Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Sept. 9, '08 Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Empanadas From the Oven

Sure, there was a lot of pathos in this segment but let's focus on the important stuff...Lorena and Ernesto get together in the kitchen. First they cook and then they kiss...three nice little nibble kisses (kind of like those fish who nibble your feet during pedicures). But hey...I'm way ahead of myself. Let's start as usual with the rehash.

The little girl, Gina, is crying and asking if her parents can come back from the "cielo" (heaven in this context) to see them. Of course the answer is "no" but Ernesto assures her that her parents can see them from heaven and can watch over them from there.

At the mansion, Chalo has showed up , informing Sara that money isn't enough, he wants to live in grandeur like she does. And once again, Sara has to improvise quickly when Barbara asks about him. He's the new chauffeur. But we already have a chauffeur! Didn't like him, fired him. This is the new guy. Barbara looks him over like she's measuring him for..... what, a uniform? Well, we'll see.

Meanwhile, Nurse Ratchet (her actual name is Augusta) is cooing over Hortensia like she's a newborn babe. (I can't wait till the day Horty recovers her voice and lights into this unctuous lady, but she is doing her job protecting her from Sara.) Barb is grateful because she knows she'd go absolutely crazy trying to take care of the old bat.

Now a tender scene of Lorena reading to the children while Ernesto looks on like the besotted galan that he is. Little Gina is still wondering if they'll ever see their parents again and adds that she doesn't want to be alone. Ernesto assures her that she'll have him. Ivan, still lashing out, reminds Ernesto that he couldn't stand them when their parents were alive, how does he think he's going to become their dad now !? Ernesto assures him that no one could ever take their father's place but he will be there for all of them.

Lorena tries to moderate the dispute so then Ivan lights into her. The only thing that matters to you is my uncle! (True for Monica but not our Lorena). She reminds Ivan that she's an orphan herself and understands what they're feeling. Not sure if it works with Ivan, but she's reeled in Ernesto hook line and sinker. It's all over but the shoutin' for our chef.

What do I care!? ripostes Ivan. I don't want to know anything about your life! With that he storms out the door. Lorena imagines that he's probably off somewhere by himself grieving and adds that she has to get to class. But she'll stop by after work at the restaurant. Ernesto tells her he needs her and they hug. We get a glimpse of Lorena's eyes and they seem to be saying "Where is all this going to lead?" We're wondering the same thing.

Rossy is going through that dreadful female ritual (attention guys!) where women try on a gazillion outfts for the Big Moment, all the while protesting that they feel fat and ugly. She's worried about the "monuments" (read silicone- enhanced sculpted models) that will be surrounding Julian. Mom tries to reassure her that she's cute and gorgeous. Rossy says what we all think at those times....You're only saying this 'cause you're my mom!!! (ugh, brings back a lot of miserable teenage memories) Maruja assures her that she means it, but then ruins it by calling her "mi changuita" (my little monkey). Come to think of it.....but still, Rossy's a cute little monkey.

Sara has found Lorena at the school and is tells her to quit meddling in her life or she'll carve up her face. (does Sara still have the knife set? just sayin') Lorena fires back that she's not afraid (Lordy, I would be) and gets in a couple of more good shots like He's no longer of interest to me. If he doesn't believe in me, that's his problem. He'll never love you like he loved me. And so forth. Sara knows that Lorena is the one that ratted her out, but all she seems able to do in this episode is yell at people. No schemes are being pulled off (other than putting some more money in her account for Chalo) and no one seems to be falling for her stories anymore.

After the ads, we find ourselves in the office with Jacqui and Ickturo. She's whining about being all alone in the hotels. She's nervous. Be nice to me. Gimme a little sugar. Which he does right when Barbara walks in the door. Big impactado look from Barbara. Jacqui vamooses. Ickturo, taking the high road as usual, tells Barbara to get out of HIS office. When she threatens exposure , he assures her that her reputation will suffer more than his. After all, he's a MAN. And besides, whatever was...WAS. She slaps him, hurls a few insults, exits and he closes the door with a half-smile on his face. (Would love to know what he was thinking. Guys? Any clues?)

