Thursday, June 12, 2008

Juan Q 6-11 - Anga's heart maxes out, Mar and Juan's news gets out, CL's pride gives out, Yadi finds out, Nid gets chewed out and I'm out of space...


We start with Sandro finding out that Juan and Mar got together. He doesn't see how this could happen with Juan's long list of women. CL assures him that Mar is very hormonal and out of control like the rest of the Cachon women and sooner or later she would fall for Juan too, besides this is nothing new and they are made for each other. He continues that luckily for him, Pau will now need a friend she can confide in about this and soon she will realize her mistakes and fall at his feet.

We then go through a round of everyone learning Anga was taken to the sickhouse. Nid gets the call from a taxi driver, distraught calls Pastor, Remo gets the call from said sickhouse and notifies Kike that Anga is crtical after a heart attack.

Juan asks Ivonne to get Hillary. She is surprised because he is with Mar, so wants to know what he wants. He tells her nevermind. She confesses she thought he would end up with Pau. He starts to stop her but then he gets "the call" about Anga.

"Sandro" goes into Pau to take advantage of his knowledge that Juan is with Mar, Laura told him, and oh, maybe she needs someone to vent to if she is upset.

Juan goes in to see Pastor and they will go to the hospital. Mar and Nid are still wondering about it too.

Sandro lays it on thicker, that Pau knows how much he cares for her. She puts him off.

At the hospital, Anga is babbling for Yadira and Nidia, Pastor is at his side yelling at him for not taking care of himself. He promises to call them.

Pau tells "Sandro" she knows that there is nothing between her and Juan, but she confesses that yes, he did mean everything to him. Her heart is full of him and she lied to herself, and there is no room for anyone else. She never should have married CL, and now she's learned the lesson. She doesn't want a relationship, and the only relationship they should have is a working one.

Pastor tells Juan Anga is in bad shape and wants the Cachon chicks. They discuss this and that Juan knows about Yadi's potential status. Pastor says the chicks have to come here now so this can all be cleared up. He feels bad he never helped Anga with this before. Juan promises to bring them.

Sandro lays on more that Pau is hurt right now, but with time that will fade and she will be able to accept a new beau. She swears she loves Juan and that her marriage was a sham. The best thing she did was separate from him even though it was too late and she hurt Juan so much.

Ooooooh this smarts for Sandro. He thinks Juan was just lucky. Pau says nope, he was destined for greatness his whole life. She says it was their fault for not seeing through the chauffeur in him and how great he really is. Life takes it's sweet time, but sooner or later puts things in their rightful place. "Sandro" doesn't want to hear any more and retreats to his office to curse said chaffeur.

Mar shows up at Farell, Ivy tells her everyone is out of sorts to see her back. She asks to see Pau and Rosi gives her the death stare and tells her she can wait "over there" because Pau is on the phone. Mar awkwardly walks away.

Juan goes to beg Nid to come to the hospital. She says no, now Anga wants to save himself because death is knocking. Juan thinks she shouldn't make these judgments and he deserves a change. He tells himself she is so stubborn and this is a matter of life and death. He makes the decision. He shouts after her that Anga's not trying to rob the cradle, instead he's convinced he's Yadi's Pa. Super Impactada face from Nid.

Marely chats with Pau who assures her that the job is hers despite Rosi, she always knew it was temporary anyway. Mar feels bad about displacing Rosi. Pau wants her to come back and can probably even find her a better post. Mar learns Anga's ill.

Nid has actually shut up. Juan wonders if she is ok she can't believe he just sprang this on her and didn't warn her first. Juan tells how Anga thinks this could be the case and she gets mad that he knows so much about her intimate details. She admits that due to the spirit of youth, she ate the torta before she married Samuel (did the deed) and says they didn't use protection, but she always counted by the method of the moon so this is impossible. He thinks well, this time maybe she counted wrong and Anga has good reasons to believe this is true. She agrees she needs to talk to him and she'll go to the hospital. He tells her to hurry up.

CL is complaining on the phone to Sandro that Pau sent him to hell and he curses Juan. Sandro tries to calm him that he'll let on to the others. he says he can't calm, he doesn't care, she has to be his. He starts to cry. Sorry little boy, but your dolly wants to play with someone else.

