Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Querida Enemiga, Tuesday 8/12 - "It's all about power, who's got it, who wants to have it." - BtVS

I am subbing for JudyB tonight and Julie is guest recapping for me on Thursday. Thanks Julie!!

From last night: Wonderful repeat of Lorena shutting up Snorty with her awesome smack-down. Nice job Lorena. Lame Alonslow doesn't know how to row a boat. Then he and Sara kiss. Blech.

Sara feigns surprise, pulls back, then lays another one on Don Dumbass. Double blech.

Lorena tells her friend at school that Alonslow lost confidence in her, boo hoo. Friend says have patience.

Sara acts all innocent and tries to slip into the conversation that Lorena is a liar, "Oops, sorry I mentioned her Alonso!" Alonslow says in spite of everything he still loves Lorena. Doesn't matter, Sara knows how to get his attention, let me help you forget her by sucking face and showing skin. He doesn't seem enthusiastic but he doesn't pull away either. Man, this guy is terrible, he did a much better job in Ladron but oh yeah he barely spoke just flexed his muscles, is he on drugs?

Betina's friend calls and says her dad came home from the bar angry. She doesn't want to play Parent Trap anymore.

Barbara wails to Jaime about Vasco. He tries to make her feel better and she tells him she hates the sound of his voice. Odd coming from her, the shrill harpy.

Paula and Greta cackle about Paula running into Dario on his wedding night. He was not so happy to see Paula with another guy, ha ha. They poke fun at Maruja who is daydreaming. Greta jokes that Maruja "esta metida en un lío" which I thought translated into "is involved in a mess" but that didn't seem right. I looked it up and "lío" also means affair, so maybe she meant a little of both.

As Rossy and Lorena stuff muffins in bags Lorena amuses Rossy by telling her that Snorty stopped in traffic deliberately to insult her but Lorena made Snorty turn red and drive off. Then Ernesto bought a dozen of her muffins for his girlfriends. They comment that Maruja has been acting weird. She's either in love or going through menopause.

Paula and Greta give Maruja a hard time for liking a married man, Snorty's son no less. Maruja responds by pounding a big shot of tequila.

Sara lies on Chalo's bed, licks her lips, and smugly basks in her success at phase one of the seduction of Alonslow, as if that would be a difficult thing which of course it would not since he has had no nookie for who knows how long, maybe never. Chalo assumes the smile is for him and he kisses her feet while they discuss his trip to Acapulco. He wants to get it on as usual. She wants to call Alonslow and manages to get Chalo out of the room by sending him off for Champagne that she has to pay for herself.

Toribio is not pleased to hear his son talking to Sara on the phone. Al tells Sara he's a little confused, he needs time. She gets romantic, "Te beso". Al squirms. Toribio tells him he's crazy to go out with the woman who is like Lorena's sister. It's immoral!

Commercial break and uh oh looks like Fuego's stairway of impending doom claims a victim with a little help from a tripwire.

Toribio continues to tell his son he's slow in the head (an understatement). What kind of friend is Sara if she goes out with Alonslow? She's not a good girl. "Ya basta papa" as Alonslow stalks away, thus proving that no matter how old a boy gets, when a parent tells him his girlfriend is "bad" it's like throwing gasoline on the fire, foreplay in fact.

Talking to Alonslow on the phone has gotten Sara a bit randy. When Chalo returns, grunting and proud of his purchase, she pours champagne on her neck and jumps his bones.

Next morning in the lesser house, Zulema and Omar have breakfast and miss Vasco. They'll never forgive Jaime for what he did to them. Diana joins them and pipes up they should forgive him for Vasco. Snorty no, but Jaime deserves forgiveness. Omar says never.

Over at Evil Acres Snorty sees Jaime getting ready for work and insults him for it. What a witch, she puts his nads in a vise for missing work and now she tries the same because he decides to go back. He brushes past her. I do believe the thought of seeing Maruja has given him some incentive. Bruno calls Snorty and wants to see her.

Back at Casa Pobre Julian announces that tonight he's going to win big on his TV show deelio. Diana stomps off because Ma and Pa won't accept Vasco's family, i.e. Jaime. Sara joins the table and Omar acts like a dad, she got home late, at dawn! Sara's snotty back to him. He says he's her dad and she'll respect the house rules. She shuts him up by lying that she was with her abuela.

