Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre 6-24-08 - Evil is as evil does, and un hijo!!

We open with Feo whining and pushing Sara to tell him who Sofi baby daddy is. Thank goodness she remembers that blood is thicker than ugliness and she decides not to betray her sister and tell him. Of course he keeps at the convincing until she’s forgotten the earlier concept and is about to tell him. Again gracias a Dios that Jimena decides to wake right then and scream for her miserable Ma or I think we’d be missing a hermano Reyes soon.

Helmut Head, aka Raquel, tells the bros Uribe that Crabbi is very ill and if she doesn’t get better soon they will have to postpone their weddings. Oh hurray, uh I mean bummer , he actually says hopefully, and Raq wonders que the heck, and he says oh he means hopefully she gets better soon, so the weddings aren’t postponed.

We get Vicente again and Sofi contemplates her new status as expectant mother and saying "hijo" over and over again. We flashback to a grito fest they had together at the river proclaiming they loved each other. She switches from saying hijo 20 times to saying Juan 20 times, and turns out in his bedroom, he’s thinking of her too.

In a courtyard the boys are painting and Juan says he couldn’t sleep last night from thinking about his Sofi. He paints on Franco who tells him to cut it out. He hopes that his happiness didn’t influence their relations with Jime and Sara. Oscar says well things didn’t go the way we planned, we intended to hurt these girls and we were the ones who ended up smacked! Franco tells Juan that all that matters now is him, Sofi and their niece or nephew. Now it’s Juan’s turn to scream it a million times. Un hijo!!! He screams. They argue about whether it will be a little boy chick, or a little girl chick (pichoncito/a) and Juan ends up caring only that it’s healthy and not as flippant as they are. In this frenzy of happiness the boys decide to demonstrate just how ready for father hood/ unclehood they are by declaring a paint war on each other and wasting a fair bit of paint (not really that cheap for them) covering each other.

I challenge someone to be the official counter of how many times un hijo is screamed by this bunch.

Eva is going to see Crabbi. G-Pa wants to go see her too, but Eva thinks that’s not a good idea, it’s better he stays behind and watches out for Jime. He guesses she’s right.

Doctor Sell out spins his web some more and tells Sofi, who is wandering the halls of the hospital, that Ma has to stay for a few days for observation and to avoid stress. He turns into Dr. Phil, though, and accuses her of being responsible for all that is happening. He advises her to reflect on all this stress she’s caused and to act with prudence or she will carry the death of her Ma and crazyness of her sister on her conscience. Sofi looks sad.

Evas comes upon Rosi and Luis playing on a park bench and decides that this would be a really good time to tell her, hey I’m your Ma. She tells her the whole story about giving up for adoption her daughter and that, oh, God has put her right in front of my eyes. Cara de impactada from Rosi.

Rosi counters with the brilliant question, so then are you telling me I am your daughter? Well yeah, that’s what that would mean. Eva begs for Rosi to give her a chance to get to know her. Eva says her heart is sure, but Rosi wonders if she could be wrong, and Eva assures her not. Something is telling me, maybe there is more we don’t know.

My reception fritzed out a little here, but I think Rosi told her something like, well, you can’t just show up here telling me you abandoned me and now you regret it and expect me to just accept you. Eva agrees she’s right, and not to ask for anything that Rosi can’t give, but she just wants a chance. Luis comes up and Eva learns this would be her grandson and she hugs him and says how beautiful he is.

Sofi thinks back to what the doc said to her about her Ma’s delicate condition. She enters the doorway to Crab's room but is met by Feo who tells her to not even bother entering because Crabbi doesn’t want to see her. She burst in anyway, only to hear the same thing from Wicked Ma who tells Sofi she doesn’t want to see her ever.

Poor Sofi, she runs to the Virgen. Feo closes the door, Ma slips out of her whacked altered state and the two of them start giggling like kids who just played a trick on their teacher. Pathetic.
Sofi cries at the Virgen for a while.

