Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fuego 7/31: OK, no wedding, but I hope somebody got to eat the shrimp canapes, and -- did they pay the musicians?

Due to boneheaded operator error I missed the first 20 minutes of the show, here's what Esmas wrote but I'm sure you can flesh it out in the comments:

Rosario and Franco are hidden by Fernando's guys; arriving at church, Raquel tells Gabriela that Octavio has run away and won't be marrying Jimena; Fernando's boys beat up Franco, Rosario doesn't know what to do; Raquel asks Gabriela, "in the name of the big secret that unites them," ?!, not to stop the marriage of Benito and Sarita.

Fern's boys carry the unconscious Franco and Rosario to an abandoned house and sprinkle them with gasoline and set them on fire! Franco wakes up and carries Rosario but a girder hits him on the head and he falls. Rosendo saves Rosario and Franco.

Gabriela won't leave Jimena at home because "she can't confront this shame alone." The next sentence from the Esmas site perplexes me: "Sarita and Franco suffer thinking they will unite their lives forever."

Rosenda tells Quintina and Gramps that Franco and Rosario have been burned. A doctor examines Franco (who is in a coma again) and thinks he can't be saved.

Just when the padre asks Sarita if she wants to marry Benito, Quintina arrives and says Franco is dying. Sarita gives Benito back his ring and runs to find Franco, Jimena follows. Raquel is feeling not so good at church.

Arriving at the Reyes house, Sarita hears that Franco had been thinking of leaving with Rosario; Gabriela arrives at the house and tells her daughters they must leave with her; Sarita confesses to her mom that she is in love with Franco.

This is where I managed to get the show turned on (don't ask).

  • At the Reyes, there's a whole lot of shouting and carrying on. The girls in their wedding dresses cry and say they want to stay at the Reyes' - "in this pigsty?" yells Gabriela contemptuously.

    The doctors (another set of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee but hopefully they'll be gone soon) come in and say Franco is very delicate, and in a coma, and can have one visitor at a time. Gramps says he'll pay all the bills for saving Rosario and Franco. Father Bouffy agrees this is best.

    Gabriela continues to yell: "This is a circus! Come with me NOW!" She ignores Father Bouffy's "don't make things more difficult." Sofia pleads too, but: "You, Sofia, are a rotten apple and you live in garbage!"

    Incredibly, the two daughters leave with their #$%^@ mother!

  • Juan goes in and cries and yells and asks Franco, rhetorically, "who left you like this?" and continues: "You can't die because we have to keep our promise to Libia, be strong, I can't go through this [having a sibling die] again, Oscar and I are nothing without you [by the combined-brain three-for-one theory, without Franco - well, Juan and Oscar share about 66 IQ points], you're not just a brother to me, you're also like my son because I raised you, I took you to school, I told you stories like Mom used to. We have so much to do: finish the bakery, fix the orphanage, find our hacienda, you need to marry the woman you love and keep singing to us."

    Juan gets angry and says he's waited long enough for justice: "Now 'they' will see who I am!"

    Out in the waiting room, a lot of silent waiting. Sofia says Franco will be ok and everybody should be tranquilo. It's Oscar's turn to go look at the comatose Franco. "We were worried. We thought you'd gone to fetch Sarita, but evidently you went to get Rosario instead! I married Jimena." He tells Franco to get up, and says "I like your style," and prays.

  • I thought last night that Sofia looked like Alice in Wonderland - she reminded me suddenly of that Japanese clothing fad called "Sweet Lolita."

    Why, oh why?

  • Armando is justifying the whole bloody mess to Furd: "My boys had no alternative." "You didn't stay to be sure they were dead." "We were sure they couldn't survive."

    Furd is mollified by Armando's crafty plan: they'll say Rosario has been in prison and this was some random gangsta's vengeance for some evil act she committed. "OK, Armando, maybe you're not a complete idiot - but if this plan doesn't work I'll kill you." Fern leaves and Armando says, as he has said before: "I'll pay you back for all you've done."

  • Sofia goes to see the sedated Rosario (who looks very nicely made-up for somebody who's been burned nigh unto death, and did somebody give her a bath?).

    Just then, Eva and Ofelia barge in and yell and scream for their dear Rosario. Sofia prays for Rosario.

