Friday, July 25, 2008

Fuego - Thurs. 7-24-08 - Sofi acts like an old maid, an old debt is paid, the priest is waylaid, and Maracuya confesses Oscar didn't want to get laid

Eva thanks Crabbi for letting the girls go because they were ready to do whatever; including leaving the house and Crabbi would be left alone. Crabbi turns to the camera and tells herself ha, she’s not alone, she has that wonderful hunk of an evil man Feo.

Sofi is sorry to treat Juan this way, but she can’t help it, so forgive her. He says he’s not complaining about it. Juan says he loves Sofi and no one will destroy that. Quinti interrupts that girls are here to see Sofi, she tells him that she thinks they probably want to chat alone. Duh, big guy....that means you, scoot. The girls run in and hug Sof.

Don Auggie is chatting with Aragon about the contract. He’s satisfied and has no reason to distrust him and says he’ll sign with pleasure. Just then Eva barges in and has something delicate to tell him.

Feo is FINALLY handing over the money, with interest no less, to the goons who roughed him up. Goon absolves his conscience for any bad deeds by saying none of this would have happened if he had paid them right away. He thinks to himself that he used Crabbi’s money for this so now he needs to figure out what to do about the hacienda.

Sofi is crying to her sisters, why and woe’s me that this happened again, and now she’s even rejecting Juan, and she doesn’t want to be that person again. Abuelo shows up to make the crying circle complete.

Feo tells himself that he needs to be nicer to Rosi if she is indeed the daughter of Bernardo, because then she too would be an heir to the fortune.

Juan is trashing stuff in his own house when Pad Tad comes in yelling for him. Pad picked a fine time to remind Juan of divine justice. Juan is not being a believer just now and wants to reap justice with his own hands. To prove he’s not misguided we see Pade Tad flashing back to Feo confessing he was the rapist of Sofi. Tad says you get nothing by lowering yourself to his level. You are stronger and more dignified than he is. With that he says he must leave to see the bishop who has asked to talk to him. He doesn’t know why.

Crabbi is bring flowers to Bernardo and rubbing it in his entombed face that she has a new piece of meat, and oh, he’s hotter than you ever were. He loves me and I love him back. Cardinal rule of novelas is that if you say this too many times something doomful comes of it. We're on time two now, folks.

Armando is thrilled that Feo finally paid up but wants to know how he got the money. Feo says none of your business and be careful what you question or someone might cut out your tongue. He also mentions that Rosi is on her way back.

Don Au is consoling his darlings and says his generals will all band together to hunt down the rapists. He tells her not to take him the wrong way; he’s only trying to distract her. He tells her that she needs to fight hard against this feeling that makes her reject Juan because he’s an all around good chap. She knows that but this is stronger than she is and she’s afraid she’ll lose him. Sara, surprisingly encouraging says no; you are united for life and won’t lose him.

Gabi continues telling the stone of Bernardo that Sofi deserved what she got. I would love it if he would pop out of there and scare the caca out of her. That would be so great. But alas....

Pad Tad is getting a tongue lashing from the bishop, our beloved Perafan, for his recent behavior, that Crabbi’s accusations are very serious. Tad says it might sound strange, but I have a very good reason for what I’ve done, and I can’t reveal due to confession. Bishop criticizes him for not counseling and says he is going to have to rob him of his parish and send him elsewhere.

At the Tumbao, Bruno gives Maracuya her final payment. He’s clearly upset, and can’t resist telling her that she has made many hurt by her latest "trick." He asks if she is happy of what she’s done. Just then Oscar shows up and wants to talk to her alone.

The girls are worrying about how sad Sofia is. Abue worries if Juan will give up on her but Eva says no way. He then turns his attention to the girls and asks if they are really going to marry that pair of obnoxious pests. (Mequetrefes) they recite that they have no choice. He suggests they jump a boat for the South Seas and meet some explorers or something. Jime says there’s no way out. Sara surprisingly says she could have a way out if she pardons Oscar. Jime says she’d be a nun first.

