Friday, September 05, 2008

Guapos Thursday, September 04, 2008: Mili comes back from the light but still is in the dark

Rehash: Mili wants out of the hospital ASAP and Connie, grinning goofily, comes in and says the doctor says probably she can go home tonight. Mili tells about how she saw the bright light and Regina, but she can’t remember what Regina said to her, though she remembers that it was important.

New hash: It’s misty morning in the DF. Mili awakens alone in the hospital and, feeling stiff, gets out of bed but finds she is still tethered to her drip. Vale and Rocky are just coming in and they fuss and tell her back to bed. Finally they talk her into it.

Alex and Luci, the padre and Sor C. are in the waiting room. Alex wonders where Connie is and Luci says he left a while ago. They discuss whether he’s going to finally tell Mili the truth, and they figure naw. Gloria and Braulio are there too. Vale and Rocky show up and they all decide to leave except Braulio and of course Alex.

Connie is just coming into the house, all smiles, when he is surprised to see Ramses who seems to have a new hairdo. Connie asks him if he’s got everything ready – sounds like a surprise party is in the offing. Connie says to himself that Ramses looks like a different person somehow.

Down the stairs come Andrea and Damien. Connie says he’s planning a party for Mili – tonight’s the night he tells Mili he’s her father. Andrea squints then fake smiles.

Hospital test montage while Mili looks wide-eyed at the shiny technical stuff – CT scan, X-rays. She gets a neurological check and she’s good to go, but the doctor warns her bed rest for a few days and she pouts. Alex leaves to sign the paperwork and Braulio sticks around.

He’s fidgety and Mili wants to know why. Oh, nothing, he says. He tells her some clothes are there and he’ll stop outside while she changes.

Karla is doing her pole dance in the maid costume. Dang! She’s pretty good. She can use this to give her a second bullet point on her résumé. Mono is sitting with Macarena who comments that Karla is making the customers go nuts. Mono’s eyes are popping out and Macarena says push ‘em back in. Mono assures her he likes fleshy women, but he keeps staring. Pan to the beaded curtain and we see Hugo watching behind it. More pole dance – whoo hoo! Karla’s sulky look really pays off here, and she struts around, collecting tips. Hugo watches, and looks like he’s sad for her.

Mili is sitting on the bed, dressed and ready and the door opens and here comes Rosario, smiling, hair and glasses kind of a Sophia Loren look, skin-tight outfit kind of an expensive call-girl look, and shoes a dominatrix look. Mili, her expression inscrutable, watches her come in. Mili hesitantly says May I offer you something? Rosario introduces herself as Rosela di Llano. Mili continues to study her and says do you work here? I’m getting out today. Rosario says she’s glad. Mili is squinting slightly and tells her that she looks familiar somehow.

Rosario says I just arrived in Mexico a few days ago and I heard you weren’t doing well, so I came to see you. Mili says but I don’t know you. Rosario says but I know you and I came to talk to you. About what? asks Mili. About us, says Rosario. Mili squints some more.

Back to Karla who is really owning that pole. Hugo comes through the bead curtain and Macarena’s assistant seats him. Hugo asks about Karla, and the assistant says for 2,000 pesos, she’ll come dance for him alone. Hugo says no thanks and orders a tequila. Karla spots him and runs offstage. Macarena goes to see what’s up.

Rosario tells Mili that her husband died a year ago and she’s come back to her homeland to confront her past and herself. Mili says why are you telling me these things? and Rosario says she’s heard talk about her. Mili is puzzled. Rosario says she used to be a good friend of Regina’s, and when she found out she had died and it saddened her terribly. She and I used to write a lot, lies Rosario, and she talked about you. Mili says what was your name again? How odd she never mentioned you. Rosario says oh, she said great things about you, about your wonderful spirit, and I see in your eyes that it was all true.

