Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 10/17/08 - "Waiting at the Staring Out the Gate"

Marichuy waits at the gate and sees Juan Miguel bringing Estefania home. She witnesses them kissing (which is really her kissing him, not him kissing her…Ellos no se besaron. Ella lo besó, pero él no la besó.). Mari cries as she flashes back to the swaying (can’t really call it dancing) that she and JM did earlier at the party. As her kiss ends, Stef urges JM to call her and she is emphatic about how marvelous the night was for her, the best night of her life. He gives a half-hearted smile, but doesn’t reply in kind.

Viviana is in bed with that clepto-guy in Miami. She plans something (didn’t quite catch what she said and didn’t care to rewind). Anyway, the next scene shows her asleep and he gets up to rummage through her purse, finding some jewelry, but more importantly, he finds money. She “wakes up” (not sure if she was faking being asleep) and catches him. She reacts appropriately, she calls him a thief and demands he give her back her stuff or she’ll call the police. He tells her that he’s not giving it back and there is no way she’ll be calling the police. He smacks her and she falls back on the bed. She continues to argue and he hits her again and threatens to kill her.

Juan Miguel returns home and mutters to himself that he’s blocked the way for him and Mari to be together, it is done. In his thoughts, we see through flashbacks, that he pines for her. Meanwhile, through some more flashbacks, we see she it pining for him.

Mari wakes up in the morning to a hangover, she’s not liking the feeling. Doris, the maid, has waken her up and Mari spills some details of what she remembers happening the night before.

Isa and Stef gossip over what happened at the party the night before---Mari getting drunk and all that. Isa lets her niece know that she was the one who got Mari to drink so much champagne. They chuckle because they know that she’s got to be suffering from a massive hangover this morning. They decide to go add to her misery. When they find Mari they remind her of the “scene” she made last night, getting drunk, dancing like a fool, and causing a fight. Isa says there was some good that happened last night, Stef and Juan Miguel became novios, and soon they will marry. Mari says nothing and walks away. Isa comments about how pale Mari got when she heard the news, so they know it affected her. Stef says now more than ever, they need to get Mari out of the house.

Amador wakes up at Vicente’s place. He crashed there because he was drunk (I don’t care if the PSA is a good one, he could have driven drunk and been in an accident, I don’t think any of us would have minded). He tells Vicente that JM’s going to pay for fighting with him.

Patricio and Cecelia have breakfast. Cece urges her hubby to not say anything to Mari about what happened the night before. He says he doesn’t think he cannot not say anything, he wants her to leave their house. Cece doesn’t agree.

Mari stews in her room and pulls out her photo of JM and remembers again their “dancing” last night. She ends up ripping the photograph and Cuate wants to help. She has to take a piece of the photo out of Cuate’s mouth.

In Miami, Viv makes an icepack out of a towel and some hotel ice. She swears he’s going to pay. (Does anyone know his name? I never caught it, hence the constant use of pronouns).

Isa and Stef join Cece and Pat for breakfast. They two hags push for Pat to talk to Mari, but Cece says she’ll talk to her first.

Stef calls JM and invites him to come over to the house. He makes a lame excuse as to why he didn’t call her first, she can’t hear how lame it is, but we all can hear it. He agrees to head over there.

Cece goes to Mari’s room and sees the ripped photo on the floor and she asks why she did that. Mari says she no longer cares. Cece says that JM has done some nice things for her and that he defended her last night. Cece urges Mari to talk about how she really feels, but Mari says she can’t because you are her mother. Cece realizes that this must have more to do with Stef than Juan. Cece tells Mari she wants her to be happy and what she wants more for her than anything is to create a home of her own when she gets married. Mari insists that will never happen. Cece questions if Mari is jealous of Stef, which Mari denies. Cece ends their conversation with a pep talk about Juan Miguel. How he’s been good to Mari and that Mari needs to think before she reacts. Her parting words are for Mari to not toss the picture pieces, because JM’s been a good guy.

