Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Querida Enemiga (#51) Tuesday Sept. 2, '08 Lorena Gets A Clue, And So Does Chalo

For the rehash, we get to see Lorena suffer again as Sister Trinidad hand her the papers showing that she was abandoned in a garbage can. Lorena's hopes and dreams of finding her parents are dashed and now she realizes she'll never find out who they were. Mother Trinidad tries to console her with spoonfuls of tea and bromides but Lorena's looking very crushed.

Meanwhile, Sara is smarming up Hortensia at the jail again, reassuring her that the release is a slam-dunk, but Hortensia, with a sour look, refuses to "cantar victoria" until she's actually out. She's also viewing Sara with a jaundiced eye, musing to herself that Sara didn't do this for me...she did it for ambition. " You're shrewd (lista) Sara but I can't trust you. " (Hate to admit this, but I kinda like this wicked old broad. She's dreadful...but she's upfront about it, and plenty intelligent, unlike some of the other characters.)

Back at Maruja's house, Mother Trinidad is trying to repair the emotional damage to Lorena by saying You'll always be my child. We (the nuns) will always carry you in our hearts. Be strong, don't let rancor and resentment overtake you. Our plucky heroine vows to "superar" (overcome) this latest setback and reminds herself that she has many people who love her.

Having dropped her bomb, Mother Trinidad scurries off, saying she has things to do before returning to San Martin.

Switch to the clinic, where we get to enjoy Alonso's very best bedside manner, hovering over Florencia. He's gone to her school and gotten her grades which he tells her are good and also mentions Sergio asking about her. A little chit-chat and then Florencia asks him if he has a girlfriend. He teases her that she must be up to something and she says yes, when she recovers she wants to be his "novia". Get in line little lady.

At Paula's house, Ivan (Chef Hawt's nephew) is calling on Bettina and she wants to entertain him in her room...a proposition that throws Paula for a moment but she relents. Ivan has brought her a pie but she says it will take more than that to turn her into a mother-in-law. Also, she wants him to call her "Paula" not "señora or any of that nonsense.

Back at the other apartment, Ms. Big Hair (I think her name is Amalia) is lighting candles to her dead husbands. Can't figure out if this lady is a sentimental Black Widow/con artist or just a lady down on her luck, husband-wise, but she's sure not giving Don Toribio the straight story. She quickly snuffs out the candles and spins a tale about these being pictures of her brothers (and yes, they all look different because they had different papas). And no, no picture of husband, he didn't like photos. Don Toribio swallows this tall tale and when he mentions that he's going over to see his daughter Paula, Amalia invites herself along.

Turns out Mother Trinidad's to-do-list involved reaming out Sara for taking Lorena's boyfriend. Why does everyone defend Lorena? pouts Sara, and throws in a little more character assassination, which Mother Trinidad doesn't buy for a minute. However, the good nun is goofy enough to assume Sara will comfort Lorena for her emotional setback and tells her about her friend being found in the garbage. Of course we know how Sara will handle this but at least it results in a big hug from our hunky chef. But hey, that comes later. Hold on folks.

The scene switches to Bettina's bedroom which is gradually being invaded....first by Paula bringing sandwiches and then joining in to watch the movie. Later, Don Toribio and Amalia will add themselves to the mix. No worry about any monkey business going on with this crowd.

Now we're at the restaurant and Lorena gets the snotty text message from Sara congratulating her on her origins. Her composure slips, she starts to cry, Chef Hawt arrives, she tells him what happened, he embraces her and lo and behold, jealous little Monica arrives and pitches a fit. We can see where this is going and it's not good. Chef Hawt should have kept his spatula in his drawer 'cause from now on Miss Monica's going to be on the warpath.

Sara has dropped in on Alonso and wants him to take her to dinner to celebrate Hortensia's release. He can't go because of Florencia and she pitches her own fit, accusing him of evading her on behalf of the patient who reminds him of Lorena. Another guy who should have kept his stethoscope in his pocket. Too late now Alonso.

Here's a little bedroom scene that's G-rated though. The whole family's in Bettina's room watching the movie and getting on the little gal's nerves big-time. And Amalia starts giving Paula advice, telling her not to chide Bettina so much. Pretty nervy if you ask me. I wouldn't let a perfect stranger start giving me mothering advice in front of my child....but I digress...back to the action.

