Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cuidado #45, Tuesday 25 November 2008 – JM’s down; he’s got the 411, and Marichuy is *not* goin’ out and gettin’ jiggy with Amador

One million bonus points to anyone who can identify the title reference.

Starting with a replay of last night’s ending:

Rocio and Vicente smooch in the hospital. Go, now. No, no, I’ll wait until you fall asleep. Muchas smooches, mi amor. Back at ya. Etc. They both act like they’re falling asleep. I hope Vicente at least isn’t having to drag a catheter bag with him every time he goes to visit Rocio. The first time he got up and hauled himself into the wheelchair I could see the tube when he fell on the floor. Ouch.

Leticia continues her well-justified meltdown. Gustavo grovels and begs her to forgive him. She is the only woman for him! He didn’t mean to deceive her; he is just weak! (indeed. I mean, Slimy Viv should have been the easiest dish ever to pass up.) Nothing really happened! Viv means nothing to him! He gets on his knees to beg more effectively, and Leti says she forgives him. He is way grateful. They hug, and Leti’s expression says that while she may choose to forgive, she isn’t likely to forget.

At the fancy flamenco restaurant, Juan Miguel would like to dance with Marichuy. Stef thinks he should dance with the one what he brung, but Amador tells her to let them; of course JM wants to dance with the successful actress. JM sneers at him and leads Marichuy away to dance. She resists at first but shortly starts to act normal and just dance. Stef thought bubbles that they will pay! Holy cannoli, I just noticed Stef’s current hair accessory. This might be her worst yet. It is a sparkly red multiple-lips-shaped thing that looks like it’s made of plastic. Someone should tell her that “looking young” is not the same as “looking like Karen from Will and Grace in her ‘Me Loves Me Kitty’ sweatshirt”, i.e. mentally challenged.

Meanwhile, a far more pleasing scene is JM and Marichuy, swaying slowly to the lovely music, looking less and less angry and eventually looking at each other directly and pulling in closer and closer. The camera swirls around them to make it look swoopier. Awww, they’re so pretty.

Dr. Eduardo says to his new gynecology patient, Beatriz, “so that’s the man you’re in love with? You made a bad choice.” She counters with, “Same to you. I know all about your history with Elsa.” Ed smiles at her and acts charming and says he thinks they’ll be good friends, as well as doctor and patient. I think as a gynecologist he should really just accept that he shouldn’t look for girlfriends at work. That is step one in the twelve-step program I am developing for him. Step two is never speaking to Estafa, ever. Step three involves easing up on the hair gel. Beatriz thinks her life is pretty much over, but Ed assures her it isn’t. She can be happy; she can find someone else. Beatriz looks sad and unconvinced.

JM and Marichuy are now arguing while they dance. Marichuy asks if what Amador says is true, that he just wants to dance with her to get his picture in the newspaper with the famous actress. He’s all, don’t be an idiot. Anyway, she poses for some pictures with him. The photographers have apparently caught on that there may be scandal happening here, not just dinner, so they’re still hanging around. William Levy shows off his modeling skills by smiling pretty, while Marichuy continues to rant at him through clenched teeth and then stomps on his foot with her heel. As they go back to dancing, JM says, “me estás sacando de quicio” which means “you’re making me crazy (unhinged).” Quicio means the pivot hole of a hinge.

Stef gripes to Amador as they dance (she’s doing the thing with her arms wrapped tight around his neck, which you don’t usually see ladies do when dancing with casual acquaintances) about JM’s nerve, wanting to dance with his wife. JM tells Marichuy she’s going to dance with him as long as he wants. “Oh, yeah?” “Yeah.” “Hmm.”

In TwinkleLand, Mayita tells Abuela Mariana about Marichuy’s television appearance under her stage name. They agree she’s going to be a big star.

