Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Fuego, Wed., June 4: Find out how owning a Hoveround can give you the freedom and independence you deserve.

Buenas noches a todos. How many of our readers are still watching this telenovela? I bet it’s not many…and for good reasons too! I was sort of watching last night when I came to the conclusion that the manuscript for this program probably reads well on paper, but when acted out and “performed” there is a lot missing, like the credibility factor for example. That’s why FELS would make a nice addition to the Danielle Steele library, and should not be anywhere near the Televisa Vault.

But, the show must go on…!

Now, before I start, I want to tell Adela Noriega that wearing Granny’s youthful dresses has been out of style for so long that it never was in style. For crying out loud, she looks like she could be on “Little House on the Prairie.” And another thing, why is she always type-casted as the anemic, helpless, damsel-in-distress who never has an opinion and never feels/looks comfortable? On the same note: why is Eddie Y. always the lovable loser? He obviously doesn’t have any real acting skills. Oh Nick, you're so bad!

Enough off-color commentary.

Gabby’s mad that our friends at the asylum couldn’t keep Gramps in his cell. The “doctor” guy sends his goonies to go find him.
We see Gramps rolling along in the wilderness, then BOOM! He falls out of his chair. LifeAlert! LifeAlert! "I've fallen and I can't get up." It’s a shame that he doesn’t have a Hoveround; you can take those things from the Statue of Liberty to the Grand Canyon--all on one over-night battery charge! "Now I'm free to see the world!"

The little boy/ Juan’s prodigy is talking to his Grandma (where have we seen her before?). He’s upset that Luis (Rosario’s son) is mistreated by his keeper. She tells him not go around that Luis kid. By the way, they live in a cardboard house, and I will venture to say that Pablito built the foundation.

So Juan’s maid, I forget her name, is telling Juan how the whole town was asking about him and how he’s so good. She also thinks that Sofia and he make a nice pair. She, the bull in the China shop, keeps hitting Juan. “Sarry, sarry, sarry” she says; she loves to speak English. Juan gets mad that she moved the picture of Libia. I don’t think she likes the competition.

In a machismo moment, we see Fernie’s goonies meeting with the city-slickers of the town. As we know, they want to open a pleasure joint in town. Fernie’s friends don’t like this idea.

This should be interesting. Juan is in his sister’s cave. He brings her a toy and thanks her for letting Sofia and he live. As if she has the supernatural power to control the lives of mortals... He confesses that he’s uneasy about the relationship because she’s married. Why didn’t he think about this before he consummated his undying love to Sofia in that stable? Well, anyway, he’s scrupulous so he doesn’t want anyone to harm her.
Sofia, for once, is showing emotion. She’s happy that Juan and she are in love. She says it’s much more that what a document can bind; it’s magical. She confesses to the Padre that she made herself Juan’s that night. She continues on her rant of how much they love each other, blah, blah, blah. (Sorry about this, but that’s all it is. Just know that I would tell you if it were important, but it’s not, so I won’t.) Meanwhile, the Padre is, well, thinking. She asks if he will forgive them and he says of course. What does he care? It’s just a marriage.

At the Hacienda, Fernie is mad that Sofia was with the bricklayer. Gabby rationally points out that Father Tadeo was with them. He still doesn’t like it. She doesn’t care, so she moves on. She says that she’s not going to some party in town, but Fernie is. Then he asks her what the deal is with Gramps and those “papers.” She calls the “doctor” incapable because Gramps escaped.

James Bond time. Gramps is stretched out on the ground in front of his wheel chair. In the distance are the asylum goonies. A dog approaches Gramps and starts to bark. Apparently the goonies don’t hear this (I don’t know how they couldn’t) and Gramps is safe for now…

Padre confesses to Sofia that he has a secret that he learned in confession, and therefore he understands why she doesn’t love Fernie. He continues to tell her that he sent a letter to his superiors asking for permission to leak the information he learned in confession. Sofia is ebullient and goes on a rant about how brave she is and how she will be patient.
I swear that scenes like this send us into a time warp. Tadeo sent this letter weeks ago, and he still hasn’t heard anything. It’s ridiculous that they don’t communicate by, a phone maybe, or even by using some federal mail service. I hate to tell you, but Pablito and Mariachi won’t cut it for mail deliveries.