Rosario says she and her husband didn’t have any children, but when she was young she had a child – a girl. Rosario starts breaking up, and apologizes. She says it’s been so many years, but a mother never forgets her child. Mili says and a child never forgets its mother. My mother died when I was born.

Rosario says Regina told me. Mili says she died of pain, because my father left her to marry another woman without concerning himself that she was carrying his child. My mother’s heart burst from sorrow. Rosario says I am… I am…. I have to go! It was wonderful to talk to you. And she flees the room, leaving Mili confused and troubled.

I’m confused and troubled too – Why doesn’t she just tell the truth, for heaven’s sake?

Backstage Macarena is telling Karla off and tells her to get back out there. Karla says I can’t, Hugo is there. He’s the father of my child and I’m ashamed for him to see me. Macarena understands. She tells her to go talk to him, he must be there for a reason. Karla brightens.

Connie is as excited as Christmas about the party for Mili and he rubs his hands gleefully. There’s a big welcome banner in the foyer and party tables. He gives Ramses a check to give the party people as they did such a great job. Ramses hair IS bizarre. Andrea comes in and asks about where to put the musicians. Then Connie asks if the waiters have arrived. Andrea says yes, sheesh, I’m not the household help. Connie gets mad and says I intend to greet Mili the way she deserves and nobody is going to wreck my day. Andrea says so it makes you so happy to tell her you are her father? Connie says it’s time, I almost lost her. Today everything changes. He looks happily at all the pink balloons and decorations.

At the club, a man is singing a love song – he’s really good – and the dancing girls sway seductively in the background. Karla is ready to go out to Hugo, but he has left. Macarena hugs her, and Karla agonizes.

Alex comes in to get Mili and she stands up but is a bit woozy and sits down again. She says the strangest thing happened, a mysterious woman came in and said she was a friend of Regina’s and had heard all about me. Alex is puzzled and asks her name. Mili tells him and he says odd – I’ve never heard of her.

Rosario is talking to Braulio who doesn’t seem enthusiastic that she told Mili that Regina wrote her letters about her. Rosario raves about Mili. Braulio says when are you going to tell her? I will, says Rosario, but don’t pressure me. First I’ll find ways that we can be together and then maybe she’ll come to love me, and I’ll tell her then.

Rosario is worried about Alex… Belmonte. Braulio gives her the backstory, that Alex isn’t Mili’s brother. Rosario says Connie took on a son that wasn’t even his and kicked us to the curb? Braulio fills her in on how much Mili and Alex love each other, and that Alex has a start-up business, but it’s having problems. Braulio explains that Connie gave Alex his name, but he never loved him, poor thing. Rosario says Paolo is waiting and they hug goodbye and she leaves. Braulio lifts an eyebrow and says to himself Paolo and we hear a sly clarinet.

Braulio comes into the hospital room and Mili asks if he knows a Rosela who was a friend of Regina’s. Braulio hemms and haws a bit and says why yes, they were great friends and wrote each other all the time. Alex looks puzzled. Braulio says they met when Regina took a trip to Italy. When was that? asks Mili. Braulio says ummm before she decided to shut herself up in the house.

Alex goes for the car and Braulio tells Mili how glad he is she’s better and now her life will change. Mili says why? and he says you’ve had a serious accident. Mili asks if Braulio knows Rosela and Braulio lies no. He says he heard a lot about her, and he wants to know if Mili liked her. Mili says she found it odd that she would come looking for her. She says that when Rosela took her hand, she felt something, like warmth, and Rosela’s voice was very calming. If my mother weren’t dead, I’d like it if she were just like that. Tears well up in Braulio’s eyes.

Connie is pacing and waiting for Mili. Andrea is sitting all slouchy on the little couch and Damien is snoozing. Hey, that guy playing Ramses actually is another actor! His shots have been so short, I didn’t notice before. The waiters stand at the ready. Connie is wondering how he should tell Mili, how he should start. He’s a nervous wreck. He yells at Damien to wake up and tell him where he should be standing when Mili comes in.