Lorena is back on the street hawking her muffins to a stud muffin. She keeps putting her panques between his cute face and the camera, how annoying. Chef Hunk drives up, smiles and teases her. He says her muffins are a temptation and he couldn't stop at one. He buys a dozen more that she has saved for him. Dang, he really is a babe, and with more than one expression in his repertoire a real catch.

Big surprise, Bruno will accept Snorty's deal if she increases her offer. She agrees and tells him he'll get 20% as soon as he convinces Diana to marry him, 30% more when they get married, and the remainder after they have been married one year. Big gulp from Bruno but he accepts, telling Snorty it's been a pleasure. She peers at him disdainfully.

Over at the hospital Valeria tells Diana that Vasco's condition hasn't changed, plus Mommy Skeletor has instructed that Diana cannot enter while Mommy is there. Diana announces that Mom can't stop her. Does Valeria watch her back with admiration? That girl knows how to stand up to her suegra.

Barbara is pissed off when Diana enters. She's even more ticked off when Diana tells Babs she can't give orders, Vasco wants Diana by his side. Barbara goes into shrieking harpy mode which always seems to work for her, and Diana says she'll leave only to save Vasco from the scandal that is his mother.

Wicked Barbara coos soft words of insult against Diana into Vasco's ear. He opens his eyes! Uh oh, a blank stare. Please oh please no amnesia.

Bruno blocks Diana, he needs to talk to her. He lays it on thick. He wants another chance for their sake and the sake of the child. Will she marry him? Diana is muy impactada but in an angry sort of way.

After the commercial Diana rebuffs Bruno. He's too late and she loves Vasco. Not true, says Bruno, there is something in your look...

Snorty enters Vasco's room and he calls her abuela. Hooray, no amnesia!! He recognizes Alonslow and the last thing he remembers is his dad leaving the car.

Ickturo pretends he's happy to see Jaime return to work. Icky thought bubbles, "Dammit, what am I going to do with this pernazo here?" Anyone know what "pernazo" means? Perno means bolt or rail, so maybe it means something like a barrier, or yet another word for idiot? Jaime receives a call that Vasco is awake and Ickturo is genuinely see Jaime leave.

Bruno tries a different tack, Vasco's family will never accept Diana. Doesn't work, she blows him off.

Jaime rushes off to see Vasco, but not before he stops by the kitchen to tell his best friend Maruja. She hugs him, thanks be to God!

Snorty and Harpy badmouth Jaime to Vasco but he won't hear it. Then they make Vasco thank Bruno for saving his life.

Meanwhile Bruno's words haunt Diana. Does he still love her? Nah, he's gotta be lying. But the seed is planted.

Snorty makes all sorts of bogus promises to Vasco to get him to come home. She'll accept Diana, she'll try to ask Omar's pardon, blah blah blah.

Random scene with Chef Hunk and his sis, presumably to show us that she is an excellent publicist, lies to her kids, and is a snob like Chef. She's shocked to find out that he bought his delicious muffins "in the street".

Jaime begs Vasco's forgiveness and tells him he has turned over a new leaf. Vasco awaking is a sign from God.

Maruja absently fondles an artichoke while the chef prepares the day's plates for tasting. Snorty's in a good mood and likes the soup. Next up is the Filet with Asparagus and White Wine Sauce. Preoccupied Maruja spills the sauce all over Snorty's jacket and everyone in the kitchen is horrified.

Maruja chooses a pre-emptive strike and dresses down Snorty for wanting to fire her like a dog after all these years. She says Snorty doesn't forgive mistakes so she's quitting right now! Snorty shrugs and says she didn't say anything but if Maruja wants to quit go ahead. Snorty sniffs her jacket, says the sauce smells good and to serve it (sauce not jacket) with the Filet.

Chef tells Maruja to ask Snorty's pardon while she's in a good mood. Maruja announces Snorty's happy because Vasco just woke up. Rossy is suspicious, how did Maruja know?

Over at Televisa studios Julian prepares to go on. He tries to relax but Rossy's rapid yacking confuses him. He needs to concentrate! He makes raspberry noises which grosses Rossy out. They're very cute, these two.

