Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Aug. 13: Casos de Familia: I have two mommies, one of whom is sleeping with my husband--the other one is a punching bag.

Buenas noches a todos. I want to warn you all that I only watch this show on Wednesdays, so if there are gaps or nonsensical parts in my recaps you know why, and I apologize.

We start tonight with Fernie reminding us all that women are so stupid, and all you have to do is tell them pretty things and they will do whatever you want. He laughingly pulls out his stack of cash that Gabi lovingly gave him and throws it in the safe with the others. Then, for kicks, he pulls out Libia’s necklace and fondly remembers the night, which incidentally I recapped, he bashed her brains. Oscar, private eye, sees Fernie stroking the necklace, but can’t make the connection; it’s that selective memory of his.

Oh! There’s Gabi, who is also snooping around. She tells Oscar that he’s a low-life, good-for-nothin’ son-of-a-gun. He’ll never learn to behave like decent people.

Over at Reyes’s Kitchen for Wannabe Newlyweds we see Juan instructing Sofia how to make bread without any recognizable utensils or universally-accepted hygienic techniques. Sure she smashed the raw egg into her hand and then into the flour container, but what does that matter?

Gabi is still questioning/criticizing Oscar on his spying. We get it already, he’s a piece of filth; can we move on? Oh, but don’t worry. Fernie tells everyone he’s back, as if they didn’t know, and that he’s ready to assume all responsibilities of the ranch, of course, with the help of Oscar. “Sure, boss!” replies Oscar, uh, shouldn’t that be brother-in-law?

So the townspeople want to throw a chile party. They feel the need to explain what a chile is, and why it is important to Mexico. However, Juan and Sofia aren’t keen on the idea because Franco and Rosario are in critical conditions. It’s not like they wouldn’t be invited if they weren’t in the hospital, and it’s not like Juan and Sofia are going to be visiting them for the three hours of the party. Talk about bad excuses… Regardless, the townspeople are worried about having a singer because Rosie does all the local gigs and, well, she’s not around. Not to worry! Quinti has altruistically offered the services of Pa-pa-pa-pucho-Peter-Reyes.

The nun-in-training Sarita is busy teaching catechism to the local children as Peter observes her from a distance; it seems he’s drawing her on a corner of the concrete bag. Sarita is looking more and more like Fraulein Maria everyday…

For someone in critical condition, Rosie has an awfully good complexion. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that the nurses are liberally applying makeup on the patients. Eva has stopped-by to tell her that everything is taken care of with Luisito, and not to worry about Fernie.

Peter pays a visit to Gramps and asks him if he knows Gregorio de Cante. Well, of course he does! He happens to be one of Mexico’s finest rural poets. You know, if Fraulein Sarita reads the guy’s stuff then it has to be good.

Gabi comes slithering along the hospital hallways to beat-up on the old punching bag also known as Eva. Gabi wants to know if Eva still plans on supporting Rosario even though she’s not her biological daughter. I hope these people realize that Gabi only has the influences she has because they give them to her. If people would completely ignore her bull shit then she would cower away and kill herself. Since everyone on this show scored lower than the average fourth graders on their local graduation tests, they walk around in a daze and absorb every last word of Gabi’s as if it were Holy Scripture.

As luck would have it Gramps has a special collection of de Cante and other works from fascinatingly poor, but proud authors. Peter thanks Gramps, and then Gramps remembers that Sarita’s favorite author is de Cante; is it possible… no, it can’t be…

Sofia goes to visit Sor Sarita and tries, again, to talk her sister out of becoming a nun. She reminds her that she is young, beautiful, and smart. That can be argued… Anyway, Sarita claims that it’s either the convent or Benito. Well, that’s a very pressing decision Sarita, I don’t know how you’ll ever decide.

Gabi is off on her usual rant about Rosario being a whore, her mother being a whore, etc. Gabi says that if Eva can’t grasp the concept, then it’s her own fault. Eva tells Gabi that it doesn’t matter what Gabi says (there’s some of the backbone I was looking for) because Rosie loves her and they have a relationship. Either way she wins, but that Gabi, she’s all alone. Her kids flew the coop, and Fernie uses her. That’s not true! Gabi stomps off. Eva asks herself if Gramps was right about Fernie and Gabi being an item.

