Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 9/10/08 Rosario wigs out . . .

I started out by "cheating" on my recap: I got an early start by watching on YouTube! Why didn't I think of that before? (Partly because my Spanish wasn't good enough. Now it's a little bit better.)

But first: I was going crazy trying to find out the origin of that music Connie's string quartet was playing during his failed welcome-home party for Mili. I consulted a music-major friend of mine, and the definitive answer is: Johann Sebastian Bach's Air on the G String. (I suppose I could make a joke about Karla wearing a G string as a pole dancer. Ba dum bum.) Anyway, there are about six gazillion versions on YouTube. What's the most ridiculous instrument I can find? How about this rockin' electric guitar version? Calling Jimi Hendrix! Would you believe bottles? Surprisingly well done. The mountain dulcimer? Kinda dull. Shucks, no kazoo or accordion.

Back to our story. Rosario, wearing her black hair, rehashes with Alejandro about how she came to the point she is at now and what she hopes to accomplish by destroying Connie.

Over to the restaurant where Braulio and Paulo are simpering at each other. Nothing worth recapping here. I'm happy that Braulio finally has a boyfriend, but he now seems to be getting a total pass for not telling his poor niece Mili the truth. And he's been leaving the poor Mortimer Snerd puppet home alone. Won't he get lonely? If we don't get a good explanation for the puppet by the end of this series, I will feel gypped. The puppet is Braulio's Rosebud, and we deserve answers!

Back to Rosario's apartment: She has the short wig and glasses on again! Continuity error? Al wants to know why she won't tell Mili the truth. No good answer is really forthcoming, since her rationale is not rational. Somehow she persuades Al to play along for a while. Al's antipathy to Connie gets the better of him, and he agrees. Al gets up to leave, and they stand near the open door. She asks for a hug. Oops--look who's at the door--it's Damian. He is paying attencion!

Back to the restaurant, two women of a certain age at the next table are flirting with our two fans of fancy facial treatments. These gals' gaydar seriously needs a tuneup. The girls pick up the check, and the guys, and the group repairs to the ugly red apartment (Rosario left with Damian). Soon a wild orgy ensues: Braulio and Paolo give the girls neck massages and eye treatments, while the girls moan enthusiastically. The boys make eyes at each other behind the girls' backs. Okay, maybe the girls knew what they were getting into after all. No avocados were harmed during the filming of this scene.

Luci Version 2.0 is beta testing her sobriety at a cafe with Nestor. They have a nice conversation and no drinking. But she's not ready for anything more on the relationship front.

Later, Connie and Luci have a meeting with Robledo about Mili's money.

Next, Damian and Rosario meet with another licenciado, where Rosario buys 60 percent of Connie's company. Rosario asks for Damian's "discretion" in not telling Connie anything. I don't think Damian is familiar that word, but he'll keep the secret for reasons of his own--he doesn't want Connie to know yet either. She wants to know if Al is a good guy--apparently yes, because he's not an Arango. I don't get this, because he's son of Luci, so he is an Arango. Damian makes broad hints about what he saw at the door of the apartment.

Back to Connie and Luci. Connie wants to give Mili the money back, but he wants to use it as leverage to get her to move back. Luci says he has to give it up--Mili will never move back. As an incentive, Mili will give Connie 20 percent of her shares. Connie says he will do it just for Mili--not for the 20 percent. They sign the papers, then Connie shows his true colors after all . . . er, er, don't forget to record the exchange of shares, he says . . . Luci rolls her eyes.

Mili plays with the baby--who is looking really cute! Al comes back from his meeting looking very happy, so Mili immediately senses that he's hiding something. Yes, he did not quit the project after all. He says she should trust him, but he can't tell the whole story now. Mili says she thinks something's up between him and Rosella.

Karla finally has a new costume. She's meeting with her newest customer, Hugo Version 2.2 Homeless Edition.

