Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #103, Wednesday 6-18: What a difference three years makes…or not.

In case you missed last night (or did not read Beckster's excellent recap--in which case, shame on you!) three years have passed. Three years of Luciana drinking alone in her room…well, that's not so different. Three years of Marisela and Bobby going out while Marisela makes eyes at Mateo. Three years of Valeria modeling and Rocky missing her. Three years of Mili continuing to date Hugo instead of calling up Alejandro to say "Oh, by the way, we're not related." I can't explain that one, unless it's due to Hugo's new haircut of awesomeness (thanks, hair people!). In other news, Constancio won his election, and Mili, Lina, and Gloria managed to finish school. So, tonight is their graduation party from "la prepa" (high school, more or less--in Mexico only K-9 are mandated, at least in theory).

Padre Manuel has convinced Constancio to make a speech for the occasion. If you think this is finally the moment he's going to admit that Mili is his daughter, then in the words of George Strait, "I've got some ocean front property in Arizona." On to tonight's show:

Constancio ends up saying, "I'm proud you're my…uh, that you're part of my…uh, that you're part of this house." Everybody claps, but Milagros is devastated, once again. And PM is doubting his knowledge of human nature. Hugo is surprised to hear Constancio talk like that. Mili can't understand why he won't fess up already, but she insists he's got to be the one to make the first move.

In his study, Constancio pats himself and Rosario (via photo) on the back for producing such a great daughter. That he won't acknowledge. Heck, two out of three ain't bad, right. He thinks since Rosario didn't forgive him, Mili won't either.

Luciana looks at magazines with Valeria on the cover, then at a picture of Alejandro. She's missing her kids, but she forgets neither of them would be talking to her if they were actually here, so what's the diff?

Hugo retrieves a little box from his room. Braulio comes in to ask if he's proposing today and wishes him luck. And downstairs they go.

Sor Cachete and Madre Superior talk about how nice Constancio's words were. Lina suggests putting on some music to liven up the party, which they finally do. It's bailongo night at Casa Belmonte. Hugo and Braulio come rushing downstairs. Sor Cachete asks Braulio to dance--he sure as heck doesn't swing that way! He ends up doing the robot a little bit. Luciana comes downstairs screaming that maids don't dance in her household. She specifically requested Morbid Maids, not Merry Maids. She screams that she's leaving and calls them all nacos, to which Mili responds, "nacos las pelotas!" Now, why does Mili saying "pelotas" always get muted out? I know she's saying "balls" but what's so bad about that? Does anyone know if they muted it out in Mexico? And finally, how am I supposed to learn all the good curse words if they don't let me hear them? Luciana leaves and it's back to the party. Mateo's friend, Fernando, hits on Lina, but Bobby tries to bust them up. Good question, Fernando, where is Bobby's girlfriend? Constancio's standing there with his hands in his pockets while everybody else dances.

Marisela is outside by the fountain kissing Mateo. Gross. How could she be attracted to him, with his ratty face and his old man sweaters? My apologies to any actual old men reading, I'm sure you'd never be caught dead in such horrid sweaters as Mateo keeps wearing. Who did he piss off in the costuming department?

Braulio comes into the kitchen to snap at Karla for not attending to the guests. She refuses to wait on other "servants." Rocky and Lina come in to say they're running low on drinks. Lina pisses off Karla by calling her "stepsister," so Rocky volunteers to go get drinks. I hadn't noticed before tonight, but there's an egg holder in the background shaped like a chicken. That has nothing to do with anything.

So, who's gonna watch Querida Enemiga?

Luciana's hitting the piano bar again. We see the back of someone's head and I'm betting it's Nestor. She orders a whiskey and Nestor comes over to ask what a bar like her is doing in a girl like this. He hasn't been able to forget her, he's legally divorced now, and he'd like to get some of that Drunky Luci lovin'. Luciana says her husband is still cheating on her with Andrea, the kids are gone, she feels like she's losing it all. Nestor's like, "Hello! What am I, chopped liver? Divorce Constancio and let's get married." Nestor hasn't gotten the memo that Luciana has no spine unless it comes to tormenting those she believes are beneath her.