Ernesto wants Lorena in the kitchen (Monica assumes he wants Lorena in his bed) and they fight about it. Finally she yelps, Fine, but when you get sick of her don't send her back to me! Big big smile from Ernesto. Lorena gets busy right away, wanting to experiment with a sauce by adding" licor de chocolate" to it, giving it a touch of mole poblando. Ernesto approves, Sous-Chef disapproves, the other chef (our old hairdresser from Juan Querendon) brings the licor and the experiment seems to go well. She adds just a pinch of sugar to balance it out.

The busy day at the restaurant is over, Lorena is putting away a few things, and Ernesto is regarding her wistfully, thinking that he lost her before Ihe even had her.. She gives him a sisterly hug, thanks him for helping her fulfill her dreams (as well as comforting her about her parents) and as she departs, he thinks that it's better that they are friends because he doesn't really deserve her. (Well that could be true, but Holy Toledo, Alonso doesn't deserve her either! Judges, could we have a third choice?)

We break for ads and when we come back, Chalo is admiring himself in the mirror when Sara arrives, three sheets to the wind and wanting some hot loving, which he's only too happy to provide.

Our other lovers are not doing so well. Monica's accusing Ernesto of having designs on Lorena and threatening to get rid of her altogether. Ernesto tries to disentangle himself from the relationship and sputters that Monica shouldn't mix the personal with the professional. (a little late for that Chef) Monica doesn't want to see Lorena in the kitchen....or come to think of it anywhere around the restaurant! Ernesto says that if Lorena goes, he goes too. Checkmate. For now.

Alonso is having no luck getting hold of Sara. Her cellphone is turned off. She wakes up in Chalo's bed having spent the night, due to too much drink and too much amor. Worse yet, Chalo wants to take her car to go get lunch and Sara's furious.

Outside, who should be lurking but Rossy and Lorena who's ready to get Sara where it hurts. The timing is perfect. First Chalo emerges and then an angry Sara, forbidding him to take the car. He takes offense and she makes up for it with some heavy-duty smooching. Lorena finally understands that not only are they lovers but the affair must go all the way back to the orphanage....how else could Chalo have found her so easily in the great big city of Mexico. and how did he know to show up and be so obnoxious when she and Alonso visited the orphanage!?

We break for ads again and when we come back, we have a shot of Alonso, jealous as usual, wondering why Sara's cellphone was turned off and where was she all night! She quickly makes up a story of helping a friend with a project and a dead battery in the cellphone. Alonso caves quickly and says let's not fight. (These two deserve each other).

Lorena has some slick skills of her own as she confronts Chalo adroitly, saying she's always liked him and couldn't understand why he would do something so low and dirty as to make her out to be a tramp in front of Alonso. But hey, she can forgive that....what she can't forgive is Sara, her best friend, taking her novio. Chalo is stunned but tries to fake it and assures Lorena she must be confused. No way, she counters, Alonso's picking Sara up at school, kissing her in front of everybody, you don't know what she's capable of! Those two are together. And we're alone.

There's a brief scene back at the mansion where Barbara rags on Sara for being out all night (your novio kept calling) and they trade mutual insults with Sara coming out on top, naturally. They're both schemers but Sara has brains, Barbara doesn't (can't argue with that) and Sara is going to see to it that Vasco and his brainless mom are out on the streets in no time.

Now we switch to the company kitchen where Arturo is pulling some sleight of hand, wanting the chef to switch to cheaper ingredients for some order. (reminds me of Bruno negotiating cut-rate cheap drugs for the clinic). Chef balks, saying Hortensia will not approve and right then Sara arrives, with orders to prepare a big banquet for Hortensia's homecoming with huitlacoche soup, endive salad, lobster thermidor, rice and "tarte tatin".(which I believe is an apple tart) No expense spared! Arturo makes some quip about her commanding posture and she smiles, Of course you're invited to the banquet too. And how about me? asks Jacqueline. No way. Jacqui has to coordinate everything as well as send out press releases the next day refurbishing Hortensia's image. (no mention is made of Jaime in all this) After Sara sails out, Jacqui looks at Arturo and says "One word and I'll kill you". He grins. And tells her he has a surprise for her.

Julian's at the lesser house, grinning from ear to ear, having just received an offer to model for "ABC Sport". Maruja arrives and he's so excited he whirls her around and around, as well as saying that he wants Rossy, the jealous one, to come along on the photo shoot to keep him calm. Zully and Omar are down at the court. Hortensia is expected to be released and at last....someone wonders about Jaime...Yep, our Maruja is still thinking about him.

