Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Querida Enemiga #75 October 7, '08 Sicko Sara Goes Psycho

Alternate title: Delusional, diabolical, despicable and dangerous...what's not to like?

Time Warner was messing with us tonight. Had to update the software before I could get off the MSNBC channel and locate Univision. So the first twenty minutes or so have been patched in from Youtube. Hope I didn't miss anything. Let me know if I did.

Rehash: Sara's having a cozy little chat with Granny. Want to know your real granddaughter's name? she hisses. It's Lorena....the "pelapapas". That's the last bit of news you'll get before you rot in Hell. Downstairs the doorbell is ringing frantically. Lorena wants the dumb maid (Ferro's term but it's right on) to tell Sara she's looking for her. Dumb maid keeps insisting Sara's not here....she's at the office and has telephoned Joaquina for a change of clothes.

Meanwhile, Sara is torturing Hortensia with her own little version of "he loves me, he loves me not" only this time it's" I'm smothering you, I'm not smothering you not." Hortensia is moaning in between pillow smashes and hyperventilating. I keep expecting her to die of a heart attack but the tough old broad hangs in there.

Dumb maid is still protesting that Sara's not there but fortunately Lorena insists on seeing for herself. She rushes up the stairs, pounds mightily on the door and finds that it's locked. Sends dumb maid off for keys while she continues to yell" Sara, I know you're in there. Open up!" As if.

Finally the door is unlocked. Impactada look on Lorena. (I imagine they inserted an ad here but I don't know) Next scene, we see Sara running out through the gate, hopping in the waiting taxi and roaring off.

From one villain to another....Dr. Despicable arrives home and is plenty annoyed when his favorite whipping post is not there with a hot meal. The man is hungry damnit! And that good-for-nothing has left a note that she's at her parents' house.

Lorena is now hovering over Hortensia, asking her if she feels alright. Lots of moaning from Hortensia. The curtain is blowing in the wind so Lorena surmises that Sara jumped out the window.

Now wait just a minute folks. Hortensia's room is on the second floor of a muy grande mansion. You're telling me that Sara jumped out with breaking a leg or something!? She wasn't even limping when she raced to the taxi. Got a little suspension of disbelief FELS style going on here.

Okay, back to the action. Dumb maid is still fussing about what a pest Lorena is being while Lorena looks on wonderingly at Hortensia. You're my grandmother...I never thought I would see you so helpless she muses.

Quick switch to Zulema's house where Maruja is ooohing and aaahing over Diana's baby. When Zulema comes in, Maruja gives them the news about Vasco being felled by a bullet. Zully and Maruja hug, united by their concern for Vasco. Looks like peace is being made between these two old friends.

In the meantime, Lorena asks the maid to get her a glass of water and when she goes, leans over and tells Hortensia that she's her real granddaughter and that Sara is an impostor. Hortensia is flapping her hand a gazillion miles a minute to signal that she understands. Hortensia makes it clear that Sara WAS there and wants to communicate something else but Lorena doesn't think to get paper and pencil.

We break to Erneso (THANK YOU!!!) who's at the culinary institute, reminiscing about golden moments with Lorena. He's remembering when she shoved a hot dog in his mouth and he pretended to hate it and then ordered another. Now maybe I just dated the wrong kind of guys, but the fellows I know would be reminiscing about the last great lovemaking moment....not eating hot dogs. Male readers, what about you? Inquiring minds want to know. And frankly, I wouldn't have minded a rerun of the picnic moment.

Conclusion: Ernesto still has some points. He clearly loves Lorena and hasn't forgotten her in two seconds flat like his other conquests. He' s still in the running as far as I'm concerned.

Lorena, still at Hortensia's bedside, is remonstrating with the maid about leaving Granny alone. Maid explains that Sara orders people around like she's the head honcho and Joaquina had to go because now they have no chauffeur.

Sara, still riding in the taxi is fuming about Lorena being there and foiling her plans to bump off the old lady. Gives the house a call, pretending she's still waiting for Joaquina to arrive with the clothes. Dumb maid has suddenly become brilliant and is able to interpret Lorena's frantic hand signals and lies to Sara that Lorena has left the place. After that, Lorena settles down to await Sara's return, much to the maid's annoyance.

The vigil also continues at Zully's house. Diana's on the phone trying to get to the health center where Vasco is being cared for. Maruja and Zulema hover with her, worrying and praying.

