Friday, September 05, 2008

Querida Enemiga - Thurs 8/4 - Heriberto brings flowers to his boyfriend, oops wrong telenovela!

Alternate title: The red coat is coming, the red coat is coming!

From yesterday: Snorty demands a DNA test. Sara gets her sour face, goes to her room, then tells herself this complicates everything.

Greta visits Raimundo at the restaurant, he doesn't look too happy to see her. She admits she tricked him into coming to her apartment the other night (how, by merely calling him?) and that she told Paula. Rai, who pretty much caused this himself, gets peeved and tells her they have nothing to discuss. He says this explains why Paula will have nothing to do with him.

Red Barb tosses and turns in bed and calls Ickturo who's with the other redhead and refuses to answer the phone. Barb sobs while Icky kisses Jaqui and vows she's the only one for him. Jacqi wants Icky to leave his little woman for her. "But the kids", he says. He promises to leave HER (Valeria I guess) if Jacky agrees to let him buy her an apartment in Las Vegas if business goes as he hopes. What a couple of dumbasses they are. He gives her blubbery kisses.

Greta feels like a cockroach and goes to Maruja to admit what she did, that she made Pau think she and Raimundo... Maruja agrees to talk to Paula on her behalf.

Pau's doorbell rings and Pau thinks it's Dario back for more kisses. Oops, it's Rai with a big bouquet of flowers. He sees a couple of shot glasses on the table and thinks she's with someone. No, she lies, it was just her friend Maruja (it was really Dario earlier if we recall). Rai tells her Greta invented tales and asks her out on a date next week. Paula agrees and can't believe she's finally the one in the catbird seat.

Lor asks Ern if he fired the Evil Sous Chef because he was a bad cook or was it because of her? Ern says ESC sucked for some time. Lor tells him she knows an excellent sous-chef, Rossy's mother.

In her room Sara frets and hatches her evil plot to do away with Snorty when Chaaaalo calls her to torment her about the money. She tells him now isn't the time, imbecile!

Sara runs to a snoozing Snorty and tells her the police are downstairs, Snorty has to go down right now! "Why aren't the lights on?" Snorty asks seconds before Sara pushes her down the stairs. Snorty lays in a heap and Sara gloats.

Snorty's staff runs to the bottom of the stairs as Sara slinks away. They yell for her, Senorita Sara!!! She is fake impactada, what happened? Snorty bleeds from her nose and mouth and Sara smirks. Dang she's mean. I don't care for Snorty but nobody should gloat when seeing an old lady injured at the bottom of the stairs. I think this scene pretty much clinches a dreadful demise for our Sara.

Lor and Rossy happily leave work and tell Ern that Maruja will be there tomorrow. Ern wants a word with Monica who is all smiles, "all the time you need" she flirts. He says it's about work and her smile turns upside down. He wants to hire a nueva sous-chef, a friend of Lorena's. Monica gets nasty, a woman? and now Lorena gets to hire the staff? She squashes her boobs at him but it doesn't work. He tells her they are nothing (she and he, not her lovely cleavage). She disagrees after what happened between them (more boob squashing). She threatens what would happen if she spills the beans about them? He replies the only thing that willl suffer is her reputation. Gad he's a cad but I'd still let him whip up a batch of hotcakes for me on a Sunday morning. Er, where was I?

Al wheels Snorty in for X-rays and tells a "sobbing" Sara to be strong. She uses this as an excuse to clutch and kiss him. Alone, she curses Snorty and says she should be dead. Surprise, Chaaalo (AKA Shaaaaallow, thanks Kris!) sneaks up behind her to torture her, he tells her he's spying on her and asks if Snorty's accident was really an accident. He knows her. He suggests she call her little doctor to tell him Chalo's part of the family. He doesn't care if Snorty's dying, he wants his money and he intends to be Sara's shadow.

Maruja arrives at Paula's and Paula says the coolest thing happened, Dario kissed her. On the mouth! His marriage is a disaster. (Maruja's not too excited.) Paula says after Dario left Raimundo showed up and told her she was attractive. Would she be terrible if she liked them both? Should she take a chance with Dario or go with the bird in the hand Raimundo?

