Thursday, June 26, 2008

Querida Enemiga 6-25-08 - No pain no gain

Lore wonders if she’ll be able to work because she fears she'll lose her job and he says of course but under strict medical observation. HA.

Snortensia introduces Sara to Jaqueline.

Doc says he went to look for Lor at the pension but she says she had to change locations. He wants her new info she says she’s going to move again, but he can look for her at work with Maruja, he knows her right? He says she’s a friend of his sister.

Doc Hot gives Lorena a laundry list of treatments:
1) walk in the park 2 KM with the treating doctor.
2) diet- eat every dinner during treatment with the treating doctor
3) to reduce stress, go to the movies with the treating doctor
4) take medicine every 8 hours and call the doc when done taking them

He says this is the only way to make sure that he’ll see her again. He helps her out.

On the way out they overhear Bruno and Diana arguing about giving up the baby. Lorena is startled by this and asks doc to tell them not to abandon it because the baby will need his parents. She knows, she grew up in an orphanage and never had them. Soon the door opens and they see that it is not patients. Doc warns them this is not the place to discuss personal things.

After they walk away Diana calls Bruno a desgraciado.

Alonzo walks them back and sets a date for 6pm. She goes in and he tells Maruja how much he looked for Lore. In the kitchen the gals chit chat about how wonderful this new galan is. She tells the story of them fighting for the taxi.

In the office Jaqui is showing Snotty Snorty the list of people who bought clothes at her fashion show so she can send thank yous. She’s not interested this time. She blasts the girl for being useless giving a report about things already known. Jaqui says but everything is under control. After Snorts storms out of the room, she curses herself that she even bought a really expensive dress just to get in this woman’s good graces. Hrmph.

They tell Lore how lucky she is and that he definitely is single. Snorty comes in to inspect the goods. She first checks the cilantro salsa, then the crema de chicharrones, and the dressing for the waldorf salad. She says pepper is missing, and the cream needs to be boiled at low heat to have a better consistency, etc. She ends with the vegetables not being cut well and need to be redone. Apparently that was Lorena’s task because she is upset about this after Snorty leaves. Rosi promises to help her with that.

Al tells Val how happy he is that he found Lore again.

Bruno comes in to apologize and Al blasts him for his indiscretion because patients are always around and why didn’t you use protection if you didn’t want this kid. Because he's an ingrate, that's why. He thinks that’s the ladies responsibility and she said she was, so she was lying. He ends that don’t ask him what he’s going to do because he doesn’t know himself.

Chalo is learning from his buddy that Sara changed her and Lorena’s names on the paperwork. He wants to know what the Abuela’s name is so he can find Sara.

Right now she’s getting dissed by Snorty’s HR person who starts Sara as an assistant at a small slaray and sticks her in a nasty file room, nothing to do with computers like she knows how to do.

Back at home son is telling Snotty about the eye clinic that she will have opened in her name. She’s not listening because she’s pissed about Sara showing up. She doesn’t want to talk about it and asks about the eye clinic. They discuss it a bit and she decides she needs to have a celebrity dinner to raise the money.

Zulema asks for her son's help because Don Pancho asked her to prepare a dinner for more than 20 folks. He agrees he’ll help.

Jaime wastes no time, he’s on the phone already soliciting for the eye clinic.

Paola bitches about her soon ot be ex. She dedicated her life to him and he left her for another so she’s going to cry even though her friend tells her he was a miserable. She swears he’ll pay.

Alonzo picks up Lorena and they make flirty face.

In the meantime Diana returns home perturbed and wants nothing to eat and goes upstairs. Ma and Pa determine Bruno is probably bugging her.

Al and Lor are driving and chatting, he’s glad he found her again and they look like they might kiss, but the light turns green and he gets honked so they have to proceed sans kiss.

Sara returns "home" to the mansion to find Chalo waiting outside. Guess he figured out where she is. He knows she has a secret and wants full explanation. Sara goes in and curses him and the servant who gave him the address because he said he was her boyfriend she says she’s going to get rid of him right now. She gets an evil face.

