Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guapos 06-10-2008 "Send me an Angel"

Do you believe in heaven above
do you believe in love.
Don't tell a lie
don't be false or untrue
it all comes back to you

Because this was a slow one, but there was a part in the middle that had me snarking Mr. Angel more than your average middle of road snarking...This song is devoted to you.

This was kind of a slow one, just to catch us up on sex, lies and audiotape…
I’ll skip the rehash, except for the Bobby & Al scene. Al is lamenting that he can’t be with Mili and Bobby is like oh well. Al finally says our love is forbidden, we are brother and sister. Bobby stifles a yawn. Al is appalled “You knew?” Bobby says yes and he couldn’t tell. Al can’t believe it, Al’s soul was destroyed. How could Bobby watch him twist in misery and say nothing. Bobby just shrugs.
I may be wrong, but Bobby is no doubt thinking, well Dude, I was pretty miserable while, your Mother played Tonsil Hockey with my Dad, then your Dad played hide the salami with my Mother, then let’s see, your sister screwed me over for the chauffeur. Well AssHat Misery loves company.

Consti has realized that Damien has stolen all Consti ‘s surely illegal gotten gains and transfer them over to himself. Damn is there no honor among thieves? Uhhh I guess not. Now Consti is about to open up his ACME catalog and order some tried and true Hanna Barbara props to stick it to Wiley Damien Coyote. I swear these two are like the Odd Couple, Consti would have dumped Luci years ago if it wasn’t for the fun of Damien. (Damien I feel for you I really do)

Meanwhile, Val and Rocky are frolicking about the house, he as the fumigator and she as the hawt to trot rich girl.

Nestor is over at the Church, pulling out a check for Padre Manuel, oh you are too generous. Yes it is just a little token of appreciation. Yeah Dude, fess up you are buying an indulgence. I have no problem with thinking that a generous donation softens any sin. Readers for more examples, see Consti, Luci and so on.
Why this is enough money to build new dorms for all the muchachos and muchachas. Padre asks what’s up with the whole paternity thing? Nestor says he doesn’t want to say anything until the test is back, what with Luci being a drunken French Whore and all, but beings that if it does turn out to be Nestor’s kid, he is gonna stick by the kid. He is pretty sure Al is his. (Yeah well so was the dead French Guy). How much does it cost to buy forgiveness for letting someone think he is the father, being driven to insanity and then killed? I don’t know maybe a new gym.
I guess this is cause Al will really need a friend/hip father, once he finds out, he is nothing but a lied to Bastard who gave up the real love of his life to marry the crazy Mafia Princess.

Mili is wearing her Carlitos outfit and with Matt the Ratt she is over at the convent. She is in the kitchen with the chunky nun. They are making anise flavored Pan. Trying to raise money for the new dorms. Mili volunteers Matt who has vowed to Conquistador her heart. They will stand on the street and sell pans. Mili roughs up his hair, pulls his shirt tales half out and pops a few buttons off his shirt. She wants him to look the part of a scruffy street vendor. Egads, Matt feels like he needs a shower just thinking about it.

Consti is meeting with one of his gets the job done underworld type guys. The guy gives him a passport.
Next a bank guy comes up to the table and Consti starts a cat and mouse game with him to get to person who allowed Damien to falsify the papers.

Mili and Matt are hanging out in front of Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. It is like Central Park, huge and my favorite La Reforma runs right along it. Mili is working her Naca Shtick and Matt is mostly standing around looking mortified. Finally after some pushing by Mili, he goes up to a car and a well dressed woman recognizes him and he is mortified. As if he could be embarrassed, he is a lawyer after all.

Damien pops a bottle of champagne wishing to celebrate his good fortune of stealing all Consti’s dinero. With of course his main accomplice the lovely Andrea. She feigns fear that Consti will come in and catch them, but no. She gives in and drinks with Damien. Well Damien they say you never hear the Anvil that gets you.

