Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Aug. 5 '08 Chalo Takes a Licking and Just Keeps on Ticking....and So Does Sara

Could only watch this once, folks: unbearable to watch out two sociopaths at work twice! so if I leave anything out or garble something, blame the writers. They have created the most vicious duo in telenovela history (not that I've seen that many....but still....)

Brief rehash of Lorena sobbing quietly. Quiet crying is somehow more painful to watch than loud dramatic boo-hooing. Brief but gut-wrenching.

Don Toribio and Alonso are chatting at breakfast after a sleepless, tossing and turning night by our doc. Papa can't believe that Lorena would do the awful things she's accused of. He wants to talk to her, try and clear things up. Alonso forbids it..."it's a personal matter"..".stay out of it Dad. " Then he leaves to take a walk. Guess who's lurking outside the door?..our lovely Sara...ready to pour more poison in the wound.

She plays the victim, soooo disappointed to find out what the real Lorena is like. Yes, everything Chalo told you is true. I'm so disillusioned and blah blah blah. Stupid Alonso just laps it up and finally concludes "The Lorena we thought we knew and believed in is dead".

Back at the apartment Don Toribio is considering calling Lorena in spite of his son's protests. Not sure of her number so he fumbles around with the phone book.

Back to Alonso and Sara. There's one snag in her plan. Alonso doesn't want to see Sara anymore either! Too painful. Reminds him of Lorena. No can do. More clever crap from Sara. How she doesn't want to lose their "friendship" and so forth. This arch-villaness is good...very good. And her prey all seem to be IQ deficient. Not fun to watch, not fun at all.

Alonso gets back to the apartment and catches Dad talking to Lorena..."another Lorena, not your Lorena". Don't say that name! Alonso calls her a "cualquiera" (hussy, floozie, tart). Don Toribio had made a date to have coffee with Lorena but his son talks him out of it. Our poor lamb, already suffering, is stood up by papa.

Back at Maruja's house, Lorena is sitting there looking like a half-drowned puppy. Man, she's breaking my heart! Rossy and Mom want to go set Alonso straight...'"He'll listen to me!" insists Maruja. But Lorena thinks he won't and that it will do no good. (She's right on that point)

Zulema and Omar are having a cozy breakfast( with a wee bit of afterglow going on )but Omar's concerned at how little she's eating. Zulema smiles blissfully and says "La belleza cuesta" (being beautiful takes work, "costs")

Sara's at her desk, gnashing her teeth and vowing to get Alonso back in her clutches somehow. Jacqui asks her how her replies to the banquet invitation are going. Sara's only got two, (because Jacqui gave her the tough ones) while Jaqui has fielded a bumper crop.

Vasco and Diana are at the obstetrician's office. When Diana's called in, the doctor asks Vasco if he's the dad so he can come in too. Vasco says "yes; Diana says "no". The doctor looks puzzled and Vasco looks peeved. Sorry...can't see this as a problem, given what's happening to Lorena folks!

After the ads, we're back at casa pobre. Lorena is giving herself a sad little pep-talk about being strong and not giving way... but she's dragging.

Little snit between Diana and Vasco continues at the office. He's offended...and disappointed because he thought "they were on the same wave length". She protests that she can't just shunt Bruno aside like that.

Back at the casa, Zulema notices how distracted Lorena is, repeats that a client needs two extra portions of rice and sends her and Julian off to deliver. He cheerfully reminds her that the last one to finish the deliveries has to pay for the drinks. Make mine a hemlock, waiter.

Hortensia is reviewing the progress Jacqui and Sara have made on the invitation replies. Clearly Jacqui has become VERY efficient after her little "vacation". Smiles for Jaqui, not so much for Sara.

Brief scene with Paula and her dad. She says she's afraid to look for work...but she's going to. Very sorry though to hear about the breakup with Alonso and Lorena.

Now for the one good scene in the whole darned show tonight. Rossy tells Julian about Chalo's lies and she and Julian and Maruja head over to Chalo's like the Three Musketeers to set things right. Slugs and punches, more landing on Chalo than Julian, although both score. Landlord arrives to try and break things up and after Chalo sucker punches Julian, Rossy breaks a vase over Chalo's head. They leave but not without adding, "This isn't over, punk!"