Julian's workplace is a lot more interesting. (So sorry, Ferro, this should have been your episode). We've got a couple of models, spilling out of their bikini tops ,draped all over Julian. Elenita criticizes one for wearing the wrong swimsuit. Our gal hoists her pair up for inspection and says, Gosh I thought this bikini looked really good on me. They brush off Rossy (We need our space. Only models here please) and then some lucky assistant gets to rub oil on Julian's pectorals. He's clearly been shaved or waxed within an inch of his life and is wearing some miniscule piece of fabric that is no larger than a decorative jock strap.

Alas, we break from this fetching scene for a little confrontation between Valeria and Barbara. Actually, it's a great scene so who cares? Barbara's at the clinic trying to rat out Jacqui 's affair with Icturo and Valeria could care less. So what if Jacqui's married!? So are you Barbara and you were sleeping with him too. And if you had a speck of dignity you'd leave. He's not worth the trouble. And neither are you. Vamoose! Excellent excellent scene.

The runway modeling takes place. Julian is clearly the best-looking and does gleam like a perfect sculpted statue while the young gals in the audience ooh and ahh. To his credit, he tries to call Rossy over to pose for photos with him afterwards but Elenita shoos her off and chides Julian when he tries to follow her. Don't go running off after your novia! Act like a professional.

Chalo meanwhile is earning his first day's pay dragging in a multitude of bags and boxes from Barbara's therapeutic shopping spree. Other than extramarital sex and whining, this is her only mode of existence. She launches into a big pity party which Chalo just doesn't get. How can you be miserable in all this luxury!? He moves in close and personal to assure her that life can bring some sweet surprises but she waves him off. I gave you no reason to speak to me that way, she huffs. And don't tell my son Vasco. However, since she tells him where her bedroom is so he can take the packages up....we are left wondering. Some mixed messages going on there, folks.

Nurse Ratchet is finishing up a bed bath for Hortensia while the maid looks on. So strange to see her so quiet and peaceful, marvels the maid. Mind you, she was no angel! (Better hope she doesn't recover lady). Tough nurse says she loves her job....old people are so defenseless (hmmm) and reassures Horty that if she really tries, she can recover.

Vasco arrives in mom's bedroom and wonders what the heck this guy (Chalo) is doing there. Barbara doesn't want to get into the trivial details of who gets hired and who gets fired but Vasco is concerned about who calls the shots around the house. As well he should be.

His concern, Sara, is at the office computer, speculating what money she could safely transfer to his blackmail account and decides the embassy money is too risky but she can take from the profits of the school graduation parties.

Don Toribio's apartment. Knock at the door. Old friend of Amalia's last husband looking for her. Last husband!? Well, you know she had five....died, every one of them ! My friend was the fifth...told him the fifth would be the winner, but hey, he died too. You might be next. Ha ha. Give her my regards. Impactado look from Torby.

After the ads, we're back with Julian, who's tracked down Rossy at the restaurant and is wondering why she left without saying good-bye. We have a sweet little scene where he reassures her that she's special to him, that he thinks she's beautiful inside and out, and that includes her lungs, heart, kidneys and liver! Rossy ends up laughing and they kiss. She decides she doesn't need to break up with him after all.

Not so good a scene as Tori confronts Amalia about her lies and her attempts to exploit him. Forgive me. No, it's over! And the worst part is, I'm a psychoanalyst and I didn't even figure out that you're a mythomane (chronic liar) After he storms out, she looks at her five pictures and snaps, "What are you looking at!" But the music cues us that this is a comedy scene, not some dark finegling....so I'm going to assume that they get back together somewhere down the

Alonso is at the table studying. Cellphone rings. He looks and sees who it is. Rolls his eyes (Hey, that was ACTING guys. He's communicating that he doesn't like the caller. Way to go!) And as if the body language weren't enough, he's very brusque with her. I'm studying. Just want to ask you to attend a function where I'm filling in for my grandmother. Alright...if I have time. Flat voice. No affect. And for once, it's appropriate.