Stef continues pawing and flirting with Amador (yes! You two crazy kids deserve each other!) as they dance some more. I hope no one arrives at this restaurant already hungry. She asks him what his intentions are with Marichuy. He says he is just her director and manager…for now. She tells him she knows about Beatriz and the baby. He says, what makes you think it’s mine? Well, Beatriz says so. Beatriz is watching them this whole time and not looking happy. Amador wants to know what’s going on between Beatriz and Eduardo (he doesn’t want her, but leaving her happy with some other guy would be against the rules of the wolf pack, I guess). Stef says she thinks nothing; she doesn’t even know why Beatriz came. Apparently Stef is unaware that she was only tacked on to the dinner outing to make an even group so Ed could take Beatriz out. Surely JM knows at least one other woman he could have asked, even at the last minute. Why nasty Stef? Stef and Amador dance ridiculously closely.

Beatriz tells Ed that it will be hard to move on; she’ll always be reminded of Amador. Ed says they’re in the same boat.

Estafa asks Amador to accompany her back to the table. He does, and smarmily asks Beatriz how she is. She just rolls her eyes, and Ed glares at Amador. Stef decides she wants to leave. Ed and Beatriz are likewise ready to make like stoners and split that joint, but JM refuses to leave while Marichuy is still there with that tipo. The three of them decide to take a taxi, and JM remains standing in the middle of the floor, arms crossed, staring at Marichuy. All the other dancers have sat down, by the way. It’s just him.

Amador tries to get Mari to drink champagne. She says she doesn’t like the bubbles in her nose, and besides, she remembers what too much champagne does to her. Does she also remember that the last time she was drunk, Amador tried to force himself on her in the middle of a crowded room of “classy” people, and they did nothing to stop him? Except Juan Miguel? Remember THAT, Marichuy. Amador says she must get used to drinking what the starlets drink. They clink glasses, which is the last straw for JM. He marches over and grabs her arm, and says she’s leaving with him, not Amador. Amador just looks around, wondering who’s getting this show on camera.

Nelson wakes up to find that Elsa is still sitting at the table in their little studio, trying to sort out their finances by counting on her fingers. They lament their lack of money; they’re not really even getting by. Elsa says she’s thinking of asking her parents for help. We get a long moment on Nelson’s face, but as far as I can tell it has no expression. Is he insulted? Hopeful? Who knows?

Marichuy is resisting JM, but Amador tells her not to make a scene. Too late, everyone in the restaurant is staring. Eventually JM grabs Mari’s purse and leads her briskly out, causing her to trip and stumble the whole way. Amador looks embarrassed and waves to his audience.

Out in the vestibule, Marichuy and Juan Miguel continue their bickering:

JM: How can you behave this way with that jerk? After what he did to you?!
Mari: What about what YOU did to me?
JM: Not the same!

Etcetera, etcetera.

Estafa flounces into her room, sobbing and with her chest totally falling out of her dress. Her shrill screeching brings Isa running in. Estafa will never forgive JM, never!

JM and Marichuy continue their fight as they flounce through the parking garage (this place has no valet?) She says she won’t go with him; she’ll scream that he’s kidnapping her. He says go ahead; if anyone comes he’ll tell them she’s his wife, and a wife must stay with her husband in good times and bad. They start shouting over the top of each other really fast, and even though I replayed it multiple times it was hard to capture it all. The gist:

If I had known what you were like, I never would have married you, well, soon we’ll be divorced and you’ll be very happy, I didn’t know you’d be here with THAT guy, well, you’re here with someone else, too, I’m just here for business, you’re dating, no, it’s different, no, it isn’t, none of your beeswax, none of yours, either.

You can guess who said what.

Isab!tch and Estafa talk themselves into believing that Juan Miguel chose to take Stef to that restaurant specifically because he knew Marichuy would be there. He must still be in love with that guacha! Gee, ya think? Curses!

JM and Marichuy argue some more and eventually she concedes and allows that he might drive her home. They get into his vehicle. He is now driving an SUV of some sort, not the Mercedes convertible he has been seen in before. They continue to bicker and he makes her put on her seat belt, buckling it for her.

