Monday, June 23, 2008

Querida Enemiga Debut - Monday June 23

Good to be here folks, I like watching something in Spanish every day and when Fuego didn't work out for me, I was sad. I knew a new show would come along soon enough and here it is. My wife and I watched the first episode of La Dama de Troya a few weeks ago on Telefutura, that show didn't look like much either. I feel a little better about this one after one episode, but time will tell. Here we go -

San Martin, Mexico

Blond girl Lorena is having a birthday, she is also leaving in the morning to go to Mexico City to study. I'm guessing the birthday is her 18th, though I don't remember them saying so. It just seems to fit. She lives at a Catholic orphanage apparently because the place is full of nuns. All the younger kids wear black and white nunnish looking uniforms too, but not Lorena. I guess that's how we know she's the star. Anyway, the nuns and kids are setting up a room for a party, with a cake that says "Lorena" on it so we know the girl's name.

Outside somewhere, another pretty girl with dark hair runs into a guy she obviously knows. He calls her Sara, he wants some kissy face, she says no because the nuns will freak out. She is off to buy Lorena a birthday present. The guy says he has a present for her and whispers it in her ear, I'm guessing it involves taking off clothes, she seems to like the idea but leaves anyway.

The actress who played Francisca (The three girls' mom on Heridas de Amor) is the Mother Superior, she sits at her desk and fusses about some accounts not adding up.

Sara arrives at the orphanage with her gift and gives it to Lorena, who doesn't open it. As far as I can tell, she never does open it the whole episode, did I miss it? One nun tells Lorena that Mother Superior wants to speak with her. She is curious, but goes to the other room and surprise! The birthday party. When getting ready to blow out the candles, Sara tells her to wish for money money money (I guess to show us that Sara is greedy). Lorena blows out the candles with about two ounces of spittle flying, the sound she made was not dry at all. No way am I eating any of that cake now. Nobody else notices.

Mother Superior is getting something from the file cabinet, we see a file labeled Lorena de la Cruz. Lorena comes into the office and has a tearful goodbye with MS. (no not multiple sclerosis, Mother Superior is too long to type, so it's MS from now on for me, at least most of the time).

The guy that was kissing up on Sara delivers some food to the kitchen of the orphanage, the nuns call him Chalo. They proceed to tell him all the gossip about Lorena leaving and then have the nerve to say that HE is the metiche after he leaves. Yes, young guy who gets around vs. old ladies who never get out. Who do you think the real metiches are? He was a bit nosy though now that I think about it.

MS pulls out Lorena's file, then thinks "She'll never know the truth, I promised!" I think that's kind of how it works when someone gives up their baby for adoption, MS.

Lorena and Sara talk:
Sara - Don't you want to know how you got here, about your family? I want to know about me.
Lorena - no, why would I?
Sara - well I want to know. (Sara is very bitter about being orphaned/left, we are being told)
Lorena goes on about how much the nuns loved and cared for her. Maybe so, but I think every adopted/orphaned kid ever wants to know the true story. Lorena and Sara cry and say goodbye.

In the middle of the night, MS is on her computer mumbling "where is it?"

In the morning, Lorena gets ready to get on the bus (how lucky that there is a bus stop RIGHT in front of the orphanage). She tells Sara to follow her to Mexico City as soon as possible. She gets on the bus. One of the nuns comes out and tells Sara to go see MS about some accounts.

On the bus, Lorena psychs herself up for Mexico City.

Sara acts innocent but MS says she has falsified documents that prove that Sara has been stealing money. She tells Sara to get her stuff and get out. Sara goes to her room to pack and thinks "now what?" Should have thought of that sooner! Some of the nuns start yelling, MS is having what appears to me (former asthmatic) to be a huge asthma attack. An ambulance is called and MS is carted away. In the hubbub, Sara goes into MS's office and erases all the excel files and steals all the paper documents about her theft, then takes her and Lorena's files for good measure.

