Saturday, June 07, 2008
Guapos Friday 6/6/08 In the immortal words of Irving Berlin: You can't get a man with a gun . . .
I'm going to have to do a quick recap today, as we are heading off for a bar mitzvah, and I want to get this finished. I did not have time to go back and watch some gaps, so please fill in if you wouldn't mind.
Recaps from yesterday:
Socorro catches Karla talking to Connie when he has snuck into the girls' dorm. She refuses to believe that nothing sexual is going on. She calls him a dirty old man.
(compressing segments here) Alex and Luci discuss why she never told him all this stuff. She gives her usual lying answer. She is angry at Mili for breaking her promise not to tell. Alex says it's a disgrace how she has treated Mili. She asks him why she should be so kind to the bastard child of "your father"--should she welcome her with open arms? He says he now knows what she did at the church, and he is appalled. He says he knows his father (Connie) is an infeliz, and she says the equivalent of "you don't know the half." She tells him to stick with Flor so he can be happy. Alex seethes.
Rocky is moping at Vulcanizadora Valeria. Horacio tries to cheer him up.
Mili is lying in the middle of Regina's big bed. The girls come in and try to get details of her romantic getaway. They want to know what it was like to be with a man. Mili says they're just gossips. They ask her not to be "gacha," or annoying . . . (like "don't be that way").
She says they just talked and went away. She looks sad.
Hugo is sniffing a scarf in a sick stalkery way. Que the heck! Alex comes in and interrupts. Hugo wants to know what happened, and Alex says it's none of his business, but in short, he told Mili to be with Hugo. Hugo says he thinks Alex is making fun of him. Alex says no, but Hugo had better treat her right or he'll have the devil to pay.
Connie fumes over the photo of Rocky. Karla arrives with the address of the tire store. Connie shouts for Braulio, then gets an enormous shotgun and takes off for the tire store. I really don't know what to say about this shotgun. It's just so big, so terrifying, I just can't do anything but drop my jaw in astonishment.
Connie tells Val not to move. I think Brau apologizes for his failure to keep the picture from Connie.
Comic relief segment: Horacio and Rocky have one of those malaprop exchanges with the deaf guy. I don't follow it all except for a shout out to Paty Navidad. Did anyone catch what was the homonym for my girl Alicia Ferreira? I wish she would appear in something else, as I regard her as a great comic talent.
Mili is out at the soccer field with Hugo. He says that Alex has told him the field was free for him.
Alex goes to see Flor. I skip over this until the end where he grabs her and kisses her madly, asking her to rub herself all over his skin, his heart, etc., to erase his memories of Mili. He asks Flor why she isn't asking him what happened. She says all that matters is that he is there with her now.
Hugo tries to get Mili to spill the beans. Nada, but they're still novios. She says, however, that she can't lie, and she really still loves Alex. They kiss, and Padre M suddenly comes up and interrupts in his GoGo shirt. There's another one of those mistaken information exchanges, where he asks why she's not with Alex, and she says, well I did what you said and I told the truth. So why aren't you with Alex? Huh? Come on, Padre, do something!
Connie now gets out of his big car with the big gun at the little tire store. More malaprops: You are loca, no I don't have coca. Do I look like a narcotraficante? Morgan cowers behind a trunk while Horacio and Chalupa try to hide him.
Padre M calls Nestor to find out what went wrong. He's in a hospital waiting for the DNA tests. He said he didn't feel it was the right time to tell now that he thinks Alex might not be his son. (oh, please, at least he's not Connie's son--tell him that!). He ends the call with the arrival of Luci with the "DNA samples." (I use that term advisedly.)
Raise your hand if you think Luci has really brought hair from Alex's bedroom. Now a show of hands for those who think Luci has gone out on the streets of Mexico City and gathered hair from rabid stray dogs. (or a third option--she's brought Connie's hair?). Another show of hands for those who think Nestor is an easily manipulated idiot who should have collected the sample himself by surreptiously pulling hair from Alex's head or something like that. Luci's scheming look tells you that something's up. (Although who knows what Luci's own DNA would show--something not human, I'm sure. Remember the scene in The Omen when they find out that Damien's mother had the DNA of a jackal?)
Connie is now in the tire store pointing the gun and saying I give you three seconds to produce Alejandro. Yes, that's what my captions say, and I know that's a typo. I can't really hear what he says, though, oddly enough. Morgan comes out with his hands up. Connie sticks the shotgun down the front of Morgan's pants and threatens him. It's just horrible is all I can say.
Mat comes to the mansion to see Mili, but Braulio sends him away. Val is then caught by Braulio, who handcuffs her to a chair! Braulio sees Mili in the house and says he was worried about her. He hugs her. Hugo comes in and asks why Brau is hugging his girlfriend. Uncle Brau has to let go. There's another scene here where Braulio reveals to Luci that he doesn't want Mili to be with Alex because Alex has made her suffer so much and he doesn't deserve her. So that explains his motivation for not revealing the truth. Uncle Brau, please!
Socoro and Gloria arrive at the tire shop. Chalupa takes Gloria away for a "chat." Maybe they will practice more of those French kisses Sor Cachete was teaching them about until they get it right.
Florencia and Domingo talk with Alex. Alex asks to see Domingo alone. He tells him he will not work for Domingo. He doesn't need his help. I didn't have time to write all this down.
Domingo keeps threatening Alex.
Hugo makes a new painting of Mili. When she sees it (thankfully, she's wearing clothes this time), she is shocked by how sad she looks. Hugo tells Mili that he doesn't really want her the way she is not really loving him. (This is certainly a new Hugo.) He says that to love is to know when to give up. He loves her so much he gives her up.