Pau and Ivonne are chatting and she is glad that Pau won't be his anymore. Pau says what? I was never his. Ivonne catches herself and says yes, but you know, you should fire him because he has never had good intetions here. Pau says she can't just fire him because of bad or personal feelings.

Cl thinks he maybe needs to resign and accept Pau is gone. Sandro tells him look dummy, she's been gone for a long time. He really starts to cry now and sucks on his fingers that he loves her and a love like theirs never dies, a montage of them together and having sex flash repeatedly on the screen as the bawling gets worse. He wants to know what side Sandro is on as Sandro continues to explain that what Pau is really seeing now is Sandro not CL.

At the hopsital, Nid apologizes to Pastor that this is happening. Pastor blames her for what she did, hating Anga without listening to him. She wants to know since when has he had this crazy idea about Yadi and Pastor says since he saw her birthmark and what he felt when they were together. Nid begs God's mercy.

In the rathole, Gutis and Perf are arguing about the accounts again. Perf shows him how much money there is and Gutis is in awe.

Nid is now in the hospital room telling Anga to save his breath. He says he's dying and needs to know if Yadi is his. She says she would love nothing better, but no, there's no way.

Yadi now finds out Anga is in ICU.

Nid confesses she also "did it" with Sam before marriage as a token proof of her love that he asked her for. Some token. She swears Anga was the first, but well, Sam was second, even if only a few days later. (Huh? How would you know for sure if there were only a few days?)

Anga feels his heart has deceived him because he was so sure. She wonders why he never told her about the suspicions before, she wouldn't have rejected him so. She tells him she loves him and needs him so he can't go to the tomb. He tells her she never should have married someone else. She feels bad about the pain she's caused, and she will find a way for Yadira to make it up to him. He says no, this is the end. And he codes. The machine flatlines, and the nurse can only worry about getting Nid and her big red handbag out of the room. I'm noticing the lack of quintessential "march of death" music here. Something is up.

Nid runs out and tells them all he's gone. Juan feels bad because Anga was like a Dad to him. Pastor is mortified. We see a line of medical personnel filing into the room.

Nid wants to die. Juan tells her to go with Kike and they will tell her where the viewing will be. She says his absence sucks out the life from her heart. Juan consoles Pastor who proclaims he's alone in the world now.

Back to the patient, and a female doctor is doing a bad defibrillator acting job. Sure enough, Anga opens his eyes and yells at her for hurting him. I love this, then the DOCTOR, turns to the NURSE, and yells at HER that this man isn't dead. Sorry, but what the hell kind of doctor defibrillates TWICE without checking this first, Please. It's ok, it's the nurse's fault. :( She swears he had no pulse. They figure out that Nid's visit caused the malfuntion. I've never seen this technique in a novela before, but we are treated to a highlighted zero in replay of the purse getting put on the monitor which disconnected the wire. Oh man. Get him out of that hospital now. He'd be safer in Perf's rathole!!

Juan tells Pastor to go home. Nid gets home and tells them Anga's gone. Everyone is impactado.

This same doctor goes out to Pastor and Juan and tells them she's sorry, that she tried to save his life but he suffered a fractured rib. Pastor says but at least he didn't complain, right? She says of course he did, he complained a lot! Juan says look, just tell us when we can take the body away. She says what body? He thinks she shouldn't joke at a time like this. She says but he's alive! The glee comes over the two of them. She explains the calamity. Only in TN land. They kiss and thank this doc. Ay Caray Caray!!

Now everyone gets the other call, he's gone. Mar tells Pau. Pau tells Ivy. Nid cries to Yadi that she lost the man she loved the most...uh except for your Pa. Yadi says well, remember he was a slime anyway. Nid says no way that man was faultless. She drops the bomb, he did all that thinking you were his daughter. HUH??? Yadi says? Why? The birthmark. That's crazy, that means nothing, besides I was born 9 months...Ma??? You were with this guy before you were married??? You said you had a platonic relationship!!! Nid says 99% platonic. Yadi says, then I'm not my father's child?

Juan and Pastor are relaxing over lunch now, Juan saying they should tell Nid. Pastor says no rush, that woman can suffer a little longer after what she did to my brother. Ouch.

