Friday, September 19, 2008
Querida Enemiga Thurs 9/18 - Pathetic, indignant, repugnant, consternated and constipated
Maru and Rossy run into Zulema at the fabulous market. Maru tells them she's back on track with Omar, what they had was a failure to communicate.
Omar tells his limp boss that he was revising a report and found a serious error, something about applying a tax rate that the Secretary of Finance just changed which alters the final results. Limp boss asks was it to their benefit or to their detriment? Omar says they are reporting profits that don't exist. Limp boss says Omar just saved his ass as he was just about to report the profits to the director. He doesn't have time to correct so could Omar go with him and elaborate the details for the board? Limp Boss is either going to throw Omar under the bus or make a hero of him.
Greta lies in wait for Jaime at Conchitas. She sucks up to him and stuffs food in his mouth and pours him a big glass of wine. Big mistake, he doesn't drink anymore and pushes the wine away. He escapes her clutches and says he has a lot of stuff to do. He firmly tells her he needs to be alone and think. "I'm such an idiot," she sighs.
In his room Jaime also sighs, it's been another black day and no work for him. What if he listens to Maruja and partners with her?
Dumb Dario takes Paula to his fabulous big apartment and tries to talk her into moving into it, it has great furniture and everything. No way Jose, she says, it's where he lived with The Other. She says he's "practical like all men" but she'd rather die than stay in the same place as The Other. He attempts to lure her into bed to persuade her. Idiot. This sets Paula off , it's the same bed where he betrayed her! She leaves in a fury.
Heh, Jaqui strolls into Mother In-Law from hell's kitchen and does her Armendariz Kitchens tasting thing. She wrinkles her nose at the big pot of soup, it needs something, a pinch of dill? (pizca de eneldo) This shows how little she really knows about food, it's doubtful a pinch of dill would have much taste in a big pot of soup, but I digress. MIL asks does Jaqui know food? But of course! MIL suggests Jaqui help out. No no no no no, says Jaqui, she is an expert in tasting not chopping onions, that's MIL's job, and by the way she likes to eat at 3:00 she says as she flounces out. One of these days, mutters MIL as she stabs the cutting board.
The head chef at Armendariz kitchens shows Sara how to make a special pork loin that he marinates with a little garlic, pepper, orange juice and the secret ingredient Tequila which lends a special something to the dish. Sara tells him if she wins the contest (fat chance) she'll dedicate it to him. (Fat chance on that too.)
Lor tells Rossy she feels awful, it was her first fight with Ern. Rossy, best pal that she is, agrees that the way Ern treated the kids could be a sign that he doesn't like to compromise.
They are setting the table for a dinner to celebrate Rossy's engagement with Julian. Maruja wonders will two bottles of wine be enough? Lor says absolutely, when Al bought her ring....Oops...why did she bring him up? Rossy and Maru stare at her. Silence and weird looks all around.
Jaime makes a surprise visit and tells Maruja he wants to talk about her proposition. Rossy walks in, sees him and is going-to-commercial indignant.
Jaime sees it's a bad time and excuses himself. Rossy gives Maru a hard time for flirting with the enemy. He's married! No longer. He's a criminal! He was exonerated. Rossy says being with him is politically incorrect considering their in-laws. Maru insists they are not novios, the topic is closed and mother and daughter reach a glaring stalemate.
Omar happily tells Zuly he got promoted! He also got a raise (hee hee "got a raise") so now he can pay off their debts and get a car. Zulema tells him something that I think equals "don't count your chickens before they are hatched". She says "no te vayas a pasar como a la lechera que se le cayo la leche a la mitad del camino"; which I think is "don't act like the milkmaid that drops the milk in the middle of the street". I think I remember that fairy tail from when I was a kid.
Julian interrupts them and Ma says dad has super news. Julian comments that his engagement brought them all luck. All that is except for Diana who can't come because she can't leave work. A likely story.
Ern's housekeeper Fanny drives him crazy by babbling incessantly about how she misses the kids, misses their laughter, doesn't he miss them too? Oh how they must be suffering at Aunt Gladys's. Ern tells her to shut it. Doesn't she have something to do? Si si si si si, she says a hundred times.
