Thursday, July 24, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 7/23/08 Guapos really goes to the Diablo tonight

It's just not appropriate to use a funny title for this episode.

Rehash: Mili asks Hugo to come to bed. He gets a gleam in his eye, and she sets him straight--no not what you think, honey . . . He throws his painting aside.

Karla is seen with Fernando.

Mili sees Al on the stairs. She tells him he was right about their bad marriages. She tells him she trusts him.

Lobo is relishing the dessert Marisela prepared. Mari goes to the bathroom, leaving Mat and Lobo alone. Lobo tells how he got rid of Domingo so Mat could have smooth sailing; Mat has his loyalty, so he shouldn't abuse it. Mari comes back, and Lobo prepares to leave, offering congratulations on their upcoming marriage.

The big meeting is assembled. Luci bears her newly returned shares. Damian looks at them incredulously, as he is expecting invisible ink, but no such luck for him. Mili reveals the shocking news that she has fired Mat and Al is her new rep.

When everyone leaves, Connie tells Luci that her game was well played--now they should go home and do it under the table.

Hugo and Mili have another argument, which I could not get all the details.

Soco, Lina, and Gloria joke in the kitchen about how hard they work. There's no servants' day--er, domestic workers, if you please--the way they have secretaries' day and bosses' day. They imagine what fun they'd have if the bosses and servants traded places. Karla comes in, and I'm not sure, but it seems like they play a trick on her and tell her that the next day is official servants' day. No time for jokes, as Karla is off to rehearse her wedding at the church--the wedding is the next day.

Over at the church, we see Padre M, Damian, Connie, and Karla. Connie makes a few remarks that raise Padre M's eyebrows. Karla simply exults in her good fortune that is finally just within her grasp. Finally, as Karla and Damian leave, Connie says, poor idiot, if he only knew what she was doing. I don't get this, but I guess Connie somehow learned about Fernando, but he doesn't know that Damian was paying Fernando off himself.

Hugo tells Flo about Mili made Al her rep.

Peralta is meeting with Connie in his office and warning Connie not to let his wife get drunk at some upcoming political event--we can't have a repeat of what happened at the wedding. Connie waxes pompously about his new position as party president. As if that wasn't enough hot air, Peralta passes gas.

Luci is trying on a very tight blue dress for the affair while Braulio praises her effusively. Just in time to burst her bubble comes Andrea, who says Luci shouldn't get too comfy in the wifey role. Luci says that everything's perfect in her marriage. Oh, yeah? Andrea grabs the dress and rips it. Braulio accuses her of ruining a work of art.

Socorro gets Gloria alone in the kitchen and questions her some more about the likely pregnancy. Gloria swears nothing happened and nothing is wrong and tells Socorro to butt out. Gloria protests too much, methinks.

Al comes in to see Flor, who is angry about his helping Mili. He asks who told her--his shrew of a mother or his jerk of a cousin? They fight some more, and he defends Mili, who at least trusts him and think he is honest and capable--unlike his own wife.
What's more, don't bother asking me to manage your business, he says. It's too late--I want a divorce!

Flo begs him not to leave her. He says he doesn't have to be married to take care of the child. Connie comes in, and Flo turns to him for hehlp. He begs him to tell Al not to leave her. Connie drags Al into the back office for a tune-up.

Mat and Fern are getting on their motorcycles with a few last jokes about Karla. Fern drives away, and a huge black SUV drives up with Lobo. Mat gets in the back seat looking rather tentative. It must be he knows that he should not have raided the Acorralada wardrobe closet again for that blinding orange sweater.

Damian comes in to see Hugo, who is paining. Is that Leonor? he asks. Hugo says something about the terrible pain of children who lose their mothers. Damian reminds him that he's getting married tomorrow--to Karla. Hugo says she is ligera de cascos, or flighty. (she's more than that--remember when she was sleeping with amnesiac Hugo? Maybe he doesn't remember . . .)

Damian doesn't understand why Hugo is letting Al take over. Well, what does he expect him to do about it? Damian himself was fool enough to lose Hugo's shares.

Al and Connie are now having a big shouting match in the library about the usual. What kind of father are you going to be, Connie asks. The same as you! Take that. Al warns Connie not to provoke him further. But Connie says he has Mili's best interests at heart.

Back to Lobo and Mat. Lobo hands Mat an envelope that looks like the one Connie handed the mysterious black-coated figure a couple of weeks ago. Probably not the same, though. Mat asks if this is what he thinks it is. Lobo warns him not to ask dumb questions.

Now for the money scene: We see Mili sulking on her bed when Florencia comes in. I hate you, she says to Mili. You did it. You took my husband. Flo brandishes a knife, but she is not there to stab Mili. No, she slowly slits her own wrists and falls to the ground as Mili, and we, look on in horror. Mili shouts for help, and Val comes in, followed quickly by Luci, who immediately accuses Mili of killing Flor. Val defends Mili, and Luci yells at Val. Andrea suddenly appears and tells Luci to stop yelling at her daughter. Val defends Andrea. Luci tells her to stop defending the slut who goes with her father. Mili says stop, somebody call a doctor! I really couldn't believe how long they let this colloquy go on without calling a doctor. I know there's a telenovela rule about dragging these scenes out, but this stretched even the usual rule. Braulio comes in and faints at the sight of the blood.

