Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, December 17, 2008

Amador goes to visit Marichuy and walks into the house. Micaela tells Amador that the baby will be arriving in about 15 days which makes the snake smile.

JM is trying to hypnotise Viv so that he can get info on her whereabouts while she was presumed dead. Unfortunately her cellphone rings and it wakes her up. It's Estephania informing her that the baby will be coming soon.

Cande's teases Marichuy about the name the village people are calling the baby. Marichuy is not finding it funny. Cande asks her if she has picked out a name for the little chamaco yet. Marichuy wants to name the baby after JM.

Viv continues talking to Estephania while JM is still in the room. He is not happy.

Marichuy continues to talk about her choice of name for the baby. She wonders how JM will react when he finds out about the baby. Cande asks her if she is worried that JM will take the baby away from her. Of course responds Marichuy. What if it is a girl? Will you call her Maria de Jesus? No another name. Marichuy starts tearing up thinking that she and JM will not be together. She will go in one path and he in another.

JM asks Viv what Estephania wanted. Viv lies and tells him Estephania was inviting her out. Viv gets up to leave and JM asks her where she is going. She wants to dress up and perhaps go out and asks him if wants to accompany her.

Marichuy is talking to her belly about JM. Micaela shows up and asks if she is up for visitors. It's Amador.

JM tells Viv that she is sick. Only my memories responds Viv and that will not interfere with wanting to have fun. She again says that by them both going out together it could help her get better. JM finally relents and tells her that he will be taking her out that night. She is happy. JM is pissed off thinking that Viv is playing with him. He wonders why fate gave him Viv and not Marichuy.

The cute doctor is examining Rocio and says that she can leave the hospital tomorrow. He reminds Rocio of the promise she made to him that he would be the first one to take her out.

Amador is informing Isa that the baby will be born in about 15 days.

Micaela wants to know if Marichuy wants Amador to come to the room to visit her. Marichuy says no I will get up and go into the living room. Micaela starts to protest, but Marichuy cuts her off and says that the doctor told her to rest not stay in bed all day. She gets up and starts in again about the pain. Micaela starts to panic and Marichuy laughs and says just kidding.

Amador tells Isa to call Estephania and tell her that the baby will be born in 15 days. He hangs up quickly when Marichuy walks in. She asks what he is doing here. He wanted to find out how she is doing and to talk to her. Marichuy says I want to talk to you too and find out about the folks back home. How is JM?

Estephania calls Viv that the baby will not be born yet as she first thought.

Amador says that he has no contact with JM. He hears about him thru the folks that visit Rocio in the hospital. She also wants to find out how Mayita and Cuate are doing. She tells Amador that Mayita is so cute and she looks like JM. She wonders if her child will look like him and how she wants to tell JM about the baby. She wonders out loud if Mayita told JM about the baby. Amador says that JM is probably to busy with his wife trying to get her better. This sobers up Marichuy.

Estephania explains to Viv that she had false labor pains and that the baby will be born in 15 days. Viv says that 2 weeks will pass quickly. Estephania asks Viv if they are still going out for coffee, but Viv tells her that she will be going out with JM tonight. Estephania does not look happy about this.

Amador asks Marichuy about her plans after she has the baby. Will El Leopard be coming back when the baby is born? She does not know when he will be returning but hopes that he does. She trusts him and tells him that El Leopard is really nice. Amador tells Marichuy that when the baby comes to let him know so that he can be there. I guess she promised that she would. He tells her that he cares for her not like a woman, but an actress. (I cannot believe that she buys this crap)

JM is dragging Viv out of the taxi. They both looked intoxicated. She cannot walk so he has to pick her up and carry her. (I had hoped that he would have dropped her)

Marichuy does not know if she can be an actress after the baby is born. She wants to take care of the baby. Amador says you can still devout time to your craft, because the baby will not be a hinderence.