At the office, Greta is slinging her boobs in Omar's face while they ostensibly talk about her computer skills. Fortunately the phone rings, "It's your wife," sighs Greta and once Omar hears the news, he takes off for home. Saved by the bell.

We interrupt this drama for a quickie talk on gastric bypass and stomach stapling with Alonso explaining to the patient that she can lose 13 to 17 pounds in a month and the weight loss will be good for her heart. No mention of the possible complications.

Back to Zully's house. Omar calls Jaime to tell him that God won't let Vasco die and the whole family's praying for him. Maruja is here with us, he adds. Joaquina arrives back at the mansion. Lorena asks if she actually SAW Sara and of course she didn't. That's because Sara was here! insists Lorena. The door was locked from the inside!

Aha...now we're on Univision. Before, that was Youtube. If there was anything squirrelly, I apologize.

Don Toribio is at Catalina's house commenting on the lovely decor. Evidently it was her parents' house and she's kept it just the way they had it. Ickturo comes down and unwillingly shakes Toribio's hand, not even looking at him. Toribio tries to make chitchat, commenting that he's heard Arturo is a great businessman. Imports, mumbles Arturo. Jacqui, in her ever-present sweatpants arrives and says, Is it a party.?...and no one invited me? Whoops...she sees Toribio and says What are you doing here? Then they pretend not to know each other. Then Arturo and Catalina ask for the truth and Toribio clarifies that Jacqui is the ex-wife of his daughter's ex-husband. (the kind of thing you can only say on a soap opera)

We have a mercifully brief scene of Paula and Dario fighting. He came home for lunch. She's not happy. She would have rather met him for lunch. Well he'll be late to dinner. Aha! Another woman! It's inventory time. Hard work. Inventory...inventing is more like it! Inventing excuses while you see another woman. He slams out the door telling her she's unbearable. She snarls at the closed door. We need a marriage counselor with a blowtorch for these two.

Barbara and Jaime finally get to the Health Center and the doc tells them they got the bullet out but Vasco is "muy delicado". When they see him he looks dead, frankly. All they'd need to do is pull up that paper cover a little higher. Barbara and Jaime hold onto each other in parental anguish.

Augusta finally gets back to the mansion and the two maids are all a-twitter because Lorena is still hanging around. "What do you want me to do!? snaps Augusta "I'm going up to Doña Hortensia!" I really like this lady's style.

It's dark and Sara finally arrives home in her own car. There is hissing snake like music as she enters and demands of Lorena What are you doing in MY house?! Sara appears truly psycho as she maintains that she IS the real granddaughter... the Mother Superior told her so! Even when Lorena whips out the DNA tests....Sara is momentarily stunned; then comes back with...You've falsified the evidence! Each one screams at the other to get out and Lorena finally hauls off and slaps Sara hard. You robbed me of my family, my past, Lorena screams. GET OUT! I'm going to crush you like the viper you are! You know me, Sara, I've never hated anyone....but now I hate you.

It just goes on and on. Sara starts hauling out her packet of rancor....You Lorena were always the treasured one, the saint. Because of you I was never adopted. They always preferred you. Lorena counters that Sara's delusional (too true) and that Lorena tried to get the potential parents to adopt both of them. And she chose to stay with her beloved "sister" Sara rather than go off with an adoptive family herself.

Don't play the martyr, snarls Sara. I don't want your pity. It wasn't pity, replies Lorena, it was love....the love of a sister. And I loved you, admits Sara....I loved you....and I hated you. And I abhor you now that you're messing up my plans for my life. You planned to rob me of my family, my past, my life, counters Lorena. So what!?....you never cared about money. You were fine with these third-rate people, reeking of cheap cooking oil. I deserved to be with a rich family. Look at how I'm running the business and ordering these people around while you were happy selling muffins in the street.

When Lorena asserts that Sara and Chalo will pay for their misdeeds, Sara tells her that Chalo's dead....a suicide. One less witness. Or maybe you killed him, charges Lorena. You'd love to blame me for everything, wouldn't you? snarls Sara. If you had a shred of dignity, you'd leave, asserts Lorena. NO, YOU LEAVE!!! screams Sara. How could I not believe the saintly Mother Superior. I AM the true granddaughter. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO THROW ME OUT!