Pablito, whom we saw moments ago, comes upon Gramps. Gramps, in a desperate attempt, asks for his help. It seems that Pablito is informing on Gramps. “Traitor” he yells.

Speaking of desperate attempts (to raise the ratings), Juan is in the shower. As we all know, everyone takes showers with the curtains wide open and their backs to the water. Notice how they display his body, perfectly avoiding his… southernly parts. Anyway, the shower is where Juan thinks best, thus he remembers Sofia and their past encounters.

Surprisingly enough, little Pablito pulled through for Gramps and saved the day. He planned a diversion by telling the goonies that he saw a snake. “I know those guys; they’re strong, but they’re pretty stupid” he says. Gramps was worried that Pablito was going to rat him out, and admires his skills. Thus, he makes him an honorary General, and Mariachi, the dog, and honorary soldier. Gramps is raising an army!!!

How did the cabaña get so big? I won’t even start… Anyway, Oscar and Franco are “working” until they see the city-slickers. Oscar is worried that the one sissy guy will steal Jimena. As always, the money conversation comes up. Oscar admits he loves Jimena and that he loves her money too. He’s not about to lose it all to that guy. (Did he ever have it?) If he only knew that the one guy is gay…

The new recruits are transporting Gramps to safety. This is too funny! Gramps is telling Pablito that he knows talent/bravery when he sees it, and Pablito has it. The plan is to take Gramps home with little Pablito to live in secret with his grandma and he. Gramps asks if there is any shelter where he can hide. Pablito thinks…

The city-slickers are talking to Gabby. They want to take the girls to some party in town. Gabby says okay, but the girls can only hang out with the boys, and no one else.

Naturally, the Reyes bros. and company are going to this party. The maid tells them that they have to go to mass first. Franco becomes religious and tells everybody that he loves the Virgencita and he loves to sing to her. Why is this important? I don’t know…

Gramps and team have found a hiding shelter. It’s a cave and it has fresh flowers, but whose could it be? Gramps thanks Pablito for his help and then explores the surrounding area.

We see a full church at mass. Franco is singing to the Virgencita. Everyone is moved by his music. Basically, he sings about how grateful he is for her protection, how much he loves her, and how he has grown so much. It’s a really nice song, sung well by someone, but it’s pretty obvious that he isn’t singing live. And by the way, they say that they can make anyone sound good in a recording studio. It’s so true. Remember Gaviota? Need I say more?

Gabby has turned to drinking. She refuses to go to the mass that honors Sofia and Juan’s return. She doesn’t have to put up with Sofia’s arrogance. Eva tries to persuade Gabby into going for her daughter’s sake. “Don’t tell me how to be a good Christian. I’m much closer to God than you’ll ever be! Now get out of here!” How do you respond to that?

Back at mass, Oscar is talking about how his new-found faith can move mountains and how he is in love, blah, blah, blah. What’s more important here is that Fernie is trying to hold Sofia’s hand, which she doesn’t want to do, and makes Juan uneasy. What was the point of that speech?

General Pablito brings Gramps some water, food, and blankets. They decide that Gramps and Pablito’s Grandma are going to go to a dance together. So what’s the plan? Is Gramps just going to sit outside all day and night and “hide?”

