Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Guapos: Monday 8/11/08- "Two Impromptu Parties, Two Very Different Reasons"

Mili and Lina are able to explain away Lina’s slip about Constancio being Mili’s dad. Socorrito buys it hook, line, and sinker. Lina tells Mili about Bobby’s proposal and Mili’s quite happy for her friend.

Back in the jail visiting room, Val admits to her father that she went away with Rocky. Connie’s not too happy, but Val goes on to explain that Rocky makes her happy. She asks her father what kind of marriage he wants for her, a loveless one like Al’s and Florencia’s, like her parents, or one based on love. Connie says he only wants her to be happy. She encourages her father to live up to the promise he made to Rocky three years ago when he sent Val away to Paris. She reminds him that he deal was that if they were still in love three years later, he’d not stand in the way of them getting married. She tells her father that they are more in love than ever. Connie reluctantly agrees to fulfill his promise.

Gloria complains to Chamuco that with him working so much, she never sees him. And, when they are together, he’s too tired to do anything. He can’t see her point and she walks off in a tiff. Chamuco lays his head down to take a little nap and has a dream---fast forwarded 15 years and basically a “Cats in the Cradle” moment happening with his daughter (who he keeps calling a son). He wakes up, calls it a nightmare and takes off to work.

Gloria finds Mili and Lina and she tells them about her discussion with Chamu. Mili scolds her friend and says that he’s working so hard because he thinks there is a baby on the way. Mili urges Gloria to ‘fess up to him. The girls then press Mili for info on her trip to Puerta Vallarta and did she run into Alejandro when she was there. She admits that they spent the night together and how it was the marvelous thing in the world. She goes on into great detail about how much it meant to her, how strongly she feels for Al, etc. Of course such a discourse cannot go unheard. Hugo’s outside the door eavesdropping on the whole thing, crying more and more tears as Mili tells her tale. Hugo takes off and has a temper tantrum in his room---wailing “Why Mili? Why? Why can’t you love ME!” Karla walks into the room and asks what’s going on. He tells her to scram. She says, hey I’m just here to work. He kicks her out.

The Mafia Princesses are talking….nothing new here. MP1 has gotten an all clear from the doctor after giving birth in the back of an SUV. They discuss how Gustavo, whom they’ve known all their lives, could be responsible for their father’s death. Al walks in on the conversation and he can’t pass up the opportunity to point out Mateo’s involvement in the plot to kill Domingo and frame Constancio. Marisela isn’t so quick to believe Mat’s involved. She flings a little mud in Al’s direction, reminding him that he’s stolen from his family. Al says it’s false, something cooked up by Mat. He tells Marisela she can check with Connie when he returns home. Besides, he adds, let’s see the proof. Marisela says that Mat ripped up the documents. A-ha, Al retorts, that says it all. Mari realizes she’s been such a fool. MP1 says face it sis, we’ve fallen in love with miserable men. Al tells Flo that if she’s so miserable, then she shouldn’t have any hesitation in granting him a divorce. Flo ignores this and turns to her sister and says let’s go upstairs…. “You’ve gotta see the baby!”
Upstairs, Mili and the girls are discussing the smells of changing a diaper. Flo comes in and demands to know why Mili’s with her child, she left it (does it have a name yet?) in Soco’s care. Flo tells Mili to stay away from her baby, but hand her to me (lack of logic, yeah I think so too).

In the office, Damian flirts with his new secretary, Erika. Andrea arrives and she’s a little perturbed to see him flirting. She orders him into the office. Damian tells Erika that they are not to be disturbed for any reason. Inside, Andrea tells Damian of the toys, balloons and decorations she’s bought for the new baby. Damian questions her motives and she tells him that she’s trying to win Al over. She’s already made tracks with Val, but she needs to get both of them on her side so they don’t kick her out of the house while Connie’s locked up. They discuss how Damian is related to the bambina, but Damian gets bored with this line of conversation and starts to kiss Andrea.

Val tells Rocky that they no longer have to keep their love a secret. Connie’s agreed to live up to his promise, they can get married.

Robledo and Connie arrive at the office and meet the new secretary. She tells them that Damian’s in a meeting and can’t be disturbed. Connie get’s her to let Damian know he’s there (Erika takes no notice that Connie’s last name is Belmonte and she’s working for Belmonte Enterprises). She intercoms into the office and tells Damian that a Constancio Belmonte is there to see him. After hearing this, Damian freaks and orders Andrea to get her clothes back on, as he rearranges his own clothes.