JM is carrying Viv into her bedroom and they both fall on the bed. JM tries to get up, but Viv will not let him. She starts kissing on him and he mumbles about going back to his room. She starts talking crap, but JM is passed out drunk. She starts to undress him. The next morning she leaves the room smiling while JM is still asleep on the bed. She walks into the kitchen and asks that breakfast be sent up to her room for her and JM. As she walks back upstairs to the bedroom she comes across Blanca. Viv tells her that the other day she gave her a look of such disdain it looked like she wanted to kill her. Do you have any mental problems? I don't like that you are watching my daughter. Blanca tries to defend herself but Viv yells at her that she is now in a position to voice all her concerns and make any decisions.

Marichuy is in bed dreaming and she has a nightmare that she is holding her baby and several people enter the room trying to take away her baby. She kicks and screams at them. She wakes up crying and clutches her belly.

JM finally wakes up in Viv's bed and sees his clothes thrown on the dresser. Viv walks into the room and informs JM that she has ordered breakfast. JM asks Viv what happened last night. Well what happens between a man and a woman when they are married she replies. JM is muy impactado.

Marichuy tells Cande about her dream. She has a premonition that something bad will happen when the baby is born. Cande consoles her.

Viv is telling him how sweet and passionate he was and how wonderful it was last night while they were doing the deed. JM is disgusted and storms out of the room.

Cande and Marichuy are having breakfast in their room and Marichuy asks if she knows when El Leopard will be coming back. She says again how nervous she is about the baby.

JM is telling Eduardo about what happened last night. He cannot remember anything and he has tried. Eduardo tells JM that now he has to except Viv as his wife in every sense of the word and live a married life with her.

Estephania congradulates Viv on bedding JM. She asks if JM is happy about all this. Viv admits that JM does not remember last night. Estephania says well now we need to find out if that is true. (them having nookie last night) Viv asks if she thinks she is lying with Estephania reponding that Viv is the master in that area. Viv assures her that it is all true. It was all good and now he is finally my husband in every sense of the word.

Mayita tells Abuela that her mother does not care for her. She never checks to see how she is and does not let Blanca tuck her in at night.

JM says that he cannot be with Viv like before since knowing Marichuy. Before he had to put up with her because of duty. Eduardo asks if Viv had every intention of getting him drunk to have her dirty way with him.

Marichuy asks Cande if she knows when El Leopard will be coming back.

Balbina and another maid are taking JM's clothes from his room into the master bedroom. Viv tells Onelia that all is well. Onelia is happy.

JM asks Balbina what they are doing with his clothes. She says Viv told her to remove the clothes and put them in the master bedroom. JM says hell no, put them back. He storms into the bedroom and asks why she told Balbina to move the clothes. Viv tells him for convience. Why have your clothes in another room when you will be staying here? JM informs Viv that he has ordered all his belongings back into the other room. Viv says that all his things are already in the master bedroom and that is where it will stay. JM pleads with Onelia to talk to her daughter, but Onelia leaves instead. Viv asks JM why he is acting that way. After last night she thought that things would be back to the way they use to be between them. JM tells her that he does not believe that anything happened last night.

Back in fantasyland Abuela tells Mayita to have patience with her mother.

Viv asks JM why he is talking to her like that. JM tells her that if they did the deed last night, it will be the one and only time it happened. Because it will not happen again. Why asks Viv, we are married and I love you. Mayita will be happy to have another sibling. JM looks at her like were the hell did that come from?

Cande finishes her bowl of soup and tells Marichuy that she does not know when El Leopard will be returnning. But soon due to a problem with an irrigation system (?)

JM tells Viv let's make a deal. I will behave as your husband if you agree to be hypnotised.

Marichuy is in her room playing with a basket of ribbon and the door opens up and Marichuy jumps up and says "Tu, eres tu!" In walks El Leopard and she rushes to give him a hug. She is happy to see him and vice versa.