Rocky is fetching the drinks from the trunk when a cab pulls up. None other than Valeria "Snotty Spice" Belmonte. He calls "Chiquita!" She looks like she wants to roll her eyes, but she's just too sad to.

Hugo stops the music and proposes to Mili. I think for as much as Hugo's worth, I should be seeing a whole lot more sparkle coming out of that box. Of course, we all know Mili's not that kind of girl. She'd probably be happier if he'd opened up the box and proposed with a big fat check to the Milagros Lascurain Charitable Foundation aka Save The Orphans of St. Deceptions Fund. Oh, never mind, she says yes right away. Not like a happy, excited "yes," but more like "aw, aren't you sweet, yeah, sure." She looks like she's going to cry. The bling looks much better out of the box. Mili and Hugo kiss. Braulio looks like he's wondering if he's backed the right horse…or maybe he's just verklempt.

When we return from commercials the kiss is still going on. The ladies gather around Milagros to ooh and aah over the ring. Braulio tells Hugo he applauds his romanticism, but thinks that Hugo needs to ask Milagros' father for her hand. Hugo approaches Constancio and asks for Milagros' hand…from Padre Manuel. Constancio's relieved and Braulio asks him who he thought Hugo would ask. Heh, who knew Hugo had a sense of humor? The gals wonder when the wedding will be and Hugo suggests next week, if Padre Manuel will agree to marry them. He does, "of course." Hey, I know it's been three years, but has everybody forgotten (a) Alejandro? And (b) that they're not actually related? I'm guessing he'll be back just in time to shake things up.

Nestor continues trying to convince Luciana to leave Constancio. Dude, have you not realized she's a masochist? What other explanation could there be? Luciana says she's afraid and she can't. Idiot. She tells Nestor to forget her…again. Riiiiight, cause he listened the first time?

Rocky is happy to see his Chiquita, digo, Señorita Valeria. She does this strange sideways walk closer to him while not looking at him at all. Valeria confirms she's not a dream and slaps his hand away, screaming at him not to touch her. She orders him to hurry up and help the taxi driver with her bags. Rocky's never been so happy, his Chiquita is back! And it's just like the old days when she used to senselessly berate him!

Valeria walks into the party. Constancio is also happy to see her. She's doing some work for a catalog in Mexico. Rocky stumbles in with all the bags. She's back to calling him Morgan. She tells him to hurry up and take her bags upstairs. Bobby comes over to say hi and she disses him like back in the old days, telling him to go away. She asks about the party. Constancio tells her the gals have graduated and Hugo and Mili are engaged. Valeria mocks him for proposing to Mili yet again, then she says she's going upstairs to sleep and they should turn down the music. Constancio declares the party over. He hints he's starting to see some of Luciana in her and seems sad. Marisela gripes at Bobby that she can't see what he ever saw in her. Marisela is still playing the good girlfriend in public. I thought I liked her, but now I see she may be just as bad as her sister.

Upstairs, Rocky is still struggling with the bags. Valeria orders him out, but he won't go until he tells her how much he missed her. Valeria tells him he's just the chauffeur and should treat her with respect and keep his distance. I vote he washes the car with his shirt off tomorrow. It worked before. He pulls out her letter to him and says he reads it twice a day. She snatches it back. She starts reading it in an over-dramatic way. She finally says she couldn't have written something so tacky. She agrees it's her handwriting, but she doesn't understand why. She would have to have been mad to write it to someone who's not worth two cents. She rips up the letter and shoves him out before he can pick up the pieces. Oh, but I don't think she's as unaffected as she pretends to be…please, show, I need a reason to go on!