The MPs are again rehashing old news. MP1 fills MP2 in on Al and Mili sleeping together in PV. MP2 is shocked they’d do that while everyone was there (it’s not like they did it in the hotel lobby, right in front of everyone, sheesh). Flo blames it all on Mili, how she’s had designs on Al. Mari reminds her sister that she tricked Al into marrying her and tells Flo that it is obvious that they aren’t happy and she should let Al go. Flo says she’s used to winning, so there is no way she’s letting Al go. Mari says, you are a winner, you’ve got this beautiful baby….think of her. Mari then tells Flo that Rigoberto, her ex, came looking for her. Mari fills her in on how the drop in visit went down, including the part where Bobby told Rigo that Flo’s not happily married. Flo rants some about how she doesn’t need Rigo in her life, blah, blah. Mari scolds her sister and says that she’s making the same mistakes with her marriage to Al as she did in her marriage to Rigo.

Bobby and Rigo are lunching together. Bobby wants the background on why he’s back in town, Bobby thought he was dead. Rigo says Domingo intended him to be dead. He says that Domingo ruined his life----that Dom was behind the whole cheating on Flo thing. He tells Bobby he’s there to clear things up now that Dom’s dead and Bobby agrees to help him.

Connie beats on the door to his office. Inside, Andrea is busy blowing up balloons. They finally open the door and “surprise!”. They spontaneously throw him a getting out of jail party. Never does Connie ask how they knew he was sprung from the pen. He tells Damian that they’ve got some things to work out later, but he gets into the party spirit and toasts his freedom and toasts himself.

Val, Rocky, the rest of the servants, Hugo, Mili, Al, Flo and Mari are gathered in the mansion foyer. Val toasts the birth of her niece, Connie’s freedom, and her and Rocky’s engagement. Everyone is happy for the couple. Horacio, Mili, and Al all give them hugs. Hugo gets in on the hug activity and tells the couple that he hopes “they never betray each other or break promises they make to each other”. This is said as he stares at Mili. Karla, not one to miss the obvious, senses that something’s going on between Hugo and Mili. Rocky gives a little speech and he and Val declare their love in front of all and kiss.

Connie asks Robledo to help him with his daughter’s marriage. He needs a fake judge to perform the ceremony. Robledo’s not too keen on helping. Connie says that it won’t last, it is just a whim for Val. Then there is the whole thing with Val being from money and Rocky being poor. Robledo suggests a prenup would be a better option, but Connie’s not in favor of that. Robledo agrees to help, but asks Connie what’ll happen if the marriage lasts and they are truly in love. Connie says he’ll accept that he was wrong. They discuss Mateo and then Al. Robledo says that it was a true demonstration of Al’s love for Connie, that he was willing to take the blame for Dom’s death in Connie’s stead.

The gathering at the Belmonte’s has turned into an impromptu party. Mili, Lina, and Gloria are dancing. Al’s having a bonding moment with his daughter. Mari and Flo are sitting on the steps looking bored. Flo decides to mess with Al and she takes the baby away from him. Mari decides that she’s going to mess with Lina, she asks Lina to bring her a drink. Lina reluctantly does and then Mari starts to harass her about trapping Bobby into marriage with a pregnancy, isn’t that a typical servant trick. Lina says that Bobby cares for her and that’s why he’s marrying her. Mari wants to know when Lina got pregnant and Lina asks why that’s any of her business. Mari says she wants to know if it was when Bobby was with her. Bobby arrives at this moment and Lina says he’s here now, have him answer your questions but leave me alone. Lina walks away. Bobby greets Al and learns that his baby was born. Bobby says he’s got some great news too. He calls Lina over and announces that he and Lina are to be married and that they are going to be parents. Al is happy for his friend and steam is coming out of Marisela’s ears. END OF EPISODE.


This episode had some interesting developments. Perhaps Rigoberto really is a good guy, and if Flor goes back with him it will be a happy ending. Maybe they'll all share the baby.

Marisela, what a piece of work. She always advised her sister to take the high road with Al, but now she's turned around and done the same vindictive MP thing with Lina and Bobby. I hope Lina doesn't really believe her lies.

Hugo looked like a psycho after he went back to his room. It occurred to me that we still don't know who slashed that painting.

Didn't Bobby look like Eddie Munster with his new haircut (with widow's peak).

I think you are right. Hugo slashed the painting, Val accused him in one episode and he didn't deny it....

Actually it was Flor who accused Hugo and he didn't deny it, excuse my last post. It wasn't Val.

Thank you, Cathy, for the recap!