  • Furd finally bullies Gramps into signing the papers ceding complete control of the hacienda. He drools and grins as Aug signs. Later, drooling some more over the papers, he monologues: "Nobody is more intelligent than I am! But it doesn't stop here - next, I'll get Gabriela to give me everything that's hers, too!"

  • Meanwhile, back at the ruined wedding, Raquel is indignant that her boy Tweedle got ditched at the altar. He takes the opportunity to tell her he never loved Sarita, he was in love with another. "Of our class?" the mother instantly asks. "No ... Eugenia, she worked here. I want to marry her." "An EMPLOYEE??" his mother barks incredulously. "That's the living end." She pours herself a huge drink.

  • Sarita is back to her peevish condemnation of Sofia because "she knew Rosario was our sister and deceived me." She gets hotter though Jimena mildly counters: "Don't say what you'll regret, especially because Rosario is dying..." "I don't care. Mama, I repent everything I did, I beg you, forgive me!" "Finally, somebody reasonable," Gab harrumphs. Sara endears herself to her mother: "I'm sorry I loved somebody who is inferior to us! Someone who does not deserve me!"

    Jimena tries to sneak out of the room to take off the ridiculous gown [too bad the bridal shop didn't have one that showed off her belly button]. Gab yells. Jimena goes in her room and clutches her marriage license to her bosom. "Nothing will separate me from Oscar."

  • Furd fans the flames while pretending to console Gabriela. "The name of Elisondo was already a joke around town." Gab can't believe her stalwart supporter Sarita had actually fallen for a filthy brickmason. "It's all Sofia's fault. But I can still make [Sarita] marry Benito. Octavio ran like a coward, now maybe I'm stuck with Jimena forever!" "Nah, we can find somebody else to marry her off to."

  • The final scene is multiple iterations of people wussily protesting Juan's shouted vow: "Now Oscar and I will take vengeance, we won't wait for justice any more, we'll take it into our own hands."


Mira no más:Fernando got Aug to sign a power of attorney over all his possessions.Caray!
I'm beginning to think that Sofia gets her clothes from the Disney Princess collection.
Franco and Rosario: Could two people look any less like serious burn victims?What was with the giant diaper they put on Franco?
If I were Eugenia, I would not want Benito at this point. It was Sarita that stopped the wedding.

Melinama, Thanks for your efforts in spite of operator error o demonios en la máquina error, whatever. I appreciate the recap and actually the first part was so much wild action and not all that much dialog transpired. What a wild night.

Melinama, thanks for the cogent and speedy recap. I declare I must've dozed off last night because there are big chunks missing from my memory of that episodio.
Then tonight I wasn't home for first 20 minutes (!) so after all these weeks of waiting, I missed the wedding scene after all. Rats.

Though i had another bad day with my mom I still managed to catch the recap.I didnt get to watch or record this ep because my direct tv wasnt working.....yawn, im too tired to say anything else i had a bad day and my snoreing chihuahua is anoying me.
Great recap

I forgot to say I thought Sofia was going for the "Alice in Wonderland" look. Also, isn't there some slightly passe Japanese fad where the girls dressed like this? Bows and ruffles?

Loved the 66 points IQ estimate. Thanks Melinama.

melinama..this may have been a Japanese fashion, but then the 18th century ended and they moved on.

Now I just have so many, so very many questions. Okay, other people saw Rosario in the fire, but the two guys posing as Doctors, so Rosario was in jail?
Also where the hell was that building? It looked like it was right on Gabi's ranch. Now Dr."B", is a me crazy, but shouldn't Franco be in a hospital, maybe on oxygen? What about an EEG or MRI? Gramps said spare no expense..what is the going rate on a ginormus diaper & 30 foot of guaze?

I think maybe Sofie could have looked sadder, but I guess it wasn't really about her.

I say go for vengence, I mean before Bern started diddling Libia life was good for the boyz, ever since Not so much.

Really if someone was systematically killing off or attempting to kill off members of your family, well Fer would be found with his head crushed somewhere, or a bullet through him or most likely...not found at all.
(yes people just disappear in Mexico, in these more rural setting..said answer, he must have run off to America)

OK Beckster, where did you get that picture of our Franco dressed as a kung fu guy?