Can I question something? Now, I don’t live in Veracruz, nor have I traveled there, but I’m going to venture to say that no priest is as enthusiastic or involved with one single family as the fictitious Padre Tadeo. Who in the world has a priest who puts all of his energies into securing the safety and comfort of some rich family? For crying out loud, he’s basically at the Elizondo compound every day, and when he’s not there, the girls are talking to him at his place. And then this whole mass thing has been blown completely out of proportion. Are you telling me that every time somebody crosses a river on a rope the whole town meets at a mass and then throws a town-wide party? Credibility factor: 1 Rationale: some of these characters are stupid enough to go along with this.
But anyway, they constructed this altar and are carrying it down the isle. The Reyes bros. proceed to carry it through town, where there are huge celebrations and everyone is happy. There are traditional dancers and a whole lot of love stares. Not to mention some jealousy, but what did you expect?

So this mass/party, not be confused with a massive party, has lasted all day, and now it’s time to dance. Fernie dances with Sofia and stirs up a jealous cocktail of regret within Juan. What was Juan expecting from a married couple? Well, Franco and Oscar’s luck isn’t much better, as they are the ones standing around in the corners. Similarly, Eva, the party-pooper, is in the corner crying. Partner change! Juan takes Sofia from her husband. Nice… Uh oh, time to change again, bye-bye Sofia! That was short-lived; much like their amorous relationship. Juan takes Sofia to the side and says that he can’t live without Sofia. Oh no, Fernie sees them kissing; he’s on the war path. Eva creates a diversion, but it doesn’t work. He knows!

Rosario and Franco are talking. She’s mad because he wants to have two girls at the same time, much like Fernie wants to keep two books at one time. Anyway, she tells him to pick Sarita or her, but not both. She could do much better than Frankie…

Eva tells Sofia to be more careful. Sofia says that she doesn’t usually act like that but she can’t resist because she loves Juan. It’s a clean love, it’s good, and that’s why it’s okay to be a lecherer. Eva reminds her that she lives in a society with rules, and if she doesn’t follow those rules, she could be ruined.

Just like every other telenovela party, there is a fake-wedding booth. Sarita and the city-slicker (Benito) decide to get married right if front of Frankie.

Sofia gets testy when Eva makes her recommendations to cool it. “You’re always talking about how I should learn from your experiences, but what exactly are these experiences?” Eva proceeds to tell Sofia that she lived through an impossible love, but she wasn’t happy because he wasn’t free-he was married. And therefore, there were many problems, some of which she could never correct.

Gabby is looking through the pictures of the other lecherers; a.k.a. Libia and Bernie. May I ask why anyone would write a message to their lover on a picture that was given to them by that lover? Well, anyway, it puts Gabby over the edge and she starts to sob.

Sofia pushes Eva to talk. Eva admits that she was always in love with Sofia’s father. She was always in love with him, and that was her mistake. She drops her drink as Sofia is not really affected. I don’t think Adela learned about this reaction in Televisa Acting School…

Tomorrow: Sofia confronts Fernie on their divorce. He says no, Juan steps in. Rosie and Frankie battle it out…


That was hysterical, Nick - I loved the Hoveround joke!

I know I should have just enjoyed the shower scene, but I just about gagged when he let the soapsuds drip into his mouth. YUCK! Ptptptptooey!

You guys keep complaining about this novela but you keep watching. I think some of you are secretly are enjoying it a lot but have fun making fun of it. I think the writer and director does much of that purposely. It's just comic relief. I am fortunate because I can easily "suspend my disbelief" (an expression I learned in my 10th grade English class). I had no idea how helpful that ability would be in my later years but it enables me to enjoy almost all of these novelas (some more than others) without any hyperanalyses or need to criticize the shallowness of plot, less than stellar acting, etc. There are good and bad actresses in all of these novelas, but fortunately, they all offer something wonderful: Sometimes it's phenomenal acting, sometimes incredible costumes and historical interest, sometimes intriguing plots and once in a while ALL OF THE ABOVE. In the case of FUEGO, there's some great theme music, fun song and dance scenes by Rosario--though a little repetitive, a few very good actresses (diana bracho, adela noriega, Patricia Reyes Spíndola , Nora Salinas, maría sorté,) etc. It's not AMOR REAL or ALBORADA. If they were all outstanding period pieces, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the really great ones.
So, just enjoy and let's see some comments along with the criticisms. Helps those of us who want to enjoy it.