Mat and Lobo are still negotiating, although Mat is now in the front seat? Lobo wants Mat to go over to the Belmonte castle with Mari on the pretense of seeing Flor. He will leave the evidence there and let him know when it's ready. Then they will go to the next step. Mat looks pretty scared now, as he knows that he is in over his head. Lobo says the police know the plane crash was sabotage, so they must take care to avoid having the evidence point to them and have it point at Connie. Mat says that he had thought it would be great if Connie was guilty of the plane crash, because he would have him out of the way and not have to worry about the money Connie gave him to help. But this seems like too much. He thought it was an accident.

Lobo warns him again. Everything is arranged, and Mat better do his part. He tells Mat to leave the car.

Al is still arguing with Connie and now accuses him of killing Domingo. Connie is enraged and holds Al's tie like a noose. Just then, Nestor comes in out of nowhere and tells him to let go--of his son. Al is relieved but rejects Nestor's help, as he still doesn't accept him as father.

Mili and Hugo are now rehashing the Flor story. She's going to be okay, but Mili had a bad experience, seeing Flor cut herself right in front of her eyes. What made her do it? Hugo reminds her that he told Flor about the shares. They don't know that Al asked for a divorce, I think. Hugo then seems to be telling Mili not to go with Al, because she setting up Flor's child for a repeat of Mili's own story: a mother who dies in pain and leaves an orphan.

The doctor tells Al that Flor will be okay, but he has to keep watch on her. I'm amazed they're treating her at home, but I guess they don't want her to be in the hospital with a suicide history.
Al approaches a sleeping Flo and asks why she did it and begs her forgiveness.

Cut to comic relief, of all things. Karla is sitting on Damian's back, sort of giving him a massage and complaining about Flor. Couldn't she have waited waited till after Karla's wedding to slit her wrists? The nerve! Damian says she shouldn't worry--nothing will darken her big day. Karla asks if he is having a bachelor party, and he is not, as I understand. He wants her to have a bachelorette party, but she only wants to be with her chicken pimp. He ushers her out on the pretense of fending off seven years' bad luck.

Down in the hallway, Flo's doctor is violating HIPAA by telling Connie, Luci, Andrea, and Nestor all about Flo's condition. Marisela and Mat come in, and she wants to see her sister immediately. Mat looks like he would be pulling his collar if he weren't still wearing that orange sweater. Connie asks if he's all right.

Upstairs, Al exits Flo's room to find Mili in the hall. She asks him how Flor is--she was worried. It was all her fault and she's sorry. They hug, and Mari comes up just in time to catch them. You are the worst, Mari tells Al, warning him to watch out. Cut

Tomorrow: Al tells Mili of his suspicions regarding the plane crash. We still don't know who slashed the painting.


Yikes, Flor. Dr. Tacklebox seriously should have sent her to the psych ward. Why is it that no one on telenovelas ever knows basic first aid? They are always moving people who may have spinal injuries, or, you know, standing around rehashing their same old arguments rather than elevating the bleeding limbs and applying pressure.

Constancio knows Karla is steppin' out because he was on the balcony in the study when she used the phone in there for her booty call. She didn't see him.

What was so great about Luci's blue dress? Has Braulio gone blind or did wardrobe just really fall down on the job? It didn't remotely fit; it was bunchy and puckery in the back and so tight I could pretty much see every seam in her underthings even though I was leaning back in my chair and not wearing my glasses.

So now we know that Connie had nothing to do with Domingo's death that it was all Lobo. Of course Connie will go off to jail until someone finds out the truth. Mat the Rat looks like he is WAY over his head with the sharks he is playing with.

Oh Puleeze! The switchblade carrying MP makes a single not very deep cut across her wrist and faints dead away. They would treat her at home because in reality very few people die with that kind of a cut. She probably didn't even have any stitches .If she really wanted something more than attention she would have to cut going up her arm. In any event it just adds a load of guilt onto Mili who is already carrying way more than she should.

No Mili and Hugo don't know about the divorce request and as far as they know there is nothing that should have set Flo off. Al was very right when he said at least Mili trusts him which is more than his wife does. She did after all say that Mat was going to handle her affairs so what did she expect.

I'm still convinced that Gloria is not pregnant but can't help wondering how Karla whose number of bedmates is approaching Andrea levels seem to be skating away scot free. Oh and Connie knows that Karla is shagging someone other than Damian because he overheard her on the phone, and I think he knows it is Frat Boy, but he doesn't know that Damian paid the slimy gigolo.