Maybe not, but Doña Hortensia does, says Augusta, clumping down the stairs and waving the "Sara Asesina" paper in her hand. Sara is still uncowed. You wrote that yourself! she snaps, dismissing it.

Finally Lorena has to threaten to call the police and reminds Sara what a scandal it would be if the "chef de moda de la television" was hauled down to the police station. This finally gets through to Sara and between Lorena and Augusta, she's hustled up the stairs to pack up her things. Not without more threats though. You can't hurt me anymore, Lorena assures her. No? I'm just getting started. You're contemptible....and that's what Alonso feels for you also...contempt. This statment stops Sara in tracks.

Alonso knows? she gasps. Alonso is the one who ordered the DNA tests, smirks Lorena. He did it because he never stopped loving me! Sara is briefly crushed but then fires back again....I was ALWAYS better than you, Lorena! If you were, you wouldn't have had to cheat and lie...you could have surpassed me honestly. I hated you and now I ABHOR you, Sara snarls.

There are a couple of brief segues away from all this screaming. One when Toribio and Alonso discuss Catalina and whether or not Paula will be upset that Pops is hanging around with a family that now includes Jacqui. And then a scene with Hortensia where she indicates to Augusta that she wants to see her real granddaughter Lorena again.

Now back to the catfight, with Zully and Omar now added in. Sara tells them she's ashamed of them and they tell her they're equally ashamed of her....she should be in jail! Sara then insults Zully, calling her a cheap cook, a fatty and a pig. Don't insult my mother! yells Lorena and decks Sara. We get that standard "I'll kill you " revenge look from Sara before she heads out to her car. But Lorena snatches the keys away...it's not YOUR car!....and off Sara goes into the night, hauling her suitcase. But she's not beaten and she'll never be beaten!

Brief scene with Rossy on the phone to Julian, musing that if Lorena has gone to the mansion she has surely put Sara in her place. Mom Maruja is so upset she was unable to go to work and Rossy's staying with her.

So neither one of them is at the restaurant when the sauce hits the fan once more. Ernesto's still thinking about Lorena (and eliminating Jimena as a possible consolation prize). He's so distracted he puts the wrong sauce on an entrée and Monica, with her chalk-on-blackboard screech wants to know whassup. If it's Lorena, let Monica help him forget the little chit. So Ernesto hauls her off for a talking-to. I should never have slept with you. What!?? cries a lurking Raimundo. Pop is plenty mad. He cut Ernesto slack about his womanizing but he never expected him to use and abuse his daughter! Get out and get out now! Monica begs Dad not to run him off and he tells her to hush! and what kind of woman is she not to make herself respected!? The kitchen staff is upset for sure but Ernesto is out of there.

Lorena is now back at Zully's house but we know that Omar has stayed behind. Sara has evidently found a taxi in the middle of nowhere (thank God for cellphones) and is in some little pension room, vowing revenge and planning to have everyone involved crying "lagrimas de sangre". You'll pay for this humiliation, Lorena! If you want war, you'll get war.

Brief scene with Diana feeding an incredibly noisy, slurping little baby and wishing she could be with Vasco, caring for him. True telenovela style....at the same moment Vasco weakly murmurs Diana's name. Barbara, who's been wiping his forehead with a cloth, then wipes his mouth with the same cloth. Hmmm. Trying to wipe those words away?

And our final scene is a winner. Omar has sent off Augusta so he can have a heart to heart with his weeping mom. I don't know if Zulema will ever forgive you, he says gently. But Lorena will....she's a good girl. And I want no more bitteness and rancor. I've forgiven Jaime and I forgive you....MAMA. Hortensia weeps some more and looks meaningfully at Omar. And I'm a sentimental fool and weep right along with her. THE END

Except it isn't. Not even "ultimas semanas" so we know Sara has lots more evil doings in store. Probably Bruno as well. The previews show Sara vowing to get everything back, INCLUDING ALONSO (You go girl! Leave Ernesto to Lorena though, please)....and there's a scene where Sara shows up at Alonso's door. (Really this guy needs to move and get an unlisted number). So stayed tuned.


When I think of how much damage Sara did in the first 3 weeks, Ultimas Semanas seems like a year.

I've also been thinking of how, during the first few weeks, Snorty's nose was so fascinating to us. It's still a creepy little nose, but I've been so impressed with all of the acting this woman has been able to do with her eyes and her hands. A fully animated Alonso can't emote that much.

