Wednesday, June 04, 2008

La Traición, Tues., June 3 - Michelle overhears some things she didn't want to know

Michelle confronts Eloisa

Hugo and Soledad:
H: You’re crying. These months without you have been a living hell.
S: Hugo, please don’t make this more difficult than it already is. You need that money as much or more than we do. Keep it.
H: Listen, you yourself told me that I only had to support myself. While you have to support your family and my daughter. Your poor father can’t work. Soledad, go ahead and hate me but please take the money. It’s not much but you can use it for things for our daughter.
In comes Dr. Dan (bad timing). He says that he is sorry that he came without notice but he couldn’t sleep. He went for a walk to think and ended up here at her house. He is saying that he needs to see Soledad when he sees Hugo. Hugo says good evening.

Alcides tells Eloisa that she opened her mouth and told someone that he had the treasure of Jeremias Montenegro under his control. You opened your mouth. Eloisa says that he can’t kill her. What happened to this new man who doesn’t like violence? Alcides says that he isn’t a killer but if she pushes him, she will see his bad side. “So you killed my Aunt Rebeca,” says Eloisa. (Michelle reacts to hearing this.) “You lied when you told me that she sprung a trap while hunting for Jeremias’ treasure.” Alcides tells Eloisa to get out. Eloisa says that she wants her money. She did what he wanted. She became Soledad’s best friend so that she could fall for him. It wasn’t Eloisa’s fault that Soldedad is not interested in Alcides.

Dr. Dan says that he thought that Hugo had left. He’s sorry. Hugo says that he came to see his daughter. He has no other business in this house. Hugo wishes Soledad and Dr. Dan good night and thanks Soledad for everything. Hugo leaves. Dr. Dan says that he shouldn’t have come. He’s sorry. Soledad says quite the contrary, she is glad that he came. She hugs him. Hugo sees this before he leaves.

Michelle, still in hiding, says to herself that Eloisa is a traitor. She acted like her and Soledad’s friend on the orders of Alcides. Alcides tells Eloisa that he won’t give her any money and to get out of his house. Eloisa says that Alcides won’t get his way. She knows that he wants to kill Dr. Dan. When he doctor’s body turns up, everyone will know that he did it. Michelle is impactada. Alcides says that he knows that one is not supposed to hit women but he won’t listen to another word. Eloisa looks abashed and leaves. Alcides locks the door to the house and takes the key. As he goes upstairs, he says that he can’t believe that he allied himself with that crazy witch. Now Michelle is trapped in Alcides’ house!

Margot has tried on the maid’s uniform. She says that it is horrible. She finds some things that look that they are made of gold (in a maid’s room? No, we see later this is Arturo’s room where Gladis told her not to go). Arturo comes in and asks if she has spoken with his mother. The things are medals that Arturo won in the war. Margot says that Arturo never told her about that. Arturo says that he followed in his father’s footsteps. They were both heroes in the war. Margot says that sounds like a fairy tale.

Here we go with the Obragon witches. Ester tells Lucas that she can’t believe he feels compassion for that man that nearly killed him. Antonia chimes in that Ester is right. Lucas tells them to be honest. Hugo wasn’t the only one to blame for what happened to him. He had been drinking that day and it was his second heart attack. Lucas says that he is responsible too. Ester maintains that Hugo was the only person responsible for what happened. Lucas tells them that he has stayed awake many nights thinking about what would have happened if Hugo had been hanged because of him. Ester says that he only the said the truth and Antonia chimes in to say that none of it was his fault. Lucas says that it isn’t a question of fault but it didn’t help to say what he did at the trial. He asks Ester and Antonia if they believe in their heart of hearts that Soledad and Hugo will ever stop loving each other. The witches can’t say yes.

Hugo flashes back to finding Soledad wearing Dr. Dan’s ring. He flashes back to hearing Soledad say that she will take the bag of money to Alcides and demand an explanation.

Dr. Dan says that Soledad has nothing to explain to him. He knows that Aurora will be a link between her and Hugo for the rest of their lives. He shouldn’t have come over without letting her know. Soledad says that she is glad he came. It was the perfect excuse for Hugo to leave. Dr. Dan asks if Soledad is ok and she says that she feels like she has an empty place in her heart. But it will pass. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t like to see her suffer. He wants her to happy. She says that she can’t think about anything now. Dr. Dan leaves. Ursula comes up with the baby and says that sometimes love hurts but Soledad has to be strong, very strong.