Al and Lore are at dinner. Al is glad she likes to eat and isn’t watching her figure. She says growing up in the orphanage you learn to eat whatever you are given. She tells it wasn’t so bad there and he likes her positive attitude. She says everything looks good, but she won’t order everything or empty his wallet. The conversation rolls around to her not being able to enroll in class because all her money was stolen. Alonzo wants to help and insists that she borrow his money.

Diana cries that Bruno can’t make her abort the baby, but she also knows her Mom is going die when she finds out.

Al wants her to cook something for him. She says to wait until he has a house, er, a place to sleep, er, a kitchen, er she doesn’t know what she is saying. He has a house and lives with his Dad but Ma passed when he was 15 from a long painful illness and he thinks that’s what motivated him to study medicine.

We flash to Sara in bed with Chalo; some throwing out. They are discussing this game she is playing. She says she only wanted to find Lorena and didn’t plan this. She doesn’t know if the parents are rich, but she’s glad that the old lady believed her. Lorena hasn’t told her anything yet, because she hasn’t found her. She says everything is at her fingertips and no one can hold her back, he pipes up except him.

Al tells that his sis lives with his niece and he doesn’t have a big family, but Lorena says she has many siblings and mothers. She misses Sara her best friend whom she hasn’t been able to talk to yet. He offers his cell for her to call but she says it’s too late, they are sleeping.

Back in the sack, Sara warns squirrelly Chalo not to open his mouth, she promises there’s a lot of money at stake. He wants in. She’s wondering if he’s going to stay, and of course at these prospects he’s not going anywhere. Yep, she’s stuck cutting him in.

Alonzo wants to take Lorena home but of course she doesn’t want him to. He wonders why not and worries that she walks the streets at this hour. She says look, she’s a millionaire heiress and doesn’t want anyone to know where she lives. HA that’s funny. He worries she’ll get robbed, well she already was so, she has nothing left. He finally backs down, kisses her on the cheek telling her how special and unique she is.

Ok what’s up with the strawberry eating.

Paula is rabid with hate for her soon to be ex. Her friends try to cheer her up. She does a little, and threatens that he’ll get his.

Of course we go to him, he is with the new chica, Jaqui toasting that tomorrow the divorce will be final. Jaqui already went house hunting. Hubby explains that Paula can no longer impede his daughter from getting to know her.

Lore is bonding with the security guard who clearly is happy to have her around.

Al is yelling at his Pa for not shutting the lid well on the washer because the water is coming out. He is a doc too, because he is reviewing dictation and thinks he messed something up. He tells Al to call a plumber, but Al says the plumber was just here. Next we see that he’s burned something in the kitchen and Al tells him he needs to be more careful and Pa offers pizza instead as his treat. Maybe he's an Alzheimer or senility candidate and this is their way of showing us this....:(

At Snotty’s house, which looks an awful lot like Don Fernando’s house in La Fea, Jaime is telling Ma about the plans for the eye clinic. He also wants to know about the granddaughter, she didn’t eat dinner with them. Jaime thinks they need to get rid of her, and Snorty says they will as soon as she figures out how.

The next morning she comes downstairs and brings Snotty coffee, but it’s not the right kind, so Snorty makes a stink. Barbara defends her, that this place is this close to a jail, and she’s young etc. And Snotty won’t hear of it and says if she wants to live here then she needs to follow the rules. Sara of course oliges and apologizes.

I was looking at Sara’s red dress and I realize I have the exact same one. I’m sure I got it from the same designer, because in the next scene, I can see the little ribbon on the back of the neck. This ribbon is supposed to be cut off when you wear the dress, it’s only there to keep it on the hanger at the store. How funny. I wore it that way once because I was hesitant to cut it off and then decided it really did look stupid. Just like hers does. Looks like they may have realized it too, because it seems it’s gone in the next office scenes. Anyway....

We are now at the divorce proceeding and Paula is still screaming and not signing. He swears his daughter will lack for nothing. As soon as she signs, he runs out to his lover. Of course Paula takes the opportunity to chastise them. She tells him this woman only wants his money and tells her that he’ll be done with her as soon as she loses her hair! They decide not to worry about her.