Cece goes and tells Pat about the conversation with Mari. She mentions that she thinks there is some “sibling” rivalry between Mari and Stef. Pat doesn’t care, because Stef is their daughter and Mari isn’t (you’ll eat those words someday old man).

We are treated to JM coming out of the shower with just a towel on….drool…..Mari calls him and asks if he’s now engaged to Stef. JM says that he’s a recent widow, but Mari needs to realize that someday he’ll get remarried. Mari takes that as a no, because it is too soon for him. JM does nothing to alter that thought process on her part. Mari asks him if he gets married, what does that mean for her and her future. He tells her that she should make hay while the sun shines and get an education while she’s got people helping her. Mari questions her intelligence and Juan says he knows she’s smart. He apparently wants to bring this conversation to an end (and also our chance to ogle him almost in the buff); he mentions that he’ll be heading over to the judges house later, and they’ll talk then.

Viv goes out, heads to Guns ‘R Us and purchases a shiny new handgun (Now here’s where we need a PSA, how about a background check before letting someone purchase a gun and also a wait/"cooling-off" period).

Isa worries that Mari’s going to tell Pat that she’s the one who was plying her with drinks the night before. Stef tells her aunt not to worry, there’s no way Pat will believe Mari over them. Isa asks Stef if Onelia knows about the engagement. Stef decides she better give the witch a call. She tells Onelia that she and her son-in-law got engaged the night before. Onelia seems most upset about being the last to find out the news, more than from the news itself.

Mari is gluing JM’s picture back together when Pat comes into the room for a talk. He does a lot of trying to correct her into using proper Spanish. He tells her that her speech is vulgar. Pat accuses her of inviting Amador to the party and look at the scene that was created. Mari says she didn’t invite him, but Pat wants none of her excuses. Pat then accuses Mari of being jealous of Stef. Mari says that Cece suggested that, but that’s not the case. Pat rants some more about how he thinks Mari tried to ruin the party on purpose.

Onelia stops JM on his way out of the castle. She wants to know how come he didn’t tell her about the engagement with Stef. Juan says he didn’t know before last night that they were going to get engaged and this is the first he’s seen her, so how could he tell her.

Viv goes back to the hotel and makes it seem as all is well with her abusive thief of a man. She says she’s going out and he asks if he can come along too. She agrees and they end up taking off on a boat (from “Back Country Fishing”, but I’m not sure they want the product placement advertisement, in light of what happens next). Once they are out to sea, Viv pulls out her gun and shoots him in the back. He turns toward her after the first shot and she shoots him again, in the chest. He falls overboard and Viv turns the boat around and heads back in, leaving his dying corpse to float at sea (but we ask ourselves, in true novela fashion, is he really dead if we don’t see him die? and even then, they can still can "pop" back up in the story).

Mari encounters JM and Stef in the foyer. Stef fusses over him and Mari is affected by the appearances of where their relationship has headed and Stef says that they are engaged. Mari heads outside and when he can break away, JM follows her. She is standing at the gate, looking out. He comes to stand next to her and Mari asks him if he’s really happy. He doesn’t answer. Once again, wanting confirmation from him, she asks if Stef is his girlfriend/fiancée. Are they getting married? He answers, “Yes.” END OF EPISODE.


Thanks for the recap Cathy. Loved your comment about seeing JM in the towel (he is quite nice to look at). However, he's killing me with this Steph crap. I mean you just got rid of Vivian and you want to marry Steph to keep you from dating your patient. It's really making me question he reason and logic skills though I know "love" makes people crazy.

So will it take a kiss for him to realize he's making a huge mistake? How long will the writers torture us with JM and Steph? Please have Viv come back and break this up.

I can't wait until Pat has to beg Mari forgiveness. And hope she gives him a hard time. I can't believe how awful he is and you know he thinks he's a good guy. Can you imagine how bad he would be if he tried?

