Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guapos 08-19-08 "Karla gets all dressed up for her Date"

Okay…drama for the sake of drama, we get to relive Flor giving Mili, lil baby Nameless. Mili begs, she pleads, she offers to write bad checks. No sorry the die is cast, Nameless would be better off with you than me, you can give her much more than I ever could.

Flor won’t even kiss Nameless goodbye, she tells Mili to leave and Blondie sister, who has to do all the heavy lifting in this scene, leaves with her.
Flor then picks up the phone and calls Ex-husband to come get her before she changes her mind.

Seems Hugo and Al had a fight. Hugo has vowed to have unrequited love with Mili each and every night, twice on the weekend nights, until he gets her pregnant.

Hugo sits weeping in his room, he is suffering the death of love,
---Dude, I feel for you here, but alas you knew that bus was never going to stop on your corner, now you have a bus willing to stop, morning, noon and night. So what if a few others have ridden…I say let the person who hasn’t ever given the wrong person a ride, be the first to throw stones. Yeah Hugo, youv’e picked up some dicey riders along the way.

Anyway, Damien tries to convince Hugo to cut Mili loose, for a bit of dinero of course. Hugo says he feels so alone…He and Damien embrace. Damien does look a bit concerned for his son’s mental stability, but not enough to try and do anything other than get the $$.

Al is pacing the floor, in his room looking into the empty crib.
--Okay I must say, I have not paid enough attention to see the crib set-up, but these people are loaded, I believe they could have found a better crib set up than that. It just screams clash with the décor.

Damien runs into Mili & Nameless downstairs, the crossroads of the hacienda. He tells her to meet him in the study. He wants to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Blondie who dumped off Mili and Nameless at the Hacienda, goes into the kitchen, where Karla is chowing down on a sandwich. She inquires as to the whereabouts of Lina. Karla tells her that Lina & Bobby are out with her mother and the gardener. Karla then says, weren’t you and Bobby an item?
“Yes, but no longer, Bobby has Lina pregnant,” Blondie wistfully answers. Karla tells her, “Nope that isn’t Bobby’s kid, it belongs to that RatBastard, Fernando”. Better known to avid viewers as Dead Fred. Well, that brings a smile to Blondie’s face.

Now I forgot this part, the above mentioned foursome are out at a nice restaurant, Horacito is a bit cold, thinking his preggers daughter is never going to marry. Bobby promises yes they will and soon and then it will be the best honeymoon ever.

Mili comes in with Nameless. Al is happy to see the kid. To make a long story short…Mili gives him the 411 that Flor is never coming back. This makes Al looking like he is having, having aaaahhh what is the phrase, oh yeah “Deep Thoughts”, sorry I just don’t usually connect Al with Deep Thoughts. Yes, Matey, Mili says, “She abandoned the baby”, then for the slow viwers or maybe for Al, she repeats, “She abandoned the baby”. I beg to differ, she put the kid in the future step-mom’s hands. Yes, being from Mexico, Flor has seen her share of TeleNovelas and she can read the writing on the script.

Karla slips into Hugo’s room. It is all dark and in shadows, much like Hugo’s soul. She finally locates him. He asks her if she knows, when he is doing her, he is thinking of Mili. (Karla, having wised up in the past few episodes, does not tell him, "yeah and I‘m pretending Jaime Camil is hiding his salami", what's your point?), instead she just acts like okay, whatever and tries to get to the “getting busy” business. Hugo says he has a present for her.
He hands her a bag, she pulls out an orange dress, then a really bad black wig, which actually looks a lot like Mili’s current hair style. Karla is freaked, I’m freaked. She says “ This is crazy”. Hugo starts rubbing a lot of nasty synthetic black hair all over his face and breathing hard.
---At this point I am begging the Television to make it stop---
Karla takes the lovely gift and goes in the bathroom to change.

