Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Guapos: Monday 6/2/08- "Seven Studs Strut Their Stuff"

The episode starts off with the leftovers from Friday’s show…..the end of the game…the fighting between Hugo and Mateo…..Alejandro carting Mili off like a cave man and confronting her in the church. He begs her to admit that she still loves him, she tries to deny it. He demands that she swear it in the church. She breaks down and admits it and they kiss.

Mili pulls back from the kiss and tells Al to not kiss her. He says he can’t stop himself and she shouldn’t ask him to stop. She says it is bad, especially here where God is watching (I’m afraid he watches everywhere, not just in church…..this is a concept that many people fail to realize-- you can witness in the church parking lot right after mass ends on Sunday morning as the attendees all attempt to get their cars out on the street, no one letting anyone else go ahead. I want to scream--you just left God's house people, show a little kindness, but I digress). Needless to say, Al doesn’t understand what Mili is saying and she starts to tell him that he really doesn’t have any idea of what she’s talking about. He says that he would give everything he has and everything he is just to be with her (awww). She laments that she wishes she could be someone else so she could be with him. She admits again that she loves him very much and then she runs out of the church. Al turns to the crucifix and thanks God, he needed to hear this.

Padre Manuel scolds Hugo and Mateo about fighting on the soccer field and what kind of example they were to the orphan children. Hugo isn’t interested in the lecture, he just wants to know where Mili went. Sor Cachete tells him that Al carted Mili off. Hugo doesn’t like this news.

Constancio is paranoid to use the phone in his office. He demands that Andrea get the lines changed. She, working her new scheme concocted with Damian, tells Connie that the bank in the Caymans called and there is some sort of administrative glitch. Connie, always clueless when the blood shifts lower in his body, doesn’t question this but instead starts to dictate a memo to her, demanding she remove her clothing. She must like the idea of this because she smiles as we cut to the next scene.

Padre Manuel is on a roll today. He currently is grilling Chamuco about his relationship with Gloria. The first thing PM wants to know is what his Christian name is---Carlos. His lecture gets interrupted, so he has Sor Cachete take over as he leaves the room to attend to another matter. SC decides that the couple needs a little sex education. Chamuco questions “you’re going to give us advice about this?” SC starts with a couple questions about kissing and lists off some different types of questions about besos---kisses on the cheek, kisses with lips rubbing, French kisses. She wants details on what types of kisses Chamuco and Gloria have had. Gloria starts to spill the details and Chamuco seems flabbergasted that this conversation is even happening.

Mili is with Padre Manuel. She admits that Al just kissed her. PM doesn’t seem bothered at all, but Mili doesn’t pick up on this. She tells PM that what she did is a sin. He tells her that love isn’t a sin and it was only a kiss. She admits that the kiss brings up other things like how she just wants to spend the rest of her life in his arms with his kisses and that she wants Al to be the first man in her life. She states this again just in case PM missed her meaning the first time (I would think it would be better to tell a priest that she would want Al to be the only man in her life, because labeling him as the first leads one to think that she intends to have a second, third, fourth, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but she is talking to a priest after all). Mili questions why God has put Al in her life only to take him away. PM suggests that they pray about this, to find peace. So the kneel and pray. We are treated to the voice over of PM’s prayer as he asks God’s guidance in how to help Mili find the truth and still protect her from Luciana. PM states in his prayer that Al and Mili deserve to be together.

In the car shop, Horacio and Rocky rehash the happenings at the game then they move onto other subjects. Horacio tells Rocky that Val’s been “grounded” by Constancio. They talk about how Connie is opposed to Rocky and Val’s relationship and Horacio warns his friend to be careful or he might just end up 6 ft. under.

Al fills Bobby in on what happened with Mili in the church. Bobby’s head is spinning just like the rest of us—the relationship is on, it’s off, it’s on, it’s off…..make up your mind already! Bobby (once again the voice of reason, scary, I know) asks Al about the wedding plans with Florencia. Al says that he intends to cancel the wedding. Right about now Braulio comes in to tell Al that Domingo (Flo’s papa) is downstairs waiting for him. Brau and Bobby exchange some weird looks here that I can’t interpret.

Damian arranges for Hugo to open a bank account for him (Damian) to deposit money. It is all part of the Damian/Andrea scheme. Hugo asks if the money is dirty and Damian doesn’t answer outright, but Hugo knows something’s up. Hugo agrees and Damian tells his son he’s made him really happy.

Al tells Dom that the marriage is a no go. Dom doesn’t like this news and he’s going to make Al keep his promise. Dom goes on about how powerful his comany is---they even do business in Saudia Arabia (whatever that means). He then makes a comment about his daughter picking losers (so why do you want to support this and make this “loser” marry her?).

Meanwhile, Flo is trying on wedding dresses with her sister and expresses her joy about becoming Mrs. Belmonte in two weeks.

