Thursday, July 10, 2008

Querida Enemiga Thursday July 10, '08 When Bad Things Happen to Good People...Over and Over and Over

Okay folks, it's another night of Misery and Misunderstanding....and a little bit of Mayhem (when Julian gives Bruno a well-deserved a..-kicking). No smokin' love scenes, one glimpse of Bruno's bare chest (but we don't like him, so who cares?) and thus the beat-down was the highlight of the night. What does that tell you about this show?

Brief rehash of greasy Chalo trying to insinuate himself into casa Maruja but Maruja is having none of it and dispatches him to a boarding house. He insists on finding one nearby so he can be near to his new best buddy Lorena.

Back at Evil Acres, Hortensia is vilifying Matilde, while Sara smirks in the background. Matilde defends can search my room. Hortensia isn't buying could have passed it on to someone. But Señora, you've known me for years, I raised Vasco...and if he were here, he'd defend me! What evil have I done that you would doubt me? And...Sara is the only new person here, Matilde adds.

Hortensia jumps to Sara's defense and threatens Matilde with jail for the rest of her life (possibly this could be better than her present employment...who knows?)

Now we switch to another unpleasant scene. Dr. Doofus is all prickly with Lorena because when he arrived the greaser from home was still hanging around the place. Lorena weakly defends him as being from her home town and just wanting to better himself like she does. The relationship is clearly in chill mode.

Maruja is in Rosy's room, reminiscing about her daughter and happy at least that "she's in a mansion and eating well". This scene rang true for me. I have to admit I still go into my children's rooms from time to time and reminisce about them. (of course one is STILL at home)

Now an icky mom/child scene. It's bleached blonde Harlot Mom with Ickturo gushing about his plush new offices in a swank zone of the city. Turns out Arturo secretly dipped into his joint account with Valeria to help pay the hefty rent but Harlot Mom even approves that...her baby boy is just doing what he needs to make a good living for his family.

Rosy's talking to Lorena on the phone, confiding that Julian still hasn't forgiven her when Maruja arrives. She quickly hangs up and pretends to be talking to the imaginary woman who's housing her and promises to call her "mom" 'cause she's SO NICE. (take that Maruja!)

Sara busts in on Dr. Doofus, claiming she just stopped by to drop off the check from Noche de Estrellas. He tells her he's very busy....and she sits down. Hmmm. So he asks about Chalo and she spins her web that she doesn't like him but Lorena has always been VERY close to just have to "understand". What a wench!

In the meantime our little lamb-to-the-slaughter is cooking up a week's worth of meals for Alonso and papa Torbio. Dr. Dad is teasing her that it's not enough food and that she needs to come over more often. And he needs to get out more. But not sitting in the park like some old geezer!

Doc Doofus is rescued by Bruno who sends him off to Admissions while he hits on Sara and invites her out to lunch. On their way out they run into Diana ,who has come on the pretext of asking Bruno to confront her parents like a man and tell them himself that he'll recognize the child and help support it.

You couldn't have come at a worse moment! he snarls and goes on to say he didn't want to marry her because he didn't want marriage's nothing to do with the new babe he's dating.

In the midst of this scene we have a quickie with Hortensia and Jaime where he weakly defends Matilde and she crushes him with another put-down.

At the restaurant Bruno is trying all his charms on Sara who plays along. He promises to take her to a five-star restaurant next time (cinco tenedores..literally 5 forks). She plays it cool while he gushes that he's having a great time. Of course she wants to know all about she his "ex"? And gets all righteous and indignant when she finds out Diana got pregnant to "trap him into marriage"...then a little noble "but I feel sorry for the baby"...and then the kiss-off. Bruno is intrigued.

Uh oh, Ferro...some crying...whew...not too much though. It's Diana, back at the office, and she's upset about the confrontation with Bruno. Vasco consoles her, reminding her that one doesn't get over love (even for a bottom-feeder like Bruno) in a day....but eventually she'll find a man who will make her happy.

Zulema is happily opening the boxes with her new cooking gear, musing that they'll need to make more money now that a baby is on the way, and Julian asks for Bruno's place of work so he can go beat on him.

