Saturday, August 23, 2008

Querida Enemiga - August 22, 2008 – Can Skinny, Slimy Snortensia Wiggle Out of a Tight Spot?

Banshee Barb grouses about sitting around and not knowing a thing. Vasco calmly explains process to her. She wonders if they’ll call her but he reminds her she’s not really implicated. Or DID she have something to do with all this? No way! She just threw out an offhand comment about what trash Zulema was, that’s all. Vasco points out that sometimes an offhand insulting opinion does more harm than a crime. She whines some more. Is the divorce still in play? She supposes so and it’s a good thing if he ends up in jail forever. Vasco mutters about her solidarity with Pa. She whines that she’s just a victim here.

Zulema’s deposition is in process with the lawyers and judges. She explains why they’re denouncing Snortensia and Jaime. As she lays out the facts as she knows them, the judges nod and Snortensia’s shakes his head. They tried to make us believe the baby died.

If Banshee Barb isn’t going to show her solidarity, at least Julian will with Vasco. Julian also apologizes for Diana’s rejection, and how’s he doing? Vasco is really sad about it. No one in the family agrees with her. Julian would like to take Bruno’s face off. Vasco’s relating to that sentiment.

Zulema’s deposition continues with the lawyers and judges. Abogado Joel tells the judges that the doc who signed the death certificate probably got paid off by Snortensia and left the country years ago so they can’t really prove what happened. The questioner asks if she never had any suspicions of a kidnapping over the 22 years. No, who would be so monstrous? (Well, we know the answer to that now). Zulema tells them she’s certain she heard the baby’s cry even under the influence of anesthesia, though. Zulema makes a compelling statement that the proof is that Snortensia has immediately acknowledged Sara as her granddaughter when she suddenly showed up after 22 years and given her a plum position in the company, made her an heiress—all to shut her up! Makes sense to me—will the judges buy it? Snorty’s lawyer just shakes his head. Is he annoyed with Snorty or just trying to indicate disbelief and psych Zulema?

Sara strolls into the waiting room of the jail and wants to know what’s up. Barb snaps at her. Sara goes to her “Papá” and tells him she wants to talk with him. She does her usual “why are you denouncing them, stop it already and I want my family united” number. She pushes and he tells her not to ask this; his mother and brother have to pay. The writers are getting some good mileage out of these few lines. We suspect we will hear this cut-and-pasted over and over in the next several months. Does this mean they get paid double for the same lines used extra times, or are the producers saving by recycling? Bottom line: if Omar is capable of denying his mother, Sara can do the same with her folks. She makes a production of taking her place next to Barb—who gestured her toward the seat, imagine that, folks. Julian glares from across the room, then goes to comfort his step-dad.

In the Apartment of Ill Will, Dario works on his laptop and complains to Jacqui that the sound on the television is too loud and he can’t concentrate. Jacqui’s all wrapped up in the Armendáriz scandal. She lowers the sound and begins a fuss about how she gets to work; the real agenda is she wants a car. He tells her to take a taxi ‘cause he’s tired of her depending on him for a ride all the time. More sharp words are exchanged. She should buy her own—she works. What’s more, after the trip to Thailand their bank balance won’t absorb the hit of a new car. Jacqui refuses to live in the miserable conditions that Paula did. She flounces out –the steamy scene in their bedroom is just Dario with steam coming out his ears.

Zulema’s deposition continues with the lawyers and judges. Surprise. (I might as well highlight that sentence for cutting and pasting—looks like I could use it all night). She tells them Snortensia has been manipulating things with Sara. Snortensia forbade Sara to come looking for her parents. So, how did she end up with you? Zulema recounts how she began to work with Sara’s best friend, who figured it out and brought Sara to their arms. Sara didn’t want her parents to denounce Snortensia. Zulema protests that Snortensia and her son cannot slide out of stealing their child with impunity. She cries that Snortensia robbed them of all those years with their child, and their child’s years of growing up with her parents’ love. She stops for a moment and wipes the tears, taking a deep breath.

Maruja and Lorena share a moment at home, Lorena hitting the books and Maruja contemplating Jaime. She prays at her mini-altar that he won’t go into a slump again. Lorena asks what’s up and Maruja tells her best confidante she hopes Jaime will be okay, and not feel so guilty. [Ed. Note: Every Friday Lorena’s décolletage is sinking into the sunset farther. Pretty soon, they’ll need to blur it for US television.] Lorena gets up and walks over, remarking with a little smile that Maruja cares a lot about Jaime. Maru’s not sure what she feels—she’s confused, but Lorena thinks she does care. Rossy arrives and interrupts the moment. She looks at their faces and asks who died as she breezes through. Lorena and Maru exchange glances. Lorena steps wayyyy out of character, lying that the candle is for Zulema who’s getting deposed at the moment. Rossy buys it and reminds Lorena it’s time to go work—and face Monica. They’re off and Maruja’s phone rings.

It’s Greta—he called! She knew he’d like her best. He’s invited her to the opening of his new restaurant—so don’t wait for his call. Maru congratulates her—does Paula know? Yep, I’m sitting here with her. They chitchat a second more and say goodbye.