Yadi now wonders how Nid could have kept this from her and she says she didn't know what was going on in Anga's head. Besides, she's sure that Yadi is Sam's, she only had one encounter with Anga, but several with Sam, so Yadi has to be Sam's. Oh is that the science of reproduction these days? Nid asks for forgivenss. Yadi says that is going to take her a lot of work. Besides, how does she ask forgiveness of a man who dies thinking she was his daughter and she couldn't be with him in his last moments. Nid says she wasn't thinking, and Yadi says she never does, nothing is ever her fault. Y-I thought the worst of this man and all he wanted to do was help me. Nid says but you aren't his. Yadi says that's not the point, he died thinking I was. Nid says, no, I cleared it up before he died. Yadi says, well what you think is the truth. Nid says I'm almost sure. Almost. Yadi says, yeah and that's maybe what killed him, huh?


Have to rush off to work this morning so will read recap later...but LOVE THE TITLE!

I couldn't believe it when they killed Anga off, I was thinking that's too easy a way to tie up an end. JA! Those sneaky writers...Again, the worm of unspoken truths has turned, and we see the problems that have been caused by the rgight people not knowing the truth...Alexia Ayala did a great job bawling, and kinda surprised me that CL was so invested in getting Pala to love him again. I thought that we was onlyout to destroy her (and Juan), but it would seem that he is only destroying himself, roasting in the flames of her rejection. La Chismosa (Ivonne) must be dying to tell all about CL being Sandro, then the story will really spin. Tomorrow is likely the last episode that I'll be able to watch till the final, so I'm going to miss a lot, I'm sure. But real glad to free up the 7-8 p.m. time slot for other things...oh judyb, thank you for thinking of me as a potential 'capper, but I don't think that I'd be very good- my spanish comprehension isn't up to it, but worse yet is my typing abilities- the recap would likely post about a week later than it should. better that i should lurk in the blog shadows...

Oh Nidia, you remind me of that joke I learned way back in sex ed..."What do they call people who use the rhythm method?" Answer - "Parents!"

Ha ha! Kris I love your description of Anga's "death" scene. Holy cow what a goat rodeo that hospital is. And Juan and Pastor decide to have lunch before calling Nidia? Good lord are we in some sort of nuthouse? Oh, right, we are, I forgot.

I loved Alex Ayala's bawling scene. He totally deserved the smack down but man oh man was he ever great! Sometimes it's not good to know exactly what people think of you.

Dorado Dave, have a fantastic week, we'll miss you but we look forward to re-connecting on the finale.

Kris, thanks for the recap, it was a scream. I was REALLY afraid I was going to have to recap Anga's death and funeral an all that dismal stuff. Whew!! were so smart to notice the lack of funereal music. I was sure Angarita had died and was really upset! Okay, I'm just the kind of credulous dolt the writers are looking for.

Yes, I was surprised by the depth of Cesar Luis' grief as well. I can understand that he was miffed and furious that someone else had gained Paula's love, but heartbroken, never, just 'p....d off". Still great acting job...and classic telenovela...while crying, slide down the wall. They must teach that in Mexico City acting school.

I really don't get why Nidia maintains Yadira is not Angarita's child, even when he seemed to be dying. Surely she is and how could she not know it, given that creepy birthmark Yadira and Angarita share. She should have known it from the get-go. Oh, right, then there would be one less DRAMA.

Thanks for a fun recap Kris and thanks ahead of time for organizing the grand finale recap.

Two words for the whole Nidia / Yadira / Angarita / Samuel thing:

Maury Povich

Sometimes this show seems like it should be set in a double wide in Arkansas.

Now to pick at scabs a little:

Wow, was I amazed at Ayala's scene with the crying and all. I was stunned like a deer in the HEADLIGHTS!

I was dumbstruck by Paula's business attire, so much so that I felt a like a complete BOOB!

Being a good Kentuckian, I had my JUG! of corn squeezin's to help me get settled down.

Emilia said I shouldn't do that, that we should drive down to the Sonic and get MILKSHAKES! instead!

That's probably enough of that for now. So TA-TA!

(Emilia will tell you that I ain't right.)

But seriously folks, we really do owe a debt of gratitude to all you recappers! We've grown to depend on your good work to help figure out what's going on and your humor in doing so has just been super.

oOOOHHH...Good one, Mike...yes, the word "boob" comes to mind with Paula's outfit. I found myself wondering if Anon #1 would prefer that dress to the lavender wrap-around handkerchief she was wearing last week.