Good job Nicolas, you are funny...I like the James Bond Grandpa crawling into the bushes escape scene -- you can just hear the Bond theme music!

About the mail -- Once in Oaxaca I sent a letter to a friend on the other side of town. My friend received it 2 MONTHS later. So I would have to say that Pablito is like Pony Express or overnight FedEx!

Padre Tadeo should have sent that kid & his dog running to the Bishop with the annulment request for Sofia! But then all the fun of FELS would be mostly over.

The shower scene reminded me of Andy Warhol's "Bike Boy" -- remember that? 45 min. of non-stop showering! Could EY pull that off?
Many of us would say You Betcha!

I liked how the town was planning a celebration for Juan/Sofia -- and they carry the Virgen, have a band and dancing and tamales and agua fresca -- but there's also a whole street fair with rides at this celebration -- how did they manage to find one of those traveling carnivals so fast?

I think that Bernardo E. & Libia R. are controlling everyone and the intermeshing 3 Elizondo sistahs / 3 Reyes Bros love affairs from the afterlife. Note how the flower keeps glowing! And how everyone is impactada/o and finds themselves hopelessly in love-at-first-sight when they were perfectly fine as singles a few seconds before.

But I agree with you, Nick -- who writes their own message on the back of a photo already inscribed by one's lover?

Life alert Life alert i've fallen and i cant get up!
just thinking of that tv ad makes me laugh I was laughing so hard i was anoying the sleeping pit bull Zoey thats latched back to back with me in my moms bed, my insides hurt!
oh im laughing so hard im crying hahaha!
omfg its almost four in the morning i gotta get off my laptop (aka Adam Evie) i have been on the internet all day!
I said i wouldnt watch this ep cause i finished it online...but then i decied to look at it on tv and well i cant tell if i watched this ep or tonights episiode!
I saw the last 15 minnutes of this ep and rembered seeing alot of the clips from hoy,
the episode i watched was 28 that right?
thanks for the recap its what i needed!

Thank you, Nicolas, for a funnny recap. I know this novela is trying your patience.

However I must defend my E Y. I know somewhere in that hunky body lies a great actor. I have seen snippets of it in D A. And he does have charisma.

I love Pablito, the area's communication system. He is quick on his feet, dependable, kind and hard working. Good traits that others might strive for in these parts..

And again we have a magical carnival which appears overnight. I want the Reyes housekeeper to throw me a party.

G in Ca

I'm still watching the show, and have pretty much made up my mind that I'm going to see it through to the end. For all its ridiculousness, it's grown on me and I like it. The sweet parts are sweet, the silly parts are silly, the STOOPID parts are ROFL, I adore Gramps, and I really like the actors. And there is absolutely nothing bad about pixelated nekkid man-buns.

(I'm also learning what NOT to do in my own writing. Heh.)

Had some familial stuff come up, but I'm almost caught up with episodes now to where I can add something hopefully decent to the conversation, y'all. (Two more to go.)

Question: Does one of the Tweedles really have a male lover? Or is that just snark? (Hey, sometimes it's hard to tell what's serious and what's not, especially when you're trying to catch up *shrug*)

Thanks much for the recap, Nick! I am glad you came onboard.

I agree with the butter biscuit queen. I'm not watching the show often (I'll have to watch tonight though cause I'm recapping) but when I do, it's fun. Maybe because nobody is getting REALLY TORTURED - I recall Barrera de Amor.

Two fine actors have appeared in the production: Pablito and Mariachi!! ... how delightful the scene when Augustin enlisted his willing soldiers. Alas we are thrown some crumbs now and then.