Amador is talking to Isa and Estephania about the plan.

Marichuy and El Leopard are talking about the impeding birth of her little chamaco. He says that he heard she was feeling ill and she tells him what the doctor told her. She is speaking really fast and El Leopard is trying to keep up with what she is saying.

At castle San Roman, Rocio has finally returned home and Balbina greets her. Viv comes down the stairs and pretends that she does not remember her. JM is observing all this. Rocio asks where Mayita is. JM tells her that the nanny has her. Rocio goes up to her room. Viv wants to talk to JM. She wants to let the nanny go because she thinks she has mental problems. She feels scared. JM laughs at this and defends Blanca. He says that Blanca will be staying.

Marichuy and El Leopard are outside talking (with that damn bird on her shoulder) and he tells her that something compelled him to come back right away. He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen to her.

JM is in the library and Estephania walks in and offers her congradulations. He interrupts her and asks why she is telling Viv things that she does not need to know. Why did she tell Viv about what happened to him and Marichuy in the past? Estephania tells him that she did not say anything about that to Viv. JM says I don't believe you. Estephania fires back that I have always been loyal to you and to prove it, I am going to tell you something. I know where Marichuy is. (Holy toledo, I so did not expect that. What was she thinking?)

Tomorrow: JM tells Ceci that Estephania knows where Marichuy is.


Thanks for posting this recap quickly tonight, Gloria.

The Univision channel was out tonight due to the weather. It snowed a lot here. The roads are bad.

I really appreciate this recap because I did not watch tonight show. I thought about looking on youtube to see if I can find it and watch it.

Did JM really have sex with Vivana when they are both drunk or not? I bet not. Someone let me know. I wouldn't want to watch that. I am glad Omar is back. He is needed by Marichuy.

I don't want the vultures to suceed in their plan. I am hoping that Omar will catch on and defend them. He seems more intelligent and aware of things. I like this about him.


I don't think that JM and Viv slept together. I think that she is manipulating him into thinking that so that she can have relations with him and regain her position as his wife back. But he is not buying it. He still loves Marichuy and cannot comprehend the thought right now of being with another woman. That is my opinion.

Gloria: Thanks for the detailed and quick recap.

Every time I see Vivi I feel as if I've been slimed. She is so bad I just can't stand her. I also don't think anything went on in that bed other than Vivi removing JuanMi's clothes - but, I wonder how she did it if she was so drunk that he had to carry her in the house. For a moment I thought she might have drugged him.

Yeh! for the return of El Leopardo. I don't like all the plans to kidnap the baby. I also think Mari is suspicious of Amador. The really bad of the baddest is Isa - she's the mastermind and puppetmaster.

But, what? Estefania telling JuanMi that she knows where Marichuy is? Surely that wasn't part of Isa's plan. Estefi appears to be very jealous of Vivi. One is worse than the other, but at this point Vivi gets the big prize for evil.

Thanks for the recap, Gloria.
I don't believe that Viv was as drunk as she acted. I think she got JM drunk so she could have her way with him, but I don't think it worked.
Since everyone is afraid something bad is going to happen to the baby, why don't they put guards out or do something to protect him?
I hope we don't have to go thru several weeks of M crying her eyes out. (Shades of Sophia)

Thanks so much for the recap Gloria.

Since Viv is a liar, we have to assume that she and JM didn't do the deed. She is just trying to manipulate him as she did in the past. What I don't understand is why she now cares about JM? Wasn't she going to divorce before the accident?

Steph's response came out of left field. I think she'll lead both JM and Ceci on some wild goose chase...but perhaps she hates Viv enough to try to prove herself to JM.

Nope...I don't believe Juan Miguel made love to Viv either. Frankly, if he was so drunk he can't remember, he probably would have had performance problems anyway.

So relieved that el Leopardo is back but of course those darned writers will find a way for the rats to snatch the baby anyway. I HATE THIS. But hey, maybe it won't happen. Hope hope hope.