And Sara, what a conceited idiot, she could have killed Snorty five times with that pillow instead of playing "I'm smothering you/no I'm not." Not that I wanted her to succeed. But I was hoping that she'd fail thanks to Lorena's ingenuity, not thanks to Sara's incompetence.

Lastly, the bariatric surgery... it can be psychologically traumatic, even without any surgical complications. Most doctors will order you to undergo counseling even before you have the surgery. If eating is one of the greatest joys in your life, and suddenly you can eat only a few teaspoons at a time, this is not going to be a trivial adjustment.

A few weeks ago, Zule had a PLATE of hamburgers in front of her. To pretend that this surgery is going to be a simple fix for somehow who derives so much comfort from food is a dangerous and cruel lie.

Thanks for the recap JudyB. That was quite an episode. While Sara did go psycho at least she was stopped from killing Hortensia and was given a few slaps from Lorena.

Al really does need to move b/c that psycho is going to stalk him until the end of this novela. I almost feel sorry for him but then I remember if he had kept his stethoscope to himself, Sara might not be so crazy for him.

It does concern me that we are not in the "ultimate semanas" and Sara's been unmasked. Thinking of new havoc she will reek is not a happy thought.

ITA Julie. This novela is portraying gastric bypass as some type of easy alternative method for weight loss. It's really irresponsible and dangerous.

Thanks for the prompt and good recap.

I guess the enormity of finding her parents and confronting sara have taken center stage for Lorena. But I am disappointed that it seems as though she has totally forgotten that Ernesto exists. To go from being so in love and wanting to marry someone to not thinking about him at all....even if she is angry with him. But if she still loved him, wouldn't she want to share whatever has happened? This does not bode well for Ernesto and the little ones.

Recently there was a discussion about who was worse -Sara or Gabriela. (I dont remember whether it was here or FELS). Sara really is worse because like a real sociopath, she has no emotion about what she does and feels absolutely no guilt either. Crabi on the other hand is always justifying what she does --it's because she's a good mother, or because of her religion, etc., etc.I think she does feel some guilt, because she needs to rationalize her bad acts. Sara is going to go on quite a rampage, I'm predicting, to get even with Lorena. I hope I'm wrong, because I hate the show when it focuses on Sara and her evil deeds. I'd even prefer to watch Lorena and slow get back together than for the show mostly to be taken up with Sara as it was in the beginning.
NJ sue

Julie...when I mentioned that there was no discussion of the complications, I didn't even think of the psychological ones. Thanks for bringing that up. I know several people who have had this type of surgery and they have had physical complications and repeated surgeries and treatments. These days, just the risk of getting a resistent staph infection is enough to make one think twice about ANY kind of surgery, much less one performed by a fellow who had one little stint in Canada as preparation!

And I agree....the actress playing Hortensia is awesome. I don't even notice her nose anymore.

NJ Sue, I think Diana of MA posed that question here...who's worse, Gabriela or Sara. I'm just glad Sara doesn't have an assault rifle; she could seriously go postal on everybody, given her deep-seated sense of entitlement and rage. She is an extreme version of an ugly little trait we all have...envy of others and the sense that we should have what someone better off possesses. We're all on a continuum of mental health or mental disease. Gabriela is also an extreme case I would say. We all manage to justify our selfish acts but hers are so extreme and egregious that we find it hard to believe. Diana Bracho plays her well.

Karen, I'm ready to hide my eyes and dive under the seat on this one (my reaction at age 13 when I went to the movie Psycho). I think things are going to get REALLY SCARY.

Oh...and NJ Sue...yes, what about poor Ernesto? I know the reunion with her real parents and the confrontation with Sara is overwhelming...but she could have told him when he arrived and saw her hugging Alonso in front of the hotel. However, such simple direct action never happens in telenovelas so we can wring our hands all we want.... ain't gonna happen.

If it weren't for learning Spanish, I'd avoid these emotional rollercoaster shows....but wait, then I wouldn't have met you all and the thoughts and humor we share are really a big plus in my life. So, let the emotional carnage begin!

JudyB: I haven't watched this telenovela - other than the little bits that appear before Cuidado - just not enough time in my life, but I do read the recaps. At last someone used a DNA test to prove a familial relationship.

Yep Pasofino....although it took an awfully long time to get around to it. We're nearing the end of this telenovela and Sara the sadistic impostor has been causing mayhem and murder for quite some time now.