Paula has her wares laid out on the table—those beauty items, folks, let’s keep it on the high road here. (Now when it comes to Jacqui, sounds like she may have her wares laid out on the table tonight, but she’s not selling). Paula’s tired of looking for work so she’s going to be an Avon Lady. Or whatever. Greta’s thrilled, she wants some help looking better than ever at that restaurant opening. Paula cheerily tells Greta her stuff is good but she can’t work miracles. Paula proceeds to talk about her beauty line and the phone rings. It’s Raimundo, and she loudly says “Raimundo” so Greta can’t miss it. He’s inviting her to the grand opening of the restaurant. Paula is exultant. Greta is incensed. Raimundo writes down Paula’s address so he can send an invite. He’s glad he can count on her and will be looking for her.

Ern comes out of the kitchen before Rai has an opportunity to call Maruja (okay, I’m just speculating here. The writers are so predictable). Ern wants Raimundo to test the dishes he plans for the opening of the restaurant. Raimundo will be pleased to….after he takes this call, since his phone’s ringing. Monica storms in while Raimundo saunters off with this phone. Monica is p.o.’d from answering calls from Ern’s girlfriends. Which girlfriends? She scolds on the 50,000 or so of the poor groveling things he’s left scattered around. They all want a complimentary invite--isn’t this opening a private affair or what-- until he asks if she’s jealous. Monica scoffs. Moi? She can’t see what they see in him. He smiles and tells her she can’t imagine. He’s really a caring guy….Ask them or find out for herself. Ern tells her he likes girls with character but not like hers. She huffs and storms off, leaving him thoroughly amused. (Will it make up for the fender, Ern?)

Sara greets Alonslow warmly in the waiting room of the jail. He’s brought her a headache powder and she’s calling herself a fool for thinking she could be in a happy family. (hah) He hugs her. Around the room, various contingent groups of the Armendáriz family exchange looks—disgust, comfort, glares, whatever. Alonslow asks what’s going on. Sara tells him the depositions are continuing. He wants to go out, since folks seem uncomfortable with him there. (Zulema’s out, so Omar must be in). Sara and Al go off hand in hand. Vasco jumps up and exchanges a glance with Julian.

Omar’s getting his turn. He’s pretty sure his Mami took his baby because his Mami has no scruples. (Ya think?) It’s the kind of whim she follows through with. Snortensia’s attorney writes furiously. He describes falling in love with the wrong woman and Snortensia didn’t like it—not their social level. So, Snortensia disinherited him and kidnapped their baby. The judge wants to know if Snortensia hates that grandchild so much, why is she living with Snortensia and why are Omar and Zulema bringing the charge and not Sara, whose life was most affected by the kidnapping and abandonment. Omar hates to have to acknowledge it, but his daughter’s been blinded by the wealth and power his mother has. The judge nods.

Grandpa Toribio and Bettina give the skating another go. He’s every bit as comfortable as last time (which is NOT), so he’s holding on for dear life and grumbles about how he’s ended up skating again. He’d rather sit on the bench and read his magazine. Bettina whines that it’s boring for her to skate alone and he needs to practice. (So, tell Ivan to meet you already and you won’t be bored). They fuss at each other, he grabs her and begs her not to let go, and Gramps is suddenly talking to himself because Bettina sees a ghost. Nope, it’s Ivan with a buddy. Of course. Gramps points—he knows the guy. Really? Yeah, he came to the apartment for a school project (and got info on you, honey, thanks to Gramps). I didn’t buy any of his story, ha ha. Gramps chuckles at the memory. It was all just an excuse to get info on you. You gave him my birthdate, right? Yeah, it was just some excuse and I don’t know why he would want that. Bettina thinks he’s a pest. Gramps tells her “see, he likes you!” He’s getting a great kick out of it and Bettina just looks like she wants to kick someone. A little more arguing about Ivan and they’re off to skate again. Gramps wants her to skate in his direction like there’s nothing going on.

Things are hopping at the restaurant. Ern cruises, tastes, gives instructions. Lorena comes around the corner and he sees her. Ern drops everything, greets Lore warmly, and she tells him she has to get fitted for a uniform—and just had to go past the kitchen to do it. He knows she’s just dying to get into the kitchen. She admits she is. He ushers her in and she takes a good whiff of something cooking. Ern tells Lorena her place is right there next to him. She agrees, but there’s Monica. They chuckle nervously and nod. Rossy bursts around the corner, greeting them. They go off for their uniforms, leaving Ern with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Bettina and Grandpa Toribio skate right up to Ivan and his buddy, and Bettina focuses on greeting Ivan leaving Gramps to fend for himself. Gramps yells for her not to let go of him, and he falls, of course. Ivan the Hero rushes to the rescue with Bettina. Gramps mutters that’s what he gets for trying to skate with a love struck girl. They get Toribio up and he shakes his finger at Ivan—I know you. Ivan denies it. Toribio says Ivan came to the house and Bettina smirks. Toribio keeps babbling on and Ivan keeps trying to weasel out. Bettina confronts him—he got her info so he’d know her email address. Bettina works her way out with a goodbye and drags Gramps off with Ivan and his buddy staring after them. “Do you like her?” “She enchants me!” Ivan is love struck, too, it seems.