Zulema tries to dissuade him but to no avail. Go Julian!

We have a series of scenes where Sara is trying to get into Jacqui's computer (no problem since she doesn't use a password) and having to skitter back and forth whenever she hears someone coming. When Hortensia notes that she need a menu for the German Embassy's new Cultural Center and Jacqui hasn't finished it yet, Sara jumps in and says oh puhleeze puhleeze, let me do it, I'll work all night! As soon as Horentsia leaves, she locates Jacqui's notes, uses them with a few minor changes (manito de gato) and is ready to hand it to her "abuela" first thing in the morning.

Interspered in all this was a brief scene of Dario returning Bettina home and Paula trying to find out whether Bettina went to the pajama party after all.

Beastly Bruno is in Doofus' office gushing about Sara. Alonso looks....well...puzzled, confused...not happy. Who knows? He agrees that Sara is charming but then pointedly asks Bruno about Diana. Bruno doesn't like that subject...he'd rather plan a big double date, him and Sara, Alonso and Lorena at a five-star restaurant. Alonso doesn't have the cash...he needs to wait until next payday.

He's called out of the office to check on patients, (taking an extra shift for a doctor who didn't show) and is really tired. So Bruno slips sleeping pills in his coffee, ensuring that Alonso will fall asleep at the job and that Bruno will be tapped for the jefe post instead of his hapless buddy. As Bruno muses on this lovely thought we get a close-up of his evil little eyes.

Diana is smiling at last. She finds a package from Vasco with a cute little green outfit for the baby. It's going to be an ecological niño! How wonderful.

Sara and Lorena are chatting, Lorena's talking about her work with Zulema and her dead end search for her parents. Sara unloads some fake sympathy and says she hasn't found her parents either.

Meanwhile Dr. Doofus has been discovered passed out at his desk. The head doc is outraged. Bruno gloats at the door, disappears, then reappears as the rescuing prince, ready to take on the extra shift and cover for the good-for-nothing Alonso. Don't you just love these folks!?

The nasties continue with Chalo barging in on Lorena again , pretending to go off hurt when she rebuffs him, meeting with Sara afterwards to get a little nookie, while Sara rolls her eyes and imagines that she's with Alonso instead.

Julian and Vasco are having a little brotherly bonding over football....and vengeance. Although Vasco is not a fan of violence he more or less approves of Julian's plan to mess with Bruno.

Zulema and Diana are both oohing and aaahing over the little baby outfit and mom remarks that Vasco is much more caring than the actual father. Well duh! Plus we knew where this was heading from day one...Vasco and Diana together. But it will take time.....much much time. More time maybe than I'm willing to watch.

Sara is sneaking into the mansion after an all-nighter with Chalo and is caught by Jaime. No problem....first of all because the man is a little dense...but also because Sara's a great liar. She paints a noble picture of staying at the office all night to prepare the menus for the German Embassy, hands him the disc to copy for her, slips out of further conversation by yawning prettily and up the stairs she goes.

Alonso has finally'" come to" but doesn't realize his boss had caught him napping at the desk. Valeria notes wisely that he really seemed like he was drugged. He wants to explain things to the jefa but she is conveniently away at a meeting. Everything's working in Bruno's favor. the good part. Julian finds Bruno in an alley outside of the office and gives him a thorough beating. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I enjoyed every single kick to the ribs and could have enjoyed a few more, but alas, Dr. Doofus arrives on the scene and holds Julian back. The only thanks he gets is Bruno bleating, "Why didn't you call the police?!"

Meanwhile, Sara is working her black magic at the office, claiming that a night without sleep is nothing...she can keep on working...and Hortensia is thrilled that her "niece" has the same drive and energy that Hortensia herself had at that age.

Chalo is at his friend the forger, trying to hawk the jewelry Sara stole. They haggle over prices and finally come to an agreement while quaffing down some beers.

Jacqui arrives at the office to find HER menu is not needed; Sara has already provided one. But when she looks at it, she realizes it's hers with just a few changes. Hortensia demands that she prove it and off Jacqui goes to copy her original. What do you want to bet Sara finds some way around this? You gotta admit this evil wench has brains.....unimpeded by any conscience whatsoever.