I guess when Fernie said that Oscar was going to help-out, he was referring to treating Oscar like the hired help. Fernie tells Oscar that he has to learn to be a big rancher by starting from the bottom. Apparently Fernie’s only interest is to make Oscar a good rancher and to make sure that Oscar and Gabi get along. Oscar tells Fernie that it’s obvious that Gabi and he love each other. Where did that come from? I don’t know but the music indicates that somebody is about to get fired…

Rosie wants to know why Gabi stopped-by; it’s not like she was making her charity rounds at the hospital, honey. Eva tells her not to worry about it. They are interrupted by the doctor who says that Rosie is healing better than expected, and now has to learn to walk again. Seems like she has made a startling recovery, one for the medical books, and can even play around with her kid. She asks if he’s still living with Gramps; that’s obvious because who else would put the kid in a dress shirt and sweater vest? Rosie has made a real character change, and even prays now; she thanks God for her second chance at life. Maybe now she can kick the go-go dancing and join Sister Sarita over at the convent.

As always, Oscar is proving his idiocy by his willingness to shovel horse shit for free, and then tell his wife that he likes it because it’s character building and facilitates a friendly relationship between him and his mother-in-law. Now that’s horse sh_t!

Gabi is talking to Fernie, and really hopes that Fernie leaves soon because he’s so annoying. Anyway, she tells him that she went to visit Eva in the hospital, and has a surprise in store for Sofia; she will never have a grandson by the Reyes-primero muerto!

Rosie has even relocated hospitals and is consoling Franco. She really needs him, etc. Oh looky! He moved his index finger—that obviously, and historically means that he will be a-ok.

Sofia is consoling Eva about her confrontation with Gabi. Eva’s not really upset because Gabi has been on her case all her life. Obviously Gabi likes to see Eva hurt, and that’s why she said Rosie isn’t her daughter. Sofia even mentions that Gabi is far from God. When Sofia hears what her mother told Eva she gets angry and goes to talk to Gabi. Eva freaks and asks God to prevent another tragedy. How dramatic…

Gramps pays a visit to Juan, accompanied by two attorneys. The attorneys have done their research and have discovered that nobody owns the land that is commonly known to be the Uribe’s. Actually, the land is under the title of Juan Jose Robles. But, Juan can’t have the land until he and his brothers can prove that they are the legal sons of Robles, and therefore the heirs to the property. Naturally this evidence will not materialize until the last week of the show, and will be a point of much debate and probably a death or two. Not to worry, Gramps, as always, is going to make sure that everything works out, and will not rest until the land is theirs again. Mark my words…and his…I smell blood…

Fernie smells something too—the scent of Sofia, and consequently comes prowling out of the shadows and into the foyer. He’s ready for vengeance and pulls out some string. He starts up the stairs, always looking at the ceiling, just like the cat he is.

Meanwhile, Sofia is upstairs questioning her mother about Eva’s daughter. Gabi tells her to be careful, and that there are truths that destroy. This truth could destroy Sofia. Gabi asks Sofia if she really wants to know who Eva’s daughter is. Well, if you put it that way…No, Sofia wants to know, and Gabi tells her that she (Sofia) is Eva’s daughter. Sofia can’t handle this and leaves the room. Ok, let’s look at this from a pragmatic stance: Sofia herself mentioned that Gabi’s story changes every time she changes her underwear; why would she even believe it?

Uh oh! Fernie set a trap with that string. She falls over the banister, but Juan is there to catch her. Talk about good timing. Those Televisa stage crew guys are top-notch, unlike their writers… Oh, her stomach, her baby! Gabi laughs, and then pretends to care. Once Juan and Sofia are gone Fernie and Gabi laugh that the bastard child will not be born.

Eva is talking to Padre Tadeo. She’s scared that another tragedy is about to occur. Ya’ gotta’ hand it to her; when she’s right, she’s right.

Fernie tells Gabi that they have to go to the hospital or else it will seem suspicious. Gabi doesn’t really want to go because all those townspeople are going to be there, and they are all so tacky. But the good thing is that the bastard will not be born. They are happy that they are systematically destroying the Reyes family: first Franco, then Oscar, then Juan, who has to, and will, suffer the most of all.

Juan brings Sofia into the dispensary and everyone freaks out and runs amuck. Oh wow. That place has two beds? I thought that they were going to kick-out ET on account of Sofia. From the looks of things Sofia is in an early-delivery situation. Padre reminds Juan that in times like these he isn’t to lose faith. With the way things have been going, I’d say he’s had plenty of practice. Gramps comes rolling along and wants to know what all the fuss is about. When they tell him that Sofia “had an accident” he sends Rosendo to Puebla for the best doctors, and the price doesn’t matter.