Consti checks into a rather seedy looking hotel room, says he is Damien, shows the fake passport, pays cash and goes up to his room. He puts a tape recorder, his passport and a brief case full of money on the bed. He then leaves the door ajar and hides. Some guy comes in and plays the recording, it tells him to take the passport and cash to the bank, deposit the money and then beat it. The guy who How much does it cost to buy forgiveness for letting someone think he is the father, being driven to insanity and then killed? I don’t know maybe a new gym.
kind of looks like Damien. Guy leaves, Consti comes out laughing and mocking the voice on the tape.

Val & Rocky are hanging out upstairs kind of making out, talking of being free and running off together.
Crap they didn’t hear the anvil either, cause here comes Luci and Karla. Rocky pulls on the mask and now Luci thinks not only has Val been diddling the chauffeur but now the fumigator too. Maybe it is just the uniform? Geez keep her away from fleet week. Anyway Rocky rather than let Luci think lil Val will do anyone of the working class that happens to get a uniform as a job perk, pulls off his mask. Luci is screaming for Karla to call Consti. Rocky takes off. Val does her teen stiff walk. Luci doesn’t slap her, how the hell did that happen? Karla smirks and has a good ole time laughing. Can’t fault you there, Karla.

Mili and Matt show up at Matt’s Crib (Matt is such a wanna be hipster, I just thought I’d throw that crib thing in), anyway Mili goes off to the lil Naca’s Room. Gramps comes in, oooopppps there goes the Bachelors Pad thing. Gramps says the lady from the car saw Matt selling Pans. Matt says he is trying to win over Mili. Gramps lays down the law about trying to get Mili’s money. Mili overhears and goes all medieval on Matt, she marches out. Matt is mad at Gramps cause he truly, madly, deeply loves Mili. As does every other young male that she meets.

Speaking of hawt young males, the Padre brings in a fairly hawt in a wholesome type way joven guy named Angel, Chunky Nun is looking at him like his t-shirt says Russell Stovers. The Padre is taken a bit aback. Angel is there to do some carpenter work. He goes off with another Nun. Padre chastises Sr. Chunky for being so flirty. No it is for Gloria, she thinks Angel would be a better boy friend than that Mexico City slang talking Chamuco.

---Hey readers what if Angel really is Angel, sent by Grams. Cause Juan Soler is busy. Huh what if he is the Angel to get Mili and Al together? Like really he writes cookbooks but he is really a know it all annoying Angel that bumps and grinds against Lety, wait I mean Mili. Hey it could happen, Sr Chunky is already totally enamoured---Nah surely Televista won’t recycle that lame story line…Readers if you didn't suffer through La Fea, excuse my tirade, if you did well then you get it.--

Anyway, speak of the devil why there are young Gloria and Chamuco walking and talking, when the talk turns to sex. Looks like Chamuco has been talking to some friends and more or less in a group vote it seems it is time for do the deed. Gloria is mad and walks off in a huff. Geez, Gloria it was just a suggestion.

Mili is at the wall of little post office box tombs. She is crying to Granny about how the will is set up and how she just wishes she had Granny back. How screwed up life is now. Al overhears. He too is there to see Granny. They lament losing Granny, Al has no one now. Really I do think he is harder hit than Mili, not that she doesn’t feel it too, but Mili actually has friends, a entire church full of secret hiding adults, dos suitors, really three if you want to count her brother. Poor Al he just has Bobby the deceiver, an uber evil pretend father, a real father who chose to get his wick dipped rather than pass on the good news, an evil cloying mother and a psycho wife to be. Yeah Al certainly wins the pity prize. Al makes Mili promise to stand up for him when he gets married. EEEEEkkkkkk
Mili agrees and the poor sad, I am having very improper feelings for you couple leave to go home.

Now Consti is driving Andrea somewhere, I don’t know where but she is whining she is hungry. They are either in traffic or Consti is scoping out the scene for Damien or I really don’t know what is going on. Some hawt guy is giving Andrea the eye and she is giving it right back. “What a total Tool, Consti” asks if she likes the car. Yeah AssHat that is what she is drooling over, the car. Andrea says yeah, she likes the car, Consti’s car is old or it is for old guys, I’m not sure which. Anyway the metaphor is totally lost on Consti, but not the audience.