Cathy: Thanks for the recap. I also think that this is the episode where Onelia gets a clue. She's realized already that she's been used by Estefania. She ruminates on the phone calls and visit. Too bad she's not smart enough to realize Viv is still amongst the living.

Right - Viv needs to return just to get Stefi and Isa off the screen. Of course, they create the tension that novela watchers love.

Great recap..yes I watched Friday night & alas there I was caught up in the memories of go to a party..get engaged..go to a party..get engaged..go to a party..get engaged. Yes we can all identify with that.

Why would someone after a totally loveless marriage to a control freak..marry the first control freak to come along? He doesn't need a controlling wife, his mother-in-law fills that little niche in his life with much less commitment

I think the scene with Marichuy and Patricio was to show where she gets her strong character. She went head to head with him without backing down. Mari may get her loving side and love of animalitos from Ceci, but her toughness comes from Patricio. It's just that he's an intolerant jerk, but other than that.....

And Dr. Juan Miguel: "Heal thyself"

Thank you for the recap.
I think the reason for why JM has now decided to marry Stefania and forget Marichuy and the feelings he has for her, lies in whatever happened in his past that makes him feel that he doesn't deserve to truly love someone. In my opinion, he is the one who needs a psychiatrist or as Marichuy calls him, "curalocos", lol.
Maria, NJ

Very funny recap, Cathy.

I don't know if we will see Viv back so soon--does she have to leave Florida to escape murder charges? Will she go back home? I think she might run somewhere else.

Thanks to Beckster's eagle eye, we now know that the actress playing Rocio played squalling Libia on Fuego. Lucky for this actress she was killed off early and got onto a better show. I thought she looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.

Thanks for the observation about JM, Maria. His low self esteem and believing he doesn't deserve love explains both Viv and now Steph.

Thanks for the re-cap! I didn't see this so I appreciate it.

I was thinking JM, what a dope, to be taken in by the witch Estefania, but I like Maria NJ's insight, this makes sense. His character is wounded and somewhat mysterious. No mystery with his body though!

Glad to hear that Onelia might be tuned in to Estefania's game, will she really stand for this gold-digger usurpadora? Not if her daughter show up on the scene!

God, Viviana is more evil than I thought, I don't want her coming back, but I'm sure she will have to escape Miami now.
randy, sea.

Hi there! folks. Thanks for the recap, Cathy. Good Job. I enjoyed your added comments and feelings.

To me, Waiting at the gate and not being able to leave easily - To me the gate represent bars and Marichuy within those bars. Like I said last week, she is still in jail in a way. I felt sorry for her standing there - I thought she probably wants she could leave, but can't. The environment of the estúpido judge's house is unpleasant for Marichuy one could see this.

I know that Marichuy doesn't eat very much. They aren't feeding her. The two FRAUDS are pigging down on everything. These two really got under my skin. I hATE them. I can't wait until they get what they deserve - severe punishment.

The two FRAUDS wanted to get Marichuy out of the judge's house- this is their next aim. Wait until this happens, Marichuy will be going back to Juan Miguel's house most likely. I bet my savings on this. We know that our wannabe socialite FRAUD will not like this one bet.

She know that Marichuy and Juan Miguel are really attracted to each other especially now that they know each other more. Under one roof, their constant presence to each other and the attraction will be too much. They will act upon it. This is what I think. The FRAUDs will get what they deserve soon I hope.

Maria and Karen, the two of you are right in your reasoning. Juan at the moment need to "heal oneself", but we know he is not. He attracts women that are controlling. He is not going to have a good healthy loving relationship with anyone in less he first heals especially from Vivana and their bad marriage. We now know some more about Vivana and what she is capable of. Just think how the marriage was before she left. juan will continue to attract controlling crazy women until he take care of himself and the women he involved with them.

I think Juan has too many women after him or involved with him. He needs to take care of these situations before marriage. He has Vivana still, Onelia, Stefi, and Marichuy.

