Monday, December 15, 2008

Cuidado: Friday 12/12/08- "The plot thickens as money is added to the pot"

The episode begins where it left off with Leo planning on inviting Juan Miguel to come stay at the hacienda and Viviana planning on finding out what Blanca is up to.

Marichuy fills Cande in on how she told Leo her name was Lirio. Cande thinks it is hysterical and Mari explains that she had to think on the spot and he gave her the flowers, that’s what she came up with. Then she tells Cande that she asked Leo to help deliver the baby when it comes. Cande is surprised that Mari asked him and then Mari fills her in that Leo declined to help, that he gave up practicing medicine years ago. Cande wonders why and MC tells her that something bad happened. Hearing that, Cande’s relieved he won’t be delivering the child, what if he would kill MC. MC is sure that wouldn’t happen.

Somehow, Juanmi is in an apartment with Yvett. There are masks and daggers on the wall, as decor. Yvett speaks French and JM understands her, but answers in Spanish (kinda like when someone speaks in Spanish to me, I answer in English). Is this supposed to be a seductive scene? Because it just icks me out, to be honest. Yvett takes a knife off the wall and rubs it up against JM’s throat and asks if he’s afraid.

Cecilia wanders Mari’s barrio and prays to the Virgincita that she’ll help her successfully win MC over in forgiving her.

Now JM’s back at home, in bed, with his pajamas on (darn!, why can’t he be shirtless). He hears a noise and goes to investigate. He heads to a room just around the corner from his, it’s Blanca’s (not the best location for the bedroom of the hired help, I’d say). He knocks and we hear Blanca’s muffled reply, she’ll be right there. She opens the door (she’s in her jammies and has her straight hair, no make-up look) and says it took her a minute to find her glasses. He asks where she was earlier and she replies that she went to bed early. He says they were in her room and the bed was empty. Well, that must have been when she was taking a walk around the gardens, she replies. JM accepts that and leaves. Alone, Blanca freaks out and asks herself--why, why?

MC wanders the courtyard of the hacienda and runs into Cosme. He ends up telling her that he’s getting things ready for Leo’s trip out of town. Leo will be going to Sonora to purchase some cattle and will be gone almost a month. MC is disturbed to hear this news.

Stefi visits Viviana. Viv gives Stef the money that she asked for in order to “take care of” MC and the baby. Stef discusses how Amador has talked to Piraña and arranged things. Viv tells Stefi that she’s doing this because there is nothing she won’t do in order to defend her family and home. She questions Stefi’s feelings for Juanmi, is she still in love with him? As an after thought to the question, she adds that there is no hope, no way Stefi will get him. Stefi doesn’t really answer, instead she says that they need to align and destroy their common enemy, Marichuy, and make sure her baby disappears without Juanmi ever finding out he’s got another child.

Marichuy finds Leo and tells him that she’s worried he’ll be gone for so long. Leo asks if she’s afraid of Piraña and MC doesn’t really answer. She tells him that she’s going to miss him and he admits that he’ll miss her as well. Leo asks MC for her baby daddy’s name and she hesitates in answering. He comments that she’s got her secrets too. She ends up telling him that she was married and this surprises him. Leo questions if it were her husband who came looking for her the other day. MC is shocked to hear that a man was looking for her at the hacienda.

Elsa calls her mother and tells her that she and Nelson are separating. She asks her mother if she can return home.

Leo tells MC that Cande knows all about the visitor and this upsets MC even more. Leo says that Cande put him in his place, and it was obviously someone that MC knows pretty well. He’s sure he won’t return. They have a discussion about running from love and MC asks for details on how he was hurt at love. He begins to describe the femme fatale that captivated him. MC asks who she was.

Juanmi is talking to Ed and telling him all about how captivating Yvett is and that he’d like for Ed to check her out, how about that evening? Ed says no can do, he’s set up a meeting between a lawyer friend and Elsa to help her get stuff arranged for her separation from Nelson. Ed asks what the woman’s name is and JM says Yvett.

Leo answers MC’s question, her name was Yvett.

