...though he could dance, given some insruction!

And another romance...stalled at this point. Willy is accusing Ana of avoiding him. She pleads work pressures and the need to cover bare walls of the gallery with new paintings. He wants to get to know her better...not as a friend but as something more. She avoids answering and he's left looking baffled, once again.

Yadira is also baffled...why does Angarita keep staring at her? "Tengo monos en la cara o que?" (do I look funny or what?) Angarita covers by saying that he's just thinking about her and Enrique and the baby and how to help them...because...well, because he thinks of them like family.

She warns Angarita not to put her and Kike "en lo mismo plato" because she's not ready to make a decision to return to him yet. First she wants to change her image...from a lazy uncultured (add your own adjectives here) to an independent woman who can support herself. Not like her mother who married out of economic

Angarita approves her plan and notes that she's "luchona" (a fighter) and has "caracter"...just like himself.

Sandro and Marely have returned from lunch, stars still in their eyes, and she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek. He stammers (trabar or trabarse) as he has a tendency to do when around her.

Then the phone rings and it's the evil twin again wanting to get Sandro back on his Paula assignment. Sandro tells Cesar to stop pressuring him...besides he's getting important info from Marely. For instance, that Juan is dating Hillary Paris.

Juan and Paula fight like cats and dogs and clearly Juan has interest in this other woman. Cesar scoffs (nobody said he was stupid) but Sandro sticks to his story.

In the meantime, Juan, as a peace offering, has brought tacos to Paula's office. He sucks it up and says she's right, they would do well to hire Sandro.

And then you'll have more time to pursue your millionaress girlfriend, right? she snipes back. I imagine she's very demanding.

Oh no, quips Juan, she's very understanding and tender, never angry...LIKE SOME PEOPLE I KNOW! And some more blah blah about watching home movies, Hillary snuggled up on his shoulder. You know, fuel to the fire.

Pastor, in the meantime, has been called out of the office by Angarita who can't wait to tell him that now he's sure...Yadira is HIS daughter!

Now Sandro and Paula are talking, but she is still visibly upset by her discussion with Juan. She tells Sandro that Juan is someone who can turn an apology into Chinese torture.

And they talk about the Hillary Paris story. Paula believes it's another of Juan's lies, Sandro maintains that a woman who has had everything from birth would find a simple, normal man like Juan attractive. Normal!!!!???snorts Paula, that's the last thing Juan is. (Gotta agree there)

No matter...Sandro has a plan. If Hillary really is Juan's girlfriend, why shouldn't they request that he introduce them? Imagine the flow of money if Farrell could become the purveyers of foodstuffs to the chain of restaurants the Paris family owns!!

Juan, ever suspicious, breaks in on their discussion and then is horrified to find that, since his romance with Hillary is an open secret (secreto a voces) why not introduce them?

And thus we end, with Juan, as usual, in a tight spot of his own making.

ya me chamaqueron they pulled a fast one on me
salir airoso de algo acquit oneself well in something
voltearse la tortilla shoe is on the other foot
dame punteria give me a clue, give me a shot
trabarse to get tonguetied (what happens to Sandro when he's with Marely)
a como dé lugar anyway we can
organigrama flow chart
verduleros de mercado vegetable sellers but used as in "fighting like fishwives"
un secreto a voces an open secret
tengo monos en la cara? do I look funny?


JudyB, whatever the heck you're taking, keep taking it! What a delightful recap! You've been holding out on us, though--you gotta be taking a Spanish Slang course. This is one of the best lists of dichos I've ever seen! Congrats! (Also congrats on the new grandbaby, etc., and we know full well you're complaining with deep pride about how grandkids give you everything they've got,including colds). Welcome back, Amiga!



Judy, thanks for the fabulous recap and welcome back. You were really on your game tonight in spite of feeling sick. I bet it is nice to be in your own home again. Rest well, amiga. We are glad to have you back with us again.

Notice Ultimas semanas prominently displayed now.

Judy B, I will ask this question again...in last night's episode, when Sandro was talking to Paula in her office, he used the words "no crest"... I am looking for the meaning of the word "to crest", or "tu crest", which I have heard only on this Telenovela show.... I can not find this in any translation dictionary, does any one know what this word, or phrase is in english.

I have always heard "the apple never rolls to far from the tree", Ana, Paula's mom was showing her milkshakes last night, and has Willy's head spinning. Paula had on close toe pumps, and although it was a dream, her and Juan made out...My theory continues to be on point.

Hi folks...thanks for those kind words. At least, while doing the recap, I was not concentrating on how lousy I felt and how bad my throat hurt. Work (I also dragged myself in to teach my classes) is a great antidote to any pain, physical or emotional, no?

