Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Oct. 8: Dating services?! Heck, I'll just take a stroll in the dark, scary forest and see what I can scrape off the stumps.

Buenas noches a todos.

You know it’s never good when Fernie pays Oscar a visit. Attorney Fernie has brought the divorce papers and needs Oscar to sign them immediately. Oscar isn’t gonna sign nothin’, but not because he doesn’t know how. It’s because he loves Jimena enough for the both of them. Sorry Charlie, Jimena signed the papers before she went into the coma or whatever Fernie and/or her mother put her in. Yeah, I guess if you squint really hard and turn the paper upside down and imagine that Jimena can write in cursive it sort of does look like she signed it. Well, that must mean she wants a D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Where do I sign?!

Frankie is digging something when Oscar comes along all pissed-off. You’re not doing it right he tells Franco, and harasses the lone brother who makes a conscious effort to keep things above water around their new digs. Well what bit you? Ah, I just divorced Jimena. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I divorced Sarita. No, that doesn’t make me feel any better. Then along comes Pablito with the drinking jar. You know, I heard Mexico was a major producer of plastic bottles, yet they’re still using good old fashioned pewter jars for a diet rich in lead.

Now Quinti has started a motorcycle taxi agency. It’s a fine, upstanding business in which she uses Gramps’ moto, Gramps’ gas, and Gramps’ clothes to operate a vehicle in questionable condition without a proper license, and exceeds the speed limit. It’s even endorsed by Padre Tadeo. With passengers like chickens and doves it augments the petting zoo perfectly. And in addition to providing local clergyman with free transportation, she provides our hundreds of viewers with English lessons: Time is money, business, business, business, and my personal favorite, see you later! You know they’re desperate when they actually give Quinti some camera time.

So the brother of Baldie (guy in hospital) comes to the Reyes with a basket of fruit and vegetables from the market to repay them for their hospitality. Sorry it’s not cash, but it’s all we had. Here’s an idea: sell the fruits and vegetables from the market in the market and give the cash to the Reyes. Apparently they’re all family now—who isn’t in this joint? Oscar is a sour-puss because of his divorce with Jimena. Talk about a freakin’ ingrate… Oh, but there’s an explanation. Gabi took advantage of Jimena’s illness and made her sign the documents. Gee, I didn’t see that coming from a mile away. Well, the point is Oscar didn’t, and now feels really stupid, as he should.

Just as Aladdin would visit Jasmine from the balcony, Oscar finds a way to see Jimena by means of the balcony. He tells Jimena that he feels really guilty, etc., blah-blah, you know the drill… No matter how much he talks, she still sits there with that wide-eyed stare and heaving breasts. Oscar holds her hand and sobs. Jimena tears up. How? I don’t know.

Damian asks Padre Tadeo for some help: last night he saw a woman dressed all in black, who seemed to be suffering very much, who is it? Padre Tadeo says that it is absolutely ridiculous that someone would be walking around in the forest crying. That’s what all reason would tell you, but remember where you live. Well, Damian is going to see that woman again because she really impressed him, a lot.

Baby music. How it transports Sofia and me back to yonder years. I had a little white lamb and when you would wind the knob on its side it would play the same song… Anyway, Sofia is a basket case.

Whoa! Wrong wardrobe Juan, Rodrigo is over on set 3, this is FELS. Sorry, but for a minute I thought Juan was wearing clothing from this century. Anyway, he’s alive, and wants to know where the lady doctor is, apparently she’s alive too.

Uh oh, the tribe drunkard approaches said lady doctor and starts groping her. She resists, but the tequila has made him bold. He rips off her top and we see her boobies. Well, at least we know that these, unlike Rosario’s, are real because they jiggle more than Grandma’s jell-o.

Sofia has had it with the mourning and is going to take a stroll. Gee, she was only raped twice (that we know of) after she went walking in the woods at night; when will she ever learn? Well, Gabi is not going to have her daughter be the town “llorona” and demands that she stay at home. Nope. Sofia doesn’t care what people think about her. Somebody’s been reading Betty Friedan… Gabi is ashamed of her. Oh yeah? Well, you shame me for the way you treat my sisters. SLAP! Who are you to judge me? Gabi says that she’s gonna get rid of Sofia right this very instant. Do it! Do it! There isn’t much left to me! Honey, there never really was.