Hugo wants to know why she has such a low opinion of herself. She says men always want her for a fling and never for herself. Hugo says he's not her type, all well dressed (acicalado) and perfumed. Somewhere in here Hugo says he sometimes performs music out on the plaza with a friend of his. Then he asks who was the low-life he punched out the other night? Oh, that was Damian, a guy I almost married. Cut.

Filler scene with Brau, Pau, and Ros.

Back to Hugo and Karla. She says she always liked Damian's son Hugo, but the situation was strange. A few years ago, he lost his memory in an accident and she took advantage of it and took care of him. She cared for him in the hospital, and it was like a dream, but he recovered his memory and he went back to that stupid Milagros. He was obsessed with her. Then she explains how later she agreed to dress up as Milagros because she really cared for Hugo. Hugo starts crying. I'm crying just remembering it now.

Mili and Al rehash the Rosela situation. Mili has a bad feeling about it. Al says that Rosella has suffered too. Baloney! Al, you should tell the truth!

Damian is now meeting with Connie for one of his daily needling sessions. Damian says that Rosela likes Alex better than Connie--she's Alex's lover. Connie is outraged that she could be enamored with a squirt (esquincle) like Alejandro. Damian says that the men on the Arango side are really irresistible to women, a cross they have to bear. Connie shouts at him to stop, he doesn't believe it. Damian says he saw it with his own eyes . . . oops, caught--what was he doing there?

Back to the bar, where Hugo has left. Karla talks to Sylvester, who teases her that she seems to like Homeless Hugo. That "muerta de hambre"? (lowlife). No, don't make her laugh.

Back to Al and Mili. The baby cries in the background as they argue some more about Rosella.

Hugo goes back and reveals to Damian that he was the guy who punched him. Hugo says that he made mistakes with Carmen (that ancient girlfriend who died, for anyone who forgot, as I almost did) and Mili, but he won't with Karla. She is pregnant, and it could even be Damian's baby. Hugo cares. He's learning to forget Mili.

Andrea and Connie have some conversation that I paid no attention to.

Mili has stormed outside the house, and Alex comes out to talk to her . They start to make up, but when she tries to make him give up this nonsense with Rosela, he balks again, because he made a promise to Rosela. Mili says don't bother talkin to me until you're ready to explain.

Damian tells Andrea about Rosela and Al. Andrea is not happy. She does not want stupid Milagros back in "her" house. Andrea says Al is the same womanizer he was in the past.

Back at the little house, Luci comes home, and Al tells her that Mili walked out. They each reveal to each other that they both know about Rosario. Luci says they must persuade Rosario to tell Mili the truth. Al goes to sleep on the couch, and Luci pretends to read a book.
Al says to himself that he should talk to Mili but no, it will all work out . . .

Next morning, Mili sniffs Al's blanket. Reminds me of the time she was folding his underwear and put it on Flor's head . . . ahh good times, good times. Just then the doorbell rings, and it's Connie. After ascertaining that she's alone, he stammers out the reason for his visit: Do you suspect something between Rosela and Al? Your suspicions are true! Tomorrow: Mili and Connie follow Al and Rosela in a car.


Nina: Thanks for the recap. Once again, Constancio trusts Damian the professional thief, liar, etc. Those Arangos must have all sorts of mystic powers.

Thanks Nina!

I was so annoyed with Andrea calling it "her" house. I hope she literally bounces when she eventually gets kicked out.

Great funny recap. I loved the "beta testing her sobriety" line. And thanks for figuring out what the music was. That was still bothering me, all these days later!

Al is really frustrating me? With only a week and a half to go, it's time for everyone to stop going along with the lying schemes of others. Why couldn't he just say to Ros, "No, I will not keep this information from Mili. You will tell her by tomorrow, or I will tell her myself. And she will be more mad at you the longer you deceive her." For reals.

Seems like Karla and Hugo are going to have a smooth and easy redemption. You know, I think those two crazy kids just might work out. And think of the terrif stories they can tell their kids about how they got together!

Okay, I'm ready for Andrea to meet her miserable fate, ASAP.

