Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fuego, Wed., July 24: If I had a dollar for every brain Juan doesn't have, I'd have one dollar.

Buenas noches a todos. I got a late start tonight, sorry. I will edit tomorrow morning.

Horse-back Juan comes galloping along and finds a violated Sofia lying under a tree. Some one tried to rape her; I wonder who it was?

After the little bar brawl at the Tumbao Gabi gives a little speech about her daughter’s being engaged and how they embarrass her. Might I say that this scene is enhanced by the strategically-covered, or uncovered, Niurka. Gabi makes it clear that she is never a fun thing for anyone. That’s funny because practically everyone I know laughs at her five days a week.

Octavio asks Niurka if she is happy when she hurts others.

Oscar has come to the wonderful conclusion that he has lost Jimena forever. His overly-supportive brother tells him that’s what he gets for being an interested SOB. Franco handles the situation by serenading Oscar. Sometimes he just doesn’t know when to quit…

Gabi demands that Jimena give her an explanation. Everyone wants to know why Jimena caused that little scandle back at the club. Sarita warns her mother that she shouldn’t become antsy because she is sick. “Yeah, sick of you!” says Gabi. Afterall, Sunday is the wedding and Gabi is more than happy to finally get rid of Dumb and Dumber.

Juan kicks in the gate to his house with Sofia in his arms. He tells them that someone tried to rape Sofia. This is the signal for the back-up bros. to arm themselves immediately. As you know, the best way to solve any problem is by taking the situation into your own hands. Juan, a law-abiding tax-payer convinces the bros. to put the plastic gunnies away, and to consider the situation with calmness. Oscar doesn’t comprehend this idea, and wants to know how long they are going to put up with these attacks.

Gramps has asked the one ranch hand to help him with the planning of the corn fields. Since this man has lived on the hacienda all of his life, he is the perfect consultant and knows full well that them there corn fields didn’t use to belong to no Elizondo family. As fate may have it, the tree with the initials ‘FR’ marks this usurped land. That’s funny. It seems that that tree is the same tree that Juan recalls from his childhood. Gramps acknowledges that the land was never theirs, but it is now. How did that happen?

Juan is on his soap box-again. I love how he has to remind his family of their last name. “We are the Reyes family. I would spell that for you, but I don’t know how, and you wouldn’t understand. Anyway, we must stick together.” Juan, how does this have anything to do with Sofia’s attempted rape? Apparently Juan has boiling blood from Sofia’s incident. However, he makes it quite clear that he doesn’t give a cucumber for her, but instead his, dare I say bastard, child. It’s all about getting your priorities straight…

The ranch hand tells Gramps that the land adjacent to the Uribe’s used to belong to the Robles family.

Juan has now given the family a hyphenated name: Robles-Reyes. The conversation has yet again changed. Now he tells them that the Reyes family never loses and always comes out ahead. If I had a dollar for every brain Juan doesn’t have, I’d have $1.00.

Jimena is crying to Eva that she will never talk to Oscar again. She has decided that the best thing to do is to marry the Uribe boy. Sarita tells her that the Reyes are selfish pigs. I hate to say this, but I haven’t watched FELS in a week, and practically nothing has changed.

As it turns out, Sofia had a nervous break-down. Juan doesn’t have enough money to pay the doctor. But not to worry, that’s the doctor’s job to take care of people. Why should he get paid for that? Oscar is thinking about visiting Jimena. He can’t lose the love of his life, but then again, did he ever have her? Frankie reminds him that the wedding is this Sunday. Time’s a tickin’…

Apparently Juan watched Sofia sleep all night. I bet he actually fell asleep as soon as they turned the camera off…

So the local authorities summoned Fernie to the equivalent of a police station for questioning. They say that he is a suspect because Mapache whispered his name as he died. Now I know that Fernie did it, but I wouldn’t call the evidence solid. My neighbor died with a Madonna t-shirt on; does that mean that Madonna killed her? It happened in that one movie…

It is so obvious that Jimena is sucking-in her stomach. Anyway, she’s begging Octavio to marry her immediately. It’s okay that they don’t love each other because over time they will learn to do so. Obviously, she has not learned anything from Bernie and Gabi, or any other novella character in the past fifty years. Octavio tells her that that will never happen because he doesn’t like women; he is in love with Bruno. They have been a couple for many years. Boy, that shut her up.

Fernie is up to his old tricks and has asked for one of his workers to turn himself over to the authorities for killing Mapache. His right-hand man asks him how he will pay for it, and as always, “that is none of your business.” Some people never learn…

Despite everything that happened, Oscar has asked Jimena to forgive him for his treason. “I swear it was a trap.” Jimena, they all say that. But then again, she’s just stupid enough to believe him. He is on his knees begging her, but she would rather marry a gay man. Given the choice between the two, I think she is actually making a wise choice.

Mid-day-snack time for Gabi. Her friends have brought her some Sofia bread. Gabi rolls her eyes but plays around. Then, she throws the bread down when she hears that they call the bread Sofia. Gabi is convinced that Padre Tadeo is leading a conspiracy against her. This really doesn’t make any sense.

Fernie’s atonement has signed the papers that condemn him, but the officer isn’t convinced at all. Actually, I’d say the guy’s performance was quite convincing when compared to actors such as EY and AN. Ouch!

As Sofia wakes up to Juan’s presence she freaks out and tells him to never touch her again. Okay, this chick is messed up and obviously never received the necessary treatment for her condition. At this point she would need years of rehabilitation. She has crawled up in the corner of her bed like a small rodent. She doesn’t want him to come close. She looks like a lost boy crossed with some sort of wild chimpanzee.

In Puebla, Puebla Gabi has met with the local bishop. Her accusations are alarming, but she is convinced that he is a menace to her family and society. He has promoted rebel attitudes in her children, and even convinced her daughter to marry a baker! The bishop is scared, but since Gabi is telling the truth, he must take immediate action.

Oscar refuses the help of a stranger, a stranger who can help him.

