Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fuego 6:19: "I'm afraid our love will never bear fruit." Heh.

If anybody would like to take over my Thursday slot - or half of it - let me know!

From yesterday: Sofia (wearing the oddest waist-cincher) gets barfy and realizes she's pregnant; the Reyes finally finish the cabaña and Gabriela is pleased she'll never see them again. "You low-lifes, you're all the same, in fact you remind me of low-life gal that came by here, name of Libia, God punish her." Juan stops her, Gab slaps him, he does something back as the girls come up and Sofia is shocked and stalks off saying "I won't let you lay a finger on Ma." Ma: "Leave here or I call the police!" The other girls arrive as Gab staggers and Sofia shoots daggers at Juan and his brothers drag him off the premises.

"I FEEL VERY BAD!," sobs Gabriela, she sobs and barks for quite a while, threatening to die and demanding that Sofia tell which bed her boots were under on "that night." Sofia refuses to tell, but gives BIG HINTS: "You'll know the truth soon, it's a truth that makes me happy, I won't be able to hide it."

Eva brings tea and Gab yells: "I should have run you off when you got pregnant, you're a whore like Libia, get out of here!"

At the bakery Oscar and Franco are worried about Juan's violence, after all it was he who reminded THEM to keep cool heads. Now he's hurt Jimena and Sofia. Juan looks - confused. "Yes, I suppose I've lost her forever."

Furd wants the Reyes boys in jail, she's satisfied with their absence. "Gabriela, how I wish I had been there to defend you! I'll be frank, I'm staying not just for Sofia, but for you, you are important, very important to me." They do mutual hand stroking, eeewww.

They are still hand stroking after the commercials and Gab says: "You're the best man I've ever known, how can Sofia not want you?" "Don't let's talk about it, rather, let's figure out how to get Gramps to sign those checks."

The girls debate getting a doctor and wonder why Juan was so aggressive. Sofia thinks he's very hurt she wouldn't go with him.

Were you astonished, as I was, by Oscar's huge and ridiculous headwrap in the next bakery scene? It looked like a bathing cap. Juan is sorry he upset the girls but not sorry he slapped Gabriela to defend Libia's honor. Juan's wearing a very clean shirt today. Quintina arrives with Libia's picture all repaired; Juan tells Libia that he misses her, that things are complicated, that his love is destined for disaster, that it "will never bear fruit."

And, oh yeah, Quintana and Juan tell each other how much they miss Gramps, now that he's gone back to the hacienda.

Gramps tells Sofia: "I understand you're bothered, but don't be so quick to judge - ask Juan why it happened." "I gave him his liberty, but now, well, maybe things have changed - Gramps, I need to tell you something wonderful and delicate -- " He's all happy about his first grandchild, he advises Sofia to stop worrying what Ma thinks and make the child's happiness her first responsibility.

Oscar still insists he'll be marrying Jimena, but evidently in some episode I missed Jimena saw him embrace Rosario and now she is very hostile. She tells Sofia about the pact she and Tweedle made - to pretend to be a couple, thereby getting all parental units off their backs - Sofia agrees not to tell.

Tweedle-dum tells his auntie she was right, he'll marry Jimena, the uncle will be happy, the uncle and aunt will build an apartment for them on the grounds somewhere. "Where's Tweedle-dee?" asks Auntie. Tweedle-dum doesn't know. We see Tweedle-dee asking Common Folk if they know where Eugenia (his true love) is. Eugenia has gone to town looking for work. She runs into Quintana's nephew, who is instantly struck by her beauty, and his ma Hortensia says Don Saul down the street might need an employee.

Furd gets violent with Sofia in her bedroom again, claiming that her disappearance entitles him to full disclosure: "Where were you, and with what rat?" She shows some backbone. "From now on, I consider us free from each other - you may do as you please with your life, I will do the same. I don't want any fights - especially now, I have a powerful reason..."

Gabriela complains to Eva: "I can see in your eyes that you hate me." "No, I don't hate you, but it pains me you pretend to be so pious and yet show no compassion for the pain of a mother." Furd is eavesdropping and realizes Eva thinks Rosario is her daughter.

Gramps, in a hard-hat with land plats in his lap, is muttering, "These lands were not originally part of our hacienda..." when Gabriela barges in. "I see your, uh, illness has taken your manners away." "You are pathetic and ridiculous, and there are a lot of checks you have to sign for us." "I'll sign anything on the condition that Furd leaves here." "He'll never leave." "Then I won't sign anything." "You'll be sorry, I swear!"

Juan is having visions of Sofia in the bakery. He screams (beautifully, this was my favorite moment in the show) when Pablito shows up to work. Juan asks: "Do you see anybody?" "Uh, no." Juan starts showing him how to knead dough and then decides to use him as messenger again and sends a letter to Sofia: "I'm sorry, please let me explain," etc.