Damien says make a dramatic entrance down the stairs. He goes up to demonstrate. Attention! he says and he descends the stairs grandly, arms outstretched. He drops his voice to mimic Connie’s, thundering Welcome Milagros! I am your father! The coward! The miserable man who abandoned you and your mother all those years ago!
I’m in stitches, but Connie isn’t. He explodes and says I forbid you to make fun of something that’s so important to me.

Nuevo Ramses says I liked it – that was great! Connie tells Damien to sit there, and Andrea over there, and says he wants to be told when they arrive. He goes up the stairs, signals the musicians who play – rats! I can’t think of the name of the piece, but it’s a slow string number – and he practices descending the stairs, saying Welcome, Milagros, come to my arms! Andrea says just say whatever comes into your mind. Connie rushes about, nervous, and Andrea twirls her hair.

I think we’re at Mili’s mama’s old house. Everybody is there waiting for Mili, except Lina and Bobby. Socorro has food laid out. They laugh and talk about dancing and speculate on whether there’s enough room for that.

Over at Casa Belmonte, Connie has received the sign – he signals the musicians and starts down the stairs, saying Welcome Milagros … but it’s Hugo coming in. Connie stops in his tracks. Hugo asks Damien what’s up and Damien says it’s set up to be like a telenovela – all tears and smiles. Hugo says ah.

Braulio, Mili and Alex come into her mama’s house. Luci says this is your new home and Padre Manuel says you’re going to live here? But what about the wedding? Luci says they have to wait a year (is that a law?) and they’re already a couple, and besides it was her idea. Alex guarantees the padre that he will marry her in church, in a civil ceremony, everywhere.

Mili asks about Hugo and Vale says nobody knows. Mili says I hate to leave that unresolved. She and Alex are about to go to the next room to see the baby, and Mili thanks them all so much. They cheer her and hoot and holler.

Meantime over at Casa Belmonte, it’s all silence and the help is drooping. Andrea says maybe she won’t be released until tomorrow. Damien suggests calling Alex on his cell and Andrea says she will. Connie waits excitedly as she talks to Alex. She hangs up and tells him that Mili is at a party – at her new home. Hugo says boy the ink wasn’t even dry on the divorce. Connie explodes and tells everyone to get out. They all evaporate and he throws a pillow then slumps on the couch.

At the party, Padre Manuel is telling Luci how much she’s changed. She says yes, she’s different or at least is striving not to be the bitter woman she was and she had to have a tough lesson to teach her that. She asks the padre’s forgiveness and he gives it. He tells her to come to confession and get straight with God and she says she will. She asks after Nestor and the padre says he left Mexico on business and should be back. He says Nestor will really be surprised at the change in her. Alex and Mil come up and Alex says are you going to dance with my mother, or shall I? The padre says of course I will! Alex and Mili sway – she’s not getting any bed rest.

Connie is going nuts. He throws a big flower arrangement, tips a chair and the couch and goes after the defenseless pink balloons. Another flower arrangement, the refreshments table – he is a raging bull. He grabs the champagne bottle, cradles it, and crumples at the foot of the stairs.

Morning in the DF. We get an exterior shot of the guys’ start-up company and it is glossy and huge enough to hold a good 100 employees. They are in the office, playing cards to pass the time. They discuss how everybody is waiting on Mili hand and foot so she will rest. Bobby comes in and says sorry he’s late, but Lina made him eat breakfast. Rocky wonders why they get up so early just to play cards. Rocky answers that it’s important to open early in case a customer comes.

Bobby says that Connie is furious with Alex. Rosario shows up and asks for Alex. He shows her to his office. The other two exult as such a splendid client.