Michelle is panicking. She says that she has to get out of the house. If Alcides finds her, she is done for. She uses her earring to try and pick the door lock. All of sudden, there is a knock at the door. It’s Hugo come to see Alcides. Michelle hides. Alcides comes downstairs. Alcides asks what Hugo is doing there so late. He hopes he hasn’t come for the chamber. That can wait until morning. Hugo says that came to talk to Alcides about what he did today in Soledad’s house. Alcides looks surprised.

Margot pins the medals on Arturo. She says that he looks very handsome. “Sure,” he says, “the handsome, impotent, one-handed man of San Marino.” Margot has a fantasy that Arturo, in his military uniform, is telling his mother that he will be married in a few days. His mother says that her dream has come true at last. Arturo introduces Margot as his future wife but Gladis calls her a slut and tells her to get out of her house. Margot comes back to reality and goes to sleep in the servants’ quarters. Arturo wishes that his medals were good for something even if it is just getting revenge on Alcides and his whole family.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: Would you like a drink?
H: No, thank you.
A: It’s your favorite liquor.
H: Thanks but no.
A: Fine. What do you say that I did in Soledad’s house?
H: You left a bag full of money in Soledad’s bedroom.
A: I did that? I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m surprised that Soledad received you after what you did.
H: Listen, Alcides, I went to see my daughter. That’s how I found out about the bag. Don’t lie to me, I know it was you.
A: How can you be so sure? Did someone see me? Do you have any proof?
H: You entered that room the same way you did when the investors came to lynch me. I don’t understand how you did it. How did you get access to Soledad’s bedroom without anyone seeing you? I’m warning you. You can’t go into Soledad’s room whenever you want.
A: Calm down, calm down. Let me remind you that I am three minutes older than you. Some respect is indicated. The love you feel for Soledad is undeniable. Just like for me. Even in a hundred years, you couldn’t stop loving her. Am I right? (Michelle closes her eyes in sadness) Did you check out about Soledad and that quack? Did you see with your own eyes that he is engaged to her? (Hugo pours himself a drink. Alcides starts to eat nuts.)
H: Yes, but she hasn’t accepted.
A: Will you do nothing and wait until they get married?
H: No, that won’t happen.
A: I wouldn’t be so sure. Why don’t you be honest with me Hugo? Why don’t you tell me the truth? Do you love Soledad with all your heart as much as I do? (Michelle is rapt to hear Hugo’s reply.) I asked you a question, Hugo. You still love Soledad knowing that you have lost her forever? Do you still love her? (Hugo doesn’t answer.) It looks like I hit the nail on the head. She is still in your heart.
H: I didn’t come here to talk about my feelings. Watch out with your schemes to win her over. She isn’t stupid. She knows perfectly well that you left that money in her room.
A: But you haven’t answered the question I asked you. Do you still love her?
H: Why ask? You know the answer. (Michelle is stricken) You know perfectly well that Soledad is the great love of my life. I haven’t stopped loving her for one second since we met.
A: Then help me. Together we can both get von Chirac out of the way. (Michelle bolts for the door. Hugo sees the movement.) What happened?
H: I saw a shadow. You didn’t hear anything?
A: Listen to me. Don’t get distracted. Will you help me get von Chirac out of the way?

Soledad says to Ursula that she hadn’t seen Hugo in a long time. She felt short of breath. She had missed him so much. She says that now it is worse because she met him and it was like a knife stabbed her in the heart. She says that she is going out of her mind. Ursula says that love and madness are very similar. (If it’s so late, why isn’t that baby asleep in bed?) Ursula says that is why she is afraid to fall in love. Soledad says no, love is wonderful when it’s pure and transparent and there aren’t any betrayals. She says that it’s worth it. Ursula says that Hugo loves her. Soledad says that it is she who can’t be with someone who has hurt her so much. Ursula asks who does she think she is fooling? She will love Hugo while blood runs in her veins. She and Hugo were made for one another. Soledad takes the baby. She says that maybe she and Hugo were made for each other but destiny isn’t going to allow it. She says that destiny wants them to be apart. Hugo isn’t hers anymore. Hugo belongs to Michelle now. “Poor Michelle,” says Soledad, “she seemed so sad when she left as if I would never see her again.”

Michelle is sobbing walking along the brightly lit wall of the Hacienda. “My God,” she says, “What should I do? Should I leave San Marino behind forever? I can’t after what I just heard.” She flashes back to Hugo telling Alcides that Soledad is and has always been the love of his life. Then she flashes back to Eloisa telling Alcides that he wants to kill Dr. Dan. “I have never been a coward. I must do what is right. Before I leave and renounce Hugo’s love, I will expose his brother Alcides.”

