Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues. & Wed, Sept. 2 & 3 - the North Wind brings surprises

Wednesday's episode-

First, DB will be on at 8pm tonight (Thursday).

Luisana calls DB old and ugly and they are about to have a cat fight when Santos carries DB off, ties her up and takes her home. He keeps her from going back by sleeping with her.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo tells Mauricio the whole DB story.

The next morning Santos comes back to Altamira. He discovers Luisana was lying about not receiving his Dear John letter but she won't accept that it's over between them.

Luisana decides to go see DB at El Miedo.

In San Fernando, Cecilia turns cold again during Antonio's kiss and slaps him. He gets drunk with his new friend and decides to sleep outside her door so he can apologize first thing in the morning. Cecilia dreams about Toño. Next morning, Marisela finds Antonio outside the door and sends him to clean up before Cecilia sees him. Meanwhile, Federica and Josefa have taken the slow boat to San Fernando.

Later, Antonio offers to teach Marisela and Cecilia to ride a bicycle. Marisela leaves them alone and Antonio tells Cecilia that he loves her and they kiss again.

Tuesday's episode

Mexican novelas seem to be ostentatiously set in a real place almost to the extent of being travelogues while these Colombian novelas go to the other extreme and are ostentatiously set nowhere in particular.

As Margarita mentioned, DB is set in Venezuela (and is based on a famous novel of the same name). The physcial location of the novela is an important part of the story so it couldn't be avoided. It just so happens that I am going to Venezuela in January (not to the llanos) so I was looking at an online map and am able to put this screenshot of the part of Venezuela where the story takes place. The llanos is an area of flat grasslands with many rivers. You can see the Arauca river in the middle of this map. Presumably, Antonio and Cecilia are in San Fernando de Apure. San Juan de los Morros, where BP and Melquiades found Juan Barreta is just off the map to the north.

I really like Maurice, Luisana's cousin. Having met Santos, he tells Luisana that he is a 'bocatto di cardinale,' meaning a delicacy good enough for a Cardinal and translated in the titles inelegantly as, 'finger lickin' good.'

I left the caption here on purpose. In a funny scene, Santos is talking to himself while trying to fix his truck. Maurice comes up behind him and says, "Santos, does your truck give you good advice on your love life?"

Juan Pablo Shuk, Feonando from PdG literally bumps into Marisela in the hotel in San Fernando. Presumably, they will meet again.

Good new for those who wanted to see Cecilia and Toño get together in San Fernando. Cecilia lets her hair down and Antonio enlists Marisela's help to get Cecilia to dance with him.
A kiss in the courtyard. Let's hope things progress before Federica gets to town.

Santos and Luisana react to the sudden appearance of DB at Altamira. She tells Luisana that she is Santos' 'hembra,' which would translate as 'female' as opposed to 'mujer,' 'woman.'

Balbino Paiba manages to avoid DB's wrath. When DB starts to plan vengeance on Juan Barreta, one of the men who raped her, Eustaquia tells her that she has a choice - be the old DB who kills people or change to keep Santos' love. She decides (for now) to let the past go and be a woman that Santos wants.


Thanks again, Jean for the photos and succinct recap. Sparks are definitely going to fly. Luisana, while being insufferable, is not a gal who gives up easily.

More completely out of character behavior from a novela personaje. Cecilia, who was SO nasty to Toño on the boat and wouldn't even sit next to him, is now behaving like a complete femme fatale. And she does look lovely. I was holding my breath through their whole scene, certain that horrible Federica was going to burst onto the dance floor.

I was stuck in traffic for three hours and I missed the Tuesday episode. And by what you wrote, Jean, it seems this was another intense episode. I am glad I found this website. Thank you so much for the recap.

This was a good episode. Lots of plot points moving forward. I felt like releasing my inner Crabiela (the bad mom from FELS) and slapping Luisana across the face! What an arrogant b*#@*! I was SO glad she slipped up in her hysteria and descubrió el pastel (the correct idiom for spilled the beans, according to the Reverso Dictionary). Suddenly I'm rooting for DB like crazy!

Glad to see the son of Apolinar Prieto (forget his name) wasn't fooled by the trick set up by Melquiades.

And Toño isn't giving up! Good for him!

I was going to include the Orestes Prieto story but I forgot. The Doña's almost worked. It seemed like Orestes was going to overlook the gaffes of Doña Carmen concerning other sibling and past heart trouble. She did have the medal after all but the tombstone fiasco blew her plan out of the water. And, of course, Orestes works at Altamira so presumably he will tell Santos.

Oh and the fake boobs. That's what DB kept saying about Luisana. (Is there any woman on a novela, Edith González included, who has not had breast enhancement surgery?)

Yes, the pechugona artificial comments were wonderful. Well, if Edith had hers done, it was a good job. She looks quite natural to me.

The one who I think has totally ruined her appearance is Gabriela Spanic. I've been watching La Usurpadora (re-running now from 1998) and she was very pretty and had a GREAT, natural looking figure. I had seen her over a year ago in Tierra de Pasiones and she had the huge softballs, with her blouses all open practically to the waist.

I agree, novelera. As with anything, breast enhancement can be overdone. I've heard of Gaby Spanic but I don't think I've ever seen her in a novela. It's too bad when women go overboard and get those gigantic perky boobs. I find them really distracting - they are so out of proportion. I'm not a man, of course.

Thanks for the shots and summary Jean. Also, thanks for the map ;) They've actually started saying the name of the town: "El Progresso." Don't you just love irony?

ITA about some of these "enhancements." They simply leave no doubt to being fake. In "Paraiso," the madam character (she's all of 15!) said to the heroine men don't care if they're wood, cardboard, etc., as long as they're large. Of course, most of the men I know say the only requirement for perfect breasts is their accessibility ;)

Shuk sure has been busy lately. From the previews, he's been working a lot on "Paraiso" as a corrupt plastic surgeon.

I was noticing the contrast between Luisana and Barbara, and couldn't help but compare it to the contrast between Dinora and Norma in PdG. Off course, Barbara became what she is due to tragedy, whereas Dino became a sociopath after being a spoiled and pampered brat who never heard the word "No." Norma could be a little snobby at first, but that's because she was afraid of falling in love. Otherwise, she was nice to anyone regardless of their class. Luisana is incredibly rude to anyone without a purse or pedigree. Thus, where we rooted for the dainty Norma, we now root for the rugged Barbara (even if she has accrued a few corpses).

Quick warning to anyone who's reading the original Gallegos novel: stay away from Wikipedia until you're done, because they reveal the ending. For those of us only watching the TN, I don't think it's a huge problem since I strongly suspect the ending will be different (though I could certainly be wrong).

Thanks for the heads up on the time change, Jean! I almost missed it Thursday and I would've been so sad.

ITA with the pechugona artificial comments. Too much of a good thing example is Rosario in FELS.

Luisana and DB are a good match. Both wrapped up in their own delusion of grandness. DB had a rough beginning, but now she's fully aware of her choices. She's accountable for her actions. So is Luisana, although she's got less of 'problem' since she's been silver spoon fed. What surprises me is Santos choice of either of these high maintenance women. Oh, what am I saying? He's a man and they're both gorgeous...

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