Romulo is in Yolanda's room crying over her. Sor Cachete comes in, saying she's got a bit of a hangover from the party punch last night…she didn't know what she was drinking! Oh, that Sor. Romulo says he's proud of Gloria, but sad she didn't invite him. He comes to visit Yolanda when Gloria won't be there. Sor C says she brought Gloria with her, so he leaves. Gloria comes in and doesn't acknowledge him and she doesn't want to talk to SC about it either.

Damian and his boyfriend talk about women while they look at a girlie magazine. Damian tells his boyfriend he sure as heck won't marry Karla. Damian still thinks Karla will (a) get him out of jail and (b) continue making conjugal visits. Damian asks his boyfriend if he's got friends on the outside who can discredit Constancio.

Karla's brilliant method of getting Damian out of jail is to beg and whine to Constancio. And to tell him how much Damian is suffering. Constancio just grins. Karla says she'll do "anything." Constancio tells her to quit playing at the femme fatale with him and get off his desk! He wants to know why she's helping Damian and he won't accept "I love him" as an answer. Karla says it's because he promised to marry her and she's tired of being a servant. Well, perhaps she should think about getting another job rather than snagging a rich husband. Tart. Constancio cracks up laughing. He says some things are going to change. He tells her to go make her usual conjugal visit, but to do what he (Constancio) tells her to do.

Luciana is happy to have Valeria back. Valeria just stares at her as she picks at her fruit plate. Luciana complains about how terrible her life is, what with daddy throwing parties for servants. Seriously, that's her only complaint? Luciana wants Valeria to tell her all about Paris. Valeria's not in the mood. Uh, Luci, you had your chance. Quit trying to live through your daughter? Luciana asks if there's a man, but Valeria says men are all "tarados" ("retards") and she won't fall in love again.

Rocky is trying to piece back together Valeria's letter and crying. Horacio doesn't understand why it's in pieces. Rocky cries that Valeria hates him. Horacio takes the opportunity to say "I told you so." Rocky cries that he lost her forever.

Damian's boyfriend calls Constancio to tell him that Damian plans to have him discredited and also to watch out for Karla. Constancio says something about things changing tomorrow. Boyfriend turns around and Damian is right there. He says he might have some guys to spread rumors about Constancio, but they might need money. Boyfriend also tells him it's a good idea not to marry Karla and get tied down. He crows about some woman he had a thing for and who "betrayed" him, but one day he'll get out and she'll pay…oh, no, tell me this is not the guy who raped Socorro. You know how it is, everyone is connected with everyone else.

Karla is skanking it up for her next conjugal visit. Socorro is not happy about this. She tries to get Karla to give up on Damian. Karla tells Socorro that Damian will marry her once he gets out. She storms out.

Constancio and Hugo go over some work stuff. I can't get over Hugo's new haircut. He looks so much better. Constancio tells Hugo he's happy about the way he's been managing the company. I guess Hugo would be the only person left to do it while Constancio's out playing man of the people. He's also happy that Hugo is making Milagros happy…and he hopes this time the bride doesn't get away! Hugo actually laughs at this. Constancio announces that by the time they get married, Damian will be out. Andrea, with much bigger, wavier hair than usual, stands at the door of Constancio's office, grinning like the shameless hussy she is.

Padre Manuel and Mili coach a futbol match. Mili's style is more violent than Padre Manuel's. Padre Manuel forgot to tell her he wants her to teach them to play clean, not teach them all her tricks. Halftime is called and Padre Manuel gives them a lecture on playing clean. Mili flashes back to more of Mili and Alejandro's greatest smooches. As she breathes that she misses him, we see the piece of green gum sitting in her mouth. Attractive.

Andrea picks on Hugo about trying for Mili again. Hugo's tired of it and he tells her to stay out of it. Andrea doesn't believe he's changed. Hugo says he was never evil, he just let her influence him too much, but that can be fixed. Andrea tells him that after what she tells him, the "right" thing to do is help Mili get the love of her life back. Hugo says that's over. Andrea asks if it's the blood thing? She says she's always known about that, but she also knows it's a lie--Constancio isn't Alejandro's real dad!