Ern’s folks have laid out the testing spread for the menu that will be served at the opening. Raimundo is pleased—it’s a banquet for the gods-- and invites them to join in testing—so they dive in. Ern wants his team to explain about the dishes they’ve prepared. Raimundo thinks it’s a great idea—they should all know the menu like they know the Our Father-- so all the restaurant team are familiar with what they’ll be serving. Lorena and Rossy have changed into white shirt/red vest and black tie uniforms, looking like Nebraska Cornhusker fans. If Lorena was the teacher she’d be giving Ern a 10 for all this. No, an 11. Rossy is enchanted with the taste she had. Ern announces it’s time to test; if there are any questions, be sure to ask.

Monica comes in to dump water on the fiesta. She demands to know why her team is testing these dishes. Ern sternly tells her that they have to know what they’re recommending, and wants her to try them, too. Raimundo urges her to try them and hear the explanations. Monica snaps back at Papi but glares at Ern. No one needs to explain anything about the dishes to her. Raimundo, who probably has been smoothing over situations for as long as this princess has been alive, gently feeds her a bite and asks how she can sell her product if she doesn’t know it? She gags and hates the dish. It’s disgusting! Ern feeds her one. She gags and hates it, too. [Ed. Note: reminds me of my ex, who once pretended to gag because he wanted to put down my cooking—his Mami’s was so much better. I quit cooking for him and we got divorced not so long after that. He came to me after the divorce and told me he liked my cooking, really, better than his mother’s. Let that be a lesson to all of you who would put down someone’s cooking. If you want to eat, learn to do it yourself or don’t complain. But I digress.] She thinks Papi’s chef is going to ruin them. Monica wipes her mouth and storms off, effectively putting a damper on the party. Oh, well, not for long. Raimundo tells Ern not to pay attention to her –between the two of them they’ll end up taming her--and points to the staff, happily wolfing down samples. (I bet they’re way better than samples at Sam’s on Saturday). Raimundo and Ern grin as the staff enjoy.

Jacqui’s all nervous about Snortensia, and Ickturo fishes about how Jacqui should be pretty happy about now, just back from the honeymoon and all. Jacqui plays with her hair and says “yeah, sure.” With absolutely no conviction whatever. Ickturo wants to know about Thailand. Oh, it was okay. Different. The beach was just like any other. We’ve got just as good in Mexico. What about the temples? Boring. Ickturo expected “interesting” or something like that. Well, let’s just say that it’s not a country I adore (that kills me). What about the honeymoon? I would guess that it went VERY well, or no? Oh, sure. Jacqui’s ready to get back to work. Ickturo smiles slimily (ooooh, I like that word) and Jacqui looks ruffled by the inquisition.

Banshee Barb thinks it’s a royal waste of time to sit around hearing nothing. Vasco firmly tells her it’s solidarity with Dad. Barb doesn’t care; she’s going for retail therapy. Right Now. Vasco shakes his head in frustration as she stalks off to shop ‘til she drops.

Omar is done and comes back to the waiting area with Abogado Joel, who has a tie that matches Omar’s (even though he’s a foot shorter, so he looks like Mini-me—what WERE the wardrobe folks thinking here?). Meanwhile, Snortensia’s Abogado talks with Vasco. The denunciators (is that a word? Apparently so since my spell check in Word didn’t underline it in green). They’re waiting for the accused to make their statements. The plan is that Jaime and Snortensia won’t confess—they’ll claim innocence. Vasco doesn’t know how he feels about that—he doesn’t want to see Papi in prison even if he is guilty. The lawyer tries to reassure Vasco—he’s certain Jaime will accept the proposal to deny the charges. Maybe fear of prison will overcome his feeling of guilt over the past.

Toribio gets high quality first aid from Paula for the bobo on his knee. She wants to know whatever prompted him to do adolescent stuff? He blames Bettina (the boss) for dragging him along to skate. She apologizes and takes the blame prettily. Oh, well, it was worth the trouble. Paula notices that he’s pretty wrinkled up. (Oh, we can see it coming. He’s going to have a facial any minute now). He says he’s a child of the 80s and Paula retorts it’s 80 years. Why didn’t she think of it before? She’ll rejuvenate him! ¿¿¿Qué??? Paula proceeds to give Papi the works. He grumbles and whines while she slathers him with great goop. First, the cleanser. He’s not her guinea pig!!! Then, the cream. He’ll LOVE it! He’s going to buy absolutely everything! He wonders if she’s more interested in his wrinkles or his wallet. Beauty has no price. They bicker while she slathers. Then, she’ll put toning cream on him. How disgusting! What a horror!