Sara has also made a sweet promise to Jaime (who is clearly under her spell along with mama) to go find Vasco at work and try and persuade him to return home. And what could be better.?..she also finds Diana at the desk and gets to put in a few more poisoned darts about her date with Bruno.

Vasco (who just as clearly isn't under Sara's spell) wraps a protective arm around Diana, introduces her as his uncle Omar's daughter and tells Snotty firmly that he's not going back to Evil Acres.

Okay...for anyone who's hot for Bruno...anyone? anyone?... we now see him with his shirt off (shoulders aren't bad... that's for you shoulder fanatics), he's taped up, the x-rays show the damage isn't as bad as expected, and he's feeling well enough to complain that Alonso is sticking up for Julian instead of sympathizing with Bruno. And he certainly doesn't want to meet Diana's parents, whom he refers to as "those people". He's going to own up to his paternity and financial obligation....that's plenty good enough! Alonso, like the decent fellow he is, does not approve...not of that, and not of Bruno's dating Sara.

We finish this hour of misery with a little scene between Zulema and Lorena where Lorena learns Zulema had a baby girl that died....but wait!...Zulema thought she heard the baby cry. Such sadness to lose a child they both agree, and look very pensive.

Ah the irony...there is Zulema with her very own impossibly blonde, fair-complected child sitting right in front of her, and yet neither of them knows it. Doesn't it just break your heart?


1. molido = beat, tired, ground down
2. al buen entendedor pocas palabras = a word to the wise is sufficient "okay, I get it" what
Chalo said in a pretend huff to Lorena
3. una buena friega = a good beating, pasting (yea Julian!!!!)
4. una manita de gato = a little touch up...what Sara did to Jacqui's proposal....could also mean
a little touch up of makeup
5. venga esas cincos = gimme five. Vasco and Julian high-fiving his decision to give Bruno a lesson.


Like everyone else, I am really hating all this evil. Sara and Chalo are sociopaths, and the horrible Doc is not far behind. I can't bear to watch Sara's scenes.

Alondo is pathetic. Why Sara wants him and actually is fantasizing about him when she has sex with Chalo is a total mystery to me. Maybe she is just turned on by the fact that he is Lorena's. I haven't seen the beginning of this show and have been watching only from time to time. Is there any believable reason for Sara to hate Lorena as much as she does? The adoption motivation just doesn't do it for me.

Even on GUAPOS, the villains are multi-dimensional enough so that you hate them one minute and almost feel sorry for them the next. These characters need some shading.
Thanks for a good recap, Judy.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you Judy for a surprisingly painless recap of a painful episode.

I hope Bruno accidentally poisons himself with spiked coffee. Or maybe he'll date-rape himself by mistake or something.

Good morning NJ Sue and Julie....yeeess...this novela is incredibly unpleasant to watch.

I'm on thin ice here...just giving an opinion which can certainly be challenged....but I think there are some people who are just born "cold"....well, you used the word "sociopath" and that's perfect Sue. They're incapable of feeling another person's pain (wish that phrase didn't remind me of a former president) and so they're willing to do all kinds of heinous things to get ahead.

Sara sees Lorena as having ruined her life. When a couple came to the orphanage to adopt and seemed interested in Sara, suddenly little Lorena skipped up the path, and they turned to her instead.

They wanted to adopt Lorena...and Lorena, being the saint she is, said she wouldn't go unless they took Sara as well.

Rather than take the "package deal", they chose a third child instead.

So all her life, Sara has seen Lorena as getting the things she wanted...and ruining Sara's chances for happiness.

There are vicious, hateful, conniving people in the world whose evil stuns us....I can believe Sara....but I sure don't want to watch it 5 nights a week!

However, needs must. I'm enjoying this one about as much as that daily dose of cod liver oil my mom used to administer.

Oh and your comeuppance fantasies. The meat grinder works for me but my favorite is "maybe Bruno will date rape himself."