I remembered the name of the Japanese fad: "Sweet Lolita." I put a picture in the post.

He isn't kung-fu, he is a Native Mexican, did you ever see...EEAYO...with my favorite Tool Cesar? Well it was by the same guy who is doing this one, you lots and lots of crap that made no sense. Anyway lil Susan Gonzalez ends up (I think amnesia) in an Indian Village and Pablo Baby was the young stud brave. Also the Indian girls wore uber short dresses....Oddly enough the Indians towns we were saw in Michocan, I know this sounds crazy, but they did not dress in Mini dresses, they were not 5'10 light skinned women. I know I was probably in the wrong area.

I was waiting for Oscar to claim his wife. When Crabi ordered the girls out of the Reyes casa and they were reluctant to leave, I kept saying to myself, "Oscar claim your wife". He should have told Crabi that he & Jimena are married and that she was staying there with him.
Now about Franco and his "bubble whities", what was that?
Why is Sarita so ubset that Franco was with Rosario. What does she expect, she always rejects him when he tries to talk to her. Wake up Sarita, if you love him tell him.
By the way, great re-cap and it was posted so quickly. You are good.

Wow, lotsa action, screaming, and stupidity! I'm with anon 11:17 (would you anons please use a name of some kind?), that Eugenia should not want Benito for the same reason, Rigo adores her, anyway. Also I'm with Lola; Oscar was really a wimp, (Jimena, too), for not telling Crabi to go home alone, as they are now married, and she doesn't need to be ordered around like before. And with Beckster, Feo has been such a ratbastard, he'd have been offed by any number of people by now. Seems that there is no effective law in the radioactive Serdan (or health care, or communication system, or total combined IQ over 100), so that that vacuum would have been filled by the locals. I can't wait till Rightarm gets his desired vengance on Feo, ain't gonna be pretty, then probably Juan's turn, or maybe vice versa, or maybe they'll be in it together. I colud see Rightarm going to Juan, and echando frijoles on Feo...Loved Franco's industrial-sized depends, or was it an oil-spill pad? Did his privates get scorched?! Probably will miss tonigh, Lastima!

OOPS- my manners, thanks for the 'cap, Melinama

Oh what a night! OK, I know we're supposed to suspend logic but...

1) why were Juan & Snofia walking down the aisle just as Snarlita was sobbing at the thought of marrying Benito? I realize that somehow, FishLips had to alarm the troops to Franco's accident but this made no sense.
2) Oscar's kissy-face to Jimena at the church reminded me of construction guys who whistle & blow kisses when girls walk by. NOT SEXY.
3) Yes, why was Franco wearing a diaper? Did his manhood get torched?
4) Yes, why didn't Oscar stand up to Crabi's insults & protect Jimena from more psychotic abuse from Mommy Dearest? Be a man!
5) WHY did Hugh Hefner/Abuelo sign over everything to Feo? He seems to be the only one aware of what a skank Feo is...??????
5) Mighty Joe Juan is back. We go from blubbering sobs to gorilla growls. Does nada for me...other than to scare me. (good luck, Snofia! he'll keep you on your toes or walking on eggshells)
6) I love the way Abuelo gets around. His wheelchair must have wings...he's here, he's there, he's everywhere...all in the blink of an eye.

Thanks, Melinama for the recap. What a ride!



Your #6 hit the nail on the head. When Feo got Gramps to sign the contract I started thinking to myself "How the heck did he get back home" and in the next scene he's back with the Reyes!

I love this recap you guys had me cracking up all morning!

Thanks for the recap, melinama. I haven't watched my recording of last night's ep, but I just had to visit here first.

LOVE the Sweet Lolita pic. Looks just like Sofia. Dead ringer.

Now ... about Rosario looking like she had a bath already at the hospital. I'm sure a very dedicated male nurse felt it was his duty to make sure all traces of soot, smoke & grime were removed from her entire(!) body to speed up healing from the fire. Can't risk any bacterial infections, you know.

Franco in the diaper .... eew. Not a scene I'm looking forward to. Yes, perhaps his 'manhood' got torched. Ouch. Fuego en Los Cojones.