Julian is on TV and Jaime and Vasco watch from the hospital as Julian dedicates the show to his cousin Vasco. Omar reluctantly joins them. Jaime calls Julian Omar's step-son. "My son, Jaime, he's my son," replies Omar.

Here's the confusing part, Julian gets a bunch of answers right and wins 300,000 pesos which is like 29K, right? All or nothing is his choice, so he chooses to go on and wins an all expense paid trip for two to Acapulco. So does he get this trip in addition to the money or instead of the money? Rossy runs up on stage and kisses him so I guess he gets the trip in addition to, because it would be a lame trade otherwise. Whatever, they will run into Chalo who will try to kill Julian and ruin their trip anyway.

Jaime returns to work and is surprised to find Ickturo playing Big Shot at his desk. Icky says HR sent something down for Jaime's signature, the termination of a lowly employee who makes too much money. Her name is Maruja. Cara impactada from Jaime.

"Hola mi amor," trills Sara who visits a reluctant Alonslow. She's so happy that her cousin is OK. She tries to get close and invade his space but he gets confused (naturally) and backs away. She complains of a headache and he snaps into action by taking her pulse. She has just figured out how to keep his attention.

Jaime surprises the heck out of Lorena by calling on Maruja. Maruja tells him if he came to convince her to come back he's wasting his time. He says he came to apologize for the other night. Maruja reveals that's her real reason for quitting work and please don't come looking for her any more.

Phase two of seduce the dope. Sara lies down on Alonslow's couch, she opens her shirt so her chi-chis flop out a bit. The poor schmuck shows up with some tea, a wooden stake would be more appropriate I think. Sara says she's cold, no she doesn't want a blanket, she needs a hug. She throws herself on him, shows some leg and heaving breast. Our reluctant Romeo responds by trying to tear her shirt off. Well, Sara wondered what kind of lover he is, now she knows...clumsy stalker.

But she pulls away to tantalize him. "Oh, what you must think of me...take me home!" Alonslow pants, looks dazed and confused, and stares at her chest.

Zulema and Diana, watching Televisa and cooking for tomorrow, need some eggs but uh oh, they're all out. Zully leaves to borrow some from a neighbor.

Maruja sadly tells Lorena that she quite work because she went out with Jaime the other night and he wanted to kiss her. Please don't tell Rossy, nothing happened. Lorena hugs her and gets a weird, impish look on her face.

As Zulema walks to her neighbor's she spies Alonslow's car. He's inside and he's kissing Sara! Zully is muy pero muy impactado.

Tomorrow: The preview says Sara is playing with fire. Surely they don't mean Alonslow. Zulema accuses Sara of getting rid of Lorena so she could have her boyfriend.

Aturdir = To confuse
Esta metida en un lío = involved in a mess, involved in an affair
Pernazo = ??


Thanks for a good summary, Sylvia.

Can anyone explain why Sara and her evil antics take up the most time and scenes in this show? Or does it just seem that way? I get the feeling that Sara has five scenes to Lorena's one, and Lorena's scenes are mainly filler. Is it usual to have the heroine play such a passive role? When are they going to develop and expand her character?

Maybe it's his acting --or lack thereof- but I didn't see any ambivalence on Alonslow's part to be "seduced" by Sara. And doesn't every doctor take your pulse when you complain of a headache??

Are they ever going to get into Lorena and the hot chef?? That hope is the only thing that keeps me tuned in, and not all the time at that.

This show is really frustrating...

Thanks for the great recap Sylvia! What does "BtVS" mean? I was right there with you when shrieking Barb told hubby HIS voice was driving her nuts. Guess she's become immune to her own voice.

I think they used lío to mean mess, and was saying she got "stuck in a mess."

Julian's trip was a bonus. Because he was so knowledgeable, the soccer team America (one of the top two rivals in Mexican soccer) gave him the trip. I like your theory of hijinks with Chalo in Acapulco.

Wasn't it the height of class to see Sara drinking straight out of the bottle? I think she was trying to audition for her porn role, but she was just making a mess.