The Uribe boys are trying to push-back the wedding date, but auntie won’t budge. And oh yeah, if you don’t get married on Sunday, forget about the inheritance.

Oscar has decided to make friends with this stranger and confess his relationship with Niurka. Bruno, the stranger, admits that Octavio is more than an associate, but a very good friend/lover.

Gabi now has it in her head that the bishop should take away the Padre’s title. Fernie agrees and starts to kiss Gabi all over. She doesn’t know why he likes her because she is a dry woman without feelings. I ask the same question, but they kiss regardless. Fernie tells Gabi that if Gramps doesn’t sign those documents, he will have to leave town. Gabi freaks out, and tells Fernie that she has a private fortune, and therefore can lend him some dough. Fernie wants to know why she never told him about it. She explains that she had to make sure no one would take advantage of her. He makes sure to kiss her a lot before she rights the check. Doing so usually allows for a few zeros to be added.

Juan tries to feed the wild animal, but she throws the tray in his face and tells him to go away. She hits him as he reaches for her. Ah, I may have mis-diagnosed this animal; she needs solitary confinement for at least the rest of her life-if not longer.

Oscar finally understands that one must respect others if one wishes to be respected. He becomes sentimental when he tells Bruno how much he loves Jimena, and how he lost her.

Eva tells Dumb and Dumber that Sofia was almost raped. They cry. Nothing new.

Gabi has given Fernie the money he wanted. He promises to pay the debts of the hacienda.

As the girls are going to visit their animal of a sister, Gabi stops them and prohibits them from seeing that trashy girl. Fernie offers to drive them to see her. How generous and understanding. Who would ever suspect him as a rapist chauvinist? Gabi is under the impression that Fernie is her boyfriend.

Oh my God, the animal has miraculously, and I mean miraculously, come to her senses and apologizes. How the hell do you go from crazy animal to hopeless romantic between scene changes? Nevertheless, Juan is unaffected and promises to love Sofia forever.

Tomorrow: Oscar couldn’t get Jimena to forgive him, so he has decided to take-up Niurka on her offer. Juan is just about to know who raped Sofia. Yeah right.


Nicolas, wow that was fast and really funny! My kids always say why do I watch this when I don't know Spanish! I kept telling them what was going on and they kept insisting I was wrong, so read them your recap. Thank you for my vidication!

And what the heck is Oscar thinking? Or Juan for that matter? And did I see Sarita finally grow a bit of a spine on the mom we are going to see Sophia momement!?!

Well done!

Nicolas--your thorough recounting of tonight's episode--so swift, so cutting, so hilarious. Why can't this show have writers as sharp as you?
Anyway, that Oscar, kneeling, crying, pleading; and real tears, not the glycerin ones that they use between takes. What's not to love? Please don't tell me he's going to settle for #2 (Passionfruit) as the consolation prize.

Juan.....this is your chance.....let Sofia go.... far, far away but we know this will never happen especially because of the hijo and "para siempre."

Nicolas, thanks for the funny recap.

Howdy folks ;) Thanks to Nicholas and all the fabulous recapers for making this TN interesting! Sorry I’ve been MIA for so long. I fell way behind on these and recently gave up on watching. Jury’s still out on Enemiga, but I’m with Guapos and PdG for the long haul. Anywhoo, I had started compiling a list of answers to questions, comments, etc., and figured I should start actually posting them! Feel free to disregard whatever you don’t find useful and I will try to split it up so I don’t clog up the page. I will try to do this in order of most to least recent with a few answers to “all throughout” questions.

Connie, I don’t think MaraYucka wanted to get pregnant. It’s not the sort of thing that’s very conducive to a touring entertainer’s career. I think she genuinely wanted one roll in the hay with Oscar before she left this cell-phone-less town. The fact that Jimena dumped him and he might actually come along for a while is a nice bonus. She’s not looking for marriage, just someone to amuse herself with for a while before she trades him in for a sportier model.

Creemelo, I’m sorry you didn’t like the guanabana shake. I don’t know if they are a hangover cure, but they can be quite yummy. The secret is lots of ice cream and a ton of sugar (‘cause the fruit is not sweet on it’s own).

Doris, I have indeed seen Adela playing characters with a spine, but this was a looooong time ago (took a lengthy TN sabatical ‘cause they are soooo addictive). Back in ‘89 she played a girl in a prep school who ran track. Don’t remember much about it (only caught bits and pieces of a few epis when visiting family) other than her “real” coach told her to throw away all her fancy French and Italian sneakers because Mexican sneakers were more conducive to the sport. No idea if there is any truth in this statement, but in the TN it helped her running. Ana Patricia Rojo was also in this. Anywhoo, the point is that in this one Adela was actually very strong-willed. I think it was called “Dulce Desafio” (Sweet Challenge). An even better example was the previous year in “Yesenia” in which she played the title character. She was a feisty girl who was raised by gypsies, but later discovers her mom came from a wealthy family and her own grandfather stole her from her crib and left her with the gypsies to hide his daughter’s shame. Needless to say, she’s not at all forgiving of her nobleman grandfather.

On that same note – Eduardo Yañez has actually played characters with a brain. The first thing I saw him in was way back in ’83 in “El Maleficio” (The Malefaction). He played a small part as the on again/off again love interest of one of the leads. How did they meet? He was her college professor (he was probably a TA or TF, but he was her teacher regardless). And I think he was actually teaching one of the sciences, physics I think. Then in 1991 he played the lead in “En Carne Propia” (In One’s Own Flesh, along the lines of learning things the hard way, having to experience pain yourself). Anywhoo, in this one he was a PI who was quite analytical (the whole opening montage was him typing different scenarios in his computer and trying to figure out which one made the most sense with the evidence at hand). Not that he wasn't at the ready in case of danger, but he would think things through before making drastic decisions.

Last in this thread – Diana Bracho can indeed play the good guy. The first thing I even saw her in was “Cuna the Lobos” (Wolf Craddle, ‘86) in which she began as the mousy assistant who was seduced by the rich lady’s son in order to procure himself a child (his wife was sterile) to get his father's inheritance. They took her son and tried to kill her and let’s say she fought back, and returned as quite the avenger.