You need to bequeath your brain to science when you depart this mortal plane...there's got to be some super interesting stuff in there!

I'm not watching this, but from your comments, it sounds like it's turning into another Amar Sin Limites. Yuck.

Thanks for that explanation, Judy. I totally missed that!

I think what you're trying to describe is the "bad seed." Sad to say, it seems some people are just born rotten. :(

Because as sad as Sara's story is, the truth is that Lorena made a huge sacrifice for her. Sara sees things in terms of the stuff she can take, and doesn't care about any of the people.

If Lorena hadn't showed up at that moment and the couple had adopted Sara, I'm sure Sara would have quickly started hating her new parents the moment they failed to give her something she wanted.

Check the Wikipedia article on "Antisocial Personality Disorder" and figure out how many of the characters in this TN exhibit the symptoms. It's like the writers relied heavily on the DSM IV.

The recaps are definitely better than the show - many thanks to all of you who slog through day after day. Too bad the writers don't have your senses of humor - a little wit would go a long way. Wonder how the poor actors feel after a day of filming. Probably ready for a long ahower to get the sleeze off. (I miss Juan Querendon, over the top but so much fun! oh well...)

Amen, Mike, and now I know why I never wanted to be a therapist! I admire people who can listen to this distorted view of reality 8 hours a day(okay, I'll admit we all have our own distorted, egocentric views...but hopefully not as cruel and self-serving as Hortensia's, Sara's, Brunos, etc.)

And yes, Julie, the dual adoption would never have worked out. Clearly there is "never enough" for Sara...and no doubt this couple would have continued to prefer sweet lamby-pie Lorena, further fueling Sara's jealous envy.

Do you remember the fairy tale about the sweet (blonde, naturally) who generously gave an old crone a drink from her water jug and was rewarded with jewels everytime she opened her mouth?

Her jealous sister, or whatever, don't remember...(and of course she was a brunette) tried to work the same deal but instead was nasty to the good witch (in new disguise) and was doomed to have snakes and toads jump out of her mouth ever after.

That's a good description of Sara's mind, full of snakes and toads and other creepy things, but alas, she can still fool a number of folks with her outward "sweetness".

Hi Emilia...good to hear from you must have been typing your comment while I was writing mine.

Ditto for me...with every day that passes, I missing the crazy (and in retrospect "wholesome") fun of Juan Querendon.

Altogether, a more attractive bunch of people and lots of clever dialogue. For some reason I particularly miss the pompous but clever sayings of Pastor Gaytan. He really grew on me as time went on.

Anybody know where this clinic is? 'Cause I never want to be treated there! The head doctora finds her #1 boy passed out at his desk and a nurse can't rouse him from "sleep," but neither she nor her #2 boy (also a doctor) find that to be odd? Also, didn't they get the word that nobody binds-up ribs anymore, 'cause it's a no-no for a likely pneumonia? Starting to think of this novella as a dark comedy.

Yes! It's called Diamonds and Toads.

Too bad toads don't jump out of Sara's mouth when she speaks. It'd be a dead giveaway.

But having diamonds pop out of one's mouth doesn't sound very comfortable, either. ;-)

Yes,'s a very odd clinic. Folks seem to be able to come and go at will, as well as be unable to discern the difference between fatigue and being drugged.

Although I once saw my son-in-law fall into a deep sleep on the floor of his baby daughter's room. She was still shrieking to beat the band and my daughter was trying to wake him up but he was GONE. He doesn't need much sleep but when he does nod off, he's unreachable.

And yeah, no one tapes up ribs in this country and the healing process is plenty really do have to let nature take it's course.

Julie, thanks for the link to the fairy tale. Nina and "K" taught me how to do a link in the recap. But I haven't a clue on how to do it in the blog thread.

Having diamonds spill out of the mouth WOULD be an ouchey...and how many jewels can a girl use anyway?

HI Judy, great work you are doing here as always. But, I am another refugee fleeing this awful story line of bad people doing bad things to good people over and over and over. I just can't watch it and possibly because as NJ Sue points out, we need shading of characters. There is just no comic relief or anything. However, I am dropping by to greet my friends from Juan, both recappers and commenters whom I miss terribly. Didn't we have fun with a tiny but devoted group.