Raquel is horified that Benito is in love with Eugenia? Clearly Raqi isn't watching ADCLG.

Almost forgot.... here is a parody video I accidently ran across thanks to Google: If that address isn't correct, I put a good link over on the telenovela-world FELS foro.


I forgot one more head scratcher (thanks to Doris for reminding me):

7) Raqui was upset because Benito loves a servant but had no problem at all with Octavio falling in love with a man??


Oy the diaper! Disaster makeup is like the easiest to do well, how lame can they be? Okay Rosario was under the blanket so I will go with hers is more of a smoke inhalation problem. Franco's legs were on fire, so maybe there was more going on with the poor guy, but the diaper? That is not how you treat burns. Really, it is not that hard to do this stuff!

Okay so this is where it comes in handy not knowing the language. When Juan was crying over Franco and then when Oscar came in, I can pretend that they are saying something brilliant, sweet and moving.

I'm giving McLovin a pass for not making everything worse for everyone at that moment by fessing up to the marriage. Jimena could have stood up for herself if she wanted. These boys do it and people try to kill them. Yes, I would give Oscar a pass on just about anything.

G-pa, whom I thought was the smart one is now an idiot two. And his Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flying wheel chair is amazing!

Gabi looked like she was going to funeral, not a wedding and who wears a hat like that in a church at night? She looked like she was ready for the Kentucky Derby!

Armando needs to be redeemed and help them take Feo down!

Sarita again, needs to get horizontal with a man and grow up!

I don't think Rosario is in the hospital, I think she is in Sofie's room. I think both "victims" are in the house as opposed to let's say a HOSPITAL.

As I was saying before (I was in a hurry getting ready for work) all of Salvador Mejía productions are heavy on Melodrama, light on logic.."Entre el amor y el odio", "Mundo de fieras", "Madrastra, La".

Beckster -- you are right, they brought them all into the fine, clean, Reyes home! And now where are they all going to sleep? How is Franco going to get well and come out of the coma with his brothers sleeping right there? And Sophia had the only girls room! And where the freak did poor Pablito go? It's night time right? Does anyone wonder where he is?

I think that building on fire was on or near the hacienda. Rosario and Franco were on their way to pick up Luisito at Grandpa's.

I know Grandpa signed that paper, but I'm sure there was a trick. I bet he's already transferred his assets to someone else.

Either that or he signed everything "Napoleon."

Either way, Furd won't be pleased.

I know where the guys can sleep - at the clinic! All the beds at their house are taken up, but there's plenty of room at the dispensario.

Oh Julie, I hope you are right! I would hope that G-pa still has the one functioning brain cell in this place!

Really, why weren't they transported to the dispensario? Or did they figure Franco was going to die anyway so why not at home?

Doris, that parody was sooo funny.
They really had them down to a T.

If Grampa signed everything over to Feo, it won't matter anyway because the land doesn't belong to him. It's Reyes land.

Yi yi yi... I am so happy that this blog is here! I have to go to Maine for a month! No TV!!!
I am watching Univision most of every day to leasrn some Spanish. This telenovela is my favorite show, partly because of these recaps! And, (must I say it) because of Juan, with or without a shirt. He looks just like my ex-husband who was nothing like Juan but good to look at anyway.
Anyway, I'll be checking in often while in Maine.
Again, thanks for all who write the recaps.

Oh, yes. I looked closely at the "diaper" and decided it was just a sheet or blanket covering him discreetly.

Julie: Great insight. I, too, hope you are right about Gramps because he's been so smart so far.

From lower Ala

Nah, it's a diaper. I think it's because he's in a coma, and therefore can't regulate himself at will. How's that for a polite way to say it.

Love how everyone in this group is sharing a brain and their IQ is still only at about 66.

I agree, the 2 doctors must have cleaned Rosario all up nicely and tucked her into bed.

Quintina came in screaming that Franco was dying -- at the same time that Sneerita was crying and wishing Franco would save her from marrying Benito -- so Franco DID save her from that -- watch out what you wish for! Yow!

Pablito went to school didn't he? But right, where do Pablito & Luisito disappear to all the time? They're gone off on their own a lot of the time and nobody seems to look for them or worry...