Oscar tells Mara he’s not there to complain, but now he’s got nothing to lose so he’ll go with her.

Feo, who now has Crabbi’s money puts it in a safe and does the obligatory smelling of it. Let’s see if he stoups her again, now that he's got it. He also pulls out the gold chain, I think this was Libia’s and he says his life got better they day he got rid of that pipsqueak.

At school Pablito is getting sad because no one came to see him. The nun assures him something must have come up. Just then it becomes "happy" hour and Quinti shows up as a clown banging her drum and blowing her whistle. She makes them march for being bad. She sends them back to their places and announces the nicest dog, Mariachi. Poor thins is also dressed up. Pablo is really happy though. But wait this circus would of course not be complete with the non-emotive clown Franco. He actually can make nice faces when he’s singing. Amazing what he can do with the little tin horn he’s playing. Sounds like a studio mixed full musical group (wink) and he "plays" his famous song "Mi Piquito de Oro:

Yo tengo un amorcito que la quiero mas que a mi vida..
Por ella me muero y sabe bien que es mi consentida...
A ella le digo con cariño mi Piquito de Oro
Le gusta que la bese y que le diga mi lindo tesoro...
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi a darme sus amores
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi lindo tesoro...
Yo tengo un amorcito que la quiero mas que a mi vida..
Por ella me muero y sabe bien que es mi consentida...
A ella le digo con carino mi Piquito de
gusta que la bese y que le diga mi lindo tesoro...
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi a darme sus amores
Hay viene mi Piquito de Oro
Hay viene mi lindo tesoro...

I always liked this song, and Pablo sounds good singing it.

In another lugar, Rosi is saying good bye to her tour and to the galan Bobby who reminds her he will always be there if she needs him. Hmmm..

Back at the orfanato, the clowns have to go sadly, but they promise they’ll be back. Franco, sad at leaving the mini-Reyes, says yeah, clowns make everyone laugh, but who makes them laugh when they cry. He cries and Quinti hugs him. Please, you’ll see the kid tomorrow, and you will bust him out soon, so get a grip man. Besides your clown face is running. Anyway....

The forlorn lovers Bruno and Octavio say their good-byes over pink champagne. Nice touch with the pink. Bruno toasts to this goodbye, but I don’t think Octavio expected that. Bruno says he doesn’t want to be there when he gets married. He thanks him for all these years of happiness, but it’s goodbye, and wants him to be happy. Octavio looks impactado. What, you thought you could have both Octi? I say, good man Bruno.

Jime cries over her dress this time with gigantic green earrings that she’s going to marry Octi and both will be very UNhappy.

Jimena wonders what G-Pa wanted her so badly for. He smirks and points behind him. Guess who comes out of the shadows, but Madame Maracuya complete with scary hair and nails.
Sofi is whining again about how this feeling is greater than she is. He tells her not to sweat it, because she’s the one he loves and he’s not going anywhere. Come one, we all know she will snap out of it one of these days, how could she not with him running around half naked all the time.

Feo shows up at the Panaderia and wants to know if there is anything he can do for Sofi. Face de muy impactado of Juan.

Juan says if it was up to him, he’d say leave, but he’ll let Sofi decide. She tells thanks but no thanks, she’s already with the man she loves, so he can go now. He bids adios.

Sofi confirms that she still loves Juan despite everything. He bumps into her accidentally and she gets unruly. Then she feels bad because she can’t control her feelings like this. He asks her if this affliction is stronger than their love. He promises he knows how to be patient and he’s fine with just looking at her.

Back at the cabana G-Pa rolls away. Jime says you have done enough but Mara wants to be honest with her and tell her something that she can take how she wishes. Jime tries to run off but Mara comes at her with the "don’t be a spoiled brat already and just listen to me for Gosh sakes."