Tomorrow: Karla tells Damian that marrying her is his get out of jail free card. Hugo tells Mili that Alejandro needs to know they're not related so he can decide whether he's going to leave Florencia.


duGod help us all I don't want to see a church wedding with Hugo and Mili or he will have to die at the end. I just can't see how they are going to get around it. Flo ain't going to let go of Al and Marisela seems to want to have rich Bobby on the string and play with Matt the Rat. At least we found out his friend's name.

In the credits there are several new names including another guy and I wonder who and what part he will play.

Give Karla her due she is persistent but what the heck she sees in Damian beyond maybe a checkbook is beyond me. You'd think she might have made some moves on all those rich YOUNG guys hanging around Mili.

Connie of course still lacks the stones to tell Mili the truth and she is so stubborn she is refusing to make the first move. I wonder which of them will finally do it. Connie still goes on in blissful ignorance and hurts Mili with his behavior with Val. Have to admit it bugs me too especially when you can see how much it bothers her.

So Snobby Spice returned from Paris. I wonder if Rocky will try to get her back or give her up as a lost cause and let her become the junior version of her mother.

The new question of the day - will Al make it back in time for Mili's wedding or like her will he find out a terrible truth too late.

Hey 5 ft., thanks for the info on the Mexican educational system, "pelota" (so you read lips?) wish I could, "verklempt" (that brought back a lot of wonderful memories) and your incredible attention to detail.

I never noticed the egg holder or the green gum. Julie (Fuego) also has that ability to spot little details). Guess I'm just too busy sneaking looks at the closed captions.

Interesting how the guys' hairdos (Alejandro and Hugo) are the questions that really stir our interest. Sorry script-writers.

Anyway, I'm sure we're in for another painful wedding scene but how it will end I have no idea.

Woo...and what a thought...that scary prison dude and Socorro...and then he'd be Karla's dad. You must be right! 'cause Socorro is nicely padded (not fat, just comfy) so that's another clue.

Stay tuned...

5ft, I think Mateo's ugly sweaters are Alex's castoffs from the Acorralada wardrobe closet--except on Mat they are loose and on Alex they were pec-revealing tight.

Decie, maybe Hugo and Mili will get married, but he will be in a car accident and back in a wheelchair again. Hence, no consummation.

Another casualty of the three-year gap is Braulio's social life. Have they stopped going to Rodeo?

I'm still worried about Lina's getting taken advantage of by that friend of Mateo's.

Poor Rocky. However, I think that storyline might get resolved soon. I hope. Val looked to be wearing a wig to show her hair had grown much longer in three years.

Is Andrea really trying to do the right thing, or does she have some ulterior motive? I can't figure it out.

How is Karla making conjugal visits if they aren't married? I don't think most states allow that in the U.S.

P.S. Another great talent, 5ft. Thanks for lip-reading "balls." At last we know! I'm not surprised they bleep that out for the U.S. audience. You would not hear that word on prime-time English speaking network shows, or at least 8-o'clock hour.

Sorry for the multiple comments, but I see that 5ft is really worried about Rocky and Val. I think she's ready to crack. Rocky will work his magic on her, and then they will remind Connie of his promise to let them get married if she went to Europe for two years.

Thanks 5ft! I'm really starting to like Hugo. I am actually wondering if he & Mili just might end up in a real marriage. Of course that would seal his death sentence.

I don't know; I'm still not convinced Mili is really into the idea of being married to Hugo. I see no passion or anything there, just sort of vague affection.

The chicken egg holder has been there for months. There are frequently funny things in the background of this show, and also things that weirdly change. For example, nothing else in Val's room appeared to have changed since she walked out 3 years before, but the bed was different. Someone must have gotten tired of those tall bed posts that always looked like they were going to fall off when someone leaned on them dramatically. Also, did they always have that white piano down in the sala? And I am dying to know where the stairs in the study lead to.