Also I am wondering when the other love interest of Marichuy is supposed to appear? In the synopsis, they introduced him as "El Leopardo (The Leopard)" portrayed by Rene Strickler. Maybe it is too early for him.

I DON'T WANT JUAN MIGUEL TO REALLY MARRY THE Ugly, Fake Stefi. He can do other if he really wants to get married again. Wait!!!!! He is still married. If he marries anyone at the moment, he will be a bigamist. I wonder about the laws regarding this in Mexico.

Good Night! from Genevieve. See what tomorrow night gives us to write about. I hope less the two FRAUDS, but some other character and relationship development for others like Vicente/Rocio, Nelson/Elsa/Eduardo or will someone find the body of Bernie -this is the Jamaican lover of Vivana or not? Where will she go maybe homeward?

I wrote this comment yesterday for Thursday night. I am re-posting here again, so some of you that didn't read will read it this time.

Hello there! Folks. Thanks for the recap.

I had other things that keep me from writing my comments yesterday.

I, too, think of wolves when I see Amador, Pasofino. I think he might be the one that attack Marichuy when she was young in the woods. We don't know that yet, though.

I also agreed with you on when you said the following statement, "For an educated man, Juan Manuel doesn't seem to have much in the brain department. Ugly Stefi easily traps him into her web and he justifies it by thinking - I need someone, she's here, so she'll do." It seems like he didn't learned anything from being with Viviana. Juan Miguel is attracted to crazy, psycho women.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING WITH MARICHUY THAT Juan Miguel easily goes for the FRAUD ugly wannabe socialite Stefi? I know that he is might be concerned about his being temporary guardian. Juan Miguel is not official her counselor yet, so he can refer to another counselor and pursue Marichuy as a love interest. Maybe Juan Miguel is worried his image or career. I thought he was more than that.

It is nice to hear from you again, Beckster. I can't wait to hear your upcoming humous comments about this novela. I agreed with what you said here, "Stefi, Jeeez she annoyed me in DA & she is really working my nerves in this one." After watching this novela one night, I too can't stand Estefania and her aunt Isabela. They are two FRAUDS who think that there are better than Marichuy and her friends. To me, they are no better, but worst. The friends and non-rich people in novela at least are working for a living. These two are lying around and pigging down on all the food at the judge's house. *****I AM BEGINNING TO WONDER IF THEY FEED Marichuy at all at the Judge's house. *****

Julia, I agreed with what you said here, "Why didn't Juan Miguel just pick someone else, anyone else? Oh, yes, maximum drama." This is regards to the FRAUD Stefi.

Bianca, I too was angry when I saw what Amador was doing to Marichuy and agree with your comment here. "I was heated when everyone at the party just stood there and watched as Amador whipped Marichuy around like a rag doll and wouldn't let her go. How could no one have the sense to say or do something."

The other estúpido old fart that I strongly dislike and I think is a jerk is Patricio, the judge. I recalled another Patricio that was a villain in the novela "Bajo La Misma Piel". I hate him too. I hope that by the end of this novela he becomes humble and begs forgiveness to his real daughter Marichuy because this is what she will deserve after all she goes through with his mistreatment along with the manipulation of two evil FRAUDS. The two FRAUDS have to be punished for what they are doing. This is what I hope for.
Thanks for letting me comment late and hope at least someone reads it.

Genevieve Wyatt

I like the fact that Viviana didn't waste any time. Buy the gun, take him out (to sea), and take him out. I can't wait for her to throw some monkey wrench in Estefania and Isa's plans.

Of course JM will eventually end up with Marichuy, but in real life, could two people that different really have a long-term successful marriage? I'm rooting for them, and they have a strong attraction, but in real life, I don't know. Fortunately, in telenovelas, dreams do come true.