I know Cuidado con el Angel has the same premise...phony wicked lady pretending to be true adoptee and I commiserate with you all. But Hell's Bells....William Levy is Laurence Olivier compared to Gabriel Soto....and cuter too! Just enjoy that brown-eyed beefcake while the writers take forever to sort out who is the true daughter of Patricio and what's her name.

JudyB: I vote for the second title. Whooeyee! I thought watching it was exhausting! Your wonderful recap has worn me out all over again.
"At the office, Greta is slinging her boobs in Omar's face while they ostensibly talk about her computer skills." Greta has become persona non-Gr[a]ta as far as I'm concerned and Paula has begun to turn back into a major shrew, though Dario is no great shakes either. Everybody's got trust issues these days. What's so wrong with inviting Paula down to the place to see for herself, anyway?
Anywhoo, I was jumping for joy during that whole rock-em-sock-em with Sara. Almost better than chocolate!

JudyB you are so right to snark on Ernesto's daydream of eating the hot dog. Of all their romantic interludes he's dreaming of hot dogs? I think not.

Greta you perra! She's definitely after Omar. I like Omar, but he seems a bit insipid to me when it comes to the ladies. And lately every time Zully gets annoyed with him it's "don't touch me", not good.

Wow, I was a bit surprised at Lorena's vehemence when she had it out with Sara. I know she's justified and all, but she really hit Sara hard. I'm not sure I approve of that sort of violence. But hey, since she was defending her real mom I guess it's OK. And it's symbolic, and OK I admit I cheered! And I do love how all the anvils from Sara's past are crowding in over her head. Hombre de misterio called it perfectly when he said the TN villains can't resist giving soliloquies before getting down to business. I laughed through the whole pillow scene, what a scream.

Interesting comments y'all on the flippant way bariatric surgery is portrayed on this show. I also thought it was a little weird that Dr. Dumb goes off to a six-week tutorial (or however long it was) and is ready to jump right into the operating room.

Great job JudyB, your youtube section was perfect. Way to go!

A couple of quick comments:

- The scene between Sara and Hortensia was amazing. I think, NJ Sue, that the Sara character is not LIKE a sociopath, she IS a sociopath as I understand the meaning of the word. And that was a truly sadistic scene, too. Probably both actresses should be recognized.

- OK, the catfight betwixt Lorena and Sara. Probably almost as good as the catfight between the gypsy girls in "From Russia with Love" way back when.

And, with the James Bond ref, let me ask for votes from you ladies:

Fabio: hot or not?

Sean Connery: hot or not?

(you've already voted on Alonso & Ernesto)

Emilia's seen me do this survey before, and it's always gotten interesting results.

judyb: You captured all of last night's events perfectly (as usual) and with great humor. In addition to your "Dr. Wifebeater", Bruno/Brutus now has another fitting nickname:"Dr. Despicable". Excellent!

I loved seeing Sara on a downward spiral. However, her revenge will be swift and demonic I'm sure...

It's said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so perhaps that is why Ernesto flashed back to the hot dog eating scene with Lorena rather than remembering a romantic scene (with him being a chef and all).

Julie, Hortensia's acting has been wonderful, I wholeheartedly agree.

Karen, I laughed out loud and agree with your comment that it would have been best if Alonso "had kept his stethoscope to himself".

NJ Sue, I have been wondering too about Lorena seeming to forget about Ernesto. She has had a lot going on, but it's amazing to think that he still doesn't know about her finding her parents.

Mike: Sean Conery hot. Fabio not. Diana in MA

Because Ernesto is a foodie and a womanizer, it doesn't strike me as strange that he's hung up on that hot dog incident. He's had lots of sex, but apparently very few hot dogs. I doubt that Lorena taught him anything new in bed, but she did teach him the joy of sausage. So to speak.

I think we're only a couple of days from Ultimas Semanas, assuming that Ultimas is six weeks, but Sara can do an incredible lot of damage during that time. The stuff that came before was just a warmup, I fear. Remember how we were worried that she would try to frame Lorena for murder? Now would be a good time for that.

And good point, Karen, on Alonso needing a new address because I can't even imagine what she'll do to him.

Now to the important stuff:

Fabio: Hotter on a book cover than in live action, but awesomely funny in those margarine ads.

Connery: In real life strikes me as a jerk (I still remember his comment about slapping women to keep 'em in line). But he is my second favorite James Bond (Lazenby is my favorite).

