Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Friday, Nov. 14 - DB has trouble pretending to be good

Mujiquita tells Antonio that Josefa and Federica set up the situation in the hotel room when Antonio was drunk. Federica is angry enough to admit that it was a trap but that Antonio put the bun in the oven and now he had to do his duty and marry her.

Santos tells DB that now he knows that they can be happy together. She wants him to sleep with her but he says that she is still too weak.
Carmelito tells Gervasia that he is in love with her.

Santos comes to Altamira and tells Marisela, Cecilia and Lorenzo that Barbara will return El Miedo to Marisela when she turns 18. Santos' grand announcement of this does not get the reaction he expected. Lorenzo says that when DB conned him, he at least had the excuse of alcohol. He says that Santos has lost his mind. Cecilia and Marisela tells Santos that they don't believe in DB's promise either. DB say that time will tell.

Back at El Miedo DB tells Eusatachio that she has no intention of giving up El Miedo and is trusting that something will happen in the two months before Marisela's birthday to prevent it.
Carmelito asks Gervasia to marry him.
A week passes during which Cecilia starts having morning sickness among other things.
DB wants Santos to make love to her but she has flashbacks to the rape.
Santos wants to organize a cattlemen's association to help the economic condition of the people in the region. DB pretends to agree with this idea.
After Cecilia is overcome with nausea, she tells Casilda that she doesn't understand what is wrong with her. It must be indigestion (empacho). Casilda tells her to face the truth and accept that what she has isn't indigestion, its a baby. (This is a play on words in Spanish, 'lo que usted tiene, no es empacho. ¡Es un muchacho!') Cecilia says that is crazy at her age.

Santos tells the meeting of ranch owners that they need to work together to contribute to the progress of this area. Don Encarnación asks what Santos has in mind specifically and Santos says that they need a road, or really a highway (carretera). They all agree.

DB tells Eustaquia that she is very happy. Eustaquia warns her not to do anything to scare Santos away becuase in addition to being hard working, he is a good man. "Too good," says DB, "Sometimes I think that money and land doesn't matter to him." She can't understand how he can think she will just give what is hers and what she worked so hard to build up to that brat? DB also can't understand why Santos wants to form the cattlemen's association to help the region.

Santos is elected president of the cattlemen's association. When Pernalete comes in and asks why he was invited to the meeting, Santos says that it is an organizaton of private citizens that will build the road that the government has failed to do and will bring progress to the town.
Santos finds DB's witchcraft room.

Juan Primito runs to tell her. Santos tells DB that he doesn't like her being involved in this superstitious nonsense. DB says that she understands but she can't change her life in one fell swoop. It will happen little by little. Santos says that he left his house and his family in one fell swoop for her. DB asks if he left his way of thinking, his beliefs?
Melquiades continues to spy on Melendez and is rewarded by seeing that Chepo is with him.
Carmelito and Marisela come to El Miedo to deliver a telegram to Santos. BP attacks Carmelito.

DB tells Santos that she loves him more than he loves her. Santos denies it. DB tells him to prove that he loves her by marrying her. Marisela overhears.

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