Diana gets a glimpse of her baby on the Sonogram. Is the tech sure this is her baby? (Sheesh). He shows her the beating heart. It’s within normal limits. But he can’t tell yet if it’s a boy or a girl. Bruno comes and asks if all’s well with his child. Sure, and he’ll go print up the pix. Bruno smiles at Di and asks if she’s excited. Yep, bunches. She just saw the heart beating. He has a pasted-on totally fake smile, but she doesn’t notice. The tech has the photos printed and Da asks Bruno to interpret, which he does. Bruno wonders why she can’t see the features and she assures him it’s better he explains them. (Clever, Diana, to get him totally engaged with his own baby). He wants to formalize their commitment with her folks. Ah, maybe, after all this unpleasantness has passed. Huh? Diana asks if he’s seen the news. Nope. Diana’s folks have denounced Snortensia and Jaime, who are in jail for kidnapping Sara when she was a baby. Yikes. Bruno is impactidíssimo.

Speaking of the King of Rome, Jaime is ready to be deposed. His Abogado asserts that he’s going to claim innocence and Jaime jumps up and denies it. He’s guilty as sin and accepting his responsibility. He kidnapped the girl. The judge looks thoughtful, the Abogado annoyed, and Jaime looks like h***. Thank heaven for a commercial break.

Jaime yells that he kidnapped Sara and doesn’t deserve forgiveness. The family Abogado cuts in and asks that the judge suspend the hearing—Jaime’s under psychiatric care. Jaime denies that’s a problem here. He doesn’t want to shut up, his conscience is killing him! Joel jumps in—the declaration has to be considered as valid. He knew what he did 22 years ago! Jaime sits down and mutters that he’s garbage. He doesn’t deserve to live, he has to pay. The family Abogado puts calming hands on Jaime’s shoulders—he needs to be evaluated by a physician first. No doubt one vetted by Snortensia herself. The judge takes it all in….and declares a suspension of the proceedings but the confession is valid. And Jaime looks like h***.

Joel comes in to see Zulema and Omar in the waiting area of the jail with the news. Sara joins them. {Ed. Note: are we supposed to think they’re all on the same team with purple dresses/blouses and ties? Or is that just an artifact of the wardrobe department so we’ll pay attention to the dialogue?] Everything’s going in their favor—Jaime confessed to everything. They’ll go on to court, it looks like. Sara s not thrilled, but Omar and Zulema are. Sara goes back to Alonslow with a glower on her face, cursing Jaime, the idiot. She exchanges a glance with Alonslow that we’re guessing he can’t possibly interpret without help.

Snortensia consults with the family Abogado. He tells her there’s a problem, Jaime spilled his guts like a nutcase. Qué the heck? How could he do this to us? There’s more. The Abogado couldn’t hold off the reporters. Geez. How will she keep her image up? Oh, well, the only important thing is to Get Out Of Jail, Free. He nods vigorously.

Speaking of the Press, they’re out in force, asking Omar and Zulema about the Proceedings. When did they find out their daughter wasn’t dead, only kidnapped? We’ve confirmed that your brother said he’s guilty. Joel says his clients have no comment. What’s this about you orchestrating vengeance against your Mami to get her out of her business? Zulema snaps and retorts. This b**** (okay, I’m paraphrasing here) committed a crime and has to pay for it. The reporters want to know if Omar and Zulema are looking for a cash settlement. Nope, just looking for justice. They begin walking away and we see the “Televisa” microphone. Julian emerges from the courthouse, Pretty in Pink (the color suits him soooo well). Isn’t he the contestant from the genius game show? Yep. Is he with Them? Yep, they’re his parents. Does he agree with the charges against his grandmother? She’s nothing to him. The reporter presses about his relationship with Snortensia but Joel rushes him away.

We see the image in a television and it’s in Chalo’s room. Julian declares they’re going to win the contest and the fight with Snortensia. Chalo is p. o.’d as Sara arrives. By the time he can show her that idiot, Julian, the news has moved onto a fire somewhere. He tells her what Julian said and that the news says Jaime confessed. Sara assures him the lawyer has a plan.

Toribio drills Paula on the specifics of her new product line. It clears up the skin, and doesn’t irritate. It’s got pumpkin seed in it. Don’t tell me, it opens the pores. Perfectly…..wrong! Toribio reminds her it clears up crows’ feet. (lines of expression). She moans about forgetting and he tells her to study but the doorbell rings. Alonslow has arrived. What, no Sara? Shucks, Paula wants her to buy some creams. Alonslow says Sara’s not buying creams. They bicker about Sara, creams, etc. Sure. When his sister needs a favor, he disappears. Okay, he’ll call Sara.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, she’s ready to leave Chalo’s place and he thinks she’s like the 13th Apostle—eats and runs. (There’s an interesting metaphor and one the Methodist Church doesn’t use). Oops, Chalo gets to her cell phone first and answers, with Sara screaming at him in the background. The phone drops and breaks. Sara screams at Chalo for messing with her phone and with the call. She storms out. Chalo intuitively notes that she’s mad now. Alonslow is left wondering qué the heck, giving Paula and Papi an opportunity to put doubts about her faithfulness into his Little Brain. You say a guy answered? Toribio starts it all. Not to bother him, but she may be putting (the horns on you? Is that what Paula wanted to say?). Alonslow cuts her off cold. Toribio seizes this golden opportunity to say he doesn’t like Sara much. Paula notes that she’s left him in the same position as Lorena here. Alonslow soaks it all in. Toribio doesn’t want Paula to compare the girls. Paula changes the subject, apparently oblivious to Alonslow steaming. He should buy something from her.