Yikes....I've been out in pouring rain and dragging groceries up the driveway because my daughter's blocking the garage and has locked her keys in the car.

But you guys are warming me up with your comments....soo funny. Hey Mike...I want to know Emilia's opinion on these two before I comment! And besides, the late Paul Newman is the only one for me.

Julie, you win for the" Ernesto has had lots of sex but not many hot dogs" analysis. And I agree...I doubt that our little Lorena is an inventive bombshell in bed... so Joy of Sausage it is.

Diana, glad you liked Dr. Despicable....I like Calamity's Greta persona non grata quip! This is a clever group, that's for sure.

Sylvia, I was not only surprised at the violence Lorena showed, but even the cruelty in reminding Sara of Alonso's contempt for her. But that was realistic...when very angry, even the saintliest person is going to be mean and strike where they know it will hurt the most.

I believe all of us are capable of violence and cruelty, given the right (wrong) circumstances. Alas!

Julie: Ernesto's "had lots of sex but apparently very few hot dogs". Priceless. Diana in MA

Excellent recap of an action-packed epidode! Of course this won't happen, but to me, Sara is guilty of attempted murder (both in pushing Hortensia down the stairs, and trying to smother her). She could be arrested, and Hortensia could testify in writing. It wouldn't matter whether Sara was the granddaughter or not, this is a serious crime, and she'd be in jail for years. There's eyewitness testimony, and possibly physical evidence if the police checked the window, etc. She certainly had motive and opportunity.

I'm also still waiting for Hortensia's lawyer to return, since she probably told him to change the will (in that note she wrote to him).

Sara was definitely clever, coming back to the house at night, wearing the change of clothes. Lorena was way too upfront about the whole thing. They should have set up an elaborate trap or sting, and caught Sara in the act (maybe they'll do this eventually).

Great recap. I didn't used to watch the show (or use such bad grammar as in this sentence) but y'all's hilarious recaps have sucked me in and now I must see it.

I am so mad at Lorena! I think it's totally okay to dump someone you've been dating casually for any lame reason or no reason whatsoever, but she and Ernesto were engaged! I think she owes him a little more consideration than one short mention of what she's mad about, then ignoring him. So if she doesn't give him more of a chance than that, she will be far less heroine-like in my eyes at least, regardless of how saintly they make Alonso.

Seriously, could they try any harder to make Alonslow saintly? Now he can cure obesity, quick and easy, no complications or emotional trauma! (ITA with others above...you need to overcome the emotional reasons for overeating, or the bypass will just cause more problems). I suppose next we will hear the heart-wrenching story of how he suffered a tragic childhood illness, and the tricky brain surgery he needed rendered him unable to move his face, but all that time in the hospital inspired him to become a doctor.

Good idea Julia, except maybe it wasn't an illness, but an injury that happened while he was rescuing a busload of nuns, kittens, and babies.

Alonso volunteered for the priesthood, but they turned him away, saying that a guy as saintly as he is owes it to the human race to reproduce his awesome DNA.

mmm...you guys have your thinking caps on. Yes, Hombre, surely the Mexican police could dust for fingerprints on that window frame and get Hortensia's written testimony. But then they couldn't drag out this telenovela for a few more months.

Ditto for Lorena's strangely insensitive treatment of her fiancé, our beloved Ernesto....thanks for reminding us, Julia...they're not just dating, she's wearing his friggin' ring...the one he hid in chocolate cake!!! She had all afternoon waiting for Sara to give the poor man a phone call, after all.

BUT, if we wanted logic, we'd be reading books instead of tearing our hair out over this telenovela.
So glad I have all you funny people to vent with! (whoops Julia, speaking of grammar...but I've heard it's now o.k to end a sentence with a preposition)

ooooh Julie...I missed your two comments while I was writing mine. You and Julia make a great tandem team.

I opt for the" priesthood but no, please reproduce!" scenario but the kittens, nuns and babies works too...anything against puppies?

JudyB, thanks for the delightful recap! Great titles, whichever you use!

“Sara is torturing Hortensia with her own little version of "he loves me, he loves me not" only this time it's" I'm smothering you, I'm not smothering you not."” LOL! Hortensia needed some payback, but this is a little much. I bet this will be enough to make her rethink how she relates to EVERYONE in her world. She’s totally dependent and at Sara’s mercy. Not a pleasant place to be with a psycho. I expected a heart attack, too, and wondered if Sara hoped for that so it couldn’t be traced back to her.