Don Toribio rolls in and Alonso asks him what he thinks of Sara. ( Jeez...your dad has already told you he doesn't like her! ) And when Alonso adds he wants to break up with her, dad shouts hallelujah! Of course, Alonso feels guilty because Sara's going through a tough patch right now, but dad pooh-poohs that and tells him to go ahead and end things.

Back at Ernesto's apartment, Ivan continues to be unreachable. He's texting and making no eye contact when Ernesto tries to talk him into going to bed (early day tomorrow...school etc.) But when Lorena arrives, Ivan is clearly disgusted and heads out of the room. She's brought food for dinner but the kids have already gone to bed. Ernesto, speaking about half a millimeter from her nose, is thanking her for her thoughtfulness. You'd do the same for me, she says. Not so sure, he breathes, I've been pretty egotistical, avoiding commitments all my life. I really don't know the children. Well, life is giving you a chance to show them some tenderness now, she replies. (I'd say his tenderness is aiming in a different direction and I think Ivan agrees with me...but hey. I know Lorena's thoughts are pure)

The adorable little Gina comes out at this point. She's having bad dreams. She wants Lorena to sleep with her but she's wet the bed. Don't worry, everybody does that, reassures Ernesto. You too Uncle!? Lorena promises she'll put special clean happy dreams sheets on the bed and off they go. Ernesto assures her he didn't want to "compromise" her by asking her to spend the night. If you'd asked me, no, she replies, but if Gina asks...that's different.

Brief bedroom scene with Zulema and Omar. He still can't confess his problem and she's depressed thinking that her life as a woman is over. From now on it's just mothering and grandmothering.

Now we're at the nightclub where Elenita and the statuesque models are celebrating the show. They sneer at Rossy when Julian walks in with her, saying "Ah, he's brought the waitress." And here Rossy shows her mettle. She greets them in a friendly manner, pulls Julian in close, marks her territory with a big smooch and an "Oh I'm so proud of you" and then pulls him off to dance. We get a nice glimpse of boss Elenita looking at Rossy with new respect, while the brainless broads sulk. Rossy scores a solid 10 and gets the gold medal for this one.

Ernesto goes in to check on Gina and finds both Alex and Gina nestled in Lorena's arms, the three of them sweetly asleep. Big smile. Ernesto's a goner. It's official now.

Well, we're going from bedroom to bedroom here. Now we're at Horty's where Sara sneaks in with mayhem in mind, no doubt. Nurse Ratchet appears out of nowhere, gets between Sara and Horty and reminds her that there's to be no physical contact. Sara yells to no effect and our stolid nurse tells her she'll throw her out of the room bodily if she has to. We'll see how long you last, threatens Sara as she storms out. Nurse leans over Horty and coos, "Your granddaughter is a bad person but don't worry, I'll protect you."

Sara wants to pitch another fit in the dining room where Barb and Vasco are breakfasting but they ignore her completely. She's so undone she leaves without eating anything.

Back at Ernesto's, little Gina is balking at going to school. Lorena, hugging her while Ernesto keeps a safe distance, talks her into going by reminding her that mom always wanted her to be at school unless she was sick. And she's not sick. Ivan ,as usual ,is being impossible, declaring that his parents always let him go on his own. Ernesto reminds him that he's in charge now. However Ivan does go off on his own while the Alex and Gina ride in the back seat of the car with Lorena. She's calmed Alex' car fears by saying Uncle will drive really slow and he can get out if he's truly scared. She bonds with them over soccer, Gimme five for the America team!, and upon arrival, walks them into school with her arms encircling both, kisses them good-bye and oh my, Ernesto is just watching the whole thing in a puddle of tenderness. He is signed, sealed and delivered.

Ominous stalker watcher Monica is observing this scene also.... but with quiet rage. He said he didn't want to be a couple with anyone but look at this!!! Lorena is scoring points with the man who really should belong to me! To think he rejected ME for HER!!!!

Toribio's run over to Paula's to talk about his discovery of Amalia's black widow past and how she talked him out of his money. He'd like a loan, thank you very much, but Paula has all her money invested in her cosmetic products. He'll have to fess up to Alonso and frankly, she wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Valeria and Alonso are now conferring over his patient's need for a bone marrow transplant. Clearly the school health insurance won't cover such a treatment but he's determined to go ahead with it, counting on finding the money somehow.