Sofia’s pregnancy (and the many crazy stunts she pulls) is reminding me of Soledad’s in LT (not PdG, so it’s in no way a spoiler). We joked around that it was some sort of bullet-proof fetus since she survived the following 1) Mom hemorraging from too much horseback riding. 2) Mom getting pumped full of drugs when they locked her up in the loony bin for running around risking her life. 3) Taking a tumble down a cliff. 4) Barely getting out as a mine exploded (those fumes couldn’t have possibly been good for the kid). 5) Catching fire. 6) Getting thrown from a cart at gallop speed as it turned over. The baby did have a catalepsy attack in utero (they tried to force our heroine to abort, hence her running away in a cart at full gallop) and was born with the illness, but this was her father’s genes, not mom’s penchant for getting herself in trouble.

Marylin, the reason people were entering the church on their knees is that they probably made a “manda” (special promise to the Virgin or a specific saint, etc). People do these all the time in exchange for special “favors” (St. Peter, if my baby gets well from the operation I will travel from the church entrance to the altar on my knees). They vary in terms of request (can be as simple as wining a soccer game or as hefty as asking to cure someone of cancer) and of payment (as simple as having a special mass offering to traveling to a very specific shrine through a specific route and the method of getting there – ie. traveling a certain portion on foot or on your knees). There was a time when all girls would offer their braids as a “manda” to one of the many apparitions of the Virgin Mary in exchange for marriage. They would keep their hair long until the wedding and would chop their braids off when they returned from the honeymoon and leave them at the altar of the Virgin they offered it to. No clue as to what happened to the hair.

Doris, in PdG, Juan does not get whipped by Gabi. I will leave it at that to avoid spoilers.

Doris and Susalynn, as far as similarities with FelS and PdG, and whether there is the same lack of sanity, there is a little of that. The town has no cell phones (though everyone does have a landline) but we decided as a group that they probably just couldn’t get towers placed for good reception. It’s not really the mountains, but we decided to let it go or we’d go insane. In this day in age it seems odd that Norma (Sofia in FelS and Aguas Mansas) was forced to marry because of her rape. Not sure many would consider someone who’s gone through that as “used goods.” There is also the fact that neither the girls nor Don Martin (Augie in this one) refuse to leave the hacienda in spite of the hell it’s becoming. The rest for the most part makes sense. There are plenty of humorous moments to break up the serious ones. Some of the major caricatures in PdG are the Uribe/Santos clan (Santos was Raquel’s first last name and the nephews were her late brother’s kids). Raquel was supposed to be in her 70s, but the actress was barely in her 40s and wearing a terrible wig. Leandro (Octavio in this version) had no boyfriend, ran a clothing boutique, and was incredibly flamboyant. Benito OTOH only had a love affair with food. Although he’s finally got a girlfriend who wants a nice little fake marriage so they can get Raquel’s money when she croaks. In this version Oscar never even thinks of cheating on Jimena and Franco is never confused about who he loves. Instead, he just changes his mind. It isn’t until over a year after breaking up with Rosario that he notices Sarita. She points out she always had a thing for him. By the same token, Jimena actually notices Franco first, and Oscar encourages things, even though he soon falls for Jimena ‘cause he wants the Elizondo money. Bernie’s death is an accident and Libia’s is a suicide. Gabi is a terrible mother, but she genuinely loves her daughters, her dad, her grandchild, and even the late Bernie. However, we eventually realize she’s always carried the torch for Fernie. Luisito, Pablito (with mariachi off course) and Petra don’t exist at all in PdG. There is a priest character (Epifanio) but it’s a tiny role and we’re never sure if he’s actually a hypocrite who steals collection plate money. Norma never moves in to the bakery, Sarita is the one that runs the hacienda (with some help from Jimena and occasionally from Norma). Norma is actually a dentist and only vaguely familiar with running the hacienda. Rosario has no kids and starts off sympathetic, but that changes. It is Armando that is Rosario’s manager (and defacto boyfriend) and eventually buys the bar where she sings. He and Fernando are friends in this one.
Will post more later ;) are just the funniest. Your talents would be wasted on a telenovela that was not so exquisitely "mock-worthy" as this one.

I especially loved your "I asked the same question" and "for the rest of her life if not longer".

You're going to have me smiling for the rest of the day.

Oh and Margarita...thanks for all that information on cultural and religious practices. I found it fascinating. There's so much I don't know, and so much I'm learning, in addition to the language, from this site and the prople who contribute.

Very good Nic...
Too funny. One sister Sofie; reminds me of those stories like "Man with steel plate in head struck by lightening while golfing in Thunderstorm for the fifth time". And you wonder what is this AssHat not getting?
Meanwhile, Jimena can't lose her virginity for love or money. Now she can't marry Oscar and her finance is gay. Jeez

Sofie and the nervous breakdown..
Not to sound cold, but it seems these sisters are just way too much work. Franco getting beat up once a year for nailing Rosario is a holiday compared to dating the sisters.

Thanks, Nic for the recap and Margarita for the comparisons of this show to those others. Fuego seems to be a completely different show except for the names of the much has been altered. I'm a little confused...Was Sofia raped or almost raped ???? If it was an almost rape, what stopped Ferd...the voices in the woods [who was yelling and why ? ...were they yelling at him or someone else ??? was something cut out ???]... OR the voices is his head ???? Did Ferd have an ''equipment malefunction'' and was unable to complete the attack ? Maybe only Crabapple can light the fuego en Ferd's sangre ???.. Ewwww...I don't want to think about that right now. I am getting very upset about Sofia being a perpetual victim due to the fact that she keeps putting herself in danger. Although, I must admit that I know people who do this in real life...constantly making bad decisions that put them in the line of fire. Anyway, I guess that when Sofia moved in with Juan , her big, strong Onetruelove, I thought that she and baby would be safe, but Juan would have to be at her lado 24/7 to protect her because Sofia seems to be her own worst enemy. If Oscar really does go off in to the sunset for some crazy jungle love with Passion Fruity, he might want to consider investing in a pair of those safety goggles to protect his eyeballs from those Lee Press-on Nails....I'm just saying...