“she continues to yell" Sara, I know you're in there. Open up!" As if.” LOL! That was pretty silly.

“Now wait just a minute folks. Hortensia's room is on the second floor of a muy grande mansion. You're telling me that Sara jumped out with breaking a leg or something!? She wasn't even limping when she raced to the taxi. Got a little suspension of disbelief FELS style going on here.” LOL! I thought something was bothering me about this, and wondered what it was. That’s it!

“Hortensia is flapping her hand a gazillion miles a minute to signal that she understands.” LOL! Pretty funny—good thing Sara hadn’t figured out yet that she could understand because Sara would have just offed her right then. Hortensia-the actress—is doing a fabulous job. In TNs we get a lot of folks in comas, etc., and like her—she’s actually giving us something to talk about and not just lying there. She’s fighting to get better.

Our Lore’s not so naïve as she used to be—she knew instantly that the door couldn’t be locked inside by Hortensia with no one else in there. Very good, Lore, your observational skills have sharpened up a lot since your DNA was vetted. Before that, you actually believed some of what Sara had to say and didn’t pick up a lot of cues.

“We need a marriage counselor with a blowtorch for these two” LOL! Good thing they’re already divorced and didn’t remarry.
Lorena confronting Sara was one of the most satisfying telenovela scenes I’ve ever seen. The actresses did a stunning job.

Wasn’t that the revolving rooming house room Sara was back in? The one where Chalo most recently stayed, and both Sara and Lorena have stayed before?

“here's a scene where Sara shows up at Alonso's door. (Really this guy needs to move and get an unlisted number).” LOL!

Julie, interesting points about the counseling necessary, etc., with the bariatric surgery. Very good points, as well. I adore your snarky comments.

Mike: both those guys you mentioned, NOT hot. Fabio is a twit and Sean Connery doesn’t have a very nice personality from what I read.


Jeanne: You made a good point - Hortensia is fighting back and doing everything she can to improve. Perhaps after she recovers she can pay a visit to Jimena in FELS. Sigh. Diana in MA

Great recap Judy, I'm going to have to go on youtube and check out the catfight. I think watching Lorena punch Sara in the face will be satisfying.

Alonso was on the bus with the nuns, kittens, and babies because he was heading to the airport, en route to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine. If only the accident hadn't stopped him! The middle east would be so different!

Also, Mike: Fabio not hot, SC not hot.

Nothing against puppies; it's just that Sara had already eaten them.

LOL, Julia! I couldn't think of a way to top the busload of kittens, etc.!

Ferro, I thought of you during the catfight. I had a feeling you'd regret that you didn't get to recap it. It is definitely worth seeing.

Hi Schoolmarm...thanks as always for your feedback. You know how it helps us all!

Yes, Ferro, check the catfight on youtube...the only thing that would have made it better was if Lorena and Sara were in bikinis and duking it out in a big vat of green jello.

Oh my....once again I missed the great tag team of Julia and Julie. You two REALLY work well together. You are now officially the Querida blog line dynamic duo in my book. Your minds go tripping down the same hysterical paths. And I'm lovin' it!

Great recap, Judy.
Sorry, I can't take Mike anywhere!! He pulls that Fabio thing fairly often. By the way, Fabio was at Busch Gardens up the street from us and was advertising a new ride when he was hit in the face by a duck! You can't make that stuff up...
I think Sean Connery is nice to look at. Fabio? NOT!

The actresses did a bang-up, so to speak, job on the fight scene and Hortensia is a wonderful actress.

You're all right - why can't Lorena be bothered to fill Ernesto in on her news? Bad girl, bad, bad!

ok I found the episode on youtube and scanned to just the fight parts (I skipped the rest because Judy already covered it so well). I loved seeing Lorena slap Sara, even though she telegraphed it and any real person could have easily gotten out of the way. Then even better was when Sara tried to go upstairs and Lorena just grabbed her and dragged her back down. That was good. Yes bikinis would have been better, but that's pretty much always the case when pretty girls are involved. What couldn't be made better by having them in bikinis. Then to really rub it in, Lorena and her parents FOLLOW SARA OUTSIDE just to make sure she leaves, then Lorena snatches away the car keys and make her walk away. Awesome. Of course it just makes her more angry so she will take greater revenge, but still. And Lorena watching her pack to make sure she steals nothing. Man they really ground Sara down and booted her out. How satisfying.