Sara, meanwhile, is furious to find Vasco at the office, all spiffy in a suit and fresh from a shareholder's meeting to which she wasn't invited. But she's the granddaughter, she yelps. Yeeeess, but not a shareholder. And the shareholders voted in Vasco as general manager. He's there to protect his father's interests and she might as well get used to it.

Now we're at Ernesto's apartment where our galan is protesting the movers' treatment of his carpet...at least take off your shoes! They pretty much ignore him, he pays them off, and then he looks around at the mess of boxes and sighs that he's going to go crazy.

Lorena has just the solution. Do what you love in order to relax. And the answer is.....you know....cook! He's putty in her hands, for now, and off they go to the kitchen for some nice sensual scenes of mixing and rolling out empanada dough (shades of Fuego, but at least Ernesto has his shirt on. Hey, actually that's not better from my point of view)

She drops an egg into the nest of flour. He drops in another. They look into each others' eyes. She rolls out the dough. He watches her. More eye contact. The kitchen's getting hot and it ain't just the oven. Now we stir up the filling, plop it in each little crescent, pop the tray in the oven. Then out it comes, nicely browned and baked, smelling good, looking even better.

Ernesto is giving her one of those just-melt-me-down-and-take-me smiles and Lorena says, See, you feel so much better now don't you? Yes indeed he does....but it's not the cooking but because being with you makes me happy, he replies.

Slow, slow, slow move in for the kiss. One kiss, (nibble nibble) two....pause....and three. Mmmmm...now we're cookin' folks, we really are. Here's hoping for more action tomorrow night....and no, I'm not talking about gambling. Or maybe I am. Love is indeed a gamble for our little gal from the small town orphanage come to the big bad city. Stay tuned.


arisco = angry, unfriendly (how Ivan is with Ernesto and Lorena)

gandalla= Mexican slang for crook, swine (what Sara accuses Chalo of)

embaucadora= trickster (what Toribio calls Amalia)



So, is Monica going to turn out to be the creepy dangerous kind of stalker, or just the garden-variety kind of stalker that seems to be perfectly acceptable in telenovelas?

What a contrast between watching Ernesto & Lorena making bread, and watching Juan & Sofia...

I can't decide whether the nurse is creepy or not. I also don't understand how she's supposed to guard Snorty 24 hours a day, unless she's a robot.

So, what's Sara going to do now? Nobody's letting her do anything - is it time for Chalo to have a few weeks of triumph?

Judy, great and really fast recap,thanks! You didn't miss a thing!

One of my favorite scenes in this episode ( there are quite a few) is confrontation between Barabara and Valeria. Who in her fair mind can come up to the wife of your amante and complain that "he is cheating on both of us"! Valeria showed high class here!

The second best for me today was Rosy in a bar with Julian. Judy - you've said it: "And here Rossy shows her mettle. She greets them in a friendly manner, pulls Julian in close, marks her territory with a big smooch and an "Oh I'm so proud of you" and then pulls him off to dance. We get a nice glimpse of boss Elenita looking at Rossy with new respect, while the brainless broads sulk. Rossy scores a solid 10 and gets the gold medal for this one."

The smooch was niccce - and will see what follows tomorrow. I think Lore started slowly giving up and falling for Ern - the smooch will seal it.

About the bone marrow transplant - I'm positive that this will reveal the new blood relative of the Armendaris family ( not a spoiler, just a thought).

By the way, why the music that plays during the Nurse Rutchet appearance reminds me of all bad people on the show - there is something dark behind her "caricias".

JudyB, I don't have time for my general backquoting, etc., but all I can say is AWESOME recap! Thanks! I didn't get to watch this all and may not have time for a couple of days. You made it so crystal clear! Thanks!!! Love the vocab, too....the way you're doing it, especially.

I chuckle about Nurse Ratchet. Hubby has known the original Nurse Ratchet (from the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) since they were children in the Deep South. She's actually a very nice person. Augusta, though, is questionable.