Thank you for the recap, Gloria.

For a minute there it looked like the writers were chanelling "Vasco" being a drunk again except Vasco was able to perform even when he was drunk in "Pasion". Maybe they should also chanel "Ofelia" to help deliver Mari's baby, not... ha ha.

I really hope nothing happened between JM & Viv. Even when he pretends to be nice to her to try to get her to agree to being hypnotized, he can't quite pull off being the attentive husband to her. He looks disgusted everytime he comes face to face with her and he does that disgusted-at-his-wife look really good.

Gloria, thank you for the very informative recap. You filled in a lot that I missed.

The saddest part for me was: "Mayita tells Abuela that her mother does not care for her. She never checks to see how she is and does not let Blanca tuck her in at night." Not only is Viv incapable of love, she can't even show any tenderness or kindness to her own daughter. Blech.

Stefi really employed drastic measures hoping to gain JM's trust again. I agree with you Karen - I can't believe she will actually tell him where she is unless she thinks Viv is getting too close and wants to throw a monkey wrench in their supposed "reunion".

Could Amador be ANY creepier? Glad Leo came back. Diana in MA

I am really annoyed by Stefi's weird possessiveness and that She and Viv were all discussing it. Blech. I do really like this story so far (it does have all the classic novella ingredients, but it seems to be going somewhere) I am interested to see what happens when MC does give birth... I do have to say that Mayita talking to her abuela in the technocoler storyland still weirds me out a little too.

Mauni in Wa

since MC and Leo both had premonitions about something bad happening to MC and the baby shouldn't they get the heck outta there? i mean she should be suspicious of Amador anyway i mean he tried to rape her before why is she being so friendly with him?

and i don't think steff is gonna tell JM where MC is she hates MC too much and would be kicked out of Ceci's house also. i'm still disappointed with JM he should be more aware of Stef's evilness i mean it radiates off of her how does he still let her be around?

and that was funny when u wrote JM said "hell no, put them back" i think JM will have to admit himself into a psychiatric clinic soon enough.

I am SO glad Leo is back; he and Marichuy were so excited to see each other. Now he needs to get rid of Amador and Pirana.

I agree with everyone else, Viv was faking being drunk and everything she'll probably pretend she's pregnant to keep JM on the hook even longer...then stage a miscarriage to make him feel terrible a la Skanky Andrea in Guapos. Is she only hanging on to him out of selfishness and revenge? It seems like all she really cares about is having money; she should just divorce him and take a big financial settlement and they'd both be happy. I wonder how Leticia is doing.

So...Rocio was in the hospital for like THE ENTIRE DURATION of Marichuy's pregnancy? For a few facial lesions and something that involved a neckbrace for awhile but no one talked about it so how serious can it have been? Good grief.

Gloria, thanks for keeping us on top of the scene.

Also, a request:

Next Tuesday I need to be getting on a plane at the time the show starts. Does anyone want to substitute for me on the 23rd? I realize it's a busy week for a lot of people so if no one volunteers I will take my best shot at recapping early without training wheels, but if someone wants to do it that would be excellent!

Julia, I will cover for you next Tuesday. No worries.

Thanks for a stellar recap Gloria ;) Also thank you to Julia for yesterday's wity recap and title (I was also thinking that these women knew nutin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies) and for numbering the episode (not a complaint to those that don’t add them, but they are extra useful when we miss it and have to look it up on YouTube!).

JM Lover, 15 days is a fortnight. Or do you mean why they told Amador that it was 15 even thought that was the latest date? Maybe they just didn’t want him around for the event.

I find it unlikely anyone could inadvertently be hypnotized by a metronome. I find them plain annoying.

I will add my two cents that Viv wasn't fully drunk and that nothing happened with those two. I do wonder though, has he slept with Ivette, or does he just let her feel him up while he talks about his problems? Any theories?

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