Back at the Bad love bar Feo is quite the manly man whipping the chairs in his frustration over Juan. He can’t believe his plan didn’t work. It was foolproof because Gomez said so. HA!! Good old Gomez, I'll ask him next time I want something to work out.

Armando reminds him things don’t always turn out the way we want. Hey weren’t you warned to watch your mouth? I’m thinking this guy is close to being minus a tongue.

Juan stuffs more pan dulces down Sofi’s face. He says he’ll be outside if she needs anything, however complicated. He goes out but comes back again thinking she called. She didn’t. But she smiles anyway. Yeah, she’ll be jumpin’ his bones again in no time.

Pad Tad is meeting with Crabbi and tells her ok fine, you think you got me by doing this, and I might be going away, but you know what, he will continue to defend her daughters and one day she will appreciate it. She says she not bad, he is, because how could he say that Feo was the rapist of Sofi? Padre is muy impactado of course.

Pad wonders who told her that. She tells him Feo himself. Padre hopes he told her everything. She counters that she trusts Feo completely and Tad is only saying that to upset her.

Rosario returns and Feo tells her how great it is to see her and he hopes things went well and how missed she was by her public and he tells her to rest that he’ll be back later. They are amazed at his change, and indeed upset by it.

G-Pa listens in on a horn (yes, like a bull horn, a real one) as Maracuya tells Jime that Oscar fell into the trick that she set for him, and Jime has to forgive him. Jime says he could have resisted. Mara says ha, you really don’t know men, do you, how this is stuff is a game to them to make themselves feel manly. She tells her to stop being a capricious young girl. Mara insists Oscar is not to blame.

Oscar is pacing and remembers that he told Mara he would go with her.

Mara says if she doesn’t forgive Oscar, he will come with her when she leaves town and Jime will lose him. Mara’s pretty sure of her ability to hold onto this guy, isn’t she?

Oscar tells Franco of his departure plans.

Jime says she’ll think about it but doubts she can forgive. Mara tells Jime not to be stubborn and forgive him if she wants to be happy.

G-Pa rolls in and congratulates Mara for her speech and tells her she has earned his respect. He awards her with the medal of the woman judicial and clearheaded. Oh please, if she was so valiant she wouldn’t have tricked him in the first place. She tells him she’s not a bad chick, just maybe capricious like Jime.

G-Pa says that one easy solution is for her to take him with her instead. She would love to, he’s been wonderful with her. There is a knock on the door. Mara gets it for him. It’s Rosario and it looks like a battle of the boobs may be nearing.

Sofi remembers her horror in the woods both times.

Juan in the other room remembers when Sofi first told him about what happened to her and that she feels he is the one to touch her again after all this time.

Oscar tells Juan he’s leaving the pueblo for good tomorrow. And that’s where we end.


Oh please Slowfia go to the convent and live unhappily ever after. You know you don't like sharing the bathroom with those three stooges anyway.

And yes, I keep expecting Bernardo to make some sign from the granite tomb, like those little curtains will flutter or those candles will flicker out. I guess that would be too corny, but oh wait ...

Hah!...I saw the title and knew it was you "K'. Going to have to read this later, but kudos on doing two recaps back to back. You're the Iron Woman!

Good recap...for another "Filler Show".

Now about Pad Tad, surely there are some kind of confession rules about what to do when psycho's confess to the "Once and Future", evil deeds. I mean who better to tell than the Bishop?

Now my favorite part and the one that sent my husband LHAO, was hmmmm the sun must be setting as Sofie packs her many long frocks and tube of "Wet and Wild Pink Lip Stain" into her HogWarts Magical Pillowcase. You know the one that holds everything. Off to the Rape Forest, where "Gee how come bad things happen to me?"