Juan goes nuts waiting for the response and eventually Pablito runs in, all out of breath, and eventually pants out that Sofia will come to the bakery this very afternoon. Juan is so happy, he throws Pablito around gleefully.

Sofia tells Eva about the baby, Eva says: "Fight for him - you deserve to be happy!"

Franco is carelessly dumping buns on the floor when Ofelia, Rosario's dresser, rushes in. "Something bad has happened to Rosario, she's disappeared."

We see Rosario with her son, who's trying to sleep but she is dripping tears on him and stroking him and saying "From now on, I'll forget about being a woman, I'll dedicate myself to being a mother." Furd comes in and says he offers Rosario an excellent bargain: all she has to do is "pretend" to be Eva's daughter, and maybe she actually is, and she'll win out either way.

Jimena is walking with Tweedle when Oscar comes by; she shows her ring. Oscar walks right by her to a nice babe who is standing conveniently at hand, calls her his queen, and sweeps her off. Tweedle can tell by Jimena's reaction: "You're in love with Oscar!" "It's that obvious?" "Why are you not together?" "He betrayed me." She says she wants to go on with the "pact" - to the end.

Eva and Sofia are trying to slip quietly down the stairs to hie themselves to the bakery but Gabriela catches them, barks "You're not going anywhere!" and "faints."

So while the girls are, as usual, hysterically tending to their mother, Juan is pacing in disappointment at the bakery till dark, when he decides to go find Sofia, he is determined that this very day Sofia will understand that Libia was his sister and that's why he reacted as he did...

... meanwhile Gabriela is shouting at all her daughters to leave her alone, Gramps wheels in and says "You're lying about this health thing," Gab yells: "You just want to see me dead, like you saw my mother dead, you killed her, assassin, murderer!" and continues in this vein as the sisters watch aghast and Gramps yells, "Yes, I was drunk, but YOU were driving!" Gabriela faints again. "Breathe, mama, breathe!"

At this moment Juan arrives on his horse and starts scaling the wall - unfortunately a guard with a gun stops him.

Tomorrow: Juan is shot dead. No, not really. Sofia tells her mom she's pregnant.


Melinama, thanks for the recap. :-) I was laughing in Gabriela's scenes tonight, especially at the big dust up in her bedroom with all three girls and the grandpa. Ah, that Diana Bracho is a pro; she had them all stirred up like a hornet's nest.

I didn't notice that Juan slapped Gabriela; I saw her slap him and Juan grab her wrist. That's why I thought Sofía's reaction to him was kind of harsh.

I had to wonder, when Hortencia's son took such a shine to Eugenia, just where that could be leading. It's going to come in somewhere, and I feel pretty sure Eugenia is going to wind up with the tall Uribe in the end. Hortencia's son will be out of luck, but must help her somehow.

I wonder what new threat and punishment Gabriela will devise to coerce Grandpa toe the line and sign the checks. Poor guy; he's been folded, bended, spindled and mutilated and still looks great in a hard hat.

Juan's hallucinations of Sofía living with him and working in the bakery sure looked good to me. I wish she were doing that, too. I especially liked her at the cash register. She could take over the books and get that business into shape.

But she looked sweet hanging up Juan's shirt, too. Those hallucinations were cute, but I hope we don't have to live on those for a long time after the bomb explodes tomorrow.

Melinama, thank you for the funny recap.

Someone, please call the Health Dept. I know Juan can be a little slow sometimes but when will he learn not to touch the hot bread. He then puts his burning fingers into his mouth, has to plunge his fingers into the water pitcher and adds the water from his fingers into the dough to add that distinctive taste to the Reyes pan and that's why everyone knows the taste of this pan.

Didn't Juan scream twice like a girl.

I do enjoy the music in this novela and in tonight's epi, one scene included a new theme which reminded me of some bluesy Southern music.

Diana Bracho's Crabi is just cracking me up though I do want to smack her so hard. I am enjoying this hairbrained novela.

Sorry this recap was not up to my usual standard. I feel such crushing ennui hearing them all say the same things over and over! Thanks for straightening out Juan's reaction to Gabi, as I've said before I have a small tv far away and miss a lot of physical details...

Melinama, no need to apologize for that crisply written, funny recap! Since the writers belong to the "lather, rinse, repeat" school of dramaturgy, so there's less to summarize.

Thank you very much for the recap...Geez it does get tedious doesn't it. I feel like I'm living my 7th grade year all over again except, Juan whoops John didn't love me. Yes, John I am sure you have lived in a hovel and regretted your decision ever since. These are indeed some of the most dysfunctional Tele persons I have ever seen. Usually there are a few, but my Gawd.