Isa and Stef continue to rant about Marichuy’s success. Stef is bitterly jealous. They are angry that JM has deceived them again! Well, yes, I believe Stef WAS supposed to get dinner. I don’t think she ever did. Sue him!

Marichuy changes her mind and climbs out of the car and runs away. JM chases her. She doesn’t stand a chance in those heels; she can barely even walk in them.

Isa continues to lament their lack of success in destroying Marichuy. They keep trying to sink her, but she just bobs to the top like a cork! Guacha maldita.

Marichuy gets all the way outside before Juan Miguel catches her. She’s getting much better in those shoes. It is now raining. JM says he just wants to take her home; he won’t leave her with Amador. Marichuy says she doesn’t trust Juan Miguel, and she struggles to get away and bites his hand. JM decides the fighting would be better done with their tongues, so he plants a kiss rather forcefully on her. A brave move, considering she’s just demonstrated that she bites. They lip-wrestle for a moment, but her indignation is no match for Dr. Hotlips and eventually she gives in and relaxes. Smoochy-smoochy.

After the commercial, she breaks away and asks what he wants. Does he want to kill her, like he did his other wife? Well, that makes him mad. She runs away again and hides behind a wall, and Juan Miguel is ditzy enough to not notice where she went. He gets in his car and blasphemes. Marichuy sits on some stairs and cries. A pensive romantic song plays while they both look tragic.

Turns out Nelson does NOT want Elsa to ask her parents for money. Well, then what will they do? They are two months behind on the rent. She suggests he get a real job, like in a bank or a government office. He sneers. He is a writer/poet/bohemian, he would turn into a fossil or mummy if he had to slave away for some boss between four walls all day! Does Elsa work? Other than at the theater, which probably doesn’t pay much? Nelson goes back to bed, angry.

Candelaria is asleep sitting at the table when Marichuy finally comes home. Mari takes a moment to emote to a post and remember the angry kissing. She hits the post, which wakes up Cande. She asks how the dinner was, and Marichuy says “me fue regaliz.” Regaliz means licorice. But what does this dicho mean? Anyone?

Anyway, Marichuy tells her that Juan Miguel was there, and she said mean things to him because she wanted to hurt him. He kissed her by force (Cande does a hilarious demonstration, “like this?”) in a dark place, and it reminded her of the other time, in the woods, and she had thought she was over that, but apparently not.

The next morning, Juan Miguel reads the newspaper, which contains a large story with multiple full-color pictures of the whole floor show they put on the night before. The reporter thinks they are very modern, this divorcing couple, showing up with different partners but dancing together.

Elsa visits Rocio in the hospital and Roc talks about how long they’ve been in the hospital (at least six weeks, by my count) and how much longer they’ll have to stay. She’s worried about Vicente, who doesn’t think he can recover, and she hates when she has to say goodbye to him. I think it’s time her curalocos brother realized that she’s going to go completely nuts if she stays in that curtain cubicle any longer with nothing to do. Now that Rocio and Vicente are out of immediate life-threatening danger, why don’t they get moved into a double room like the one Cande was in, with a window and a television and daily newspapers?

A nun calls Cecilia to remind her about the tómbola (charity raffle) to raise money for the hospicio. Ceci is excited that she will finally meet Padre Anselmo. AS ARE WE ALL. Please, no more diversions. She tells Patricio about it, and also that she thinks it’s weird that every time she’s about to meet the priest, something happens and she doesn’t meet him. Patricio says, well, you’ll meet him now, and you can have a long chat. He gives her a check for lots of money for the hospicio. She says she has a strange premonition about something, but doesn’t tell us what.

Juan Miguel is an idiot and never learns, so he goes to the mansion to apologize to Stef for his behavior the night before. She looks like an ugly Minnie Mouse with her stupid hair bow. At least this time she sits across the room from him, not practically in his lap with her hands all over him. Chofer Israel enters. Apparently he didn’t tell JM he was going to work there.

Purita tells her mother she still hasn’t found work, but she’s in love with Adrian. They both look sad.

Adrian goes in the lollipop store and buys a bagful. What’s his deal with lollipops? He’s going to rot his teeth.