Okay, let me pause for a moment and just relive and savor that scene. Mmmmmmm Because that was it! Everything else was pretty much awful tonight. I'm fantasizing about punching out a few of these writers myself.

Now we have a scene of Alonso brooding. He does the brooding bit fairly well, doesn't involve a lot of histrionics...although come to think of it, he does red-faced rage well too. Gotta give the guy his props. Then he says those classic telenovela words..."I'm going to forget (him, her it). I'm going to drive (him, her, whatever) out of my mind." We've heard 'em a gazillion times, we'll hear them again. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Patti's trying to work on a study project with a nearly comatose Lorena. She finally pries out of her the news of the breakup but Lorena won't say more because she'll cry if she talks about it.

A little light relief: Bettina's on the phone with her buddy, dishing about the potential romance between buddy's dad and Bettina's mom. They plan to throw them together again after their dance lessons that week.

Omar comes home, looking good in his suit and with even better news. He found a job in administration! Not at as high a salary as he would have wished, but still! Smiles and hugs.

Switch to Diana and Vasco. Do you forgive me, she asks. Do you love me or not? he replies.

Julian, with Rossy and Maruja in tow, arrives home and there's a big brouhaha about his injuries and then the whole sordid story of Chalo's lies about Lorena is revealed. More brouhaha and outrage.

Now a Sara and Chalo scene. (Gawd, I hate these two!) She wants to know what happened when she sees his injuries. Chalo brushes that aside and threatens that if she doesn't bring him money....DI-NE-RO! he's going to rat her out to old lady Hortensia.

Now we're back at casa pobre. Zulema wants to go talk to Alonso and straighten things out. Omar tries to nix the plan. They need to solve their own problems. (this is exactly what a husband would say and exactly what a wife would ignore). She steams ahead and goes to Alonso's apartment. Omar says he'll wait outside since he hardly knows the guy (this really rings true as well. It's exactly the way my husband would react).

Zulema excuses herself for meddling but she just can't let Alonso believe Chalo's lies. She KNOWS Lorena and she's a girl of integrity. Alonso assures her sadly that she's blind. Lorena is none of that. Just ask Sara. Lorena has been envious of her and deceitful all along. The only liar is Lorena herself. You can't be serious, protests Zulema. Believe me, the truth hurts me even more than you, answers Alonso and then more blah blah about how "he must forget her".

Maruja and Rossy come home to a moribund Lorena and mess each other up with conflicting stories about where they've been. So the truth comes out. They tried to get Chalo to confess his lies but no luck. But Rossy DID break a vase over his head. But there's hope, maybe Zulema will convince Alonso of the truth.

Okay, just let me take another little break and relive that vase breaking over Chalo's head again. 'Twas my only happy moment tonight. Join me, won't you?

Okay, back to ugly reality. They're dosing Julian with "chuchitos de arnica" for his wounds. Arnica seems to be big in this household. I've had some New Agey friends try and give me that after I had surgery but I didn't take it. Maybe I should have. Our good folks are all pondering the same question: "If we all believe Lorena, why doesn't Alonso?"

Another scene change. We're at Paula's. Pop's hanging around waiting for Alonso to pick him up. Alonso's late because Zulema's been talking to him. Paula hopes that he's reconciled with Lorena. Big Alonso snit. What she's done is unforgivable!!! Pop tells him to calm down and stop yelling. Paula looks perturbed.

Sara's also looking perturbed...for about a microsecond....while she ponders how to get some money for Chalo. She quickly thinks of a solution...blackmail Barbara!

Now some sad black and white memories for Lorena, thinking back to when Alonso loved her so. Why don't you believe me? she wonders.

Back at the casa pobre, Zulema is talking to Omar (with Sara listening behind a convenient pillar, naturally) while Zully worries that Sara, their daughter, is not a good person. She's mercenary, she's hard-hearted and she's made things worse between Alonso and Lorena by what she's said. There's something "feo" in all this, muses Zulema.