Icky gets home late and Val waits in the dark. Our patient doctorcita is finally getting pissed. She asks Icky if he was with Barbara. Don't deny it she's not stupid! He says the only truth is that he adores her so let's go to bed.

While Lor and Rossy wait up for Maruja they amuse themselves by wondering what would happen if Al were to find out about Sara and Shaaaallow. No answers here because Maruja gets home and Rossy pretends to be annoyed that she's out late, just like Maruja is annoyed when Rossy is out. They excitedly tell her they found her a job.

It's the next morning and Vasco and Jaime get the phone call from Sara. Vasco wants to know why she didn't tell them before. She nastily snips that if he wants to come he knows where to find his granny. Vasco tells Jaime it's bad, Sara fears the worst. Jaime thinks it's ironic, yesterday Snorty was untouchable, and now look at what destiny has wrought. If it doesn't catch up with you one way it catches up with you another. He says he can't visit her but understands if Vasco will.

Vasco conveys the bad news to Omar. Omar tells Zulema he doesn't want to visit Snorty, she died for him long ago. Zulema asks what if she dies and he still holds all this rancour in his heart? Omar thinks he'll be a hypocrite if he goes to visit her now.

Vasco and Red Barb the Redcoat rush into the waiting room. He yells at Sara, what happened? She tells him the story that surely she has been practicing in her head all night...screw the face up into a tragic mask, squeeze out a few tears and tell the audience that it was late, it was dark, you heard a noise, you ran out and poor granny was laying at the bottom of the stairs. Some might be fooled but not Vasco, he thinks it's very strange that such a thing happened when it was just the two of them in the house. How strange and how opportune. Val butts in and asks them to keep it down, they're in intensive care and if Snorty gets a night's rest it might help her recuperate. THANK GOD! prays Sara aloud.

Alonso arrives with bad news. "She's dead?" asks Sara hopefully. No, not dead, but indications show she might not regain consciousness, she has a cerebral embolism. There's very little chance that Snorty will recuperate. Lots of hand-wringing in the group and more histrionics from Sara. Vasco tells her to cut the theatrics, she wants to inherit anyway, right? Maybe it was she who pushed his granny down the stairs. You can imagine the pandemonium at this point and there's no point in trying to translate it all. Vasco states his case (which happens to be the true events as we the audience know), Sara fake cries, and Al sticks up for her and says he'll kick Vasco out. Vasco gets the last word, "We'll see if it was an accident." (Dude, lay low, you're already broken because of this witch.)

Ern tells Moni that his new sous-chef is showing up to sign her contract. Moni asks Ern if he has plans that night. (Sheesh woman, have some pride!) Maruja arrives and it's weird trips incorporated as Moni and Ern play king of the hill to show who's in charge. Maru is all whatever where's my contract? Moni assures her the workplace has an unbeatable ambience, they're like a family, then she tells Lorena to get to work. Ern insists Lorena stay, they're like a family right? Ern and Moni are impressed with her resume and Ern gives her his fabulous smile.

Icky shows up at the hospital, more weird trips incorporated as Barba stares at Icky, Val stares at Barb, and Vasco insists Sara had something to do with Snorty's fall.

Meanwhile at the apartment of the amiable black widow, she of the unmovable hair dusts the pictures of her defunct spouses. She tells them not to be mad at her for denying them, it's for a good cause, her survival. The doorbell rings and it's her new best friend Tori and he has good news. First, her maintenance fee is taken care of, he spoke to the other neighbors and they can cover for her until she has money. "Hoy por ti y manana por mi" he says, i.e. "you can do the same for me sometime". Second, he has the loan for her. She grabs the wad of dough and covers him with kisses, it's the best thing anyone has done for her in a long time. He gets all bashful, the fish has swallowed the hook.

Al visits his favorite patient the orphan Lorena look-alike. She looks bad and feels bad. He says chemo is a hard treatment and she has to have faith, lots of it. He whispers that she has to live. Sara walks in and has her predictable hissy fit, she thought she'd find him there! They have their usual fight and it sickens me. Moving on. Sara diverts the fight by acting pathetic and begging him to let her stay with her granny. Al refuses, Snorty is too delicate and it's too risky. He hugs her and Sara gives her usual over-the-shoulder diabolical look and thought bubbles "How in the hell am I going to stop her?" OK so she tried to kill an old lady and she's jealous of a child with leukemia...Sara must die!