Purita and Olga discuss her chances with Adrian. She thinks she’s got some, mom thinks not so much, but Mami wants her to be happy so she’ll try to help.

Juan Miguel thinks chofering is not a good job for Israel. Israel hems and haws about it, but says the money is good. He leaves. JM speculates aloud to Stef that they seem veeeerrrry familiar. Stef acts a bit cagey and smiles. Mark this moment, folks, I think our brilliant shrink has actually caught on to something for once! He looks knowing and smiles. Ha, Estafa! Busted!

Cande asks Marichuy why she’s not drinking her juice. Marichuy says her stomach’s churning. She takes a sip and then is overcome with dizziness and nausea.

Ceci is at the hospicio, where the carnival is underway, and she finally meets Padre Anselmo!!!!! They both have a startled moment of recognition.

Cande asks Marichuy if she wants to see a doctor. Marichuy says no need; she already knows what she has—she’s pregnant. Cande is super double-take impactada. Then she is totally excited and happy. They hug. Marichuy looks happy too.

Avances: Padre Anselmo tells Ceci that Marichuy is her daughter, not Stef. The jig is up.


Loved your recap, Julia...will that get me any bonus points? Pretty sexy episode with all the smoldering glances and take-no-prisoners-kisses.

Is it wrong to dislike Amador's rejected girlfriend because she looks so glum? The actress seems to only have one expression, "dying swan", and it irritates the heck out of me.

Can't imagine what the "regaliz" licorice expression could mean. They use the verb "regar" a lot in these telenovelas meaning "to blow it". Could it have been a garbled closed caption of a form of that verb?

The other thing last night that annoyed me was that Elsa (is that her name?) only thought about her guy finding a steady job to supplement the income. What about her? Total annoying twit. Never liked her. Never will.

Julia: This is a wonderful recap. I'm going to copy the dicho re being unhinged. I know what that's like.

Of course, I can sympathize with Nelson, too. Who doesn't feel like a fossil after driving a desk for thirty years. But, it pays the bills.

I meant to comment chapters ago about Rocio staying in the hospital so long. Will that girl be able to walk when she gets released?

Julia: I didn't understand what Mari was saying to Candi - but, telling Candi that she blew it would probably fit.

Thanks for the great recap, Julia. I am so excited about Ceci and Padre Anselmo, I think I will watch on Youtube today. I want to know what happens!

I think Adrian was thought bubbling something about Marichuy when he bought the lollipops. Did anyone catch it. I'm sure he wasn't planning to switch his allegiance to Purita.

Judy, apparently married women don't work in this world. I beg of you, and anyone really, to point one out to me because it's driving me bonkers. Remember when Ed told Elsa she'd have to give up her theater work when they got married. These must be some high maintenance men if taking care of them is a full time job.

Julia, did the newspaper article really say that? I didn't pay attention, but it would be hilarious if it did. Although, how would the press know about Dr. San Roman and Miss Robles?

And lest I forget, Dad in 10 Things I Hate About You.

Oh, you just beat me to it. I just googled that reference. I want bonus points too!

Thanks for the recap Julia. My guesses are 411 - Mary J. Blige and jiggy - Will Smith.

Can't wait for the unmasking tonight.

I went back and looked at that scene with Adrian. I think he was ruefully thought bubbling that Marichuy will be a star who rises so high and far that he could not catch up.

I just started watching this show, missed two months of it, but I do recall one show with Adrian giving Mari a lollipop when he met her on the street. Maybe that's why he bought the lollipops, he was thinking of her (when isn't he)?

Did Ceci give Mari up because Ceci thought SHE was dying or the baby? Like I said, I have missed a lot of episodes. I did use my closed captions, but still had no clue what they were saying, but I am just learning Spanish, so I do appreciate your recaps. Wonderful.

Also, is the necklace that Mari wears symbolic? Did Ceci give it to the priest when she gave the baby away? Thanks!

As I understand it, Ceci thought she herself was dying. Padre Anselmo probably is doing double takes because he thought she was dead.