Okay, while we are waiting for Karla to change, let’s go over to the Bar. Sister Chunky’s doppelganger, the smokey torch song singer is sitting at a table with her love, the big prison guy.
Meanwhile, her understudy is crooning a tune about hearts and love..whatever, I think he is Juan Q’s friend from Juan Q. Maybe he is singing a sad song cause he is wearing that gawd awful sequin shirt, yet he is not sporting a mullet. I say if you are going to wear an 80’s shirt, you better own it.
---For those of you who like translated songs, sorry---
Anyway, the chunky Novia wants to blow town, oh if only they had the dinero..It is at the church. They must go to the Church to seek their ill gotten gains.

Damien enters the study, Andrea is sitting on the leather action couch. She is playing with her hair and thinking about making someone’s life miserable. Damien tries to embrace her, but she says they have to be careful. She seems game to keep bopping Damien. I am not sure what they even talk about, I think maybe Consti dying?
Finally Damien sweeps in for the kiss and they are playing serious tonsil hockey, when Mili opens the door, she creeps up and startles them. Andrea acts all, like Damien forced her. Andrea exits stage left. Mili is not fooled.

Damien tells Mili how, his son is so depressed, just like when Damien killed Hugo’s Mom and Novia, well okay it was Vehicular Manslaughter. Now Damien, romantic that he is believes in true love and knows Al & Mili need to be together. However, Hugo is blameless in all this and well Granny’s inheritance would sure make life easier. Mili says, Money can’t buy happiness, Damien looks like he begs to differ, but keeps his mouth shut. He tells Mili to think it over.

Val and Rocky come in to stand in amazement gazing at the Nameless Baby. Then there is some back and forth about how cute their kids will be. Al leans against the desk looking dejected, have you ever noticed how this happens when God forbid, Al is not the center of attention. Anyway, realizing their faux pas, the others turn all their attention on Al. They are sorry their little stunt at the beach has lead to Al’s shattered marriage, Mili’s problems, and poor Hugo’s twenty-four hour suicide watch. Perking right up at the attention, Al says they are not to blame, it was the most wonderful night of his life. Everything is going to work out. Group hug, baby Nameless lies alone in her crib. Get used to it honey.

Blondie arrives home and calls out for her sister. No answer , there are three letters on the table, one for Al, one for Mili and on for Blondie. She opens hers, and unless she is a graduate of “Evelyn Woods Speed Reading”, barely gets past the salutation before she crumples a rather lengthy typewritten missive. As if , I bet it was a copy, paste job from a term paper off Cheaters.com, probably the first line was, “It was the best times and it…..”

Now in the bathroom Karla has changed into the dress (I don’t get the dress as I don’t recall seeing Mili in many dresses, wouldn’t lil Naco gangbanger clothes have been more in keeping with the fantasy?), anyway she pulls on the wig. She is replaying in her mind the lines that Hugo said to Al about nailing Mili each night til she gets pregnant. Yeah good idea Karla, keep wearing the wig and get pregnant, Hugo is so BSC, he’ll never notice. Hugo watches her from the doorway, when she turns he puts a Mili hat on her head. He calls her Mili and says he loves her, he demands she tell him that she loves him. Karla not knowing what else to do , says he loves him and inserts her tongue down his throat, thus rendering any further speech impossible. ("She is thinking, Don Jaime es tan devino” ). A girl gotts to do what a girl gotts to do.

Now Mili is back up in Al’s room, he is walking the floor with the mewing baby. Mili takes the baby and she calms right down. Al says it is cause Nameless knows her Mother. No it is cause it is a doll, not a real kid. But I guess if Karla and Hugo can pretend, the rest of us can too. Al says it is a done deal, divorce and we will be a happy family. She kisses Nameless and Al says give me one too. He kisses her forehead and it is off to bed (I mean in her own room, stop people, by herself). Oh yeah and Al warns her to be careful, cause Hugo is BSC. Mili says Hugo would never hurt her. Well not unless he has superglue remover and can detach Karla.

Consti and Andrea are rolling around. Now I missed this too, maybe it is just the effect nasty Andrea has on me, but I think that she thinks they can control Damien if Karla gets pregnant by Hugo.
--Really I don’t know so feel free to comment—


Blondie has stopped by to see Mili, she gives her the letter. Being this is a TeleNovela, Mili doesn’t read it.