Okay now Consti walks in Val’s room, geez was this bad editing or quatum physics time and space displacement? Luci is going on and on about Rocky, Consti of course thinks Luci is, was or soon will be drunk. Finally he figures it out that yes, indeed his daughter, his real daughter, not that half ass bastard daughter, has been hookin up with the help. Val says she did it cause she wanted to kiss him and prove to her self that Rocky was so yesterday’s news. That’s it, it is over she feels nothing. Her parents gaze upon with those, we know you are lying, we didn’t spend a lifetime in front of a mirror for nothing, we know the look.

The shadows pass over the Angel Statue and finally it is another day.

Al goes to see Flor, she is all me Amor planning the Wedding. Bobby & her sister will be in the Wedding. Al says so will Mili and Flor gives in.

Luci goes to see Consti in the office and she rubs it in Andrea’s face that Andrea is just the Amante, always the secretary never the bride.

Consti is off checking out a lime green convertible sports car. He sits behind the wheel with that big swingin something middle-age look on his face. Say Consti as an additional option does that sweet piece of machinery come with a dashboard mounted PEZ dispenser of Viagra?

Karla is following Val around the house. Val is wicked pissed and calls her Sombra, Shadow, Pa comes in and tell Val she has three choices, 1) go to France and modeling school, 2) I don’t know I missed it or 3) let Karla be her shadow. Const smirks with a uber smug look. Padre Manuel arrives, off to the Study.

Well that is about it. I told you it was lame.
Looks like tomorrow, Consti give Mili a car (I bet it is his old one, JackAss),
Mili does the gee, you act like a father, I feel like your daughter.
Mili jerks his chain. Oh yeah I think Flor says she may be pregnant. For the love of Gawd what does Al not get about conception, does he think that whole bedroom act is something he thought up and children come from storks. Geeezzz. Also Matt the Ratt Gramp’s gives him a chance to prove his love for Mili by signing a paper that renounce her money. Owww the cost of love.


Chunky Nun is looking at him like his t-shirt says Russell Stovers. HA HA. That's funny, Beckster. I'll forgive that lawyer joke.

Anyway, your Juan Soler take is right on target, I think.

I'm glad Mili mussed up Mat. He looked ridiculously tightassed, and also too skinny. There's something about his pasty skin too. He looks like a refugee from a TB ward.

Does anyone really understand what Connie was doing with the money and the passport, etc. This makes about the fourth time script has referred to some weird blackmail or crooked deal he and Damien have been involved with, but these plot threads never get tied up. Peralta hasn't showed up lately--must be vacationing on another TN.

Hey Beckster...I was going to comment on your genius humor "Chunky Nun is looking at him like his t-shirt says Russell Stovers" but Ninak beat me to it.

Really, will you donate your brain to science when you're done with it?..I want that wild sense of humor studied!

And while we're on the subject of Mat...does anyone else think he looks about 48 with a bad case of Grecian Formula to cover the gray?
Most unattractive galan. Makes Hugo look really really good in comparison.

Beckster: You light up my Wednesday mornings with your humor. This is a much better program when you tell the story.

Anyway - like Nina - I'll let you get by with the lawyer rant because the rest is so funny.

From lower Ala

Nah, I actually think Lawyers are awesome, well not all lawyers, but Matt's friend made me think of it the way he was talking, I just was too lame to include the conversation.

I have often thought if I had it all to do over again, I would have chosen law. It makes me feel good to think I would be like a Pro Bono helping people lawyer. When in reality, I probably be a whiplash lawyer.

I'd like to be someone like Alan on Boston Legal, except Denny Crane kind of creeps me out and I would prefer not to be quite as swarmy as Alan, but just as snarky.

Great recap Beckster! I'm always ready to lament about la Fea. Of course, if Al were to wear the skin tight daisy dukes at the beach, I don't think there would be so much complaining.

I'm so short on time this week. I don't think I'll get to watch any of the show, so I'll have to rely on the recaps! Which are much more fun.