Connie is in a silky bathrobe, curled on the couch in his study. Andrea tells him to get up but he says he doesn’t want to do anything. Andrea tells him to pull out of his depression. Connie says who told you I’m depressed? Andrea says I don’t need anybody telling me – you’ve been cooped up here for days. Connie says I just needed to take some days off from all the pressures. Andrea says get up, shower, get dressed and let’s go out to eat. Connie says I don’t feel like it.

Andrea says she’s tired of being home. Connie tells her to go shopping or to the gym. There’s a new chauffeur, have him drive you. Andrea says it’s because you miss her, isn’t it? Connie says yes. The house was different when she was here. And Vale just sleeps here, the rest of the time she’s at Mili’s house. Andrea says do you miss Alex too? Connie says leave me alone and Andrea says you’re acting like an old man and I can’t stand it.

At Mili’s house, Luci and Vale are cooing over the baby. Mili comes in and they tell her to go lie down. She says no, she wants to make a sandwich herself, and besides she’d like to go play some soccer. Luci and Vale tell her no! They argue a bit and Vale says you’re supposed to be in my wedding. Mili says okay, but it wasn’t that bad an accident. Still, she agrees to behave if they won’t monitor her so closely.

Alex is talking with Rosario and says he understands she used to write his grandmother. She is surprised and he tells her his future wife told him. She tells him she has some properties she wants to develop with luxury flats and she wants his company to do it. Alex is very happy, but he explains that they are new and don’t have much infrastructure. Rosario hands him a check and says hire whoever you need – money is no object. Alex says not even the leading construction companies get that kind of advances. Rosario says you are the leading construction company because I picked you. Deal? Deal, says Alex, happy.

They discuss contracts etc. Then Alex says he has a question. He is aware that Belmonte Construction is stealing his clients even after they’ve reached the handshake stage by undercutting his prices. Rosario says don’t worry, that’s not going to happen.

Avances: Rosario is visiting the house of her childhood and she tells Luci that she used to live there when she was little. Luci says Rosario? You’re not dead? Some man is holding a gun to his head – who is it? Connie looks devastated.


Wow're up late again, muchacha. Great title, as always, and loved the "sly clarinet" remark. They really hammer home the message with music, don't they?

The man singing at the nightclub is Eduardo Antonio, originally from Cuba. We swooned over him in Juan Querendon, where he played Juan's small town buddy (in love with the gal who plays Connie's seccretary/lover in this one).

He sang the Palomita theme song for Juan and can really dance up a storm as well. Hope we'll get to see a little bit of that before Guapos ends but I doubt it. Karla certainly did a creditable job dancing (although I'm no judge of that art) and it was sad to see her humiliation. Still, touching bottom seems to be necessary for redemption (and not just in telenovelas!) so I'm rooting for her to see the light.

Maggie: Thanks for the early-bird recap. And, Judy thanks for the info on the cantante. I had been wondering if he was just a prop who was lipsynching. So, he's Eduardo Antonio, and he has a great voice.

I just have one thing to add: when the "boys" were in their office playing cards, Rocky kept giving words of encouragement about the business, and his optimism was noted. He finally said, " you think I would have won Valeria if I gave up so easily ..." Good insight into his character.

From lower Ala

Thanks for another great recap, Maggie, and another great title.

Thanks for all your good wishes, everyone. My mother will be having hip surgery this afternoon, and we hope for the best.

I still don't understand why Hugo is getting off so easily--chloroforming someone is terrible.

Poor Connie--he had such high hopes. I enjoyed Damian coming down the stairs and imitating Connie, but still saying Attencion!

Anyway, what was the music they were playing on Connie's balcony? Is it something by Mozart? It's such a famous piece but I don't know the name.

Whoever asked yesterday about why they changed the actress, we don't know. The actress playing the mother never really appeared in the show but for a picture and maybe one silent scene right at the beginning. She was probably unavailable later, so they had to switch.

P.S. Allow me to present my PSA for calcium and weight-bearing exercise.

This is my mother's second hip operation, and she also had compression fractures of the spine. Girls, don't let this happen to you!