Chaumaco is in the kitchen with Gloria and Sorrocito, he ignores Gloria. Sorrocito starts talking to him about movies, she says something about him going to the movies that night. Well will Gloria ask him?
She does, he says he will go. Hooray, I hope he isn’t jerking her around. Gloria is thrilled.

Mili is in the CrossRoads room with Al here comes, Andrea. She makes some digs about Mili and Al and the marriages falling apart. Mili fires back that Andrea was the amante of Al, Consti, Damien. Andrea acts all righteous and Al says “Please, you have done every man in the family”. Andrea slaps Al and Mili hauls off and gives her a serious smack, she slapped her so hard, I was rubbing my cheek. Andrea goes to grab Mili, but Al pulls her back. Hugo, walks up and says what is the problem, you and Al are Amantes. Mili feels really bad and Andrea gloats.

Hey let’s go see Luci, She is looking pretty bad. She is thirsty and water doesn’t quench the thirst. The doctor is telling her that getting sober is tough. The hallucinations, the nausea, the shakes (and her hands are indeed shaking). She brings up Mili and Rocky, yes the doctor tells her that they were there. She says she said awful things to Mili, the doctor says, “Not really, no worse than you have talked to her for like five years now”. No he didn’t really, but if Miss Sanchez would let me sit in on her class, he would have said it. Instead, the doctor tells her that Mili understands, that she was detoxing and things tend to get messy. Luci says Rocky and Mili found her. Luci remembers parts of it. She says she would have died like a dog in the street, Mili saved her, she gave her warmth when Luci was so cold. (I still cringe at that scene).
Luci says she treated Rocky and Mili very badly, she thought she was so much better than them. Yes indeed, the doctor says they have hearts of gold. The doctor asks if Luci wants to see her children, No they are better off thinking she is dead. She ruined their lives, they hate her. She does want to see Rocky and Mili again. Then Luci says she can’t pay the bill, she has no money. The doctor says no worries Mili has paid the bill. That Mili, seriously they broke the mold with that one.

Later the chiclets discuss, Mili feels bad about Hugo. The conversation changes to the awesomeness of Gloria and Chaumaco…Brau comes and tells his sobrina that Damien wants to talk to her.

Damien has the papers for Mili to sign, remembering her conversation with Al about being a family and feeling more than a little guilty about Hugo, she signs…..

The end or everything I can remember.

NOW…tomorrow Mili reads the letter, Blah, Blah, Blah oh yeah and Hugo had a woman in his room when you were with Al, so actually Hugo cheated first…..

Mili is totally pissed, hello Mili you are so young, but don’t you recall, Al often told you it was only sex, when he nailing anything that moved, see with men it is only a little fun, just sex, it didn’t mean anything…If you don’t believe me ask your father.


Oh Beckster! I almost spit my water! I especially loved your bus diatribe! I was ROTFL!!!

Is it me, or did Hugo's bathroom look like an upscale company ladies' room? That sink counter went on forever and I think I spied a towel dispenser (ok, maybe I imagined that part).

Some quick adds:
- Damian asks Andrea to keep him abreast of any plans Connie has against him. Andrea says she will if he tells her of any plans he has to ruin Connie. No dice from Damian and she knows where her bread is buttered, so I guess they settled for smooches instead.

- Andrea wants to get Karla pregnant with Damian's kid (first she suggests faking it, then she decides the real thing would be better 'cause it's too easy to check) and Connie figures a current bastard with a maid trumps one from 20some years ago. Little do they know that Karla's working on that as they speak...

- Braulio fears Damian's wanting to meet with Mili about Hugo cannot bode well.

- Macarena revels that she and chunky nun had a lounge act at a brothel in their younger years (she didn't say they did anything else for the clients though).

