Tuesday, June 03, 2008
La Traición, Mon, June 2 - Hugo gets 5 minutes with the baby and 45 minutes of abuse from the Obragons; Alcides fires Eloisa

Hugo offers what little he has to help Soledad's family
Antonia is checking out the bag of money when Ester comes in. She asks where the money came from. Antonia says that Ursula was playing with the baby and found it and doesn’t know where it came from. Ester knows – it’s a gift from God – a miracle from heaven. Antonia says that being poor is driving Ester crazy. They can’t just take the money. They don’t know where it came from. Ester says that the bag of money was on Soledad’s bed – they should ask Soledad about it. Aurora seemed very interested in the money as well.
Soledad comes into the living room and Ester says that Ursula found a bag of money in her bedroom, where did she get it? Before Soledad can answer, Hugo follows Soledad into the room.
Hercu-less ask what Alcides plan is to confront Arturo. Alcides says that he will be ready in case Arturo attacks him but he has something much more important to do. Herc says that he can’t stand around doing nothing (‘no me puedo quedar de brazos cruzados,’ literally, ‘I can’t remain with crossed arms’). Arturo took his woman. Alcides gives fatalistic advice: “If she’s meant to be with you, she’ll be in your arms soon.” He will help Herc rescue her and Herc will be responsible for Alcides’ security and for taking letters to Eloisa. Once again, no need for letters. Eloisa appears. Alcides says, “I’ll have to order those secret passages in the house shut.”
Gladis continues to abuse Arturo for bringing Margot into her house. What will she says to ladies who come over for tea? Arturo replies that if the ladies who come for tea know that Margot worked in a tavern, it’s because they were there too, which makes them as shameless as Margot. Margot laughs and Gladis asks how Arturo can talk to her that way – she’s his mother. Gladis says that she won’t tolerate this disrespect. She will get Hercu-less to get that woman out of her house. Arturo tells her that the traitor Herc now works for Arturo’s worst enemy – Alcides de Medina.
Hugo politely says good evening to Ester, Antonia and Ursula. Ester says its isn’t a good evening for her because he has come back to their house. Soledad says that they have already discussed the situation. Antonia says that’s true but they still don’t like having Hugo in the house. Hugo says that it their right. Soledad says that there should not be any more confrontations. Ursula asks what they should do about the bag. Soledad doesn’t understand who could have left a bag of money on her bed. Ester suggest that is was someone who wanted to bribe them so he could wander around the house. They all look at Hugo.
Eloisa tells Alcides that she couldn’t wait around so see what he had done to Dr. Dan. She is a nervous wreck. Alcides sends Herc out to patrol the estate and to keep himself armed and ready in case of trouble. Eloisa asks what happened between Arturo and Herc. Alcides says it doesn’t concern her. Eloisa asks if Alcides killed Dr. Dan. Alcides says that he can’t kill him right now. He just got engaged to Soledad and if Dr. Dan died now, he would be converted into ‘Saint von Chirac.’ Eloisa takes credit for advising Alcides not to kill Dr. Dan in the Obragon garden. Alcides says that he was enraged when he saw Dr. Dan kissing Soledad but now he can’t act on impulse like he did before. He flashes back to meditating with Vlad. Eloisa asks if he is telling her the truth or is trying to make her believe that he is an angel from heaven.
Margot tells Arturo that he behaved like an angel is defending her from his mother. Arturo says that he did it to annoy his mother. He is sick of her stories about the family’s noble ancestry. He tells her that ‘abolengo’ is when a family has illustrious ancestors like the Linares. Margot giggles and says Arturo says beautiful things and in spite of what he has done, she thinks he is a good man. Arturo asks how she can say that since he forced her to leave her man and work here. Margot replies that she knows that he will let her go when he calms down. Arturo says that won’t happen. Herc has to pay for his betrayal. Arturo asks how much Margot loves Herc. Margot says that she loves him a lot and even if Arturo keeps her here in this house of ‘abolengo,’ she will continue to love Herc. Arturo asks if Margot told Alcides that he was impotent. She says that she did to prove that nothing happened between them and that’s why she knows that Herc won’t try and hurt Arturo.
On his rounds, Hercu-less spies Marina taking a bubble bath out on the lawn. He seems most appreciative of the view.
Boris is leaving the forge. He picks up the jam and flashes back to Ursula bringing it to him. He tries some of the jam and flashes back to kissing Ursula.