If anyone needs a Juan Soler fix (I don't) check out Palabra de Mujer in the afternoon. He is playing his own age and minus the bleached blonde hair and you can also see Agustin Arana playing an adult. It also features Edith Gonzales in all her eye rolling glory.

Anyway I can't help thinking that Mat looks WAY too old to be chasing after Mili like the rest of them and his friend is even creepier. These two are real scum and hopefully will join Pilar and Bobby's parents -off the show rapidisimo.

I'm glad for tame episodes like this. They give us a break from all the intense emotion of late. In writing it is called scene and sequel and is done deliberately to bring down the intensity before reving it up again. In this case it probably means two doomed marriages.

I do have to agree that Mili and Al promising to show up for each other's weddings was a tad odd. Just wanting to have the other one close by seemed to me to just be amping up the pain. Want to bet neither one of them goes through with it?

Loved connie with that weird voice after his plan went through (whatever it was).

Decie Girl...found your comment about "scene and sequel" to be very interesting.

Have you studied script writing or actually done it yourself? Tell me more....

How's about Lina gets together with new convent carpenter guy? Mat and his skeezy friend have got to go. I do find it sort of entertaining that Mat likes to think of himself as a young, hip ladykiller biker, yet wears his pleated pants hitched up high and his hair all combed down like a middle-aged dude.

Mili, Val, and Rocky should all go to Paris. I want to see more sisterly bonding.

Thanks, Beckster for the funny recap! Once again no captions in L.A. – I wonder what’s up with that. And today we disconnected our TV that gets captions & I’ll be watching on the captionless one for the rest of the week, so recaps are my lifeline!

I love, love, love reading the Beckster's comment. I absolutely am entertained for five minutes. I have to laugh cause in this particular soap, it's soooo boring! OMG, get on with the story already! I agree with whoever said it. Mateo is old and it's a lame story the writers want us to buy. Yeah sure, the educated professor/attorney is hopelessly in love with Milli. Uh huh. He looks only slightly younger than Gramps (tho oddly enough, they have the same overbite). Thanks Beck. Vivian

Not only does Mateo look old and emaciated, he has a hideous brown spot on his jaw. Paging a dermatologist! Oh, by the way, I was out of the room for part, but didn't they cut off his sleeves too? It's like those pranks where they cut off people's neckties.

As for Mili "standing up" at the wedding--is she supposed to be the best man, in the manner of the new open gender wedding pals (e.g., Made of Honor)? How will they explain that? If they don't tell everyone about the hermanos thing, won't it be inexplicable that the ex-novia is the best man?

Maggie...I am soooo sympathetic about your captionless situation. It's terrifying how dependent we are on this help.

We had one night here in Columbus when Juan (and Juan only) lacked captions.

And wouldn't you know it was my night to recap!!!

At first I was so-deer-in-the-headlights I couldn't even understand the rehash, which I had seen with captions the night before.

Finally I just hunkered down and told myself to do it. Had to really concentrate, missed a lot and guessed a lot, but managed to do it. AND WAS ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTED.

Amazing how much easier the captions make it...but ya' know...in a couple of years I don't think we'll need them. Isn't that exciting?


Al asked Mili to come to the wedding as a witness. Bobby and Marisela will be doing the standing up. No need to explain anything.

Judy B.

No I'm not a script writer but I am a writer. The structure is the same for novels and for scripts. You have to give the viewer/reader a break after hitting them with something strong. This novela has had so many powerful scenes that we need the comic relief of Val/Rocky/ the servants or Connie's plotting otherwise it gets too hard to watch. This is one of the least boring novela's I've ever seen and everything moves rapidly (except the secret of the parents - unlike the tedious Pasion and the letters and everything about Juan Q).

I don't use captions because I find them distracting and too much of a crutch. When I first started with novelas I was constantly stopping and starting the tape and jotting down what I thought were words and looking them up or flat out guessing what was being said based on the circumstances. Then one day I realized I had understood an entire conversation without jotting or translating in my mind. That ladies is a red letter day let me tell you.

I've never used captions on the TV. Sometimes it might come in handy when they do outdoor scenes with a lot of background noise.