Good luck hanging in with this one, I'll watch snippets and read your postings from time to time but just can't deal with the pain this show makes in my heart. the Sara character is unbelievably beautiful but too evil and twisted to raise any sympathy from me.

Judy thanks again for swapping nights with me. I won't have a chance to read your wonderful recap until tonight, but I just wanted to say thanks!

Thanks Cheryl...we do hope you'll drop by frequently 'cause Misery Loves Company!!!!

I'm actually seeing Fuego as possible comic relief from the ickyness of Enemiga and the emotional pain going on right now in Guapos.

As I told "K" I watched a little bit of Fuego last night, just to get the awful taste of Enemiga out of my mouth.

You're most welcome Sylvia. I know you don't usually schedule things on a Thursday, so whatever you were doing must have been a blast! At least I hope so.

I keep hoping that just when things are really bad, the writers will at least make a few good things happen to the good characters, or something go wrong with the evil ones' plans. I think we've just about reached that point.
Also, I think there's another character (Ernesto) whom we haven't met yet (he's on the website in the cast), so maybe that will help matters.

Thanks Hombre de Misterio for that little ray of hope. If things are darkest before the dawn, we're ready 'cause right now things are very dark indeed.

I suspect Ernesto may be the fellow in a chef's outfit who is shown googley-eyeing Lorena. If so, he'd be an alternate love interest during the requisite breakup that always comes between telenovela hero and heroine.

Still not much fun. I'm strictly a "please don't fight, mom and dad" kind of girl so this novela is really testing my emotional centeredness!

Judy, thanks for great recap - it's really hard to watch this show and when one needs to do the recap - even harder! Thanks!

I really enjoy reading ALL the comments!

I don't undersand why, but many folks on Univision forum saying that it's the best novella on Uni right now. I just don't get it. Producers put together a bunch of psycos with "Antisocial Personality Disorder" and they all are pure evil one-dimentional characters. The main characters also too one-dimentionally sweet and some of them just don't have any dimentions at all ( at least - hard to tell without expressing anything). The only two more complex characters are lovebirds Rosy and Julian.

How I missed Dr.Manuel Fuentes Guerra with all the complicity of his character and the actor who showed it ( here come Fer)!

I think tonite's episode is very promissing - may be some evil will get punished, but I doubt it.

By the way, I had a really good break yesterday from QE watching El Juramento when Osvaldo Rios was singing serenade con Mariachi. I didn't know that he sings as well and he was good - 10 points plus in my book.

Glad you're enjoying the comments Eve...we have a nicely mixed, diverse group this round even if the novela is awful.

I was thinking we should come up with some more nicknames for the characters like they do in Fuego.

We have Alonslow (was that Susanlynn or "K"?) and Dr. Doofus for our galan.

Bruto is a possibility for Bruno.

Snotty is a possility for Sara, but she really deserves something darker than that.

"K" has offered Snortensia for the abuela and Sylvia Ickturo for Arturo.

I'm sure our readers and commenters can come up with lots more!

Sorry, Dave - I'm stumped. I've had Google forget who I am but I've never had it tell me that I got my password wrong!

In that case, maybe you should just use the Name/URL option instead of trying to log in.

How to embed an URL in a comment:

Here's an example.

Click this link to go to cnn's home page.

To make this happen you must type the following in your comment:

Click (a href="")this link(/a) to go to cnn's home page.

BUT replace the plain parentheses with angle brackets (the less than and greater than signs). Don't worry about the bold and italics above - I just added those to make the example easier to read.

Then hit Preview to make sure it looks right.

If you compose your comment in Word or some other software and then cut and paste it into the comment box, make sure that the quotation marks around your url are straight quotes and not curly/"smart" quotes. The url won't work with curly quotes.

I also had a big problem logging in with google - I found out that it doesn't work with Firefox browser ( the one I'm using) so I go with Name/Url option.

Thanks for the explanation Julie. My brain is just too fried at the moment to try this but I will write down your instructions and experiment on them early in the day when all the neurons are firing.

