Tuesday, October 28, 2008
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon., Oct. 27 - Walter and Rebeca find the secret room and PJ/S and Isabel find each other on the beach

Andrés spies on Isabel.

Antonio and Simón find the button in the study that opens the door to the secret room but they don't push it.

Isabel takes over for the native healer babe in applying something to PJ/S's back.

This presumbably is Mario's dog, Mambo.

Andrés tries to slake his desire with one of the locals (is the the healer or the maid? I can't tell.) But it's not the same as Isabel and he tells her to get out.

Rebeca and Walter finally get into the secret room and find the safe.

Andrés asks PJ/S to go out on the yacht again with him and Isabel - unless he's afraid of having another 'accident.' PJ/S just gives him the look.

On the boat, Isabel looks hungrily at PJ/S...

And he looks hungrily back. Andrés looks into the bottle.

Native healer babe should market her leaves. PJ/S isn't even peeling!

While Andrés has an alcohol-induced doze, PJ/S and Isabel get together in the water.

PJ/S must have brought the swim trunks along since they would have been clearly visible under those white pants he was wearing. I guess there was no way they could film an underwater scene with Mario bottomless. Too bad.

Labels: cuerpo
Thanks again.
I like the scene where Isabel takes over from the healer babe. Mario looks all sleep tousled and restful. Very cuddly I'll say. Can someone fill me in on the conversation in that scene? I've forgotten it.
Jean, I laughed at your description of the girl whom Andres slept with. When I watched it the first time, even i was confused as to whether it was a servant or the healer. Btw, I've subscribed to the LT posts so now I'll be waiting for your next update.
Marie Celeste, I never really thought about Mario being left-handed. I should go back and check those photos where he's signing stuff to see which hand he writes with. But then again, I know a lot of left-handers who write with their right hand.
In the previous scene Isa has signaled to the healer that she'll take over.
PJ/S: "You've been rubbing that cream for so many hours now, Muchacha. Go rest."
Isa touches his face with her hand. He gets startled and turns to look at her.
Isa: "Relax. Let me take care of you.
PJ/S: "There is no need for you to bother yourself, Dona Isabel."
Isa: "Please. Do you feel better?"
PJ/S: "So much so that I want to get out of here."
Isa: "I imagine that you must be so tired of this bed. Surely these days have been a real nightmare for you. I want to ask you something, and I need you to answer truthfully. Was Andres guilty of all this? He was the one who left you, right? "
PJ/S: "It's not worth the trouble talking about that."
Isa: "I need to know."
PJ/S: "Maybe it was my fault for trusting. I shouldn't have stayed there. I should have swam to shore.
Isa: "But you were so far out you would have never made it. I swear I lament everything that happened. I promise you, I truly promise that this will never happen again.
PJ/S: "I am sure it will never happen again. "
Isa continues rubbing his back then they both turn and notice that Andy has been watching them all along.
By the by, I'm pretty sure they have a vehicle on premises (I think Isa had PJ/S drive her in it) but they are supposed to be in the middle of nowhere (though someone already pointed out they had skyscrapers in the back) and were afraid by the time they got him to the hospital he'd be in too bad a shape to recover.
Marie Celeste - Thanks for the 411 on Sergio Vargas singing the other love theme. I was wondering who it was. The song is quite appropriate.
Since Vicki doesn't wear an apron while at the beach house, we see why she's better off with one on; every peasant blouse she wears has the same decoration, with an embroidered flower unfortunately placed front & center of each
boob. If I were the actress playing her, I think I'd have gone on strike for a better wardrobe.
cc, I also thought sunburned Mario looked very cuddly, lying prone on the white bed with his hair all sleep-tossed. Very yummy. As for MC being left-handed, he might be or might not, but I've seen him do other things that made me suspect he is. In the painting scene, he held the brush in his left hand. Maybe it's just me, but if I were dressed completely in white & working with blue paint, I'd sure as heck be holding that brush in my stronger hand. ;-)
Mambo did very well in his cameo, didn't he? Here's a fun "Making of ECDD" clip where Mario is directing Mambo in a scene that I think appeared in the opening credits (appears to be from earlier in the series as Mario is still in "Jesus" style). The clip is also neat because it shows the "hurry up and wait" reality of TV taping. It also shows the complete mixing of English and Spanish used by the crew onset; something probably unique to a Telemundo shoot. Trivia: Mambo came from Germany & was trained there with English commands, so Mario has to speak English to him. Very cute.
A closeup at 2:20 shows what a beautiful face Mambo has. (Like father, like son. ;-D) At 2:40, Mario tells the camera how the whole Cimarro "family" is involved in the show; with him, "papa" Mario Cimarro and "hijo" Mambo Cimarro.
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