It varies from show to show how much I understand. Comedies are harder because I don't have all the cultural background to make it funny. I don't like watching Mexican comedy shows much (ie: Hora Pico) but variety shows are okay, like Sabado Gigante. The Cuban dialect is harder for me to understand. Since Univision is based in Miami, many of the TV personalities are Cuban, like Cristina and probably that news reporter Enrique Gratis.

Likewise, my Mexican hubby doesn't like American comedy or stand-up either because much of the subtle humor is lost on him.

When we watch movies, we always use the Spanish subtitles, when available.


As we've discussed before, we're all in different stages of transitioning through the crutch of captions. When I started watching 2 years ago, I was using the captions and stopping all the time to look up words. Then I got to the point where most of the time I can read them quickly as if they were English and follow along. So now I am in the stage that Decie and JudyB describe where you try to watch without captions to train the ear. I am picking up more and more each day, but at first it is exhausting.

Decie, do you write novels? What kind?

I agree with you that this is among the least boring TNs. Pasion was draggy/talky to me too, although I was wildly outnumbered in that opinion. Fuego is slow moving, but not draggy. I am finding my ear training is much better with Fuego, as they speak more slowly.

Oh, JudyB! That’s my big fear that next week when I go back to recapping (Margarita is covering for me this week, bless her heart!) that we will still be captionless. If so, it’ll be one sorry recap, I’m telling you!

I’m still at the learning phase where speech is just too fast – I think of captions not as a crutch, but as training wheels. Some actors I understand better than others. Mostly with the captions on I can read along pretty smoothly, unless there is some tricky vocab or constructions. But I do look forward to the day when I can understand without having to read along.

Maggie.... since you're still captionless, have you noticed how clearly the character Andrea speaks?

When I do occasionally try and practice without captions that's when I notice who enunciates and she really does.

Decie Girl
Thanks for the explanation...I'll try and pick up that sequence now that you've made me conscious of it.

Now that you mention it, we had a really humorous night of Juan last Thursday, then an awful one Friday, then Monday it was light an funny again.

Now I know what's going on, thanks to you!

For now, though, first time through I do really like closed captions and writing down and looking up...I've increased my vocabulary and grasp of idioms that way since I've really not had much formal instruction. I do the same thing with my magazines...write and hope eventually it sinks in.

Juan is too fast also, it is the chilangense accent in mexico city. Everything is slang.

My husband says he never heard anyone call their parents Jefe.

also I don't know if you all heard the newstory about Tatum O'Neal?
but I heard the follow-up on the radio the next day. The person reading the story was dead serious. 'Tatum O'Neal says her Dog drove her to purchase drugs'. I was like how seriously high was she. Then they went on to explain the death of her dog three weeks earlier had driven Tatum to start using again. I was rolling, not over the dog or over the drugs, but over the AssHat that wrote the story. I tried to explain it to my husband, but he just looked at me like I was insane. But I think they use some form of Mandar for driving like a car or driving someone crazy in Spanish. Maybe my husband is a dolt, but I still think it was funny.;

Maggie, don't worry, we'll pitch in if you are missing information. I like your idea of calling the captions "training wheels" instead of a crutch.

I love the aha moment when I understood the spoken word. I am starting to pick up more conversations on the street and subway here too. Not that anyone ever says anything interesting. It's just an amazing thing when you start to be able to distinguish words rather than hearing gibberish.

Wow, poor Tatum. I still feel bad for her. I remember when she was a child star.

My Spanish tutor says she has heard that "jefe" slang used. Like "old man," etc. But it seems a bit disrespectful. Mili uses it in a loving way, which seems odd.

Yes, Maggie, let me jump in as say, all the recappers at some point write "I didn't really get this part...can somebody help me"...we're all in this together and no one has to be super perfect. It's not like school...hooray!

And for training the ear, what I like to do is listen to books on tape (CD's really) in the car. Dr. Isabel has some nice ones..Los Siete Pasos Para Ser Más Feliz...for instance.

She has a Cuban accent (doesn't pronounce all her "s's" but it's not bad. I have a terrible time with Cristina!

Now I'll feel really good (or bad, depending) when I know what the Hispanic workers are Chipotle are talking about back and forth to each other!