Valeria goes to Mili and tells her about being forced to stay in the mansion. Mili vows to help and comes up with a plan to get Val out of the house that night. She’s going to Rodeo with the girls. The next scene we see Val disguised as Carlitos---equipped with the baseball cap and a long black wig.

Downstairs, Luci’s imbibing and Connie tells her she’s pathetic. Lina, Gloria, and “Carlitos” head out. Connie asks “Mili” a question and Val mumbles an answer which seems to satisfy him. He asks about Val and is told she’s upstairs asleep.

Braulio and Mili head out (I assume in a different direction than the girls, or else the whole sneaking Val out of the house plan would be for naught).

It is Gay Night at Rodeo. Rocky and Horacio are there and the straight boys are feeling a little uncomfortable. Mili and crew arrive. Val, still dressed as Carlitos, heads straight for Rocky and gives him a kiss. He’s confused and tries to tell the “boy” that he’s not into guys. Val kisses him again and again and he finally realizes that it is his chiquita. He’s surprised she got out of the house. She informs him that not only did she get out to see him, she also came there to work. We are later treated to some scenes of Rocky trying to teach Val how to work a taco stand.

Up on stage we are treated to a performance which is a cross between a boy band and Chippendales. Strange.

Mili fills Brau in on the theme for tonight’s event. Brau is shocked that Mili knows he’s got an alternative lifestyle. She tells him to come out of the closet already, it is OK. He seems relieved and he gets his flirt on. Right away, Brau gets hit on by a big bear of a guy.

Bobby & Al and Mateo & his friend all show up at Rodeo. Hugo arrives too. Mili sees them hanging out at the front and she takes pleasure in informing them all of what the evening’s theme is. They’re not too happy. Mili tells the bouncer to not let this five into the club. Pedro (Rodeo's owner/manager) runs up to her at this point and tells her there’s a catastrophe in the making…..Los Bomberos Ardientes are not going to be able to perform tonight. Mili hasn’t heard of this group and Pedro tells her it is like Solo Para Mujeres, but for hombres. Oh what will we do? (and we, the audience, can see where this is headed). The light bulb goes off in Mili’s head and she says she’ll fix everything. She then goes over to the five boys and tells them if they want in the club, they’re going to have to do her a favor.

Back inside, Mili gathers Chamuco and Rocky. Val is left trying to run Taco Naco (or is it Naco Taco? I can’t remember) with Horacio’s help. Rocky is pretty trusting.

Mili fills all of them in on her plan. Needless to say, they are pretty hesitant about performing at a gay event---I’m sure it is their lack of practice that has them holding back. Mili promises Mateo, Hugo, and Al that she’ll make one of them her novio once this is over. This seems to get them to agree and both Al and Mateo have to coerce their friends in to helping.

We are then treated to quite a show. The seven- Al, Bobby, Chamuco, Hugo, Mateo, his friend, and Rock- are all dressed in firefighter uniforms. They head out on stage to perform for the crowd. Bobby’s shy and hangs back, but Al pushes him forward. Rocky shakes it. Al wiggles his butt. Chamuco is the first to take off his shirt and Mateo’s friend removes his shirt and rides it like a pony. They all seem to really get into the performing aspect of the show. Needless to say, it was hilariously funny. The women (what few there are in the crowd) love it. Brau seems shocked, but seems to enjoy it-- as does the rest of the crowd.

Connie heads up to Val’s room to talk to her. He says what he's doing is for her own good and a bunch of other fatherly things. He's about to head out of the room, but goes in for a kiss and discovers pillows under the covers. He knows that she’s flown the coop.

Back at the club, the Chippendale boy band is back on stage. Lina tells Bobby that he was the sexiest of dancers. He appreciates the compliment but fails to realize that Lina’s making a play for him (or does he? I think he's clueless rather than playing with Lina's affections). He starts to talk about his girlfriend, Mareceli (Flo’s sister).

Al tells Hugo that his wedding to Flo is off. Hugo's not happy to hear this.

Mili tells the three men that her novio decision will have to wait until tomorrow.

Padre Manuel tells Nestor that Luci and Connie refuse to tell Al the truth. The brothers talk about Nestor’s situation. He’s in a loveless marriage. His wife is in Europe and although he knows his brother won’t approve, he wants a divorce. Nestor tells PM that Luci is the woman he’s always loved. END OF EPISODE


Cathy: This indeed was a funny chapter in this novela.

As far as Al is concerned: he can act, he can sing, he can dance, and he is the man on the flying trapeze, and now he's team captain of Boyz Gone Wild.

Mili morphs into yet another glamour gal with a new 'do and knee pants.

Sor Cachete has shown a new dimension to her character: not only does she swear, but she also is well versed on the art of kissing. Chamuco I felt your pain.

From lower Ala

Urgh! MY DVR failed me last night and I missed all these Naco hi-jinx. Thanks for the great recap!

As for Sor Cachete, she is know to read romance novels...That's where she gets all her advice for the convent girls.