Anon #1, I'm sure, along with the other commenters, that what you are hearing is "Tu crees?" It's said all the time in Spanish conversations (a good phrase to know if you're trying to get fluent) and, as Schoolmarm or Cheryl, don't remember which, translated...it's like saying "You think so?" And since Sandro is "tutearing" Paula, I believe...I know he's "tutearing" the lovestruck Marely, that would be likely to come up in their conversation.
There are certain little interjections useful to throw in conversations even if you're lost in the language. "Claro" is one, "como no" another, "no me digas" and so forth.
Decades ago, when I was working in Vienna Austria and struggling to shop with my limited German, I learned the trick of saying just a few words and then pausing...the salesgirl, beautician or whatever, would jump in and finish my sentence and I would smile and say "ja, ja" and we'd get our business done.

Advil seems to have no ill effect on Judyb- excellent recap! Juan and Harpy are getting sooo tiresome, something needs to change between them. I, too have given up on Juan/Marely, Sandro is a much better match, and seems to be such buena gente, except for participating in this deception. So with Marely apparently being paired with SS, and so little time left, that leaves our "hero" with Paula? Laura? YEOWW!!...Anon#1- I agree, you must be referring to "tu crees", which is somewhat pronounced like "tucrest", but is actually along A, (english pronunciation), kinda quickly morphing with a short A, jjust listen very carefully, and you'll hear it...I, for one will be glad when JQJQ is done, I have so much better things to do from 7-8 p.m. on summer evenings, but it's been a fun run...

Welcome back JudyB, this was a hilarious recap! Congratulations on the new addition to your family. And cute story about your experience in Vienna.

I think 'tengo monos en la cara' is one of the best sayings I've heard in a long time. I'm glad you caught it, it went over my head.

I'm now rooting for Sandro and Marely. I always said I didn't like our poor Marely always having to settle for sloppy seconds. Of course we've got 3-4 more weeks of CL getting in their way, sigh.

Thanks JudyB, it's GREAT to have you back!

JudyB, I'm gonna pick up a bottle of Advil since it clearly did not impair your concentration and thinking. They should pay you for the advertising!
Off the wall remark, if I may: if any of you folks are old enough to remember the old "Rowan & Martin Laugh In" show, do you think Yulia's pal in the lounge looks like Ruth Buzzi?
Agree that Juan has run its course, though the Sandro-Marely twist is a nice touch.

dorado dave, did the e-mail / username work?...I will listen for the "A" in "to crest". as I tape the show because their is a lot that can be done between 7 and 8. By taping the show, I don't have the ability to see the close captions, which would give me the spelling...But I think Schoolmarm set me straight, as "to crest", seem to fit situations that the english phrase "you think" would fit.

As much as I like to see Paula, I too am growing tired of JQ. I have been tempted to just go to you-tube, where the final episode has been posted....but I have been on this train since last August, so I plan to ride it out for the next 3 - 4 weeks.

No one is commenting on Ana, she looks as "hot to trot" for Willy, as her daughter is for Juan. I can't understand Juan's feeling for Laura, if he so truly loves Paula....Juan is still "as dumb as a box of rocks"...If it was Fern, he would be sleeping with both of them and their sisters..(jerk)

I agree with Anon#1..This novela is so over and has been for quite some time..

The real life drama for Juan is his life off the novela..What a soap opera..Regards to all & Schoolmarn Jeanne..

Hey, ExportRed, Hi!! Nice to see you pop in again!

Anon #1, you are so right about Ana. She's not wearing skirts down to her toenails (e.g., see Schoolmarm picture) buttoned up to her nose. She's good to go, if she'll only let herself!


Hello Export Red ... where can I read about Juan's off novela, real life drama? Has any one heard where Paula will surface on novela after JQ?

I will watch any show, any time on telenovelas, that she is playing a role in....I love the way she talks with her hands, amoung other things

Anon#1...I went back and looked at the tape, there were two instances in the conversation with Sandro and Paula where I think you might have heard "tucress"...one time on of them said "como crees?" and the other time she/he? said "no crees?"
And even when I tape, the closed captions come through...all you have to do is press the button on remote or hit closed caption manually as I have to do on my tv downstairs and they will come through. So try and and get twice the enjoyment.
I think Export Red may have been referring to some articles on Juan that have been in TV & Telenovelas magazine (something like that). Haven't seen any on Paula but Lord knows, she's photogenic and would merit a BIIIIIG picture.
Dorado Dave, glad you're on board with Marely's new romance. Know you've been rooting for her and Sandro is more learned than our lovable Juan so long term interest looks better for the two of them.
And thanks Sylvia...almost didn't put down "monos en la cara" because I thought everyone knew it already but Mariposa's comment the other day alerted me to the importance of our vocab list so I stuck it in.