Feo congratulates Ma that now Sofi will do whatever she wants. Ma thinks not so fast, she thinks Sofi is very hard headed and not that easy to dominate. But, she says she’s going to continue the farce and for now, the most important thing is to worry about that stupid child she’s expecting and make sure that it’s never born or my family and your disgrace will never end. Feo tells Crab that they were made for each other. There is more weird hand-kissing. Feo swears that Sofi’s hijo will never be born. Never. Yep, definitely a suegro loving abuelo killer. Oh my.

Crabbi says they have to think about this well, and Feo assures he’s got the best plan, he asks to sit on the bed with her.

Sara spits fire at G-Pa and tells him Jimena is sleeping and he shouldn’t go in. She only wants to protect her sister. He tells her he only wants to help and she needs rest, so stop being stupid and let him in. He tells her she doesn’t know what really happened and Crabbi always lies. Sara says Crabbi’s not capable of lying. Poor deluded Sara.

Rosi is talking with Ofi. She says she was so moved when Eva hugged her son, and she really wants someone to care about Luis that way, she needs a family. So, she’s going to accept Eva whether she is or isn’t the real ma, and maybe one day she can accept her as if she were.

Eva was looking everywhere for Sofi, who tells Eva she’s not with her Ma because Ma has banned her from fake hospital room.

Feo confirms that he’d do anything for Crabbi, and that it’s his way of showing his great affection. More weird looks and hand kissing.

Eva tells Sofi to understand that Ma is probably under stress. Sofi says none of this would have happened if she would have let me divorce, though. Eva tells her to have patience and worry about the baby. She wishes that her mother was more like Eva. OK this has to mean something too, I’m thinking. Eva tells Sofi about her encounter with Rosi, she didn’t get a pardon exactly but this is a step. Sofi wants to get close to her too because she is her sister, and maybe she’ll learn to care for us.

Padre Tad is at the hospital, the nurse tells him Gab is still delicate, and Feo takes the opportunity to tell the Padre that he contributed to her upset with his criticism and judgments. Tad swears that Feo made all this up and that he won’t get away with what he wants. Tad says he’s very persistent and will come as many times as needed. Tad tells him not to provoke the winds because this could make a great storm. Tad reminds that he knows much about Feo, who thinks that Tad can say nothing because of the secrets of confession, but Tad warns him not to be so sure, because he wrote his superiors and if they deem it warranted, he can tell all.

Our brothers Pollock are wiping themselves off in the church, congratulating themselves for finishing earlier than they thought. Yeah, but did they get the paint mess cleaned up? They decide to go home to take a bath and then Oscar says they need to arrange things for Quintina by hurrying over to the Commisario.

They throw coins to decide who gets the first shower so as not to run out of hot water. and Oscar wins. Next, they throw between Juan and Franco, and it keeps coming up heads. Juan discovers that the coin has two faces and that Oscar was cheating so they grab him. I’m thinking this is a useless exercise because surely after those three hotties get in, the water won’t need any external heat. ;) They then throw Juan in the cold shower with his boots on and we are advised by the blur that in this country we missed another ass shot. Damned censorship.

Helmut head (Raquel) visits Crabbi and because she’s so bad off, she thinks they should decide to postpone the wedding. Uribe boys are thrilled to wait as long as Crabbi needs. Raq agrees they’ll wait. I think Crabbi didn’t realize this complication of her little farce.

Juan proclaims the money means nothing to him. Juan pulls out the map and says now that a baby is coming we have to get back what belongs to us. He thinks here is the village where they lived. Franco reminds him that Agustin can help but Juan thinks he’s still kind of confused and doesn’t have the head for this right now.

At least they don’t censor this. Mas tangas for Oscar. He comes out in his speedo and is done already so Franco goes to take his turn. If I were only a fly on that wall. Sigh. Oscar tells what with everything that’s happened they haven’t looked through the papers, and Juan says now is the time because –say it with me kids- he going to have an hijo. Count anyone? Oscar smiles and says lets read. Juan is trying hard but he can’t remember anything. What I don't get is that Oscar is always bearing himself. His body isn't bad by any standard, but the other two guys are workout junkies and have those six packs to prove it. Why can we never see those two in tangas? Oh well, I take what I can get. I noticed there is a lot of manly affection in this novela. Bet the gay guys like this show as much as the non-gay gals. :)

Speaking of that, my apologies if you saw this before, like you wouldn't mind seeing it again, but if you didn't, I just have to share the original version of the naked swimming hole scene from a few weeks back. Too bad it's a really small screen. Did I mention I dislike this censorship? :)

Ok sorry, back to the novela.