If Feo was at the border, he could easily disappear and be found under a bush somewhere, too -- no questions asked -- especially if the questions all concerned bad gambling debts or other sorts of questionable activities. I too hope that Right Armando gets a break eventually because it seems he's been saddled with Feo, and that it was not something he got into because he wanted to.

The wedding was really stupid, and if one (Crabi) was always so intent to not be embarrassed in public, holy Cow! why would one put on such a public display of stupidity! Talk about living in one's own thought bubble world.

And ooh, Melinama thank you for the Japanese dolly person - she looks sooo much like Sofia, in pose too, not just the dress!


I also hope Gramps signed a fake name. It would be funny to see Ferd's face, since "nobody's smarter than he is!".

I was thinking that Rosario and Franco saw the attackers, and might recognize them as being around Armando. But Rosario's afraid to talk, and as for Franco - maybe he'll have amnesia! I mean, it's the second time he's been out cold, and he got hit on the head. Maybe he won't remember Sarita or Rosario, and could just start over.

Hombre, that would make Franco a very lucky man indeed. They are both a lot of maintenance!

OMG, if Franco has amnesia, does that mean we have to suffer through a rehash of his life & loves until he remembers?

Might not be worth the 1/3 brain that was bruised. And I agree, Molly, 2 high maintenance women who are hardly worth the headaches.

Well, I'm not a man...Rosario's twins might be worth it, if you're into balloons or melons.


Thanks for reminding me..that's what I was laughing about last nite..Sofie doing the prayer to dead Dad and other assorted holy folks, Please impede the wedding..Okay so Franco got set on fire...

Eeeeeehhhh the Monkey's Paw.

"Love how everyone in this group is sharing a brain and their IQ is still only at about 66.
PanQue, ROFLOL! ... and by 'everyone' do you mean us foristas or the cast of FELS? (grinning and more LOL)

lola, glad you liked it. My fav. was the swimming scene. They need a shower scene.


They showed Fer perusing the papers after Gramps signed them. Surely he would have noticed a different name....?

I was creeped out by Jimena sitting there in the church in her wedding outfit. Totally weird.

Okay.... so the bride's family was on the right side (as you enter the church) Is that Mexican tradition, as opposed to American?

anne, have a good trip to Maine. Many years ago, DH and I were there for a few days (Bath, Freeport) and the locals were saying we just missed their terrible heat wave. It had been 80 degrees...gasp! We looked at them like they were crazy. They don't know heat.

Well, seems I messed up when I 'signed' that last post. IQ 'issues' & nuclear waste effect.


Doris, we do NOT need a shower scene in that clip. The swimming was bad enough. Now, should Franco be on the mend and need to bathe, well that would be different entirely!

Were you able to get to the pic I posted for you?

No, no, I was just third-ing the comment by Melinama that the Hmnos Reyes operate off a shared brain that only has 66 IQ points. ha ha ha, and my guess is that the points slide up or down depending on who is using them -- not evenly divided is what I mean.

Yes, Beckster, the Monkey's Paw seems to be a major force in this TN!! Forget what Padre T keeps referring to as higher powers -- you & I know that the higher power in this show is THE MONKEY'S PAW!

molly - apparently I didn't get the photo. Where would it be? (I'm technologically challenged....techno IQ of 25)

Well its on my myspace page, but you might not be able to see it without an account. It is

I wish I knew where I got it. I went looking and couldn't find the site again. However, I found two with some other pleasing shots. He did a photoshoot at some time in a green sarong thingy that nice! So try these to.

He is nice eye candy.

Isn't this the second time we've had the pleasure of seeing Franco in a huge diaper. The first time he was also in a coma but in the dispensario not in his own bedroom.

I was wondering where Pablo is as well and just who was watching Luisito when Eva and Gramps kept showing up at the Reyes'.

Molly, thanks for the link to the Jorge photos. Dang, that green sarong thingy is hotte!

Molly--Thanks for the links to Jorge S. photos -- hey you horse people, look at the one of Oscar on the white horse on this link from Molly (scroll down)

The horse has no fetlocks. Is it an Azteca horse?


Well helloooooo Pedro Reyes!

Glad you all enjoyed the links. He is a hotty!

Okay, so I am dying to know who this new Reyes is!

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