Karla meets Connie in the yard again for one of their informational exchanges and she trips and falls into his arms. Socorro espies them from a distance, of course, and gets the wrong idea again.
Avances: Connie receives a special delivery letter from the Caiman Islands Bank. He's smiling until he opens it and realizes the account has been drained. Luci hits Karla.
Labels: guapos
I know something was about pollo and then to pechuga and doble pechuga and then Patty Navidad who has tremendous "pechonalidad".
Ooh I just hate it when our hero comes so close to the truth and then evil one wins again!
I don't care if Andrea and Damian bleed Constancio's bank account dry but sure hate seeing Alejandro and Mili suffer so.
YES, I'M A WUSS!!!!! Can't we "fast forward" to a happy ending in this one?!
Back to the show, I agree with you, judyB, when you say. . . .Ooh I just hate it when our hero comes so close to the truth and then evil one wins again!
She needs to be taught a big lesson where she taught to change her tune. She needs to fall on her face.
Our love birds are suffering again. I just don't like them suffering again. Lots of more crying and wondering if the Lord has deserted them. The Padre will probably be worrying too soon. He might think he is being punished for his involvement with abducting Mili by Alex with his assistance.
All I am going to say is that when they finally get together (Alejandro and Mili), their love for each other is strong that they can overcome anything and survive. It is the love of a lifetime.
We will see what happens in the coming months because it seems that Alejandro will marry the mob's daughter Flor. I don't like her too. I just think no wonder her first husband had an affair on her. The chit has issues.
Poor Val. Consti is still at number 15 to me on the Rat meter.
I was surprised to see how the clueless Hugo could clearly see and care that both Al and Mili are suffering so much. I wish one of them would tell him the truth, then he won't feel so bad (if he would) when the truth comes out that he approved the stealing of all of Connie's Cayman Island funds. Add Val to the mix and all the young uns will have a big hate on for Connie who of course remains clueless.
Al is an idiot for that help me use your bod to forget my true love line - another classic Novelaland statement like the ever popular No puede ser. I did like his first real attempt to stand up to Domingo until slowly caving under the threats. With any luck that swine will die before this all ends.
Luci providing DNA samples. Yeah right we know how accurate those will be. They just have to be from Connie's brush. And of course no one will think it at all odd that they are dark not blonde -oops maybe they are Val's?
We all look to those happy ending however Mili and Al are still too young and immature. Some time has to pass so they can grow up, especially Mili and Al has to learn to think with his big head. In the long run that always makes the HEA ending more satisfying. Fortunately this show ha a big cast so we will probably get to see a lot of things happen to all the people involved.
Also once again I'm astonished at your memory of the details of what has happened in our show! Thank you for reminding us how the little dog got into the story..
anyway, the old man misheard what Rocky said and got the word "pavote" (not "pollo") as I remembered and said why "pavote" it's not Navidad and Rocky thought the old codger thought he was listening to Paty Navidad sing on his headphones and from there to pechugas and so forth.
Looks like we have many more months of unbearable suffering on the part of our hero and heroine and for use) but I was glad to see during the scene with Florencia's father that Alejandro was going to take the manly role of supporting his wife himself without the help of a cushy job from father/thug-in-law. No doubt part of the requisite maturing process for our galan.
Decie: Right, the hair cold be Luci's, but then nothing about her is natural. If it's hers, I hope a Damien-type result is achieved. I neveer saw that movie.
Me, too, on the Belmont Stakes. I had to go to a dance recital. What a sad and surprising ending.
From lower Ala
No I'd didn't mean Luci's hair was for the DNA test, I meant Val who is blonde like Al and whose DNA would reveal that Luci and Connie are the parents (that is assuming that Luci and Connie ARE her parents). With Luci the alley cat who knows.
I too shed a tear over the Belmont. I wasn't a Big Brown fan but did want to see a triple crown again. Back in the Derby days I was all for the filly because she was a filly and also my Grandmother's nickname was Belle and also for Denis of Cork since my family originally comes from Cork.
Thanks for the recap NinaK, and I hope you had fun at the bar mitzvah ;) Years ago I was shopping for a wedding venue and one of them listed their bar/bat mitzvah menu which included bacon wrapped shrimp. Hubby and I had a giggle and wondered if they served it with a side of cheese sauce to make it even less kosher!
Anywhoo, the only part missed was that in the long tradition of shipping your wayward child to Europe, Luci and Connie want to send Val to a Paris modeling school. Connie has agreed to be supportive of her modeling career (anything to get her away from the chauffeur) and Luci has the nerve to tell Val that Al got over his Mili obsession and will soon be happily married to nice girl. De-Nile ain't just a river in Egypt.
My money's on a Val hairbrush for the DNA test, though that could bite Luci in the butt if the child's gender is ever addressed. I originally thought it might be a Hugo hairbrush, but I thought even clueless Nestor would recognize the wrong hair color.
Time's a ticking and unless the good Padre is willing to forgo his oath, or Sor Cachete who we now know has no problem breaking the occasional rule (like the time she lied to Mili's suitors about her going to see an aunt in Michoacan), decides the kids' happiness is more important, Al's wedding to crazy Flo seems imminent.
The previews hint at a passionate slip from our SCLs (Star-Crossed-Lovers), but they've hinted stuff like that in the past and not had it happen so I'm hoping it won't come to that or these two are in for some serious therapy.
I hope we get our captions back. Last time this happened it went on for four or five days.
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