Jimena wakes out of her dilusional stupor and Sarita is right there to warp her thinking again. Jime begs for Oscar over and over and wants Sara to go look for him.

I think Oscar says it’s good they are making the complaint to the authorities because Juan needs to work or else they’ll end up bankrupt. Eva and Sofi come up and the 3-1 bros ask how her Ma is. Oh and they clue her in that Juan’s in the house alone, and they will be gone on errands all day. Eva encourages her and she decides to go in and see him. Eva wants her to be happy.

Franco thinks it’s great Oscar told Sofi this and hopes she goes to see him. Oscar says he has to see Jimena. He goes to see Eva about this and wants to see Jime and express his well wishes for Ma and Eva tells of Jime’s trip into looney land. Of course this compels him to see her immediately. Back at the house Jime is still asking Sara for him and Sara wonders what to do.

Eva begs Oscar not to go because Sara is taking care of her, that this condition happened once when she was a child too, and well with all that happened lately, Sara is being a big beatch, really. Jime won’t recognize you anyway. What, she’s not in a coma now...

Of course Juan is in the shower soaping himself oh so well (I love this show) when Sofi comes in to the house calling for him, so of course what she does is hug his clothes and herself instead of running right to him, despite knowing he’s alone, for a long time.... Silly girl, she’s pregant? Is that right? :)

Suspense music plays as Franco paces back and forth at the commisario. He has to wait for his brother to arrive. Where is his brother? Well....

We get a nice ass shot of Oscar, who approaches the sleeping Jime in her room. He lays down on the bed when Sara comes in and yells that he needs to leave. She spits more fire about him being here and threatens to rat him out but won’t because her sister is sick and asking for him. She mentions she’s just taken a tranquilizer. He whispers to Jime he misses her and thinks of her every second and hopes she’s better soon, it hurts him to see her this way, he loves her. Sara spits more fire after getting slightly romantically jarred by his words and thinks it’s a good thing Jime is sleeping and doesn’t hear his lies. He says they aren’t lies. Sara tells him that he betrayed her when Jime saw him hugging Rosario. He thinks she nuts. Then he remembers the night Rosi was upset looking for his brother. He swears there is nothing between them and tells the story that Rosi was upset and he comforted her only. He apologizes and tells Jimena now he gets her change of heart. Sara keeps spitting that the Reyes only came to harm them. He wonders where she got that idea and she tells him not to see Jime anymore.

The non-existent love scenes are getting to me though. I guess maybe we are supposed to imagine that because Juan is drying Sofi’s wet hair that she joined him in the shower. No doubt because she was turned on by the smell of his clothes.

Juan says he’s the happiest man now that, yes, he’s going to have an hijo. She agrees it will be the miracle of their love, even though he fought with her Mom right before she was going to tell him. He apologizes about what he said to her Ma, and she agrees he’s pardoned. She says Ma’s difficult, but she’s Ma and so we have to look out for her. Sofi confirms that she is willing to do what it takes to defend her love and her child. Juan tells her to recall what Tad says that God tells the woman to abandon her mother and father to go with her mate. He begs her to go far away with him...and I didn’t catch her reaction because my recording stopped. Juan does say that the only thing that matters to him is to be by her side embracing, for always, and she echoes for always. Amazingly Vicente does not. I have confidence he will soon enough.


No time to read this one yet (I haven't gone to bed yet) but I just want to say again how good it is to have you doing these. :)

Hey Fuegorosca...I'd forgotten you were helping out here and I kept thinking, who is this saucy recapper?

Showers à deux are great, but only if the guy likes the water as warm as you do. Otherwise it's a real passion-dampening (no pun intended) experience.

Thanks for the "pichoncito/a" vocabulary. I love that word! and it's a new one for me.

Thanks for the great recap, Fuegorosca. I think Helmet Head is a wig....looks a lot like the one she wore in LFMB.