Judy, I loved your title, and recap. And I loved the kiss!! I am glad they waited to show it tonight so I didn't miss it while I was on vacation. I think Lorena and Ernesto have more chemistry than she and Alonso --but that is evident. As a fairly new watcher of telenovelas, I want to know if they ever let the heroine wind up with someone other than the galan above the title? Do they have the entire script episodes written before they start, or is there any leeway as they go along so they can change and IMPROVE things?

Tonight I noticed that all the "bad" girls have red hair --Sara, Monica, Jackie, and Barbara. At some point, Monica will have to make life miserable for Lorena.

And Brava for the way Lorena stood up to Sara when she threatned her. And brava for the way she dealt with the children. I think this actress is doing a nice job with the character. NJ Sue

Yep, finally some good stuff is happening in this show! Chalo vs. Sara is cool. The nastier he gets the weaker she seems, and thanks to nurse Robot she can't even get close enough to wheedle her abuela. Lorena is getting a few good smack-downs against her and her "novio" can't wait to dump her. I would like Nurse Augusta more if she didn't fawn over Snorty so much. Not sure about the evil music because this telenovela often seems to have weird, inappropriate background music for what's really happening on screen.

Schoolmarm, your hub used to hang with Louise Fletcher? Cool! I remember when she won her Oscar for playing Nurse Ratcher it felt odd to see her being so gracious and sweet in real life.

I had higher hopes for Monica, that she would somehow redeem herself and basically be a nice person. So far she is a rotten restaurant manager, snotty brat, questionable daughter, hit and run driver (remember she hit Ern's car), she used the death of some sweet kids' parents to try to wheedle her way into Ern's good graces, and now she's stalking him. Dang, jumping into bed with him after one glass of wine was the most moral thing she's done so far!

Absolute perfect title Judy and awesome recap. Thanks!!

At breakfast Vasco was drinking orange juice,what was the green drink
Barb was drinking?

Good question Anonymous 7:04 am. I looked at the drink too and thought "Whuuut the heck is that?"

There is some super concentrated green juice put out by health fanatics here in the States that some people drink....but Barbara doesn't seem like the type.

Perhaps we can get Maricruz or Margarita to weigh in on what a green breakfast drink in Mexico might be.

Readers? any ideas.

On the Do things change and is the story all wrapped up and in the can before TV showing?....I'm probably as new to telenovelas as you are NJ Sue. I've only watched for the last two years or so and was one of the hand-wringes in Fea who worried that Leti wouldn't end up with Fernando (Jaime Camil)

I DO know that they change the story if an actor becomes unavailable. There was a story called Virgin Bride (can't remember the Spanish title) where the guy she was supposed to end up with had to leave the telenovela in mid-stream so they bumped him off, rehabbed a more villanous suitor (Sergio Sendel) and he ended up with the heroine.

So it CAN happen. But don't know if audience response has any effect.

I think Eve of Cleveland mentioned that the Mexican viewers, on their blog site anyway, also prefer Ernesto.

So we'll see. Anyway, interesting observation about redheads (though I think of Sara as more of a brunette). I believe in the Middle Ages, red hair was considered a sign of evil...much like being left-handed (sinister).

And thanks for all those supportive comments Eve, Schoolmarm, NJ Sue and Sylvia. This was a fun episode to recap. Sara was getting thwarted at every turn, Chalo was giving her hives, Valeria got to tell Barbara what a skank she is and our Rossy....what a performance! Oscar-worthy and a sign our little "changuita" is growing up.

I wondered about the green juice too. The only things I can think of that are that exact color are kiwi fruit. Like maybe a kiwi puree? Mmmm, that would be good.

Awesome title - gotta go for now, but can't wait to read it. Later 'gator!

I assumed the green drink was some sort of wheat grass smoothie. Maybe it was a kiwi-wheat grass smoothie; a shot of wheat grass would definitely help give it that neon color. I've never had the stuff myself but I've seen it plenty of times. Although Barb's not a health nut she seems like the type who would glom onto an "instant cure" sort of drink.

Mmmm....good guess, Julie. Kiwi juice would be good and chock full of vitamin C too.

Calamity...."later Gator" takes me waaaaay back. Still smiling.