Very funny & so true...
Hey I beg to differ, had I been madly in love with the 75 year old bus driver when I was in middle school I probably would have written a lot of crap on the back of my 8th grade picture, in flowing purple sparkle ink with hearts dotting all the eyes. Alas I had an unexciting childhood and never penned prose to a senior citizen.

While I am just all shades of happy for the deflowered Juan and I have learned not to dread the touch of a man Sofie, I just cringe when they talk or thought bubble about their love. For the love of Gawd, who talks like that? It is like being thrown back into some 1950's angsty teen love story. What's next, Juan telling people that Sofie is a swell gal?

Also I think it was totally possible that the singing brother would do so, in church in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary, with his shirt coyly open to the naval.

Nic: Agreed - good, funny recap, and I'm still watching. But, just for fun.

Yes, Julie, on the extended shower scene with soap dripping off EY's beard, I kept wondering why someone behind the cameras wasn't prompting him to rinse it off. Anyway, I was willing do it. Obviously he needs help bathing.

Crabi seems to be hitting the bottle more often. But, she's a woman of good taste, wealthy, etc. - just ask her, so she drinks brandy out of the right kind of glass - setting an example for the rest of the common folks.

Can't say I ever fell for a senior citizen when I was a teenager, and it's really hard to fall for a senior citizen now that I'm one myself! Anyway

Good morning from lower Ala

Thanks for the recap, Nick. I haven't watched my VCR tape of this episode yet. Will look forward to the shower scene. Maybe it was a ... cold shower.

Ahhhhh ... the telenovela rosa ... looking at all the world through pink-colored lenses. :-D I enjoy this little novela and all its cheesyness. Me encanta and I enjoy having a good laugh over it from time to time. I haven't had this much fun since Bésame Tonto.

One thing about this novela is that I perceive a certain chemistry between all of them. They all seem to be enjoying working together.Sometimes their faces are trying to *not* laugh.

ITA with the 'comic relief' theory. FELS is my escape from the real world; my guilty pleasure. LFMB (finally bailed on it after 4 months of misery) gave new meaning to the word 'circo.' I don't see FELS going in that direction. But wait.... there's still time.....

Thanks for the funny recap! I only saw the first half got to see Juan's shower looked for a while like he was foaming at the mouth!! Too bad his nether regions were hidden away!! :)When he smiles his smile it's awesome!

Gramps is the best part of the show so far. They had better NOT kill him off! Pablito and his trusty doggie are cute!

I will stick this show out because of E.Y. Now that Ferd knows what's going on it should get interesting...I think!?

Thanks, Nick, for the truly snarky recap. I get the impression that you don't enjoy the show so much. I do, again my analogy- cheesy+holes=swiss cheese, which I also like. The production looks to me to be somewhat spontaneous, the apparent non-edited bloopers, the apearance that the actors are having fun, the tongue in cheek aura- it is a paroda of its predecessor (w/o have seen the predecessor) I'm hooked, and the time slot is right for me, too. It's a good time to finally settle into the recliner and enjoy something entertaining...

I love your sense of humor! I love this novela because it doesn't take it self seriously and provides great snark opportunities. Also if Juan did the whole show in the shower I would not complain one bit.

However, at the end I thought it was Sophia who dropped the drink because she was muy empacta about what Eva said about her papa. Did I miss something?

Hello -- yes, I'm on vacation in Tucson, but I went to the Apple store here and bought a laptop so I could read the comments. And I make time every night to watch it here, LOL.

I don't have long, but I would just like to point out that, as Melinama said, this novela is getting a huge amount of comments here, so people are watching it.

It's still getting a 20+ share, with 4+ million viewers every night. Have a great day -- I'm going to! ;-)

Pasofino - LOL, a shower buddy would help!

Stephe - yes, it's true that one of the twits (I can still never remember which is which) has a boyfriend.

Yes, I think it was Sofi who gaped and dropped her drink.