I hope Val caves soon. I think she will once Rocky explains why he did what he did, but a little shirtless soaping up can't hurt.

I noticed a kooky detail too!

When Connie was talking to fake Mili's dad: Next to Dad's head was an Encylopedia Britannica yearbook for the year 1960. Likely a product of one of those places where set designers can buy books in bulk.

LMAO over the comments about the props. One thing about this show I haven't seen recycled props from other shows like you sometimes do. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened I just didn't see it. Remember those turquoise pencils in LFMB? I saw them in at least two other shows, maybe because I love the color and wanted them for myself. And, then there were the wooden watermelon decorations in La Madrasta which were making a second appearance.

I didn't notice Val's bed change but I remember thinking the other night that I was surprised that Mili had changed her room so much from what it had been like when it was Regina's. I guess the old lady stuff had to go but I would have thought she might have kept something.

I love those winding staircases in the study and always wanted a place where I could have a library that had multiple levels. I was surprised that they seem to go down below. I wouldn't think too many houses in the DF had basements but then I guess MIli had to have a hiding place where she could see Connie's face.

Just to clarify my comment about a "real" marriage between Mili & Hugo. I know that she's still in love with Alejandro and she has no passionate love for Hugo - I meant that she might just go ahead and marry him and consumate the marriage, assuming she'll never have the love of her life. She cares about Hugo and knows he really loves her, so she might just try to make the best of it. She accepted his proposal immediately and can't expect Hugo to settle for a marriage without physical intimacy. And she seems much more comfortable kissing him now than before. Of course that runs contrary to my experience with telenovelas, where the female lead remains pure for her true love. But we have several months to go and after three years, Alex isn't just going to walk out on Flor (unless she gives him a really good reason).

I just realized that Alex is on the short list of family who DON'T know now that he's not Constancio's biological son. In addition to his mother and Constancio, his wife knows, Mili, Hugo, Andrea (ok, not really family), & Damian (am I forgetting anyone? PM & Nestor don't know for sure) Depending on how the marriage is going, that might be the final straw for him with Flor.

It's kind of fun that they haven't showed us what's going on with Flor & Alex yet, it builds the anticipation.

Wow, 5ft! You really hit it out of the park with this recap. Terrific!

I saw the gum too. At least you have to hand it to the continuity people but yeah, gross.

Things that left me wondering:

Why is Luci asking Vale about her adventures in Paris? Hasn’t Vale written/phoned/e-mailed once in 3 years?

Why on earth did Luci turn down Nestor? She was ready to run off with Bobby’s daddy early in the show and she has no reason to stay home now. Nestor looks like a good bet. Maybe she doesn’t like that he keeps taking her drink away?

Why is Andrea telling Hugo that Alex and Mili should be together and why did she tell him the Big Secret?

So...three years have gone by, and none of the family have talked to each other in that time, and no one has made new friends. Got it.

Re: props, I also like watching the various fruit bowls. Flor always had massive amounts of fruit for a woman living alone, but the quantity would vary, which made me wonder whether she was actually eating all those apples or maybe poisoning them and handing them out on the street. Also, the stuff on people's dressers is frequently entertaining, like weird toys and Al's picture of himself on his own dresser.

Very good, when I don't have to recap..I pay even less attention and I have a hard time paying much attention on recap nights. So thanks again. Now then folks you know the TeleNovela rule, the main babe never ever ever has sex with anyone other than her own true love..even in the more progressive ones, she may not have been a virgen to start, but never again after her time with her beloved. Al is allowed to have sex with Flor,but empty meaningless sex that meant fact he feels so dirty. So Mili will never do the deed with Hugo. If you are a skank like Andrea sometimes they let you have a happy turnaround and get to have a true love in the end..which is kinda cool cause you got to screw around and be all evil and still come out okay in the end.

See Ivonne on Juan Q.

Beckster, the one show that violated the telenovela rule was the odious Amar Sin Limites, but I believe you sat that one out.