I think the plastic surgeon should get a screen credit at the end of the show. He certainly did an awesome job.

Enjoyed your Kentucky reference. My mama was born on a farm near a little burg called Forks of Elkhorn and had a host of colorful expressions and colorful relatives. One set of cousins were named Ruby, Garnet and Sapphire. They were afraid when a boy got born that he would be called Diamond Jim but they gave him a more normal name (which I can't recall)

Judy stated earlier, Paula's dress can be any color, as long as it makes a man think of going to get a Milkshake ......

P.S. Sandro, CL, Juan, Fern, Kike must be the only single men in the DF.

Storm clouds are gathering....and Juan maybe the "eye" of the storm

Ha, you all are funny with getting thoughts off your CHEST with comments about Pau!!!


I'm thinking a sonic milkshake would be just dandy about now...sonic, that is...sigh...I'll settle for some tea instead. Or maybe a diet Dr. Pepper...Ja!!

I'll make a clean BREAST of it - Mike ain't right!! At least he doesn't spend all his time at HOOTERS.

Kris the title is just the best. I am so glad you pulled what turned out to be a comedy death scene for your penultimate Wed. night recap. What a howl. I got in too late from MexLit class to see the Ayala crying scene. Think I'll go look for it on Youtube.

The entire set of comments tonight reads like a try out for a comedy road show! And, I would hire all of you. Besides the mammary comments my other favorites are: Goat Rodeo, lurking in the blog shadows, and the plastic surgeon deserving screen credits! You all have me laughing myself silly.

As for the show parts that I saw, the big purse wrecking the heart monitor reading was just perfect television.

Well, I'm not going to get a Sonic milkshake but I am going to fix myself a rootbeer float as soon as the rootbeer gets chilled!

We're trying to do without air-conditioning again (my husband has a cold and thinks it's because of air conditioning) so aaaarrrgghhh!

Thanks Cheryl, glad to know someone will hire us to do comedy. Not everyone in my family thinks I'm funny, believe me!

PS Mike and Emilia...everytime I come back on line and read your blogs I laugh more and more. You are a great tag team. Surely a sign of a great marriage.

We think you are funny Jud!!

Dang, the Blue Collar Comedians have nothing on y'all!!

Kris, thanks for the terrific recap with a delightful title! Sorry to be slow—spent the last two days mostly out of town at a business meeting. Loved your descrption of the doc and the nurse figuring out that someone disconnected the monitor!

“CL assures him that Mar is very hormonal and out of control like the rest of the Cachon women ….. luckily for him, Pau will now need a friend she can confide in about this and soon she will realize her mistakes and fall at his feet.” This man is SO arrogant! His attitudes toward women are among the worst and most chauvinistic ever –even for a telenovela. But, his crying scene was every bit as powerful as Monica’s when she found out she’d been betrayed.

“Anga was taken to the sickhouse” LOL-you must be trilingual, K, because this looks like a German translation to me (Krankenhaus=sick house, hospital)

“Sandro lays it on thicker, that Pau knows how much he cares for her. She puts him off.” How can she not see that he’s really César Luis? This, plus the meltdowns when he doesn’t get his way, should be nudging her consciousness. But good for her for telling Sandro it’s a no-go with him.

“Pau says she can't just fire him because of bad or personal feelings.” Apparently, Ivonne’s detective work isn’t paying off. Too bad she can’t just tell Paula who she thinks this “Sandro” really is.

“The machine flatlines, and the nurse can only worry about getting Nid and her big red handbag out of the room. I'm noticing the lack of quintessential "march of death" music here. Something is up.” WOW, good catch, Kris! I wasn’t paying any attention to it!

Wow, some of our speculations are coming around here, folks—how many months ago did we speculate that Yadira was Anga’s daughter?

Dorado Dave, most of us have learned more Spanish OTJ, so to speak, by recapping. You could do this!

Loved everyone’s comments! Mike and Emilia, you’re a hoot.


Vielen dank, Jeanne.

I realate to Dave, it's not the Spanish, it's the typing. See..I'm dong it too. Without even trying...go figure...


Bitte schön!



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