I loved the scene with Erika carefully copying down the name Belmonte to introduce Connie, while the big Belmonte sign was right behind him.

Marisela was being skunky with Lina, but I like how her character is not 100% virtuous or evil. She’s not good enough for Bobby, but she’s not the worst thing in the world either. At least she loves her sister who isn’t very deserving of her affections. Mari didn’t seem heartbroken about Mat turning out to be a deceiver, but I guess she never was really in love with him.

We haven’t had any ultimas semanas ads here in L.A., or at least nor during Guapos…

I think Marisela might end up being redeemed somehow, though I have no idea what might happen to her. She's not totally despicable, she's just done some really stupid things which she now seems to regret. Unfortunately, she was raised as a mafia princess, so brattiness is what she knows. I loved how wounded she looked when Bobby, far from looking trapped into marriage, was totally excited and happy about it.

These people all need to get divorces and annulments tout de suite. I can understand why Hugo is hurt, but...he knew this was going to happen. That's why he insisted on a civil wedding. Maybe if the Karla fling from the previews doesn't stick, Nefertiti could come back. I think she's the only woman Hugo hasn't shared with his cousin or his dad.

Also, Andrea and Damien are the worst liars ever. Pink balloons and a stork? Come on. It would have been just as believable if Andrea had just lounged on the couch starkers and they had said that was Connie's welcome-back party.

Please please please can Connie just throw her out already? She is a one-trick pony and I'm tired of her, although I suppose she does still have one guy in the family left to check off on her to-do list.

I was surprised that our supposedly super-honest Robledo would agree to helping arrange a fake wedding for Vale and Rocky. That “oh my poor late daughter and her disaster of a marriage” backstory still doesn’t make his dishonesty seem justifiable.

Good point, Maggie. I was startled by that too. Very out of character. Also, he was Granny's lawyer, and Granny approved the marriage, although he doesn't know that.

How are Val and Rocky going to fall for the fake judge thing? Won't they want the church wedding, with longtime family priest Padre Manuel officiating? I don't see how Connie thinks this would work out better for him or Val if things ever did go sour--she would just be really mad at him, instead of needing a divorce, and in the meantime they would have believed they were married and lived like they were married.

The way I figured that was that they would have a church ceremony but a fake civil ceremony. Isn't Mexico one of those countries where you have to have both? If Robledo produced the judge, Val and Rocky would have no reason to doubt him.

Hmm, maybe. I think that's right. So the advantage in Constancio's mind would be that, although they were married according to the church, legally they would not be married and therefore Rocky would have no claim to Val's wealth? Wouldn't the honest route of a prenup be easier? I know; if people did the honest, logical things, there would be no story.

Can I just say that I think Rigoberto is thug-a-licious?

He looks a little thug-ish, but dear God, is he attractive!

I used to feel sorry for Hugo with the whole Mili/celibacy deal, but after he did the deed pretty much the whole day with Nefertiti, I have no sympathy for him; I don't care how wounded he looks.

I agree. Mili's actions were wrong (by which I mean, she should never have married Hugo or should have at least gotten or applied for the annulment before hooking up with Al, not that she should have given Hugo any satisfaction), but Hugo has been digging his own grave. Seriously, what's keeping them pretending they're still together? Is Hugo still sleeping in Mili's room, or does he just stay up painting all night to avoid the issue?

Linda: I sort of agree on the thug-a-liciousness. Of course, I also think Fernando on Fuego is sorta smokin' hot, and he is a total villain, while everyone else seems to swoon over the galan Juan, and I...just don't see it. Ha. Taste is funny.

The guy playing Rigo is always a baddie but he does have a certain hotness. It will be interesting to see if he whisks MP1 away which I doubt since she is such a self centered psycho.

MP 2 is a snotty whiner sort of like Val was in the beginning. She cheated on nice guy Bobbie so therefore in my book deserves nothing. I particularly dislike the way she ordered Lina around and her comments. i guess once a bitch always a bitch. Let's get the MP girls into a car, cut the breaks and send them off a cliff somewhere.

Bobbie is a sweetie and i still hope Lina's is a false pregnancy. There are very few guys in this world (my brother is one) who would willing take on the role of some other guy's unborn child.

All right Hugo give it up. A chronic sobbing guy is not attractive and it isn't as if he didn't know what he was doing.

Julia, I can't say I'm swooning over Fernando or Rigoberto, but I'm in agreement with you over Juan on Fuego--he doesn't do it for me. My heart still belongs to the comic stylings of Jaime Camil.

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