Bettina is off in her bedroom on the cell phone and tells Lucia about how Ivan got her info. Does he have a cute friend? Oh, the friend’s okay—but Lucia wants to meet him anyway.

Snortensia is a mess but her purple blankie is nice. Don’t they just give out khaki colored blankies in jail? Bruno comes to find out if the deal’s still on. How’d he get in her anyway? He told them he’s her personal doc. What if someone recognized him? There’s nothing odd about calling for a doc under the circumstances. She assures him the deal’s on and she won’t be in jail long. He tells her that from the heart, he hopes she won’t be in jail long. (Yup, of course.) She fumes as he leaves.

Rossy trots in to see what Lorena is up to. Lorena’s decoding recipes that they tested for the grand opening. Rossy wonders if she shouldn’t just ask. Nope, she wants to figure them out; it’s an exercise. She asks Rossy what she thinks was in them. Magic! She loved them! Rossy changes the subject; what was up with that Monica. Her disgusted looks reminds Rossy of the witch. Lorena thinks it’s a good thing no one paid her any attention. Rossy thinks it’s just one thing—what? She’s in love with Ern. What? Rossy thinks Lorena is jealous and Lore protests he can be interested in whoever he wants. Rossy tells her she can say what she wants, but Ern’s not indifferent to her. Lore is saved by the bell, and it’s Julian. They talk about the news. Did Don Jaime confess it all? Yes. Lorena sighs and puts her hand on her chin.

Sara descends like the true princess she is. Sorry she kept him waiting. Alonslow goes on the offensive—where was she? Huh? In her office. He called her number and he got a guy. Must have been the guy who stole it. Is he doubting her? He apologizes profusely and repeatedly. Gag me with a spoon. She doesn’t want to be around a guy who doubts her. Don’t be comparing her to Lorena. Out, out da**ed spot! He tries to make up. She points Alonslow to the door. He tries again and Sara relents, laying it on thick. It leaves her cold that she’s under so much pressure and he does this to her. (She’s got him now.) More apologies and a kiss.

Back to Zulema’s and Omar’s house, and it’s morning. She gives a grinning Julian instructions for turning on the stove and cooking pumpkins. Omar comes and calls her to go with him; Julian assures Mami that even if he’s no chef he can do this with no problems. Maruja, Rossy and Lorena arrive to save the cooking day. Lorena came to wish them luck. Zulema assures her this is her house. (And we all know it really is.) Omar thinks it’s time to fix all the injustices. She’ll always be welcome, no matter what else happens. Hugs. Lorena was going out to sell her panqués, but Julian thinks they should buy them up and serve them as dessert. Whatever. Boy, will Ern be steamed if he doesn’t get his ration today.

Jacqui grumbles about Dario throwing his clothes around. She wants a girl to clean up. Fine, but Jacqui has to pay. Dario isn’t to blame if her boss is a criminal and Jacqui doesn’t want to clean up after her hubby. He storms out and she runs after him demanding a ride to work, brandishing some discarded item.

Zulema and Omar walk into the waiting area of the jail/courthouse and talk about the relief of having Lorena as part of the fold again. They felt so guilty when they kicked her out. They were wrong to judge her; she’s really noble. Zulema sees Sara and walks over to her with a hopeful expression. Sara stands up and walks away, saying nothing. Zulema asks Omar why Sara treats them like that. Duh. Omar says she’s just blinded. Vasco joins them, and they all greet each other. He hopes it’s over soon. Sure, his father’s confession will probably speed it up. Omar is sorry about the situation. Vasco is, too. He doesn’t know what to think. On the one hand, he knows his father committed a crime. On the other hand, it saddens him to think of his father spending so much of his life in jail. Omar hugs Zulema as they feel pain for Vasco.

Banshee Barb breezes into Ickturo’s office and closes the door. He wants her to leave the door open. She misses him and needs some lovin’. She’s really upset about her hubby. The imbecile confessed! He’s a fool according to Ickturo. She puts moves on him and he reminds her that SHE wanted it to end. That was then, this is now. She wants to go back to the encounters that make life worth living. Nope, can’t risk it. He says they have to be more cautious than ever. He’s going to be in charge of the company. Barb is incensed—Vasco should be in charge. So, where the heck is he? Barbara thinks he’ll show up and Ickturo tells her to quit dreaming. He doesn’t give a rip about this company and Ickturo himself is right where he needs to be at the right time. Barb is really put out now. She won’t listen to this. Okay, so what’s she doing here? She grabs her purse and stalks out with a long glare over her shoulder leaving Icky chuckling to himself. He turns the photo of the Armendáriz family face down on his/Jaime’s desk.

Julian tells Maruja that Jaime and Snortensia could spend several years in jail. Poor things, she mutters. Julian thinks they should have 50 years for each one they were without Sara. Rossy bursts in – did they miss her and Lorena? Of course. Rossy wants the tele on so they can follow the scandal. (Geez, news must be awful slow in the D. F. Could this whole novela be a PSA about kidnappings in Mexico? Oh, probably not.) Maru watches intently as Julian turns it on.