Ursula says the person who left the money must have come in through the window of Soledad’s bedroom. “Like a thief,” says Antonia, “but instead of taking money, he leaves it there to blackmail us later.” Hugo asks how they could consider him capable of such a thing? Ester says that he is capable of many things. Hugo points out that he doesn’t have any money. He lost it all. What he makes in the blacksmith shop is barely enough to live on. Where would he get that kind of money? He says that he would never enter their house without permission, much less go in Soledad’s bedroom. Soledad says that she believes Hugo. “Yes,” says Ester, “We believed in him before and look where it got us.” Antonia tells Soledad to wake up. Hugo has only brought problems into her life. “Enough already!” says Soledad. She says there is only one person who could have put that quantity of money in her bedroom – Michelle. “Or Alcides,” suggests Hugo.
Ester is ready to believe it was Alcides. She says that evil last name is in their house again to harm them. Soledad says she will take the bag to Alcides tomorrow and demand an explanation. He can’t just come into the house when he wants to. Hugo points out that he has no proof it was Alcides. That was just his speculation because everyone knows Alcides is a millionaire. Soledad is sure that it was Alcides but she is creeped out that he came into her daughter’s room. He shouldn’t come into the house without permission. Ursula takes Hugo to see the baby. Soledad says, “It really was Alcides.”
Eloisa tells Alcides that she doesn’t like it that he distrusts her. They are allies. She has a right to know what he’s doing. Alcides says that she has no rights. He has given her money for months to help him win Soledad’s heart and he hasn’t gotten anywhere. Eloisa says that she tried. She never missed an opportunity to say how great Alcides was but Soledad doesn’t want anything to do with him. Alcides says that she was supposed to become Soledad’s confident and help him win her heart and now von Chirac has just proposed to her. He wants to know what she has done for him in all this time. He asks her to give him one reason why he should continue to pay her, one reason.
Arturo tells Margot that she shouldn’t have told Hercu-less about his personal problems. Herc will go and blab about it to everyone. Margot says that she told Herc about taking care of his wound after Dr. Max killed himself and he hasn’t blabbed about Arturo losing his hand so why should he talk about the impotency thing. Arturo says maybe so. Margot has helped cure him and one day he will make her his. Margot says that if he keeps thinking about it, he will never be able to do it. Gladis knocks on the door. She is looking for Margot. Arturo says that she isn’t there but Gladis says that she has looked everywhere else. Arturo asks why she is looking for Margot. Gladis says that if Margot is going to be a servant in her house, she wants to teach her the rules. Arturo tells Margot that she will have to face the wicked witch (‘la bruja del bosque’, literally, ‘the witch of the forest’). Margot says that she is used to being insulted by women like Arturo’s mother. Arturo says that at least is mother is letting her stay. He tells her to wait a few minutes and then go find Gladis.
Hercu-less continues to enjoy the view of Marina bathing. She realizes he is there and asks what he is doing. He says he is looking for Alcides. Marina stands up in the tub covered only with bubbles and says that she heard Herc told Arturo and she and Herc were having an affair. Herc says that is true but it was a lie to protect Alcides. Herc leaves.
Ester asks in the nastiest way if Hugo will come to visit the baby every single day? Soledad says that she doesn’t know and not to ask her anymore. Antonia asks how Alcides came into the house and went directly to her room and no one saw him. Soledad recalls that it isn’t the first time that happened. When the investors searched the house, Alcides snuck in without anyone noticing. Michelle comes in. Soledad asks if she came because she knew Hugo was there. Michelle says that she knew Hugo was there but that isn’t why she came. Maybe this isn’t a good time. Soledad says that she wants to ask her a question: she didn’t happen to leave a bag of money in Soledad’s bedroom?
Hugo, obviously not holding the real baby, says that his daughter is so beautiful. Does she know that she has the prettiest eyes in San Marino? She is as beautiful as her mother and very soon she will be cured and will live a life like the rest of them – a normal life. Hugo thanks Ursula for telling him that his daughter was ill. She says it was nothing. Lucas comes into the room on crutches and is impactado to see Hugo. Ursula takes the baby out to bathe her. Hugo starts to say something to Lucas but he says that they have nothing to talk about. Everything has already been said. “Please,” says Hugo, “Let me take advantage of the fact that we are seeing each other after the trial. Don Lucas, I want to apologize. It’s my fault that you couldn’t walk for a while.” Lucas hobbles forward and asks if Hugo thinks that this is walking? If so, he accepts Hugo’s apology. Hugo thanks Lucas for letting him see his daughter. Lucas says that it is better if he goes back to his room. Hugo says that he knows that nothing will change Lucas’ opinion of him but he wants Lucas to know that there’s not a day in his life that he doesn’t think about the damage he caused to Lucas and his family. He asks Lucas to believe him.