Well, turns out Arturo's surprise for Jacqueline is a cheap elephant replacement for the Thailand souvenir that was shattered. Jaqui's disappointed. She thought it was something just for her. Not to worry, he's thought of a place where they can be together....alone....once she gets her work done. This guy has management motivational skills out the wazoo.

Meanwhile Bruno's lurking outside Diana's workplace ready to rush her into a civil marriage and an already furnished apartment....in HIS name only (no community property for you Diana!) and brushing aside all her requests for the apartment to be in their child's name. Clearly this is going to be a very short-lived marriage as Bruno seems to be planning to take the money and run. What a sweetheart.

We have another very odd, contrived scene where Ernesto's sister dumps another kid on him...this time Ivan, Bettina's novio . Ernesto argues that Ivan's old enough to stay by himself (just not at Ernesto's apartment) but Sister prevails and he ends up dragging the boy, sulking all the way, to the restaurant.

The kid is a real pain, refusing to do anything helpful, slouching in a seat right in the middle of the kitchen , reacting snottily when the sous-chef trips over him (thank goodness Ernesto makes him apologize) and then Ernesto smooths things over by introducing him to Lorena, whispering....meet someone who could be your aunt. No way, squawks the kid, she looks young enough to be my sister!

What did you say? asks Lorena. Just kidding, Ernesto covers. (Hmmm...I guess we still have hope here for a little romance. Keep your fingers crossed)

Meanwhile Monica is trying to enlist the help of the hostess in conquering Ernesto. Hostess is licking her lips and evidently thinking of conquering Ernesto himself. (it would be interesting to see if he's an equal opportunity bedmate...let's give us older women a chance!)

Back in the kitchen, Ernesto gives Lorena a recipe to follow, telling her to do it just as he says. Evidently he's deliberately put something wrong in there and is hoping that she'll catch it.

At Amalia's apartment, Don Toribio arrives, she kisses him and he's surprised. If you don't like the kiss, take if back, she says....woo hoo...heavy duty flirting here. But wait, turns out he's come to collect some money to pay for repairs to the apartment....every renter has to divvy up a certain amount. Amalia doesn't have a cent. But your brothers? I don't have any brothers....er, uh, I don't have any brothers when it comes to lending money. (Okay, don't know if she's for real or a total con. Weigh in on this readers)

Final scene is of Alonso surprising Sara outside of work. He knows it's an important time for her and is ready to lay some heavy-duty kissing on our gal. A lurking Chalo sees the passionate smooch and vows vengeance, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a knife.

Tune in tomorrow and see if Sara can slip her way out of this one.

Word for the day: alevosia = treachery, premeditation, malice aforethought. Rossy spoke of alevosia y ventaja (advantage) when learning about Sara and Chalo's schemes


Judy, the lightening fast recap again!!?? Wow, now we are getting spoiled - yesterday Ferro, today - you again posting as soon as it's over!
And just for clarification - no, I'm not complaining! No, big thanks!!!

It was an interesting episode.
Lore got Chalo - it was pretty good! She read him as an open book - and now she has the results. And this kid is burning - I don't know what could happen tomorrow, but he is ready for anything! Sara didn't take into consideration that he might be jealous. Too bad!

The restaurant scene with Monika being jealous like h-ll was expected. What I didn't expect - how she shared her all-nite experience with the hostess. And Judy - I'm with both hands for equal opportunity amiga!

The "black widow" getting kind of suspicious - she already started to fish for some payments. Also the way she is pushing herself on Torbi - hmm, kind of strange. I hope either I'm wrong or somebody would figure out before it will get too dangerous!

By the way, the pg-rated bedroom scene with Betina - I just can't imagine something like that would happen in my house. I noticed that mommies there behave themselves pretty strange with novios of their daughters - remember Maruja with Julian. May be it's a Mexican thing, I don't know!

"Chef Hawt should have kept his spatula in his drawer" LOL! That belongs in the Hall of Fame.

I don't know what to think of Amalia either. What little we see of her private life looks bad, but we're surely not getting the whole story. Perhaps there is an innocent explanation.

Simple explanation for not having any money: Not having any money.

Simple explanation for having a lot of dead husbands: She wore 'em out.

Elaborate explanation for having a lot of dead husbands: She wore 'em out, but they didn't die, they just divorced her. They got together and formed an afternoon support group which consisted of lunch in the park once a week.

One day they bought some great sandwiches from a couple of street vendors. Unfortunately the mayonnaise had been made with a rotten egg, and they all died of food poisoning.