Great recap Beckster, as always.

We used to call our father "jefe", he always went along with it and when he arrived home he would ask for a report, like a captain would from the troops. I remember one time when my little brother had misbehaved and we tried to tell our father. My little brother put one arm around my father and told him “No les hagas caso jefe, nos quieren dividir" "don't listen to them boss they want to divide us" it was very funny.

I have another question while we are on the subject of slang. I see that Valeria uses the "obvio" sort of the way we use "duh" in English, right? So now I am wondering about the reference used by the two guys Al and Bobby. They seem to use (not sure of the spelling) is it "Way" or Whey - at least that's what it sounds like at the end of their sentences. Is this the same as they say "dude" in English? Does anyone know? I have heard "jefe" used to imply a parent but I don't think it's used in a disrespectful manner. Vivian

You guys are great, thanks for the amazing recaps. I'm an American soap opera writer and I've been told people learn English by watching my show, so I'm trying the reverse, hoping to improve my Spanish by watching telanovelas. But I'd be lost without these synopses! Does anyone know where I might find recaps for "Palabra de Mujer?" Thanks.

Decie Girl: What time is Palabra de Mujer on EST? I'll be recuperating from knee surgery and will have the time to watch some daytime telenovelas. Thanks. NJ Sue

it is Buey or Guey, which is like Dude, I think once Fernando on LFMB said it and people where like he would never say that. It may have started Naco, but it is pretty mainstream now. Just cause you are rich doesn't mean you can't be cool.

I remember back in the 70's my friend had a neighbor who called everyone, chicks and dudes..We thought it was hysterical. Alas, it has become part of my daily speech.

I'm not watching this show, but the comments are great. Thanks a bunch.

I started watching novelas back in the stone age, when Televisa was still bragging about having stereo sound and used to flash a little "sonido estério" ribbon on the screen; no lie.

So, there were no captions, and I never got the habit. One thing I resorted to was writing a summary for a novela forum. Someone asked me to do it, and that gave me confidence, I guess.

I used to put the episode on audio tape and listen all day, over and over, until I figured it out.

And then I wrote the summary. It usually took seven or eight hours, from watching the show to posting, in the beginning. But I never needed a summary again after writing 60-70 of those.

And it did help a lot of people -- and continues to. Novela summaries never die -- they will be read by somebody, sometime, forever. :-) People rummage around in those for years after the shows go off the air.

Btw, there is a Palabra de Mujer forum at the Telenovela World website; it doesn't appear they have a summary writer, but there seems to be a good discussion going.

As far as I know, Caray Caray is the only one to provide extensive summaries and we're only doing what you see...Juan, Guapos, Fuego and now Traicion(sp?..looks funny)

Esmas does summaries but they're one sentence long! Gives you some idea but sure won't improve your Spanish. There might be something about Palabra de Mujer on Wikipedia though...you might look.

But tell us more Shelly...how did you get into writing soaps? We often qvetch about the telenovela writers and rag on them, but don't take it personally...I'm sure you do a better job.

And Jeri..your technique was interesting. I DO find that when I've heard an ad a few times (like for Amas de Casas Desesperadas) I finally start to "get" what they're saying...but it's still tough. Maybe after I've recapped for a year or two it will come.

But years ago, when I was learning French, they used to give us lots of dicteés and for me, taking notes on what I hear and checking it with what I see is a bit like doing a dicteé and it's helping me right now.

JudyB, you are taking me back to junior high school with those dictees. That really is a time-honored pedagogical technique. Anything repetitive is helpful in language study. If I had more time, I would watch some of these episodes twice, because I always hear more the second time. It's just too time consuming.

As for Palabra de Mujer, I would love to watch that, but I don't have time right now. Last year some of us recapped an afternoon novela, Acorralada, one of the worst ever. The afternoon ones sometimes considered worse than evening. But I understand Palabra is good. If enough people on Caray started watching it, they could recap.

I forgot to add as to the dictees: Our French teachers spoke pretty slowly and enunciated very well--unlike Chamuco or Miligol.

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