Jewels, so sorry you missed this hilarious episode. This was good payback for us for having lived through the sad episodes. Everyone did a great job, from Val in her disguise, to Mili and Brau and his new boyfriend, to the fire brigade.

Thanks for the recap! I really enjoyed this episode, especially the firefighter's entertainment and Mili wanting to find someone "special" for her tio.

What a relief...very little Luciana...mute swilling of alcohol...GOOD...shrill dialogue..BAD.

Enjoyed the Bomberos...sorry they kept dimming the lights...it's been a while since our guey stepped out of the shower...I've missed those muscles.

Previews looked promising but "no puede ser", right?! Oh well...

I loved the whole thing from Mili helping her little sister, to Val working in the Taco stand and by the way doing a credible job as "Carlitos" and whoa the firemen. Absolutely hysterical. I haven't had a good laugh like that in awhile.

Now pathetic Mafia Princess and that ugly wedding dress. It looked like a sundress but than again she has been married before. And what was with the rid trim? I so agree that what is wrong with Domingo forcing another "loser" to marry her. I guess he can't stand her whining either.

Well off to take my computer in for repairs. Here's hoping the great mili reveal doesn't happen until I get it back and can add my acid comments.

I so wish I had recorded this episode; those bomberos were definitely worth a repeat viewing.

What's more sad: that Val has apparently never done any sneaking around before, or that she's like 18 and has to sneak out of the house? She and Mili will make a great sister team.

We need to find someone for Lina, someone better than Bobby...although Horacio's fatherly rantings at potential suitors are not nearly as entertaining as Sor Cachete's advice sessions.

Thanks for the recap.

Thanks for the recap Cathy! Like Nina commented, it was a fun episode after the recent heaviness.

Padre Manuel surely will find a way to let Mili know the truth soon. Surely!

You know Constancio is going to raise infierno about Val sneaking out. I hope Luci finds out soon about Val & Rocky being together (I mean REALLY together). I know you shouldn't kick someone when they're down, but no one deserves it more than Luciana! And let's just go ahead and add the extra kick of Nestor revealing he's Alejandro's father. Hey, I can dream, can't I?!

Also, did anyone else notice the extras at Rodeo? I can only imagine what exactly their instructions were regarding "act gay." Some of them were pretty funny.

Does anyone think Mr. Big Bear Braulio-Pal will stick around at all, or was he just one night's object of drunken affection?

I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the scene with the guys dancing up on scene. I laughed so hard that I had to hold my sides. The three guys (Al, Hugo, and Mateo) are trying to win Mili over that they are willingly to do anything. I thought it was funny that she got them to dance. These kinds of scenes keep me coming back to watching this show. I think the episode at least are better now than when I thought of not watching again.
I plan to keep watching. I am rooting for Rocky to get Valerie even though her parents don't want them together.
Please keep recapping. Thanks.

Thank you for the great recap, Cathy! I’m extra grateful because for some reason the first third of the show didn’t have captions. The funny thing was I thought something was wrong with the volume and I kept fiddling with it until I realized the reason I wasn’t getting everything is that there were no captions. Har!

I loved this episode. I liked that the guy for Brau wasn’t some beefcake type, but more a regular guy. I wonder if part of Brau’s being shocked at the bomberos was that here were the handsome young men of his house suddenly bare-chested and going for it. I liked Mili and Vale being sisterly with each other and hugging. Also, Connie’s chat with the actually-not-even-there Vale was sweet.

I was watching without captions last night, so I don't know if there was period of caption malfunction in my area. But this reminds me that at one point they bleeped something Val said (in Mili's room when she first tried on the Carlitos outfit).

This hasn't happened for a while, but I always wonder what they are saying. Can anyone read lips? I don't know the equivalent of four-letter words in Spanish. Are there really some terrible words that wouldn't be shown here but would be shown in Mexico?

How are we supposed to learn the words if they are bleeped out?

Thanks for the recap ;)

Dunno if Brau will agree to date Mr. Big Bear or if he'd be more interested in someone a little younger. I got the impression he was giving Bobby the eye when they got left alone together. It was funny watching Mili trying to pimp out her tio. It's a common first time fag-hag mistake (I can say that 'cause I was one for many years when I was much younger!).

I got a kick out of Al dragging his buddy back up on stage, then all of them grabbing their clothes to get off the stage.

I caught a continuity glitch I'd missed the night before: After Al ran from the soccer field with Mili in a fireman's carry, they started to run up a bunch of steps, then we saw him again carrying her into the church. Guess he got tired after the first few takes and they didn't pick that up in editing ;)

Oooh, good catch. I wonder how many times they had to do that. Good thing he does all the bodybuilding; that was not exactly a short run carrying Mili. I would guess she was laughing the entire time.

What is UP with Bobby? Is he still after Val? Is he really dating Marisela or whatever her name is or did he just say that to ditch Lina? And WHAT was with the weird looks with Braulio in Al's room?

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