Ha ha!! Spatula in his drawer...you're killing me!

Ickturo suggested that the chef use Surimi instead of real shrimp. Here in the USA it's known as Krab with a K. Check it out on Wikipedia. Snorty won't be happy. Ickturo may like the rich life but that doesn't mean he has good taste. (Oh, and you can also look up Tarte Tatin there as well.)

I'm a little concerned about Amalia. I hope she's not a black widow. On the other hand, maybe she's just very unlucky when it comes to husbands and she's afraid that if she tells "Tobi" the truth he might run far away. (Maybe he should.)She seems to fit in well with the family but her money situation is a concern. On the other hand, if she were a true black widow wouldn't she have a lot of cash set aside? And why would she go after Tobi? It's not like he's rolling in dough.

Julie, I like your elaborate explanation and it works perfectly within the parameters of the tale. We just can't get away from that toxic mayo can we? I think it made an impression on us all.

I'm still irritated with Ernesto for doing Monica. Dumbass.

Great recap Judy! You picked up on a lot of fun peripheral details such as the hostess licking her lips, etc. I can't wait to see what Chalo will do. Will he lose it and blow his cover or will he play it cool and manage to squeeze some money/whatever out of the situation?

Hi guys...thanks for all the comments. They've introduced a lot of peripheral characters in this now which are fun.

I'm enjoying the secretly lusty older woman hostess even though I hate the Monica/Ernesto coupling. Glad you're with me on that, Eva...and have you gotten my e-mails yet?

Thanks for the surimi explanation Sylvia...Krab is it! too funny. Tarte tatin I've seen on menus in France but when I was there , I was so poor I didn't eat in restaurants other than the student restaurant where you could get huge meals for about a quarter in the 60's.

Glad you all enjoyed the spatula quip...I knew I didn't want to use the down-home phrase...I might say it in a private conversation but I sure wouldn't write it in a recap....but it needed saying!

Julie, that brain of yours is going 90 miles a minute...I like the support group of ex-husbands idea. She seems so lovable, I was hoping she overfed and overindulged them to death, but clearly there's some kind of mystery there.

I agree with Sylvia - whatever's going on with Amalia, I don't think Toribio is black widow material. (Real-life black widows may go for upper-middle class types rather than zillionaires, but I'm not so sure about the fictional ones!)

She could be the less lethal variety of spider, who gets together with an elderly, financially solvent sugar-daddy but doesn't kill him. Old age takes care of that.

Maybe she's already burned through her money, or maybe she still has it but doesn't want to spend it if she can charm her way out of it.

Whatever is going on, I don't think she intends to harm Toribio or outright swindle him. Maybe she's a former black widow who's ready to settle down with a guy she likes!

Ah. Wouldn't it be ironic if Paula and Alonso got suspicious of Amalia and investigated her, while letting Sara snake her way into the family?

Good point Julie....Don Toribio just isn't good money-scrounging material...but then, maybe the others weren't either and that's why our big-haired widow isn't financially solvent.

I kinda like the idea of an incompetent con lady who has to keep remarrying because her victims are low in funds.

But no, she just seems too lovable (as opposed to Sara) to be a villaness. Anyway, more fun to speculate on this than some of the other evil stuff going on. I'm especially disgusted with the scam Bruno is pulling with poor Diana.

I know this sounds insensitive but Diana is a dope and it's high time she woke up. Ah well, she's letting her pipe dream cloud her reality and I'll bet we can all sympathize with that. But she seems perpetually half-convinced so she must know deep down that this Bruno thing is a bad deal.

Incompetent con-lady...that's cute.

No, it doesn't sound insensitive, Sylvia...just oh-so-true. But that's typical in love affairs. Being in love has been compared to a mental illness and rightly so. You develop tunnel vision, only seeing your lover's good points (or what you think are his good points).

Then as the dream fades and daily reality sets in, you start to focus on his bad points and forget all about those qualities that made you fall in love in the first place.

Awright....in this case, there are NO good points....other than Bruno's green eyes which are indeed lovely (and Schoolmarm thinks they're enhanced with eye makeup!....could be).

I agree that Diana became a disappointment. She looked so promising earlier and now - 'whatever you say Bruno' - bleah!

I hope she will come to her senses before it's too late! Well - it will never be too late! Even if she get married and divorce right after - there will be someone waiting for her! And he will take her back under any circumstances, so no worry there!

Does anyone else find the idea of "huitlacoche soup" a bit disgusting...?