Missed your comment Sylvia...yes, "wheat grass" was what I was thinking of. We have a wellness outfit here in town that promotes vegan and vegetarian eating and also markets some sort of green stuff but I couldn't remember the name.

Thanks for the great recap JudyB. I'm happy you had a great episode to recap and sorry Ferro missed this one b/c he would have loved it. I'm also happy the kiss was this week so NJ Sue didn't miss it. I was pleasantly surprised about the kiss; I thought it would be a few more weeks before it would happy.

There were a lot of great scenes. I really liked Lorena giving it back to Sara. Can you imagine how hard she'll slap Sara when she learns about the big lie.

And I am just loving Vasco. I have always liked him but his new role of being a thorn in Sara's side is great. I hope he finds out about the "accident."

You know, Eve...I was just thinking about your comment...Who in her right mind would come up to the wife and say "he's cheating on both of us"?....And really, it's a wonderful encapsulation of Barbara's sense of ENTITLEMENT. She not only gives herself the same privilege of entitlement as a wife, but really gives herself MORE importance than the actual wife, Valeria. She has an attitude of entitlement about every aspect of her life, including the right to be deliriously happy and instantly gratified, regardless of her lack of productivity. She is due for a big smackdown before being a possible candidate for redemption.

Hi Karen. Missed yours while I was writing mine.

Yes, this episode was truly enjoyable on many levels (and yes, too bad for Ferro, but I'm sure there will be more opportunities).

To my surprise, I'm actually enjoying this telenovela now and feel a bit sheepish about my snotty dismissal of the Univision employee who blogged in touting this as a good, traditional telenovela.

Gee, guess I'm a candidate for "redemption" also.



Wow, Ann...you found a series of kisses. How great! I've had the same experience with Youtube...I find something wonderful, then can never locate it again. Computer skills are just a notch or two above "zero" in my case.

The episode I recapped was No #56. Looking ahead can give you "spoilers" which ruins it for some, but I'm hoping your series of kisses are promises of good things to come. To heck with goofy Alonso. (although I do like his tender preoccupation with his young patient)

Oh, and Ann...thanks for signing your comment. Makes it easier to reply and relate when we have a name.

Excellent recap, Judy! You asked what Arturo was thinking when Barbara caught him kissing Jacqui. Answer - nothing! Not when he was kissing, not during the argument, not after Barb left. Arturo doesn't generally dwell on things, he just improvises, figuring he can manipulate the next thing his way. This overconfidence and lack of planning is partly why his businesses always fail.

As for the red hair, yes the bad girls in this novela have red hair, but so did Camila in Pasion, and Sofia in Fuego. Maybe it just shows a "fiery" character.

I, too would like Lorena to end up with Ernesto. They have the cooking in common, together with the chemistry. So what about Alonso? Well, maybe he could end up with Valeria. They're both doctors, and they definitely like each other, although it hasn't gone beyond that.

Can I say that I was actually surprised by the kiss?? I thought that Lore would keep her distance for awhile longer. I don't know...

I don't know if anyone here has mentioned it but, Fernando Colunga and Gabriel Soto made a movie called "Ladron que roba a ladron" Its a pretty good movie AND you get to spend 90 minutes looking at those two... Not bad at all :)

Here is the IMDb site for the movie.


Thanks for putting up these recaps. It is fun to revisit some of the finer points of these shows :)

Mauni In Wa

Hola Hombre de Misterio and Mauni in Wa.

I laughed when Hombre said, what was he thinking? Nothing! Good explanation of Arturo's character and his history of failure...both in business and relationships. I guess we can assume if he thinks at all, he thinks about himself. Punto.

Mauni, I'm with you. Even when I've seen an episode, I enjoy reading the recaps. Often people will highlight something I missed (I'm a bit ADD....or senile...take your pick)and since no one in my family is interested in Spanish or these shows, I come here "to have people to watch with". The blog site is like a virtual family room where we can all chat about the show and sometimes make each other laugh even more than we did while watching it.