The lead girl slept with evil Mauricio, then was doing it with the hero and Mauricio at the same time, then she was in the waterfall (see Fuego) with Agustin Arana. (okay, she had amnesia during the last part).

Still, I don't think they're going to follow that pattern in this show, esp. with 15-year-old actress Allisson.

Nina You are right. I've wracked my brain after watching novelas for over 10 years and except for the dreadful ASL can not think of a one where the lead female spread it around so much. Now the lead male is another story altogether. Just isn't going to happen here even if Mili marries Hugo.

Someone asked about Querida Enimaga. Based on what we've seen and a cast list of abysmally awful actors I'm passing and lots of luck to the recappers.QE does have some eye candy but that's no longer enough for me.

Yuck what is wrong with Univision these days two bad shows on at night and a pretty good one during the day. I do have to say that over the years I've probably seen more good shows on during the daytime than at night, probably because we aren't limited to those made in Mexico like we are during prime time.

So what's the good daytime show?...Palabra de Mujer? Haven't seen it but it's been mentionned several times on this line.

Yep, I'm one of the recappers doomed to Querida Enemiga when all the while I was desperately hoping for Tontos with Jaime.

Ah well, this will be character!

whoops...meant to say "build character"....must be getting late afternoon fuzzies...time to eat!

Hello to all ;)

Thanks for the awesome recap 5ft! I hadn't noticed the chicken egg holder, but now I have to keep an eye out for it! Oh, and Damian's bodyguard/snitch, etc. is named El Mono Salazar. Salazar is his last name, and his nickname is one of the many words for monkey. I too suspect he may be Karla's bio dad. He won't be as amused about Damian boinking her when he realizes it.

Mexico only requires K-6 education (at least that was the case 20 years ago, so I might be behind on the times). Once you enter Intermediate, you have to pay for your own textbooks and there is a small tuition, which probably goes up in High School. The public schools aren't too expensive unless you go to a vocational one. These are the ones where you graduate with a certificate to be a beautician or an auto mechanic or secretary, etc. Obviously things go up a lot more if they go on to college. My guess is the convent could only afford to pay for the kids to finish Jr. High. Ditto for Lina and her aunt. I am very glad they finally got around to giving Mili that allowance.

I think Luci is starting to get her just desserts. She's always been an alcoholic who Connie cheated on, but now neither of her kids is speaking to her and she has to watch Mili being doted on by Connie (except for the little fact of telling her the truth). The fact that Val hadn't visited once since she left and couldn't be bothered to have a conversation with Luci speaks volumes of just how much her already fragile relationship with her kids has deteriorated. Al had forgiven her slightly for giving her shares to Hugo, but was still very hurt and I can see why he's chosen to not keep in touch. Then again, you'd think that Flor would have kept her abreast of her plans to create some demon spawn. Yes, Luci needs to suffer some more, but having to endure the results of her actions is a very good start. By the by, Connie accidentally spilled the beans about being Mili's dad at Regina's funeral, so he knows that Luci knows, but not that Mili knows.

I have no clue why they keep bleeping the word "pelotas" (especially since it could mean any kind of ball, a soccer ball for example) in this one when they tend to keep "las pelotas del marrano" (literally, the pig's balls) in a TN they show in the daytime (maybe it's a Telemundo vs Univision thing). I did notice they bleeped it on YouTube, so they might have done it in Mexico as well.

I had high hopes for Marisela having better morals than the rest of her mafioso family. Technically, I don't think Bobby has more money than Mat (Mat finally got his parents' inheritance which was quite decent, and Bobby's parents are very much alive and he's been supporting himself on his salary at the construction place), so I'm not sure that's why she's still with him. Maybe she just needs more action than either of them can provide alone.

I'm not sure why Andrea told Hugo the truth, other than to show him he's not as nice as he thinks he is. From the previews it looks like he actually might be.