Nico - thanks for the super recap. I Was LOLing and the DH finally says ..."you must be reading your TN forum?"

margarita - thanks for the info on PdG. It helps to know this one is more of a circo. There was a lot of buzz over PdG at the time.

Call me cold-hearted, but just what purpose did it serve for Juan to sit up all night and lose a precious night's sleep, I ask you, and watch Sofia sleep? It's not like she was on the critcal care list.... Y tocar en esta tema, that girl has some serious PTSD issues and needs help. Like, yesterday.

LOVED the looks on Oscar's and Jimena's faces when they learned about the gay factor. LOL

I'm glad Oscar didn't wear that dark red shirt for yet a third day in a row. I hope he gets checked for STD, too. I sort of wonder if maybe he & Maracuya did *not* do "it" and that it was all an even bigger trampa. Well, Mara is a tramp - a.

OOOOohhhhh, Gabi, you are such a shrewd woman. You're having an affair with your SIL and tell this financially (not to mention morally) bankrupt dude you have a private fortune! Such a shrewwwwwd woman.
Nicolas---loved the commentary re: giving more kisses adds a few zeroes to the check. I laughed so hard it hurt.

I'm wondering if the bishop will toss Paddy Tad on Gabi's word alone? Let's hope things aren't that corrupt in La Tierra Olvidada.

I haven't had this much fun since La Madrasta, the last Salvador Mejia circo I watched, which also starred Cantu. And, as it is here, the forums are the icing on the cake!


madbuns - Ferni suffered rapus interruptus due to some drive-by partyers yelling "sueltalo!" He thought he'd been outed and got the heck out of Dodge. He's not known for enjoying an audience or going to jail.


Thanks, Doris---That scene confused me because I couldn't figure out if the people yelling had seen Ferd assaulting Sofia or if they were just yelling to each other. I hate Ferd he has NO moral compass and is a despicable sneakysnake who deserves to end his days locked in the arms of the equally despicable Crabi. I thought it was touching to see Juan keeping watch over Sofia as ahe slept. It reminded me of the movie ''Someone to Watch over Me.'' Juan is Sofia's own private bodyguard and hero. I love them together and it was so sad to hear her reject him due to the trauma of the attack by smarmy, oily, noggod Ferd. I was happy that she SNAPPED OUT OF IT and returned to her trust in her Onetruelove.***Madbunsbess, the hopeless romantic

...noggod ????...make that nogood---madbuns, late for work ...yet again...this forum is a hard habit to break

That look on Oscar's face when Bruno told him he was gay was priceless! I kind of like Bruno. So will they all get married or not? What does everyone think?

Yes, this is a blog bad habit, which is hard to break, and so worth keeping. Thanks for the breakfast chuckles, Nicolas! Enjoyed your perspective, which coincides closely with mine!

Thanks for all the interesting info on PdG and Mexican culture, Margarita! I enjoyed La Traicion and I'm trying to keep up with PdG.

Connie, I'm guessing the wedding will be one big farce, with lots of screaming and drama. No marriage to the Uribes.

Did they ever say who was yelling sueltalo? Drive-by partyers who didn't stop to help someone being raped??? Another mystery that will go unsolved...

jb, that part was confusing for me as well. At first I thought someone saw Feo but now I think they just happened to be there and didn't see Feo's dirty deeds. How does he always know where Snofia is going to be? I think Snofia needs a low jack so people can keep track of her! :) Or maybe insert a microchip under her skin--oh wait, they don't have modern technology in Brigadoon.

Did Sarita actually yell at her Mother? I couldn't believe it.
Hope she keeps it up and teaches her sister to have some backbone too. The fun will really begin with the wedding. Can't wait.
MaraYucky, you are nasty. Oscar should get some shots after being with her.

I think we are going to have some kind of big "ah ha" moment at the wedding.

I can't remember when this happened but it has been within the past ten years. Two girls were picked up in Mexico City by a cop, they were like 15 and 19. The girls were held at the locale station and used by the officers for cooking, cleaning and sex. They finally escaped naked, and a female police officer saw them running down the street and picked them up.

When this all came out, people mobbed the station calling the girls whores and so on. I think the officers where eventually charged and like lost their jobs.

The side note to this was at that time, the what usually came out of rape charges was that the woman was given the option of did she want to marry the guy or not. That was it the judge would make the guy marry the girl. When I told my husband about this, he was like yeah, girls used that back on the ranch to make a guy marry them. I was like WTF? Like yes bad rapes happen in bad places like Mexico City or the USA, by crazy drug addict serial rapers, but down on the ranch it was just some young girl that thought better of it after she gave her self to Paco. Their idea is this, why would Maria be alone with Paco if she didn't want it?
This is a very male dominated society esp in the rural areas.

You can well imagine the words exchanged over this mindset.

Sofia has not snapped out of it. Let's see what idiotic decisions she makes. Where's Ruth? Will she be at the wedding?Will Sofia?

Nicolás, Thanks for a very funny recap. I'd say you have a rapier wit but that is too close to tonight's theme of rapus interruptus, so I will just add my appreciation for your cutting humor.
I too loved the boys taking up arms at the first sign of trouble. What a team of fine decision makers. There is no end of props to come out of that Pandora's trunk: Old deeds and wills wrapped in shiny new plastic report covers, shot guns too long to fit into the trunk, baby christening and boy Mariachi outfits looking new and pressed ready to put on the appropriate urchin. Mariachi should take a look, there might be some good bones for him to suck on...