Jeez for such an UNSELFISH young innocent, Sofie really is a bit of a DRAMA QUEEN. Oh I can't make your life unhappy so I will just put on my magic princess slippers and leave. Cause you won't worry about your much beloved nina and future hijo. But wait, she leaves a card, no doubt from the Hallmark, I'm Leaving you Collection....Adios mi para Siempre NOT Amor.

Isn't she like only two weeks pregnant? I already feel like it has been nine months.

One more in the come Oscar runs away on a horse following a SUV?

You are right, Beckster. Time expands on Fuego. After watching 10 minutes, I feel like I spent two hours.

Thanks for the recap! Fills in a lot of stuff I didn't understand, or couldn't hear because the TN music was louder than the dialog. I thought the bishop told Fr. Tad "one more misstep and you're gone" That music was too loud for my rock-music damaged ear drums.

Who are those guys Grampa is signing a 'deal' with? They look harmless but I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. Did I miss something in a previous capitulo? Maybe gramps figured out the Robles Reyes mystery and deeded the land back to the boys, only to be revealed on the last episode....after we suffer through many more months of wailing & gnashing of teeth, and overal general agony.

I LOL'd when Gramps couldn't find a place on Mara's body to pin that medal. ;o) Interesting that she did an about-face and talked with Jime about Oscar.

DH was watching for a portion and loved the battle of the boobs. I think Rosario wins, hands down. BTW, doesn't Rosario's butt look way out of proportion on that side-shot later in the show? Butt-lift? Butt-implants? Padded thong? Eek.

There is one burning question Sofia has failed to ask herself: Does this dress make me look fat? She desperately needs to be on WNTW. At least the big wide black cummerbund belts made her waist look smaller. Maybe my wide-screen TV is the culprit. Juan and Oscar look really barrel-chested when they turn sideways, too. Note to self: must watch on our normal TV.....

I just love hearing Juan's spurs jingle-jangling. (Que macho) Overkill for sure, since a good horse like his shouldn't need that type spur for the kind of riding he does, but this is TN-land. I wonder if the sound effects dept puts bells on them to help with the sound......

beckster - in the preview, I figgered it was Oscar chasing Jimena as she's tearing off to join the convent.

Nobody mentioned the "symbolism" from the previous night, where Oscar is begging Jime's forgiveness. They both had on white (shirt/jacket)---sign of innocence, virginity (ha!), good guys always wear white, etc.


Thanks for the recap on yet another predictable episode.

Good for Bruno that he wasn't putting up with the 'marriage' to Jimena.

I just knew Sofia would find a way to make things worse - but not this soon. I thought perhaps in a day or two, she would go skydiving, or rock climbing, maybe find a mine field to stroll through, just for something new to endanger her hijo. These girls are way too high maintenance...

- I too think that the padre was told "don't do it again or I'll transfer." So he may still have a little more time with us.

- The deal Grandpa made was for the corn that they will be growing on a plot of land which, it turns out, used to belong to Juan's family (except nobody has pieced that together just yet).

That guy was an investor who's so impressed with the land where they plan to grow corn that he's willing to front them lots of money right now. That money will save the hacienda so that they don't have to mortgage the place.

I don't think Feo knows anything about this deal. I guess that land is Grandpa's - it must be among the assets that he has wisely refused to sign over to Feo and Crabi.

Filler episode, indeed. I, too thought that el obisbo said one more misstep and you are gone. Even in Tierra Olvidado they wouldn't transfer a priest with only one (uninvestigated) complaint, would they? And surely Tad could tell Obisbo something from the confessional, afterall, Feo is truly a menace to all...Speaking of Feo, he kept a wad of pesos for himself, never a thought to help with the real debts for which it was intended, but he called it a "tarudo"? No se lo encuentre en mi diccionario. Where is Slowfia going with Juan's pillowcase? Not back to San Augustin! Maybe to help out at el orfanato? Why doesn't Oscar get to ride in the car? Does he have to follow Maracuya around Mexico on his horse? Maybe there was more (wackiness) on this episode than I realized...Thanks for the 'cap, Fuego...