I took a very lengthy TN sabatical, but there have been a few heroines who didn't remain "pure" - though not many. The most recent just happened last night (probably going into tonight) in "La Traicion," where innocent Soledad ends up in bed with her beloved's twin brother. Not her fault, but them's the breaks. I can't remember the title for the life of me, but I seem to recall one with Ana Martin where she falls in love with a man who marries another. She agrees to marry a considerably older man and both end up having children from these relationships. In "Vanessa," our heroine dates one guy, leaves him for his brother (who she has a child with) and then goes back to the original once she realizes he's the one that truly loves her. It is highly unusual (heck, in "Madre Luna" she stayed chaste for over 20 years!) but it has been known to happen. Whether it will happen in this one is another story. Hugo seems determined to get Mili "the right way" and will probably refrain from touching her until he's certain she's not getting back with Al. It's quite noble of him, and I suspect the TN gods will forgive his previous "sins" and grant him someone new. If Andrea the skank could be reformed, those two might actually make it work. Either that or crazy Pilar could come back. They made for a lovely psycho couple...

I do hope Braulio gets a love life, and hopefully we'll see what has happened in the next few episodes.

As for the stairs in the study, it looks like the ones that go up lead to the upstairs bedroom (Braulio ran down them at one point to talk to Val), but we've seen no evidence of a basement. Maybe Connie has a secret vault down there (not terribly secret with the stairs right there, but still...) Maybe that's where they keep the endless supply of booze Luci keeps tapping into...

I know there's really no point in trying to make sense of the house layout, because it is obviously nonsensical, but it's fun to wonder what else we may not have seen yet. The outside views never seem to match the rooms inside the house, except for the kitchen wing. For example, many of the bedrooms seem to have balconies, but we don't see them on the outside as far as I can tell. The house does seem to be on a hill, because there is that big stone staircase outside, and also Connie and Luci's room is upstairs, but the view from their window seems not far off the ground. The pool is under part of the house, so that could be a basement-type area, but it wouldn't make much sense to access the pool through the study. Also, we've never Rocky and Horacio's living quarters, I don't think.

Doesn't Mili own the house now, since it was Regina's? I think it would be excellent if she gave Lina and Gloria nice rooms upstairs and left Karla in the bunkroom alone, then also used the bunkroom to store suitcases and old furniture and broken stuff. And maybe to keep the compost bin in.

Actually, I think it would be really funny if, when Damian finally comes home from the carcel, he finds that Karla has totally moved into his room and redecorated it and whatnot. Since they're going to be married and all.

JudyB, the good daytime show is Palabra de Mujer. I started watching it, but I haven't had time to catch up with all the episodes. I am trying to read some of the on-line Spanish summaries.

I encourage you to release yourself from the idea of character building through the recapping of a bad novela. If Queridas Enemigas is not good, you might want to take a break. Don't feel obligated.

I had to bail on recapping Amar after a few weeks, because it was unwatchable. There were two other people who bailed also, and we had all previously recapped the awful Acorralada. Believe me, Amar was worse. (Acorralada was funny bad; Amar was just bad.) Only our stalwart 5ft stuck with it all the way.

Margarita, thanks for filling in that detail about Luci and Connie. I somehow missed that. You have a wealth of information!

You're welcome NinaK ;) I have a great memory for useless information ;)

JudyB, I'd offer to replace you on QE, but have a class on Tuesday nights and who knows when I'd get around to it. However, if you find it too painful, I might be able to take the slot (It looks like you do alternate weeks) for a while until a permanent replacement can be found. Although the comparison between Lorena and an immigrant (the girl's leaving her hometown, not moving to another country that speaks another language!) and the miquoting of Barack Obama ("yes she can") in the ads are a little hokey, I have hopes for this one. The script seems to have potential (I'm only speaking of the previews, I haven't caught it on YouTube or anything like that) and I've always loved Maria Rubio. Luz Maria Jerez also seems to be pretty solid from the times I've seen her (for a while she was primarily a stage actress). No idea about the younger leads, so I may find myself disappointed. Time will tell...

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