Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fuego Tuesday June 10 - Not much has changed in two weeks

I haven't posted in two weeks, CherylNewMex was kind enough to cover for me last week. I kept meaning to catch up by reading the recaps, but real life has even gotten in the way of that. So I decided to just go in cold - I don't have any idea what happened since the last recap I wrote. Then I said to hell with it - I won't even take notes. What follows is what stuck in my head after watching the show.

Apparently Sofia had left the house to get away from Fernando. According to a flashback later in the show, this included screwing Juan in a barn somewhere. Good for her. Then she apparently went BACK to the house, which then included being around for Fernando to be a peeping Tom while she was in the shower. Bad for her.

Sofia and Eva talk, Sofia says she totally loves Juan, Eva says go for it and also tells about her missing baby and that Bernardo was the father. Sofia isn't mad, she wants to meet her sister. Small problem, your bitch mom.. no she didn't actually say it, she stopped and said "I gave her up for adoption." Why protect Gabriela? Makes no sense. Throw her under the bus, say it was her who took the baby. Anyway, Eva says she thinks Rosario is her daughter so the two of them decide to go see her, and also grandpa.

Grandpa escaped from the house and it seems that his family didn't know where he was, now they know he is at the Reyes bakery. Eva and Sofia come to visit, gramps tells her to love Juan and then later tells Juan to love her, he wants to be cupid. When Gabriela shows up to visit grandpa, Juan tells her off good, saying that they are on his turf now so she can't boss him around, and besides she never even said please. Gabriela goes home without seeing him.

Sofia goes to help poor sick people, everyone tells her how great she is but she should do something for herself, meaning more sex in the barn with Juan.

Rosario tells Eva to piss off, quit bothering her. Then Rosario runs into Franco, who tells her she's not a good woman because she is ashamed of her kid. Of course she doesn't explain herself, which would make this show a month shorter, so now they are mad at each other.

Oscar and Franco go to the hacienda and run into Sarita and Jimena talking to the lame brothers they have no intention of marrying. They are jealous, and in case we didn't realize that, "Estos Celos" by Vicente Fernandez keeps playing in the background to remind us. The Reyes boys take the girls to see Grandpa, then later Jimena and Oscar make out while Franco moons over Sarita, who hates him now.

Juan and Sofia run into each other at the church, they kiss a little and then split up, no talking. Padre tells Juan to love Sofia. Everybody sure is in their business, which is bad, but even worse it isn't even helping. Usually when a man and a woman have that many people telling them "yes he/she really loves you" it HELPS. Oh I forgot - earlier the padre tells Sofia he's going to work on annulling her marriage.

Sofia wants to be more in charge of the hacienda, so she's looking at papers, she even manages to convince her mother that it's a good idea, she buys it because she thinks it will have her spending more time with Fernando.

Rosario cries about Franco, then because she's stupid she says she can't tell him the truth about her son.

We see a little boy in a shack somewhere hidden that must be her son, some crazy old lady is taking care of him. Another little boy wanders by and comes into play with him, the crazy lady yells at him.

Another scene started with Franco riding a horse but my recording ended.

In short - I missed absolutely nothing in being gone for two weeks. This show is super lame. Let me know if any of my assumptions about what happened during my hiatus are incorrect. See you next time! *sob*


Chris your recap is hysterically funny, you sure don't lose your edge with time off and having no news of the last two weeks. The only scene you missed was the evil Gabi having Fardtnando drive Abuelo to an old folks asylum and then not tell the girls because there were in various states of incarceration in the house. Abuelo has the only three dimensional part as far as I can tell. He charmed the nuns and the other old things, caused much alarm from the asilo owner who is being paid off by Gabi to certify her bad heart to scare everyone. Abuelo escapes in a madcap dash that ends up at Libia's cave, Pedrito and his dog Mariachi save him, the Reyes brothers take him in and he flirts with girls, and generally has a swell time at the bakery (shirt on, thank God) but his joy enrages the two evil ones. So there, you are caught up.
By the way I have obligations away until the end of June but if you still want to find someone for alternate Tuesdays, I would be willing to do it starting the 8th of July. Let me know.

Thanks for keeping us laughing. I hope you don't want to bail out of this Fuego all together. It is good for a lot of laughs.

Thanks for adding in the missed scene, cheryl... 'preciate it.

Heh heh heh. That's plenty of recap for an hour of Fuego. Dimwits all around.

It's really hard to believe that these grown women get slapped around by their mother and locked up in their rooms and have to sneak out. Gabbi, hello, your girls are way way past 15 years old.
I like Abuelo. He is a breath of fresh air.

Chris: Great recap LOL all the way. There are so many dream scenes of things past that in two weeks you really haven't missed much - except gramps' escape from the asilo - as Cheryl pointed out.

Have a great day.

Ole Gabi has sure been told off lately. First Sofia's coditions for her return, Juan really got her good. Suppose any of it sinks in? Nahh. i was surprised that she is going to allow that Sofia takes on any admin responsibilities, regardles her reasons. Whatever she discovers will be dissed by the evil bag... Chris, I know that you aren't reading, but hang in there, there is always something wacky going on, and we need your snark...

Thanks everyone - Ha I forgot one part where after Rosario and Franco argue, she tries to storm off but on her too tall heels she can only lurch off like a drunken horse. I laughed out loud. Then I checked out her tight jeans.