Barbara tells Sara not to be upset, that Snorty is just well, snotty. She's like that with everyone, including Jaime. She thinks maybe that’s why Omar left. Barb says no, they threw him out of the house for impregnating a woman of another class, imagine that. Sara takes note of this news and thanks Barb for defending her.

Millions of pesos pass through here, maybe some of those will be mine Sara says when she shows up at the business and takes a peek at some papers.

The chefs take a trip to the market and Zulema is there and she smells the chiles. Lorena too, likes the smell of chiles. Zulema is going to make salsa borracha (drunken salsa). Lore asks if she puts pulque in it, and she does, if she can find it, but if she has none, she substitutes beer, or even tequila. Lorena thanks her for sharing her secret because tequila wouldn’t have occurred to her. Really? I found a billion recipes online with it. Zulema thinks there’s something very trustworthy about Lorena. Ding, Ding, Ding... the alarms are going off here. And we close with a smile.

I thought I'd also put in some more Mexcan recipes, in English, as the link above is really to Spanish recipes in Spanish, plus we needed one with tequila! Mexicans would probably use different chiles than only jalapenos, so I included the second one, which is probably more representative below, but the first one is probably easier for gabachas to find all the ingredients. Note this is one of those core condiments that really depends on how your Abuela or your region made it, because it can be done a million ways depending on what ingedients you had access to.

And no way! I just read a story that the supposed orgin of the name is that a young woman who was drunk, one time confused her salsa with her vomit, (the salsa looks like vomit) and that's how the name started. Hmmmm.

Salsa Borracha Recipe

Ingredients:2 medium sized tomatoes
1/4 cup white onion (large pieces)
2 garlic cloves
2 Jalapeno peppers
Salt and pepper to taste1 teaspoon oregano powder
beer or tequila (very small amount)

Preparation:Cut tomatoes in half, remove unwanted parts. Cut stems off peppers. Add a little olive oil to skillet and add tomatotes, onion, garlic, salt and pepper (to taste), and oregano. Toast everything on a high heat until tomotes, peppers, and onions are blackened. Remove everything from pan to a blender and blend until fairly smooth. Add to a serving bowl, then add a an ounce of beer or a splash of tequila to taste.

Salsa Borracha

6 pasilla chiles
1 cup beer or pulque (a fermented corn beverage)
Juice of 1 orange
1 clove garlic
1/4 medium onion, finely chopped
10 whole green olives
1/2 cup crumbled wh ite cheese (queso fresco)

Place a heavy duty skillet over a medium flame. Toast the pasilla chiles in the skillet until the skin blisters. Open the chiles and remove the stems, veins, and s eeds. Soak the chiles in the beer for 30 minutes. Place the beer and chiles in a blender or food pr ocessor along with the peeled garlic clove and the orange juice. Puree until smooth. Stir in the chopped onion and add salt to taste. Before serving place the olives and the crumbled cheese into the salsa for garnish.


Great title, "K" and I love the "Snortensia" and Dr. Hawt (Hot) nicknames. We're going to have fun with this one.

This is clearly going to be another sexy Sunday School story...good, innocent, pure-hearted people, surrounded by wicked wordlings, will eventually triumph in the end AND bring about redemption for a couple of the wickeds at least, through the help of God.

Works for me!

Sylvia...just found your "deboning chicken" story on my recap blog. YUCK. You are one tough lady. Was this the same job where you learned all the slang from the Mexican workers...I remember you knew that one phrase which was absolutely the WORST thing you could call somebody (and if my brain were working this morning, I'd be more specific).

Also, Jardinera and glad you'll be joining us.

We've missed you. Has anyone come up with the Spanish equivalent for "bun in the oven" yet?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Hey I know who none of these people are, only catching bits and pieces, but I did see Crazy Acasia from Destilando as a worker in the kitchen. Glad to see she escaped the mental hospital.

also seems to be a lot of Telvista Red hairdye in this one.