OOOoer! The shower scenes. The bikini briefs. Que caliente! Hey, if you want some uncensored stuff, watch a movie "Confetti" the next time it comes on HBO. Cute comedy but.... umm... uncensored and quite a view at times. But I digress .....

Sarita reminds me of the old saying, "All she needs is a man." I think unrequited love and jealously is her biggest problem." Estos celos.....

Scenes between Gabi & Feo..... I was ROFLOL. High gross-out factor. How far will he go? How far will she go? Stay tuned.

Loved the puebla paintball game in The Land That Time Forgot.


I was recapping Guapos last nite and only looked up every now and then. I was kinda of half way listening to my husband's comments as a gage.

He is greatly amused by Gabi's fake stroke. He is equally amused by Gramps, Ros's massive hooters and bad little actor son. Eva and her instistance that Ros is her kid. Hey here's an idea, why don't you find out how old she is? Or where was she raised? Cause if you gave the kid away 25 years ago and she is a 20 year old orphan from the Czech Rep., well it is a moot point.

Lastly my husband is so not amused by the bathroom scenes and the paint scenes, he had one full brother and five various half brothers, he has never played around in the bathroom with any of them. Dare I say these scenes make him a bit uncomfortable. He had commented earlier that if you were just driving past the three brothers like working on the house, you would swear they were a threesome the way they are always standing around hugging, and crying.

Real ranch guys do not act like this, they are very conservative.

Fuegorosca: Thank you for the great recap.

Feo and Crabi plotting to force Sofia to miscarry. The two of them are the epitome of evil. Somebody has to finally out her. She's got to slip up somewhere.

And, Sarita!!!What a jealous, nutty brat.

I could have lived without the paint splashing scene. The writers could have filled that time slot with Juan and Sofi, etc.

Great recap, k. I don't know where I must have been looking to have missed Jorge's bare bottom and "full sidal", so thanks for noting! It was worth at least a video rewind... or two.....Speaking of which, I did feel a bit cheated when they jumped from Sofia smelling Juan's line-dried shirts to him drying her wet hair. A playful lusting peek into the curtains at Juan first before the break would not have been too much to ask for, would it have?

Great recap! I think I missed what happened to Jimena because my DVR didn't record for some reason the other night. Was it me or was Fr. T's head sweating? I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying because I was looking at the water drop thing on his head and waiting for it to fall off! Crabi's talking out of the side of her mouth was a hoot! Reminded me of DA which I miss terribly.

Thanks for the recap, Fuego; I'm going to go listen to it right now. Beckster, thanks for the laugh about the 20-year old orphan from the Czech Republic.

So in the previews Sofía is telling Rosario she's her sister, and the announcer narrates over it that tomorrow a long-kept secret is revealed. Does that mean the secret is true? Or is it all a trick of the announcer.

In other news, now I remember why Fernando was cozying up to Sara so much -- he wanted to squeeze out of her the name of the baby's father. I should have remembered that, because it was the cliffhanger.

I knew somebody was going to either burst into the room to interrupt them today or something -- and sure enough Jimena woke out of her stupor long enough to interrupt Sara right before she spilled the beans.

I think it's ok for these three guys to horse around the way they do, because we know in reality they are not ranch hands, but rather the rightful owners of a big spread, and therefore rich and eccentric.

As soon as they find this out, I expect them to revert to wearing devil costumes with flamethrower sound effects coming out the forked tail.

P.S. Oscar's scene with Jimena was very sweet, and I enjoyed it.

It will be interesting to see what Fernando's "plan" is for offing Sofía's baby. I think the reason he doesn't suspect Juan's the father is that, as he keeps insisting, Juan is low-born scum, not worth his notice or trouble. Fernando can't imagine Sofía prefering a low-life such as Juan to himself.

thanks for the 'cap Rosca/reyes. Kind of a fun episode, I thought. i felt cheated by the shower scene (not the boyz, that was demasiado). Juan in the shower alone doesn't do it for me, but with Sofia? yeah, that would be good...Odd, SArita's reaction to Oscar cooing to the comatose Jimena, is she realizing that they DO love each other, or mesmerized by the cornyness of it all?..would the writers really kill off a toatally innocent unborn lovechild?? Gawd, I hope not...Next time I need some painting done, I'll do it myself, and use a dropcloth, too...