Well, the idiot decided to dress in black and take a stroll in the dark, spooky forest. Spanish guitar—that’s his cue (that’s what they do in low-budget productions). What would Damian be doing in the dark forest, too? We know that they are going to fall in love and propose marriage because everyone knows that Spanish guitars mean love. He looks into Sofia’s eyes with desire and asks who she is. Well, that’s one way to meet psycho/depressed/ex-mothers.
Why are you stopping me, with what right? Save it for community theater sweetheart. Damian can’t believe how much pain Sofia has. They say I’m the “llorona,” I guess I am. Wait, why am I talking to you, you’re a stranger. And, if I see you again, don’t talk to me. Spanish castanets; must mean she’s playing hard to get.

Juan is searching for the “llorona” in the middle of the same dark, spooky forest. Now I know these people have shit for brains, but I thought it was a fundamental human instinct to hunt and gather during the day. But then again, noting adventurous or sexy happens before 10:00 p.m. Uh oh. That can only be the cry of one woman; the lady doctor. The drunk hasn’t gotten very far and is still sitting on her trying to take off her tank tops. Juan arrives with time to spare and punches the guy out. Lady doctor actually looks like she enjoyed it. Juan takes off his shirt and gives it to lady doctor. They embrace. Uh oh. Sofia flashbacks urge him to call said lady doctor “mi niña.”

Ooo, Damian is rich; we know this because he is drinking wine by a fire in a village without phones. He still can’t get over Sofia’s sadness. Gosh, they really know how to drive a point home. Damian observes his Kama Sutra statue and ponders Sofia’s nineteenth-century sex appeal. He has to find out more… With all this Spanish music I’d be led to believe he’s Spanish. It’s obvious the sound managers are on crack—or retarded.

Interestingly enough (but not surprisingly), Sofia is having her own hot flashes and flashbacks. Why did she encounter the same man twice—with what right? Oh my God, for one second could we puh-lease try to pretend that we aren’t in a Lana Turner movie? Secondly, I want to point out how confused these people are. What would a guy like Damian see in Sofia? I think we all know that he’s going to propose marriage sometime in the near future, and most likely plant his seed in her battered garden.

The drunken guy is really fed up with Juan, and wants the witch doctor to knock him off. Don’t worry he’s got it coming to him, but then again, if a gunshot wound and a fifty-foot fall won’t do you in, I don’t know what will.

Half-naked Juan helps half-naked lady doctor tie her shirt strings. Like we haven’t seen this trick before… He almost chokes her. I think it’s supposed to be a romantic moment—blame the actors, I do. But when they tried to show Juan’s underwear, everything went downhill. Oh, I like a direct girl. She wants to know why he doesn’t give her a chance; they would make such a great couple. For such a “smart” girl, she is so dumb. Juan puts his arm around her. Could it be love? If the burlap shirt fits…

If I have to see one more scene where pious Sofia goes to church and begs the Virgin not to abandon her I’m going to throw this laptop through the TV. That would not be good…

From now on Fernie is the owner/master of the ranch and holds a staff meeting to inform everyone of his promotion.

Gramps tells Fernie that he is completely mistaken, and his lawyer has secured 20% of the ranch for Gramps. On top of that, Fernie admitted to stealing all of Gramps money. Wait a minute! You leave my husband alone says Gabi. Everyone hates Fernie because you’re all trying to ruin my happiness. If she could only grow up! She loves Fernie and is going to back him in everything. Be careful Gabi. Fernie is like a rat, and is going to steal all of your money! Gabi ponders, no it couldn’t happen…
Over at the Goodwill/Elizondo store of junk with inflated prices Sofia brightens visibly and greets everyone with smiles. Spanish guitar. Damian enters and something tells me he doesn’t want to make a purchase. I like how it took four people to say “buenos días” in a successive line.

Damian wants to get to know Sofia and offer her a friendship. This relationship is moving way too fast. She doesn’t mean to be rude (but she really does), but she doesn’t want a relationship with a man. I should have known she was into that sort of thing… The music here is ridiculous just as the women in this scene. They all check him out while he tries to convince Sofia that he wants to buy her crap.

