Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Guapos: Monday 8/4/08- "A Round of Impactado for All"

Mili gets over her fantasy of running into Alejandro on the beach and realizes that it is Rocky she sees. The two friends hug and each launch into a discourse on what are the chances of them meeting up in Puerta Vallarta (pretty good as it is plot device to throw our main characters in some “silly” situations and to attempt to move the story forward, all be it slowly). Rocky tells her he’s there with Valeria and Mili is happy for the couple. They decide to meet up for dinner later, but in the mean time, they’ll go look for Val together.

Val, meanwhile, has run into her brother poolside. They also launch into a conversation about meeting up in PV. Val tells Al she’s there with Rocky and he says he’s happy that his sister is with the man she loves. They decide to meet up for dinner later as a foursome, with Rocky and Flo. Val fills him in on Ramses & Nefertiti. Al has a good time mocking Ramses. Val tells Al that Nefertiti has been hitting on Rocky. They decide to go look for Rocky together.

Constancio is on some talking head show. The actor has that perfect “political spin” pitch to his voice and I have to admit I went into a catatonic state listening to him talk, pretty much what I do whenever I hear a politician speak. As far as I could tell, my capt text could have just repeated the word mentira throughout his soliloquy and we would have all gotten the point of it. Basically he emphasized how he’s honest and open to the people. The host tried to call him on the appearance of a man in drag (Brau) and Constancio attempts to explain that away. The subject of his family comes up and Connie says that Luci’s had a nervous breakdown, he loves her, he wants to protect her and all he wants right now is to protect and care for her. That’s pretty much the gist of it, if I missed anything of importance, please add it to the comments (some how I doubt I missed much of anything, since it all was a bunch of lies).

Back at the mansion, the police show up with a search warrant (or the Mexican equivalent). Braulio doesn’t want to let them in and tries to tell them that the owners aren’t home, but Andrea shows up and says she’s the mujer of the casa and the police take that as their “in”. Andrea insists that she will accompany them on their search. They go into the study and begin to pull books off the shelf, making quite a mess. Brau is in such a state over the mess they are making. The main detective earns his keep that day, by opening a drawer in Constancio’s desk and finding a folder that apparently contains the proof he needs to link Connie with Domingo’s death.

Back at the TV studio, the police burst in on the broadcast (which is apparently live) and arrest Connie right then and there. Connie is impactado and outraged. Then as all people do when arrested, Connie professes his innocence and exclaims that he’s been set up.

Luci, in her drunken stupor, sees this play out on TV with very little reaction---no impactada for her, as the booze has pickled her emotions (at least for today). There is a knock at her door and it is Damian. He knows what’s happened to Connie (didn’t it just happen on TV?). Damian mentions the police finding the evidence in Connie’s desk. This has no effect on Luci, she just wants to be left alone with her bottle. Damian takes this opportunity to blackmail his sister into giving him a blank check in exchange for keeping her whereabouts a secret and keeping up the rouse that she’s in rehab. Talk about a dysfunctional family. Damian gets the check and leaves and Luci’s back to the bottle.

Marisela and Mateo are in bed (ick) and watching TV (I think the sizzle has left their romance, oh wait, there was never a sizzle). She sees Connie getting arrested for her papa’s murder and she gets upset. Mat takes this as an opportunity to bad mouth Al and to once again maneuver to getting control over Flo’s inheritance and business interests. Mari calls Flo.

Horacio is lighting into Socorrito about keeping Lina’s pregnancy a secret. She explains that she couldn’t betray Lina’s confidence, but Horacio thinks that marital ties trump secrets. They have words back and forth about this and finally Soco tells her husband that right now Lina needs him to step up to the plate and be a dad and be there for her in her time of trouble. Brau comes into the kitchen and tells them that Connie’s been arrested. They are appropriately impactados.

Al’s cell phone rings, it is MP2 and she’s upset but won’t tell Al why. He can’t say why Flo isn’t answering her phone. They hang up with each other and Al goes to hunt down his insipid wife, to tell her about the phone call and also Rocky and Val’s being at the same hotel. Just as Al walks away, Mili and Rocky find Val. She’s happy to see Mili there.

Al finds Flo and gives her the 411 on Rocky and Val. She’s snobby enough to be appalled that Val would be on vacation with the chauffer. Al tells her that Rocky makes Val happy and that’s all that’s important. He tells her that he’s made dinner plans with his sister and Flo agrees to go. He tells her about Mari’s phone call. Flo tries to call her back but gets a busy signal.