What a great recap! By a great new recapper (new to this show at least). Please tell us something about yourself as far as your command of the Spanish language and how you learned to recap so well. The good book says that all things are possible if you only believe. So, I'm trying to believe that one day I can follow the story as well as you guys who are able to recap. Anyway, Beckster, I always enjoy your husbands comments that sets the record straight about what is really a part of the culture and what is an exgaggeration (sp)? I was hoping for a clarification when we were joking about the rooster shirts. As silly as they might look to us, I think they are serious dress in that culture. I also think all that manly show of affection is excessive. Expecially Oscar, (whom I adore), he kisses his brothers so frequently and so naturally until I didn't know whether he's a darn good actor, or if the role were a natural one in that culture. I love the love scenes between Sophia and Juan and the fact that they have never denied or questioned their love for each other. That's so diferent from the endless cat and mouse games Juan played with Gaviota in DA. Once again F., welcome aboard with a terrific recap.

Great recap for an episode that swung wildly from unadulterated nastiness to silly, schoolyard antics. Had to LOL at the "count the hijo" challenge!

Crabi & Feo's lustful glances (fueled by mean, vengeful, and downright evil machinations) are squicky. [no, not an official word but squeamish + icky = won't find it in the dictionary] I think they deserve each other. Maybe she can get a matching snake tattoo to prove her love. Blech!

Those Reyes boys! A little case of arrested development? Between the paint fight & the shower scene, you'd think the characters were written as 12 year olds. But I guess this goes along with the inconsistencies with time/place. Very funny!

Poor Jimena! Too bad it wasn't Sarita knocked unconscious...I'm going to call her Crabi Jr.

And what was the deal with the pixelated buns??? C'mon!!!!! Show me the sweet cheeks! They owe us that much. Dorado Dave, you can have Rosario's...hmmm...cantaloupes to even the visual score.

I think Eva & Abuelo are my favorites. Oh, & the horses.


Does Tadeo have a death wish? He threatened Ferd pretty strongly. I will miss the good father.
All I could think during the paint fight was, "Who is going to have to clean that #*^% up?". It was nice to see Oscar and Jimena together. I keep thinking that once Sofi really gets to know Juan she may run out of anything to talk about with him.
I guess they could bake together.

That paint fight!!! Those playful hermanos Reyes!! That mess! All I could think of was the playful gasoline fight in Zoolander. OK, I was guilty of a couple of paint fights in high school, but they weren't on church property.
Thanks for the excellent recap.
La Paloma

Would someone please take the stick out of Sarita's ass before it breaks. My God, what is wrong with her. Crabi jr is a good name for her.
Crabi Sr. is a piece of work. She and Feo belong together. Maybe she will have a stroke for real and won't be able to speak at all.

Once more this show doesn't fail to produce a good belly laugh or two. Not only was the paint scene a riot (talk of arrested development), but I really broke up when there was the scene of Juan fantaszing about Sofia and they are sharing one of his rolls (or whatever piece of baked goods it was), and there were crumbs on their lips. Was that a Tom Jones reference? Can you imagine a sexual/love fantasy where you are looking into each other's eyes and sharing a roll? I guess it is a baker's sexual fantasy. LOL.

Anon 11:53--forgot about the horny bread-eating flashback...yeah, that was a hoot! Think it's their version of product placement for the Reyes bakery? Not very romantic, in my eyes. Especially since we all know about the health code violations!

anon 11:25, you are so right. They have sort of let up on the "padre-in-jeopardy" side-plot for a while; but last night they ramped it up again.

Fernando truly was alarmed at Tadeo's news that he'd written to his superiors to allow him to speak about Fernando's heinous confession.

That was a surprise to me as well; I thought his missives were only about Sofía's annulment; but now that I think about it, the two are intimately connected.

It looked like it hit Fernando where it hurt; Tadeo just walked away looking satisfied, but I wouldn't have turned my back on Fernando.

