Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Mon & Tues., Nov. 24 & 25- A whole lot of people find out how Federica got pregnant; Santos returns to Altamira

DB escapes from Melendez by jumping off her balcony onto the one below. Pretty good for someone just out of the hospital and wearing boots with gigantic heels.

Santos is wandering around a children's store in a shopping mall. He flashes back to DB telling him that she would like to have a child with him and vowing to be a better mother than she was with Marisela. "I can love you very much," says Santos, "but not enough to be so blind that I would let you do to my child what you did to Marisela."

Antonio and Cecilia speak after she has married Lorenzo. Antonio says that she looked at him like a piece of garbage. "Is this the love that you felt for me?" he asks her. Cecilia tells Antonio to listen because she won't repeat this:
C: Never doubt my love. Don't doubt that I love you, Antonio Sandoval, because you are the only man that I have loved and will love in this life. But it wasn't me who wanted things the way they are now. You deceived me like an idiot. You betrayed me, Antonio. You not only betrayed me, you made me believe that what you did with Federica was a lie and I defended you in front of everyone. You betrayed me two times. How can I believe you now?
A: I didn't come to convince you of my innocence. If you don't believe me, my love isn't worth anything. I came to try and understand.. to see how you could marry a man you don't love. I came to make myself so disappointed that it would help me forget you.
C: Be disappointed? You talk to me of disappointment? Me, who sacrificed her whole life for an impossible youthful love? Me, who only a little while ago never thought I would never experience the passion that I read about in novels. Me, who put all my hopes as a woman in you, who handed myself over to you in body and soul thinking that God had given me a miracle to love again for the last time. You talk to me of disappointment. If anyone is disappointed, it's me.
A: You are afraid and that's why you find excuses in all these words.

Melendez and his men leave the hotel just as Santos arrives. He finds their room all messed up and searches desperately for DB. When he finds her, he asks if Chepo was with the police. DB says that she didn't see him. Santos tells her to pack her bags, he's sending back the Arauca.

Antonio tells Cecilia that she taught him the real meaning of the word love. He says that he will never again believe in love. Cecilia say that he is very young and has his whole life in front of him. Antonio says that he admired Cecilia's strength, intelligence and beauty but she has let fear get the better of these qualities. He says goodbye to her and tells her that he hopes that she doesn't regret what she did and he is sorry that he interrupted the wedding.

Santos is still annoyed with DB when he puts her on the plane. He gives her the prescriptions for the anemia and fertility that the doctor gave him. DB says that she wants to have his baby and Santos says that he doesn't want to talk about that here. He gives a perfunctory kiss and sends her off.

Santos goes to see Melendez. Melendez asks him who the mysterious woman is that he is with. Santos first says that he is not interested in politics. Then he convinces Melendez that his female companion was basically a prostitute. He has more difficulty when Melendez asks him why he called Chepo a rapist. Santos first says that he was using an expression from the Arauca but Melendez isn't buying. "Did you see him rape a woman?" asks Melendez. "I don't know if he did or not," says Santos, "Did you see him do that?" Then Melendez is reminded that he has an appointment. He tells Santos to go back where he came from and not tell anyone what he saw. He also tells Santos to tell him if he sees Gonzalo. If Santos doesn't do that, Melendez will arrest him and no one will be able to get him released.

DB runs into Cecilia and Lorenzo on the riverbank. DB says that they make a nice couple - the spinster and the corpse. It would be a good title for a novel. Cecilia asks what she is doing alone. Couldn't Santos take any more? After exchanging a few more insults, Cecilia and Lorenzo get on a boat to go back to Progresso. (That's what I thought there were doing but in Tuesday's episode, it is clear that Cecilia and Lorenzo stay longer in San Fernando.)

Antonio gets drunk and finds a prostitute to help him forget Cecilia.

Federica comes to the Sandoval house looking for Antonio and Melesio throws her out.

DB returns to El Miedo.

Federica comes to Altamira looking for Carmelito but he says that he is engaged and won't fall for her tricks. Marisela is listening and confronts them.

Lorenzo and Cecilia get a hotel room with two beds.

Melquiades comes back to El Miedo with Chepo.

When Federica hears Marisela say that Cecilia and Lorenzo married, she is ecstatic. Marisela chases her out of Altamira.

Although being locked in a box with no food and litttle water and no sanitary facilities was pretty bad, it was probably better than what DB planned for Chepo - impaling him. Chepo disappoints DB by having a stroke or something and dying before she can torture him to death. She orders that his body be thrown to the alligators.

Mauricio finds Santos and asks when he can get into the house that he purchased. He mentions the incident in the restaurant with Luisana, DB and Santos. Santos tells him that DB has gone back to the Llanos, where she belongs.

Carmelito admits to Marisela that he and Federica had a fling. She is furious.

Mauricio tells Santos to find a woman with a good heart like his. "Sexual desire dies over time," says Maurico, "but love never dies, never."

Marisela gets the three Altamira vaqueros together.
M: That's how I want to see you three, all together. I don't have a boyfriend but I'm not blind. I can see and so I have seen. What I don't understand is how you three could screw around with that pig face Federica. Because there were three. One, two three! You three ate off the same plate! Pigs.