Later, she reads her file and finds out she was abandoned in a dumpster. She reads that Hortensia Armendariz, one of the richest women in Mexico, is Lorena's grandmother. I'm not sure why a rich family would put a child in an orphanage, but whatever. I guess it's why we have a story. Chalo shows up, looking for some lovin', he uses the ruse of comforting Sara to try and get some nookie. We change scenes before we see if it really worked, but it looked like things were headed that way.

Mexico City -

Lorena arrives at a building with a 'rooms for rent' sign outside, so we know this is where she is going to stay.

A transition scene with lots of Mexico City landmarks and scenery.

Lorena goes to the bank and tells the teller to take out "everything on this card" so we know it is every cent she has. It's a good pile of cash. Girl why are you taking out ALL of your cash. You can pay with that debit card. Or a check. Just get $50 for pocket money, what are you doing? Outside, she calls the orphanage on a payphone, looking for Sara. She has her purse, which is open with her wallet sticking half out of it, slung behind her where she can't see it. So of course some big beefy shady looking dude lifts her wallet and takes off. It practically had a sign that said 'TAKE ME' on it. I know she's supposed to be from the sticks, but come on.

On the other end of the phone, the nun who was talking said Sara isn't there. After hanging up, she tells another nun that she didn't have the heart to tell Lorena that MS was DEAD. Wow, that was quick.

Back at the Orphanage the nuns and kids are praying for MS. Sara brings some papers to a nun (these are newly falsified accounts I think) and says that she is going to follow Lorena to Mexico City. The nun thanks her for everything and wishes her well. Sara says that Lorena is like a sister to her. Suuuure.

Lorena goes into a very nice looking culinary school, the lady there tells her she'll have to pass a test to get in. Lorena asks for and receives a tour of the school. It looks very very nice. The tour guide tells her it is one of the best culinary schools in Mexico.

We see a cityscape outside with some extremely fake looking rain. On the street, Lorena is trying to catch a cab, getting soaked by the rain. At first I was excited, white shirt in the rain and all, but no, nothing to see. Wardrobe gave her an extra layer or something. Anyway a cab pulls up and she tries to get in, a guy says it's his, she says she was first, he said he was the one who phoned for it in the first place. He offers her a ride, she says no. Oh NOW you are going to be all about being safe, now that you already left your purse hanging open where you couldn't see it. You are a couple hours too late. Not that she has discovered that yet anyway. The guy, who is apparently super crazy, tells the cab to leave, if she won't come with him in the cab, he'll go with her in the rain. He even puts away his umbrella to get all wet with her. Ok psycho alert. I guess Lorena from the nunnery doesn't know what people are supposed to be like, but she is a little nervous about the whole thing. He then wants to go sit and talk over coffee or something, he is totally stalker in love with her after 20 seconds.

Sara rides the bus to Mexico (I guess the bus runs twice a day) and looks at Hortensia on the cover of a magazine.

Lorena finally agrees to get out of the rain and chat with the guy, who says his name is Alonso, but no coffee. Way to draw the line there Lorena, coffee is the first step to hell.

Sara thinks about how Lorena doesn't want to know about her family, then says she won't let Lorena lose out on all that money.

Lorena stupidly tells Alonso everything about her, except her name, but he's a stranger and she told him everything. He says he's a doctor. She then stupidly allows him to walk her home, even though everything about him is screaming 'sexual predator' since he won't back off. At her front door she says "now you know where I live." He gives her his number in case she needs something and she says "I hope not." Oh, BURN! Then she adds "that I don't need anything from you as a DOCTOR, I mean." Ah I liked the burn better. Let me state again how incredibly pushy Alonso acts throughout all this. From the first minute "hey you're pretty, let's talk, come on, let's get together, I'll go wherever you go, let me walk you home, let me see you again, call me, come on." Dude back OFF jeez. A - you are being super creepy and B - have some pride!

Lorena goes in to pay the rent to the landlord, discovers the wallet missing. The landlord says "hey shit happens no cash get out." She asks for time to get a job to pay, he says no way, in the morning hit the bricks. She goes to her room and cries. There has been some crying in this show so far, but it has been at a very reasonable level. This is the first self-pitying cry of the show and it also is very understated. I say HALLELUJAH. The last thing we need is endless ugly crying about every little thing. She lost all her money and we just get a few sniffles. I can get behind this.