Let's see Sofie, I hope they make long black maternity skirts and frilly white maternity tops. I never know if time has passed cause she never changes. So anyhow Sofie can't go out the front door without Ma going into cardiac arrest, but she is going to stand in the street and announce I'm preggers?

Hee Hee Hee

Thank you very much for the recap...Geez it does get tedious doesn't it. I feel like I'm living my 7th grade year all over again except, Juan whoops John didn't love me. Yes, John I am sure you have lived in a hovel and regretted your decision ever since. These are indeed some of the most dysfunctional Tele persons I have ever seen. Usually there are a few, but my Gawd.

Let's see Sofie, I hope they make long black maternity skirts and frilly white maternity tops. I never know if time has passed cause she never changes. So anyhow Sofie can't go out the front door without Ma going into cardiac arrest, but she is going to stand in the street and announce I'm preggers?

Hee Hee Hee need to apologize. Even my desire not to disturb the cat was not enough to make me watch last night.

As soon as Crabiele and Feonando touched hands, I bumped Kizzie the cat off my lap and turned off the TV.

This kind of telenovela makes me want to do yard work....and I HATE yard work!

You're funny even when you're "crushed by ennui". Muchas gracias.

Thanks for the recap. I finally got to see the end of the Wednesday episode. Did Crabi actually tell Sophia to "go to her room?" I can tell you that if I told my kids (who are 20+) to go to their room they would laugh at me! The scene last night with Feo and Crabi was just too creepy. I can't wait for Juan to give Feo an "attitude adjustment." In the meantime I'll send Sophia my pepper spray as well as my stun gun!

anon 2:09, I like that jazzy theme, too; it showed up a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned at the time that it sounded kind of Gershwinesque, like from his musical, "Summertime" -- or the music from the movie, "The Long, Hot Summer."

And I think that's pretty appropriate, LOL; it's gonna be one. (And thank goodness, nobody is really eating Juan's bread.)

Can't explain it, but Gabriela's scenes with Fernando just crack me up. I can see them coming around the bend a mile away, and yet they are so funny.

Those two could do comedy; Bracho and Cantú are great. I noticed Diana faints and falls a lot better than Maria Sorté, too.

Melinama, I thought your recap was good; I really appreciate the work you put into it. I would offer to recap here; but I'd want to post it elsewhere as well, which I understand is not permitted. (Plus, I just write a straightforward account without merry derision.)

At least there was some action and a bit of tension at the end of the show. I keep wondering why I continue to watch it...

I recently bought the tape of LFMB and have watched that. It is amazing how many of that cast is in this: Jimena/Marcia; sarita/Carolina; Oscar/Rulli; Bernardo elizondo/humberto Mendiola; Tia Raquel/Teresita Mendiola; Quintina/Tomasa, Tomas Mora's mother. And the credits show that Niurka (Paula Maria) will be joining the show. Univision is really like the old Hollywood Film Studio with its contract players. NJ Sue

Melinama: Thanks for hanging in there & coming up w/ another funny recap. This show is a challenge as drama but as unintentional comedy, it's terrific. Can't find any way to sympathize with the "good" characters and it's even hard to hate the "bad," since almost everyone is so cartoonish. The lighting, editing, and music are a mishmash...kind of feels like this was done on with minimal budget or time.

Still, regular broadcast TV is even worse so I keep tuning in for a laugh. As a horse fanatic, the Reyes boys' horses are incredibly beautiful so I find myself hoping for more scenes with them, prancing & pawing like Lippizaners.

Donde esta Fernando Colunga?

Juan's scream when Pablito entered the bakery was funny, but his scream when Quintana bounded in with that shrill whistle was even better IMO. And I imagine poor Pablito was in a neck brace for days after delivering the joyful news to Juan that Sophia would see him tarde.

anon 11:58, that did look bad for Pablo; but I noticed they had him hold onto Eduardo's wrists while they executed that maneuver. I hope it worked, LOL; it looked dicey.

One other detail - one of the guys (I know I should know who Hortensia's/Quintina's peeps are by now but I don't) told Hortensia that her truck had been tampered with, the brake line cut.

I wasn't paying attention, so I don't know if they mentioned the loosened tire.

I still don't really get how the truck actually turned over. It just seemed to launch itself into the air and flip. At least there was no boioioioioiong sound when it happened. :)

Great recap, Melinama, thank you.

Anon 2:09, I'm wondering if the song you are thinking of is "Estos Celos" also by Vicente Fernandez and on his "Para Siempre" CD. They play it sometimes during jealousy scenes. I also thought Pablito looked a little shell-shocked after Juan's attempt to pop his head off in the kitchen. Careful Juan, as big as you are your enthusiasm can be dangerous to those cerca de ti.