Yes, Neto and his sis are both snobs who admit they are not the least bit humble. Sis even told him if she got sick from the "street" muffin, he was taking her to the doctor and paying. In all fairness, any time you buy something from the street vendor in the DF, you are eating at your own risk. However, she knew that this particular vendor was Neto's student, so she must have some ideas on proper and sanitary food prep. It still wasn't very nice of her to say that it was a poor reflection on his school to admit students that sell on the street. We all have to start somewhere. As a matter of fact, a few years ago, the original edition of Iron Chef had a challenger who had a food cart, rather than a restaurant, on the show. The Iron Chef still won (I think it was the Italian one), but all the judges admitted that they would be visiting the challenger's cart the next time they were in Japan.

Re - "pernazo." I actually found a definition for "pernaza" which means leg, or thick leg. Upon closer inspection (this is why I get nothing done...hubby's only consolation is I can never complain about his videogames...) "pierna" (leg) is also slang for puppet. So, I guess Ickturo was calling Jaime a thick-headed puppet, or something like that.

This has been bugging me for a little while, so I had to investigate (see what I mean about getting nothing done?). I grew up with "panqués" being pound cakes. Bimbo (I'm not kidding here, they are a genuine commercial bakery at a national level who sell regular bread -like Wonder or Pepperidge Farm- and sweet bread -kind of like Enteman's) make two varieties, one with raisins, and one with nuts. They also make "panquecitos" which are smaller equivalents, sometimes with chocolate in them, sort of like a marble loaf. Having said that, what Lore was selling were definitely muffins, as Ferro and Sylvia pointed out. Soooo, I did some digging and they list panqué as a sponge cake (neither of the two) or as a pancake (aka panqueque, which I've heard and said). However, I found "panquecito" to mean muffin or cupcake. Sooo, I guess either baked good is correct, and I need to get myself up to date on all their names. I will happily take suggestions on baked goods to research! LOL.

As to Anon 9:08's Qs - we spend a lot of time on Sara because she is, in a way, the title character (the "dearest enemy"). The billing strikes me as odd as I would have probably listed the two girls first, then the Alonslow, etc. Sara's role is definitely as big, or bigger, than our romantic lead. Perhaps as time progresses (we're currently still in prologue mode) we will see more of Lore - maybe her gig at the new restaurant, etc. Some heroines are passive, and some are aggressive. Some are even villains. The lead/heroine in Doña Barbara is decidedly a villain, though not entirely evil. The lead in "Cuna de Lobos" was a total villain, and the heroine was a much smaller role. In general though, our leading ladies get dumped on quite a bit in these things.

Thanks for the great recap Sylvia!
I like the tn much better now when I only read the recaps without watching it - no more aggravation.

I was surprised to find out that our Julian won everything - I was convinced before that he will definitely going to loose. Surprise!

Dian has a second thought - no puede ser!
She knows Bruno so well and still is planning to give him a second chance?! Please, no, don't do it!

Our friend Alonslow has already fallen. Hmm, when did he got a hint that Sara is trapping him? And the moral part that his dad mentioned ( like sisters) - never occured to him as a barrier?

Can't wait for tonite confrontation between Zulema and Sara - looks like something interesting is coming.

I just read the Margarita's message - I agree that the title is a clue why Sara has more screen time. And it's exactly the reason why I stopped watching it and waiting for bad things come to the end - they will never stop until the whole telenovela comes to the end.

BtVS - Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I never watched it, though I'm sure I would have loved it. Most of my friends watched it, so for several years it was BtVS this, BtVS that...

I don't think Alonslow's bad acting can be blamed on either drugs or an OD of Botox. I think he's just not into it. MOST ESPECIALLY the romance scenes. I wish someone would poke him with a stick. Then at least he would make some kind of face.

Last night I did something I thought I'd never do - I taped the episode while I was out. (Haven't seen it yet.)

Not because I love the show so much that I don't want to miss a thing, but because I'm so desperate for something good to happen that I don't want to only read about it the next day.

As a bonus, I can FF through the bad stuff.

Margarita -

..hubby's only consolation is I can never complain about his videogames..

You are a good wife.

Eve: I think Julian can still lose all the money, but maybe not the bonus vacation. The host asked him if he wanted to continue, and he said yes.

Thanks Hombre de Misterio!
So, we still have time to see if Julian is a real gambler.

I also was watching for awhile and expecting that something good is going to happen and didn't want to miss it. Well, guess what - it never did!

I believe piernazas can mean great legs.

