Saturday, September 06, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #159, Friday 9-5: Other than the first meeting of the Constancio's Exes Club, nothing really happens

[Hola Guapistas. I'm a little under the weather this evening, so this recap is courtesy of Mr. 5ft. Yep, he makes hot tea, soup, and snark. Enjoy!--5ft]

Previously on Guapos, Rosario hires Alejandro to build stuff and pays him waaay too much and blows smoke up his back side.

Alejandro admits that they have no full time staff to help, and warns her about Constancio's back stabbing.

Rocky finds out that Bobby got Nestor's big fat check, and Alejandro introduces Rosario as their new big client to build stuff for.

Bobby asks if they need to wait and see if Constancio will steal this client, and Alejandro reassures them.

Socoro is still concerned about her rat bastard daughter. Horacio gets told about how she misses all the noise. The new chauffer is Chamuco.

Lina on the phone with Bobby: Lina is fussing as the nameless maid in a black and white outfit cleans the table and Lina's nails. Every time Lina starts straightening something the nameless maid who is apparently non-verbal bats Lina's hand away with the rag and starts re-cleaning whatever Lina touched. Bobby lets Lina know that they have a big client and that they are going to celebrate with a dinner. After Lina hangs up, the nameless maid decides that Lina can't be trusted with the phone and takes it away from her. And thus we get the fight over who gets to clean (nameless maid wins or loses depending on your point of view).

Andrea macks on Damian, until Braulio and Chamuco show up and then she cancels her request for the chauffer to take her out, and walks off with Damian.

Alejandro talking on the phone: Nestor shows up. There is some verbal sparring and then Nestor gets a hug.

Hugo shows up at the Casa of the Abused. Mili and Hugo talk. Mili thanks him for divorcing her. We are told that the wedding is in a year. Mili asks about Karla. Mili of course wants to know what Hugo is going to do about Karla and her spawn. Mili says she doesn't like to see him so upset, and that she still likes Hugo as a friend. Hugo leaves after they blather on for a while.

Back to Nestor and Alejandro: Alejandro tells Nestor about the job. Nestor warns Alejandro about Rosario since she was donating money to Constancio's presidency campaign.

Rosario is talking to Paulo, and is concerned that there might be a problem with Alejandro accepting the job. Paulo says she still loves Constancio and there is some denial.

Constancio still acting like Heffner and is not leaving the house and everything is set for him to be president.

The gang has a fancy lunch out to celebrate. Alejandro is contemplating what Nestor told him, and it is bugging him. Then he goes back to celebrating.

Rosario shows up at the Casa of the Abused and likes the look of the outside. It makes her all nostalgic with Paulo. Paulo is starts working on Rosario to get her to do something naughty. And off she goes to see in the house where as we saw in the previews last night she appears to be recognized by Luciana

Hugo packs up his stuff in preparation to leave. Hugo remembers being the hairy homeless guy with Mili. And so he dresses back up as the Hairy Homeless guy to go and raise heck.

Damian and Andrea bitch over drinks. She wants to know what is going on with the divorce and Damian says he has the original papers that Mili signed. They get all lovey.

The doorbell rings at the Casa of the Abused. In comes Rosario greeted by Luciana and Rosario is recognized. Oops. Rosario tries to leave and Luciana won't let her leave. Luciana explains who she is.

Damian wants Milagros' shares, but we will see how that works. Damian is willing to take Andrea away from all this. He starts to spill his plans. He plans to buy the company and sell the whole company.

Constancio has retired his Heffner act, and leaves to straighten out his life.

Rosario is still talking to Luciana. So they gossip about what has gone on.

Back to the party. Bobby wants to get to work on the contract, and Alejandro wants to wait. Nestor's warnings seem to have sunk in. They talk Alejandro into preparing the contract so that Rosario can sign her life away.

The girls are in the bathroom. Talking about how they miss the group all living together. Valeria is going to induct them into the spa cult. Mili suggests that they start their own business.

Karla offers homeless Hugo some money.

Luciana confesses all the evil crap she did to Mili. Rosario apparently still has issues with her treatment by the Belmonte clan. Rosario blames Constancio for all that was done to her.