Back to Vasco who refuses to leave Snorty's side for fear that Sara will try to kill her again. Oh man, my TV turned itself off here and I can't turn it back on. Did it bust? Hell I don't know, but thanks to Schoolmarm I know about youtube so it's off to the computer to finish the recap. Please folks, if I get something wrong (no closed captions) let me know and I'll fix it.

Val and Icky leave the family alone but the truth is Val wants to talk to Icky in private so she can accuse him of boinking the boss's wife. He swears he's not and accuses her of not having faith. Suddenly his phone rings. Uh, it's nobody he says, I'll see you at home. Give me a break.

Red Barb paces behind some hospital screens until Icky shows up with Val, unseen, on his heels. Barb throws herself at him and he pushes her away while Val watches. Her hideous red coat is practically neon in this scene and perhaps not the best thing to be wearing in this particular situation.

Val tells herself it wasn't her imagination, that woman was throwing herself at Arturo. Paula walks up looking for Alonslow and Val tells Paula she needs her help.

Maru tells Ern she'll be happy to start work tomorrow. She heard he was an ogre but clearly it was a lie. Raimundo walks up and happily greets Maruja. She gives him a knowing look, (sung to the tune of neener neener neener) "you're sucking up to my girlfriend and I know more than you do."

Julian is at the photo shoot and Rossy is about to explode with jealousy but she manages to contain herself. Three hot babes in robes are waiting for Julian to arrive. The photographer frets because Julian's bathing suit isn't there so he has to wear his tight little undie-trunks. Rossy almost flips while the three babes in rather hideous (but revealing) bathing suits hang all over Julian. He's young but quite cute, too bad my TV is on the fritz and I only have youtube. Rossy tells herself to calm down while Julian obviously enjoys himself.

Valeria has found the world's most sympathetic ear in Paula. Pauls reviews the symptoms and agrees that Val's husband is cheating on her. She vows that they'll trap him.

Now that Icky refuses to boink her Red Barb wants to leave the hospital and she expects Vasco to go with her. He says no way because he suspects Sara and he intends to investigate. Barb tells him to be careful, Sara is very dangerous.

Maruja tells Zulema that she got a job and can't work with her anymore. It's very prestigious and she needs the money. Zulema gives Maru the news about Snorty and tells her that Jaime is out of jail. Maru smiles hopefully.

Cut to the man of her thoughts. Jaime is in a chapel praying to God to help him get his life in order and he hopes his mother repents and finds her way to God's path.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome. Snorty is in a coma but as usual her mind works overtime. She recalls when Sara first arrived, then Omar telling her to be careful because Sara is very ambitious, then she remembers Sara pushing her down the stairs. Comatose Snorty twitches but doesn't wake up. Snorty, it sucks to be you.

Al walks Sara to school and tells her Snorty's progress will be slow, it will be a miracle if she recovers. Sara thought bubbles the miracle will be if she dies. After Sara goes into class Al watches Lor approach and stares as she stolidly marches past, ignoring him. Good girl Lorena!!

Greta goes to Pau's to beg for her friendship back, which she does. She says let she who is without carnal desires throw the first stone. Paula tries to throw a pillow at her instead. Greta gets on her knees and supplicates herself until Paula laughs and takes her back, friends again.

Valeria calls and tells Paula that Icky's getting ready to leave the house. Paula springs into action, Greta can babysit Bettina while she goes out to help Val. Suddenly the bell rings, it's Dario! Hoorah, now Greta can go with Paula and the two detective wannabes run out. Dario is stunned, what just happened?

Dario visits Bettina and wants to know who Ivan is. She says he's great, handsome, nice, smart. Dario sighs, he's no longer his little girl's numero uno.

Cagney and Lacey are in front of Icky's apartment. Pau tells Greta they're there as a show of solidarity, that's what friends do. They see Icky leave the house and drive off. Our detective duo follow, arguing the entire way.