Juanmi tells Ed that she’s a bit strange, something’s off. Ed questions if JM is romantically interested in her and JM says that he will never love another. For him, there is only Marichuy. This leads to MC flashbacks.

Leo goes on to tell MC that he knows he wasn’t Yvett’s first, but he was in deep when he figured out that her hobby was destroying men’s hearts. MC asks if he never “vicentearla”, which I couldn’t translate---any help? Leo answers that he never did. MC ends up having flashbacks to when she told JM that she hated him.

Amador visits Stefi and tells her that their plan is in place and that once MC gives birth, they’ll have her where they want her. Ceci walks up and hears MC being discussed and wants to know what they are talking about. Amador introduces himself to Ceci, he’s the nephew of some of her friends and Ceci says she remembers from the party. He tells her that he was the director of MC’s television performance and he’s concerned about her disappearance. Ceci wants to know if he knows where she is and he says no, he’s looked for her but can’t find her. Ceci tells him that MC’s her daughter, and she wants her back home. Ceci leaves and Stefi comments that she’ll never find her. Amador asks where Stefi got the money to pay Piraña and Stefi says it was from Viv, JM’s wife. They have a good chuckle over JM’s wife being their accomplice.

MC finds Cande and demands to know who was here looking for her. Cande wants to know how she found and MC says that Leo told her. MC demands to know if it was Juanmi and Cande says it was Amador. MC questions how he knew where to find her.

Nelson comes home and finds Elsa packed and ready to leave. She tells him that she’s moving back in with her parents and he begs her to stay. He can’t live without her. She doesn’t fall for this and leaves.

Viviana and Onelia have a conversation about JM not being home. Viv has a fit, ranting about how JM went out the night before, but won’t take her out. He hasn’t changed. Viv keeps saying things that reveal that her amnesia is bogus and Onelia doesn’t miss this. She gets livid and yells that Viv was obviously never sick and demands to know where she’s been the past months. Viv says that there are things best not remembered and Onelia pushes to get more info. Viv isn’t relenting and then Onelia realizes that the phone calls were her and that Mayita was telling the truth. Onelia says that Viv will not be forgiven for this and she’s playing with fire, Juanmi is perceptive, he’ll figure out that Viv is faking it.

MC realizes that if Amador found her, then JM might find out where she is too. A part of her hopes that he will find her and another part is afraid. However, if he comes looking for her, what would that mean? She has this dialogue with herself out loud and Cande hears it all.

Juanmi meets with Yvett again and he asks how long she’s been in Mexico. She doesn’t really answer and he asks if she’s being deliberately vague. Yvett flirts some more and JM tells her that his interest is not what she thinks. Yvett continues to flirt and he tells her that she’ll find that he’ll be her first failure, his heart belongs to another.

Marichuy is creating maternity wear for herself---using string with her tight capris. Leo walks in as she’s finishing up her creation. He says goodbye and she tells him to hurry back and be safe, she needs him there.

JM comes home and tells Viv he’d like to go out. She's pleased to hear this.

MC tells Cande that she’s got a bad feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

Stefi talks to Isa and they discuss how their plan is coming along. Isa is sure it will succeed (because she thought it up).

Amador meets with Piraña and he and his buddy demand more money. Piraña is a real psychopath, as he revels in the revenge he’ll get on Leo by hurting Marichuy (and the bonus is he'll be getting paid to do this).

Patricio tells Stefi he’s worried about Ceci. She seems to be in a funk about the whole Marichuy situation. Stefi suggests he take Ceci out of town. Pat likes the idea, but wonders if it will work because Ceci is waiting for MC to return. Stefi questions this and Pat says that Padre Anselmo has convinced Ceci that MC will be returning very soon.

MC decides she needs to find out if Cuate is doing well. She enlists Micaela’s help in using a calling card.

Blanca, alone again in her room, has a mini melt-down as she has flashes of Yvett.

Juanmi talks to Onelia about how he’d like to have Viv undergo hypnosis in order to access some of her suppressed memories. Onelia says she’ll help try to convince Viv to agree to it. JM questions if Onelia would know the reason why Viv would take out a large sum of money from the bank.