Oh - comment #1 - question about passive heroines? NO they are not always like that (I can't stand the ones that are):

- Some fight hard for what they want, but are immature or incompetent or unrealistic and their actions just screw things up worse. (Sofia in FELS)

- A handful, like Gaviota, fight competently; it's just that there are all these obstacles that keep coming up.

Most of the active heroines fit somewhere in between, like Lety from LFMB or Camila from Pasion.

Remember, Lorena was doing pretty well for herself during that week before Sara came along, despite knowing no one and losing her wallet. So she's not truly passive; it's just hard to fight back when you don't know someone's messing with you (as far as I can tell, she just thinks she's unlucky and that Alonso's crazy). At least she's staying afloat.

Lorena is still recovering from all that Sara's done to her, so I guess that's why she's not doing much now. Hopefully she'll be able to move on and then up her game.

I don't think she'll realize Sara's her QE until the last couple of weeks. Then, I don't think she'll be passive at all. :-)

Thank you, Sylvia, for an excellent recap as always.

I think Lorena is showing a lot of spunk. She's not wallowing in misery but trying to go ahead with her life. She's very determined about selling the spongecakes or whatever in the streets. I like her somewhat flippant sense of humor, a nice contrast to her cutesy appearance. Overall I think she's a great heroine, if a bit too angelic to be believed.

"Confused" pretty much sums Alonso up. I can't figure out how this guy ever got through medical school.

Thanks for your help Margartita, I always value your input. Yes, BtVS was my favorite show ever! I buy a number of the Bimbo products but I never noticed the panques. I'll have to keep an eye open for them.

I think our Lorena does show some spunk. She's not sitting around crying (too much) about her bad luck. She does go out and make things happen. Chef Hunk really respects that about her I think. And her impish look while hugging Maruja...we all know how she like to play matchmaker. I see some love work coming her way.

I hope both she and Neto get more airtime as their romance heats up.

Ahoy, Cap'n. Thanks . I always enjoy your clever recaps. You gave me some giggles. But first...''Don Dumbass''...HEY !!!... let's show some respect...That's ''DOCTOR Dumbass.'' And Thanks for the mental picture you painted...Let's do the math : Snorty + Jaime = nads + vice .. Very descriptive....I felt the pain. I, too, have wondered if Soto is just a really bad actor or if he is spaced out on magic mushrooms or something. He has a constant out-of-it look on his face. And the increasingly despicable Sara really knows how to use her ass..ests. She has chichis, and she's not afraid to use them. I wish that this show had less muffins and more STUDmuffins. P.S. I saw the previews for Fuego and wasn't Juan at the bottom of the staircase???...I hope that he will catch his Onetruelove.

Sylvia^^^I was a big Buffy fan, and I was also a fan of the spinoff..Angel. Those were great escape shows...fantastically bizarre characters and offbeat storylines...guilty pleasures.

So that's what Bimbo is. I was watching soccer one day and all the guys were named Bimbo. Then I realized that Bimbo was their sponsor.

I don't see a whole lot of chemistry between Lorena and Ernesto, but I see a lot more between them than between Alonso and anyone else.

Thanks for the BtVS clarifcation from Julie and Sylvia - I loved that show (and the Angel spinoff)! They had just the right amount of humor and irreverence with the occasional sad notes (like when Buffy's mom died, and there was no supernatural cure). Hubby felt Angel was too much like Forever Night, but it was still fun ;)

I loved Forever Knight. In fact, that's part of the reason I didn't get into Buffy. I couldn't bear to have my heart broken again. :(

OK, they just reran Sara's seduction attempt from last night and I had to laugh. She is so over-the-top, not just unsubtle but actually comical. And Alonso just sitting there looking like he's remembering a really tough level from Super Mario Brothers that he got stuck on when he was 9.

Ha ha! Good one Julie. My sis and I were hooked on Forever Knight. What a great show.

The thing I really liked about Joss Whedon's characters is that they weren't purely good or evil. The good folks had a dark side (that one could understand) and the villains were usually somehow redeemable, and again the viewer could connect. Did any of you catch his recent Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog when it was free? It was excellent.

I meant "ha ha" regarding your crack about Super Mario Bros. Not Forever Knight.

Snarky funny, Susanlynn.

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