Thanks Maggie!

I don't know why they bothered to replace the actor playing Ramses, it seems they could have just written they character out easily, especially this close to the end.

I felt kind of bad for Constancio, but he certainly deserves to have his chickens come home to roost. A little soul searching is exactly what he needs.

I'm happy that Hugo appears to be working on redemption, I was sure he was a lost cause. He was incredibly creepy when he was rubbing himself on Mili on the bed prior to her accident.

Thanks, Maggie for a great recap.

I would like to say thank you to judyb too for informing us the name of Macarena's man assistant at the club. I enjoy his singing too. I thought he was a good singer too. I thought I recognized him from somewhere. I didn't watch Juan, but who would miss the catchy song that ends the show.

I was looking on the internet about the new shows when I came across the music tour combining Lola, Erase Una Vez and Al diablo con los guapos. I know the Eiza González is the actress/singer of Lola and I didn't find out if Allison Lozz will be apart of this show or if the other singers or people who sing(Sheyla, Eugenio Siller, Andres Zuno, or even this guy Eduardo Antonio) will be involved. I thought someone might know.

When at first I saw Constancio and planning his celebration and revealing of parenthood I thought finally he will do something good for Mili. When no one showed up from the main group that have support and mean a lot to Mili, I knew something was up. He showed have told or mention his plan to Luciana, Alejandro, Valeria, or Braulio, for this way they would show up.

I don't blame Mili for standing him up and the party. I think he deserves it. What did he expected after waiting, lying, and covering up the truth that Mili is his daughter? I think it is not simple anymore. He has to do something dramatic to tell Mili and ask for forgiveness. At this point I don't know if this is possible for Mili.

What I thought was why would Mili want to come back to the mansion and to the people that she is not close to such as Damien, Ramses, Andrea, Hugo, and Constancio. Two of these people got her where she is today in the hospital. I personally wouldn't go back to where the persons who harm was there.

My advice to Constancio is JUST DO IT!


Is that really a new actor for Ramses or just a new hairstyle? I thought it was just new hair.

Connie had to plan his party stupidly (obvio!) so they could have a dramatic scene of his being stood up. If people communicated with each other, there would be no telenovelas!


Does anyone know the secret to why they changed Mili's mom from the original actress. I have been watching so far, and still do not understand why they changed her..

p.s sorry to hear about your mom.

See what I wrote above about that question. We don't know, presume the actress was unavailable.

I don't know if it was availability or not but perhaps they realized that there is a striking physical resemblance between Maribel and Alysson and went for it. It seems that Rosario has things to learn about what happened in the past as well as Connie did. So now it looks like Mili has another parent afraid to tell her the truth.

I have to admit I felt so sorry for Connie when his big surprise fell flat. On the other hand he should take Mili aside privately and tell her and not make a grand production in front of everyone. That would be a recipe for disaster. And then poor Connie moping in his study while the slut gripes about it. i wish he would just kick her skanky behind to the curb and get it over with. I also thought it very revealing that he could not bring himself to admit his misses Alex as well.

I must say that padre Manuel seems extraordinarily tolerant of Mili and Al apparently shacking up together. I've known some pretty liberal priests in my time but have a hard time thinking they would go along with what Luci has set up.

Never thought I'd say this but I actually felt sorry for Karla. Maybe she really does care for sulky Hugo. We are running out of time for her redemption.

JudyB – thank you for the info on the singer! He was way to good to be working a bump and grind joint.

NinaK – hip surgery is a bummer. I hope your mother does well with it. I’m actually not 100% sure about Ramses and I’m not real good at facial recognition. So I’d appreciate input on him from other commenters – did others think it was a new actor? It was suspicious that Connie commented that he looked like a totally different person.

Genevieve - I think you asked yesterday about what show to watch next. My advice would be to watch the next show they put on in this time slot, and give it 2 or 3 weeks to see if you like it. It takes a while to get into a new show. If you don’t like it, then you’ll probably have to jump in on some other show midstream. It’s more fun to watch from the beginning. I think.