And Mike...yes!!!!she is a Ruth Buzzi look-alike...I'm old enough to remember...and how.
And Export Red, glad to see your byline popping up again...we've missed you. Do you like Yadira any better now that she's trying to better herself?

Anon#1 ...PeopleenEspanol re:Susanna Gonzalez or email me @ MHINTLFREIGHT@YAHOO.COM,and I'll give you the details...

Hello Jeanne,my friend in Iowa..Hope you and your mom are doing better,since the passing of your dad...Keep your chin up...


Thank you,JudyB. Not as addicted to the most current novelas as with past ones,i.e, LFMB or Destilando Amor...I still have great hope that a real exciting one to keep us spellbound is coming along soon..Maybe after "Juan"?


Hi, again, Maureen--we're both doing better, thanks for asking. Life goes on and since this is spring, the end of the year school activities are coming fast and furiously-they keep me too busy to think anyway.


Hi ExportRed, always nice to hear from you. We're all hoping for something fantastic to follow JQ.

Regarding the Lounge Lizardess, she certainly does look like Ruth Buzzi!

Maureen...yes, I am hoping like mad that the next one we recap has Jaime Camil in it (something with Tontos in the title) but so far they haven't been running any preview ads for the new show along with the "ultimas semanas" notice. Even if the script was yucky, Jaime would keep my interest, at least for a little while.
So there's an article on our Juan actor in Peoplenespanol? Guess I haven't gotten my issue yet. I subscribe to Vanidades, Selecciones and People, just to get extra help[ on my vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Helps a lot.

JudyB. As noted previously, I haven't been watching "Juan" very much,but have noticed that Yadira is back with Kiki,and seemingly turning her life around.Glad they're back together...I made some unkind remarks about her, that I have to take back now..Ha..Ooops..Just noticed you have a new bebe in the family from what I just read...Congratulations to you and the happy parents..

Hello Sylvia Sharkbait & Jeanne..

Jaime Camil is coming back with Ms. Bustamonte in a novela? Is this the same Jaime, who had so many projects-- was the new Hollywood heart-throb--so in demand after LFMB rapped that he didn't have time to do another novela?
Where's Angelica Vale these days..? She's my favorite actriz,but bless her heart,she is packing on the "pounds"..I think Jaime Camil dumped her after LFMB was over..Speak of the devil, Ms Bustamonte is just now on El Gordo y La Flaca...Sorry,just got off message...Regards,Maureen

Well yes, evidently Jaime did find time in his schedule to do another telenovela. Don't know whether the Hollywood thing has worked out yet. Our Pasion hero though has certainly made inroads in that department.
Wish J.C. much success but would love another telenovela with him in it. And me a recapper! An excuse to view and review the tape.

Great job, JudyB! And under the weather, too. Thanks much and hope you are feeling better soon!

anon #1, I guess that I don't exactly understand what's going on- to post a comment, I'm always aked to verify the "word". It works fine each time as long as I leave the 'puter on 24/7. When I have to shut 'er down (I'm remodeling the house), it takes forever for everythign to load back up, like my computer has somehow lost its connection to the webpage, or something, and the webpage doesn't recognize that it's me, trying to use my account, and does not allow me to enter my password. I have to go to a different page and enter email address and password again. Then it works fine till I have to shut things down again. It's really no big thing, I just like to understand things sometimes, maybe I'm better off in blissful ignorance; but my philosopy is the choice to remain ignorant is my definition of stupidity, so I'm ina bit of a quandry. Making way too much of it, I'm sure. Enough said, the is a certain theme song palying, better watch the trainwreck...and a disguised word to verify, looks like "maazm"

Anon #1, keep the faith. It took me forever to figure out some of these blog quirks. And, if you know a teenager, ask him or her how to do it. They know the ins and outs of using blogs way better than we will ever imagine.


Schoolmarm...I finally figured it out, I told dorado dave, to use your e-mail address, you registered with as your user name, and then enter your password, where it says "choose an identity", and it is smooth sailing from then on, but you still have to enter the characters.

Excellent, Anon #1!


This comment has been removed by the author.

Judy B, thank you for the recap, it was very good. I think we won't get a good novela after Juan because of the schedule, usually the "good" ones air at 9 and 1o, however if there is a team that deserves something good is this one.

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