Chris- those weren't jeans, but paint. The real reason she has a tough time walking is that all that silicone makes her top-heavy

Chris you are so right! I feel the same way. Actually, I'm at the point where I just fastforward and think to myself what the characters are saying; you know the conversations never change, and it's much less painful this way.

I loved the "I didn't hear you say please" scene. For someone who considers herself irreproachable, Gabriela has no manners at all.

Regarding the costume thread yesterday, it occurs to me that Grandpa is something like a costumed superhero, and Gabi and Feo as his archvillains. His only super power so far is charm, but he gets a lot of mileage out of it.

And he has trouble settling on a single costume, whereas most superheros have only one. But that's fine. I think he's awesome. :-)

What I especially enjoyed in this episode were the many looks that passed over Juan's face tonight, thinking of how he loved Sofía -- particularly in the mirror, when she had some nice looks herself. It was a very romantic episode for them.

Fernando in the shower scene just had me howling with laughter; Guillermo García Cantú is a good actor. I would like to see him as a romantic lead sometime; I bet he'd be good at romantic comedy.

I have to agree about GGC. I'd never seen him in anything before, but he is great as a villain. If he was a little better looking and could throw a few phones around, I'd maybe like him better than Sergio Sendel.

Knowing that he once played a cross-dressing murderer made the shower scene that much better last night, with visions of Norman Bates dancing in my head.

Thank you fo the short but sweet recao, Ferro ELS. Can someone post it with the rest? Muchas Gracias.

Ferro - you've missed a few episodes with Rosario strutting, errr, singing - guess that's nothing new, though, is it?

Loved your advice to Sofie to take care of herself, and yes, Dr. Ferro, you prescribed the right medicine - amor en el barn! Con Juan, por supuesto.

Juan telling Gabi off, and her retreat into her SUV was delicious! GOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLL for Juan!

It's fun to snark at this show, but the romanticism keeps me watching the interesting scenes. I do skip through a lot.

D. Dave - are you an engineer? Your analysis of Rosario's balance problem was very scientific. ;)

I see a Gavi (Sophia) gets blamed for the demise of the corporation (hacienda) plot on the horizon if she (Sophia) takes over the business. Aaron (Fernando) will somehow wiggle out of the money laundering scheme. Oh but wait !! Rodrigo (Juan) to the rescue !! Sadly Fernando has no cell phones to smash on this show because Aaron destroyed them all.

Did my ears deceive me, or did Rosario say something to Ofelia like "Franco thinks Armando is my son's father, he'd be even madder if he knew it was Fernando"?

I "hear" all kinds of things incorrectly when I watch without captions, so I'm not sure.

Yes she did say that. How could Franco care who the father was, loser #1 or loser #2?

I agree, I am sure Franco couldn't care less which homicidal idiot it is, especially since he thinks that Rosario is the bad person in this scenario.

Can someone please post this recap to the sidebar? Thank you!

Just posted it.

Ferro, thanks for the recap. Sadly, you are right about so much of the same ground being plowed over and over. Not that we watch this because we want to see a documentary...
It was wonderful to see Crabi get that little bit of payback from Juan. Too bad she won't learn anything from it.
La Paloma

Ferro, thanks for the recap...you can still bring the snark. Don't give up recapping. I always look forward to your witty perspective. I like Juan as the Sulking Hulk. He certainly gave Crabiella the stink eye as he was chastising her on her poor etiquette and people skills. Go, Juan. We all knew that our lovers had to be separated and full of angst to make their eventual reunion sweeter. Nothing new there in telenovelaville. Adela gets more beautiful as she falls deeper and deeper in love with Mighty Joe Juan. Is she pregnant ? If so, she will have some 'splaining to do. Will Pablito save Little Unlucky Luis ????? Abuelo rocks. He is a great advertisement for the proper way to ride into the golden years...wearing tricky costumes and putting the moves on the ladies...Go, Grandpop.

Poor little Luis, always getting a raw deal. That witch was really shaking the little tot. Now it seems uncaring Fernando is his father. At least Luis may be an heir to the Elizondo fortune unless Feo wastes in all on gambling.

yeah! that was a great scene where Juan tells Gabriela that nobody heard her say please! And then tells her that when they are at her house she tells them they can't come in, so now she's at their house -- she can't come in! ha ha ha

I think Rosario means that it looks even worse for her son to be Fernando's son -- because he's married. Armando is just a hired bully with a toupee.

Julie, I also thing GGC is a great actor, and he'd have been way better than Sergio Sendel for throwing those phones -- if only because you can UNDERSTAND what GGC says! He speaks nice and clearly,and doesn't spray it like SS.

Abuelo also speaks very clearly. As do Sofia and Jimena. All good for conveying whatever story they are in...

mad buns bess, I think she must be pregnant, ergo the scene last night with the kids at the church -- and her wistful regret at ostensibly never being able to have kids...

Poor little Luis, indeed. That scene was horrible. I still don't think he's old Bernardo's grandkid. It seems too early and too obvious; but then again, this show is obvious.

I haven't checked with you all in awhile - the child playing the role of "Luis" was the son of Fernando and Lucero in Alborada, no?

Rosario thinks it's worse because if Sofia thinks Andres/Luis is Fernando's son , he is capable of killing the child.

No, we were talking about why it's worse for Franco to know that Luis is Fernando's kid vs. Armando's kid.

12:02 I understood that but Fernando was not married to Sofia at the time. Geez, the kid is at least 3 yrs old.
Secondly , Franco might tell Sofia.
Rosario is one step above a pole dancer. I think that her son's safety is above her concern for how it might look.

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