Julian, in his best suit, officially asks for Rossy's hand in marriage. He starts to read a script, remember when they met and he ran from the house half naked? Nervous looks around the room. Julian ad libs and brings up other embarrasing moments, but the parents understand he means well. Rossy finally jabs him and he asks for her hand, promises to protect her and make her very happy. Maruja gives her consent and after some bungling Julian puts a ring on Rossy's finger and they kiss.
Bruno goes over his accounts which are a disaster. Diana walks in and tells him she's craving black olives. He bites her head off, where will he find black olives at this hour? He's sick of her and her pregnancy. Diana weeps that it was his idea to get married, not hers! He tells her to go get her damn black olives herself and to get out of his sight.
Diana doesn't back down, good for her, she screams at him that he's a loser, a loser! He hauls off and slaps her! Holy crap. Then he does that abuse thing and hugs her and apologizes. Will he tell her it was her fault, if only she hadn't pushed him? No, she yells that he's a coward and stomps out. She locks him out of the bedroom and he begs at the door while she cries.
In the restaurant kitchen Ernesto tells Maruja to tell Lorena that her dish (some sort of duck I think) is delicious. Maru thought bubbles that these two need to talk.
Chalo and Barb are back at the club dancing to naco music. I say naco but actually it sounds pretty good, it has some awesome accordion going on. She tries to teach him to dance and he comes on to her. She calls him Chalito and they kiss to the lyrics of "a grand passion".
They kissed through the commercial, and afterward Chalo begs her pardon, was he out of line? She grabs him and kisses him back as we knew she would.
In the Armendariz kitchen Sara tries to cut her pork loin; it's harder than wood. The chef tries and he can't slice it either. She says she cooked it just like he said, twenty minutes at 200 degrees (celsius, which is about 400 degrees fahrenheit). Chef says no wonder it's like shoe leather. Sara asks does he have any simpler recipes? He suggests scrambled eggs then thought bubbles that she's useless (nulidad) in the kitchen.
MIL Mamita complains to Icky about Jaqui and he says give her a chance. Ma says she does nothing around the house, no cleaning, no making her bed, nothing! Icky excuses her by saying some women don't do domestic. MIL ratfinks and tells Icky that Jaqui called her mami in the U.S. Oh, didn't Icky know? Well there's a lot he doesn't know about Jaqui. MIL says that compared to Jaqui Valeria was a marvel.
Icky and Jaqui argue about her phone call while she eats popcorn in bed. Jaqui tells Icky to chill, his mamita is only making a storm in a glass of water. By the way, did he open that account in Grand Cayman? Icky says yes because he wants to buy a house in New York. Jaqui wants a place in Vegas so they can gamble.
Barb and Chalo have finally made it to bed and both are happy and satisfied. He keeps saying her name, Baaarbaaaraaa. But Chalo, she wants to know, aren't you worried about the difference in our ages? He says if she's not worried about him being younger why should he worry about her being older? (Darn good logic if you ask me.) Barb decides to stop thinking about their differences and start thinking about what they have in common. The sexy music starts and oops, they do it again.
Oh no, now there is a scene with Al and his sick patient Florencia. She looks terrible. I swear if she dies on my recap night I'm going to drink. I think I got stuck with the Duelo leukemia child death scene too and it made me cry.
Omar brings Zuly breakfast in bed with a red rose. He doesn't know why he couldn't tell her about his problem before. She says she was so silly dying of jealousy, the pill worked quickly, like magic. She makes him promise to consult his doctor, the pill helps for now but she wants him to get fixed up for good. He loves her, she wants to lose weight, all is well in the lesser house.
A nurse brings Al the lab reports on Florencia, sorry she's late but there was a problem in the lab. Al sees the results and rushes out. OK, I'm going to start looking for the vodka.
Over at Evil Acres Vasco tells Barb he is happy because his old boss asked him to help with protecting the jungle, providing alternative incomes for the locals, and preventing the extinction of endangered species all rolled into one. And it shouldn't get in the way of Armendariz biz because he'll work on the weekend. Vasco comments that Barb looks unusually beautiful and happy.