Thanks Nick for showing us a very humorous side of this catastrophy. I agreed with just about everything you said except that the gay guy would be a better choice for Jimena than Oscar. I'd rather be with a one brain cell dimpled guy who had been sexually assaulted but who indeed loved me very much. The other guy has made it plain time after time that he has no interest in her (or any woman). With that I have to whole heartedly agree with Beckster, these sisters are a lot of work. They have a way of draining your energy. Margarita 03:01, I love your comments. As for Juan and Sofie's love for each other, it reminds me of an old song by Joe Simon called "The choking kind".

Beckster- I love your analogy for Sophie and man with steel plate. You're too right about the Franco getting beat up thing.

Cheryl- You're pandora box observation is hilarious!

Margarita- excellent details.

Nicolas: Loved your recap.

Let's see, Gramps is doing research on title to the property he supposedly owns, and the ranch-hand, Rosendo, who is many years younger than Gramps, just happens to remember the name of the family that owned it. So, we know Gramps is old, but, he's not senile. I guess this is just another time-lapse problem.

Why, oh, why, did Oscar tell Jimena that he had cheated? How did he think she would react? That dunce should have seen Padre Tad first.

The best of last night was Gabi giving Feo the money. He's now going to fleece her, she'll find out about it way too late, probably about the same time she finds out about all his other misdeeds. Looks like a couple of big anvils are waiting up in the sky for the right moment to fall on her head.

From lower Ala

Nicolas, Funny recap, nearly choked on my coffe. Someday I'll learn to put it down while I'm reading these recaps and comments. Wish I had the talent for snark like so many of you have.
Margarita, thanks for the knee-walking info. I imagine that it's very painful. One trip like that would finish my knees off for good.(ex-runner) One last comment:
Niurka - ¡Que asco! She reminded me last night of an old black cat I saw once stoned on catnip. Rosario seems like the girl-next-door comparatively. Thanks to all



Why didn't Oscar just claim it was his Bachelors Party? Stuff Happens

Beckster--I think Oscar would feel better if he showered and shaved, and maybe Franco could come in and chat and shower. Okay, I would feel better. I wonder if the blackhairmostlynakedfreak will have a change of heart and tell Jimena that she set Oscar up. Otherwise I'm not sure what gramps is doing setting up the confrontation (I think that was the preview). What a crazy show.

Hi, Nicolas, you are the snarkiest, enjoyed the recap!

I think that Sofia had walked through the area known to everyone else in town as the Rape Forest, where people go to get assaulted. Thus all the shouting of "sueltame" with people running and lights of large black pickup trucks shining through the trees. It's the regular activity there, so it needs no explanation about who else was being attacked--it's just background activity that's all... Notice, Sofia does have the dialogue for the area down -- "Sueltame, sueltameeeeee"

And since she didn't learn the first time around that walking in Rape Forest gets you attacked & raped, I'd have to agree with Beckster that she's like the guy with the steel plate in head golfing in the thunderstorm. ha ha ha!

I do agree with you that she looked like something crossed with a wild chimp in the don't touch me ever again scene with Juan. Snark snark snark!

Yup, Beckster is right -- those girls are too much work!


Not only should Oscar shower and shave, he should consider serious bleaching and mega-doses of antibiotics. That woman(?)looks like a walking STD to me. I hope if Jimena ever takes him back she insists on a clean bill of health first. They should run PSA's after these episodes touting the benefits of safe sex and use her as the example of what to avoid!


Just had a funny thought! What if Gabi came up pregnant from Feo!
She and Sofia could share a room at the maternity hospital,
I'm just saying....

JT, it may be to late for Jimena, she already rolled around on the floor with her!

Can I just vent? This has no spoilers, so please don’t erase! I am just so sick and tired of Adela Noriega and her repeat characters! What is up with that? I might as well be watching El Manantial. Same hair-do, same clothes, same “poor, virginal me” role, same “someone raped me” storyline, same “walking in the woods at night so I can be attacked” storyline. It’s getting old, and she’s getting old too. Can she choose any meaty roles with substance, or is this a planned move for her always? About the only thing I enjoy about this novella is Feonando, the grandpa, and Quintina is a breath of fresh air that makes me laugh with her Spanglish! I’m even starting to miss Bombon Asesino’s choreographed scenes! Is anyone on the same page with me? How about Adela choosing better roles, or does she want to stay in these “young” roles forever? Well….she doesn’t have but a few year left before she will HAVE TO start playing older roles. Edith Gonzalez is a few years older and looks better than her….and modern….not quaint, antiquated, and I’m sick and tired of the “Little house on the prairie” look. I could go on and on…..but I’ll stop for now…And I’m not complaining…It’s a good TV hour for me to fry some brain cells while I cook or eat dinner….And Caray Caray website is the best! Cracks me up! I love all the viewer comments!

I still haven't had time to read the recap yet and I missed most of the second half last night because... I'm not sure what happened, I think the local station got knocked off the air for a little while.

Thanks for the info about PDG, Margarita - I looked at some photos online and it seems that their Gabi looks a lot like ours. But the people who play the brothers and sisters look much younger (i.e. more age-appropriate) than the ones in Fuego.

I think the people in the Rape Forest actually did see Feo and chased him - that's why he ran for the truck so fast. But it's a little strange that none of them bothered to check up on Sofia afterwards... at least they didn't threaten to pelt her with rocks.

OMG - a pregnant Crabi. Of course, she'd claim it was an Immaculate Conception!

From lower Ala

I will vote with PanQue. I also think that the other noises in the Rape Forest were simply other attacks going on and Feo just happened to hear and feel guilty or felt like he didn't have enough time to finish his crime or he is the worlds biggest chickensh**. The others were busy tending to their own attacks so they didn't have time to come look after the chloroformed Sofia. It's a wonder that Capricio didn't step over more rape scenes on his way through the dark forest.

Hi Julie, well I kinda think the people in the Rape Forest were having their own deal going on, and they were just getting a little too close to Feo for comfort, so he took off before they could get a good look at him or his truck. I don't think anybody even realized Sofia was even there. (Just another event in another quadrant of Rape Forest...ho hum)

The thing that gets me about Feo's style of rape -- he gets all undressed!! How better to make your escape more difficult!