A drunk Antonio is making noise at the hotel and Cecilia comes down and sees him with the prostitute.

Luisana comes to see Santos.

DB is afraid that Santos won't come back to her. She wants him to look at her with the same love that she saw Lorenzo looking at Cecilia. Eustaquia urges DB to leave her past and her desire for vengeance behind. Chepo's death is a sign that God will take care of that. DB says that there is no Christian God and no gods of the jungle. Everyone is alone. She goes off and destroys her witchcraft altar. Juan Primito is upset. He says that rebullones are falling out of tree dead.

Luisana makes a play for Santos but he isn't interested.

The Altamira vaqueros finally realize that each of them had sex with Federica. Marisela tells them that they are responsible for what happened to Antonio and that they will help make it right.

DB tells Eustaquia to clean out the withcraft room. She will only keep the picture of the rapists. Henceforward, the room will be used to store old furniture.

Antonio is on a bender in San Fernando. He sells his horse and claims that he will never return to Progresso. Lorenzo tries to talk some sense into him without any success.

Gonzalo and his buddies leave the capital. Meanwhile, Melendez sends out their pictures to areas near the frontier and tells local authorities to be on the look out for them.

In the absence of Santos and Antonio, things are going badly at Altamira. Marisela goes into town to get supplies. She meets DB on the way. DB gives Marisela the present she brought her from the capital. An all-expense-paid trip to Europe. Marisela tells her that Santos has told her about Europe and she would like to see the sights herself but she wants to go with Santos and she isn't going to leave the field to DB. She hands back the ticket.

In town, Marisela confronts Federica with the other Daughters of Mary and tells her that she knows about how she got pregnant.

Federica first goes to Josefa but she doesn't have any good suggestions for her problem but Mujiquita overhears. Then Federica goes to see Dr. Arias. While there, she finds out that Cecilia is pregnant.

DB meanwhile has an evil plan to take over other haciendas or something. It involves Danger and Pernalete. When Pernalete is called to his office, Federica comes in and pours out the whole pregnancy tale. DB is particulary interested to know that Cecilia is pregnant.

Pernalete is called to his office to get information from the capital about the fugitive Gonzalo and his buddies. Mujiquita sees the picture and recognizes Gonzalo (presumably, like Santos, he was at school with him also). He doesn't tell Pernalete this.

Santos returns to San Fernando from the capital. He just misses seeing Antonio, Cecilia and Lorenzo there. On the boat trip back to Progresso, he recalls the boatman telling him when he first came back how dangerous DB is and that she has her own cemetery.

Santos arrives back at Altamira. He embraces Marisela and almost kisses her on the lips but at the last minute, he kisses her forehead. Marisela tells him that things are not going well at the hacienda and they need him back. Santos asks where Antonio, Cecilia and Lorenzo are. Marisela tells him to sit down and then tell him that Cecilia and Lorenzo went to San Fernando to get married.


Thanks for the great recap. I thoroughly enjoyed Marisela telling Federica off in front of the other women! But I'm afraid DB will come up with something else to keep Federica in Antonio's life.

I was pretty disgusted with Luisana. I hated the way she incited Doña Bárbara in the restaurant, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to be "civilized". She raves on about her marvelous husband, but wants to jump Santos' bones.

I was grateful Chepo died naturally. I wasn't looking forward to an impaling!

The behavior of DB is most interesting. She's completely back to her old self, working up some evil plot with Pernalete and telling Danger and Paiba that she plans to be the head of both El Miedo AND Altamira. That confused me a bit, wondering if she really means to take over Santos' hacienda or if she's saying that to convince the two evil guys to help her with her plot, whatever it is.

Loved the expression on her face when her plan to get Marisela off to Europe didn't work. I thought it was mostly: "Well, chip off the old block; you can't put anything over on Marisela!"

Wow Jean! You're one step away from full recaps! Thanks for all your hard work.

Novelera, it's funny, DB can't love Marisela and has all this resentment towards her, but dang it if she isn't proud of her spawn. The kid has managed to get not only her looks but her spunk and her intelligence, all without getting her evil streak.

Wonder if Mujiquita will get a chance to warn Gonzalo before he gets caught. OTOH, wonder if DB will use Gonzalo as bait to bring Melendez back to El Miedo.

Thanks, Jean. So good!

I thought Luisana might be 'reformed' by her near death experiences, but no.

Antonio was so right about Cecilia being fear driven. All Lorenzo had to tell Antonio, was that he was going to die very soon. Antonio's spine development is very slow.

DB has chosen the easy road, which doesn't bring the good stuff. Have to laugh when she takes credit for Marisela's 'good' qualities, but not the 'bad' ones.

Oh, loved it when Marisela said it must have been the holy spirit that got Federica pregnant...

After all the things that DB did to Luisana, her little performance in the restaurant was a fairly gentle revenge. It also had the good effect of making Santos embarrassed about DB's behavior. Going after Santos, though is pure Luisana. She wants it all!

Marisela has had some great scenes in the last couple of episodes - yelling at the vaqueros; telling Federica off and rejecting DB's gift of the trip to Europe.

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