Mike, it does sound disgusting!

Here is the recipe:

Huitlacoche Soup

Recipe from Ellen and Tom Duffy

In damp weather corn frequently becomes infected with corn smut--Ustilago maydis--which when fresh occurs as pearly gray globules and ovoids displacing the rows of kernels. They should not be used when old and dried and powdery. At this time the black interior is widely exposed and the gleaming surface gone. It may cause uterine contractions in pregnant women when old and decayed.
It is considered a great delicacy in parts of Mexico and here is a soup we have developed. It is delicious with a slight gray color. (There are black spores in the fresh globules also.)


* 1-1/2 cups milk
* 3 Tablespoons flour
* 3 Tablespoons butter or margarine
* 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
* 4-6 drops Tabasco sauce


* 1 cup of Huitlacoche (or slightly more)
* 1 small yellow onion
* 1 clove garlic
* 2 Tablespoons bland oil or margarine or ghee (clarified butter)
* 1 cup chicken broth

Whirl together all ingredients in group "A" in a blender or food processor until mixed. Cook slowly, stirring until white sauce thickens. Chop finely all solid ingredients in group "B" and sauté until tender--add the Huitlacoche last as it cooks a little quicker. Whirl in blender or food processor with the chicken broth, add to the cream sauce, heat and enjoy.


1. Substitute PickaPeppa sauce for the Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces.
2. Add 2 Tablespoons of chopped green chilies to group "B".

I think the huitlacoche soup sounds great, except for the huitlacoche.

No, seriously, if you use non-diseased corn instead, you'd have a very nice soup. As a bonus, it wouldn't even be gray!

OK, I'll admit it. I think the Huitlacoche soup sounds great, even with the diseased corn smut. But then again, I like to eat weird things. I'll try (almost) anything once.

Julie, you are right, it also would be called instead of "Huitlacoche Soup" - something like "Corn chowder" or so

I'm with the folks who think huitlacoche soup sounds disgusting....I don't think I would want to eat anything gray in color. But I DO like things with a smoky flavour....I use Smoked Paprika on a lot of things, and have a bottle of liquid smoke (probably full of carcinogens....oh well) which I add to chili dishes.

Sylvia...you great adveturer you!...you're out there on the West Coast so see if you can get youself some of that stuff....taste it...and get back to us.

Eve....thanks for the recipe. Don't think I'll be making it anytime soon but you all have given me a yen for corn chowder. However we're trying to do without air-conditioning right now (going "green" and all that) so I'm hoding off on the soup (other than gazpacho) for a while.

I would be willing to taste a speck of huitlacoche, but I'd probably want it pulverized first. I think the texture would really upset me.

And I'd only do it if I could wash it down in a hurry with a big bite of something very strong and yummy, like a beef-onion-chile burrito. (A little tequila - or a lot - would be helpful too. Preferably beforehand.)

If it tasted okay, I might be able to have it in soup. I think eating it in whole form would ruin my day. I'm much more squeamish about texture than flavor.

Strange as it may seem, I would not want to try it for the first time hidden in a soup or a burrito. I have to try new things plain.

Has anyone here tried pulque? How does it compare to tequila and mezcal?

I've never had pulque but I'd definitely try it. When I was in Peru last summer I had Chicha which I was told is like pulque, except that Chicha is made from corn whereas pulque is made from maguey. There were Chicharias all over the the place. They were little local hovels where people would hang out and drink the stuff. I was told that the fermentation process helped make the liquid safer to drink, but my friend Hilari got very sick and she blamed it on the Chicha. None of the rest of us got sick but who knows about those things.

I've looked all over for fresh huitlacoche but have never found the stuff. I've had it canned and it was OK, slimy and black as was described. My friend Dayna had some fresh huitlacoche in Mexico and when she came home she told me about it. "It was disgusting, you'd love it" she told me with a perfectly straight face.

Oh, but to answer Julie's question, the chicha (and probably pulque too), isn't like tequila or mezcal which are distilled spirits. Pulque and chicha are fermented "living" beverages, i.e. probably with active yeasts or something, and are more like beer or hard cider than tequila.

There sure does seem to be a lot of sex on this show, especially with the "bad" characters. If this were a period drama, we'd have lots of pregnancies. As it is, we just have Diana, a good character. Hopefully, Sara, Jacqui, Monica, etc. are using birth control. If Sara got pregnant, she wouldn't even know whose it was (w/o testing)!