A stroller gets delivered to Di and Bru and when he complains she snaps "I'll pay for it!" He asks her does she not get that they don't have money? He insults her and they fight again. He stalks out and she talks to the baby, she's not sure being with Bruno for the baby is worth the sacrifice. This is a definite about-face in her attitude. I think she's ready to take a lesson from Maricruz's stroller mommy, except that Bruno will be in the stroller.
Chalo washes the car in his surf shorts and Barb sneaks up behind him and caresses him. Sara watches while Barb whispers that she adores him but they need to be discreet.
Sara tells Chalo she has his money. She mocks him for wanting a credit card. It's a waste because Barb doesn't care if her lovers are rich or poor. Chalo defends Barb which amuses Sara, she reminds him he took the fotos of Barb and her lover. Sara says Chalo knows nada of women. Chalo says he's beginning to regret being her accomplice, what happens if he opens his mouth and reveals her lies? He has nothing to lose. She asks what will Barb think when she hears Chalo nearly killed her son? (Oooh, good one Sara.) She says if he ruins her plans he'll go down before her. He flares his nostrils at her.
Lor tells Maruja to hurry up they'll be late for work. Jaime shows up and Lor agrees to go ahead. He says he's been thinking about her business idea. She thinks they should create and market gourmet Mexican products such as squash blossoms, huitlacoche (mmmmm, our favorite), chilacayote, etc. He doesn't know why she'd put her savings in his hands. She says he has administrative talent and knowledge. His past means nothing, it's all about his future.
Ern watches Lor from his car and calls himself an idiot. He's about to get out when he gets a phone call from Gladys. Lor grabs a taxi and he misses his chance. Gladys calls to ask why didn't he tell her Gina wets the bed? She ruined the mattress so Gladys had to punish her by making her wash clothes. Ern is aghast and says Gina's not responsible for what happened. Wicked Witch Gladys didn't call him for advice, she called him to say Gina is crying for him. Ern tells her he can't come now because he's on his way to work. He'll see the kids on the weekend. At first I thought this was harsh of him but I'm thinking it's a pretty effective way to get Gladys to tire of the kids sooner rather than later. Intentional or not, it should work to Ern's favor.
Jaime tells Maru she's a great friend. A friend, she scoffs, too bad he only sees her that way. What way would you like, he asks? As a woman, you idiot! (OK, I added the last bit.) Jaime doesn't waste any time. He kisses her, tells her he loves her, and he's dreamed of this moment a thousand times. I'll bet it was when he was in jail and had a lot of time on his hands.
At the restaurant the gossipy hostess tells Monica that Ern and Lor have been fighting for two days. Lorena won't forgive him for getting rid of the kids. Monica snickers that Ern needs moral support and she's the one to give it.
In the kitchen Lorena tells Maruja that if happiness had a name it would be Maruja. Why the big smile? Maru asks Lor not to tell Rossy, but she and Jaime are novios!
Rossy sees them hugging and asks did Lor make up with Ern? Lor answers that there are some who won't drop the pan even if they burn the mango. (Hay gente que no suelta la sarten ni aunque le queme el mango.) Huh, asks Rossy? Lor tells her to ask Ern. He walks past and attempts a quick smile at Lorena. I love him.
The Armendariz Chef is trying to teach Sara how to make risotto, a dish that will impress anyone. She tries her hand at stirring but she acts like the risotto is going to bite her.
Alonslow tells another doctor that Florencia didn't react positively to the test. Other doc says all they can do is wait. Al has to go because Florencia is calling for him. Oh shoot she's in pain and looks on the verge of death. Sorry folks, I had to fast forward. Al pats her head and says everything will be fine. Vodka in glass, add ice, a splash of cranberry juice, one vodka cranberry (aka Cape Cod) standing by.