Somewhere else in the city, a man brings his young daughter to an angry woman waiting out on the street tapping her foot. She starts yelling at him about his visits being on the weekend, not whenever he wants, I guess he picked the girl up to meet his new girlfriend. So they are the bitterly divorced parents of this young girl. The lady starts screaming that she wants her check. This reminds me of the one lady with the glasses on La Fea and Flaquito. Same thing, she would go crazy and the guy would stammer excuses. Mmmm too bad Jasmine isn't around, now that was one great looking woman. But I digress. The lady says give me a check or I'll throw this big rock in my hand in your face. She ends up throwing it and breaking the passenger window of the guy's nice SUV. Dr. Alonso shows up and calls the lady sister, so I guess we know who she is now. He tells her to calm down, this is bad for the little girl to see. The guy drives off and the little girl is inside, she looks out the window at Alonso, who looks back at her sadly.

Lorena wakes up in the middle of the night, says no more crying. Hear hear! She is here and has to make it work, she'll find a job.

The next day she walks with her suitcase to a park bench and sits down next to an old guy who just happens to be very chatty and philosophical. He tells her there is always a light. Thanks old dude. He walks away, leaving his newspaper behind. She calls after him but he doesn't answer. She opens the paper and sees a HUGE ad needing a cook with experience among many other tiny tiny ads. How fortuitous!

Dr. Alonso talks to his sister, who he calls Paula, on the phone, saying that she has to chill out, it's important for the little girl to have a relationship with her father. He gets off the phone with her to greet some patients very nicely, so we see what a great guy he is.

Lorena takes a cooking test along with some other candidate to try and get the job.

At the end of his work day, Alonso thinks of Lorena and decides to try and find her.

Lorena wins the contest and gets the job, she meets a girl names Rosy who will show her around. Just then, Hortensia walks in with a harried assistant Jacqueline following her. I guess she owns this place, I don't know if it's a hotel or restaurant or what. She tastes some dishes, she hates it all. She'll be back later and if it isn't better they'll suffer the consequences. During her tasting we see her face close up, she has what appears to be a horrible nose job. Her nostrils are enormous and misshapen. Gross. She steps up to Lorena and says "who is this?" The lady who hired Lorena says that she (Lorena) is the new cook. Hortensia says who said we needed a new cook? Boss lady says she made the decision. Phew. Lorena tells Hortensia that she'll do a good job because she knows that Hortensia is very strict. Everyone is impactado at that comment, Hortensi aturns and leaves. Lorena asks if she just got fired. Everyone laughs and says no, Hortensia was in a good mood! So I guess that was to show us that she is a huge bitch.

Alfonso arrives at Lorena's former building with flowers, the landlord says she isn't there, doesn't know where she went. He is most unhelpful. He doesn't say anything about her losing all her money so he put her out on the street.

Rosy tells Lorena that she used to be a dishwasher, she hated cleaning silver. She finally asked if she could sit down to do it, Hortensia says if she wants to be a sitter, she can sit at home, and she fired her. Her mother Maruja (the boss lady) managed to get her job back for her. Rosy offers to look around for a place for Lorena to stay, then gives her a key to the storage room and tells her it needs to be cleaned up.

Sara arrives at Lorena's former building, gets the same non-story as Alonso did. Sara ends up renting the room that Lorena vacated, paying from her wallet that she had safely tucked away. She looks at Hortensia in the magazine and wonders if Lorena's parents are rich too.

As if in answer, we see a man and woman in a kitchen talking, he says he loves her and never regrets giving up everything for her. So that must at least be the father, who turned away riches for the wife. Not sure if she is the mother, or someone he left the mother for. Two teenagers walk in, a boy and a girl, he wants to borrow money and the girl tells him to get a job. She says she has to meet her boyfriend and leaves. The boy, who was called Julian, says she is ashamed of the family because they are poor.