Monday, Constancio shows up and Rosario moves more into view of the door (at least her back is turned to the door).

[5ft again...I would just like to note that Mr. 5ft doesn't actually know much Spanish and while I was sitting here making snide comments during the viewing, I don't think we can attribute his comprehension entirely to that. So let that be a lesson to those of you who think you don't know enough Spanish to recap!]


Great recap, Mr. 5ft, and written like a true Martian. (you know ... Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus) Good snark! I missed this episode and appreciate the recap. I wonder when the Gran Fin will be.


Wow....and the Ms 5 ft. who had the brains to marry a guy who'll fix her hot tea when sick AND write a funny, crisp recap.

Loved the Hugh Hefner quip. Had a moment of fear when he called Constancio Rat Bastard though (thought, oh my God, 5 ft. is married to Beckster!)

Great Recap Mr. 5 ft. and we expect to see your picture, alongside Ms 5 ft. on the sidebar any day now!

Muchas gracias (and no, I don't understand a lot of Spanish either, I watch with a big Oxford dictionary by my side.)

Thanks for the great pinch-hitting, Mr. 5ft.

Looks like Rosario is turning out to be just as much a revenge-seeking psycho as they others. And Homeless Hugo dug out his costume from three years ago. I think Karla never knew he was Homeless Hugo, so she didn't realize it was him. Only Mili and Braulio knew?

True...Karla didn't know about Panderoso. And her generosity in giving part of her meager salary to a beggar is our first sign that she's on the fast track to redemption.

Remember Hugo's assertion that Karla only cares about money. He's just had the first signal that a miraculous character transformation has taken place.

Wish character changes like that really happened (and "stuck") in real life. Oh well, if we wanted "real life", we wouldn't be watching telenovelas.

Excellent, Mr. 5ft, thanks!

Although Hugo doesn't trust Karla, he did plant his Panderoso self right outside where she works. Looks like she's on her way, unknowingly, to winning him over. She certainly is changing- the old Karla would have simply been repulsed by a street person and gone no where near him, much less give him money.

I really hope we get to see the Constancio and Rosario/Rosela reunion on Monday.

I too was surprised that Karla gave Hairy Hugo money. Maybe her pregnancy hormones kicked in and gave her a heart. Even hugo seemed surprised. i guess Mili's words about Karla touched him.

Loved the bit in the bathroom and Bobby's comments about girls spending so much time in it. Obviously both Mili and Lena are used to working and aren't charmed by the idle life Val is/was used to. I like the idea of the three of them forming their own business. Mili is such a gogetter it is sure to be a success. Based on both mili and Val's bedrooms lets hope it isn't an interior decorating business.

Interesting that Paulo (who is obviously going to end up with Braulio) comments that Rosario still loves Connie and the Luci tells her that Connie still loves her. Maybe in the end Mili will have her dreams come true and have her mother and father together while Al may grow up and accept Nestor as his father and see his parents together and happy. Such a TN cliche but part of the reson we watch them.

Nina - Rosario may be seeking revenge but I suspect she like Mili is going to learn that everything rotten that happened was not Connie's fault and will let it go. I'll post about my immersion on Sunday when I have more time.

My compliments to Mr. 5ft for a fun and snarky recap. You’re right Ms. 5ft., he knows a lot more Spanish than he gives himself credit for ;) Hope you feel better soon.

I don’t think Hugo ran away, but wanted to keep an eye on Karla, with his favorite stalker outfit, to make sure she and his potential spawn were doing alright. I agree with JudyB that her “donation” is probably the first sign Hugo needs that Karla’s not the gold digger he thought she was (he almost broke into a happy dance when he saw the money she gave him).

I don't know if Rosario's a psycho, but she's definitely hurting. She, like Mili, spent her life blaming Connie for the death of her kid. Now that she knows that Mili's alive, and if Connie hurries up and admits the truth to his own kid, perhaps she will be able to let go of the whole revenge thing, especially once Connie explains it was his dad that separated her from her kid (considering he's the one that took her out of the orphanage and shipped her off to Italy, you'd think she would realize by now that it was Dad Fred and not Connie that made the nuns lie to her).