What a good writer you are, Judy, and the spatula/drawer line was great.

I've been wondering if Amalia is a con artist, but since she was lighting candles for the guys in the photos, my guess is that they're all dead husbands and she's unlucky that way. I remember a character like that in "Apuesta por Amor," whose fiances kept dying. Maybe this is why Amalia wants to hide the truth from Toribio. Although it is suspicious that she latched on to him so fast and doesn't seem to have any money. Hmm...

Hombre de Misterio...we once had an extended discussion on the Juan blog about both rampant cleavage and sex scenes, with Anonymous #1 maintaining that sex sells and the reason Univision has greatly increased its advertising revenue is because of both the cleavage and the "amor". I guess not all of us are watching for the Spanish! I find myself worrying not so much about pregnancies as STD's! Evidently our Chef has bedded half the women in the DF.

Carmel...thanks for those kind words and I'm with you on our Señora Big Hair. Surely she wouldn't be lighting "veladoras" to her dead spouses if she hadn't loved them. And yet her move on Don Toribio was clearly calculated. Maybe she's just a lonely lady. Sure hope it's something benign.

For many years, I had a very lovely lady in class who had had two husbands die suddenly at a very young age....first one left her with three young children to raise, the second left her with a baby on the way, and upon learning of his death she went into premature contractions and gave birth at 8 months.

However, this woman, after getting through a very difficult time, was clearly the most joyous, loving, radiant person I had ever met. People in class were drawn to her like moths to a flame. Even up into her early 90's she was volunteering in our schools and helping out at church.

Hoping the character Amalia is like my Olga...unlucky but good-hearted....and eventually triumphant in life.

Oh and Sylvia....wow...sounds like you've tried about everything and been about everywhere....love your intrepid spirit, querida. Keep on keepin' on.

If I opened up a can and found something dark and slimy, I could hurl without even tasting it. Huitlacoche is clearly not for me. (that way I leave more for the rest of you....aren't I generous?)

May be the "unlucky in husbands" Amalia has some kind of decease that affects everybody who touches her?

Cap'n Sylvia, are you a fan of Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel, perchance?

I think if I tried to make the huitlacoche soup, I'd definitely add a cup of Clorox.

JudyB, Emilia (NOT Amalia, thank you...) and I love smoked paprika too. Not on ice cream, but most everything else.

Mike, I was thinking of Andrew Zimmern when I added "almost" to the statement that I'd try anything. He eats things I would definitely NOT put in my mouth. Ever.

I'll bet they would try making smoked paprika ice cream on Iron Chef.

Sylvia, if you mean the original Japanese Iron Chef, then yes, they would. And garnish it with an Angler Fish's liver. Jeez, we don't watch that one anymore.

Is it Gilroy, CA where they have a Garlic Festival? I've heard they sell garlic ice cream there.

Mike...happy to know you and Emilia like smoked paprika too. I had a marvelous treat at Trader Joe's the other day by the way...that you would probably like too (and Sylvia and Eva and Julie) although it sounds vile.

Dried mango, covered in dark chocolate and with hot pepper seasoning on top. It was awesomely good. The HEAT and the SWEET together....ay yi yi! Would be addictive. Which is exactly why I didn't buy any.

Hmmm...Eve, I would hate to think of Amalia having a communicable disease that she passed to all her husbands...and would this be unbeknownst to her?..or deliberately repeated? Ooooh no...gives me shivers just to think about it. Reminds me of that dentist in Florida years ago who deliberately gave several of his patients AIDS (since he had it) including a young girl. Hopefully our big-haired Amalia is not that diabolical. It would make Sara look like an angel in the choir!

The Gilroy Garlic festival has become famous, so much so that I haven't gone in years due to the crowds. Garlic ice cream, garlic wine and chocolate covered garlic are some of the wackier features. I think I prefer my garlic in savory dishes.

And yes, I was thinking of the original Iron Chef. Your idea with the angler fish liver is spot on!!

Yeah, I had something like that. My friend had a box of candies, each one was either mango, passionfruit, or something else (papaya? guava?), mixed with either jalapeno, habanero, or a third type of pepper, and then covered in chocolate.

I wouldn't go out of my way to eat that combination, but if it's conveniently available I won't turn it down, either. ;-)

Well the guy passing out these treats was really smooth (not gorgeous but smooth) and more or less said "Would you be so kind as to sample this and tell me what you think".