My comment on last night’s show: Everyone is saying how much they love and adore Mili, and yet they’re lying to her left and right. I can think of no conceivable reason for Rosario not to tell Mili who she is straight off. How good a start is it to build a good trusting relationship when you start off lying? Even Braulio is lying to her. Tsk.

Oh, and about the actress playing Rosario. I wish they hadn’t picked such a stunner. Instead of her coming off as Connie’s one true love, it gives the impression that he loved her just because she was dishier than Luci or even Andrea. Certainly her boobs are significantly bigger than theirs.

Great recap; thanks.

I, too, had a lot of unanswered questions from this episode. The piece the string musicians were playing, first of all. I know I have heard it many many times but I can't think what it is!

Ramses looked really different to me, not just the hair. The mannerisms were a little off, too. I thought it was a different actor, but I couldn't figure out why they would bother for such an inessential character. It would have been just as easy for Constancio to be bossing around some hired party planner. Could Ramses and his weird new hair possibly be the one with the gun in the avances? I thought it was Hugo, because of the slicked dark hair, but then they specifically show Val looking tormented. Hmmm.

I loved the scenes of Connie practicing the Big Reveal. What a tool.

I thought the Ramses character was a totally different actor. Don't know why.

Have we ever figured out WHY Constancio hates Alejandro so much? What did Al ever do? I mean, he's not Connie's son, but it's not like Luci cheated on him (well, that time anyway)...Al was already on the scene when Connie and Luci got together. Is it because Luci always loved Al more that she loved Connie? She likes everyone more than him, and it's his own fault. Is Al not sufficiently evil and cunning to take over the family business Connie-style? That could be it.

I also thought Ram was a different actor. The old one while weird looked kind of cool, this one looks dumb. As for the gun to the head the first thing that i thought was Thug Boy Rigoberto. Don't know why.

Excellent recap Maggie. I haven't made a final decision as to whether or not Consti can be redeemed (along with Hugo and Damien). Whatever sympathy Consti may have garnered from being genuinely upset when Mili did not arrive for his party was erased by his hysterical tantrum. However, I do believe he is capable of genuine sentiment and does love Mili. The only one who I feel certain deserves a bad ending is Andrea. She has never loved or cared for anyone but herself. Her past deeds were horrendous and she has repented nothing. Her assisting Hugo in kidnapping Mili was sheer cruelty. Can't wait to see what happens tonight. Diana in MA

Julia, they have never made clear why Connie hates Al so much. My take has been that he saw him as the earthly representation of what he lost--his love and his own child. Since it was staring him in the face every day, he developed an extreme resentment.

We thought Connie was going to treat Al better after Al offered to help Connie clear himself of murder charges. I don't know what happened there.

Decie, I see from yesterday that you are back from Spain. Please post something about your travels. I was so interested in learning more about the immersion workshop.

Rigoberto, in the conservatory, with the revolver? Interesting. What would he be doing back? Flor killed herself, so now he has come back to stage a big scene and kill himself in front of everyone in a fit of grief and revenge? He is under hypnotic control of Peralta the Puppetmaster, and is just creating a huge diversion while the real crime goes down? Maybe?

Wow...I must have missed some shows. When did Flor kill herself?

Flor didn't kill herself--she only attempted suicide (a few weeks ago). Did you miss that somehow, Judy?

I was just speculating on future plot. She didn't kill herself.

Thanks to Maggie for a fabu recap, to JudyB for the insight on our singer, and to NinaK for the insight on caring for our bones ;)

Speaking of insight, Bobby says Lina won’t let him leave the house until he finishes every last bite of his breakfast. Rocky asks if Lina can cook and Bobby says “no, that’s why it takes me so long to finish, but I love her.” It’s like when my husband decides to handwash the dishes, and they still have food caked on them. I say nothing because I love him and hope he’ll continue to occasionally clean ;)

Ramses was definitely a different actor, and he does NOT look like a model. Perhaps the shooting ran over and he had another commitment. Chances are the same happened when they decided to bring Mili’s mom back (remember this has been extended twice).