Nina told me you taught her how to do all this, so I figure you are the master teacher!

While nobody wants to comment on QE I want to put my 2¢ on the galans in general - from my experience.

My very first one was Jaime Camil from LFMB - boy, he was amazing! I've fallen in love with him and admired him until ...his appearance on Cristina show. He was so arrogant and completely not in touch with anybody on this show that it killed him for me. Now - I appreciate his looks, I even vote for him on some polls ( if Fer is not there) but - do fuego en mi sangre for him.

Next one was Rodrigo - Eduardo Yañez in Desti. Wow, his smile was just killing me! And great body, the way he was riding his horse, or when he was wearing formal outfits - I almost felt that I'm in love again. But TOO MUCH CRYING! I can understand the man's point of view on women's crying but - I'm a woman and I can't take too much crying from man - there has to be a limit ( even in telenovela world!). I'm not sure how it works now in FELS but when I started to watch - the very first week - I saw so much from Rodrigo plus the naked torso of the baker - that did for me with Mr.Yañez.

Then Came Lalo - Juan Querendon. I don't know, but even though I liked the way he was dancing in the opening credits - I never got into him and the JQ novella as well - so I missed one completely.

Here comes the REY - Antillano.
It was our first meeting - I didn't understood why everybody was so excited that Mr.Colunga is going to be back untill about third week of Pasión ( yes, the first couple weeks I still couldn't get it!). I think the challenge started when he converted into Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal.
That was it! Few weeks later - I was crazy about him, the show and everything. And it was exactly the personage I was in love with - not the artist! The artist came later - after watching three more of his telenovelas and especially after Amor Real.
I read and saw his interviews and he got my respect for everything, especially his descreet attitude to his personal life and his past relationships. Never says anything about anybody, especially women.
Mr.Eduardo Santamarina has to take some lessons from Fer!
Now I'm a crazy fan of Fer - joined different fan-sites, forums - mostly spanish speaking. Participation on this forums as well contributing to my language learning because I have to do a lot of reading and writing in Spanish as well.

I'm not even commenting on Gabriel Soto - not my type!

Now there is a new ( for me) guy in town - Osvald Ríos and now I'm getting confused. I started to like him! Not as Colunga yet, but who knows! His look, his body, his acting and now - his singing actually getting into me!
Well, I know almost nothing yet about him outside of acting and probably will be keeping that way ( not to get dissapointed, just in case).

Sorry - misspele about Yañez :
NO fuego en mi sangre for him!

Wierd. I use Firefox exclusively (except for work), but Google doesn't give me a hard time about my password.

It's probably something in your browser settings, but I find some of the browser settings mysterious and confusing, so I can't give any advice there.

My problem on some blog comment pages is the CAPTCHA (the squiggly word you may have to enter to prove you're a human). Those seem to expire after a few minutes. That means that if it takes you more than a few minutes to submit your comment, the squiggly word you see has already expired, but the only way you know that is when you try to type it and it says you got it wrong and makes you do a new one. ARGGH!!!

That's interesting Eve. I too had a real schoolgirl crush on Jaime Camil until I saw him on the Cristina show. First of all, I hated the ascot; and second of all I realized I'd assumed his character was like that of the person he played on Fea...but clearly it was not.

I haven't seen Alborada or Amor Real but it's easy to see why so many are hot for Colunga.

And I too was amazed at the amount of tears that flowed on Destilando. I remember asking a friend of mine from Columbia if Hispanic men actually cried that much. The answer was "no"! But wow, great teeth and great smile. I get the impression he's not super-bright though. And that's a big minus...can't have a fantasy life about a doofus!

I'm afraid we're scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one in terms of plotting and galans.

I do think if you'd stuck with Juan you would have enjoyed Eduardo's interpretation of the character. He was a goof but truly an amusing goof....and a sense of humor is "de rigeur" along with I.Q. as far as I'm concerned.

Sounds like you've made amazing progress in Spanish in a very short time. Understanding it is one thing, generating grammatical comprehensible statements is MUCH harder. Good for you!