Back to Don Toribio and Alonso. Pops is now referring to Lorena as "esa" and wondering how they're going to eat if "esa" isn't bringing them food. Son is going to die of bitterness ("bilis"...literally bile) and Dad's going to die of hunger.

Maruja's on the phone with Paula, trying to talk to her about the Alonso-Lorena situation but Paula's on her way out to her first job interview and doesn't have time to talk. I'll spare you the wait and tell you that the job interview turns out to be for a sex hotline telephone job. She turns it down after a string of insults to the head honcho.

Now we have the confrontation between Zulema and Sara...for which Sara is well prepared, having eavesdropped on the Omar-Zulema conversation. The way this was portrayed in the previews, we had the hope that Zulema lowered the boom on Sara. But of course Sara manages to convince Zully that Lorena's a dangerous, conniving skank. Sure she "loves" Alonso...because he's paying for her tuition and she told you it was a scholarship, right?! And how about what she did to the mayonnaise...ruined it so you business would fail! Why I even bet she set that fire at Omar's!. She's mercenary, dangerous, we can't have her around! You've got to let her go...tell her you can't pay her salary anymore, what with the mortgage costs. C'mon...think about it! How did Chalo manage to find her in a city as big as Mexico City! And why's he always hanging 'round? And finally the clincher, pouting out her over-lipsticked lips, "It hurts me that you don't believe me".

Ugh. Excuse me while I go retch.

Okay, back to Diana and Vasco. He asks "Me amas?" She replies "Te quiero". Not the answer he was hoping for. Then things get cosier as he tells her she's beginning to "show" and if anyone asks, she can tell them "he's the dad". She seems to like this idea.

Now we see poor little miserable Lorena on a bus and suddenly Alonso gets on and asks if he can sit beside her. NOT!!! Alas, it was just her imagination. A total stranger is beside her. Her vow to "get him out of her heart" is not going well.

Enough of that. Now we're at the office. Jaqui's having a little spat with Dario on the phone. Oversexed Arturo walks by and gives her the eye. She gives it right back. Then he goes into the office (Jaime's? Hortensia's...dunno) and finds Barbara and starts laying the moves on her. "Are you crazy" she wheezes in that awful high-pitched voice of hers. He moves on to a cozy little fantasy about doing away with Jaime so that she's a rich widow...what could be sexier!? She reproves him..."Not wanting Jaime and wanting him dead are two different things", she corrects.
More icky flirting and promises of punishment of no kisses when Sara walks in. Barbara beats a hasty retreat and Sara, all smiles, starts grilling Arturo about his work background.

More Vasco and Diana. He's been promoted. Now we can get married! He notices she's not excited. She wants him to slow down. Okay....but just sayin'...I've got more to offer you now.

Sara's let up on Arturo and is successfully manipulating Chalo again, promising to get him the money but just do this one more teeny-weeny little thing for me....call Lorena again.

Lorena drags into Zulema's house, asking if Zully wants her to go to the market. Nope, done already. Cellphone rings. It's Chalo. She doesn't answer but the fact that he's calling her just confirms the doubts Sara has planted in Zulema's head. "I'm sorry to say this...but you can't work here anymore," says Zulema. Impactada look from Lorena.

The End

Forget the previews!...I mean, who wants to know what's coming next? If you watched this too, I hope you're pouring yourself a big glass of wine about now, and forgetting the whole darned thing. ( Except maybe Rossy breaking a vase over Chalo's head.) Hold that thought.


Was it in the episode or in the previews that Chalo threatened to expose Sara?

Maybe she'll be sure enough that he's bluffing that she won't worry. But if he threatens her again she'll have to kill him, or pay someone else to do it.

Maybe she'll do what Bertha did in Heridas - hire a professional like El Guapo who turns out to be even more ruthless and insane than she is.

It was in this episode that he threatened to tell her grandmother everything. This show is kind of dull, but at least Chalo is finally showing some signs of life and doing something other than obeying Sara and saying "mi reina" all the time like a smirking robot.

Thanks JudyB =)

Haven't had a chance to read this one yet, but I wanted to catch up on my comments from the previous epi (8/4).