That was mistyping on the punctuation about Al...meant to be just a period. I wasn't really trying to be a valley-girl uptalker.

Ros continues to sink lower and lower in my estimation. Now she has both Al and Luci along with Brau lying to her adored daughter - oh puleeze enough already. If I were Mili when the truth comes out probably next Thursday I would be major pissed at all of them.

Ros' lust for revenge obviously is the most important thing in her life and every day that she hides the truth is one less happy day she could have with her daughter.

All I can say is that the skank had better enjoy her limited time left in the big house because surely retribution is headed her way on pace with the same for Mr. Atencion! I just hope somebody breaks that nasty pointing finger of his.

Karla still has a long way to go obviously. Still feeling sorry for herself and not giving a thought to her mother. Hugo is still a flaky Arango and if she ends up with him it will be nothing more than she deserves.

This was a really funny recap, NinaK, and your Spanish must be doing great if you got all that without captions! I loved the part about the puppet being Braulio’s Rosebud – good one!

Al really was being a pill last night – smiling while Mili was upset about him not telling her what’s up, and her being uncomfortable about Rosela. Telling Luci it’s just some woman thing – who can figure them out? I’m glad Mili stuck to her guns.

I think Rosela’s plan is for Mili to get to know her and to love her before she tells that she’s her ma, but it’s definitely not working out that way right now..

No, don't mean to mislead anyone. I did not complete the recap without captions--I went back and watched some on TV.

The highlight of the episode for me was when Al was talking to the baby, and she was just looking at him like, "you are an idiot." That adorable baby emotes way better than Alonso on Enemiga.

Thanks for the great recap! NinaK. I just wanted to say that I hope your mother is recovering well. I sent my good wishes to you and her.

I agree with all of you that said that they can't wait for Andrea to GET KICKED OUT. She is two-timing Constancio with Damien of all people. Those two belong together. We know that Damien just sold 60% of the company. I think he is preparing to skip town with all the money and I think Andrea might be joining him. I WILL BE HAPPY IF THOSE TWO GET OUT OF TOWN AND GET LOST. They would get rid of both of them.

I enjoy agree with you guys about the fact that both Rosario and Constancio should come clean and tell Milagros that she is their daughter especially Rosario. I don't like her excuses. It is just going to continue to hurt Mili. She is hurting minially, but she is. BUT THIS, WE only have a week and a day left to the END.

I have a question: Has Luciana ever divorced or file for divorce with Constancio? Where are the papers when happened to them and what did she get?

Observation I had: Damien sold Rosario 60% share of the company - did he included Mili's shares(I think he had the original papers that she signed)? Here Constancio thinks that mili has her shares which is the reason he signed the papers, so she can get the money to open their business. Wait until he finds out when is going.

Mili deserve that money whether way possible. Regina wanted her granddaughter to get benefit from her. Now she will by starting and opening their business. I hope it works and it is successful. I don't think we will see it though because we are towards the end of the series.

i seem to remember Luci mentioning to Connie that they were divorced and there were papers earlier on. As for Damian he lied to Connie about Mili's shares and fraudulently sold them to Rosairo. There will be hell to pay in more ways than one when connie finds out what his sleazy BIL has done.I see law suits all around.

My big gripe with Al keeping this secret from Mili is that the same thing was done to him and he has been throwing fits about it ever since. I fail to see how he thinks it will be any different when Mili finds out.

Thanks a mil to NinaK for the awesome recap, and to Beckster for Tuesday's (I fell behind).

Diana (from Tuesday recap) - I think we are supposed to assume that Flo gave Al divorce papers along with the Dear John letter (she also wrote letters for Mili and sis Marisela). When Mili signed her papers, Al seemed to think they could get married right then and there, so he's probably single again.

RE: Rosario wig off and on – I don’t think it was a continuity thing, I think we’re to assume she changed back into it during her chat with Al ‘cause she had to get ready for her biz date with Damian.

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