JM is not believable as a psychiatrist. At the least he should know that he has issues to work through before getting involved with anyone at all seriously. Not fair to him and not fair to them. At any rate his priority should be the well being of his daughter who just lost her mother.

Onelia looks as if she can handle Stefi and vice versa. They are cut from the same cloth. Should be interesting to watch their interactions.

OH GOOD GRIEF! Why do galans have to be so stupid? Can't we have a galan who is sharp and sensible but runs into legitimate difficulties not of his own making? Juan Miguel needs a good smack upside the head.

Did he and Stef ever actually discuss marriage, or did she just assume that was the plan and he's going along with it? At any rate, I don't see how they're going to marry "soon." I don't know what the laws are in Mexico, but doesn't it take awhile to have someone (Viv) declared legally dead if there is no body, or else to get a divorce without her signature for reason of abandonment? I hope he does not actually marry Stef, because that would seriously contaminate him; I'm not sure he could recover. I actually kind of like Onelia when she's despising Stef; maybe she will break them up.

Edguardo Tejeda who plays Bernie has had some interesting if often unfortunately typecast roles. He was the Major Domo, Vicente, in Alborada, a high class servant but with limited lines. In Destilando Amor he was in a great role as the more intelligent than the ricos and more talented as an artist who ends up helping out the sinking grandmother when she looses her money. Now in this one he is back to Bernie, the gigolo pretty boy, with not much deep character to recommend him.

Speaking of typecasting, it is refreshing to see Sherlyn acting smart and helpful in this role as JM's little wise sister, Rocio. She was the slow sister in love with the ancient Bernie just a few months ago in FuegoELS as the martyred Libia. She was the abused innocent, Marina in Alborada who became the ward of the beloved Isabel, Mariana Karr, whose unforgettable ¡Caray, Caray! refrain gave the name to this very blog. She got to marry her true love and become rich at the end. It is fun to follow these actors through various characterizations and hope they don't get typecast in some awful rut. Ana Patricia Rojo is stuck in the pretty but vacuous (Destilando Amor's Sofia) or pretty but evil roles.

I was pondering the term grifter which fits Estefania and Isabel so well. I didn't see the beginnings of this show, did they reveal the evil plans of the two to dupe Ceci (who doesn't deserve it) and Patricio (who deserves it so totally).

CherylNM, yes, we saw Isa and Stef formulate their plot to pass Stef off as Pat and Ceci's long-lost daughter for financial gain. The two of them are about as tacky and rude as people come, so it's funny that they always mock Marichuy for being "low-class."

Who is Bernie? I haven't gotten the characters entirely figured out but I don't remember a Bernie.

Bernie or Bernardo (played by Carlos Bracho) is the husband of Gabriela and father to the Elizondo Sob Sisters. He was killed off by Feo early on after meeting the Reyes brothers and professing his undying love for Libia which turned out to be dying love unfortunately.

I don't think JM will marry Stefania anytime soon. He is fighting very hard his feelings towards Marichuy now but most probably something will happen before any wedding takes place.

I have to say that I love the David Bisbal song, "Digale" when it's played on the telenovela. Very pretty song.

Thanks for the explicaciones. Now my question is, WHY is JM fighting his feelings for Marichuy? I used to think "professional ethics" but since he spends no time acting as a shrink to Marichuy I no longer see how that could be an issue. I'm going to agree that it's just whatever guilt he feels over his mysterious past that makes him think he shouldn't be happy. And somehow, he is a shrink and his best friend is a shrink, but it hasn't occurred to them to address those issues.

Juan Miguel is a shrink and his friend is one too. Sometimes, shrinks themselves don't think they need help themselves. They think that they can take care of themselves such as "Counsel the self" which doesn't work at most times.
People that become shrinks and/or counselors themselves have or had problems. I knew lots of classmates that became social workers or counselors or shrinks that had serious issues.
Maybe Juan was thinking this or maybe one of the writers.

Genevieve, social worker

Really enjoyed the recap, Cathy! Thank you!