Jacqui comes to Jaime’s/Ickturo’s office, commenting that he seems to know the company inside and out (teje y maneje) in the short time he’s been there. He says he’s in charge of the company with Snortensia and Jaime gone. You think? He comes around the desk to breathe down her neck. Can she think of anyone better? Well, she hopes he remembers his companions. He strokes her arms and tells her he never forgets the ones who are loyal to him. Jacqui heats up. He hopes she’ll be one of those. She’ll put her life on the line for someone she commits to. (Hah). She looks over her shoulder at Ickturo, sultry. And if he tells her he’ll die with her? (One wonders what kind of death we’re talking about here.) He strokes her cheek and brings her face to his for a kiss. Suddenly he’s sweeping everything off of Jaime’s/his desk, and she’s belly up over the edge. Seems that Sylvia called it spot on last night. If Jaime only knew….Can clothes come off any faster than these two make them?

We’re saved by a quick shift back to Zulema’s kitchen where Maru is barking orders and Rossy thinks she’s been sublimated back to the Armendáriz company kitchen. The bicker fondly and the phone rings. Guess who? Sure ‘nuff, Maru has a lovely invite to the grand opening of Raimundo’s new restaurant. He gets her address. Rossy messes with Mami about having a man call her. Maru’s not inclined to tell her if she’s going to be such a kvetch about it. But she does, and Rossy and Lorena put two and two together. It’s where they both work now— Julian thinks it’s a hoot that Maru’s going to be a guest and they’re going to serve her! But, why did he call only Maruja, Rossy wants to know. Maru assures her Raimundo invited all her friends. Rossy gives her a skeptical look and Lore grins.

Ern and one of the kitchen staff discuss which knife to use for a task. Guess who’s going to win that discussion? Another staff member (the hairstylist for Pastor Gaitán and Heriberto, Juan, and just about everyone else in Yo Amo a Juan) comes in with the filet. Ern says it needs more time cooking. The guy disagrees. Guess who’s going to win that discussion? Doesn’t Ern think he might be exaggerating? Could be. But the guy goes back with the filet. A third kitchen staff member comes in with another little situation. The crust is getting too dried out in the oven. Nope, Ern thinks it needs a couple of minutes more. The guy disagrees. At the moment, his fish is overcooked. He’s never let it have that much time in the oven. Ern controls him self masterfully and tells the guy to let his nose be his guide. Smell it already. The guy INSISTS. Ern does TOO. Guess who’s going to win that discussion? Okay, but what if it happens like the guy thinks it will? Ern’s name won’t be Ernesto Mendiola any more. He walks off in frustration with the guy shaking his head.

Jacqui and Ickturo dress again, and she’s got regret written all over her face. What have we done? Ickturo points out it was fantastic. Or, will she try to deny it? But she just got married! Yeah, but you’re not happy and I noticed it, doll. So stop worrying. Wasn’t it incredible? She admits that even the best minutes with Dario couldn’t equal that. He assures her this is just the beginning, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. More sloppy kissing.

The judges want Snortensia’s declaration. Well, she’s innocent, of course. But Jaime’s not. He did it and she protected him. That’s her only crime. Joel looks incensed. She continues that she only learned about it recently. But she kept her silence to protect him. Jaime kidnapped Sara; he’s the only guilty one. Joel looks plenty disgusted. Snortensia, who looks bad enough with makeup, looks positively skeletal without it.

Joel bursts out into the waiting area. Zulema and Omar get up to hear the news. Vasco joins them. What happened, Omar asks. Joel’s indignant. Why? Snortensia declared herself innocent and said Jaime is the only guilty one. Zulema and Omar are impactados and Vasco shakes his head, disgusted. Behind him, Sara is smug and silently gives Snortensia her regards.

Next time: Lorena is sure that Hortensia personally took the baby to the orphanage. Will anyone find out that the real Armendáriz is Lorena, not Sara?



You write such detailed recaps, and funny, too -- I especially like Banshee Barb and the "Apartment of Ill Will"!

Guess I shouldn't be surprised that Hortensia threw Jaime to the wolves. I wonder if he'll accept all the blame or try to make his mother accept responsibility, too?

Oh no! I thought I saw the whole thing, but it looks like I dozed off and missed a big chunk of it!

It's okay. But thanks for filling in the blanks. :)

I don't know why the very familiar-looking lawyer was shaking his head. Maybe getting a head start on his courtroom theatrics?

I'm glad the ladies finally got their phone call. I hope it wasn't a trick to get them in there as waitresses on opening night. :-)

Extra LOL for "Chalo intuitively notes that she’s mad now." Yes, his instincts are keen!

Wow Schoolmarm....hope you slept in this morning. But the good news is now you have the weekend free for whatever else you need to do!

Funny comparison of Paula's cosmetic wares laid out on a table and later Jacqui laid out on the desk top..."but she's not selling". Or maybe she is. Had to wonder while watching that scene...can you get "desk burn" from being pounded on top of work equipment? Not planning on finding out anytime soon.