Ferro, I'm glad the storm brought no major consequences. I grew up in hurricane country myself. Hubby asked me how my mom had fared the last one and I said, oh, it never came up. We got so used to them (we even got hurricane tracking charts in school) we just made a habit of keeping some canned goods and some batteries. Whenever the warnings came we would just pick up a few bottle of water, tape up the windows and call it a day ;)

For what it's worth, for those of you that have missed some epis, there is someone on posting them on YouTube, and unlike Guapos, they are listed by number rather than date (I recently went looking for a Guapos epi I missed and had to go to the esmas.com site to count them and figure out the date. Alas, I say the teaser banner for the grand finale =( It wasn't a huge surprise, but it sucks to know it when there are still months to go). Anywhoo, the beauty of this is that you can just post the number; for example, for Monday's epi, it would be QE cap. 30.1. Then you just scroll down to 30.2, etc. The risk of running into a spoiler is thus minimized.

Regarding mole (the food, not the skin problem), most people buy it in a jar (though someone who cooks as much as Zulema does might make it from scratch) or from the deli counter (no, I'm not kidding, they package however much you need in the little plastic containers). They then dilute it with the broth as needed, and some folks doctor it up to their taste. I like mole verde, but HATE mole negro, aka mole Poblano. Mind you, I love chocolate, sesame seeds, and spices in general, but for some reason the combination never worked for me. Them's the breaks.

As for today, my heart just sank for poor Vasco when Diana told the nurse he wasn't the baby daddy. He looked like someone ran over his puppy :( I do hope she learns to love him because he's so great, but I'm afraid she's simply not over Bruno yet, and really should have waited to be sure before she got his hopes off. Having said that, it wasn't very sensible of him to keep her from answering the phones at work. I know he just got a promotion, but they need all the income they can get into that house, and she needs that health insurance! Can't have her getting fired for celebrating instead of working.

I was so mad when Zulema agreed to fire Lore for Sara. I know she's trying to take her daughter's side (if only she knew) but it just killed me to watch. On the plus side, it looks like Lore might FINALLY wise up to what a backstabber her buddy is. I'm not holding my breath that she and Al will get back together as the previews hinted. My guess is before anything can be said or done, he will kick her out and she will throw the ring at him. Then Sara will tell him she assumed it was cheap or something. I had a chortle when he told her to scram 'cause she reminded him of Lore. Serves her right!

Hi folks. Glad you're finding things to enjoy in this telenovela. I enjoy the Chalo and Bruno smackdowns and the oh so seldom appearances of Chef Hawt but other than that....

Oh well, suffering builds character. (Or maybe not...maybe it just turns you into a grumpy crank).

Now...teammates or anyone...I'll be away next week and need someone to sub for me. Can't remember if Sylvia said she'd do it or not. But the offer's out there.

Thanks for the cultural juice about mole Margarita. I've seen jars of the stuff in the grocery but never dared try it. And you know how those jars are...Thai fish sauce, capers etc. that sit around your fridge for a gazillion years until you finally throw them out?!

JudyB.^^^Thanks for an excellent recap of an excruciating episode. I wish I could care about any of these people. It's no fun to watch if you really DON'T want the wishywashy heroine to get back with the boring , spacey galan. To me , the true heroes of this novela are Julian [I loved him breaking into Chalo's room and giving that little sneakysnake a big shove], Vasco de Gama, Omar, and Abuelo. Sara is hard to watch...those overly glossy, pouty lips and little furrowed brows as she is lying through her tiny teeth. I suppose that we have all crossed paths with ruthless people like Sara in our own lives , so she is an unpleasant reminder of backstabbing opportunists in reality. I hope that Zulema comes to her senses and does not abandon Lorena. This novela is dragging me down....at least on Fuego , no matter what happens, I have Mighty Joe Juan and his pretty horse to look at.

P.S. My favorite part of this show is the opening montage in which we see EvilSara's lying eyes over the edge of a pot as she sprinkles in salt ? salt peter? poison? into a big caldron [''Bubble, bubble , toil and trouble..look out folks, here I come''] ...followed by a shot of her stabbing a poor, defenseless pumpkin...even the fresh produce is not safe from this witchywitch.