Here is a thought- maybe they will find something while plowing for the milpa (corn plot) that is evidence that Hmnos Reyes are the true owners of the land...just a thought

Is it possible that he said "tarugo"? That could mean something like "chunk," i.e. "chunk o'change."

Julie- very possibly he said that. I find myself reading the captions too much, and not listening as much as I should. Sometimes those caption are way off. Thanks

Why did Feo go to the house to check on Sofia? Is it the old "criminal returning to the scene of the crime" type of thing? I think Juan should have punched him in the snout.

connie - ITA about the criminal returning to scene of crime. I think he was bored, too, and needed to give Sofia her RDA of harassment for his own entertainment.

Some of that cash Feo was fondling from the safe looked like U.S. dollars to me. I saw greenbacks mixed in with the pesos.

dorado dave - I like your theory that they might find something while plowing the corn fields on Robles land.


Thanks for a very interesting and informating recap. I also think that we've heard so much from Juan about his hijo that it seems like Sofia should at least be showing if not delivered by now. LMAO at jb's 09:01 remark "I just knew Sofia would find a way to make things worse" etc. So, true. Oscar wins this week's dumb award. He was so anxious to confess his misdeed to Jimena. Now he's like "well I blew it with Jimena, I might as well hook up with Maya". Give me a break you handsome devil.

Yes, you're right about the time expanding on telenovelas -- we never seem to know how much time has actually elapsed, and then suddenly someone says it's now 6 mos or a year later...

I still say that Sofia is competing with whales to have the longest mammalian gestation on earth -- whales have 2 year pregnancies -- Sofia's expanded time will probably come out to be 3 years before the baby is's been several telenovela months (2wks) and she's not even showing yet!


If the land belonged to Robles Reyes before don't you think there would be a hacienda and that someone would remember it? So maybe the Uribe Hacienda really belongs to Robles Reyes. You'd think that Juan would remember because he was old enough to take care of his siblings. Just askin. :)

Yeah, probably the bishop's threat was future. That would make sense. Rushed through that part and the type while you listen method isn't always the best for comprehension. Anyway, thanks.

Mara told Abuelo that she was not a bad woman just capricious like Jimena but that her whims, although she didn't mean to ,seemed to hurt others while Jimena's hurt herself.
Good recap. Not looking forward to seeing Forrest read his Dear Juan letter.

You know the only way out of "La Brigadoona" is death, this place is like an old twilight zone..You will get to the edge, but never allowed to leave..Oscar will keep following the trail only to end up back in front of the Bakery.

Maybe all the recent "Bad Things" have happened from Bad Libia Ju Ju, now that the boys thoughts have turned lusty, she never gets a visitor, no pans, no toys, no new batteries for her flowers....

Great recap! Okay, first of all, what is Sophia taking in the pillowcase and really, can those boys afford to lose a pillowcase? She left her home with nothing, her mom threw all her stuff out. I thought she had maybe been wearing Libia's stuff. So what the freak is she taking with her? The doll Oscar likes to chew and glowing flower?

Oscar is a beautiful moron. I really think he needs a shower. Maybe the boys would all feel better if they had one.

I loved Bruno. Who knew there was really an actor there instead of a placeholder!?!

I believe as a priest you can divulge to your superior. They are bound by the same rules to keep what you say in confidence.

I do like hearing Pablo sing and that song is very sweet (had to look up what it meant). I thought his little sad clown Emmet Kelly routine was very sweet. He is growing on me.

Very funny recap! My favorite was when you said "HA!! Good old Gomez, I'll ask him next time I want something to work out." Yes, Gomez sure is a leader in the medical field, with his brilliant diagnoses. I was thinking about his theory that if you fake an illness, later, you'll get the real illness. Well, he faked a few diagnoses (1)Don Agustin needing to be in the mental hospital, or senior citizens' home, 2) Gabi having severe stroke like symptoms from the shock of what Sofia was doing, 3) Gabi suddenly recovered from another shock about Sofia was doing. So, by his reasoning, if he makes too many false diagnoses, when he does a real one (about Sofia), that might turn out to be wrong, too. Actually, he's just pulling these diagnoses out of his nalgas!