Ugh, that bakery is the grossest place. Not only does Juan sweat all over the dough and run his hands through his hair and stick his fingers in his mouth, but also the kid comes in after running around the streets and playing with the dog and gets his hands in the dough, too. So nasty.

If Rosario isn't at the nightclub, they need a replacement. So maybe that's where Niurka comes in. After all, she is also a double barrelled threat like Ninel Conde. I mean, singing and dancing. What did you think I meant?

I thought you meant "hogging the spotlight and annoying me [Julie, not you]."

But just because I wasn't crazy about her in LFMB (the only thing I've seen her in so far) doesn't mean I'll dislike her in this. I'll give her a chance before I start griping about her. :)

I actually found Niurka as Paola Maria in LFMB to be kind of sweet, but the fingernails are scary. I can't wait to see how they will use her here.

I am a dog lover, but that dog in the bakery grossed me out too.

A while back someone suggested that radiation from nuclear waste would explain some of the weird things about this strange town. Perhaps the radiation also keeps the bakery sanitary in spite of everyone else's best efforts to contaminate it!

Perhaps the radiation causes Niurka's fingernails to mutate into gigantic talons. Aren't men scared off by that?

That nuclear waste would explain the glowing flower on Libia's grave. I'm interested to see how the boys get back at Gabi for their sister's murder. Somebody has got to rat out Feo. Gabi doesn't know Libia was murdered does she? I can't remember--It must be the nuclear waste.

No, Gabi doesn't know L was murdered. Even if she did know, I'm not sure if she would care. And if she knew specifically that Feo did it, she'd probably be more hot for him than ever.

NJ Sue, don't forget Armando was Lopez in LFMB.

You're right Julie--she wouldn't care. Soooo, how many of us think that Feo and Gabi will be an item and if so, how long will it take?!!!

Jeri...straightforward accounts without merry derision are fine. Not everyone on the recapping teams has the flair for comedy that the 9 pm crew does. They ARE truly special that way.

Maybe if you could hold yourself back from posting it other places, you could give Melinama some relief. This good lady is truly suffering!!!!

Thanks Melinama for an excellent take on a very interesting episode. Jimina must've over heard some of us say that she and oscar were our favorite couple because their romance was down to earth and tranquil. Suddenly the entire story seems to be about couple who can't get their act together for one crazy reason or another. That said, I'm liking this novela as a way to be entertained and learn more Spanish at the same time. Oscar is the most handsome but unfortunately, I can't understand a word he says. I thank heavens for subtitles when he speaks.

The Gabi & Ferni scenes are comedy, in my boook. Gabi looks at him as if she is sooo starved for love .... LOL I love that music we hear when Ferni is putting the moves on Gabi. Reminds me of 1960s era spy shows.


Judy B, I'm curious, could you explain what your message to Jeri is about? You wrote "Maybe if you could hold yourself back from posting it other places, you could give Melinama some relief. This good lady is truly suffering!!!!"
I'm wondering who's suffering, and why?

Thanks , Melinama. This show is ...unusual...but I like it better than a lot of the others I've waded through [Mundo de Fieras, Heridas de Amor, Amar sin Limites, Duelo de Pasiones]. I'm starting to work up a theory that the longer the title, the less I enjoy the show. [All my favs had short titles Alborada, Pasion, Amor Real...Carla Estrada seems to like short titles.] Well, Sofia can't seem to keep her little bun in the oven a secret. I guess tonight she well break the appy news to Crabi and the rest of the family...good times ahead. P.S. That waistcincher she was wearing last night looked like something my husband puts on when he is lifting heavy objects...maybe she was rearranging the furniture in her room.

Oscar does speak with a different accent than the rest. I'm not good with placing accents. Maybe he is trying to sound like he's from Pueblo. Anyone?
That little Pablito actor is great.

Anonymous Melinama said, she's suffering "crushing ennui" from this repetitve telenovela.

And I think it's also her wish that she be only a substitute recapper, rather than a regular. She has her own blog site and a very busy life besides, in addition to being blog mom of Caray Caray...sooo, recapping a telenovela that bores her blue is a chore....but one she does for all you readers...till another recapper steps up to the plate.

How about you, Anonymous...ready to jump in and lend a hand?

Looks like we're back to square one with the Reyes boys and Elizondo girls. Get together, then break apart for mistaken assumptions. I hope this doesn't happen too many times or is used as a plot device to keep this novela going forever. However, I find I am liking those Reyes brothers more and more and laughing at so many things whether it's by accident or on purpose by the the writers, producers and the cast as well.

Melinama, thank you for recapping and bearing the burden of the crushing ennui. There is so much repetition, it has to challenge the cast to keep doing this. We have to entertain ourselves by finding the health code violations in the bakery, and yelling at Juan to pick up Pablito under his arms, not by his neck. I am taking lessons from Crabi on how to guilt trip my kids.
La Paloma

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