Lucas tells Ester and Antonia that you can’t give up when you love. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. Soledad and Hugo are still in love. The Obragon witches tell him that he’s delirious and should go to bed. Lucas says fine but he knows that Soledad will never be happy with anyone but Hugo - the man we hate so much.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: Pay attention, Hugo. If we do this right, if we act correctly, we can get rid of this von Chirac.
H: I won’t do any deals with you.
A: Don’t back out, brother. We have a pact.
H: A pact I regret. I accepted that stupid duel for Soledad’s love in a moment of weakness. But she loves me. She has absolutely no feelings for you.
A: But Soledad will never forgive you for what you did to her. You lost your money and you lost Soledad. Accept it.
H: I won’t help you get Dr. Chirac out of the way because Soledad is free to do what she pleases. Stop trying to impress her with your money. If you do anything against her, if you take one step against her, I’ll be there to protect her. Is that clear?
Hugo leaves.

At the hotel, Michelle is looking for Dr. Dan. She needs to find him and tell him that Alcides wants to kill him. She flashes back to making love with Hugo. She says that she can’t think about Hugo. She has to think about Dr. Dan. She can’t let Alcides hurt him. She gets the sword that Hugo made for her. She says that it is ironic that she will save his rival with it. Michelle leaves and Boris sees her. He wonders where she is going with that sword.

Dr. Dan must have just missed Michelle. He knocks on the door of her room but Boris tells him that Michelle isn’t there. Boris says that she left in a hurry with her sword. Dr. Dan wonders if she could have left San Marino without saying goodbye. He tells Boris that he is going to try and find her before she gets the last train. He leaves.

Eloisa opens a box and takes out the letters that Alcides sent her. She says that with these letters, she has Alcides at her mercy but he knows that she can’t open her mouth, that’s why he fired her. She says that Alcides is capable of killing her. She tries to think. She doesn’t want to be left penniless but what can she do? She wishes she knew where the treasure is in Soledad’s house. She flashes back to Alcides telling her about how Rebeca died from a trap he set to protect the treasure. She wonders if that is true or if Alcides killed her with his own hands. She has to forget about the treasure. She doesn’t want to end up like Rebeca. Michelle kicks in the door. Eloisa asks what she is doing there with a sword. Michelle says that she has come to unmask Eloisa. Michelle says that she has found out about Eloisa’s double game with Alcides.’’

Alcides is just about to go upstairs when he hears a noise. He says to himself that Hugo is right. There seems to be an intruder in the house. He gets a gun out of a drawer and surprises Hercu-less and Marina kissing. Marina says enough and slaps Herc saying that she isn’t a prostitute. He says that she knew he was watching when she was taking a bath. She wanted to arouse him. Marina slaps him and says that he had better respect her. Herc seems to find that pleasurable.

Aurora is sleeping and Ursula flashes back to kissing Boris. She says to Soledad that when she said that love hurts, she was speaking from her own experience. Soledad asks what she is trying to say. Ursula says that she is in love but it isn’t meant to be. Soledad is surprised. She wants to know who Ursula is in love with. Ursula says that she and Boris kissed and she liked it so much. Soledad is very happy for Ursula. She had no idea. But why does Ursula say that her love can’t be? Boris and Marina are getting divorced. Ursula says that it doesn’t only have to do with Marina. Boris is Hugo’s servant and she knows that Soledad doesn’t want to see Hugo. How could she and Boris be together? Soledad says that what happens between her and Hugo has nothing to do with Ursula and Boris. She should take the opportunity to be happy. She and Boris deserve it.

Hugo comes into his room at the hotel where Boris is waiting. Boris says that he was worried that he couldn’t find Hugo. Hugo says that he went to see his daughter and then went to see his brother and they had an argument. Boris says that it is not strange that Alcides caused and argument. Hugo says that Alcides is trying to win Soledad’s heart with money. Hugo says that his brother has never learned how to make a woman fall in love with him. “My poor brother,” says Hugo. Boris asks if Hugo spoke to Michelle. Hugo says no. Why is Boris asking? Boris says that it appears that Michelle has left San Marino.

Dr. Dan checks but Michelle is not on the last train out of town. Dr. Dan can’t figure out where she could be.