Great summary, full of humor, irony and fun.

I know, I know, can't expect things to make sense. I seem to remember (although it was probably from a movie about a crime) that if a priest heard a confession that indicated the confessor was a danger to someone, he could tell the cops. And I've also seen a priest telling about a scary confession to a higher up. Again, all fiction, so who knows what the canon law rules really are. But it's just nuts that Pad Tad has to keep his lip zipped while Feo continues to do bad things to Sofie.

okay I just couldn't take it after a series of is the deal with confessions

check it out..I guess the greater good is a lost cause.

I still think this dogma needs to seriously be rethought.

I also checked out New Advent, my spot for all things Catholic. It does say the priest can seek council from someone higher up providing he does not reveal the cofessor. Which the Bishop would know who so I guess that is out.

Yes there are some things about Canon law that are odd in todays world, but Catholics are slow to adopt any kind of change.

Thanks Beckster, can't get any clearer than that!! Pad Tad has to keep his lips zipped apparently. Well, he's doing a great job thus far!

Your Twilight Zone comment is hilarious, yup there's Oscar circling the periferico, ending up in front of the bakery every time.

The thing about the glowing flower and the Libia ghost-y events makes me wonder how come there aren't any Don Bernardo glowing things or ghost appearances? There was one scene where the snake rattle blew out his candles in front of his tomb, but I don't remember any scenes where Bernardo has any glowing influence.... Anybody?



I think Bernardo's spirit communicates to us through Mr. Ed. He keeps trying to tell everybody that Feo is a no good SOB but no one ever understands. (Maybe we could get Capricho or the donkey to be translators).

Okay, I just remembered I had a question about last night...what the heck was the horn blowing when Jimena was talking to Gpa? It sounded like they were sitting in the middle of an interstate. I wasn't sure what that was supposed to convey to us.

I would only believe Bernando was
Mr. Ed if I saw him chasing a filly a really young filly

The horn sounded to me like the one you hear when a big ocean liner is about to depart, warning visitors to get off the boat. I think this was in the context of his telling the silly hermanas that they should get on a boat to get away from Crabi and the wedding plans.

Beckster, you have a good point there!

Molly, I heard that too. I was in the other room and ran into the bedroom to see if it was on the TV or outside. I thought it was a train.

Ah, I hadn't thought of it as missing the boat or needing to get off the boat! I love the goofy sound effects this show uses.

You know something bad is going to happen at the wedding. Assuming, of course, they make it that far. I kind of felt sorry for Bruno.

I'm not sure, but I think maybe Mr. Ed IS a filly.

I don't believe dead Bernardo has any super powers, unless he's an invisible horse-whisperer who riles horses up instead of calming them down.

Probably the only reason Libia has that useful flower-glowing talent is because she was pregnant, and therefore extra-magical, when she died.

I don't know what to think about the wedding. My guess is that there will be one, but it will get interrupted by some calamity. Maybe someone (the padre? Mr. Ed?) will Object!

Thank you, FdeRdeR, for a great recap and also for the words to Franco's song.
Dorado Dave and Doris, I'm with you, I think "something" will turn up when they plow that corn field...a body maybe? Did the little Reyes bury their parents? I am still real hazy on all those childhood flashbacks.
Molly--those boys really do need another shower, don't they?

Libia has that special glowy thing because she was a virginal mother, like Sofia.Virginal mothers are especially glowy in the Nother World. If Eva were to die, she too, could have a glowy thingy.

You guys are all fantastic! You're like a relay team now, it doesn't even matter any more that the show is so lousy, you make it fun.

