Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Mon. Nov. 17- the plot moves forward
Dr. Arias, whose first name we now find out is Baltasar, confirms that Cecilia is pregnant. He agrees not to tell anyone. (I guess they don't have HIPAA in the Llanos.)
Santos stops the fight between BP and the El Miedo vaqueros. The whole story of Gervasia, BP and the brothel is told. Santos asks why Marisela never told him any of this and she says he was too busy. In front of Santos, DB has no choice but to fire BP from El Miedo.
The telegram says that Santos' house in the capital has been sold. He has to go there. He asks DB to go with him to get some good medical care. DB is over the moon that Santos cares so much about her.
Marisela asks to go to the capital with Santos to see the finishing school that he wanted to send her to but when she finds out DB is going too, she goes off in a huff.
Antonio expresses his frustration about his situation with Federica to Pajarote and Maria Nieves. Each of them repeats to themselves the reasons that they cannot help Antonio by telling the truth about their relationships with Federica.

Federica insists that her father do something to make Antonio marry her.
DB gets a telegram from Melquiades saying that he has found the 'merchandise' she was looking for in the capital. She tells Santos that Melquiades was looking for machinery to improve her cattle operation. DB says that she is sure that this trip to the capital will be be very profitable.
Cecilia tells Lorenzo that having a baby is a miracle she never thought would happen to her. She hugs Lorenzo and, of course, in walks Antonio.
BP tells Mr. Danger that he will get revenge on those who caused him harm starting with Carmelito and ending with Santos Luzardo.
DB checks into a hospital in the capital to have some tests run.
Cecilia tells Antonio that she doesn't care about him any more and sends him away.
Dr. Arias tells Lorenzo he only has 6 months to live.
Lorenzo asks Cecilia to marry him.
Melquiades tells DB that he has found both of the guys she wants to take revenge on.
Melendez shows his men and Chepo a picture of a man he is looking for who is planning a revolution- it's Gonzalo, Santos' old school friend, who we met ages ago in San Fernando.
Santos goes into his family's house and after he has memories, he hears noises and it turns out Gonzalo and his buddies are hiding out there.
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