Sara stands outside the gate of Hortensia's mansion. Inside, the maid tells Hortensia that some girl is outside wanting to see her, Hortensia tells her to make the girl go away. The maid tells Sara to take a hike. Sara stomps off. A few minutes later Hortensia and her assistant get into the back seat of a car, which is then driven out the gate. Sara sees this, she hails a cab and has it follow Hortensia. Now how did she get a cab here in the middle of a residential area? She just turned around and there it was. Yeah right.

Lorena is in the kitchen storage, she has apparently cleaned it. Rosy comes in in regular clothes, she is on her way out to a disco, Lorena declines the invitation to join her. Rosy leaves. Lorena thinks that she hopes nobody finds her here sleeping in the storage room.

Hortensia is at some banquet, she tells a lady that her dress is ugly so she should try and stay out of pictures, to spare the family embarrassment. The lady gets mad at her husband for not defending her, he says something about how 'mother' is like this. The guy is Julio, Armando's gay lover from Amar Sin Limites. He is Hortensia's son, we know now.

Harried Assistant Jacqueline is having a drink with some guy, must be her secret lover.

Sara enters and Hortensia is conveniently standing right by the door. Sara says she knows everything about the granddaughter given to the orphanage, Hortensia denies knowing what she is talking about, and what does she want anyway, money? Sara says she wants her name back for SHE is the granddaughter!

Ok the stage is set. Sara is the backstabbing best friend, the Querida Enemiga. Tomorrow, Sara moves further into her role as the long lost granddaughter. The preview didn't really show anything. I feel better than I did after the premiere of Fuego, I hope that's a good sign. Nothing totally exciting, but at the same time nothing completely turning me off, like psycho Juan from Fuego, or seeing Bertha v2.0 in Gabriela. I hope this turns out ok. Again, glad to be part of the team, I'm looking forward to the fun!


No way, I'm the first to comment? Wow, well let me then be the first to congratualte you for being the first recapper of this show. Looks like it might be fun!! But you might want to get your diseases straight...MS would be multiple sclerosis...very different...but anyway.....Super Recap Ferro! Thanks for starting us off on the right foot and getting the ball rolling on this one that is still only about a month old in Mexico even. Thanksagain!!

I really enjoyed this first episode - very well paced and constructed - except there were WAY too many people in it. I'm lost already, so I'm glad you caught all the names! It takes me a long time to learn people's faces, and longer to attach names to them - that's why I was so glad to see so many familiar people in Fuego!

I think at some point, when looking through their records, or maybe later when confronting Hortensia, evil Sara said she was orphaned 22 years ago. So assuming that they're about the same age, it was prolly Lorena's 22nd birthday.

Yeah... coffee. World-famous date rape/gateway drug.

Loved your comments about our galan being a stalker dude. Reminded me a lot lot of the guys who used to suddenly appear at my elbow in Paris and would NOT go away. Unfortunately none of them were gorgeous, caring doctors.

So glad you're as bothered by that nose as I am. I saw this actress in promos for some daytime show and just was horrified. Hope she sued the socks off that plastic surgeon...hope she put him out of business.

I saw an Mexican actress on a talk show once that seemd to have that same never-seen-in-nature nose. Surely that can't be a good choice! You know, did they look at a bunch of pictures and say"I want this nose doctor. Can you do it for me?" Aaaaarrrrggh

Thanks Chris, you really made me laugh this morning. Love the irreverent male perspective.

PS Does your wife know what "pastel azteca" is...what the lady at home was cooking. Looked like macaroni and cheese to me, but what do I know?"

I like to see your optimism returns to you Chris - maybe you'll like this show better - be happy here! Nice recap!

Hey JudyB, a woman I used to work with made Pastel Azteca a couple of times. It's like a chicken tortilla casserole with cheese and chilis, perfect for a pot luck. It was probably featured here to show that the people are so poor or middle class that they eat the macaroni and cheese equivalent instead of steak or whatever. It's very tasty and I just checked, you can google it and find a bunch of recipes, so this is our first QE recipe. Maybe we should start a cookbook for this telenovela, eh?