Normally it's some little ol' lady (I'm an ol' lady but I'm tall) slaving over an electric griddle and I pass these things by...but this fellow was very persuasive...and man, it was good! (or maybe I have a case of
Smart Woman, Stupid Choice....wouldn't be the first time!)

And speaking of stupid choices, it was really dumb not to turn on the air conditioner today. Practicing aerobics, no matter how many fans, is madness! Help me Jesus!

Sounds yummy, all except the mango which would make my lips turn into Daffy Duck. Sadly mango is a food allergy for me. When I developed the allergy in my 40s I found out mango is related to poison oak, another plant that makes me explode.

Wow - turning Chalo and Sara against each other might get me back to watching more often, rather than just on my night. I hope they don't resolve that too quickly, that would actually be interesting. Great turn of events. I want Chalo to drag this out, not do something stupid like attack Alonso in the five minutes of tonight's show and ruin everything. Writers, please! If he has to contemplate his revenge on Sara while watching Ern's exes compete in a bikini contest, all the better.
Hmm - maybe we DON'T all watch just for the Spanish! Actually I don't turn on any show specifically for the T&A but I sure appreciate it when it's there. So I guess it retains viewers at least, if not attracting them.
Count me in with the fans of the "Spatula in the drawer" comment, I laughed out loud.

Oh, poor Sylvia!! I LOVE mango! Trader Joe's has dried mango with some sort of hot pepper coating - but no chocolate. It is wonderful, so I try not to buy it too often. Mike doesn't care for it, more for me!

I hope Amalia isn't a black widow. Seems odd that she can rent an apartment and then suddenly has NO money. Can't wait for the explanation.

Also can't wait to see what Chalo does tonight. Glad Lorena grew a spine and ain't takin' nuttin' from nobody!

Thanks for the recap JudyB (and you too Ferro, I read yours today also). Your spatula comment was good and I like the stethoscope one too. You just kept making comments that kept me laughing throughout the recap.

I too hope they don't resolve the Sara/Chalo showdown quickly. Perhaps the writers will have him slowly start to feed Lorena information (like you weren't found in a garbage can). My guess is that Sara will eventually kill him but if he has a long slow death perhaps he'll confess some good stuff before he's welcomed to Hades.

Emilia...maybe Trader Joe's has it with the chocolate coating NOW. It was a new product and I was just there yesterday, so check the next time you go.

Jeez Louise...never knew mangoes were related to poison oak, Sylvia...I've had my share of poison ivy and it's no fun but mangoes don't seem to cause me a problem. So sorry. You're safer out on the ocean, for sure then, amiga.

Ferro, you always keep us grounded in reality....T&A indeed! And no, I don't just watch for those awesome pecs and biceps either (P&A?), but yeah, I'm happy that they're there as an added bonus to language learning.

Wow, Karen...missed your comment as I was writing mine (and have to leave for class now) but Mercy!...you've got a diabolical mind...long, slow feeding of information.....long slow death...I like the way you think!

Did you say you were a writer? Your imagination is definitely humming today.

Got any thoughts on Amalia?...is she good or bad?

Judyb...Thanks for that rocking recap. You are a hoot. I would love to take an aerobics class with you. As it is, I just dance around here at home by myself. You are euphemisms galore ...''spatula in the drawer''...''stethoscope in his pocket''...can you think up any of those for Icky, Dario, and Chalo??? who also seem to being having sex a lot. About the soup made from corn smut...my dad grew a lot of corn and smut looks really, really disgusting ,,,like a big, black, bumpy old boil. Muy creepy. I prefer my mother's corn fritters and corn pie. Unlike our adventurous Captain Sylvia, I am very CAUTIOUS and picky about what I eat. My students often bring in delicacies from their countries for me to try...they usually INSIST...and I resist. One of my Syrian students pushed me into trying kebi [kind of a lamb burger with pine nuts in the center..it was very disturbing because I don't eat red meat and never eat babies [lamb, veal]. A student from Mexico brought in mole...wow..not my cup of tea...I like tea. Anyhoo, this place has great recappers and commentors...what an interesting group of people. I learn something new and I laugh everyday here.

"Chef Hawt should have kept his spatula in his drawer 'cause from now on Miss Monica's going to be on the warpath." "Another guy who should have kept his stethoscope in his pocket. Too late now Alonso." ROFLOL! Touchet ma belle!

"(Hmmm...I guess we still have hope here for a little romance." Keep your fingers crossed) This old gal has got her toes crossed too! Ah, living vicariously through telenovelas, eh? So, Lorena has got to be this guy's salvation, if nothing else, from the clutches of Moan-ica.