MC makes the call and talks to Balbina. Balbina fills MC in on how well Cuate is doing and that Rocio’s surgery went well. JM happens by and hears that it is MC that Balbina is speaking with on the phone. He takes the phone and demands that MC tell him where she is, he begs her to tell him. MC says she doesn’t want to talk and he tells her that he needs to know. She doesn’t tell him and he says that no matter what she feels for him, there was no need to run. He would never hurt her and he respects her decision to end it the way she did. He tells her that he loves her a lot and then repeats it. Marichuy is shocked to hear this. END OF THE EPISODE.

achicopalar- to feel intimidated
fingir-to feign, to fake
gozar-to enjoy
hechura-shape or form
inquietar-to worry
órale-OK, right
perspicaz-shrewd, perceptive
petate-knapsack, bedroll, gear
res-head of cattle
rezar- to pray


Thanks for the recap and vocab Cathy ;) I think “vicentear” is slang for “ver” (to see). That’s the context they usually use it in here.

Thanks so much Cathy...."hechura" and "petate" are brand-new ones for me. Very grateful to you for helping me build my vocabulary.

Gracias, amiguita!

Cathy, thanks for the very thorough recap and the vocabulary help.

Yikes, knifeplay...that sure went to a creepy place very fast.

Just when we were all relieved that Leo was around to protect Marichuy, he has to leave for a month. I thought the plan was to wait until the baby is born, though, so I'm curious (in a horrified way) to see how the dark lords will take advantage of his absence.

Cathy – thank you so much for the detailed recap. There were no captions here in L.A. and I was very bummed to realize I understood only like 5% of what was being said. When I listen to Spanish talk radio, I think I get maybe 60-70%. On top of that, partway through the show, the sound sync got off so that the lips and words didn’t match. Arrghh!

Easiest to understand: Elsa, Nelson and the judge.

I am mystified as to why these men find Yvette captivating. She seems very trampy to me, and her conversation certainly doesn’t sparkle. Why JM would sit there blandly while she held a knife to his throat is beyond me. And now he wants Ed to meet her?

What did those of you who speak French make of Yvette’s French? I do pretty well with French, but I didn’t even recognize what language she was speaking (fortunately the translation of her French did appear). I caught a few words, but so few that I almost wondered if that could be Portguguese.

Another language question: When JM was on the phone with Mari, he said te quiero. Isn’t that weaker than te amo?

I’m wondering how it is that Mari made a huge hit on TV, but nobody on the drive to the hacienda or at the hacienda recognizes her. It’s hard for TV stars to hide!

What exactly did Leo say about his lost love? He was talking for a pretty long stretch there and I didn’t catch one darned thing.

Cathy, a terrible ice storm here in Massachusetts had Univision off the air for several days. Even though I wasn't able to watch, your excellent recap made me feel as though I didn't miss a thing. I also enjoyed the vocabulary.

Julia, I agree that the departure of Leo is ill-timed (to say the least). I also thought they were going to wait unti the baby was born so can't (and don't want) to imagine what they've planned. As awful as Sophia's baby's abduction was in Fuego, this is going to be so much worse. I wish they'd find another storyline - there's nothing worse than child abductions. Blech. Diana in MA

"Ivette's" French pronunciation is not bad. She learned it at a fairly young age I think. She did the French bit in Amor Real as well.

She doesn't sound like a native speaker but you can understand her and her accent isn't gross, let's put it this way. I enjoy it 'cause it's still easier for me to understand French than Spanish.

Like Diana, the baby abduction bit makes me sick to my stomach but oh well....

Arrgh, I guess there's no way were going to get out of a baby there?? Could they just let us worry about it for awhile and then have it not happen? A last minute rescue?

A least we won't have Marichuy as La Llorona night after night. (I hope) I don't see Mari being as bizarrely impotent in the face of her lost baby, as Sophia was (in Fuego).