That’s because Mat’s using the phone, talking to Connie, and agreeing to meet him at the jail. Mari’s upset that Mat’s even thinking about helping the man accused of killing her dad. Mat says he’s doing it for her. That he’ll use his powers for good, not evil, but we all know he’s lying. He tells Mari that he’ll make sure that Connie’s not going to do anything underhanded or use his connections to get out of it. Mari makes him promise that when Connie’s found guilty he’ll rot in prison for the rest of his life. Mat makes that promise. Mat leaves and MP2 calls Bobby right away. He doesn’t have time to talk because he’s in the middle of planning his wedding. Mari is impactada upon hearing this, today just isn’t her day.

Bobby’s in a conference with Padre Manuel, Chamuco, Gloria, and Lina. They are working out the details for the double wedding that will be taking place in a month. Lina almost blurts out Gloria’s unpregnant secret, but Gloria cuts her off before the big reveal. They talk about Mili and Hugo on their honeymoon and Bobby tells them that Flo and Al are also in PV. Impactado-looks from the entire group (because apparently there is only one hotel in PV, so they are bound to run into each other).

Mili tells Hugo that Rocky and Val are at their hotel. They play in the surf together….still not feeling it between these two, oh yeah, that’s because the idea of being with Hugo gives Mili the heebee jeebies and that translates to the audience.

Flo finally gets a hold of Mari. She can tell her sister is upset, but she’s selfish enough to not want to hear about it while on vacation. Mari keeps quiet, as to not ruin her sister’s obviously good time (snarky tone implied). MP2 hangs up with MP1 and has a good pity cry.

Val and Rocky talk about Mili and Al both being at the same hotel and how Flo and Hugo would flip if they knew (could we say that they'd be impactados, to keep with the theme?). They go to get some spa treatments and Ramses and Nefertiti kick the attendants out and take over giving the treatment. Each uses the opportunity to get a kiss in with Val and Rocky, respectively. Val and Rocky react by being impactado and rejecting the advances and running away….meeting up in the spa waiting room. They rehash what just happened to each of them----each upset to hear that the other was kissed by the Mexican-Egyptian wonder twins.

Back at the convent/church. PM tells Lina and Bobby that his wanting to marry her is truly an act of love. Bobby fills the good padre in on Connie’s arrest. Once again, the news leaves someone impactado, this time both Padre Manuel and Lina.

Damian visits Connie in the slammer-the pen-the big house-the can-the clink-the cooler-the coop-the joint. Connie asks for Damian’s help, but he professes to be turning over a new leaf and becoming an honest person. So no can do. Connie is steamed and tells Damian he’ll pay. Damian leaves and his exit is followed closely by Andrea’s arrival. She’s shedding the appropriate amount of tears. Connie tells her he knows who is behind all of this and just at this point Mateo arrives. His guilty conscious shows, not that Connie and Andrea can see. Connie tells Mat to leave for a bit and he and Andrea discuss if Mat will be effective as Connie’s lawyer. Outside the detective (the one who earlier earned his keep finding the file in the desk) asks Mat if he’s Connie’s lawyer. Faster than Peter denied Christ, Mat denies it and takes off. Back in the other room, Connie’s telling Andrea that he thinks Damian is behind all of this. Andrea doubts that Damian had anything to do with Domingo’s murder and Connie agrees, but he does think Damian took this opportunity to set Connie up as the fall guy for the crime. Andrea whines that the nights will be lonely without Connie and he urges her to be strong. On her way out, the detective wants to talk to her. She mentions that she’s Connie’s wife, well almost wife. The detective finds this as interesting of a conversation as I do, which isn’t that much. He tells Andrea he’s looking for Connie’s lawyer, to discuss some procedural stuff. Andrea tells him she’s looking for the lawyer too, but Mat is long gone….

He’s sitting on his motorcycle (it just looks all wrong, this skinny twerp being on such a big bike). Mat calls the Lobo guy (?) and tells him that Connie knows the truth and that the police are now looking for him. He no longer wants any part of this whole thing. Lobo guy tries to talk sense into him, but he’s not listening. He throws his cell phone down on the street like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum and he drives off. Meanwhile, MP2 is trying to reach him on the phone, no luck as the phone is in pieces on some DF street. Bobby arrives to talk to her and he tells her that he doesn’t think Connie had any part in her father’s death. She’s upset to hear this, but that aside, she wants to talk about Bobby’s plans to marry the servant. Bobby reminds her that Lina has a name. MP2 says you know, we dated for three years and you always freaked at the word marriage and now you’re marrying Lina. Bobby says, well she’s knocked up, so that kinda fixes things (although he doesn’t mention that he’s not the father). Marisela is visibly impactada.

