Sunday, November 30, 2008
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. & Friday, Nov. 26 & 28 - Salvador's past makes and unwelcome visit

and Isabel sees him...

and the next thing we know, they are going at it hot and heavy in Antonio and Ángela's love nest in the attic.

Isabel considers braining PJ/S with a candlestick but she decides not to and drops it.

After sex, PJ/S asks Isabel when she is going to kill him. She asks if he is still convinced that she was one who shot him. He replies that she told him that she wanted to get rid of him. Isabel says that she hates him when she feels that he is far away from her.

PJ/S says that she just wants his body. Speaking of which, he no longer has the bandage or even a scar from the shooting!

Isabel tells PJ/S that he is wrong about her. She loves him. He asks her to prove it. Would she marry him if she were free? She says that she would consider marrying the family chauffeur if she were free and furthermore, she wants to be free from her husband whom she doesn't love anymore. His eyes full of tears, PJ/S just shakes his head.
Isabel asks Andrés for a divorce and tells him that she is in love with someone else. Andrés says that he won't let Isabel go with someone else. He swears that he will kill her and him.
Cantalicia finds PJ/S and is a lot happier to see him that he is to see her. He runs inside, gets some time off from Ángela, borrows her car and whisks Cantalicia and Moncho away from the Donoso house. Cantalicia has taken he wrong piece of paper with her and has no idea how to get back to Tío Felipe's house. PJ/S has no choice but to take her and Moncho to Gaetana's house and leave them there while he goes back to work.
Tío Felipe is desperately looking for Cantalicia.

Meanwhile, Isabel is fantasizing with PJ/S's uniform.

Ángela asks to speak to Antonio. He tells her that he is keeping his distance from her because he respects his superiors and maybe someday PJ/S will tell her what that means. Ángela thinks he is still not right in the head.

Labels: cuerpo
Margarita, thanks for the little summary of the Karpan character in El Rostro. I couldn't give it a chance because Andres is so despicable. But while I was flipping channels recently, I was surprised by how likable he can be. (Don't get me wrong now, nowhere near Mario, but likable.)
Soulcatgirl, you and Margarita have so much interesting info. Thanks.
Mario's expression when Cantalicia launches herself at him is priceless. It captures PJ so well.
Speaking of Andres, Martin Karpan was apparently in Amor Latino, one of Marios earlier novelas. I don't know what character he played but I recall seeing his name in the initial credits. Another connection is that he and Zharick Leon are a couple. She played Rosario the singer on PDG
Why in the name of heaven was Isa trying to cabong Sal at that particular monent? Girls, it makes no sense at all? He's making whoopie(drool)and very very close to her, as she says she hates him when he's far away so why in gawds name clock him at that moment? Brain fart from the writers?
Ohhhh *chants* Catalicia's (name over and over). Girl you need to forget about him, he sure enough don't want you honey...*even if she did bath and wash her hair*...I personally just want her to Stop touching him! Makes me cringe...I can't believe she high tailed it outta of the apt. and didn't take precaution to know where she was!!! Poor Sal he looked sick when he spotted her...but then he flipped into overdrive to get her the heck outta there...and dumped her on poor Gaetana who had to listen to her sniveling...oh these tangled webs
CC I heard they (Martin & Zharick) just had a baby too.... ;)..I could be wrong but I think thats what it said...
Thanks Jean, wonderful recap..
Soulcatgirl ;)
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