I have a theory on Damian's potential share buyer: It's probably Rosella (either directly or through a buyer) who approached Damian to buy his shares and told him she wanted control of the company. He then countered with: "oh, I can get you 60% of them" and is about to do just that. Now, how many of us think he really plans to take Andrea with him when he skips town, and how many of us think he plans to leave her behind?

Señor 5Ft - Thanks for the rescue and the result which we all get to enjoy is a super recap. Your lovely wife is not exaggerating that you know more Spanish than you give yourself credit for. I always appreciate the male perspective and dry humor that tends to go with it. Thanks for all the work.

I have slowly been drawn into this TN as some others I was watching ended. I think I tuned in at a good time to see some characters transforming as the plot draws to a close. I didn't care for Milli at first and thought she was so childish until I read about her recently and found out she really is a child, she just turned 16 on August 12 according to IMDB. Suddenly what she is able to do on the screen seems really remarkable. I also really like Braulio and his wise or loving uncle support he has always provided, though not always both at the same time.

Good work, Sir 5Ft; hope you recover quickly, Lady 5Ft.

I don't have high hopes for the boyz' enterprise if they aren't able to talk about their apprehensions about clients. How hard is it to say to your partners that you'd like to get a background check and ask around about her involvement in NotDad's campaign before getting into a huge project with her? I know I wouldn't trust a client in that skanky dress.

What will the new business be? Mili had talked to Candy about opening a branch of the ladies' counseling/aerobics/makeup feel-good-a-rama in the D.F. Would they need some sort of counseling training for that, or could they just hire a therapist for that part? Lina trained in hairstyling before, Val seems like she'd be all over makeup and exercise, and Mili would...pep-talk everyone to death. And, I hope, refrain from advising them on hats.

I'm thinking Damian will dump Andrea. He can always just take a picture of her backside, if he hasn't got it memorized after staring at it for years, and take that with him. I'm a little surprised she's not being more discreet, as much as she still seems to want to be the lady of the manor and marry Constancio. Maybe she's realized he'll never marry her, so she's just been stealing all the valuables from the house instead.

Thanks to Mr. 5ft and good recap abilities. It seems you do know more Spanish than you think. You did a great job.

I am surprised that no one said anything about . . . Constancio and his fit when the celebration he planned for Miii didn't go as he hoped for. Mili is not going to show up. Afterwards how Constancio was moping around the study.

Constancio should go to the new home and tell Mili that he is her father. He could explain that it was hard for him to come clean after so much has been gone by him and his family. THIS IS IF HE IS SINCERE.

I don't think it is will to last between Damien and Andrea. I am surprised that she is so open with him. I think Hugo know about is going on. Damien is not a faithful boyfriend or ever is going to be. He was with the new secretary on his lap flirting a day or so ago when Mono showed up. I think he will use Andrea and dump her somewhere. This is how it might end for Andrea.

Please, somebody send Andrea to change places with Karla and become a taibolera. Or perhaps a jaibolera. She has been hanging on in part because of her connection with the family. I remember in the dim recesses of my mind that she is the godddaughter of Granny Regina and actually comes from the upper classes. Sheesh!


Don't worry. Both Damian and Andrea will get exactly what is coming to them. There may not be a lot of justice in the real world but there always is in Novelaland.

Whadda guy, Mr. 5ft. Thank you so much!

I’m really not liking Rosario now. She seemed to be angry with Luci for living the life that she (Rosario) wanted, namely with Connie. Even after Luci, showing amazing tolerance, explained that she was sold into the marriage, Rosario didn’t seem to relax her dagger-looking.

I’m wondering why the three girls want to open their own business when the three guys need help with their start-up? Why have the three been sitting at home?

I’m also wondering why Damien would tell Andrea all his plans when he knows she still the mistress of the house, and of Connie. She could blab all if she felt like it. I like the suggestion of her as a pole dancer. I saw her in a photo shoot with a bikini and she has a terrific figure. I’m wondering why they haven’t given her any bathing suit scenes in our show since there’s a pool right there at Casa Belmonte.

Andrea was once in a swimsuit by the pool, very early in the show. I think they should all use the pool more, as the men on Fuego would surely do if they had a nice pool. A few games of Marco Polo and water basketball would surely ease the tensions in the family, or at least be nice to look at.

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