Ding dong, it's Heriberto with a bouquet of flowers for his boyfriend Dario. Oh wait, I got my telenovelas mixed up. It's Raimundo with a big bouqet for Paula. Rai introduces himself and says he must be talking to Dario, Bettina's dad. He's got the upper hand cuz Dario doesn't know who in the heck Raimundo is. Rai invites himself in to wait for Paula and Dario unhappily resigns himself.

Cagney and Lacey follow Icky into a hotel and wait for him to register. They're not subtle but the hotel clerk doesn't seem to mind two twittering ladies watching the elevator. They see it stop at the third floor and dash up the stairs. Darn, they missed which room he went into. They decide to hide on the stairs and hope something happens. Pau says she expects that the jefe's wife Barbara will be the one to show up. What a pig Icky is, imagine working in the business with your lover's husband! Pau pulls out her camera but when the elevator opens Paula and Greta are dumbstruck. Out flounces Jaqui. What's she doing there? Icky opens the door, kisses Jaqui and our two detectives are muy, pero MUY impactadas!

Tomorrow: Sara snarls some more, Julian tells Lorena that Vasco thinks Sara had something to do with Snorty's fall.


Love the Cagney and Lacey quip! Yeah, Greta and Paula were the worst detectives ever!..with all their whispering and high heels clattering, I was afraid they were going to spook Jaqui...but guess her mind was on other things.

However they were so stunned, it looked like Greta didn't take a picture.

I'm bummed about Big Hair actually turning out to be a grifter. I was hoping for true romance for dear Toribio. Oh well.

Your description of Moanica's cleavage maneuvers was hilarious! Alas it didn't get her anywhere. Time to break out the wine again, I guess.

Thanks so much for your funny recap Sylvia. My favorite line was: "OK so she tried to kill an old lady and she's jealous of a child with leukemia...Sara must die!" I'm with you 100% on that.

Paula and Greta as Cagney and Lacey was hilarious. Their scene was probably one of the best muy impacto in the history of novelas.

ITA with JudyB, your descriptions of Moanica (another great name) and her boobage antics was great.

Great recap Sylvia, I feel like I just watched the episode second time!

Icky finally will be getting what he deserves - before it was to sad to see his lovely trusting wife, and now - the end is near! The finale with two MUY impactadas detectivas was great!

"Snorty is in a coma but as usual her mind works overtime." - how interesting! So as soon as she wakes up ( if she) - it will be the Sara's finale. Sara tries to get close to the Snorty's bed but now we have devoted with heart of gold Vasco who always had suspicions towards Sara. Hopefully he will be watching closely to avoid what Sara has in mind ( and we all know - she always does).

The meeting of Rai and Dario was a great scene! I wonder with whom Paula will decide to stay? Probably Dario - she still loves him!

Chalo is getting nastier with every episode - great match for our lovely Sara!

And I can't not to mention The Smile of Ern - it's one of those "sonrisas que matan". I love his smile! It's on the same par with smiles of Fernando Colunga ( mi amor!) and Eduardo Yañez ( don't care much for him but I love his smile!) as well as Jaime Camil's.

Great recap! Now Ickturo's in trouble. Of course, Sara's hold over him is not so strong if he's already caught. And his hold over Sara (picture of her with Chalo) is not so strong, since Lorena already knows about it.

The problem our "bad" characters have is they're all out for themselves, whereas the good ones are usually working together (Lorena, Rossy & Maruja, or Paula, Valeria and Greta, or Zulema, Omar, and maybe Vasco). The bad ones work in pairs at best, and even then they're tricking each other. They need to have an evil alliance of Sara, Chalo, Ickturo, Jacqui and maybe Monica. Then they could really whoop those good guys' a**es!

Oooh! What a show! Sara with her square mouth and fake tears was so NOT convincing! Vasco better watch out.....his arm might not be the only thing in a sling!

And Icturo is in deep s#*t now!!! About time! He is such a loser! When Dario finds out I hope he beats him up!!!!

Yes! Eve from Cleveland...Ern's smile is sooooooo nice! There should be a calendar.....

I've gotta say I did enjoy this episode. I agree that our two detectives had the most impactadas faces I think I've ever seen.

Hombre is right, if the bad guys worked together they would be seriously dangerous. Alas for them, they are their own worst enemies. Ha!