Don't forget that Feo is also responsible for Bernardo's death and for attacking Sofia & Juan on that rainy night when they were left for dead in the river.

Fernando was actually surprised that Bernardo died in the horse fall; and I tend to view that as an accident; manslaughter perhaps.

But Fernando murdered Libia outright, for which Juan is the likely candidate to kill him for the most story satisfaction.

Regarding Eva's revelation, Rosario will do anything for that boy; she was also earnest in her talk to Ofelia about desire to feel something for Eva, as though she really were her mother.

Ofelia's expression looked desolate to me during this conversation. As I have said before, for my money, Ofelia is Rosario's mother.

About the paint fight, they know the padre will welcome them there any old way -- especially since they are working on the church for him. Clearly they're going to have to paint the patio, too.

Since this is a story out of time, that paint might not be modern paint, but rather whitewash or milk paint and not too hard to get off. In my hometown, we have the old Spanish mission, San Xavier del Bac, and they relearned an old technique for the (link) restoration.

"...Two layers of lime and sand plaster (free of soluble salts), bound by mucilage extracted from the nopal or prickly pear cactus, was applied as a "breathing" protective coating. The mucilage was prepared by boiling pads of prickly pear cactus in large kettles and mashing them to obtain the gooey extract used to mix with the mortar.

"The mortar was also applied to the exterior surfaces of the mission, which were then burnished with smooth river cobbles (also a traditional technique) to compact the surface and reduce the rate of water absorption.3. In addition to the burnishing, a hydrophobic material (aluminum stearate) was added to increase the water repellence.

"There are problems, however, with the use of a hydrophobe on top of a plaster. Cracks that develop in the plaster as a result of thermal movement become drainage channels when the hydrophobe and gravity convey water across the damaged areas. Consequently, the use of a hydrophobe has been discontinued in the current repairs.

"Notwithstanding, it is now felt that, overall, the traditional method is best for the long- term benefit and structural integrity of the mission. The lime and sand combination is most compatible with the original brick; however, the finish will need frequent reburnishing and whitewashing: the key to protecting a traditional preservation system for clay bricks is maintenance..."

I hope this has been instructive. ;-) I have actually seen this process done, because they covered it on an episode of the eight-segment Tucson project on "This Old House."

Remember that very old saying "When you combine bread and sex you end up with a bun in the oven." That is a translation of the ancient Aztec wisdom. mhm

Loved the action pacted recap. It's difficult to judge Rosario's sincerity as far as Eva is concerned. The fact that she was touched at Eva's tenderness with her son is important, but also recall that Feo ordered her to act as though she believed Eva was her mother. So, how much is act and how much is sudden interest? Eva used to be one of my favorite characters. But not her constant pained expression gets on my nerves. It's like every day when she gets out of bed she asks herself what can she say or do to get herself upset. You'd think she was a blood relative instead of a servant. Oh, and I've never seen brotherly love or admiration expressed in the way the 3 Reyes does with each other. All the crying, hugging and constant "Te amo hombre" is a bit much. It's a good thing they all have girlfriends or else I would wonder what's going on with them. One more thing, I don't think the Juan will be the one who does Feo in. It seems that the protagonists always have their dirty work done for them. Sofia will never deny that Juan is her baby's father. Her role demands that she remains true to Juan and their unborn child. PS: I hope the paint isn't the type that's laden with lead.

Thanks for a really funny recap!

"The non-existent love scenes are getting to me though. I guess maybe we are supposed to imagine that because Juan is drying Sofi’s wet hair that she joined him in the shower. No doubt because she was turned on by the smell of his clothes."

That's exactly what I was thinking during the scene -- Sofia came in and started smelling the vest/shirt and hugging & caressing the laundry, though we could hear the shower running. Next scene they are drying her hair -- but it looked like all her clothes were wet too, didn't it? Kinda wondered about that -- she got into the shower with an unpixellated desnudo Juan - with her clothes on? Also makes one wonder about what kind of a love scene that would be, since she wears a lot of clothing and it's all long, or has weird belted back brace looking accessories.