Hi everybody! Sorry to be so late in joining, whew what a day! Judy, sorry amiga, you got the dirty end of the stick this week as regards our trade. At least I had 30 seconds of Intocable. I owe you!!

I have also seen the comments on the telenovela forum that people think this is a great show. Que??? Whatever. QE doesn't hold a candle to Juan Querendon as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand, to be fair, QE is still in the early stages and sometimes it takes a show a little while to hit its stride. QE may have a fatal flaw however, the galan is a dud. The only telenovela I bailed on was Barrera de Amor and the entire team quit because the galan was a dud. OK, he was feo and Alonslow is not. Still... On the telenovela-world forum they call Gabriel Soto Frankensoto. Pretty accurate. Sigh, he ain't Fernando Colunga or Eduardo Santamarina, that's for sure. He lacks that certain something, that bit of charisma that makes us come back for more. He should remove some clothing immediately. (Yeah, I know Santamarina is a blabbermouth but holy toledo when he did those tricep dips in his short shorts and cowboy boots, ay caramba!)

Ah well, enough griping. Judy it was a wonderful recap, so great that, believe it or not, I'm going to watch the episode right now!

P.S. Excellent vocab words. "Molido" brings back memories; when I used to cook it was one of the first Spanish words I learned, it meant "ground", e.g. ajo molido (ground garlic) which we used a lot of.

Great recap JudyB! Sorry the evil machinations are not to your taste. When they first started peddling this one, it looked like it was going to be relatively light hearted (except for the evil plotting on the side) but it's definitely playing more like a drama with the occasional comic moments. Do you get Telemundo? There is a very sweet TN airing at 2:00 pm EST called "Frijolito" that, although it has the required evil characters with evil designs and some topics of sensitive nature (date rape for the lead and the emotional abuse of a child by her grandmother), is mostly just, well, sweet. It has four children in featured roles, and the leads are the good guys, with some featured roles for the bad guys. In QE, we have two romantic leads, and three villain leads (Sara, Chalo, and Snorti) so the evil scenes get a fair amount of screen time.

Re: Lorena being to "fair" for her parents - quick genetics lesson: Blond genes and light colored eyes are recessive, so it's possible for people with dark hair and eyes to carry the gene and not show it. If two folks with recessive genes (with the dominants showing) get together, there is a 25% chance that the kid will end up with those genes. Case in point, out of my grandmother's 30some grandkids, only one was born with the blond hair and grey eyes that her own mother had. The rest of us are all various shades of brunette with various shades of brown eyes and complexions that run the gamut from passing for Caribbean to downright pale. It would certainly have made more practical sense for Lore to look more like her parents. OTOH, by making her not look too obviously like them (as opposed to Sara who has their coloring), it is a lot more believable that they would be so easily deceived by Sara. Lore does have some features in common with Snorti and with half bro Julian (you get a glimpse of that in their discussion about Rosy), so it's not completely out of the realm of reality. Just my two cents on that one.

I meant to mention this a couple of days ago: Julian didn't want to go to a bar without a cover because he couldn't afford drinks and tips, and Alonslow had to spot him and Rosy for bowling, yet they somehow miraculously were able to pay for a hotel room... guess they had their priorities straight ;)

Also, thanks to Julie for your comment on strippers being pre-paid. I got worried when he turned to our unhappy couple and asked if they were going to pay him. Guess he just lost out on a tip.

"Blond genes and light colored eyes" - I meant to say blond HAIR and light colored eyes. Maybe I should take a nap...

Good to hear from you Sylvia and Margarita....

and thanks for the biology lesson. It's been a long time since I studied that subject! but you're right. And in my husband's family, both his mom and dad had brown hair and eyes, but their first-born son was a blue-eyed blonde.

Alas, I don't get Telemundo. Or maybe that's a good thing...Watching two hours of TV a night already seems like a "major sin" to this gal who didn't even see a TV until she was 13 and has lived without one for much of her life.

But not complaining...these TV shows have been invaluable for helping me learn Spanish and I treasure every sinful moment spent watching!

My first "molido" was in reference to chocolate, I think.