Ha! What a funny title. I still think of him as Heriberto, too.

I like Vasco's character. Idealistic, fair-minded, and shrewd. He's a good guy, and he wouldn't accuse Sara unless he was really sure.

I hope Hortensia survives. She's horrible but believable as a person, not just a villain. I think the actress playing her is doing a great job and will miss her if Hortensia croaks. I'd like to see her accept Lorena as a granddaughter in her cold, cold way.

Maybe Snorty will not only survive but also find some goodness in herself ( like one can find one) and will turn to be a loving mom and grandma ( Like Paula in Usurpadora if anybody ever watched it)?!

Sylvia – great recap! Your Spanish is in tip top shape as I think you caught everything via You Tube.

I agree with JudyB, Pau and Greta were so impactadas they completely forgot to use the camera they went through the trouble of bringing.

From yesterday – Julie and Susalyn: Diana is Omar’s stepdaughter, so she wouldn’t have been a viable DNA source for Sara. Of course, this is moot since we know how Sara dealt with it.

Hombre – the problem with our villains forming an unholy alliance is they would never trust each other (not that they do now) and would be constantly trying to pull one over on each other. Off course, that might bring some much needed humor to this ;)

Wonderful snark today, Capn!

"He tells her they are nothing (she and he, not her lovely cleavage). She disagrees after what happened between them (more boob squashing)." --Doncha jus' luv it???

What a great lot of ta dahs in this episodio! The ending was sooooooo worth waiting for this time. I had the best laugh. Can only hope Cagney et Lacey remember to take a picture or Dario will take months to finally believe them.

Sylvia, I was tickled by your title and was thinking of old times with the Yo Amo a Juan team. I don't often watch QE but actually caught the Heriberto with flowers moment so had to stop by to say HI!!

I also saw the demonic gleam in Sara's eyes after she shoved her Abuela down the stairs. Has she killed other people? I just can't stand her awful personality so don't watch much but this is a fascination with evil she draws out of people. It seems that Chalo is getting smart faster than Alonso.

Apologies if I posted this before (sometimes I think of something, then forget it, then think of it again and think I'm thinking of it for the first time):

I think Sara has to die in a trash-related incident, like getting smushed in a trash compactor, or maybe just getting hit by a garbage truck.

Think of it as symmetry.

It's horrible to think of a baby being left in the trash, but Sara isn't willing to rise above even that incredibly low beginning.

Seriously. The goal here doesn't have to be "I'm going to win a Nobel prize," it only has to be "I'm going to be better than a used pizza box." How can you screw that up?? I don't know! Ask Sara!

Well, actually, Sara was jealous and conniving (although not actually homicidal) before she discovered her painful origins.

She was jealous of Lorena's ability to inspire love in the nuns and the potential adoptive couples who came to visit the home, and she started fiddling the books and shifting money her way before finding the adoption papers as well. (the discovery of which...and confrontation...led to the Mother
Superior's heart attack and death).

Soooo...we're back to your original premise, Julie, that Sara is the "bad seed". And the push at the top of the stairs seems to confirm that theory for sure!

I do want to say, though, that from what I've read about the stuggles of adopted childre....many of them are haunted by the fact that their parents (or mother) chose not to keep them...regardless of how they were handed over.

Not in ALL cases of course. A young woman in Canada, who was left abandoned in the bushes in a woodland area, and just happened to be found by some young hikers, chose to focus on the wonder and the miracle of being found (rather than the grief of being abandoned to die) and has remained in contact with the young people (now grown and married of course) who originally saved her life.

Oh, I agree she was bad before she found out about the trash can, but now that she knows about it, it's sad that she never had any second thoughts about it.

JudyB.^^^It's all in one's perspective, verdad ? Are we looking at the stars or the mud??? Sara is in the mud...the true telenovela villain...bad-to-the-bone with no redeeming qualities..a person who is easy to hate. I guess the telenovelas are attractive because the bad are soooooo bad and the good are soooooo good unlike real life where the worst people have some good qualities and even the very best folks have some flaws. In Telenovelaville, everything is a study in black and distinct and simple...unlike reality where there are so many shades of gray and our love and dislike for people become so interwined and inseparable. In real life, it's not so easy to say ''This person is bad'' and ''This person is good'' because there is good and bad in everyone making things complicated and messy.