We don't know about the necklace yet, because it was Candelaria who gave it to Marichuy. But I for one suspect it came from Ceci. That's the same trick that was used in Guapos to identify the poor orphan.

I suspect that Ceci and Pat won't immediately identify themselves t their daughter. They will find some confounded reason to avoid it so that the story can be drawn out.

Do these shows usually come out on DVD? I have missed so much and would love to see it from the beginning. I admire all of you ladies for your skills at recapping in English. Thank you!

More ?'s, sorry.

Does Cande know that Ceci is Mari's mom? Also, how did Stef and her evil aunt find out that Mari is the real daughter? The other night they were trying to prevent the Padre from meeting Ceci by faking the aunt's illness. Is Padre Anselmo the same priest she gave the baby to? It seems odd if they live in the same town they would've bumped into each other before this! Thanks.

Violet, most of the shows come out on DVD, but the official versions are edited down a great deal to just a few hours. There are some people who sell unofficial versions, but they don't have captions. You might as well just use YouTube. Every episode is posted there from capitulo 1.

Yes, Isabela and Stefi know that Marichuy is the real daughter, but I've never been sure how they know. Someone else here can probably explain. Cande does not know.

Isabel and Estefania are the only ones who connected the dots and know that Mari is Ceci's daughter. I think it was a combination of clues, I don't remember what the precise a-ha moment was.

They all live in Mexico City, population 8 million. It's stranger that they're all coming into contact now than that they haven't before.

I, too, loved your recap and the title, Julia. Awesome Job!

I agree with Bijoux on the title. I think the dad in the movie, “10 Things I hate about you” said to one of his daughter. This is one of the movies that Heath Ledger starred in with black hair.

I loved the music that they play. I too was wondering if anyone knows if it is out, so I could buy it. Did someone say that Maite Perroni sing one of these songs? I would appreciate any feedback on this.

NinaK, I think you are right to assume that “. . . . . Cecilia and Patricio won't immediately identify themselves to their daughter. They will find some confounded reason to avoid it so that the story can be drawn out.” I think Cecilia would be the one that will want to tell Marichuy right away, but her estúpido husband will be the one that resist acknowledging Marichuy. I know that he thinks more of his image than Cecilia.

Poor Marichuy! some more problems and people to deal with then before. I think she just wants life to go back to how it was before at times.

Both Juan Miguel and Estefania are idiots. One can’t see that she will never get anywhere like the church and wedding bells with Juan Miguel. She is delusional if she thinks she can change his mind and his love. The other one is idiot because he will take anyone at the moment to – make Marichuy jealous, be seen like some female image wise, to be just polite, and /or whatever reason.

I know that Juan Miguel to get more stupid and become more an idiot in the upcoming weeks. This is foreseeing.

Another thing why do they (hair dressers of this novella) place ribbons and stupid hair bows in her hair. I really like this statement you said, “It is a sparkly red multiple-lips-shaped thing that looks like it’s made of plastic. Someone should tell her that “looking young” is not the same as “looking like Karen from Will and Grace in her ‘Me Loves Me Kitty’ sweatshirt”, i.e. mentally challenged.”


Yes, Maite sings "Esta Soledad" the song that is played during romantic and poignant moments. I found a site where you can download it along with "Solu Tu," but haven't done so yet. Great music.

violet608 is right. It's Esta Soledad. There will later be two more songs sung by Maite added, Contigo and Separada de ti.

Thanks for the laugh out loud recap, Julia. I had to fast forward through the Juanmi-Mari bickering. I think this is the weakest link in the story, how juvenile they act, especially JM.
But I cracked up at Cande's super double take.

Mari: "I'm pregnant"
Cande: "Oh, O.K. then, (a beat)

Thud!Thud! Anvils are falling already. I cannot wait to see how Stef and Isa slither out of this one, evil snakes that they are. Who are the "nachas" now?