And really LOL about the idea of an immaculate conception for Crabi! Am waiting for her total understanding of everything to hit like lightning bolts from the sky!

Lola, ewwwwwwww. That would be funny though! :) We should add Rape Forest to our list of names. Also the name for the town that someone said yesterday. I can't remember what it was.

Hi, Cheryl NM, did you notice how Capricho was wending through Rape Forest, first left then right in a winding way? Maybe he was carefully walking around all the other chloroformed babes in the woods until he & Juan found the correct one...


Brenda...Oh how I agree, Edith Gonzalez can bring the psycho bitch...Hee Hee she gave me great recapping joy in Mundo, Laura Flores played a spineless pink eyed wife in that one, but she brought the skank cougar to Destilando & now she is a snarky drunk in Gaupos. Yes, indeed I feel that way about Adele, but what the hell as much as I snarked on recapping EY in Destilando, he is irritating too. He permanently looks like the wide eyed 17 year old who just realised what that thing in his pants is for, (only to be used when you are truly, deeply, forever and always in love)
Jeez I wish I could type this purple glitter.

Also about Rape Forest..this must be like the bad teen horror flicks..Lusty teens parked on the dark road about to do the immortal deed and the slasher cuts through the convertiable top....

Also can someone tell me how come Gramps doesn't know who owned the property before the Uribes owned it? I find this a bit hard to believe. I mean hasn't this land been in the family since Gramps helped Pancho with the land reforms and got a crappy little pesano piece of land that he somehow magnified to the fine hacienda that it now is? I'm thinking he allowed them to bury nuclear waste.

Beckster you have a good point. I was just thinking that if Fernando killed Juan's parents when he was very young, then Feo must be quite a bit older than Juan. However, they appear to be around the same age. Nuclear waste, perhaps?

I've been wondering if Rape Forest is someplace near where Pablito used to live in the flypaper shack with his abuelita, and near where Luisito and the nasty drunk Petra lived in the wooden shed. It kinda looks like it might be wonder Pablito needed a dog to walk with him wherever he went!

Beckster -- love your great mind!, ahem, we do think alike -- I also have been wondering how come Don Agustin doesn't know about the added lands and the previous owners of Uribe Hacienda. Is it because he spent a lot of time in a drunken stupor? Seems he mentioned something about always having been out drinking irresponsibly and fooling with the ladies and now regrets all that since he can't apologize to car-crashed dead wife. That's my theory.


brenda - ITA about Adela and that's why I asked if she's been anything than a spineless ninny in telenovelas. According to margarita's post, it's been 20 years (that's ...veinte anos!... LOL for you LaMadrastra survivors) since she played a character that had a spine & brain. These roles appear to me to reinforce a anti-skank, anti-villainess, anti-inteligente image she wants to project as an actress. AN's probably holding out until she actually looks old enough to play someone's mother. Please, not a ditsy flake of a mother. Or, wait, perhaps she could be Raquel in the next remake of this 'novela.

WHO TOOK THE LAND? Could it be Fam. Uribe who did whacked Fam Robles-Reyes & took their land? Wouldn't that be a twist... with Heckel & Jeckyl married to the Uribe nephews, too. Maybe I'm confused on who actually owns it now...... *or* perhaps it was Feo's own parents (remember the snake belt buckle!) who did it. Sea lo que sea, I've asked before why Grandpa Augustin doesn't remember unless he was off fighting in a war of something. PTSD could account for his drinking in the past, and his crazy outfits.


Thanks so much for the recap Nicholas. I love how the group generates these names...Rape Forest (I'm still laughing).

Also thanks Margarita for the info on PdG. I did notice based on the pictures that the Fernando in PdG is handsome which must make his evilness all the more fun.

Doris & PanQue....Rosendo remembers the land belonging to the Robles as he grew up there as a child but perhaps Gramps has not owned the Hacienda Augustin as long as we think. Otherwise, since Gramps is older, wouldn't Gramps have some recollection of the wealthy Robles family? Hopefully, this will be cleared up soon, as it certainly doesn't make a lot of sense but then this is FELS.

Also loved the way the camera lingered on the checkbook for Crabi's own fortune and Feo's happy reaction to its appearance. Now Feo knows where it's located and may be tempted to filch/forge a check.

A friend of mine had her apartment broken into and someone stole just one check from the back of her checkbook and she never knew it was missing until someone cashed it.

G in CA

Feo's parents could have killed the Robles family for the land. Remember Feo used to be wealthy but something happend to his family.

Do we know what happened to the Uribe parents? (I think they told us... I just don't remember.) Was it an accident?

Or do they just THINK it was an accident, bwahahaha?

We still haven't met their uncle yet, either. If he's a giant snake on legs I think that will answer a lot of questions.

Is Feo'S tattoo fake? First of all it is not a very good one and second of all most guys don't get tattoos on their lower back. Is he a member of the Fraternity of the Snake or Rattlesnakes-R-Us, or some super secret group of assassins? If he's an assassin he needs to go back to assassin school because he can't seem to get the job done.

G in CA -- I think the dialogue between Don Agustin & Rosendo said that Rosendo came to Hac. San Agustin as a little boy, and Don Bernardo took him around all over with him so that he (Rosendo) learned all about the lands of Hac. S.A. -- "like the palm of his hand."

So, if Rosendo was a little boy & Don Bernardo were already married to Crabi, then we still have the same question -- How come Don Agustin doesn't remember the other family with the FR initials carved into the trees? Rosendo remembers the Robles family, but Don Agustin doesn't. Either Don Agustin was away someplace for a long time, or he had one heck of a long drunk spell...or it's a Telenovela explanation still to come! hee hee, should be interesting.

(Do you think the Televisa folks realize we are out here trying to put 2 n 2 together with their silly details?)

Julie -- I think the Tweedles mentioned that their parents were killed under unusual circumstances, they didn't say how/why.

But the uncle as a big giant snake on legs, ho ho ho that's a good one! Would he perchance be related to Feo too?