From those previews for tonight it looks like Connie and Luci are going to get caught. That should provide some fireworks and perhaps Nestor will get out while the getting is good. He might remember Padre Manuel warning him Luci wasn't who he thought she was and catching her doing it with her husband might just prove it. Does that sound odd, catching your mistress with her husband? LOL

NinaK: Well, now we know that Connie didn't do the bad deed to Domingo. Once again, we were lead astray. It also looks like Mateo is going to do the mob's dirty work and help, what's his name Mafia Don #2, steal Marisela's and Flor's inheritance. I wonder how they'll look in maid's uniforms?

From lower Ala

Holy cannoli, I can't believe I guessed something sort of right last week or whenever when I said someone else had Domingo killed to frame Constancio. Except it wasn't Puppetmaster, it was new guy, Gustavo.

I really cannot figure out what Gustavo's scheme is, though. Why does he want Mateo married to Marisela? If he just wants access to the girls' money it seems like he could have just stepped in and offered to manage it for them, since he seems to be someone they like and trust. Why is he framing Constancio? Is he just creating mayhem so no one will notice what he's doing, or does he have some reason to hate Constancio?

Thanks for the recap NinaK. I'm beginning to wonder about these fart jokes. That's twice now Peralta has cut wind with Constancio. Seems like 7th grade boy humor to me. Is there a big market share of 12-yeasr-old boys watching this?

Great recap, NinaK!

Don’t they have something like 911 in Mexico? I can’t imagine that someone is lying on the floor bleeding and they don’t call an ambulance at least. I mean a doctor with a little black bag is not properly equipped to treat a patient who might be bleeding to death. Also, doctors don’t have sirens on their cars, so they have to fight traffic like everyone else.

Still, it would be cool to have a doctor who makes house calls!

JudyB –

I know grown men who think fart jokes are hilarious. It is one of life’s major mysteries to me what they find funny about them.

Hmmmmm, Maggie...does this mean many grown men are really 12-year-old boys in disguise? We could be onto something!

Oh, by the bye, "ligera de cascos" when it was used in some other novelas meant "loose morals" so it could indeed apply to Karla.

The dictionary doesn't define it that way but the way it was used in 2 previous novelas (Juan was one I believe and the other was Duelo de Pasiones) that's what it meant. "Flaky" would be the far kinder gentler version I think.
You are being very compassionate Nina...but actually I'm beginning to feel sorry for the little skank myself...she's going to be awfully humilliated come Sunday and I don't much like that...even for a mean-spirited b!tch like her.

Don't forget that among the unwriten rules in Novelaland are these two: If a person is shot, stabbed or seriously wounded everyone stands around dithering until finally someone says call the police. Oh and an innocent person must ALWAYS pick up the weapon of choice thereby ensuing time in the carcel.

Rule number 2 If someone has a heart attack, tries to kill themselves or goes into labor the rest of the family stands around dithering and wringing their hands and oh if necessary gets into a slagging match accusing each other of causing the problem until someone thinks oops call a medico. Interestingly enough there are never phones in the rooms where the problem occurs and the same people who live on their cell phones don't have them handy in an emergency.

I think the fart jokes are more of a political dig. The two times it happened was when they are all saying the name of the political party, PUM (or something). PUM, PUM, and PUGH.

Did I miss el Lobo’s first appearance? He seemed to come out of nowhere and have some deal with Mat the Rat. Mat definitely is out of his league and also promised Connie he wouldn’t stab him in the back. (Not that I would take much stock in any of Mat’s promises). I think that is also why Alejandro never really wanted to be in charge of the MP money. He knew that it would involve getting his hands dirty with the mob.

As for Flor’s cry for help, please. She should have consulted with Andrea to at least implicate Mili for an episode to two. Or a fake shove down the stairs of doom.


It makes me really sad to see Hugo sliding downhill like this. I loved that this once totally sketchy/slightly evil character had pretty much redeemed himself and become one of the good guys (and way hotter besides). I hope he doesn't totally crash and burn. It just wouldn't be satisfying like seeing Luciana and Andrea's horrific downfalls, which really could start coming any time now; it would be okay with me to watch them suffer for a long time.

I'm sorry to see Hugo sliding down again too, but it's not in character really. The writers made us believe in his redemption, so this is just a weird curveball.

As for Flor, she really could have done something else, so this wrist slitting is probably meant to show she's really nuts. It's kind of unfortunate. Maybe she will have a sad end in a psychiatric ward.

Also, Jewels, amen on Flor's pathetic suicide attempt. I once slit my wrist in a similar fashion (accidentally! I fell practicing a jump figure skating and cut my wrist on my skate blade) and, while it was gross and good for shocking friends with the wound, it was in no way life threatening. Either she fainted just from the sight of her own blood, or she faked it for drama.

I don't think we can trivialize or minimize Flor's wrist cutting based on the way these novela producers staged it. In real life, yes, it might be a superficial cut and not life threatening, but I don't think we are meant to see it that way in this show.

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