Juan has a heart-to-heart with the Virgin and, once again, asks her to not take away Sofia and the baby. Considering his track record and my uncanny ability to make predictions, I’d say everything is going to be fine. Though, I was wrong about Y2K and Hillary Clinton. The doctor tells Juan that Sofia is fine, but she may lose the baby.

Tomorrow: So Gabi told Sofia that she isn’t her daughter. What’s more, Fernie and Gabi tried to kill Sofia and the baby. And of course, the doctor says Sofia might lose the kid. But things won’t stay like this! Those are Univision’s words, not mine. Ok, what a pathetic preview; they didn’t tell us anything new—sort of like the Telenovela itself…


Thanks for the recap, Nicolas. It was a hoot. I can't wait to see my recording tomorrow. Aack. These people would all fit right in on the Jerry Spring Show, or better yet, Dr. Phil. Double-ack. Nuclear waste effect is a terrible thing.


Thank you. I missed it earlier. I will skip it later tonight.I still think Oscar has peso signs in his eyes. That is the real reason he is shoveling road apples.mhm

Don't panic, cat people--I'm sure Nicolas (great recap by the way, Nic!) didn't really mean to compare Feo to a cat! Feo is so slimy and elusive, really he's more like a snake.
Soooo... what if Feo died by rattler? What a horrible way to die. First, the numb hands and feet, then the loss of speech; the bitten hand, swollen to the size of a football and turning black and purple, the flesh rotting and dying while the patient lingers horribly in ICU for several days...
Cheers everyone!

Thanks Nicolas! I too only watch on the nights I'm recapping, don't worry. What a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb bunch of bunnies on this show.

Nicolas..thanks for the recap,
Oh the pain, the terrible pain..

I am so glad that Sofie is slacking and is back to her daily job of putting the blessed "Hijo" in danger.

Now what gets me is why do none of these people ever have a normal reaction? I mean if said assumed abusive mother suddenly told you, that your weren't a spawn of hers, well wouldn't you at least have a question or two? Would you turn and run from the room? Would you seriously were those "Disney Princess" outfits with coordinating sash?

Yeah Oscar is greedy, though I have to say and I am NOT being an elitist, the lower 90% of the masses in Mexico, do eat with their hands alot. The food is set up for that, pretty much everything is with tortillas. Hey they used to always give me a spoon for everything, I guess thinking I was an American Princess, but I just jumped right in.

Okay, I'm going to take a vote. How many of you would keep going back to your mother's house if she continually told you that she hates you & your unborn "bastardo".
What is wrong with Sofia?
I think that Gabi just told Sofia that she was Eva's daughter to upset her. I don't think that she really is.
By the way great recap Nick.

Thanks for the great recap Nicolas. I think Oscar is there to keep an eye on Gabi and Feo. He already saw them kissing on the stairs and I'm sure he's going to use that to his advantage. Maybe he will turn into a double naught spy also. Maybe if we are lucky Feo will get bit by a rattler on another sensitive part of his body and it will swell up and fall off...sigh...just wishful thinking again... ;-)

Nick: great recap! I didn't catch last night's show but who cares? You captured the lunacy perfectly and your comments are hysterically snarky.

Stupidity does seem to be another theme (to go along with fire & copious amounts of hair), with each character trying to outdo the other in dumb behavior. Lola is right: who in their right mind would go back for endless abuse from a mother as nasty as Crabi? Snofia is now permanently Slofia in my book. Wake up, girl. Dress your age, tell your mother (or whatever she is) to shut up, & get your freakin' marriage annulled so your kid isn't a bastard.



Could they be any more obvious with the string/rope across the stairs. Like nobody would have seen it! They'd have better results if they just waited until she got to the top of the stairs and then pushed her. Let's see, so far they've tried to beat her, shoot her, drown her, stone her, set her on fire, and fall down the stairs. Am I leaving anything out?

I would like to file charges against the actors in FELS for .... over-acting, regarding Sofia's "fall" last night. Sheesh! She never even hit the steps because Juan magically was there to catch her. There is no way her baby is at risk. Ya basta! with her having the protective arm-over-stomach, too. Gaaaaaah :-P How does one say 'give me a break' in Spanish???