I’m noticing a little crack in the relationship between Isa and Stef. Stef thought Isa was mentioning too much that she had planned the whole setup, and then Isa made sure that Stef knew she was the one that liquored up Mari. Since Isa is now a hanger-on, Stef could easily scrape her off.

We were all wondering how JM picked Viv as a wife (though he did mention that she had changed) and now we see how he goes about wife selection. Apparently it’s like the old days of royalty where you had to pick someone of your same class, ‘cause we can be sure JM could meet women every day of the week at Starbucks.

JM was suggesting to Mari that education was a good idea and he said when she felt like it, to let him know. He has no plan for this girl, no job, no training, no education. The poor thing just sits in her room a lot of the time.

I like that she has Cuate to talk to, since that avoids the usual telenovela soliloquies which seem so odd.

I think Rocio is the best heroic character so far. She at least tries to help Marichuy, and takes her out to do things, and wants to teach her how to use computers. Everyone else is just, like, "we moved her to an expensive house! Why has she not suddenly lost all the problems she came with?"

Therapists, psyhcologists and psychiatrists have to undergo extenstive psychoanalysis while they are training, to try to develop an understanding of personal issues that could impact (via transference and countertransference) their effectiveness with patients and to prevent any ethical lapses in judgement. I am sure this is pretty much universally true.

We don't know yet what emotional baggage JM is carrying and it's obviously pretty heavy. If he were say, a salesman, lawyer, etc, o.k., I could see him trying to suppress it, but this is obviously not an effective defense mechanism as it is certainly impacting his reality testing, so any shrink would know it was time to get back on the couch.

JM has to fight his feeling for Marichuy because she's low class.

She's a poor uneducated naca, and worse, she's illegitimate. No one knows who her parents are. (yet) Remember the cute guy at the dance asking her what her name was? What family she is from? That was the first order of business for him. Yes it is like royalty etc. It's all about your family and position in society.

We have the fantasy of living in a classless society in this country but the class issue is a bigger deal in latin america and in these stories, almost always having to do with the dramatic tension of people falling in love with someone from the wrong class. Then surprise, she really is a princess after all!

Same with the Reyes finding out that they are not just poor panaderos but are really enhacendados after all, they will end up taking their place in society and probably owning both haciendas in the end.

Do any of these novelas ever really upset the order of things?

randy, sea.

Can anyone think of a telenovela where a rich person and poor person fell in love etc. and it all worked out in the end, and the poor person was really just poor, no mistaken identity or anything? I haven't seen very many telenovelas but it seems like that would play better into the fantasy aspect of the whole thing...I mean, most people who dream of making it big and marrying the handsome prince or what have you know perfectly well that the carpenter and the cleaning lady really are their parents, or whatever. So creating a novela in which class and origins turn out not to matter would have a certain appeal.

Honestly, this secret of Juan Miguel's had better be GOOD. It will take a heck of a whopper to justify even CONSIDERING marrying that twit Estefania. Plus, how can it not feel pervy to date her or kiss her? She still wears ribbons and butterflies in her hair like a six-year-old!

Is Eduardo (JM's doctor buddy)also a psychiatrist? I know they attended the conference together but has it been stated on the show that he is one? I don't recall.

I don't think JM is rejecting being with Marichuy because she's lower class. I really think it's due to him not feeling deserving to really fall in love as a result of whatever he did in the past. As I see it, he's already in love with Marichuy and that inner conflict is what will have to come out soon.


I remember years ago a telenovela titled "Natasha" where you had a cleaning lady (sirvienta)and the head of the household, falling in love, going through a myriad of obstacles and finally marrying. There was no mistaken identities, no parent leaving a child in an orphanage and so on... I'm sure there must have been other novelas like this one through the years but I can't think of any other right now.

The actress who plays Stefania seems to me a bit old for the part. They try to make her look younger by putting ribbons on her hair but it's not really working. She's a good actress though.

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