Hi Susanlynn and Jardinera...I'm glad I can make you laugh sometimes 'cause you two have been making me laugh with your comments and recaps since I joined this blog.

What fun it has been to discover people with a smiliar wacky sense of humor. Fortunately my students are the same way. (If they're not, they drop out of class pretty darn quick, I can tell you).

Susanlynn...I have eaten lamb at my Palestinian friend's house (she's back there now) simply because it was impossible not to. But you and I have the same feeling about lamb and veal. Especially after having seen how they treated those poor little calves in the agricultural barns at OSU. Oooh, I'm feeling sad just thinking about it.

And Calamity....MOANICA...thanks for that one! It will be her new name from now on. Her voice is like chalk on a blackboard for me. Even if she had a nice personality, that voice would ruin it.

MMMMMM...corn fritters and corn pie, I'm hungry!!

Ahoy, Capitan...You would have loved those corn fritters and corn pie. My mother was a great country cook....strictly meat and potatoes fare but hearty and delicious. Alas, she did not teach me to cook because she had this rule : The person who cooks does not wash the dishes. Thus, I was always the dishwasher,,,never the cook. She also made the best pies I've ever eaten...apple, peach, apricot, cherry, lemon meringue. I'm pretty certain that one of my high school beaus stayed with me as long as he did because of my mother's cherry pies. She made luscious apple dumplings, homemade French fries, beef roasts, delectable soups , lots of fresh veggies from the garden. We often had friends and relatives around the table on Sundays ...mouths watering for the food set before them so generously. I miss her, that delicious food, and those happy Sunday meals.

Yum! I love all that stuff. I went to cooking school way back when and one time one of the chefs asked the class if they could choose their last meal what would it be. Most everyone chose snooty gourmet fare such as foie gras in cranberry reduction, braised sweetbreads in puff pastry with black truffle sauce, seven reduced cows on a bed of fava bean puree, la dee dah. She got to me and I blurted out "Biscuits and gravy!" Ha, you should have seen the stares I got. It was hilarious.

I think your memories of the food that your mother lovingly prepared is a wonderful memorial. Good on ya Susanlynn, and thank you for sharing that.

JudyB, thanks for this terrific recap, and I realized late today I am very far behind in my reading! So sorry! As always, a fabulous job!

“(Hate to admit this, but I kinda like this wicked old broad. She's dreadful...but she's upfront about it, and plenty intelligent, unlike some of the other characters.)” Yep, so true! I don’t actually like her, but I really respect her akamai (cleverness).

“Our plucky heroine vows to "superar" (overcome) this latest setback and reminds herself that she has many people who love her.” I was glad to see our Lorena rise to this challenge.

“Ivan has brought her a pie but she says it will take more than that to turn her into a mother-in-law.” If Ernesto didn’t make it, it’s questionable. ;-)

“Turns out Mother Trinidad's to-do-list involved reaming out Sara for taking Lorena's boyfriend.” LOL! Good for Mother T! I loved it! However, I agree totally with your assessment that the nun is goofy to think that Sara can comfort Lorena about being found in the dumpster.

“Chef Hawt should have kept his spatula in his drawer 'cause from now on Miss Monica's going to be on the warpath.” ROTFLLLLL!!!! Dear Heaven this is a classic line! I’ve never seen a better one!

“Another guy who should have kept his stethoscope in his pocket. Too late now Alonso.” ROTFL!!! Maybe this is a better one!

“Here's a little bedroom scene that's G-rated though. The whole family's in Bettina's room watching the movie” LOL!

“(Well that could be true, but Holy Toledo, Alonso doesn't deserve her either! Judges, could we have a third choice?)” LOL!
Love the title—yes, finally Lorena is getting a clue. We didn’t even have to take a collection and buy it for her. I loved how she told Chalo about Sara and Al. Great job, Lorena!

“(it would be interesting to see if he's an equal opportunity bedmate...let's give us older women a chance!)” ROTFL!

“Elaborate explanation for having a lot of dead husbands: She wore 'em out, but they didn't die, they just divorced her. They got together and formed an afternoon support group which consisted of lunch in the park once a week…….One day they bought some great sandwiches from a couple of street vendors. Unfortunately the mayonnaise had been made with a rotten egg, and they all died of food poisoning.” JULIE!!!! ROTFLLLL!!! You’re killing me here!

Fun comments to read, everyone!


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