And I loved your description of Alonso and Sara at the jail or whatever..."she gives him a look that we're guessing he can't possibly interpret without help".
Poor doofus...and she was really skillful wiggling out of the Chalo-answering-the-telephone blunder also.

Thanks for highlighting the 13th apostle dicho. I hadn't heard that one before.

And I was horrified by Monica's EXTREME dissing of Ernesto's cooking, really out of place...and even more appalled by your former husband's behavior. Glad you quit cooking for him...or anything else.

Everyone who recaps for this show does such a wonderful job.
-- Mano Derecha

Wow...thanks Mano Derecha...we all appreciate it. As well as that marvelous job you did putting our vocabulary list together, along with our faithful vocab collector

Thanks, Carmel, Julie, JudyB and Mano Derecha!

""Chalo intuitively notes that she’s mad now." Yes, his instincts are keen!" Julie, I could actually picture your expression when I wrote this. ;-)

JudyB, I did sleep late and did wake up thinking how nice to have Saturday all mine. Not a bad plan, that.

"can you get "desk burn" from being pounded on top of work equipment?" LOL!

"I don't know why the very familiar-looking lawyer was shaking his head. Maybe getting a head start on his courtroom theatrics?" Yeah, I couldn't figure this one out either, Julie. He reminds me of that slimeball in Yo Amo a Juan. We called him Manny but I can't remember his character's full name. He defrauded with some bad software or something.

Mano Derecha, I second JudyB's comment. We really appreciated your labor of love on the Yo Amo a Juan vocab list!


Awesome job Schoolmarm =) Also, thanks for getting it done so quikly ;)

Ok, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say what the heck is Toribio thinking giving out his granddaughter's info to the first kid that knocks on his door???!!! I know he's probably a little young to be a psycho stalker (or is he? They start younger and younger these days) and that as a shrink he assumes he's an excellent judge of character (and to his credit, he's pretty good at it) but still!!! Okay, I'm off the soapbox now ;)

Figures Sara would admire Snorty throwing her own son under the bus to protect her sorry a$$. Regardless of whether or not Jaime points the finger at mommy, there is no solid proof at the moment, so there ya have it. If they go looking for the document, they ain't gonna find it. Both Lore and Sara's files were missing from the orphanage (and we all know where they went), so the only copy is in Sara's little paws, and I bet a non-existent dollar she'll burn it, along with the fake one, to keep Snorty out of jail, thus earning extra brownie points. Just a guess, otherwise this would be over in another week!

I collectively agree with y'all on Monica's statements after tasting Ern's dishes. She should be glad they're good, that's how they'll earn money. Taking him down a few pegs does not warrant risking the business. I hope she doesn't start bad-mouthing him when she tries to plug the restaurant. It would be counter-productive to say the least.

Great thorough and funny recap, thanks Schoolmarm!

The scene in the office between Icky and Jackie almost made me gag - I hate the way they are kissing - just disgusting!
I don't know, but in some movies/telenovelas the kissing scenes have a great erotic appeal ( Pasión for one), in some - like in this one - practically all kissing scenes have an opposite effect. Do they do it on purpose? Is this depends on the actor or a movie director or other person in charge?

Looks like Barbara is going nowhere - she ditched her husband ( and he is heading to jail anyway) and now - Icky is out, is she planning to find another one instead of Icky?

How sweet was the scene with Zulema - Omar - Lorena. Could you imagine what it will be in the end when the truth comes up?!

Sara fooled Al again, why, it's always been easy - he is so gullible!

The previews look very promising - Snorty has to be indited!

Thanks Margarita and Eve!

I don't see how Snorty thought they could entirely evade the charge of kidnapping in the first place, but now it looks like she has a couple of outs: let Jaime hang, or Sara gets DNA tested. Of course, Sara is just as likely to find a way to switch her DNA for Lorena's--she'll figure something nefarious out, I am sure.

I agree, most of the kissing scenes so far have been yucky. Vasco and Diana weren't bad but we didn't see much of them. Wonder if we'll get to see Ern in action. I like him. Too bad he's likely to end up with Monica from what we're beginning to see.


Eve from Cleveland I totally agree about the kissing. Yuck. The kisses between Dumb Al and Sara and Icky and Jackie looks so disgusting and nasty, I find myself looking away. ITA that the kisses in Pasion were very sensual and not gag inducing. A kiss I am looking forward to if it happens is between Lore and Ern. I have a feeling it will be yummy LOL.

Thanks for the detailed recap, Jeanne^^ I haven't been able to watch this show recently . Real life has been keeping me very busy , so I usually can squeeze in only one hour of guilty pleasure...Fuego. I appreciate being able to keep up with the story through the recaps , and I always enjoy the comments posted by this very goodnatured, funny community. Today, I went to see ''Mama Mia'' that was a great escape movie . If you love ABBA, you must see it. Beautiful scenery and some nice eye candy [Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth].

Thanks, Susanlynn! It's always terrific to see you around. I wish I had the interest in Fuego, but no luck on that one. Probably it was a good thing I wasn't recapping it.