Eloisa begs Michelle to lower her sword. She is terrified of weapons. Michelle asks what the letters on the bed are. Eloisa says that they are just love letters but Michelle picks them up and reads the instructions to Eloisa from Alcides: find out if Soledad is the daughter of Jeremias; separate Soledad from Dr. Dan; make friends with Michelle Phillips even if you have to go to the hospital to do charity work, that’s what I pay you for. Michelle says these letters are from from Alcides, does Eloisa work for him? “How could you betray us in that way?” says Michelle turning her back on Eloisa for a second. Eloisa throws something at Michelle, “You’ve just made a mistake,” says Michelle holding Eloisa at swordpoint. Eloisa says that Michelle shouldn’t get involved. Michelle say that all San Marino will find out today and Eloisa and Alcides will pay. Eloisa asks how Michelle found out. She replies that she heard Eloisa arguing with Alcides. “What did you hear?” asks Eloisa. “Everything,” says Michelle, “including about the treasure. I don’t know where it came from but you are going to tell me.” Eloisa says that she doesn’t know anything but Michelle and her sword insist. Eloisa says that the treasure belonged to Jeremias Montenegro and he may have left it to Soledad because he is her real father. Now Michelle understands how Alcides returned as a millionaire. He took money that didn’t belong to him. Michelle asks what is the plan for killing Dr. Dan? Eloisa says that Alcides hasn’t told her. Michelle is going to take Eloisa to the police station so that Eloisa can tell them what she just told her. Paquito sneaks up behind Michelle and knocks her unconscious with a wine bottle. He says that he got there just in time to save Eloisa. Eloisa thanks him. Paquito says that he doesn’t understand why Michelle was trying to kill Eloisa.

Hugo says that Michelle wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye. Boris mentions that Michelle sent her stuff ahead with Andres. Hugo says that he convinced Michelle to stay. Dr. Dan comes in and reports that Michelle wasn’t on the train. Hugo says that maybe she is practicing. Dr. Dan asks whether she took her swords to think? Hugo asks Boris to leave them. Dr. Dan asks if something is wrong. Hugo says that he and Dr. Dan need to talk about Soledad.

Soledad is folding up baby clothes when Lucas comes in. He says that he spoke to Hugo tonight in her room. Soledad says that she wanted to warn him beforehand that Hugo was there. Did anything bad happen? Lucas says no. Soledad says that she knows what it means to have Hugo in the house, especially for Lucas. Lucas says that he knows. They have discussed this. He will do anything for his granddaughter (Aurora is asleep – so cute). Lucas turns to hobble out but he stops and asks Soledad how thing are going with Dr. Dan. Soledad says that Dr. Dan is a great person but they are going slowly. She doesn’t want to give him false hope. Lucas asks Soledad to tell him the truth – she stills loves Hugo, right?

Paquito asks what Eloisa has been up to that got Michelle so angry. Eloisa says that Michelle knows everything – that she and Alcides are secret allies. Eloisa says that she has to do something. Paquito says what, kill Michelle? Eloisa replies that even though Alcides hates her, he is going to have to help her deal with this problem. She asks Paquito to help her but he washes his hands of her. He has a big opening tomorrow.

Hugo and Dr. Dan:
DD: You want to talk about my visit to Soledad’s house?
H: I know you asked for her hand.
DD: You’re committed to Michelle.
H: Yes, we’re each rebuilding our lives. Soledad is now a possibility for you.
DD: You have never stopped loving her, right?
H: I have never stopped loving her.
DD: I thought you and Michelle were serious.
H: We are but I haven’t been able to forget Soledad. When I saw her after such a long time, it seemed that not a single day had passed.
DD: I hope that in spite of my interest in Soledad, we can have a cordial relationship. I know that we’re not friends but we don’t have to be enemies.
H: You’d better watch out for my brother, Alcides.
DD: Yes, Michelle warned me. It’s late. I’d better go. I suggest that you talk to Michelle. She must be upset to be out at this time.

Lucas says that Soledad’s tears are what prevent him from seeing Hugo in a good light. Soledad says not to pay any attention to her. Lucas tells her that a love that produces more anguish than happiness isn’t a true love. He asks her to think about it. He only wants the best for her. Soledad says that she knows. The credits roll.

Tomorrow – No LT
Thursday – It looks like Alcides is going to kill Michelle


Jean thanks for the great recap! This show has really interested husband {who does not even know what hola means}. But he's a real James Bond, Rambo type of fan. And let me tell you when Michelle pulled that sword on Eloisa he was really routing for her. He is a real fan of Michell's.

I have a real delima. We are going on a trip to the south that does not have this spanish network. I don't know if I can get one of my freinds to commit to recording it. But my questions are:

Our trip is June 16-20. Should the show still be on?

Also I have heard people talk about tevo would that be an option.

Oh well if all else fails the wonderful pictures and excellent recapping is nearly just as good I guess. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Hi Jean/everybody,

It seems LT fan club is growing. I haven’t being able to keep up to date with the reading of the recaps so I’ve missed a lot. Last night I watched the actual show and I noticed at the end that it went from “ultimas semanas” to “etapa culminante.”