I did not understand everything Oscar said to Feo out in that field, but did he make a veiled allusion regarding what he saw the previous day re: Feo & Crabi?

And, did I hear wrong when Eva told Sofia she was not Rosario's mother... did she say the word 'mujerzuela' ??? I accidentally deleted my recording when I finished and I wanted to replay that scene again.


Connie: yup, Slofia is one easy target. You forgot her rape, her almost rape, and 2 chloroform applications from lovable Feo.

I don't think Met Life will renew her policy this year.


Thanks Maggie..I thought I was missing something.

What was that whole thing with the chilie festival?

Did anyone see Slofia's hair almost go in the dough? Gross, gross, gross. Do they not have bowls in Brigadoon? Why do they always just smush it around on the table?

If Feo is not married to the owner of the Hacienda why does everyone call him patron? Actually he has has no reason to even be there. Why doesn't Augie run him off? Too many questions this morning.

Along with no phones and other modern conveniences, they also have never heard of hair nets.
Maybe if they wore hair nets it would change the flavor of the bread.

Or at least tie it back. I always have to tie mine back when I cook. Even if she wore one of Juan's bandana's it would help. Hair in the food...gross.

Hi Doris. I believe she said Mujer Suelta-Loose Woman.

Perhaps Slofia thinks of her arm as a super shield/lead apron allowing her to protect the endangered Hijo as she travels through all war zones.mhm

Oh yeh, the rip roaring Chile festival..because they want express the love of Chiles to the rest of the world. Wouldn't that be like Americans having a giant Frito festival? I mean when I'm in Mexico I don't get the sense that they want to introduce me to the wide variety of chiles, it is just part of the food, like salt.
--Okay this lately has been a running them in TeleNovelas--first we had to suffer with the LaFea nonsense..then the DA tequila (although it made a believer and harbourer of endless Tequila Trivia facts out of me), the little jaunts the actors go on to fun vacation spots.

Yet, they show such crazy crap, like no medical facilities, primitive police work.
But, why wouldn't you want to see Mexico for the awesome Chiles, just make sure you bring a large gun, a body guard, your own telegraph & don't forget to bring a doctor.

Something funny that I noticed in the hospital scene with Slofia was that she was going on about "mi hijo, mi hijo" so you'd think that the doctor would check out said hijo first but noooooo, he was over there taking her pulse. How about listening for the baby's heartbeat first? Now there's a suggestion. :) When you get your license out of a Cracker Jack box I guess you can't expect too much.

Creemelo, you said Feo is slimey like a snake, ergo he should die by snakebite.

I must dispute this. Snakes aren't slimey; they have dry skin. Leeches, on the other hand are very slimey.

Here's what I propose for his death. He goes down to the waterfall grotto to sweetly reminisce about the lovely day he bludgeoned Libia. He slips on the wet mossy rocks, hits his head, and passes out (Libia's retribution for cracking her skull). The leeches come relentlessly creepy up from the pool like Lennigan's ants. One by one the slimey creatures attach themselves to Feo and suck everything out of him, like he does to everyone he touches. By the time he awakens, he has lost too much blood. He is too weak to remove the leeches as they suck him dry.

Enjoy your morning fruitcup, mateys!

Connie: Here's another of Sofia's adventures - almost crushed by a horse who had been scared by a snake. I don't know if she was pregnant yet, tho.

I thought it was funny when Rosario had to "learn" how to walk again, the first day, she was out on the main street in her robe. What ever happened to physical therapy?

I love snakes. I wouldn't have a snake dirty its jaws on the likes of Feo!

I've taken some nasty falls in my life. In every single case I knew exactly how and why it happened. Often I even had time to ponder it on my way down. Sofi would certainly have noticed that her had foot caught on something that wasn't supposed to be there. And Juan would have seen it as he went up to catch her (lucky he didn't trip over it too).

I also think Crabi was messing with Eva and Sofia. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Crabi's not sure whose kid is whose.

By the way, I saw how Juan and Sofia washed their hands last night in a small bowl (I think that's what they were pretending to do), and I must say that I was not impressed. You have to wash AND RINSE.

I hate the breadmaking scenes. It's not proper kneading technique, and it's not sexy, and it's not sanitary, and their witless repartee is boooooooring.

Add to list of victimizations of Sofia: On two separate occasions, Feo gave her Super-Sleepytime Tea at bedtime in hopes of raping her.