Michelle says absolutely not. Breaking into someone house and leaving bags of money like an intruder isn’t her style. Soledad says that is what they thought. Michelle says that besides she has offered Soledad her help many times and Soledad has always refused. Antonia says that Hugo was right. It must have been his brother Alcides. Michelle is surprised. Ester says that one brother breaks in and the other asks permission to come in – they are at the mercy of these criminals. “How shocking!” says Antonia (¡Qué horror!)
Michelle says that she doesn’t like Alcides at all. Soledad is right not to trust him. Soledad asks why she says that. Did something happen? Michelle tells Soledad about how Alcides looked at Dr. Dan when he was treating Aurora. . Soledad says that she has seen that look many times. Michelle says that if looks could kill, Dr. Dan would be dead.
Eloisa says that she did all she could to make Soledad consider Alcides. Alcides says that she didn’t do enough. Eloisa asks what she could have done? Every time she mentioned Alcides name to Soledad, she reacted as if he were the devil. It’s not her fault that Soledad doesn’t like Alcides. Alcides says that it is her fault. She should have done something and now Soledad and that ‘medicucho’ – stupid doctor – are engaged. “What should I have done?” says Eloisa, “told her that Daniel is a monster after he saved that old man, Lucas? After he miraculously helped him walk again? And if that weren’t enough, he’s looking for a cure for that brat’s (mocosa) disease!” Alcides raises his hand to her. He says that the child she calls a ‘brat,’ is his niece. “You’ve dug your own grave,” Alcides says to her, “You’ve shown me in one second that you won’t help my plans. You’re fired (Estás despedida). Eloisa is impactada.
Dr. Dan is sleeping. He dreams of Soledad telling him that he is the kindest man she has known in her whole life. They embrace. He tells Soledad that she is the most beautiful woman he has known in his whole life. They kiss. Hugo comes in and says that Soledad will never be his because her heart belongs to Hugo. Soledad asks Dr. Dan to forgive him but Hugo is right. Her heart has always been Hugo’s. Hugo turns into Alcides. Dr. Dan says that he’s not going to let him take her away. He has been waiting for him. They go for their guns and Alcides shoots Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says to Soledad that Alcides shot him but if she leaves with Hugo, he’ll die of a broken heart. He kisses Soledad again and Alcides shoots him again. Dr. Dan wakes up. He says that he has to calm down. It was only a nightmare or was it a warning from his conscience?
Gladis finds Margot dusting. Gladis asks where she was and Margot says that the house that is so full of her family’s heritage was very messy. Gladis wastes no time. She gives Margot a uniform that she must wear whenever she leaves her room. She is not to make eye contact with any of the guests. She should greet the guests by bowing her head. When she hears the bell, she should come immediately. Other than that, she is never to leave her room. Margot says that the uniform is out of style but Gladis says that she has to wear it anyway. Gladis is expecting guests for breakfast and Margot should behave as if she were a lady. Gladis says that Margot especially is never to go to Arturo’s room. Gladis says that she know that women like Margot get themselves pregnant to get to her money. Margot thinks that if Gladis knew that her son was impotent, she would die.
Poor Hugo. His castigation by these Obragons never ends. Lucas tells Hugo to look him in the eyes. Lucas says that if Hugo is here, it is because of his granddaughter and that’s the only reason. Hugo thanks him for the opportunity. Lucas says not to thank him but to thank Soledad. She fought for him. Hugo says that he understands. Lucas says that he is going to speak to Hugo, man to man. He is going to tell Hugo what hurts him the most. He won’t say it in front of his daughter because he doesn’t want to cause more problems but what hurts him the most is his dignity. He is now a man who lives in shame. He is supported by the women of his family. Hugo says that he would like to help him.. Lucas tells him to shut up. Doesn’t Hugo understand? Lucas is a kept man (un hombre mantenido), a man with no strength after the heart attack that Hugo caused. “You would have preferred that I died on the gallows, that day, right?” says Hugo. “No,” says Lucas, “I would have preferred that you had never met my daughter.” He hobbles out.