Does anybody have any idea when is it ending or if they are extending LT?

I hope Alcides does not kill Michelle.

Hi folks: It looks like LT is going to end at the end of June.

So anonymous 11:20, it will still be on for your trip. Your choices are to watch it on the Telemundo website or You Tube when you get back if you have high speed access to the Internet, have someone record it for you or get a DVR, TiVo or one of the other available ones. I have TiVo. It's great. It really changes the way you watch television and I couldn't do the recaps without it.

Unfortunately Sue, I think Michelle is a goner. The previews for Thursday's episode say that 'only one will survive.' We know that Michelle Vieth's contracted time on LT is almost over and Alcides has to to die in the grand finale.

Thanks for the suggestions for what I can do when I take my trip Jean. I guess I'm really addicted to this show.

I hate to think that Michelle is going to be a goner, but I think you're correct. As much I like Michelle, I have to admit that I am really enjoying "Alcides". Despite the way he and Hugo act there seems to be some level of brotherly love there on both sides.

Alcides always offers some sort of drink to him. Though that might just be to rub his face in it.

He always opens the door for him, no matter how early or late.

He doesn't seem to mind that they are in love with the same girl. Though I don't beleive that Alcides truly loves Soladad. I think he's in love with the idea of winning over someone that Hugo loves.

I know that Mario is probly so busy with his double recording of both charactures that he has not had the opportunity to bond with Aurora like some of the cast members, but it would be a priceless shot to see him holding the baby.

I don’t want Alcides to die, either. Actually, I am more attracted to him than Hugo—I think he has more “animal magnetism”. If only he weren’t quite so mean and crazy! In the “novella in my mind”, it is 1890 and I am young, beautiful and single, and arrive in town with a really good peanut stand. Alcides takes one look at me and falls madly in love, forgets all about Soledad, turns into a kinder, gentler Alcides, sweeps me off my feet and we eat peanuts happily ever after.

As much as I enjoy La Traicion, it will be kind of a relief when it ends; I am getting tired of “reading” TV! With captions, you have to pay so much attention! And lately all I have been watching is Telemundo—LT, Victoria (usually), and PdG during the day. When they all finish up, I can go back to watching something mindless like Gilligan’s Island!

Thanks Jean!

I agree with you Cindybin about Alcides - I've found him more attractive than Hugo lately, too. Probably because Hugo has been so meek lately and Alcides has been so confident. Plus I like his hair loose.

With only weeks left to go I guess we'll probably start seeing more deaths. But I wish Michelle wouldn't be one of them. Marina, Eloisa, Paquito, & Arturo are another story!

Unless something stupid happens in the next few weeks, this is going to have really been a great telenovela - beautiful actors & actresses, compelling storyline, fast paced and not too long. It will leave us wanting more, the way they should!

I wrote yesterday that maybe they would cure Aurora’s catalepsy with a sole remaining orchid discovered in the Obregon garden. Later I remembered the storyline is that Aurora doesn’t have the right blood component. Maybe they will somehow find that because she is older her blood composition has change (hey, it’s a telenovela) and she now has the “right stuff” and can be cured. They can’t leave us worrying about Aurora and her uncertain future!


Alcides is very humorous and albeit interesting to watch (from a distance). He reminds me of a lithe prowling lion. You never know if your going to be licked or clawed.

And Hugo, well he's more in control, and thoughtful, and peaceful. He's lookin a little straggedy these days, but he's been through the wringer and back several times.

I can't wait until his luck changes. I hope he gets to move back to his beautiful home and gets his wealth restored. And he's got a little caveman in him. Hence the pick my woman up to kiss her routine.

And speaking of that I think that Mario brings alot of himself into his charactures. As I have seen some of his other shows on youtube he lifts and kisses, and also does the little nose thing alot, and has been in a few projects I think with Dana Garcia who plays Soladad.

At long last, someone locked their door at night, though it looks like one of those “keys to the city” keys, and look what happened: Michelle got locked into Alcides’ hacienda. It didn’t make much sense for her to be rattling the front door. She should have gone searching for other exit routes, but then she wouldn’t have been hiding behind that gigantic floral display and heard the all-important speech between the Medina brothers.

No LaTraicion tonight!!! I have the cure. I was checking out YouTube and found another episode of “Que Hora Es?” posted:
It’s probably not quite as funny as the first one, but we do what we must!


Thanks Nancy, I forgot to look for this one! It makes me laugh and I needed that since I'm without LT tonight...

If you watch the “Que Hora Es?” Episode 2 telenovela spoof, be sure to watch it to the very end because this is how I imagine Paquito’s extravaganza is going to look like.


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