Gabi asks Fernie if it’s true that he stole Gramps’s money. Of course it’s not true. My only interest is to protect you, would I do that? So this is what it looks like when you take the two most dysfunctional people in town and put them under one roof…

Franco is talking to his horse again. Where have you been? Have you found Juan? Are you gonna find him? Go look for him. OMG the horse actually goes. If they would only invest the money they paid the horse trainer in their script-writers’ salaries.

Well, you sure don’t see men like that around here says Rosario in response to Damian’s visit. Fernie is uncomfortable because he received orders from the boss. Completely unrelated, I know.

Uh oh. Black SUVs. That means trouble. My question is; why is it that they always come out of the wood work when Fernie passes by? Oh. There’s Oscar. He’s mad that Fernie made him sign that divorce paper. Oscar doesn’t understand that horses aren’t as fast as SUVs.

Oh my god. I just realized that Juan is supposed to have amnesia. Ok, this makes a little more sense, but you know how stupid he is, I thought he was just being himself. Well, anyway, Capricho comes along, and after weeks he finally found Juan. Juan sees him, rolls his eyes, screams in agony, rolls on the ground, scratches himself with sticks and rocks, and mostly screams some more. He reaches for Capricho but he is too far away. The witch doctor observes this display, and probably thinks that now he doesn’t have to kill Juan. I really don’t think there are words to articulate Juan’s display of what I think I just saw.

Tomorrow: Eva says that Damian didn’t come into the store for handicrafts, but for Sofia. Oh my God, you think? You would have to be blind, deaf, and retarded not to have gathered that. Oh, not only that, but Damian wants to cure the wounds of Sofia’s heart. But what about Juan? Just know that, as always, he’s happy in his own little world.


Hey Nicolas; You're fast and you're funny, what more can I say? I love your interpretation of the music as ethno-emotional cues (the clicking of castanets=playing hard to get, ROFL!) And by the way, I watch this hopeless melodrama because I LOVE Lana Turner movies! Who else would bother?
The final scene with Juan...I think the director watched re-runs of the Incredible Hulk and instructed Juan to pretend like his body was morphing into a Latin version of Lou Ferigno. Only explanation I can think of.

Nicolas, very funny as usual. A mental health care professional, could have an endless supply of patients in this little burg and its surroundings. Replace Hot Doc with a Shrink. We know Damien has to have his own issues to find La Llorona appealing in any remote way. Franco and Damien's beautiful Golden Retriever are the only characters I like at this moment, maybe just the dog. Sorry, E Y your imitation of the Hulk, though hilarious, isn't balancing out your limited swimming scenes. G in CA

Nicolas: OMG, you are hysterical! Too many funny quips to repeat but seriously, dude, you rock! I'm a happily married woman but I would love to watch this show with you. I'm sure your comments would be fast & furious, even more so than your fingers on a keyboard.

Yes, why would Damian find Sobfia attractive? Wan complexion, tear stains on her cheeks, wardrobe of an Italian widow from, even Sneerita has more spark than this downer chick. Alas, we're stuck with a totally predictable and stupid script.

I-Juan-A-Brain's performance last night was...hmmm...can't even come up with an appropriate adjective. I think Caprichio was watching with a "wtf" look on his intelligent face. Heck, it only took the horse 5 minutes to find Juan while Oscar spent weeks looking (remember, he had a full beard when he came back) & came back Juan-less.

Animal score: 25
Human score: -52
Time to recast the leads.


Thanks Nic for the snarky recap. What an episode. Abuelo needs to keep his mouth shut or Feo's going to shut it for him.

Nicolas: Wonderful funny recap.

The nocturnal scene between Damian and Sofia, with each of them at opposite ends of the screen, dark clouds and fog was a picture worthy of the cover of a paperback novel.

Juan vs. Damian. Juan and Damian in love with Sofia? Love Juan, love Damian. Damian must have been dropped on his head as a baby.

Gramps is turning into Crabi's fortuneteller. Yup - he's going to take all your money and property and dump you like an old rag. I loved that line.

Hasta manana.

Thanks for the great recap, Nico. I missed this episode and didn't get to record it. I feel like I saw it, though. Well, I have. Each scene has already been replayed in previous episodes. Argh! ITA with you---fire the animal trainer and put the money toward real script writer salaries, to replace the 8th graders who have been writing this stuff.

And Sob-fía walking through Rape Alley Forest at night .. .yet again ... sometimes those idiots who say "she was asking for it" are right.