Violet, The a-ha moment I remember was when Isa was pretending to be supportive to Mari afte one of her nightmares and she got Mari to tell her about her mother abandoning her and her father going off to another country. Isa knew that this is what happened to Ceci and Patricio and put this together. Plus Isa and Stef know that Mari is close to Padre Anselmo and that he was the one to whom Ceci gave her baby. That's all I can recall.

Thank you for explaining how the Isa and Stef put two and two together about Mari and Ceci.

What a bonanza today – a wonderful, hilarious recap and tons of great comments!

Violet – take heart. I had a helluva time with last night’s show – it seemed like I couldn’t understand one darned thing. Too many new words? Too much slang? Too fast? I don’t know, but I hoped the recap today would shed some light for me and Julia you came through like a champ.

I was pretty taken aback by JM’s use of force on Mari. If someone did that to me, I’d freak, and here he’s trying to persuade her that that one time in the past was a lapse due to drinking and then he does the exact same thing. I was glad when she bit him.

Meantime, our other attacker, Amador, suddenly got all worried about what people would think of the scene in the restaurant, but before he had no scruples about attacking Mari right in the middle of Stef’s coming-out party with tons of people looking on.

I thought the paparazzi were wimps. Why, if they worked for TV y Novelas, we would have photos of the sulking, of JM dragging Mari out, etc.

I loved the scene where Stef came back and was pulling off her jewelry and taking a fit. The actress playing Stef is terrific. Others have noted that she’s very tall, and her legs maybe not up to hot mama standards, but I have a feeling her career is based on talent and not whoo-hoo looks.

I too have been wondering why Rocio is in the little cubicle. Why is she even in the hospital? You don’t have to lie in bed to recover from surgery on your face, particularly when you’re down to just a few taped-on bandages. She should be back at home, for heaven’s sake. But of course, Vicente is not there, so for plot purposes, there the poor thing lies day in and day out. Actually, I’m not sure why Vicente is in the hospital either.

I’m with the rest of you on wondering why Elsa doesn’t take a job instead of whining to Nelson (who I had trouble recognizing without his Steve Allen glasses) that there is no grocery money.

I didn’t know Maita could sing! Wow!

Okay, one million bonus points to everyone who said 10 Things I Hate About You, and JudyB, of course you may also have one million bonus points. I *knew* you all were my kind of people. None of the guys at work ever get that line when I say it.

Bijoux, the newspaper really did say all that, and more. It was in a big bold overly long headline such as you only ever see in telenovelas. Like in Amar Sin Limites, when suddenly everything Diego (previous nobody, now designer who's had one fashion show) does is MAJOR NEWS.

I really enjoyed this episode, despite the juvenile fighting. Lots of interaction between JM and Marichuy, which is always intense.

Maggie, I think Maite was actually a singer BEFORE she became an actress. She's a member of RBD.

Well, I'm heading out of town so may not comment again until next week, but as always I will miss these fun chats.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

A song I found by RBD with Maite singing (I believe it's her voice) is called Algún Diá. Beautiful. Check it out on Amazon.

I am so glad I found this site. You ladies are witty and give me a good laugh, even though I should be working right now!

Maggie, I can't ever imagine catching on with Spanish and actually saying "oh, yes, I know what JM just said." I'm going to keep trying though. Taking Spanish only once a week is not enough and the semester has only 3 more classes. I tried using the closed captions. I taped the show, then tried to type on my laptop at a translation site what they just. I would push the "pause" button on the remote, type the phrase, but then the closed captions would go away and I forgot what they just said! I can't win!

Have a wonderful holiday, ladies.

Violet – you will get to where you know what JM (or some future novela character) is saying, I guarantee you. It just takes time. I find it’s fruitless to try to understand each and every word. I just keep adding to my vocab and bit by bit it begins to make sense. I read that a child learning its native language learns about 8 new words a day, which is quite a lot, I think. I don’t manage that many, but every day I learn a few.