Did we forget Slofia's getting slapped by Crabi? Or does that fall under the general heading of "beating?"

Man, there's one woman you don't want to hang with...she's a magnet for physical abuse and, as Julie points out, she's a boooooring conversationalist...with lousy fashion sense.

(oooh, I'm so glad I'm perfect because I'm Queen of Criticism today!)


Julie, Sadly, I think they were moistening their hands. I don't believe they actually wash them. Perhaps the Reyes Bread is famous for the je ne c'est quoi flavor and they don't want to "spoil" it. mhm

Oh, they were just wetting their hands? Well, now I'm mystified. What's wrong with good old spit?

A hair net would be fine for Sofia, but the brothers would pretty much need Tyvek bunnysuits to contain all of their sheddables.

Thank you for the snarkiest recap Nicolas.

About chiles and discussions about their origins -- please see the end part of this video where the origin of chiles is discussed in the central de abastos de Oaxaca -- interesting because I didn't know that chiles were being imported into Mexico! jeezlouise, I thought that they have all the varieties imaginable growing locally everywhere.

Thank you Paula for the leech death for Feo -- leeches come in different sizes, maybe some real big ones could be used for proper effect and suckage!

And thank you Maggie for teh comment "Stupidity does seem to be another theme (to go along with fire & copious amounts of hair)" LOL! this is true!

I think the Elizondo girls' problem is prolonged abusive co-dependency -- really a hard tie for the Hermanos Reyes to break if they plan to have real relationships with these girls -- and Franco has the hardest nut to crack with Sneerita who also has a kiss up problem with her Crabi Ma.


You know something, I think it would be really hilarious if Raquel were Sofia's mother, and her late ex-husband were Juan's father. That would sort of explain the usurpation of the Reyes-Robles property; Raquel had a young, able-bodied Fernie knock her ex and his (I'm sure) illegitimate wife off and thus acquire the land. Of course, our lovely characters will jump to conclusions, somehow believing they are siblings (because Gabi told them so, even though she can't get her story straight), and they seperate, Sofia gets hitched, Juan busts a cap, and in the second-to-last episode Octavio descovers a long-hidden document and a copy of a conversation between Gabi and Raquel that explains every detail (to the ability of the characters mental capacity).

Ok, so we have for Snofia:

1. rape
2. attempted rape
3. chloroform (sp?)
4. Mr. Ed and snake
5. Sleepytime tea
6. Beating/slapping
7. Shooting
8. Drowning
9. Fire
10. Stoning
11. Falling down the stairs

Hey everyone...I'm really Eva's wait maybe it is Julie, or Maggie, or Mad Buns....;)

The search continues.....

Connie: LOL!!!! We're ALL Eva's daughters...ha ha ha!

As long as we're not the spawn of Crabi, I'm OK with that.

Nick: love the alternate scenario. Juan busts a cap...too funny. Any dentists in this backward burg? Or do they just stick a Chiclet in your mouth & send you on your merry way.

:-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We haven't heard anything about Ruth for awhile. When do you think she will appear on the scene? Sofia is really still too obvious.

Thanks, Nic. Okay, I'll be Eva's longlost daughter...I'll learn to make bread...I'll join the convent...I'll skinnydip with the brothers...I'll go to the chile fest....I'll give up my phone...I'll adopt Pablito...I'll style Raquel's wig and Armando's toupee...I'll sew sequins on Rosario's haler tops....I'll manure out the stable....but....I refuse to sleep with Ferd, the Flying Monkey.

Nicolas, that was another great recap. You were apologizing at the beginning for any nonsensical parts in your recap. Not to worry! The entire show is one huge medley of nonsensical parts, so you can't miss.
La Paloma

The hour following FELS, I watched Angelica Vale's 30th Showbiz Anniversary celebration. Her mother and Jose Jose both made appearances.
La Paloma

OK, maybe we should get a betting pool together on how many more times (we're maybe halfway through this farce) Sofía rushes to the Hacienda of Horrors for her ration of abuse. I pick five!

And this is what's really absurd: hearing that Crabi isn't your mother, hearing instead that your mother is a sweet, caring person who's loved you all your life, what do you do? The appropriate response would be to jump up and down with joy. But no. She wells up with tears and shock and runs headlong into Feo's wire.

I thought when the townspeople were talking about missing the usual singer for the chili festival they meant Franco. I can't see Feo having let Rosario entertain for free.