Soledad tells Michelle that Hugo saw her wearing the ring that Daniel gave her. “You were wearing it when he arrived?” says Michelle, “Does that mean you’ve accepted Dr. Dan’s proposal?” Soledad says no, she was thinking about it and trying on the ring and at that moment, Hugo came. “And now you feel bad,” says Michelle. Soledad says that she doesn’t know how she feels; she’s confused. “You are confused about your feelings for Hugo?” asks Michelle. Soledad says no, there is no doubt about her feelings for Hugo. That’s not the problem. She is confused about her feelings for Dr. Dan. She knows he is a wonderful and good man but she is not clear about her feelings for him. “I can imagine,” says Michelle.
Soledad asks Michelle how she is. Michelle says that she is fine. Soledad tells Michelle that she knows that she left the laboratory when she didn’t feel well. Soledad asks if Michelle is upset that Soledad told Hugo that he could come to the house. Michelle denies that. It’s just that she saw Soledad, Hugo and the baby as a family and had a moment of confusion. Soledad and Hugo are united by circumstances and feeling that, all of a sudden… Soledad says that Michelle knows very well that there can never be anything between her and Hugo. Michelle says yes but sometimes the head and the heart can’t reconcile their differences. Michelle says that she thought of leaving San Marino. Soledad replies that Hugo told her that. Michelle is surprised. Soledad says that she is glad Michelle changed her mind. Michelle says that she isn’t sure that she has completely given up he idea of leaving. She told Hugo that she would stay on condition that their relationship didn’t hurt Soledad. Michelle asks Soledad if she thinks it is possible that she and Hugo could be happy without hurting Soledad. Soledad doesn’t answer and Hugo comes in. He didn’t know Michelle was there and asks her (politely) to leave so that he can talk to Soledad. She says it is no problem. She has something to do. She leaves saying how much she admires Soledad.
Eloisa says that Alcides can’t end their relationship. He asks why not. She says that she knows all his secrets. Alcides says that she is referring to Jeremias’ treasure. She will tell everyone that he has it. Eloisa tells him not to give her ideas. Alcides says that she is about to cross the line. If she does, she will have to hide but he will chase her to the end of the world and kill her. Eloisa asks for another chance. Alcides says why. She can’t even find out who Soledad’s real father is. Eloisa says that she needs more time. She can’t just ask Ester something like that. Eloisa tries sex. She says that she will give Alcides a massage. He is so virile, such a man. He asks if she’s finished. “No,” she says, “I want to give you everything you want. Just ask me.” “Perfect,” responds Alcides, “I want you to leave my house.”
Paquito tells his girls that the inauguration of his place is tomorrow and he is desperate for a pianist. In any other place, there would be a line of people willing to do the job but in San Marino – nobody. The girls suggest that Paquito play himself and he tries but it is not a success. He says this is a disaster. He has less than 24 hours and he says that he doesn’t know what he will do but he will find a pianist even if he has to look on the bottom of the ocean.
Antonia tells Ester that she put an ad in the paper about giving piano lessons. She asks Ester if she thinks anyone in San Marino will be interested. Ester says that there are many cultivated and educated people in San Marino and playing the piano is an important social link. She should get many offers. Lucas comes in. He says that he ran into Hugo in his own house.
Margot says that the maid’s uniform is so ugly. She flashes back to when Herc almost called her a prostitute and contrasts that with a flashback to Arturo defending her from his mother’s insults. She says that Arturo has done for her what Hercu-less never did. Arturo defended her in front of his mother. Then she asks herself what is she thinking. She says that the uniform is horrible. It needs some alterations before Gladis’ morning visitors arrive.
Lucas says that Hugo was with his daughter when Lucas was in Soledad’s bedroom. Antonia asks if Hugo was rude to him. Lucas tells her to calm down. Lucas says that it was he who said a few things. The Obragon witches say that Hugo deserved everything he got. Ester says that if it were up to her, Hugo would not set foot in her house. Lucas says that Hugo is a changed man. Ester asks why Lucas says that. Lucas replies that after all the damage that he has done, Hugo has become a different person. Lucas says that he can see it in the way Hugo looked at him and the way Hugo talked to him. Lucas says that Hugo isn’t the same. He’s not the same. It’s clear that the Obragon witches don’t agree with these sentiments but at least for now, they don’t say anything.
Alcides is escorting Eloisa out of the house. He says that he doesn’t want to see her again. Eloisa says that he can’t throw her out like a dog (perro). Alcides says that she didn’t help him with his plans. Michelle is listening to this from behind a giant vase of flowers. (How did she get in?) Eloisa says that she and Alcides had an agreement and he can’t break it. Michelle asks herself what plans did Alcides have? Eloisa says that Alcides promised to share the treasure with her. Alcides tells Eloisa that if she says a single word about his secret, she knows what will happen.