An amazing book helped me a lot – I’ve never seen one like it in all the years I slogged through various language classes. It’s Spanish for Reading by Fabiola Franco and Karl Sandberg. Its goal is to teach you to recognize verb forms and common vocabulary and so on, so that you can read along, but you don’t have to learn, like you do in Spanish classes, how to form the tenses, etc, just to recognize them. For example, Spanish uses the subjunctive a lot, and usually you wouldn’t get that in class until you were well up in the levels. But here you can learn to recognize a subjunctive at least when it flies by. My comprehension soared after working with this book.

Awesome recap, Julia. You're the best.

What a scorching kiss! I guess I didn't have to wait long when I asked a couple of days ago if the writers will make us wait until towards the end for them to kiss again. Now when is the next one? I just really enjoy JM's & MC's intensity in their scenes together. But, why don't they just give in and stop torturing each other though. I guess that's part of the story.

But what a kiss, though! Didn't it looks like a real kiss? I'd be jealous if I was William's wife or Maite's boyfriend. It's not the usual puckering only kiss; I saw and felt passion. How does a director tell them to kiss that way but just be faking it. Some of that passion must spill into real life. Hmmmmm, I wonder...

I will buy that book, Maggie. Thank you.

It seems that they are either really good actors or their true feelings for each other as nonactors are coming out in those kissing scenes. Very romantic!

Violet...3 years ago I started out just like you. Trying to learn Spanish in an adult ed class and just not getting enough.

So I got books from the library (most city libraries have tons of Learn Spanish books now) and once I found Caray Caray and the folks taught me about closed captions, I bought a good dictionary (I have a big Oxford one) and would jot down a few words and phrases for each show. During the ads, I would look the words up.

The first year it seemed like nothing stuck and I was getting nowhere ("como arar en el mar" plowing in the sea) but by the second year, things were beginning to jell and last January I became a recapper.

So you CAN do it....even though at first it seems like a Herculean task...and is.

Just remember, it takes 5 to 7 years to really learn a foreign language, so "give yourself grace" (as they say in my church) and just stick with it.

PS I am 68, soon to be age where learning new stuff is difficult...but it CAN be done. I only work part-time so I probably have more hours to devote to this than you do...but you are certainly younger, so you'll catch on quicker.

Thank you for you advice. And I am no young chick either, 54, going back to school to be a nurse. Am I crazy??!! It is fun though to learn again. I will hang in there because I really want to learn Spanish. Congrats to you for learning a new language quickly. I am in awe of all of you who can recap. I enjoy it thoroughly.

How wonderful Violet! Nursing is a tough field of study. Someone I know in her early 60's has gone back to school for the same reason AND wants to learn Spanish as well. It's great to have that language if you're in the health care field. A perfect combination really.

Congrats and God speed...we need more women like you in our world.
I'm only in the health care field in the sense that I teach fitness classes...but some of my students are in their 90's so I hope I'm doing my part to keep folks healthy.

Thank you. I hope I make it through clinicals! My 23-year-old daughter is along for the ride with me in the nursing program and also watcing CCEA! I will miss tonight's show (Eagles Concert), but look forward to your recap tomorrow. I will set the VCR also. Should be good with Padre Anselmo and Ceci. Teaching fitness is awesome!
Have a nice night.

Hey, I was away from my computer all day, and I see there are many more interesting comments. Congratulations on studying nursing Violet. You are needed. I don't know where you live, but Spanish will likely be very useful to you in your career. I started studying because I have some Spanish-speaking clients.

Three years ago, I thought I wouldn't understand anything, but I persevered. Like Judy and Maggie said, try to just get a word here and there. You'll soon see there is quite a bit of repetition. I'm also 53 years old, so you're not too late.

Hi Julia...too early to put the turkey in so I thought I'd write and tell you Yes..."me fue regaliz" is indeed what our little gal said...just as you wrote. Happened to tape it and went back and looked/listened.

The only thing I can figure(unless our native speakers can help us out) is that since black licorice has such a nasty taste perhaps saying "me fue regaliz" means "I had a lousy time" or "it was awful".

Dunno. But woke up at 3 am thinking that. Minds are crazy aren't they?

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