If you smear a little Vaseline on the camera lens, EVERYBODY gets a neat glowy thing.

Creemelo - that's an interesting idea - I hadn't thought that the kids might have buried their parents. I sorta doubt it, because they were so young and small, but perhaps the people who murdered them buried them in the future cornfield!

For some reason (and I admit I have NO specific memory to back this up) I thought the kids got out of there on the rickety wagon before the parents were even murdered. But I also remember Juan wincing at the sound of a gunshot, so... not sure now... anyone remember?

I suppose they'll show us the flashback again when we need to know.

I wonder how deep you have to go in order to prepare untilled land for corn. As much as six feet, or whatever the standard is? Maybe not.

But if the glowing thing runs in the family, we'll know the truth when the whole cornfield lights up at night.

OMG, that would make the brothers Children of the Corn.

Thanks, Melinama. Our source material is extremely... fertile. ;-)

Julie -- Mother Reyes handed Juan the baby Libia all swaddled in a cloth and Juan hid under the bed & leaned all over baby Libia so she wouldn't make any noise while he grimaced and ground his teeth while the Reyes parents were shot -- (I seem to remember that he was wearing his childhood red bandanna too).

Juan saw their bodies fall to the floor, and he saw a big silver SNAKE BELT BUCKLE all glowy from the vaseline on the camera lens, on somebody who was leaning over the Reyes parents' bodies and chortling.

Then, with still glowy all around scenery, Juan hid the Reyes children in the rickety wagon with the BIG FR trunk that you reminded me about a couple weeks ago when we were commenting on another chapter, and he took off into the night...and thus began the travels of the Reyes children, until one time when they were all starving having gone town to town, Juan went into a bakery and asked for work, and the bakery lady took pity on them and gave Juan a job so that's how he learned how to make pan, and the other Reyes children were also given jobs to do and thus learned how to do helpy things.

(Story from memory of what Juan told his bros and also part of what he told Sofia in another chapter I think.)
Does that help?


One of my very best friends from college is a priest, and we've had the confession discussion many a time. He's had some very interesting things confessed to him.

Anyway, the basic rule is that if the person doesn't confess the act as a sin and express remorse, it doesn't count.

As far as I know, Fer never expressed regret. I think he just revealed it while in the confessional. Technically, I'm pretty sure Pad Tad could rat him out. But, this is TN land!

Dear Rosca, Thanks for another wonderful recap so full of fun and amazing discussion points. I was riding up to Santa Fe yesterday to visit Alla, the country's largest Spanish bookstore while questioning the practicing Catholic in the car about this priest and confession rule thing. He seemed to think that Paddy Tad was really trapped with his confessional secrets. Feo is just going to have to tip his hand to someone else who isn't on his payroll. It seems like Armando may get fed up and feel underpaid at some point.

As for Mr (or Miss) Ed channeling Don Bernardo, I think Ed is way, way too smart for Bernardo's thoughts to be coming through. Perhaps it is someone else with a brain helping out Ed.

And isn't it fun to see Oscar sucking up dust chasing the SUV. It apparently amuses Maracuya too. She sure is grinning while the truck travels so fast over the dirt road.

Food for thought. If juan saw a snake belt at the time his parents were killed and feo has a snake on his back, could he be the murderer like maybe during a robbery attempt, even if he was young then?

Also someone asked why feo went to juans house. Most likely t see if his attemted rape made her fearful enough to avoid juan???

The recap and comments were great, but the "glowy thingy" stuff really set me off. I would say I LMAO, but all of it is still hanging on there behind me.
La Paloma

Does everyone who wants to get out of town pack up their stuff in a pillowcase? I noticed that Oscar used one as well as Sofia. What do people use for suitcases if they don't have pillows?

Too funny about the suitcase! My grandmother always used to pack her stuff up in a grocery bag. We jokingly referred to it as her "Polish suitcase"-we're of Polish descent.

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