Maybe the uncle is in the same assassin fraternity as Feo! :0

PanQue...thanks for the info as I had to purchase a new TV and for some reason, probably mine, there is no C C and I really need it to keep up with the dialogue, especially Oscar, with his mouth full of marbles rapid fire pace.

So thank you to the recappers and commenters for filling in all the fun info I'd be missing otherwise.

G in CA

Howdy =)

Julie, Kristina Lilley (Gabi in PdG) was born in 1963 and Diana Bracho was born in 1944 (ok, that's what IMDB says, so they could be smoking crack) which would make them a little shy of 20 years apart. Someone posted the info on the ages as per Aguas Mansas, and the girls (and the guys) were supposed to be in their 20s, which would put Gabi somewhere in her 50s (somewhere between the ages of the last two actresses in the role). Libia was supposed to be turning 17 or 18 (Juan was making her cake).

There is no way in heck that grandpa Augie fought with Pancho Villa. The Mexican Revolution was in 1910!!! He just likes telling tall tales. Another one he's told was about hanging out in Elba with Napoleon during his exile. He probably was in the military and probably fought in some wars (and his drinking could be related to PTSD and maybe that's why his wife put up with it). No idea of why he doesn't remember how he acquired the Reyes lands. Do we know when his wife died? Maybe he was in mourning and drinking and crying too much to care what was going on around him.

Do we know that the Uribe boys are orphans? In PdG dad was dead but mom just liked to travel and saw no need to stick around to watch over her grown sons (yes Gabi, I'm talking to you! LOL). Of course they might be dead in this one and I just missed that part.

I saw the YouTube clip and got the impression nobody actually saw Feo & Sofi in the rape forest, but were just yelling amongst themselves.

I keep meaning to mention this about Pablito's dog, "Mariachi." He calls him that because he is "musica." It literally means music, but is also a colloquialism for coward. Apparently he's not much protection when walking down the rape forest.

PanQue, our comments must have crossed, so now I know the Uribe boys are indeed parentless. Maybe they were indeed killed by the same folks who killed the Robles-Reyes (maybe they wanted to pick up all the lands in the region or something). Timeline-wise, maybe it was Feo's dad and that's why "El Jefe" hasn't had him killed yet. You know, maybe he and Feo's dad used to go off raping and pillaging together or something.

Quick note on Edith Gonzales. She is about to start another TN on Telemundo on this time slot. It is called Doña Barbara (based on a novel of the same name and has had two previous movies made) and is about a strong, somewhat mature (as in maybe in her 40s at most) woman that is one of the most powerful people in a swampy region and eats men for breakfast (figuratively off course). I am in no way encouraging defection from this one, but that's the beauty of DVRs. They haven't announced the start date yet. We don't usually recap Telemundo on Caray, Caray! because you can get English captions on CC3.

Yes, the senior Uribes are dead. (Not sure how long.) I think Octavio discussed it with Jimena early during their "courtship" - I just couldn't remember if he said how or when it happened.

All they've got are their aunt and their yet-unseen uncle.

Plus their mysterious cousin Ruth, who's supposedly around, yet hasn't made an appearance. And whose name makes Gabi fidgety and nervous. :)

I don't know what to make of Rosendo knowing more about the place's history than Gramps, unless Rosendo was there with the previous owner, and Gramps acquired it later - shortly after the Robles were run off, but before the daughters were old enough to have those blurry memories of their father.

I had assumed that the place had been in the family for several generations, but I guess that doesn't have to be true.

I love Edith Gonzales! I'm sure she'll make a fine Swamp Thingess. Alas, I don't get Telemundo.

Someone posted the youtube link for Cap. 60.5 yesterday. I think it was the longer version of the Jimena/Maracuya fight. The URL's still good, but the video is gone. :( Can someone tell me what was in there that we didn't get to see on our beloved scene-censoring Univision?

Hi, Julie -- do you have one of those tivo tvs? I just have regular, with no subtitles or anything & my tv won't record this channel for some crazy reason -- thus I just listen along to the show -- so please check if you do have a fancier tv than mine & can go back to see what exactly Rosendo said =--
however, I think that he said that he came to the hacienda as a little boy and hung around with Don Bernardo all the time.

As PIs for this story, we know that Don B was at Hacienda only after he married Crabi. We know that Don Agustin owns at least part of the hacienda (did they say 20% at one time?), and Crabi and Don Bernardo owned part.

What we don't know is how everyone acquired what they own and how come nobody remembers the FR Robles family, especially Don Agustin doesn't remember.
We also don't know how long the Uribes have lived next door -- Rosendo implied in his talk with Don Agustin that prior to the Uribes there was the FR Robles family.
Yikes sounds like a math problem...
Pls check if possible...

Thanks Nicolas, great recap. Thanks to all the commenters too, what a team.

"Rosendo implied in his talk with Don Agustin that prior to the Uribes there was the FR Robles family.

That's why I think we need to keep the Uribes in the running for who killed the Bros. Reyes parents and stole the land. Also might be why we haven't seen papa U. yet.


Beckster--I love your idea of Oscar claiming the whole PassionFruit-InnerSanctum thing was just a harmless bachelor party!
Brenda--I too am starting to miss Rosario and her heartbreaking rendition of "Bonbon Assassin". She is starting to look like one of the few normal characters to come out of our nutty little magical village.
Anybody notice that there are only a handful of normal (i.e: not nuts) characters on this show?
The nuns, Hortensia and her son, Benito and Bruno. Hmmm, who else? Not the Good Doctor, he's disqualified because he refuses to take payment for treating people.

Maybe the invisible Mr. Uribe is the jeje whom Ferd owes money to and perhaps he is also the the bad dude who stole the Robles-Reyes property back in the day. And, what about the equally invisible Ruth???? Why did Raquel mention her if we're not going to meet her and why did Crabi get that funny [that is...funnier than usual] look on her face at the mention of her name ?? Maybe Raquel adopted her, and Ruth is ACTUALLY...... Eva's daughter !!!