Fuego~~~Thanks for the recap. I am trying hard to get into this novela just so that I can hang with my peeps here. Sylvia~~~I just read your ''deboning'' story . Wow. I used to teach a lot of folks who worked at a poultry processing plant. One THanksgiving , a Vietnames girl handed me the gift of a 30 lb. frozen turkey that she had hauled up to the third floor where I taught. I stood there speechless holding it and wondering how I would get it plus my purse and briefcase down 3 flights of stairs and the block to my car. I did not debone it. Gee, we have lived rich lives, no ???? Strangere than fiction, si ??? You cannot make this stuff up. We should write our own character analyses and then wrote a telenovela based on ...US !!! Let's think of a good title....It should probably have the word ''heridas '' in it. Maybe ''Heridas de Deboning.''

OMG Susanlynn, a 30 lb turkey? That's too funny.

Ha ha...Snortensia...good one Kris!!

Acacia of Destilando gave me the creeps, but as Rosy she's adorable. She may be one of my favorite characters.

Apparently working in "los archivos" is the office equivalent of deboning chickens. Remember in JQ Alirio got stuck there as did Heri.

Kris, I think Lorena was sniffing chiles with the wife of Omar, Snorty's banished son. (Can't remember her name). Is Lorena really her daughter? Anyway, they have now officially bonded though they don't "know" each other.

And thanks for the recipes for salsa borracha!! Very cool.

Oh, and one more thing, isn't Paula (bitch queen of the galaxy) played by the same actress who played Juan Querendón's hootchie-kootchie wannabe girlfriend Lorena from Achichipico? She was the beauty contestant who wore the halter tops and short shorts.

Good call Sylvia...didn't place Paula, and really didn't place Rosy as Acacia either.

I'll take dusty old archives over de-boning chicken any day!

The "children" on Guapos really look like their parents. Lorena and Zulema don't look anything alike. Maybe Omar has light eyes...didn't notice.

And did anyone notice what a solid pair of legs our dainty little Lorena has? Man, that girl could walk across eastern Europe on those gams!!! (maybe her forfathers did)

Kris, another great recap, thanks!! Great title, and I LOVE "Snortensia!" That one has to stick.

I'm liking this one so far--it occurred to me that we might have a minimum of murder and mayhem in here like we did on Juan. So glad some of our other "peeps" have joined us (Beckster, Susanlynn, Julie, Jardinera) and hope y'all decided to hang out. Of course, we're thrilled to see Ferro.

Beckster, Crazy Acasia is now Rossy (Rosy), daughter of Maruja (head cook-type person), and Rossy talks a mile a minute and is totally diverting. She's positive, upbeat, and cute. Very unlike her last persona, apparently.

Sharkbait, that's not Lorena, I am pretty sure it's Yolanda, who was Heriberto's wife of whom Juan divested Heri early on--remember her going on the bus with Juan and pretending to be his girlfriend at Casa Cachón when he returned from Achichipico? I think that's her. Of course, Heri found out he didn't need her after all....



I got a smile out of Lorena meeting her sis and Mom on the same day--and only day 3 of the TN.


K, the pregnant one is Diana, I think, rather than Paula. She's probably Lorena's real life sister, since she's Omar's and Zulema's daughter.


Yes you're right Schoolmarm, I think it's Yolanda. Makes more sense. It was quite a stretch for her to be Lorena. Still from Beeatch Paula to Yolanda is also a stretch! I think I like that actress.

Sylvia, I agree--this is a real reversal. The actress is Sharis Cid. She was syrupy and clinging as Yolanda, not witchy, and look at her now! Dario is no prize, but he's gone from one witch to's no wonder he's not with Paula, but why with Jackie now? Ugh!


One other blast from the past that I noticed - Omar (Lorena's real father) is old punching bag Elias from Duelo de Pasiones, with a different haircut and no mustache. I didn't realize it at first, but take a good look, it's him!

Yes, Ferro, you are SO right! I had forgotten and couldn't figure out why Omar looked so familiar. Thanks!


Hmmmm...I gotta disagree with both of you (sorry!). This actor played a small part in the beginning of Guapos but he's not the fellow who played Elias in Duelo, or who had a small part in Destilando.