The restaurant is closed and Monica is "surprised" to see Ern is still there, doesn't he have to get home to take care of the kiddies? She tries to suck up to him but puts her foot in her mouth every time. It must be hard to care for the children of others. "They're not others, they're my family." She says they were a lot of work. "Thanks for calling me incompetent," he replies. She says she doesn't see him as a dad and now he can think of himself first and last. He thanks her for opening his eyes, for showing him how immature and egotistical he was, that he was only putting on the pretext that their leaving was best for them. Monica has been soundly put in her place and she knows it.
Only one minute left and we are at Florencia's bed. It's never good when a sickbed is the last scene. Florencia tells Al there isn't time for her to say goodbye to her godmother (who was never there), tell her not to be sad. She weakly grasps Al's hand and thanks him for being her friend during her last days and for giving her hope. She's so tired...her head droops and her eyes stare. Of course she dies ON MY NIGHT! (And to make it worse she'll die again on Monday). Al looks consternated and constipated. I believe I'll have that vodka cranberry now.
Note: No QE tomorrow, it returns on Monday and Sara tries to throw herself at Al and Al gazes numbly at Lorena.
Labels: enemiga
Thanks for the link to (can't even spell it) but it was interesting.
I must be getting senile...I actually thought the scene of Barbara with Chalo was rather sweet.
And the Florencia scene was very painful. The young actress played it well but it reminds me of too many deathbeds and too much grief. I will say that I thought Gabriel Soto actually looked appropriately grief-stricken. I kept thinking "He's acting...he's actually acting...he can do it."
That being said, I'm still rooting for Ernesto when it comes to romancing our little lamb.
I still don't think Soto is that good of an actor. At his best moments I always feel he's on the verge of acting but never quite there.
I'm enjoying the heck out of the scenes with Jaqui and Icky's mom. They deserve to live with each other. MIL is certainly getting what she deserves!
One of my favorite spiritual writers says that for every judgment, criticism or unkind word that you say about someone, the same will be done to (or said
If that's so, mom is still due for some more....from Jaqui or whoever.
I kept wondering why there was the Florencia subplot. I thought that somehow there would be a connection between her and Lorena. Then I thought alonso would save her and that would bring Lorena back to him somehow. Now I think it was just to show how "noble" he is vis-a-vis a yongster's life in comparison to the eogtistical chef who sent his own sobrinos away. Can that be? That was alot of angst for a very little payoff. They could have shown the same thing in a much depressing and less harrowing way.
Lorena is showing spine, and Ernesto is learning what it means to be on the other end of loving someone. I hope all this intraction and focus on them will play out to be more than a meaningless subplot. For the hundredth time, I hope they wind up together.
The other thing I dont understand is why the bad guys are getting hard knocks so soon. Sara has really been very defanged lately. it looks like Diana is not going to be a victim much longer and will leave Bruno. Chalo is being sort of redeemed or at least is having a "nice" and on the road to loving relationship. Ditto for Barbara. Now that Hortensia has heard what everyone really thinks, she has become more of a sympathetic character and will get even with Sara and Bruno. So how long can they draw this novela out if we are only half way to the end-unless the rest will be less of the machinations of the bad guys and more of the love stories????
NJ Sue
I'm locked in to home base, waiting for the men to come dismember the giant trees that blew off in our mini-hurricane...should be clearning but it's more fun to lurk at the Caray Caray website!
Another thing I keep noticing is how stupid just about all the characters are. They make so many mistakes. But I'm finally getting the point - this makes us, the watchers, feel so much better about ourselves! We'd never do the dumb things these characters do!
Oh well, back to our Spanish language fantasies.
Speaks well to your abilities as a parent that your daughter wants you to help raise her child...and speaks well of you that you are willing to do it. Not all parents are.
I can get pretty looped on just an O'Doul's much less a real beer so glad to know someone else's head falls in their plate after a drink or two.
I didn't realize there's no episode tonight - waaa!
Good afternoon "you-all"! ( Hmm, I hope I didn't offend anybody!)
Thanks Sylvia - great recap!
All the episodes now are very compressed - too much happening all the time!
I also didn't expect such a finalle for the little sick girl, I was hoping for DNA testing or so. Boy, was I mistaken!