Soledad and Hugo-
S: You should have left with Michelle.
H: I need to clarify some things. Soledad, I swear to you by the most sacred thing to me, my daughter, that I didn’t sneak into your house and leave that money in your bedroom. Please, I need you to believe me.
S: I believe you. Even if you’ve deceived my heart many times, I believe you.
H: Thank you. Now, I would like to ask you for another favor.
S: What?
H: (he reaches into his jacket and takes out a small wad of money) That you accept my help. (he laughs) It’s not much. I’m just starting with the business but every little bit helps (‘algo es algo,’ literally, ‘something is something’). I’m sure it will help. Please Soledad, don’t reject it. I know your family needs it. I want to help (colaborar). Use it for things our daughter needs. Besides, my business will do well. In the future, I will be able to bring you more. Soledad doesn’t answer. (But unlike Alcides, Hugo is clearly making points here.) The credits roll.
Tomorrow: Dr. Dan shows up inopportunely.
Labels: la traicion
I must admit I thought Eloisa was going to bite the dust last night, but I guess she's picking up popularity, as is Margot.
I thought it was pretty clever the way they used Ursela's bath-tub scene with Madrina.
Ursela and Bori's kiss seemed a little more steamier when I saw it last night than the first time.
Also loved the "Cute raggamuffin" way that Hugo offered Soladad the money. Her expression seemed to say that this was more precious than a million suitcases of Alcides' money.
If I had to guess I would say that Hercules and Marina WILL become lovers and Margot will fall for Arturo. Maybe if Arturo falls in love with her he won't be so hateful. And wouldn't that just kill Gladis and her clean, ironed underwear!
About grapes being healthier than nuts; what I have learned from having success on a controlled carb program is that fruit is okay in moderation, but it is high in sugar and will raise your insulin level, causing fat to be stored. Fat does not make you fat, sugar does. Nuts are okay because they do not cause such a spike in insulin level. So Alcides shouldn't have to worry about his waistline. He does eat an AWFUL lot of nuts, though! Lol.
Like Rhonda, I also want to say thank you again Jean for your wonderful recaps.
We saw a lot of humble, repentant Hugo, which is the only way to deal with Obragons. It seemed to be working though. Hugo seems to have gotten around Lucas and Soledad was clearly affected by his offer to help.
Hugo has sneaked into the Obragon house and into Soledad's bedroom though. He went into the house before he left town and kissed Soledad when she thought it was a dream and then he found out that she was pregnant and he heard Ester tell Dr. Max that it was Alcides' baby. But that was old vengeful Hugo.
Hercu-less seems to fall for any wet, naked female and Margot just wants somebody to treat her with respect. Arturo has a lot of blood on his hands. If Margot really falls for him, it won't end happily.
A pesar de dolorosas revelaciones que destruyen la esperanza de amor con Hugo, Michelle no está dispuesta a permitir que Eloisa y Alcides dañen a sus amigos y engañen a Soledad, hasta el punto de poner su vida en peligro.
In spite of the sad revelations that destroy the hope of love with Hugo, Michelle is not ready to let Eloisa and Alcides harm her friends and deceive Soledad even if it puts her own life in danger
Hmm, I don't think we had those sad revelations yet. Last night, she thought there was still a chance. I hope they don't kill Michelle off. I rather see her just leave town when she knows it hopeless with Hugo.
Cindybins: the outside bathing scenes are just pure fantasy. Some houses did have some plumbing in that time period but very few. Last week Ester said that she was going to take a shower! (una ducha).
Alcides eating, is bugging me because he's talking with 'food' in his mouth.
I've been (surprisingly) impressed with Michelle so far. She's been a gran mujer and displayed great integrity and character. I hope they don't sacrifice her...
Question: I think I heard this word “cama” or “camera” several times, first when Ursula was saying where she found the money maleta, then when Hugo was talking to Soledad at the end of the show. Is this a word for bedroom, because when I looked it up I didn’t find that word? Again, only if someone remembers, don’t spend any time researching this!
When Ester first saw the maleta filled with money I’m sure I saw dollar signs flashing in her eyes. And I loved when that cutie Aurora was looking at the bag (probably the black and white design captured her attention).