I'm keeping my Telenovela Beanie Hat tied securely to my head, and added the AFDB liner for this silly telenovela.

doris (who is still drooling over the dark, rich soil in Mexidoon...)

I was so excited to see Coyote pop up out of the ground again in his black SUV. He could have at least shot at Feo or something. I was totally grossed out by Creepy Porn Dude. He looks like a walking skeleton. That witch doctor guy is just stupid. I hope we don't have to see him in his diaper any more. Yuck.

Great recap! I do have a question, though. Didn't Rosario share something about Armando to the girls? Something about being odd?

You have no idea how this blog helps me with learning Spanish. Thanks to you all!

Thanks for the funny 'cap, Nick. Gawd, I wish that they would get this thing moving. Capricho finding Juan does not qualify as movement...The scene with Juan rolling on the ground had me laughing out loud. EY must have been bien enojado to have been forced to do that scene. And the idiotic sequential "buenos dias" scene at the goodwill store!...What is Crabi thinking now about Feo? I would think that in her subconcious she would know that Augie has her best interests in mind, and that he tells the truth. Seems like she had a spark of doubt/revelation in her facial expression. Too little too late?.. Everyone in this needs their own, personal epiphany....

I think Juan needs a good bath or a swim to get all that dirt off of him. Don't you Molly?! :) I love Capricho. He is the only one with a lick of sense in his head. So here's an idea, hmmmmmmm maybe instead of Franco sending Capricho off by himself, perhaps it would be a good idea for someone to follow him.

Connie: that would require Franco to think. And he supposed to be the one brother who actually had some schooling! We all know that when the Reyes hermanos try to think, they look constipated.

Where's my beanie???



So true. Why is Franco the only one that works? Your beanie should be on its way. :) I'd like to find one and put them on my dogs. Do they still make those things?

I found some beanie hats at the following link. I might just order one.

Dorado Dave: if Crabbi had a moment of "personal epiphany" she'd probably run out and buy some extra-strength deodorant to deal with it.

Teresita, Rosario shared to the girls that Armando informed her that Feo was looking for someone to take the rap/blame for something bad he had done. Armando feels that he might be the target Feo is looking for but didnt give her any more details. Rosy is nervous about the whole thing cause she know something suspicious is going on. Ya think!

Now why cant everyone put their little tid bit pieces of brain together to make one complete one and figure out that Feo and Crabi have guilty written all over them? Can't happen....the writers/directors/producers have tid bit pieces too.

Obviously the trinket store hasn't made enough money to hire an investigator so Slofia has taken it upon herself to search the woods at night where instead of seeking the help from anyone she comes across that might of seen or heard something, she rejects him because of course when she finds her daughter, the baby girl will be all alone feeding herself and changing her own diaper.

LL in LA

And when I can't find something I always search for it in the dark!

Connie, maybe Juan will hop on Caprichos back and they will go for a swim together. Now that I could watch, beautiful man with his equally beautiful pony going for a swim. Maybe a nice ride to dry off. Really, if the story is stalled and no one is going to bathe or swim, I don't want to watch!

Why didn't I get to see Oscar shave off the beard? And boy can Jorge grow serious hair! He came back looking like Grizzly Adams.

Thanks Nic for a hilarious, coffee spewed on screen recap. I am having a bit of trouble getting back into the insanity of this plot. The screenwriters could do a magical realism number on this that would be fabulous but this is more of the genre of unmagical unrealism. Capricio was the saving grace of the episode with a few moments of darling Damian to warm my heart. However, his interest in the tearful one disqualifies him as desirable too.

I think Capricho's going to take one look at Juan flipping out on the ground, turn around and go home without him, and tell Franco that Juan's dead.

Sofi and the music box reminded me of an ancient Little House on the Prairie episode when there was a fire at the blind school and Mary's baby died. For weeks, Mary lay in bed, almost as catatonic as Jimena, but humming that same lullaby (Brahm's?).

Really the whole thing is crazy, the only thing they are missing at this point is show stopping Busby Berkley musical number!

Thank goodness for the fast forward button. :-P

Oh yay Molly! Busby Berkely! How about we reprise Fred and Ginger to entertain us while the writers try to figure how to get back on track.

