Sunday, November 16, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Nov. 14 - You know things are bad when the only happy person is DB
Meanwhile Cecilia returns to Altamira. When Antonio comes in, she slaps him. That was a short reconciliation. Cecilia tells him that Federica is pregnant. She says that she believed in him that he was telling the truth but if he was capable of deceiving her, he was capable of sleeping with Federica. He has made her look ridiculous by insisting that Federica give a urine sample and then have the pregnancy test turn out positive. Cecilia stalks off leaving Antonio impactado.

DB warns BP that he had better accept Santos as the boss at El Miedo and if anything, no matter how small, happens to Santos, BP will be dead and buried.
Poor Cecilia is having a really bad day. She finds Santos outside of Lorenzo's door and Santos tells her that Lorenzo and Marisela are packing to leave Altamira because Santos told them that he was in love with DB. Cecilia asks. "What the hell is going on with you men! Why do you do such bad things? Why do you have to get involved with evil, crazy women! Do men ever think, Santos? Why do they have brains, then? And you had to tell me this today? Not tomorrow? You couldn't tell me yesterday! Today! Today!" Confused by this outburst,

Santos asks what difference it makes. Cecilia says that it does make a difference because today is a horrible day and she can't break her heart twice in one day! Cecilia tells Santos that if Marisela and Lorenzo leave Altamira because of DB, she will leave too.
Melendez tells Chepo that he will give him a job working just for him.
Santos reassures Marisela, Lorenzo and Cecilia that he won't bring DB to Altamira. He announces that he will go live at El Miedo.

Santos tells Marisela, Lorenzo and Cecilia that he is responsible for his actions and if the makes a mistake, he is mature enough to be able to recognize his errors and not hide behind a bottle or blame his misfortunes on a woman. Lorenzo furiously attacks Santos but his dicky heart betrays him.

Federica is exultant that she is pregnant and wants revenge on Cecilia for embarassing her in front of the whole town. Josefa says that Federica was lucky to get the bun in the oven so opportunely. She asks who the father is and Federica says that it is one of the Altamira vaqueros.

Antonio tells this same group of sperm donors that he has lost the love of his life. He can't understand how Federica got pregnant. He was too drunk. And if not him, then who?

Marisela tells Cecilia that what happened to DB helped her get Santos. It made him feel sorry for her and now he he will go to live with her. Cecilia says that pity isn't the same as love and when Santos no longer feels sorry for DB, they will see what happens.

Santos goes to El Miedo. Eustaquia tell him that she is concerned about DB. She says that DB needs a lot of love and care to get over the humiliation of what happened. Santos says that he will provide it. Eustaquia hopes that Santos' love will make DB a normal person.
Santos tells DB that he has been fighting with everyone at Altamira because of her and that he has decided to come and live at El Miedo. DB is ecstatic.

After Santos leaves, DB makes Eustaquia help her get to her dressing table. She says that she has to look nice for Santos. He is the only thing keeping her alive.

Santos asks Marisela to give him a goodbye hug and to give him her good wishes but she refuses.
Eustaquia tells DB that from now on she has to be open and honest with Santos so he isn't driven away. DB promises that she will change. She says that Santos is preoccupied about leaving Altamira. She wants to get rid of that preoccupation so she tells Eustaquia to get Juan Primito to open up the wall where she keeps her money.
Santos takes his leave of Altamira. Marisela won't say goodbye but she watches him leave.

Santos arrives at El Miedo. He goes to see DB and finds two big boxes of money on her bed. In response to his asking what all this is, DB says that it is hers and now it is his as well. She got it out to make him happy. She wants him to know that now he is the master of everything that belongs to her. Santos replies that he doesn't want her money. He wants to love her. DB tells him to love her but to let her give him everything that it has cost her so much to accumulate, everything that she has fought for all her life. DB says that now she understands why she wanted all this, to be able to give it to a man who loves her like Santos does, who accepts her in spite of herself and in whom she can have total confidence. DB tells Santos that he didn't only save her from death, he saved her from a life without hope.

Now we find out why Genoveva was so angry when Carmelito came to see Gervasia. She was interested in Carmelito. Carmelito tells Genoveva that he is in love with Gervasia. She is upset. Carmelito says that she deserves someone better than him.

Melquiades is in the capital and finds where Melendez works.
DB tells Santos again that he is her lord and master. Everything she has is his. He has only to ask for what he wants. Santos says that if she really has changed and will do anything for him, he is asking her to return El Miedo to Lorenzo and Marisela. DB is impactada.
Labels: cuerpo
Now, what are the chances that our group of sperm donors will finally step up to the plate and tell truth about who could be Federica's baby daddy. The only way they are likely to say anything, is if they actually realize they have all been in on it (safety in numbers). Then only one would have to marry obnoxious Freddie, and they would wait until after the kid is born.
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