I have a theory as to why Bernardo wrote on the back of Libia's photo - forgetful people have to write notes to themselves to help them remember things... I'm not picking on him, I have to do it too sometimes!

Jeri!! A new computer?? Now that's what I call dedication!

Yes, I am watching it, enjoying it, enjoying analyzing it, and enjoying making fun of it. It's like a package deal for me!

I don't believe that Fernando saw them kissing. Eva warned them and Sofia thanked her later , right before Eva told her about dear old Dad.

I also was left with the impression that it was Sofia that dropped her limonada upon hearing Eva's confession. And I was unaware that Fernando actually saw Juan & Sofia k-i-s-s-i-n-g. But my dvr keeps chopping off the ending no matter how often I change the timer settings. ARRGH!

Little Paco from Pasion was on Don Francisco's show last night. He met Carla Estrada when he went to audition for Plaza Sesamo and arrived too late for PS.He said Colunga has always liked to swing him by his feet.:-)

Thanks for the recap Nicholas. I have to agree with the comments above me, Feo didn't see Juan and Sofia kissing. Eva saved them.

I also did not see Feo catch them kissing. He almost rounded that corner, but Eva talked loudly to distract him and so they'd hear and know that he was on the way.

However, from the comically guilty and scared look on Eva's face, he had to have suspected that something was up.

I enjoy this telenovela because it is fun and the music relaxing at the end of the day. I know it's cheesy but somehow I have become fond of it in this stressful world. I was upset at Pasion's ending because of the violence, especially toward the blind character. The acting is not top notch, like Colunga, but I am enjoying the playful, relaxing themes.

Excellent recap, Nick. As for the purpose of Oscar's speech about love in the church, I think Jimena's enthralled look gives us the answer. She knew his words about love were aimed at her.
As for the rich boys and their possible confrontation with Ferd's group, I have a feeling Ferd & Co. will get the upper hand.
Btw, aren't there any sheriffs in town to investigate the assault on Juan and Sofia, a gunshot, etc? Guess not.

Oscar's "speech" was 1st Corinthians 13

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become asounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.
And if I have [the gift of]prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
And if I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
Love suffers long, [and] is kind; love envies not; love boasts not itself, is not puffed up,
doth not behave itself unseemly, seeks not its own, is not provoked, taketh not account of evil;rejoices not in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails.

Hombre de Misterio - now that you mention it, the only time I remember seeing any lawmen in town was the time when they told the brothers that they found Libia. And they just left her there.

I assume those guys were in uniform (I don't remember), but maybe they weren't cops. Maybe they were mailmen or something. :)

Thanks, Nick, for the fun recap.
My new strategy is to read the recap first, and if anything interesting happened, I'll watch that part.
So, I'll watch the scenes with Pablito and Mariachi going to Don Agustin's rescue. Pablito is now my favorite character.
I can take about 1 scene with Juan and Sophie googly eying each other and babbling; I ff through the show, and am down to about 15 minutes of real viewing time.
I like the music, and am crazy for "Estos Celos".
Still, I can't give it up completely because there is a sweetness to it that appeals to me.

Has anyone noticed that one of the bros that Gabi was trying to match up her daughter (Jimena) with looks very familiar? I may be wrong, but wasn't he the guy who played a jerk on Mundo de Fieras. He played the no good cheater son of Cesar Enova.

I think you are right, 2:38. But I still can't keep track of whether he's Benito or Octavio!

Using Dorado Dave's analogy to this telenovela sandwich....the plot is the swiss cheese because it's full of those holes in logic and the cast is the ham because the acting is a little over the top.

hahaha about the telenovela ham & swiss sandwich -- very apt

The Uribe brothers are:

Benito the tall one with the sort of sad expression and

Octavio the short one with the boyfriend

But you know they're both really nice and seem smart too. Too bad they can't be real suitors...