To read the FCC's rules on closed captioning try this site: FCC Site
I hope this works, I am a new html coder.

In other words, unless you bought a TV that was used and really old, the closed captioning ability has to be built into the set. Schoolmarm may be able to shed more light on this she works with folks who need these services.

Nicolas, thanks for your knife-edged recap.
Brenda, I have to agree with you about Adela's annoying long-term lease on the wide-eyed innocent characters. I'm wondering how she keeps that long, flowing hair smooth and tangle-free each day.
I also like Quintina, Hortensia, and Hortensia's sweet son(s?).
There were some very funny comments in this batch--gracias a todos.
La Paloma

I don't have a tivo, I have a DVD-RAM recorder but it can't record a station that's been knocked off the air due to a lightning storm. So I have no way to review that scene. I never got to see it in the first place.

That's why I was just guessing that maybe Rosendo was there as a kid (with his dad as the rancher guy) and Gramps bought the place later.

It's still possible that Rosendo was just a baby when Gramps bought the place. He still could have hung out with Bernardo as a kid. And he would have known about the Robles if his father had spoken about them.

Again, though, just a guess since I didn't see it.

I keep thinking the Uribes were involved in the Robles murder, but then I wonder - killing people and moving into their house, isn't that like robbing a bank and then telling them to deposit the money into your account?

If Rosendo knew of the Robles, I guess doesn't he recognize Juan Reyes as possibly a Robles/Reyes and perhaps doesn't know of the boys past including their family being killed and the boys run off as poor little orphans. You'd think that would be town gossip. And I think Rosendo is older than the 20 something (hah,hah) Reyes boys. My head is aching.

G in CA

If Rosendo knew of the Robles, I guess doesn't he recognize Juan Reyes as possibly a Robles/Reyes and perhaps doesn't know of the boys past including their family being killed and the boys run off as poor little orphans. You'd think that would be town gossip. And I think Rosendo is older than the 20 something (hah,hah) Reyes boys. My head is aching.

G in CA

Oops, sorry posted twice.

G in Ca

Hey, I just had a thought and I really do not know from watching ahead, it's just a theory: Tio Uribe is off traveling a lot and has lots of money. Could he possibly be BIG BOSS? If so, or if there is some link, we may find out more about Tio Uribe, the Tweedles' dead parents, the Reyes' dead parents and perhaps even Feo's dead parents. Somebody has been doing a lot of killing and land deed swapping around these parts...

Creemelo, you may be onto something when you say that Rosario is one of the normal people... I think only the normal people are allowed to leave town and go into the big world. (Just picture Juan walking around a mall in his hat and spurs. I dare you.)

I'm still tickled that The Boss, of all people, got Rosario out of Serdan. He's like her hero now. No one else could have gotten her out of that nasty nightclub! He's like the greatest Boss ever!

I have definitely been wondering about Uncle Uribe.

Maybe it'll turn out that we won't ever find out who The Boss is... maybe it won't be a plot point... but I think it'd be way more fun if it was someone we knew.

Julie, are you implying that there is a Swamp Thing telenovela? How could I have missed that one?

Show of hands: Who has actually seen Swamp Thing? Without a doubt, better plot, dialog, and special effects than Fuego.

I'm one of those DVR folks who can get two things at the same time. I'm looking forward to Doña Barbara because we will also be reading the original novel by Romolu Gallegos in my Spanish class when it starts up again the first week in September. Will be interesting to see how close they are to the book.

I've never seen Edith Gonzalez in anything, but in the promos on Telemundo she looks like one tough broad!

Paula, read Margarita's 5:10 comment...

So Rosario is working for the "mob" (i.e., the Boss)? That's why Feo had to let her go on tour?
Mr. CleanJeans Bobby, her singing partner on the tour, doesn't look like the type to be mixed up with the Boss...although he doesn't seem to have any facial expressions, so it's hard to tell what he's thinking.

I don't think Roseario even knew why she was on tour. She probably thought it was Feo's idea.

Bobby probably wouldn't know much about the people who put up the money for his tour, either.

Organized criminals get involved with "legitimate businesses" to launder their money. If it's done discreetly, the employees never suspect anything. (My sister briefly worked in a restaurant that was run by the less discreet sort.)

Cheryl, that's a good website reference for Closed Captions (aka subtitles, but the technology is different). All televisions built for sale in the US after July 1, 1993 have the built-in caption display capability by law. The captions can be turned on with the remote most of the time, and with some television models, on the front of the set itself. The captions may just say "CC" on the remote, or may be buried in the menu of the remote under "language" or "set up" or some other category. CC1 is the main default, and as Margarita points out, in some markets, CC3 is available from your cable broadcaster (a different playback technology equipment piece that many cable companies don't have yet but will before too long) you can get English captions.

The captions are "Closed" until you turn them on. Subtitles work a little differently, but nowadays they are also closed until you turn them on in the menu of the DVD. They are burned in where Closed Captions are laid into the master digitally.


Thank you Cheryl and Jeanne. I will continue to try to figure out my new HD TV which I purchased for the analog to HD conversion in Feb. 08. For some reason, no CC's and a wide screen on Univision but I have CC's on Telemundo and a regular sized screen. Juan looks more gimormous than ever on this new TV (a real linebacker.) Gracias for the info.

G in CA

Conversion is in '09 not '08. I also found out, unfortunately, that the coupons for digital conversion to HD expire after 3 months, so my coupon for a converter expired before I went to buy one. This is just in case anyone has an TV antenna for reception on an analog TV.

G in CA

G in CA, you may have an additional dilemma with closed captions that I've read about in some of the websites I read where my deaf colleagues post about the HDTV issues with CC. In some cases you both have to turn them on in the television and on a cable box or system--I discovered that with my new digital televisions I had to turn on in two places, the DVR boxes and the television sets themselves - both. Keep playing with it, you'll stumble across the combination. It's a humbug at first, though.

Jeanne (closed caption addict since 1980)

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