My new theory why this was incorporated into the show - to demonstrate the difference between HAWT Ernesto, who couldn't take care of his nephews ( even though we all know, that it's not that simple, even for a married woman with her own kids, let alone - bachelor with "sour" reputation) and sweet Alonslow, who cared about this little gil, like his own close relative, even bought medicine.
And after the break Lore broke up with Ern - hmm, new hope on the horizon!
By the way, I spare myself a lot of grief with fast forwarding the hospital scenes with the girl, sorry!
Barbara-Chalo - how impressive this couple is! They have a great chemistry! If we didn't know that they both are so evil ( well, may be Barbara is not THAT bad) - we could think it can go somewhere, but... Too bad! I liked when Sara told Chalo about money, tthat he shouldn't expect from Barb - he told her off with "I have you for that!" - it was great!
I'm glad that both brothers Armendariz finally are getting back together on a "love front"!
Great duo Jackie and Icky's mom - I really enjoyed their encounters!
Jackie is a real "b***h" - and she shows it with full exposure.
It was a real pleasure to watch them!
Occasionally we've seen that kind of thing in Guapos...again where clearly an actor and actress were enjoying playing off each other and you could imagine it was a great day on the set.
Great recap, I too am wondering what will happen next as really this could be wrapped up in a couple weeks if they wanted to. I have just one request - NO AMNESIA. My "I will quit recapping and watching this show on the spot if there is an amnesia plot" stance still stands.
I'm close to getting a good Grandparent/grandkids situation myself - my parents are buying a home in an active adult community less than 10 minutes away from me. I'm almost 40, so I'm old enough to see this as a good thing instead of cramping my space. Plus, we have a little one on the way, so that one will have grandma and grandpa close by from the very beginning!
- The world as you know it will turn upside down
- Raising kids is the hardest thing and the best thing a guy can do
- Patience, patience, patience
- Trust your and your wife's instincts over "they say" and even the doctors
- It is never too early to start laying in Pampers. Buy them in big bales in Costco. I kid you not.
I agree, Barbara + Chalo is turning out to be a much cuter combination than I would have expected. Surely they must be doomed!
I wonder, if Lorena wins the cooking contest - is it possible that she could lose? - if the people at the cooking show will get her to wear something more flattering. :-)
Diana in MA, true that many of our characters in this one are now showing shades of gray. We know Sara will get hers because he's the villain. (Trash compacter if I remember correctly!) I thought Snorty was evil but now there is a chance she might be rehabilitated. By hitting Diana Bruto has gone completely to the dark side; surely he will meet a wretched demise. Susanlynn is right, he's an oxygen waster.
Ferro, congrats on your new little one! I believe this is not your first, if I recall correctly it is your son's toes featured on the home page of Caray Caray!
Thanks for the comments y'all. I feel better now about the kid dying because I'm telling myself it's symbolic and a mere plot device. Ferro, do feel free to gloss over it on Monday.
This storyline had better be going somewhere. Maybe it changes Alonso in some way.
By the way, who the hell eats at 3:00?? I don't even know what meal that's supposed to be.
My husband was a college prof and never got up before noon. Needless to say he was on a completly different schedule from me and later on from our kids.
I had such high hopes for Gabriel Soto, since he is such a great looking galan, but he's just not moving me either. (isn't there a "Fuego" style swimming hole anywhere in the DF?)
I don't want Lorena to go back to him. Seeing his facial muscles break through the Botoxed paralysis for a breif moment as Florencia was dying was not enough.
Ernesto all the way! I'm going to be so bummed if he backlides on his recent growth as a character and loses out.
I'm really liking Barbara and Chalo too. I know this actor from Privilegio de Amar when he played a very sympathetic suitor to Adelita N., if I'm remembering correctly. Anyway not hard for me to see him as s good guy.
randy, sea.
Alas, Anon 12:52, there are no swimming holes like that in the DF. The place is quite heavily polluted, so you'd be looking at private pools, or dirty ponds that would be anything but secluded. Even the lovely Xochimilco has water that nobody would dare swim in. A more reasonable option would be to watch him at the gym, in tight little trunks with no shirt on ;) Alas, he'd probably still look constipated =(
Quite a title too!!!!