What is the equivalent Mexican phrase for bun in the oven? Certainly there must be a lot of equivalent joking about that in Mexico

The Sarita / Franco pareja doesn't match up in my mind, they are too different for even "opposites attract" to apply.
And really, who would be attracted to such a nasty b- in training anyway?
She's rather good at it -- which makes it too real (as opposed to Crabbi who is such a caricature and has the added evil feature).

Padre Tadeo always has God watching his back -- thus he can walk away from Feo w/o fear!

Thanks Julie!

Alright, que the heck. Not a soul has commented on the swimming scene link. Is it not working? I can't believe that even if it was posted before that all you all have seen it. That's some good stuff! Yep little nervous for Paddy Tad and his Feo threats.

Funny about bread and sex.

I have friends in Mexico who are like 6 or 7 bros in all (even more with half bros) and they are very comical and light hearted and very close to each other, and I could totally see them acting like this very unseriously, especially after tequilas.

I've never seen it in novelas before, but I think it shows you the comraderie between these actors. They must get along pretty well with each other to be swimming nude together, etc. and carrying it off so well. Hey, they all know they are goodlooking babe magnets, what the hell do they care!

Really, I think someone said before too that's what's fun about this show. The story and staging and stuff kind of lacks, but these actors are just so fun that we all love seeing them together bouncing off of each other's creative sparks in these roles. :)

I didn't like Oscar much in the beginning but I like his sense of humor and he is growing on me. I have a hard time understanding him though. I don't know if it is because he talks faster or his accent is different.

I'm not giving up on Sarita yet. Yes, she's currently Crabi, Jr., but it's just out of insecurity and frustration. I think she'll eventually melt and we'll see the good Sarita.
I still think Feo has to be a little thick in the head not to realize Sofia loves Juan. I mean he caught them together a few times, although they were supposedly just talking, Juan showed up at the hospital angry, and didn't Feo even shoot Juan?? I know, he can't see how Sofia could go for some "low class" guy, but who else has been around recently?
Not that too many on this show are geniusess in figuring out anything, of course.

jeri - I thought that might be milk paint, because I wanted to panic when it was splashed on the floors Thanks for the interesting article.

mad maggie - Those Reyes horses are beautiful. Just plain gorgeous. As good looking as their owners. I wonder what breed they are. (the horses) Arabians?


The Mexican gossip shows say that this is the First Time there has been full nudity on a telenovela, and that the scene is very risque. It had a lot of commentary.

I wondered if that was why the 3 bros all yelled wahoo when they jumped into the water and hi-fived when they came up -- because they knew they were being the firsts in this risque scene!

It's getting a lot of comments in this blog too! ha ha ha! we are all enjoying it. And the link worked great -- no pixellation at all! Thanks for posting it!

I never did understand why Feo didn't just tell everybody Bernardo fell of his horse. "OMG it was so horrible, my truck started the horse, Bernardo fell off and hit his head on a rock, woe is me for having seen such a thing, I know it was an accident but I feel so awwwwwful it was my truck that scared the horse."

Putting the dead guy back on the horse and sending him into traffic seemed like overkill and also complicated things a great deal. (Also created a suspicious situation for Grandpa to ponder, which I guess was the point.)

Sorry, I meant "my truck STARTLED the horse"... sigh... tired.

I also suspect that Juan won't kill Feo, as much as he would like to; mostly because I've noticed that the good guy rarely seems to personally kill the bad guy. The bad guy has an accident, or he's executed.

More likely, Juan will try, and in fleeing Feo will have an "accident" with a barnyard full of angry animals.

If someone does have to murder Feo, however, I nominate Rosario. I'd like her to spike him to death with those crazy shoes she wears.

Thanks. Yeah, that or the fact that they just free jumped about 20 or so feet with their thingies dangling vulnerably about...unrestricted or "protected" by clothing. Can't imagine what that would feel like. 'Course I'm female, so I never will, but...a successful landing with all of my parts in tact might make me let out a grito or two...and a high five...:)

You know what struck me about that river scene - how much Sarita really is like her mother. She's just as horny as everyone else when nobody's looking; but in public she pretends to be such a prude.