Back in Puerta Vallarta, Val and Rocky hatch a plan to get Mili and Al together while they are there in paradise. END OF EPISODE


Cathy: Well, they had me from hello. I thought for sure that Mili and Al were looking at each other and not at Val and Rocky. Oh, well, anyway, I could have lived without the silly spa scenes that really had no purpose at all.

Gee, too bad Mateo will no longer be in the picture. Who will MP2 turn to now?

From lower Ala

Thanks Cathy, wonderful recap with just the right snarky tone! I can't believe that Flor told her sister she didn't want to hear anything bad while she was on vacation. Well, tonight it appears she'll certainly have her little bubble of denial burst.

Pasofino - I'm afraid Mateo disappearing will only put Marisela in hyper drive pursuit of Bobby, especially with the looming wedding date.

Do you think everyone will cut short their idyllic getaways now that the news about Connie is out? Mili and Al won't really want to support Connie in his travails, but I don't think they will be able to stay behind and have their own tete a tete.

Did you notice that Mili is always wearing a cover-up over her bikini but Val is always exposed. Must be because of her age. Mili was getting too enthusiastic romping with Hugo in the surf. I hope this doesn't prompt him to try something bad.

Thanks for the witty recap, Cathy. I was doing major laundry last night so only saw bits and pieces of this. (Plus I was traumatized from all the evil doings in Querida Enemiga)

Rhonda: Bobby and MP2 would be awful. That would just crush Lina who deserves a break. MP2 is not very "amable". She talks too fast for me.

Really fun recap, Cathy!

Boy, Al and Flor just look so cranky all the time. Even without the others about to appear on the scene, this vacation is a flop as far as marriage repair.

Did Connie say in his TV interview that he would give up politics to be with his wife and family in their hour of need? I didn’t quite catch that part. And I loved the TV lady who didn’t bat an eye as he was arrested and toted off.

I also loved Andrea telling Connie when he was in jail that when he came home, she would have the house all beautifully decorated – as if he would care!

I was checking out Mili’s beach cover-up too and wondering if her parents put the kibosh on any bikini scenes or if the actress didn’t like the way she looks in a bathing suit. I noticed when she was jumping on Hugo for the piggyback ride, that she tugged at the back of the cover-up to make sure nothing was showing.

OMG! I go away for a week and come back to all kinds of things. Nester gone - good. Frat Boy dead -hooray he had it coming. Bobby becomes a mensch and gets the girl of his dreams - about time. Now please let MP2 vaporize with Mat.

I wonder who Nef will go after next? Sexless Hugo is my guess. Anything to keep him away from those cringe inducing conversations with Mili.

Those everyone ends up at the same place are stock Novela scenes and like it or not they do make me laugh. Plus which Al knew where Hugo and Mili were going because he originally spied on them when they were making the plan which is when he suggested to whiny Floreenda that they take a trip. I'm surprised he hasn't actively been looking for the other couple.

So Luci finally fell into a vat of hootch and is likely to never get out. She still needs punishment in my book. Oh and I guess if Andrea says she is the wife and the lady of the house that will make it true. At least in her pin sized brain. Doesn't seem to matter to her that she has been repeately told the house belongs to Mili.

As for who will return when they discover Connie is arrested - my guess is that Mili will be the first. She already told Al that no matter what Connie was he wasn't a killer plus which it gets her away from groping Hugo.

I also picked up on Mili's cover up and maybe her age IS a factor. I read somewhere that she is a much loved and admired child star doing her first adult role. Her parents may very well want to keep from turning her into sexed up teen vamp like all the ones we are saddled with. She looked adorable and just like her real age not the 20 she is playing.

Yes, I have seen a couple of YouTube videos of Mili as a child. Very cute. Let's hope she doesn't suffer the fate of some of our American child stars.

I wonder why Constancio didn't remember that Mat was hiding in his office and must have left the pictures. I hope he catches on soon.

The one thing I noticed is that oh so cocky Mat seems really afraid of Wolfman. Since I screwed up my taping and missed last Monday (but got the rest of the week) and the very satisfying end of Frat Boy now I understand why he is so skittish. I too wonder if Connie will think about the Rat having been in the study. Of course all the cops have to do is fingerprint the envelope and find Mat's and none of Connie's. I wonder if that will go the novela way of DNA and not come into play.

Good re-cap, but when are we going to get the last to episodes?

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