On the other hand, I'm often wrong. I'll try looking up cast names of Duelo and Enemiga on Wikipedia.

JudyB, you're right. Omar is Alfonso Iturralde, and Elias was David Ostrosky or something like that. They just look sort of alike. Iturralde doesn't have many recent credits, either, according to his bios.


Yep... David Ostrosky (nice Hispanic name) played Elias on Duelo.

Alfonso Iturralde (better) plays Omar.

Noticed the difference, 'cause frankly I think guy playing Omar is better looking. There was something just sort of wet and nerdy about the fellow playing Elias.

I'm pretty sure Omar was on LFMB, as Jass Reinard (when I watched it, I thought they called him Senor Jacks, but I didn't known about this group at this time, maybe it was Senor Jass). He was a rich guy who liked Aurora, Lety's alter ego (I think).

You're right, Hombre - Omar = Mr. Jacques. I'm glad you recognized him because it really bugged me - I knew I had seen him before, but wasn't sure where.

For our telenovela, I propose a title: Heridas de Papeles.

Mystery Man, that's right, Alfonso Iturralde was Jacques Reynard or whatever on LFMB. Exactly. He was enthralled with Lety.


Jeepers 21 comments already. Sotty guys, this was a bit of a rushed recap.

I was working on a project and didn't get to watch or write until late, and well, with last night's recap, and Sunday's recap and well, there's a lot of lack of sleep and slight recap overkill for me these days, so my creative juice needs a recharge, and I just didn't have the patience to figure out who the heck everyone is, plus I missed last night's episode. But thanks for reading none the less.

I'll have to go back I missed the chicken story.

So Omar is the father of Diana and the boy, what's his name? And this woman who went shopping for the chiles is his wife Zulema? How does Lorena know her? Does she work in the kitchen too? I never saw her.

I couldn't figure that one out and was trying to think what the heck to call her. Like I said I'm very tired....:) So Omar is the son of Snorty who was banished from the house, eh?

Kris, no apologies needed. I am still recovering from Friday and Sunday! (And to hear JudyB tell it, she had a long-term cruda).

Omar is Snortensia's long-disowned son, Zulema is Omar's wife--the one who was "of the wrong class," apparently. Therefore, they are the most likely candidates for Lorena's parents. ;-) (Of course, we know they are, but how Lorena will finally know that remains until the last episode). Julián is the boy who says he's a good for nothing, so probably Lorena's real brother. Diana is the sister. In last night's epi, when Lorena met Zulema in the market while Zulema was looking for chiles, they immediately liked each other when Lorena spoke to Zulema--as you noted, a sign of things to come. But, they didn't know each other before that, no. Zulema and her boy decided they're going to do some catering together and maybe eventually have their own restaurant. Made me wonder if Omar met Zulema when she was working for his mother in the kitchen or something. Lorena may have the cooking thing in her blood from more than one source.

Please excuse me if I covered stuff you already knew. Snortensia apparently grabbed the baby, told them Lorena was dead, dropped her off at the orfanato, and disowned Omar all in one fell swoop.

Ok, so the meeting of Zulema occurred at that moment, they just bumped into each other at the market and shared the chile moment and that was it. I thought they came together. Now it makes sense.

So separately Zulema too is a cook because she got a job to cook for 20 people...

K-yep, that's it. Lorena actually came with Rossy (Bibelot Mansur) from the restaurant where they work. Zulema seems to be working for herself at the moment.


Great to have so many folks commenting! This novela gets two thumbs up in my book for moving the plot along so quickly. Also, the hour seems to go by quickly. Something I don't understand: the red hair on not one, but two characters.

I missed the deboning story, but you can by roasted chickens in Mexico City that go round and round (like the ones at Walmart) only they are completely deboned. I thought that was quite the deal.

Beckster, it's worth going back to yesterday's comments to read Sylvia's take on deboning chicken and the rest of it. It gives one a new respect for cook's assistants (like Lorena and Rossy). Plus, it's a hoot.


Posted some more recipes.