Yeah, I'm sure she'll snap out of it eventually, but in the meantime we can pretend that we're worried she end up like Gabi. :)

Jorge Salinas (Oscar) was born in Mexico City, so I don't think his accent is the problem. It's just the way he talks, like he's got a mouthful of marbles.

...of course I have no idea what a Mexico City native's accent is like. Probably varies from neighborhood to neighborhood anyway.

Yeah, a few days earlier when I brought up the scenario of why it would be satisfying for Juan to kill Fernando, I mentioned if they might not want him to get his hands dirty. It does seem to happen a lot like that in telenovelas.

Methinks that Sofia might hold Feo while Rosario kills him, or viceversa. And Sarita HAS to snap out of this evil spell that she's living. Fr Tad has written down the pretinent info on Feo, it will be revealed after Feo has him whacked. Feo is also gonna send Gramps to an early date with San Pedro, the old coot is getting in the way.(That will be sad, as he's my favorite among the men of the show). This wierd thing between Crabi and Feo is obviously going somewhere, I hope that they don't show the first all nude shots of those two serpents copulating. Those are just a few of my predictions....we are devlop[ing into quite a snarky and lively team of bloggers- EXCELLENT!! Keep it up, all!

Welcome, Fuego , and thanks for that excellent recap. It seems that you and I are on the same page. I enjoyed the scene of Mighty Joe Juan sudsing himself up in that very tiny shower...that scene could have been longer. And, unlike Sofia, I would not have been wasting time sniffing Juan's clothing whebn I heard that water running and realized that Juan was in that shower....but that's me. I'm not sure what minute Sofia's sniffing the shirt, and the nexr scene she's still fully clothed and Juan is drying her wet hair with a towel. I had switched the channel and thought that I had missed something. Did she just stick her head in the shower to say ''hi'' ???? I'm confused.......and disappointed. Doesn't Sofia know that saying : ''Save water; shower with Juan.'' And I appreciated the skinnydippiong just never gets old, does it ???? I also enjoyed the Sex + Bread = Bun in the oven . I agree that Fernando will probably not die by Juan's hand because the telenovelas don't seem to let the heroes bloody their hands . However, it would be satisfying to have Juan avenge both his sister's death and his Onetruelove's mistreatment at Ferd's hands.

Super recap, FuegodeRosca, thanks. I thought I had fallen asleep and missed the "shower" scene, but it turns out there wasn't one!
Question: isn't FELS a remake of an earlier TN? If so, how closely will it follow all the plot elements? Wouldn't that take all the suspense out of it if viewers remember how it ended?

Before someone mentioned the milk paint, i was just going to say that the paint throwinf scene among the 3 bros. was the stupidest in the show. Making a mess and wasting paint. Even getting the floors all messed up. I really like Sarita. Seeing her brinwashed by Gabriela is a bit disturbing.

I'm glad that Rosario and Eva finally got that " I'm your Mother" business out of the way. Like I mentioned on 2 recap comments ago, Sofia,Sarita and Jimena are Rosario's half sisters.
Imagine what Franco will thinks when he finds out.


Wow! An hermanos-style slap and tickle fest, yee-haw!
Thanks for the recap Fuego, I missed the first 10 minutes of Sofia murmuring Juan's name.

They say if you keep making the same face too long, it'll get stuck that way.

Just wondering if Gabi is planning to keep her face twisted up like that for the rest of her life, to keep up the charade.

In agreement with youall -- I'd sure like to see Rosario and the horse of Bernardo get even with Fernando for his extreme maltreatment of them. Sofia can throw some rocks at him to round out his punishment while the other two beat him with high heels and horse quirts (can horses hit back?)

Or maybe Fer will indeed have the accident and die -- and we'll get to see what happens when he reaches the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter checks in with Padre Tadeo!! ha ha ha!

The other place has real devils in red suits with tails, and Fer will wish they were Abuelo clones instead...

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Yes, having Mr. Ed attacking Feo Nando and chasing him of the cliff of the top of the ridge of the cave where Libia is buried so that he falls to his death would be awesome vengeance in the end. Rosario could wave adios and blow him a besito.

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