Sylvia, what a fabulous title and great recap! Thanks!

“He promises to leave HER (Valeria I guess) if Jacky agrees to let him buy her an apartment in Las Vegas if business goes as he hopes.” I think he has it figured out—he plants Jacqui in LV and can still have his home life in the D. F.

“Ern says ESC sucked for some time. Lor tells him she knows an excellent sous-chef, Rossy's mother.” We were wondering if Maruja would end up working there—it was only a matter of time.

“nobody should gloat when seeing an old lady injured at the bottom of the stairs. I think this scene pretty much clinches a dreadful demise for our Sara.” Amen! Are there any high cliffs or skyscrapers in the D. F.? She should have enough time on the way down to think about all the nasty stuff she did to others. Julie, I do see the poetic justice in the trash compactor or trash truck. That’d be good, too.

“He tells her they are nothing (she and he, not her lovely cleavage).” LOL! She must think if she acts sweet (it’s a relative concept with Monica) and thrusts her chest, she’ll land him back in the cama.

“He replies the only thing that will suffer is her reputation. Gad he's a cad but I'd still let him whip up a batch of hotcakes for me on a Sunday morning. Er, where was I?” ROTFL! Waiting for hotcakes in bed? It’s almost Sunday morning…

“Vasco gets the last word, "We'll see if it was an accident." (Dude, lay low, you're already broken because of this witch.)” (SMILE) Great point. He’s going where angels fear to tread.

“Maruja arrives and it's weird trips incorporated as Moni and Ern play king of the hill to show who's in charge.” LOL! They were darn juvenile, all right.

“Oh man, my TV turned itself off here and I can't turn it back on. Did it bust? Hell I don't know, but thanks to Schoolmarm I know about youtube so it's off to the computer to finish the recap. Please folks, if I get something wrong (no closed captions) let me know and I'll fix it.” WHOA!!!! What a bummer! Glad that tip bailed you on a bad night!

“She gives him a knowing look, (sung to the tune of neener neener neener)” LOL! Too cute!
“He's young but quite cute, too bad my TV is on the fritz and I only have youtube” Oh, that’s sad. We had some great footage there with Julian half-dressed.

“Barb tells him to be careful, Sara is very dangerous.” That’s the first sensible thing Barb has said since June.

“Speaking of the Queen of Rome. Snorty is in a coma but as usual her mind works overtime.” ROTFL!!!!! Only Snortensia would have it all sorted out while in a coma.

“Cagney and Lacey are in front of Icky's apartment.” LOL! They bumbled like Maxwell Smart. But they got the goods on not only Ickturo but Jacqui, too. Nice work for an evening.

“Ding dong, it's Heriberto with a bouquet of flowers for his boyfriend Dario. Oh wait, I got my telenovelas mixed up.” ROTFLLL!!! Pure genius here.

Hombre, too funny about the villains getting together---there’s strength in numbers. Great point! However, lot of good it’s doing Sara to be hooked up with Shallow.


By the way, folks, Maricruz is my sub this weekend due to school activities keeping me a little oversubscribed.


usually it is exactly like you described that in telenovela world good are really good and bad are really bad.

But there are some exceptions and the best one is Amor Real - my favorite telenovela so far. And the main character ( Dr. Manuel Fuentes Guerra) is so complicated with good and bad sides so he kind of reflects the real live person. And this is exactly exactly why I love this tn and especially Dr.Manuel so much!

No one has thought about Vasco and Lorena. He doesn't seem likes he is bed jumping and I think they would bwe great for each other,,,Maybe wishful thinking? Jeanne

Jeanne, yes, but they're first cousins! Not that they know it, but I think that's why the writers have conveniently prevented them from ever looking at each other in that way. Otherwise it does seem like they would make a good couple, both nice, smart, low key people.

Eve, I tend to like Carla Estrada's telenovelas for exactly the reason you mentioned. In her shows many of the characters aren't precisely good or bad. Often the "good" people perform questionable acts, alternatively she's very good at helping the viewers sympathize with the "bad" characters, making them more understable and real to us.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Oh, my, there are two Jeannes here. That is unusual!


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