Yes, Susanlynn...that opening shot is great. She DID pour tons of salt one time, on a creation of Lorena's that Hortensia was sampling, way back when Lorena was working in the big kitchen. Our Sara is a busy girl!

Next Tuesday? Darn. I'd love to take a crack at recapping this, but on Tuesday I have either a Red Sox game or a meeting.

I love the mole in the jar. You have to dilute it with broth, though. It doesn't taste like anything if you just use water.

There's a Red Mole envelope mix from Tradiciones (looks like "Traiciones" because the local market put the price sticker right in the middle of the word) that you mix with a small can of tomato sauce... it's surprisingly rich for something from an envelope. Alas, you don't get a free juice glass in the deal, but it's a lot easier to work with. :)

I certainly enjoyed the scene when Maruja, Rossy and Julian walloped Chalo. Ha, not one of Chalo's best days but it was fun to watch him take his frustration out on Sara.

My other favorite scene was when Paula discovered her job was a sex hotline. The actress does comedy well and it was a relief to see her as something other than a shrieking shrew.

Oops, I'm late for work. Gotta dash, more later.

Thanks for the recap JudyB! And yes, I can do your recap next Tuesday if nobody else can. It will probably be a shortie, I don't think I can give it my all twice in one week. Julie, I'd love to see you wrap your wit around this one.

Well you and Julie could get creative...Sylvia could take Tuesday and Julie could take Thursday...or is that another Red Sox game, Jules?

Yeah - I'll do Thursday. It'll be fun... or horrifying... that's a pretty good combo for me. :)

...that's next Thursday, the 13th. OK, Sylvia?

Thanks Julie...if Sylvia doesn't check back in, I'll e-mail her and see if that will work.

Actually Thursday is the 14th. Does that still work, Julie?

By the way, forgot to say "welcome back Carmel"....liked the smirking robot quip and hope Chalo really really makes life difficult for Sara. However so far, she still seems to be able to manipulate him. Too bad!

Eh, 13, 14, whatever... it's still good. :)

Oh, thank you, Judy, and thank you for the great recap! I miss this site and am going to try to get back into visiting regularly.

Thank you for the very detailed recap. I missed the show last night, but reading the recap, I could picture every painful scene. Hopefully, we'll have some happy stuff soon. A few weeks ago, it was really bad for about 3 days in a row, and the writers made a few things go right for Lorena (then back to the bad). After last night, we're about due!

Ok, now I've read it ;)

JudyB, I will join you in reliving Chalo's vase smash. Not sure it was the best part, but it was indeed satisfying. He's such a slimeball. Now, we just need something bad to happen to Sara to hold us over for a while. Al telling her he doesn't want to see her was a start, but I think we need a little more.

Oh, and JudyB, Arnica rocks! I don't take it orally much, but if you buy it in topical form (I prefer cream, but they also have it in gel and oil form), it's awesome on bruises.

I'm with Sylvia on the sex hotline scene. Paula can be very aggravating, but she can also be quite funny. Wonder how long this will set her back in her search for work.

Is it wrong that I can't get over the fact that Neto stole a recipe from one of his exes (actually it was her aunt or grandmother, which is far worse IMHO)? It's one thing that he's a RatBastard womanizer, but it seems to me this should be offset by his integrity as a chef. Stealing a recipe for profit just seems so sleazy. Maybe Lorena will straighten him out.

Hombre de Misterio...hope you're right and we're due for some light shows.

And great that you're back, Carmel, we need more folks to share the "agita". Misery loves company.

Okay, Margarita...I'll give arnica a try. My skin has gotten so thin in recent years, it bruises really easily.

And yes, that was troubling about the recipe. He didn't look at all bothered, and really was quite cavalier about all the women, which isn't particularly endearing either. Clearly he's not the answer for our little Lorena. But maybe he can find her a job now that Zulema has cut her loose. And he'd better find a way for her to pay her tuition now that Alonso's abandoned her. Oh my...such horrible happenings in this one!