And, as was mentioned yesterday, we're pretty sure Oscar did not see the "trophy" necklace Feo took from Libia and which he gloatingly fondles, just like the serial killer he is. Feo's shoulder was in the way.

And I could MURDER Jimena for going along with her husband's daily humilliations by her sadistic mother. Sheesh! She doesn't deserve him!

La Paloma, I watched Don Francisco Presenta also. Angelica Vale was great but she did look a little heavier. But that's ok. Her Mon and Jose Jose looked good too.
I really enjoyed the show. I was waiting to Jaime Camil to show up but he didn't. 30 years in the business, Wow!

The bread making process kind of looks like the way pasta is made (I mean if we were to not have all the hair & sweat, etc -- just the process).

The pasta can be decorated with long red hair, short curly chest hairs, bits of mortar & brick, leaves & gravel,to taste. For a glossy look, brush with spit, sweat, tears, other, to taste. Enjoy!

I don't understand why Slofia was upset when Crabi said she wasn't her mother. I'd be so damn relieved...

Rabies. That's how I want Crabi and Feo to die.

One of them gets bitten by a rabid animal, then bites the other and they both foam at the mouth like Mapache did and eventually die of dehydration. It seems like a suitably bizarre way for them to go.

What do you think, sirs?

Julie that sounds like a great idea. And if that doesn't work they could always use the old standby--THE POISON SANDWICH.

Did I miss the recap for Thursday?

Julie, that would be too good for them. How about buried alive next to the people whose death they caused. Or maybe Caprichio could stomp them to death.

Or Mr. Ed. He hates Feo already.

Oh, I forgot about the stomping. Darn. That's good too.

Rabies and stomping. (Just to make sure.) :-)

Here's two recommendations:

1) Tie them to stakes in the ground in the desert with leather straps. Wet the leather 1st so as it dries, it gets nice & tight. Slather them with honey & release some good old Texas fire ants.

2) Tie them to stakes in the ocean as the tide comes in. Slather them with chicken fat to attract the crabs. Alternate: tie them to a stakes in a nice, swampy river & wait for the alligators or piranhas to come for dinner.

Maggie (feeling tired & especially malevolent)

Whew! Maggie you are gruesome. But that would work. But Jimena & Sarita would be crying "Mamita, Mamita".

I'm channeling my inner Crabi today! Actually, those two methods have some background: #1 was supposedly a Native American torture but I added the fire ants and #2 was from a classic movie called The Vikings with Kurt Douglas.

I'm in serious need of a nap or I'll never make tonight's thriller. Out late two nights in a row & I'm all out of sorts. (oh, I'm such a wimp!)


I'm channeling my inner Crabi today! Actually, those two methods have some background: #1 was supposedly a Native American torture but I added the fire ants and #2 was from a classic movie called The Vikings with Kurt Douglas.

I'm in serious need of a nap or I'll never make tonight's thriller. Out late two nights in a row & I'm all out of sorts. (oh, I'm such a wimp!)


Sarita and Jimena need to just get over it...:-p

I can't believe that Jimena left Oscar to go back to the Hacienda with her mom. Oscar should have forced her to go with him. Crabi is just pure evil.
Crabi got caught with Feo again by Jimena & talked her way out of it.
Is she that good of a liar or is Jimena that stupid. Wait, don't answer that.

Lola, it is the nuclear waste. It makes them stupid!!! How could you forget. :) (I couldn't believe it either.) I think she just didn't want to wash dishes.

Julie, I like your rabies scenario as a fitting end for Cra-Feo.
Nobody liked my rattlesnake idea, maybe because I made the rookie's mistake of referring to them as slimey. I know better; snakes are dry not unpleasant to touch. Feo, however, IS slimey, uchhh!
Rabies works as long as no bats are injured during the process.

I liked the snake idea. I've never liked snakes. My husband (ex) used to have a Ball Python. Yuck. He used to wear it around his neck. Ewwwww!

Yeah, I like bats too. But you know what I hate a lot? Possums. They're creepy and weird. You can't even tell if they're rabid because they're so crazy.

Still, I'm not sure there's a possum who deserves such a punishment. However, since it already has rabies I suppose that's beside the point!

Since it appears that we don't have a recap for last night, I put up a very sketchy and probably very incorrect micro-recap to hold us over.

If someone is still working on the recap, I apologize for stepping on your toes...

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