Ferro, yep, "...Yes bikinis would have been better, but that's pretty much always the case when pretty girls are involved. What couldn't be made better by having them in bikinis."

That would have been even more entertaining following a couple of beers or a shot or two of the good stuff called "Tres Generaciones" that our local Mexican place serves.

Oh my, Emilia, I'm trying to imagine Fabio being hit in the face by a duck. Any possibility it's on youtube?

Well, I DO want to know Mike's conclusions on this quiz. Back in the 60's we played a game (verbal game!) called Who Would You Kick Out of Bed? Ex: Elisabeth Taylor or Richard Burton? Theoretically a gal might pick Richard Burton to stay... but she might just as well say...Elisabeth. I want to know her makeup tips...etc.
The fun part was coming up with different combinations...Oprah or Stedman, McCain or Obama, Sara or Joe Biden, Angelina or Brad....well you get my drift.

Back in the 60's, my answers were interesting. Now, all I'd ask if that they not snore or take all the covers!

Is that too much to ask?

Hey Mike...is that you in the pic? Way to go!

Fabio admirers, rejoice!
Here is the Bloody Aftermath of the Fabio Bird Strike at Busch Gardens!


Poor Fabio! Looks like he had a lot of eager women ready to console him though.

Wow, we've had a lot of activity today. Diane in MA - I can't take credit for the stethoscope comment. One of our excellent recappers, I think JudyB, made that up when talking about pobrecito Ernesto and his dalliance with Monica.

Mike- Fabio, no. Sean, sort of, when he was young. My favorite Bond is Pierce Brosnan (though I shocked myself that I like Daniel Craig so much in the latest bond). I loved him from Remington Steele.

I have to agree with JudyB that Paul Newman was phenomenal and a great actor too. I always wondered if the audiences of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" didn't faint from all the pulchritude on scene.

Great recap JudyB, and great comments.

I'm not into violence but I loved Lorena's smackdown of Sara. I was really surprised that Sara just looked shocked and didn't really fight back.

Sean Connery=hot (at least on screen). Fabio = lukewarm. I agree with the Paul Newman fans, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is one of my all time favorites.

You folks are hilarious! Julia and Julie are too funny, I was laughing out loud at my desk.

Fabio - never did anything for me, but I like the link, thanks Mike!
SC - I liked him when I was younger but my tastes have changed
Paul Newman - always

Alas, Rhonda...Sara WILL fight back. But she prefers sneaky underhanded lethal fighting to the up front variety. I'm afraid we've got more icky plot developments to come.

Yes, Sylvia...Paul Newman always...because in addition to his physical charms, he had a marvelous sense of humor and a great heart. His camp for kids with disabilities has changed many many lives for the better. What a legacy, in addition to those blue, blue eyes.

Well, you ladies are more discerning than most on the "F" and "SC" survey. Usually Sean gets 100% hot, Fabio maybe 5%. Don't understand how he gets hired for the work he does. He may be a great guy in real life, don't know. A haircut would be a good start.

Paul Newman - that guy just got better and better. Butch Cassidy was probably my favorite of his movies - expect that's true for most guys.

And, yeah, JudyB, "soy yo" in the photo. Emilia took that one last fall on our Chicago-Seattle Amtrak trip. Joys of being empty nesters.

Okay Muchacho...we'll be expecting a photo of Emilia soon....gotta have equal representation, y'know.

Butch Cassidy was the best and I love the song Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head too....that'll be going through my mind all night now.

Butch Cassidy is my favorite Newman movie too.

Oh, yes, Paul Newman in anything, especially Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Robert Redford was a distant second place for me, always.


Agreed, but together they had great chemistry and really made the screen snap. My two favorite Newman movies (Redford too for that matter) are BC and The Sting. So I guess having George Roy Hill as the director is in the mix as well.

Good point, Cap'n Sharkbait, the chemistry couldn't be beat. No one has ever really approached it since. I didn't see the Sting, but I saw the two Butch Cassidy/Sundance Kid films--or were there three? Whatever, it snapped every time.


Thank you for the excellent recap. This was overall the BEST telenovela episode I've seen. I agree that the actress who plays Hortensia is fantastic. And kudos to Lorena for being such a smart, tough heroine.

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