Is the actress who plays Zulema the same as the one who played Gloria, crazy Silvana's mother on Amar sin Limites (thank God that one's over!)? She sounds like her and looks like her, except it looks like she gained quite a bit of weight.

Linda yes.

I also added a weird supposed factoid about the name of the salsa...check it....

Hmm... the one with the olives sounds interesting.

Those salsa recipes look mighty powerful "K"....what does one put salsa borracha on....meat? Sort of like Mexican barbecue?

PS...yes, the actress playing Zulema is the lady who played psycho Silvana's mom on Amar sin Limites. How could she possibly gain that much weight between roles? They must have her padded to be the warm, comfy, hot-love-in-the-oven type as contrast to Omar's thin, frigid mother.

Judy, anything and everything, well, just about. I've had it and love it with eggs and tortillas and beans for breakfast.

I can't believe that isn't Elias! Well I can believe it, I'm just surprised. I didn't do any research on that, so I defer to you.

I wasn't kidding about anything. These people eat it with insects:

Method :
Salsa Borracha, or "Drunken Sauce," is a wonderful sauce used in many dishes. But it goes especially well with insects.

Chapulines, or grasshoppers, that have been dried and cured in lime juice are often served with it. So are Escamoles, or ant eggs, whose corn-like taste is set off by the complex flavors of the sauce.

6 ancho chilies, soaked, seeded, and deveined water to cover
1 cup orange juice
1-2 Tbsp cooking oil
1 /2 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup mescal or tequila
salt and pepper - to taste
1-2 Tbsp queso fresco (fresh Mexican cheese) grated

Escamoles (Ant eggs) served with salsa borracha.

Soak chilies in water to cover until softened enough to puree. Remove seeds and veins. Place chilies in a blender or food processor together with orange juice. Process until smooth.
Heat oil in a heavy skillet, add onion and saute until transparent. Add chili-orange juice mixture and heat to boiling. Quickly reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Pour sauce into a serving dish and allow to cool. Stir in tequila or mescal. Adjust salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving sprinkle grated cheese on sauce.

Serve on side of a dish with dried grasshoppers.

Gusanos de Maguey are especially good to eat and highly prized.

omigawd...aren't "gusanos" worms? I think I'm going to have to skip salsa borracha and stick to pastel azteca.

Still, I like the idea of having it on eggs. Maybe I'll give it a whirl.

Yes, those same little caterpiller looking like worm things you find in the bottom of a bottle of mescal.

k: Thanks for a great recap, especially considering your time crunch! The history tidbit of how Drunken Sauce came about was to die for --literally! LOL! OMG!!

This is one novela where I do find the the villanas almost more intriguing than the heroes.

"Snortensia" is a keeper and I love that actress's deadpan expressions. Everytime she says something she reminds me of an early US comedy where the hound dog(like Mr. Ed) used to "talk" to the camera. Odd how these sorts of things assault the memory when you're closer to 60 than 16!!

Kris, thanks for your awesome research on Salsa Borracha. I will definitely have to make some and soon. I found online the bit about it going with ant's eggs; they looked like scrambled eggs. And to that I say No Thank You!!

I read the first three recaps since I'm not home for the 7 pm time slot on Univision.
In yesterday's show, the phrase about partying like a dwarf came up. It made me wonder about the Spanish court paintings by Velasquez and the dwarfs who were at the court as jesters or other entertainment. Could there be a tie-in there, or am I trying too hard?
La Paloma

Yeah... call me wimpy, but I think I'd try it on baked chicken or meatloaf first.

Or chips. :)

Interesting thought, La Paloma. That could be it.

The only thing I could think of was that awful practice they have in some bars of "tossing dwarves". Yes, the dwarves sign up for it and are paid...but still. I think it was finally least in the United States.

I like your take on it much better.

Forty-four comments, huh? Must be the food. It always gets our attention.


Salsa with grasshoppers and worms ????...I think I'm going to hurlllll. I'll just have a deboned chicken breast, thank you very much...maybe a little rice on the side and a nice salad with avocado...hold the insects.

Heee, insects are protein and really good for you!!!! :)

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