Yeah, I've experienced the eating "dinner" quite often around 3pm, and then more of a lunch later at night or unos tacos like around 8pm or so. Just a different schedule. Most businesses close from 2pm -4pm for dinner, reopening afterward.
So, this will be my second little bundle of joy, we're having a girl so you can imagine how excited my wife is. I haven't said anything so far just because, but she's 6 months pregnant now so I think it's safe to share. Baby Ferro v2.0 due about new years.
Think I'll have to try one of those Cape Cod thingies before this novela is done. Although, I think I'd take my sips during the Barb/Chalo scenes because --yeah, I'm in the minority here, but if there were no minorities there would be no majorities and how boring that would be-- those two together make me feel a bit icky when they're swapping spit and sharing the sack. I can see the actors having fun with the script, but as for the characters they play, lest we forget, Babs is still a narcisistic, neurotic "empty nestor" looking for love in all the wrong places while Shallow Chalo is still an arsonist, an accomplice to attempted murder, and a smart-mouthed, blackmailing brut of a swindler who deserves to be locked in jail and to have the key dropped into the nearest sewer. Jes' sayin'.........
Ferro - congrats, especially on getting one of each!'re so right...these are two sleazy characters and as Mike says, it's a "third rate romance and a low rent rendezvous" for sure, but I'm a fool for love and it was endearing to see them affectionate and vulnerable for a moment, rather than scheming and resenting life.
“he accuses her of using this as a pretext to dump him. (It would kind of serve him right since he's done the same to so many women, but we like him now so it's OK to root for him.)” LOL~! We are just soooo fickle, aren’t we? We wouldn’t give Slow the same accommodation.
“Omar tells his limp boss that he was revising a report” LOL!!!! It’s not just his personality, is it? Hooray for Omar saving the day and the boss’s okole.
“He firmly tells her he needs to be alone and think. "I'm such an idiot," she sighs.” I am so glad Greta recognizes this. She really pushed the envelope here.
What the heck is Dario thinking? Apparently, he may not even be thinking at all. No one offers the condo they bought for the amante/second wife to the discarded and reclaimed first wife!!! At least, no one who values his life.
“One of these days, mutters MIL as she stabs the cutting board.” She put me in mind of Luba from Duelo de Pasiones. But, Luba was really a teddy bear. Luba was supposed to be a witch, but now that we’ve met this chick, we know what a real witch is.
“Sara tells him if she wins the contest (fat chance) she'll dedicate it to him. (Fat chance on that too.)” LOL! Too true! It’s fun to watch Sara botch up the cooking.
“Omar happily tells Zuly he got promoted! He also got a raise (hee hee "got a raise")” LOL!!! I heard it but I didn’t catch the potential pun. Nice job, Sharkbait!
“Diana doesn't back down, good for her, she screams at him that he's a loser, a loser! He hauls off and slaps her! Holy crap. Then he does that abuse thing and hugs her and apologizes.” Yes, Bruno is going to make her life a living h***. No question about it, and here’s the beginning of the proof.
“Well there's a lot he doesn't know about Jaqui. MIL says that compared to Jaqui Valeria was a marvel” It was a pleasure to hear him point out that’s the first nice thing she’s ever said about Val.
“I think I got stuck with the Duelo leukemia child death scene too and it made me cry” Boy, that wouldn’t be fair at all for you to end up with two. The Duelo scene was just as bad as this one would be.
I HATED Gladys’ attitude about Gina’s wetting the bed! What a jerk!
“What way would you like, he asks? As a woman, you idiot! (OK, I added the last bit.)” LOL! Glad you did! Jaime is so thick sometimes!
“Lor tells her to ask Ern. He walks past and attempts a quick smile at Lorena. I love him.” LOL! We’re in line right behind you, kiddo.
“Sorry folks, I had to fast forward. Al pats her head and says everything will be fine. Vodka in glass, add ice, a splash of cranberry juice, one vodka cranberry (aka Cape Cod) standing by.” We were all with you on this one, Sylvia.
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