Good point Margarita, the stripper would have been prepaid from the agency's standpoint but I don't know how much of that money he gets. Possibly none, or just enough to cover the cost of gas.

I also thought QE was going to be a winner - possibly the best of Univision's lineup - during the first week. That's because I thought Alonso was going to be awesome, and the evil people were going to have redeeming qualities, and that I generally wouldn't be annoyed by everybody in it.

It's turning out to not be what I expected... but maybe it will improve?? At least I can look forward to watching the bad guys eventually stab each other in the back.

Julie...I want to catch some of your optimism. Certainly your telenovela, Fuego, has turned out to be much more fun than it appeared to promise the first few weeks.

We can but hope!

I just realized that I won't be able to write Monday's show due to a work commitment - can anyone cover for me? thanks in advance!

I can't do it Monday night Ferro but maybe you could post a header and people could write what they remember. That's usually how new potential recappers get a chance to audition.

JudyB, thanks for the great recap! I really appreciate your humor when the episode isn’t humorous at all. Thanks for the vocab, too! Sorry to be so slow in posting; I had lots to do at the end of the week last week.

“one glimpse of Bruno's bare chest (but we don't like him, so who cares?)…. the beat-down was the highlight of the night.” LOL, exactly!

“threatens Matilde with jail for the rest of her life (possibly this could be better than her present employment...who knows?)” ROTFL! It could be a distinct advance.

“I have to admit I still go into my children's rooms from time to time and reminisce about them. (of course one is STILL at home)” ☺

“Turns out Arturo secretly dipped into his joint account with Valeria to help pay the hefty rent but Harlot Mom even approves that...her baby boy is just doing what he needs to make a good living for his family.” Hm. I wondered if he wasn’t lying to Mami because he used Banshee Barb’s lipo $$ to pay the rent. If he really did go into his account with Val, he’s tapping everyone.

“So he asks about Chalo and she spins her web that she doesn't like him but Lorena has always been VERY close to just have to "understand".” This really ticked me off. I wanted to slap Sara.

“ the good part. Julian finds Bruno in an alley outside of the office and gives him a thorough beating.” LOL! Yep, this was the best part Thursday. Dang, I hate to have to say that about a TN.

“Chalo is at his friend the forger, trying to hawk the jewelry Sara stole. They haggle over prices and finally come to an agreement while quaffing down some beers.” I think Chalo tried to tell the guy it was worth at least 40,000 pesos, which would make sense if it had precious stones like sapphires in it (40,000.00 MXN=3,888.59 USD). The guy wanted to give him about 4000 pesos for it, or $388.85 and Chalo knew they could get more.

“Hortensia demands that she prove it and off Jacqui goes to copy her original. What do you want to bet Sara finds some way around this? You gotta admit this evil wench has brains.....unimpeded by any conscience whatsoever.” I figured Sara just deleted Jacqui’s copy, and it didn’t seem like there was anything about it on the Friday show as a follow up so Jacqui could prove it was hers. Bad editing? Or did I miss it? (Worse yet, did I recap it while I was sleepwalking?)
“wraps a protective arm around Diana, introduces her as his uncle Omar's daughter and tells Snotty firmly that he's not going back to Evil Acres.” LOL!

“Ah the irony...there is Zulema with her very own impossibly blonde, fair-complected child sitting right in front of her, and yet neither of them knows it. Doesn't it just break your heart?” Yeah, but at least they’ll eventually be together at the end of this novela and they’ll have a lovely relationship built up by then.

Loved everyone’s comments. Julie, you are too funny—Yes, Bruno deserves such a fate!

Mike, LOL! DSM-IV it is! We have a total cast of characters from the annals of American Psychiatry. Not since Duelo de Pasiones have we had need of a resident shrink, but we need one here.

Emilia, I miss Juan Q, too. It was light and bouncy most of the time. There’s NOTHING light and bouncy here.

Cheryl, good to see you! Hope your summer is going well!

Hombre de Misterio, thanks for reminding us that Ernesto Mendiola will come onto the scene soon. Maybe Sara can go after him and leave Lorena’s guy alone. Wishful thinking.


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