Chris, fantastic way to start off the recapping. It was a pretty benign first capitulo and thankfully way down on the sob scale as you note. I like the heroine, pretty but not fake, and at least the galan is a very HAWT stalker and not run of the mill. I hope he's exciting enough for us. Anyway, it's great to be on the same recapping team with you again and I hope this show keeps our interest.

The stage is set. Later all...

Wow..the recipes look good. I may try it this week...I'm a sucker for anything with cheese and tomato. One person called it Mexican lasagna.

Ferrroooo!!! Geez, how I have missed you, man! What a terrific recap and welcome to the team!

I'm good with this one. Everyone's comments were right on target with what I was thinking. I noticed in the opening credits the blabbermouth cook's assistant is "Rossy" but the captions say "Rosy" and that's easier to type. So, I'm sticking with the latter. That girl will be my sticking point for recapping--she talks a mile a minute and never quits. The flip side is she's amusing and upbeat. She's the Bibelot chick??

K, you are so right about all the characters they've introduced from minute one. I think I caught some of the names and am way glad you did, too, Ferro. Dario(?), the ex hubby who doesn't pay, Betina the child, our stars, Paula the harpy ex wife. Paula is more of a real harpy than Lola was in LFMB, but there are strong similiarities and obviously good reasons why they're not together.

Julie, I'm glad we're back on one--I've missed your rapier-sharp wit! (Didja notice that Sylvia had a couple of shots of Don Julio Añejo to celebrate after the three-hour marathon recap of Juan?)


Great recap, Ferro! This show looks promising. I hope I can figure out how to tape it since I have to work tonight. (Digital cable makes it almost impossible to tape things....they want you to rent a DVR!!!!)

Isn't Lorena the same actress from Guapos??

Jeanne, you're right - I forgot Bibelot M. was even in this. I did not recognize her without Acacia's braids and wounded/homicidal/insane demeanor!

LOL, Julie! I was disappointed at the site that only detailed six or so main characters with photos. When I posted that cast list, I really hoped for more photos so we could attach names with faces. Ah, well. I guess we'll know them by the end.


Of course it is Multiple Sclerosis, not muscular dystrophy! What the hell was I thinking! That might be the dumbest typo I ever made. Thank you for letting me know, I fixed it in the recap. Jeez. It was late when I was typing but that's no excuse.

Thank you all for your comments, I hope this turns out to be a good show. If we can avoid endless breakups/makeups with Lorena and Alonso I'll be happy. And no amnesia. Having a couple evil bitchy characters should be fun, rather than just stupid villains. I always have trouble learning names in a new show too, I took extra care to write down names when I heard them (or read them in captions, actually). I'm finally stressing less about that as I've watched a few shows now and always end up figuring it out.

Heee, well, I'll confess that I have a client whose company name would have the initials MS, and well, in e-mails and what not, you know how you always want to shorten things, so most other entities we'll shorten to just the initials but we kind of fight with ourselves a lot on this one to avoid as much as possible calling them MS, well for obvious reasons, so I am oddly in tune to this particular acronym...:) and well, I guess you never want to slight the poor folks living with such conditions either.

Thanks, Ferro! A great recap to cover the season opener. This debut was a lot better than I expected. Hooray!!

Our galan looked a little dazed last night... but determined that Lorena will be his novia!

Thanks for the awesome recap Ferro! I was ROTFL. I find this one so promising, I actually changed my screen name to fit the cooking theme. Speaking of screen names - I should point out that "enemiga" is the feminine form, the male is "enemigo." You are so cool, you are definitely nobody's enemy ;)

I think Lorena took out all her cash because she was going to enroll in school and needed to pay tuition (and I suspect the guy at the hostel was one of those "cash only" types). I would think they'd take checks and debit cards at the school though. Alas, it looks like the nuns never taught her about the evil cold outside world and that she should close up her purse and keep it where she can see/feel it. Off course, then we'd have a very different story.

I think the nuns and the kids actually went to see Lorena off, rather than having a station right next to the convent, but it would be quite funny if it was the Grand Central Station Convent. You can dump your kid and skip right out of town if the need arises! OK, maybe more sad than funny, but funny in a sad way.