I bet Rosario could do one heck of a Sally Rand fan dance!

Maybe they just need some crazy woman to fly in inside a bubble and tell Sophie she has always had the power to find her baby if she would just click her heels together three times! Of course that would mean a house is about to fall on Gabby! Now that would be cool.

I only want 80% of the hacienda to fall on Gaby. I'd like Grandpa's 20% to somehow remain intact. :-)

Molly, Julie: I am only home this morning waiting for a work-person who has not showed up yet. But, I'm liking the Wizard of Oz parallel!
Sufria could follow the yellow brick road to find her baby. Gabi could cackle "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!" Oh wait, do we have a tin woodsman, a lion and a scarecrow (aka, "if I only had a brain")
I think we have a hit!!!

Creemelo, I think we know where they are getting the story!

Eva can be Aunt Em, G-pa can be Prof Marvel/Oz, the boys, Scarecrow-Juan, Tin Man-Franco, Lion-Oscar. Quintina on FF, all of the munchkin land!

And Crabi's feet would curl up and disappear. Now that would be cool! ;)

Wow, it started out as a joke but now I see the unmistakeable parallels...hmmm, do we have munchkins living around Las Barrancas, or Cd Serdan? How about Glenda?
We are all definitly going to need "Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead" T-shirts to wear for the final episode!!!

I think they look more like umpa-lumpas. But that's a different movie!

I think that the final punishment for Feo and Crabi would be to bannish them to Las Barrancas to live forever. Feo would have to wear a diaper and Crabi could bake bread.

Crabi should have to get her freak on with Creapy Porn Dude. How's that for a visual? :-}

I so can't spell today. Creepy.

If I were a trinket shopper and I entered the Elizondo girls' store to be feebly greeted by four stone faced women ( in a line no less,) I think I would have turned my behind around and headed out the door. G in CA

Loved the recap, Nicolás...the more annoyed you get, the funnier you get. Especially enjoyed the "somebody's been reading Betty Friedan". Too right.

Also, my kids had the same windup lamb, same song. 'Twas a tender moment for me.

Now...true story...even though ostensibly a tear could not actually slide down Mz. Catatonic's cheek, a friend of mine keeping vigil by her father's deathbed, had a very similar experience.

Dad was in a coma in a hospice, had not had any fluids for days. He was a bad dad (no way around it, he was), an alcoholic who kept marrying progressively younger women than his own daughter. Never cared a lick about anybody.

She stayed by his side and cared for him that last day and when she told him she loved him and had forgiven tear slid down his cheek.

She'll remember that forever.

And it can happen.

This telenovela sucks in every way....but that one seemingly ridiculous moment is one that can actually take place. As for the rest, ye gods, I hope not!

Oh man Connie! I'm eating lunch! Ack! Blech! Pewtuie!

JudyB, I had a similar experience when my brother passed. I always told myself it was just because he had a problem with that eye all through the end of the chemo and was not really a tear. He was in a coma also and it happened just a few hours before the end. Guess you just never know.

Judy--thanks for sharing, that is really neat; it makes that moment all the more tender.

Cheryl--how was Spain? Too bad you have to come back to FELS, but at least there are Spanish guitars, right?

Nicolas and Cheryl: Thanks for the last two recaps, both very amusing. I was over in "reality" land with dancing stars and runway designers, only visiting the "unreality" of FELS during the commercials. I did think about going to the cedar chest and digging out an empty baby sweater to cuddle. It would make a nice ensemble with my foil-lined beanie. I'm rooting for the five-couple wedding finale. They can stand in a circle, with Padre Tadeo twirling in the center.
La Paloma

You all have entertained me something fierce today. LOLOL

Thanks! You too, of course, Nic.

I appreciate your "tear" story, JudyB.

Thanks for the very funny re-cap as always.
This story keeps growing, branching and getting more unwieldy by the day!

When Damian showed up I knew we must be in the "extension" of this story, boy what a stretch. He must be seriously messed up, I mean Sofia looks much better in black than in her peasant pink but really...

Just seeing how the writers get this back after going so far off the rails will be an adventure in itself!

Think Damien likes to swim? Enquiring minds want to know.
randy, sea.

You know he doesn't have to swim. He could just splash around a little. I definitiely it should be a requirement don't you think?

He'll have to stake out his own waterfall.

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