As someone stated, Little Paco was on Don Francisco last night. It was by viewer popular demand and Little Paco, who is eight years old, was his charming, cute, cheerful self with that great smile. Also back by popular demand were a dancing golden retriever wearing a tutu and a banda. It was the cutest thing when Little Paco and the dog spontaneously danced together to the banda music. It was a little surreal, sweet moment.

G in CA

Thank you, 3:33 - I'm writing that down for future reference! I knew I was in trouble when I couldn't even remember which one was Tall One and which one was Piglet.

They do seem like fairly decent guys after all, despite the snotty impression they made at their first meeting.

One of them said something about an uncle who was pressuring them to marry. Have we met him yet? He could make things interesting.

Just the title totally cracked me up, Nick. Thanks for the many funny recap moments. "Danielle Steel library" indeed!
Pretty amazing fiesta the town pulled together in honor of Juan. I'm not that well-versed in Mexican cinema or past telenovelas, but I'm getting a definite 30s, 40s, or 50s vibe from this production. Certainly not 21st century, which may be part of the elusive charm.

Someone mentioned a day or so ago that they were filming this at the hacienda, and everyone could bring their family, etc. Maybe it feels like summer camp and the tn is the group talent show and just a big romp. This also feels like a troupe of traveling actors with lots of past history among themselves, making the best of the play no matter how absurd.

Hooray for Pablito y Mariachi! helping Don Augustin. How coincidental that he ends up at the sacred cave.
La Paloma

Thanks , Nick , for that fun recap. I am still watching this novela because it is a great stress reliever after a day of living out one's own reallife telenovela. The other day, my students read a chapter about dreams, so I had them write about their own dream. My student from Puerto Rico who is a fan of Fuego wrote that in her dream, she was in Fuego, and to protect Sofia, she got into bed with Juan when Gabriella came to visit . Somehow my telenovela world is seeping into my real world. I must say that last night's scene of Eduardo in the shower was a pleasant surprise even though there were no shots of Ed's Southern Hemisphere, or as we Alborado fans like to call it...his humid zones. [Shout out to Diego.] I agree with those who say that 1] Adela dropped the cup upon becoming impactada from Eva's news.... and 2] Ferd did not see Juan and Sofia's liplock. I am looking forward to a confrontation between Juan and Ferd...Juan could snap Ferd like a twig...Go, Juan. P.S. I am hoping that we get some more shower scenes.

P.S. Benito is the name of The Tall One who is NotPiglet...the actor from Mundo. He's kind of a cutie....sweet smile.

Glad to see Juan doesn't always bathe out of a bucket.
Yes, it certainly was a gratuitous scene for the ladies. I for one appreciated it until it looked like he was foaming at the mouth, as someone mentioned. It was just another of those What Are They Thinking? moments but I have learned to put my brain on hold and just appreciate them. Learning to be nonjudgmental.

G in CA

Does anyone else think that Padre is a hottie. EY rocks but I keep thinking that Padre would be better suited for another with less clothing!

Gracias Nick you always do such a fine recap even though you admit that your heart is not in it. Usually I can pick up on how the recapper feels about the novela by how they mock. I thought you were enjoying it. Anyway, it shows you have talent in that area and thanks for continuing to provide your input.

You know what's strange about the sacred/magic cave (Libia's tumba) with the glowing flower in it -- well it seems to be in the area outside the 1/2 mile zone where no one knows where they are when they get there.

But the Reyes bros always know where the cave is and how to get back from there -- yet it seems near to that skinny dipping waterhole -- and somehow near the haystack needle place too.


Does anyone else think that Padre is a hottie?
Yes, Holly. I agree with your comment about the Padre. Very handsome face. I have no idea what his body is like, but his features, his smile, and his intensity of emotion is impressive. I think he got some botox or work done on his face as I remember him having lines in his face in prior telenovelas--- which are now missing.

Aha! I just knew Padre Tadeo had Botox because his forehead never moves. The things you notice when the dialog isn't so riveting and the show's pace is slow.

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