Anon 1:45 pm, I think you'll get a high majority of us here waiting to see a nice kiss between Lorena and Ern. I wonder if she'll pull back with him like she has with Alonslow every time. Maybe we're all just thinking wishfully and it will never even happen, but I hope it will.


And I loved ABBA years ago--so thanks for the tip!


Boyohboy, Schoolmarm! Another great read! Seems Alonslow gave in much more quickly with Sara than he ever did with Lorena --the jerk! Or maybe it's just me. Personally, I'd say he was reasoning with his lower brain. Just shows to go you, Lorena, that naughty girls get all the breaks.

AS for that cellphone incident, I thought for sure he'd recognize Chalo's voice after so much interaction with Motor Mouth, but no, of course he wouldn't. What was I thinking? That would be too perceptive of him, and Dr. Slow is anything but.

Thanks, Jardinera! You are so right that Alonslow had no idea whose voice he was hearing and he should have. He's among the D.E.N.S.E.S.T. of protagonists we have ever seen. Duhmilio on Duelo de Pasiones was right there with him. In fact, the two are peas in a pod. Maybe they modeled Alonslow after him.


ABBA takes me back aways. We saw the stage play here about 3-4 years ago. It was a fun evening and a great little show. Loved the music much more than the plot, for sure!

Schoolmarm, thanks for the wonderfully detailed recap. Snorty's family is incredibly dysfunctional. The worst thing about Omar and Zully bringing charges against Snorty is that their interaction with her is renewed and rather intimate.

Shame on Monica for dissing Ern in front of everyone. Not only is it bad business but now she is demonstrating she has no sense of taste. Silly girl has some growing up to do.

Do we think Maruja will be there on opening night and somehow jump in as sous chef and save the day? No spoiler, just guessing, but wouldn't it be grand? I adore her character and I want her to have it all!

Carmel, good question. Jaime is in such extreme victim mode right now that it wouldn't surprise me if he resigned himself to accepting all the blame.

Susanlynn, I haven't seen the movie Mamma Mia yet but I also saw the stage play and loved it. Don't tell anyone, but my ABBA Gold CD is one of the few I have ever worn out.

Thanks again Schoolmarm!! I'm happier now that Lorena is showing some spine, but we are still getting cheated in the galán department. It's a bitter pill after Juan Querendón! He was such a stud, great kisser, and what charisma. I miss him!!

Amen, Sylvia...the ABBA Gold album is the best. It's always checked out in our local library and my students love it when I use their music in class.

On that topic, when we went to the musical a few years ago, we got there late, having been held up by a parade downtown. An older woman whom we had to brush by in the row gave us a GLARE. But by the end of the show, when we were all standing, swaying, singing, clapping, this lady was having the time of her life and embraced everyone with her wide smile and joy. That show...and especially the surprise finale...just uplifted everyone. A friend who had seen it in New York...and then saw it in Columbus...said our road crew was better than the New York outfit. All I know was it was fabulous.

Everyone in my family loves the ABBA Gold. We were always playing it in the car on road trips. Currently, I have the case but cannot locate the actual CD...this makes hub shake his head and tell me that I probably have it in another CD case. We saw '' Mamma Mia '' on Broadway a few years ago and were dancing in the aisle. The movie is different but good. It was interesting to see how they cleverly worked all of ABBA's tunes in to the storyline. The Greek Isle scenery is spectacular. The girl who plays the young bride is a girl from around here. Yesterday, my best friend and I were supposed to see a special showing of a Circe de Soleil movie, but they couldn't get the film to play [Digital...yeah great idea] ,so they said that we could go into any other movie we wanted to see. Carol had already seen ''Mamma Mia'' but she said that she wouldn't mind seeing it again and since she is my main dance partner [after hub] we thought that we coul pick up some new moves. JudyB__-As for music for your class, I love ''It's Raining Men'' and ''Dirty Laundry'' would those work out for aerobics ???? How about Al Green??? I love music...all kinds. Well, I must run. This is the first day of the fall semester and I'm teaching 3 classes in a row today. Later.

Aha Susanlynn...we think alike. Have used It's Raining Men several times and also Dirty Laundry (the latter for the weight training sequence since it's too slow for aerobic dance.

Often movies are great sparks...Dream Girls, Music and Lyrics (Hugh Grant,Drew Barrymore) were great sources, Chicago, Dance With Me....all terrific for getting people to shake a leg and "feel" like Broadway dancers even if the mirror tells us we aren't!

Thanks, Sylvia! Lorena will end up being one of our favorite protagonistas if she keeps this up (like Esmerelda in Zorro/Sword and Rose).

I have an ABBA record from three decades ago--the original with "Take a Chance on Me," etc. I'll have to dig it out and listen. I may even have two or three of the original disks.


Thanks for the recap Jeanne. I never ceased to be amazed at the other things I have in common with people on this blog. ABBA Gold is one of my favorites as well. Haven't seen Mamma Mia yet but hope to see it soon.

Count me in with ABBA Gold. My daughter got me the cd but I think she swiped it back! I'm so old, I remember when ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest, singing Waterloo.

And...thanks for the recap, you're just so good!!

Thanks, Karen and Emilia! Looks like ABBA is a hit with QE viewers, too.


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