Julie, as far as I can tell, Connie hated Al because a) Al’s not his kid, and he resented being expected to treat him as such and b) Al was the reason Luci married him. Dad Fred made Connie marry Luci to keep him away from Rosario, and Luci’s dad made her marry Connie so she wouldn’t be a single mom. He probably figures that, with no Al, dad wouldn’t have gotten him a wife and he might have been able to eventually get back with Rosario. Also, Al had a mind of his own. Although he tried his best to please Connie, he had no problem objecting when he felt Connie was doing something wrong (like bribing officials for permits...). As such, Al became a nuisance to Connie, on top of everything else. NinaK, the reason Connie’s reconciliation with Al didn’t last is because, instead of agreeing to being Connie’s VP, Al resigned and told him he wanted to build his own construction company. Connie does not handle rejection well...

From yesterday’s round of comments – Nicolas, TNs rarely follow logic. Milis’ recovery was said to be a miracle, so that’s pretty much all the explanation our writers felt like giving us. She had a handful of bruises and said her leg hurt (hence the bedrest) and she did complain every time someone hugged her. As for the fact that nothing broke, that’s part of the “miracle” I suppose. Hugo also had a scar (suspiciously like the kind folks get when they try to commit suicide), which he probably got brushing the pieces of glass off of her.

Also from yesterday’s round - Genevieve, the next one is called “Cuidado con el Angel” (Careful with the Angel), and it’s supposed to be and original story, but there’s little original about if from what we’ve seen on the previews (girl who grew up in and orphanage and plays soccer falls for a blonde rich boy...). Having said that, it has a pretty nice cast (Ricardo Blume, Helena Rojo, Chachita, and William Levy who’s acting is not Oscar caliber, but he’s quite easy on the eyes). I'd give it a few weeks and see if you like it.

-“Querida Enemiga” is fairly recent, and if your Spanish is good enough, you can catch up on You Tube (type QE 1.1, etc per episode to avoid spoilers). We were starting to bail as the villainess seemed to be totally annihilating our poor heroine, but the addition of a new galán, a few chinks in the villainess’ armor, and our heroine’s resilience have made it a lot more watchable lately. We also love watching all the food ;) It airs in the timeslot before “Guapos.”

-On the rival channel (Telemundo) there is “Doña Barbara” which started a couple of weeks ago (if your Spanish is good, you can catch up on It normally airs at 9:00 PM EST. It is about a ruthless woman in the swamps of Amazons in Venezuela, near the Arauca river, who is the most powerful landowner of the region and has the rest of the population terrified. It stars Edith Gonzalez and the über hot Christian Meier.

-Also on Telemundo, at noon EST, they will run a rebroadcast of “El Cuerpo de Deseo” (The Body of Desire), starting Monday 9/15. It stars the yummy Mario Cimarro and Andres Garcia. What little I know of the premise, is that Garcia’s character dies shortly after his marriage to his trophy wife (played by Elena Rojas) and his soul enters the body of Mario Cimarro’s character (I think his name is Salvador). He returns in his spiffy new body to his mansion to regain his life. Happy viewing =)

It was a miraculous recovery, but that does happen.

Once I had a bad hit in the forehead, about where Mili's big bruise is. I wasn't comatose, just knocked out briefly, but it turned both my eyes black...and blue, and green, and purple, and yellow. For weeks. It was lovely.

Ramses is definitely being played by a different actor, when he appeared the first time they had a notice something like "now played by" like they do on American day time Soaps. I've noticed the original Ramses on advertisements for the daytime telenovela Lola, so I would guess he wasn't able to do both.

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