Thank you Judy for the great recap!
I finally got to read it.
Well, thanks to you now I'm all up-to-date without aggravation that you've experienced.

Probably I would have enjoyed the 3-musketeers scene but mostly I'm glad just to read it.

Looks like Zulema is losing her sense of reality that was pretty strong before. Well, Sara can screw heads like nobody else. Look how many people are on her list:
1. Lorena
2. Alonslow
3. Snortenzia
4. Zulema
5. Vasco
6. Vasco's dad ( forgot his name)
7. Nuns in the orphanage ( including the dead one)
8. Jackie
9. Julian
I don't think that the following personages got trapped by her yet:

1. Omar
2. Diana
3. Barbara ( because of the blackmail)
4. Maruja
5. Rosy
6. Patti from school
Please feel free to add to both lists

Julie, thanks for offering to do my Thursday recap so I can do Judy's Tuesday slot. I accept!

Hi Eve. Wow...when you run that list, it seems even worse. The one who really seems to have her number is yes, Diana. She is going on pure instinct and she's 100% right. Omar has looked perturbed, but then so has Zulema, and Sara completely bamboozled her...at least last night.

Tonight I have to go counsel some body at church and my VCR recorder died (probably from all the evil it's recorded lately) so I'll probably have a better night's sleep and can enjoy Fuego Rosca de Reye's recap tomorrow.

But yes, you WOULD have liked the tripartite invasion of Maruja, Rossy and Julian. It was lively!!! and well deserved.

I think that Rosy, Julian, and Patty have Sara's number , and as true friends of Lorena will perhaps eventually make Lorena realize...SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Wake up and smell the coffee, Little Lamb ....because little lambs often end up as lambchops. Now, I'm hungry ....but I don't eat lamb, so I'll have a salad and a tuna sandwich instead. Which reminds me of when this show first started and seemed so full of promise...good times ahead...Remember all the recipe exchanging and food banter???? Well, that's all gone now...replaced by the indigestion producing evil of Sour Sara and Shallow Chalo. ...Que lastima.

Hey Susanlynn...glad to know you don't eat lamb chops. I've been unable to eat them ever since I had children. Can't eat veal either. Veal and lamb are somebody's babies! No can do. Your reason may be different. Just sayin'.

Well, I sure hope Patti, Rossy, Julian and Maruja don't cave like Zulema. I was screaming at the TV last night!

Thanks for the recap JudyB and for enduring the suffering. I use novelas to escape so when they are just depressing most of the time I have to stop watching. Thank goodness for those of you who recap for us. Hopefully things will lighten up soon and I'll be able to watch episodes again. I really hope Sara's demise isn't all in one week or episode. The destruction of villains this evil need to be slow and painful as what they inflicted to others.

JudyB^^^I don't eat babies [lambs, calves] except for baby vegetables [I always loved to pick zucchini and beans from the garden when they were very young and tender] or red meat [even though my dad raised Hereford steer when I was growing up and my mother served lots of beef ]. If I'm hungry for a burger, I make a Morningstar Veggieburger which is delicious and tastes just like a beef burger. I love vegetables and fruit , so giving up beef , lamb, and veal has not been a sacrifice.

Yep, Morningstar products are good. Was strictly vegetarian for about 14 years after my father's death because watching him suffer for 18 months was enough...I hated to think of anyone or anything suffering after that (alright I do kill flies and spiders...but I apologize first!).

But now I will eat meat at someone else's house....and Lord knows, my son-in-law's barbecue is heaven on earth. Thank God though no one has ever served lamb chops...don't think I could manage that.

Got my sentiments to a T, JudyB! How much you want to bet that Chalo is the first to reach room temperature, courtesy of our resident sociopath, Sara, when she's finally caught Alonso on the rebound and gotten him into her bed?

Ay yi yi Jardinera!...."the first to reach room temperature"....you DO have a way with words.

Yes, our Sara has thought of bumping off so many...Chalo has to be first in line these days.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. But of course she'll manage to implicate our poor Loreana. Not a spoiler...I have no idea...but so far that's been Sara's modus operandi.

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