I do hope that Hugo gets off his high horse and grants Mili a divorce now that she knows he cheated. Alas, she didn't sign that document for Damian in invisible ink, so she's about to be poor again. Who will pay Luci's bills now? Maybe Mili can get Nestor to chip in?

I can't wait for MP2 to come to Bobby with the chisme about Lina's baby so he can tell her he doesn't care 'cause he luuuuvs Lina. I know it's petty of me, but I'd like to see it.

So Damian, Andrea, and Connie have barely begun to get any of their just desserts (those prison stints were nuthin' - Connie was hardly there and Damian had a bodyguard), wonder if they'll get any of them before this is over.

I can't wait to see Luci choke on the crow she's about to eat when she has to thank Rocky and Mili for saving her life. Other than that, I think she may have cleared the slate and be on her way to become a decent human being...

Excellent Beckster, Thanks! I love your funny recaps.

I laughed all the way through this one, Beckster!

I can’t believe Mili – signing that document for Damien without consulting anyone. I’m sure it’ll get revoked somehow later, but how?

Thanks, Beckster! Loved the bus analogy! Yeah, some people are like deluxe motorcoaches, and some like Fernando are like the 2:30 a.m. long stinky metro route through the slums.

So does Andrea really want to get Karla pregnant with DAMIAN's kid? How the heck does she think she will manage that? It would be tragically hilarious if Andrea was the one who got pregnant instead.

I can't believe Mili signed that paper. Yes, she feels guilty, but she knows that Hugo doesn't need or want her money and I think she sees right through Damian. So why did she do it?

Right when Hugo said he had something for Karla, I knew exactly what was coming, but that didn't make it any easier to watch. We have seen Mili wear that orange dress before, but I can't remember whether it was at some time that was particularly significant for Hugo. So, the wig and hat were bad enough, but when he started actually calling Karla Mili, I felt like vomiting. Oh, Hugo, how low you have sunk. Get help.

Also...I think Mili should join the boyz in business. There is the little matter of her owning 20% of Belmonte Construction, but no one else worries about conflicts of interest so why should she? She has tons of money (if Damian doesn't actually manage to get it) and needs something to do. Maybe she could create a document signing all her assets over to the new business and insist that it happened before she signed Damian's paper, so when she signed his, she didn't have any assets to give. That would be fun.

I think Mili signed the document, cause she has uber guilt, she was raised to think it is okay to egg cars, drop nails and so on..but cheating on marital vows. No can do. She also feels guilty for using Hugo and really he was her whole support for three years. Yeah Mili thinks she doesn't need money, however she hasn't lugged the sweeper up the steps for a while now. It is kinda a disappointment that she finished "High School" and has done nothing but sit around the homestead since. In real life, not good planning.

The other sad thing is, Damien stopped in to see Hugo for the money, but other than Karla..no one would ever stop in, sadly no one cares about Hugo, other than Al coming in to mark his territory.

Hugo's situation is pretty sad. Mili's the only one who knows how bad it is who would be willing to do something about it, but she's in no position to do so really. She needs to get Val on the case. Hugo isn't mad at Val, and she's not just trying to get something from him.

Maybe Mili will lose the money, marry Al, the business will struggle, and the good guys will all live happily ever after in little houses with two cows and gladly leave the madness of Mansion Manicomio behind. Money can't buy you happiness, after all, which Mili tried to tell Damian.

Remember, Mili still owns her mother's childhood home in the barrio. They could all move in there with Tio Brau as the major domo. Val could also resume modeling and make some dough.

Beckster: Thanks for the fun recap.

Margarita: Re Hugo's bathroom - I thought it looked a little commercial, too. That counter was just too long.

Hugo is just plain nuts. It's hard for me to feel sorry for him. He's become a real pervert now. At first the disguises he came up with were funny. But, asking Karla to dress as Mili and then making love to the wig. Ugh!

Damien for some reason is really bad. He always seems to weasel out of trouble - mostly that he caused himself. Some of his scenes are comical, but, this man is always cheating somebody out of something. And, Consti, his counterpart is no better. They both need more pain before redemption.

From lower Ala

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