I don't get the attraction to Ivette either, except that she is soo mysterious and flirty. The dagger scene was creeepy! I haven't seen this actress before like some of you, she's good, she's got presence. Can't comment about her french abilities except to observe that a couple times it looked like it was overdubbed.

I also loved Onelia coming unglued all over Viviana. Also like how Viviana has met her match with Steffi. As much as I can't stand Steffi, I was kind of liking her with Viv, it will be fun to see where this goes.

Thanks for the re-cap and the vocabulary. I'm starting to get Mari's slang more and more.

pintarse (de colores)=get lost

I still can't figure out "la neta" which she says a lot. Anyone?

randy, sea.

Well, let's hope they don't really pull off a baby abduction. It would not only make us all happier, but it also makes more sense from a storytelling point of view to zag after all signs point to zig.

Maggie, Marichuy was hyped as being the next big star, but although she got some acclaim she was only in one show. I know I wouldn't recognize a person I'd only seen once, even if I liked the show. It's especially hard to recognize people when you see them in an entirely different context.

I'm also mystified as to Ivette's allure. Why does JM find her so fascinating? She seems pretty dime-a-dozen to me. I hope Ed calls it like it is.

"Neta" is the naco way of saying "verdad." We learned this in Guapos when Mili was getting education in how to speak properly. She had to stop saying "neta" and say "verdad."

Because I really like Candelaria I learned what a huge resume the actress has, going way back to being a big child star.

I will be seeing her in "Nosotros Los Pobres" from 1945, soon (netflix). I'll report back, but the cool thing is that it's set in a very similar barrio to Candelaria and Marichuy's barrio.

randy, sea.

This is just a guess, but I think la neta is being used as slang for la verdad (truth). Sometimes it seems like they use it as a question ("neta?") as if to say "really?" (which I l believe is translated as "de veras").

Oh Cathy, I so love it that you give vocabulario. This DF naco slang is too much for me. I barely understand textbook Spanish. But I was inspired to look up some stuff the other day and found this link and also a you-tube called something like "Naco y Fresa" (sorry I don't have the link handy) Hilarious. There are lots of resources out there.

Yes, lots of stuff going on here. I don't get Yvette either. She looks too slutty & common to be interesting. I was kind of thrilled that Onelia had the decency to get mad at Viv for her deception.

Diana in MA-hope all's well with you. My brother lives in Northfield and told me they had the Nat'l Guard out clearing downed trees.

I think Yvett (Maya Michalska(sp?) 's French sounds quite throaty and guttural. Not at all a sophisticated sound, and certainly not native as JudyB has said, but who in the DF is going to know?

How far along could Mari be? It would be months if Leo was to wait for the birth. He might as well go now because the conspirators will go into action when she delivers. (I guess)

Mari must be at least 3 months along, maybe four, if her clothes are starting to get too tight. Of course, she could also be putting on a little weight just because she's eating regular meals now that she isn't all stressed out all the time. I hope we do a little fast-forward on the time frame sometime soon so it doesn't feel like Mari's been pregnant for ten years but never showing, like Sofia on Fuego.

Randy, you’re in for a treat with “Nosotros Los Pobres” (we the poor). I must warn you though, much of it is very depressing. It has two sequels: “Ustedes Los Ricos” (you the rich) and “Pepe el Toro” (Pepe the Bull). By the time I got to the third one, I just couldn’t watch the poor family going through any more grief. Having said that, the acting is great, as is Pedro Infante’s singing. During Guapos, Bloody Mari made a reference to the movies telling Luci they were like “La Guayaba” and “La Tostada,” both characters you will see. I think Chachita was about 11 or 12 when she did the first one, but she was starring in movies at about 4 or 5 if I recall. She was Mexico’s equivalent to Shirley Temple once upon a time. Although she’s not a great singer, she’s a great showman and can definitely sell a song. I think we got a taste of it when she and Purita started singing and dancing together a few weeks ago. She tends to stick to comedy these days.

Thanks for the neat link Agnes ;) I imagine we’ve all been through situations that were like “parir Chayotes.”

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