My theory about Alcides eating nuts (and it seems like he’s becoming almost frantic) is that it’s a subtle sign of power since he never offers these to anyone but just chows down in front of them. The only exception was when Hugo came for the thermal chamber several days ago, and Hugo declined. I’ll bet if Soledad visited she’s get the whole bowl!
It’s interesting that Alcides actually has some family feelings for his niece because he was ready to strike Eloisa for calling her a “mocosa.”
I’m also hoping that Michelle doesn’t get murdered but that she and Dr. Dan leave together and find happiness in a distant city or country. But there still remains the question of who is going to find a catalepsy cure for Aurora. Maybe they will find one wispy orchid vivantis that survived the conflagration.
I don’t know how Hugo pulled it off, but when he offered the money to Soledad he managed to look disheveled even though he was dressed immaculately. His expression was woeful yet with the slightest bit of hope. Yes, Soledad was definitely touched by this gesture.
I have no idea if people had outdoor tubs in the 1880s, but this one seems a little too convenient and notice we had never seen it before they changed the opening credits... When Hugo took his bath, it was one of those old claw-footed tubs and I saw no evidence of a faucet, but maybe I was distracted by the other stuff they showed ;) He also didn't have any strategically placed bubbles.
Our baby actress does seem to like grabbing at things (not uncommon at that age) as we've seen with Ursula's earrings and the money. Also, I don't know whether they planned the shot first or they got the idea from watching her, but the first time Hugo/Alcides put his hair back as he had in the past was when Aurora started pulling at it. I imagine that's why he's been talking to the blanket instead (lovingly so though). It was funny 'cause you could hear the baby in the background, probably somewhere else in the room, and it was obvious she wasn't on the same mic as he was ;) Interesting how in PdG the baby suddenly looks so big (he's supposed to look big for his 6 months) and in this one Aurora hasn't aged in 3 months! But where else will they find such a cute little scene stealer...
cuarto; and
As far as the claw foot bathtub that Hugo used: He was at the hotel so even if private homes didn’t have bathtubs, I would assume if it was available that public establishments would have been the first to install these. Yes, I also didn’t notice if there were faucets on that tub!
Can anyone tell me why there have been postings about the relatively new novela “Querida Enemiga” on the LT site? Has anyone checked this out and what’s your recommendation? I don’t think I get this channel but maybe I’ll check it out on YouTube (probably after LT has finished).
Last night I was watching a "House" rerun, the one where Wilson kidnaps House's guitar in order to blackmail him into hiring a staff. At one point House is at Wilson's apartment, after he (House) has lured Wilson away to the hospital. He is ransacking the the living room, then calls Wilson while surfing the saved items on the cable box. He questions why Wilson needs ten episodes of "El Fuego de Amor". Wilson pathetically explains it's a telenovela and begs him not to delete them, especially the finale, as he says "I'm learning Spanish."
Many thanks to both Jean and Margarita for taking the time to answer my “cama” question. I I think I also heard the word “cuatro” which I assume meant quarters.
cuatro - means four or a quarter
cuarto - means a bedroom
I don’t know whether I should be happy or disheartened that I do get Univision from our cable provider. When I read that it had started mid-May I thought that meant in the U.S. It does look interesting. How does Univision productions generally compare to Telemundo, because I’ve been very impressed with LaTraicion?
And, if we haven't confused you enough yet with our "cama/recamara/cuarto", we've also heard recently "cámara" or "chamber", which Hugo used just the other day when he asked Alcides for the thermal chamber while he was back at the hacienda. (Your vocabulary file under "C" is beginning to run over! ;-D)
I thought I had heard the “camera” word recently and the thermal chamber scene was where it was. At the time I knew that Hugo wasn’t asking to borrow Alcides’ Nikon.
And today’s episode is brought to us by the letter “C”: Caray! I just discovered a day or so ago that it isn’t just a nonsensical word!
Anon. 10:41 PM, thanks for replying to my question of which has better productions, Telemundo or Univision. I had wondered but it’s probably like American channels where they can both have excellent shows along with pitiful specimens. As long as I have access to recaps I’m okay.
How could I have completely forgotten Brando as Fletcher Christian?!?! I kept thinking of Humphrey Bogart as Queeg, but completely forgot who the original Fletcher was! Silly me. The thought did occur, though, that a LOT of that movie would have him with his shirt off, so again, lay off the nuts, Alcides....
I was also going to post my two cents about Televisa vs. Telemundo telenovelas, but it turned into more like a $2.50 "telenovela primer" so I emailed it to you rather than post it here. I keep working on brevity, but just don't quite have the swing of it yet...
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