As for rich folks leaving the kid in an orphanage, it's part of a long TN tradition for grandparents (usually maternal grandfathers) to be the ones who made the kids disappear in the first place, to hide the family shame. If it was one of Hortensia's sons, maybe Lorena's mom died in childbirth and grandma took the baby to the orphanage and told her son that it died too, in hopes that he would move on with his life. If it's both members of the "Pastel Azteca" couple we just saw, maybe Hortensia lied to both of them (stillbirth or crib death, mom was too weak so see what happened) assuming this would split them apart, only to have it bring them closer together. Can't wait to see...

Quick extra tidbit, Dario, ex to Paula (Alfonso's sis) and dad to Benita is the guy who had the drink with Jacqueline. She must be the "other woman" Paula was grumbling about.

Julie, I also heard the 22 years (or maybe I heard 20, but 22 makes more sense). Guess once they came "of age" they were able to stay and work for their keep (Lorena in the kitchen and Sara keeping the books). That's probably why they didn't have uniforms like the kids did.

JudyB, if you find a good recipe for Pastel Azteca, would you mind posting the link when you get a chance? It sure looked yummy ;)

Hello again ;)

Rosca - Yup, you gotta be careful with those strange names and acronyms. I went to the University of North Texas the year after it changed it's name from North Texas State University. One of the things they did not change, was their radio station call letters, KNTU. KUNT would simply not have worked very well!!! Especially not in the middle of the bible belt! On a similar note, about 10 years ago, a school in Philadelphia changed it's name to Arcadia University. The previous name: Beaver College. I think it was the name of one of the founders, but people have very dirty minds...

I thought there was something very wrong with Maria Rubio's face. Bad nose job, got it! I remember when Lupita D'Alessio (singer and actress, recently appeared in "Gran Noche de Estrellas) got one very similar to that - it looked they'd put it in a pencil sharpener, and aged her about 10 years. Not sure one can fix them to make them bigger after making them smaller. Reason number 105 why I'm never getting plastic surgery!

Ha!!! Oh my gosh Margarita, I was in a program with "Beavers" many years ago. It was terrible, because they were actually very brilliant students, more so than the other schools involved, but no one would take them seriously because of that name. We always made a joke about them running around. More because of the animal name though than the other connotation but I'm sure that was considered too. Didn't know they finally changed their name. Actually a good little school. :)

The recipe on this site looked reasonable...she gave the "hard" way and the "easy" or time-saving way.

Google listed some other recipes, some of which looked super complicated.

I'm a casual housekeeper and a casual cook but I think I could cook the chicken and make the sauce from Roma tomatoes without using canned goods.

Hey,let's all try cooking this week and see how it turns out!

And thanks, Paula Polvorones for teaching me how to "cut and paste"

She spends a lot of time looking down her nose at people. Maybe it's no coincidence that she has the perfect nose for that!

Just to clarify, I meant to say earlier the show was a lot better than expected. :) The recap was, of course, outstanding!

Pretty good fare for a first night and hubster actually liked it! Quite a quirky bunch of characters and I think I'm going to love to hate Sara. The kitchen crew are my favs right now for sure.

Man oh man I didn't even recognize Bibelot and I was looking for her. Thank gawd Acacia is gone forever!

Thanks, Ferro~~~I'm sorry that you are no longer recapping's getting better...Sofia is pregnant with Juan's baby...or maybe I'm just satisfied with the show because they show Juan skinnydipping and showering. Anyhoo, back to THIS show....I am in because I want to be back with the old gang. I've always enjoyed your perspective and wit. Here we go. P.S. The nose was a travesty.

Yay, I'm glad Ferro is recapping a show I'm watching! As for Lorena's age, I think they said at some point (maybe not in this episode) that she was left at the orphanage 22 years ago.

Ferro - I love all your aside comments! Thanks for the witty recap...I actually flipped channels when her wallet was stolen (guess I'm just a bit short tempered with such naivety and going through JQ withdrawl). I might have to hang in there for awhile based on your recap!!

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