Yes, Sylvia, that very same Louise Fletcher. Actually, hubby knew her father quite well, as he was deaf and a preacher, and my mother-in-law attended his services. Hubby went along with his Mama and that's where he met her.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Ann, please don't tell us about things you see on YouTube that haven't happened yet! Some of us look forward to seeing things for ourselves when the time comes.


sorry about that. will remember for the future. ann

No biggie, Ann - I'd be pretty excited if I saw something like that too. :-)

Did anybody notice that when little Gina came to Lore and told that she wet the bed - her words actually were sensored!?

Yes! I noticed it suddenly got quiet when she was talking - I had assumed it was a dropout or a transmission problem. Yikes. Bleeping a kid for talking about peepee - come on! That doesn't mean she's a potty-mouth! ;-)

They even removed it from the closed captions!

What? My TV is still out and I have watching on youtube and didn't notice. That's stupid. Why would they bleep such an innocent thing? Idiots.

I doubt it is bleeped on YouTube. The person posting those is from Mexico, where it wasn't likely bleeped. YouTube doesn't bleep, either, I think.

If the sound is bleeped, the captions will always be bleeped. It's an FCC thing. Censorship applies to all media broadcast on US television.


They did the same thing in Pasión when somebody was changing diapers for a little baby ( the white round ball on a baby)- the youtube had a Mexican version without censoring.

On Guapos they fuzzed out a tiny newborn baby's backside. It was hilarious. I cannot imagine who would have been offended. They also bleep out "pelotas."

Hmmm...the peepee issue.... I just assumed when all she said was "yo hice" that that was the expression used for it. Instead they bleeped out the word, eh?

Interesting. As always, at least we have Jeanne's expertise to explain the closed caption link.
Well, hopefully we'll never have to say that ourselves, though who knows what old age will bring? (shudder)

Oh... missed your all's comments about fuzzing out babies' backsides and whatnot. Of course to us it makes no sense that such views would be offensive. I can only assume the media is being more careful because of the sad issue of pedophilia.

After seeing three different people say it's too bad I missed the episode, I found it on youtube. Not as good as seeing it on TV, but at least I got to see bikinis instead of crying men, that was nice. Then I was subjected to shiny banana-hammock Julian under the spotlight and I was GLAD I was just looking at youtube. I guess it's only fair for you ladies.

I too like all the people on this show start to stand up for themselves, all the scorned women and then Vasco too. Bruno is going to end up unemployed while Vasco will be running a company - oops Diana!

So glad you found it on youtube Ferro, but yes, the small screen doesn't do justice to the attributes. I will just pray to the telenovela gods that next Monday those babes will make another appearance.....just for you partner!

Terrific recap, especially since I didn't review the tape and there were some real blanks with some of the slang, so thanks for always covering that for us. I am definitely looking forward to Lorena's special "awakening" to a mature love with a man who is sure enough in himself to appreciate her!

Thanks , JudyB. I'm finally getting a chance to read the recap and comments. [I have a stack of reading tests and definition paragraphs to correct, but to quote that vixen Scarlett of O'Hara, ''I'll think about it tomorrow.''] Wow..people are starting to foil Sara at every turn. Is this telenovela near the end ? Usually the evildoers do not get foiled until the end. I like Lorena and Ernie together. Ernie is a good kisser. Lorena was sweet with the kids. Ernie is observing that she is good mother material. As for the personality of redheads...my mother and sister are both redheads...my mother had a pretty fierce temper . I don't know what to think of the nurse. I don't like the way she is always calling Horty '' Pretty Lady'' . It reminds me of when waitresses call everyone ''Honey'' or ''Sweetie.'' And...Wow !!!..the guy playing Julian has no inhibitions. We've seen just about all of him ..and all greased up. On to tonight's episode.

Ha Susanlynn...my mother had red hair too (and a temper to match). I know she loved us but growing up under that regime was hard.

I'm surprised that Sara has come a-cropper so early too. We're only halfway through.

So I think they're still gonna throw us come curveballs.

Cakes, I'm with you, I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that Lorena lets herself fall under Ernesto's charm. I sure have!

Judyb^^I think that your recaps really reflect your personality. Whenever I read them , I wish that I could sit down and have a cuppa coffee or tea with you and chat.

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